ArFB’s 65th Officers & Leaders Conference
® 2013 O&L • July 22–23 Hot Springs, Arkansas
10:30 a.m. registratiOn Hot Springs Convention Center
Mond ay, Ju ly
1 p.m. entertainment Matt Stell Center Ridge
natiOnaL anthem Dean Gammill Board Member Stone County Farm Bureau invOcatiOn Janice Marsh Chairwoman State Women’s Committee
1:30 p.m. earLy Bird dOOr priZe (You must be present to win)
intrOductiOn Of president Rich Hillman
generaL sessiOn Presiding: Rich Hillman Vice President Arkansas Farm Bureau
president’s address Randy Veach President Arkansas Farm Bureau
presentatiOn Of cOLOrs Little Rock Air Force Base Honor Guard pLedge Of aLLegiance Brian Walker Chairman State Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee
speciaL presentatiOns • YF&R Achievement Award Finalists • Romeo E. Short Scholarship Recipients • ArFB Foundation Scholarship Recipients • Marvin Vines Memorial Scholarship Recipient • Dr. Andrew Sharpley, Professor of Soils and Water Quality, UofA
entertainment Matt Stell 3 p.m. BreaK/dOOr priZe drawing 3:15 p.m. generaL sessiOn Presiding: Randy Veach address Dr. Donald Bobbitt President University of Arkansas System KeynOte speaKer V.J. Smith Author of “The Richest Man in Town” generaL mOtOrs presentatiOn Sean McGraw Chevrolet Brand Ambassador 4:30 p.m. adJOurn
Day Two Tuesday, July 23
7:30 a.m. registratiOn Hot Springs Convention Center 8:30 a.m. earLy Bird dOOr priZe (You must be present to win) generaL sessiOn/wOrKshOp Overview Presiding: Randy Veach President Arkansas Farm Bureau 8:45 a.m. BreaK
9 a.m. sessiOn One wOrKshOps Legislative Overview/Endangered Species, Rm. 207 Crop Issues, Rm. 208 Online Agvocacy, Rm. 209 9:45 a.m. BreaK 10 a.m. sessiOn twO wOrKshOps Legislative Overview/Endangered Species, Rm. 207 Livestock Issues, Rm. 208 Health & Wellness, Rm. 209
Noon Lunch Hall A, Hot Springs Convention Center LuncheOn speaKer Keith Jackson Founder P.A.R.K. (Positive Atmosphere Reaches Kids) 1:30 p.m. adJOurn
10:45 a.m. BreaK 11 a.m. sessiOn three wOrKshOps Discovery Farms Update, Rm. 207 Farm Bill Insights, Rm. 208 Gold Star Review, Rm. 209 11:45 a.m. BreaK
County Photos On Monday, county group photos will be taken adjacent to the stairwell in the Grand Hall Lobby from 10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. and 4:30–5:30 p.m.
Workshop Overviews Legislative Overview/ Endangered Species Presiding: Leo Sutterfield & Mike Freeze, ArFB Board Members Presenters: Stanley Hill, ArFB Associate Director of Governmental Affairs; Jim Boggs and Chris Davidson, representatives of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Arkansas Ecological Services Field Office This workshop will discuss Arkansas Farm Bureau’s priority issues during the 2013 legislative session and a recent federal court ruling that referenced the Endangered Species Act. Crop Issues Presiding: Joe Christian, ArFB Board Member Presenters: Dr. Jason Norsworthy, Associate Professor of Crop, Soil & Environmental Sciences, UofA; David Glidewell, Midsouth Regional Manager at Archer Daniels Midland This session will cover two topics that always challenge producers: weeds and markets. Norsworthy will discuss the status of new tech-
nologies and examine the regulatory hurdles they face. Glidewell will talk about international trade and its effect on the markets. Online Agvocacy Presiding: Jon Carroll, ArFB Board Member Presenters: Will Gilmer, Alabama dairy farmer and spokesman for the U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance; Erika Poppelreiter, Kansas farmer and U.S.F.R.A. representative; Derek Helms, Clark County Farm Bureau President; Cassie Davis, Washington County Farm Bureau Women’s Committee Chairwoman In this workshop, we’ll use Google Hangout to talk with a panel of successful online “agvocates” — people who are using social media and other online tools to engage the public and tell the story of agriculture in new and innovative ways. LIVESTOCK ISSUES Presiding: Troy Buck, ArFB Board Member Presenters: Preston Scroggin, Director of the Ar-
Workshop Overviews kansas Livestock & Poultry Commission; Travis Justice, Coordinator of ArFB’s Beef Cattle and Equine Divisions This workshop will provide updates on issues such as: Animal ID, feral hog regulations, changes to the brucellosis program, and the recent Avian Influenza incident in Arkansas. It will also feature an update on the state’s shortage of large-animal veterinarians. health & wellness Presiding: Richard Armstrong, ArFB Board Member Presenters: Dr. Lisa Washburn, Assistant Professor of Health, UofA Cooperative Extension Service; Craig Wilson, Director of Access to Quality Care at Arkansas Center for Health Improvement This session will offer insight on recent health care legislation in Arkansas (the “private option”) and how it will affect access to care. In addition, we’ll look at the Extension Service’s newest health program, the Extension Wellness Ambassador program. This program teaches participants
simple strategies to improve their health and the health of their neighbors. Discovery farms update Presiding: Bruce Jackson, ArFB Board Member Presenters: Dr. Andrew Sharpley, Professor of Crop Soil & Environmental Science, UofA; Dr. Mike Daniels, Extension Water Quality & Nutrient Management Specialist, UofA The Arkansas Discovery Farm Program was initiated two years ago through the combined efforts of ArFB and the UofA Division of Ag. There are now eight Discovery Farms across the state monitoring water quality and water-use efficiency on row crop (cotton, corn, rice, soybean, and wheat), pastures, and livestock farms (poultry and beef). The program also reaches out to the non-farming community to demonstrate the benefits of conservation practices on water resources. The presentation will highlight the great strides that can be made when diverse stakeholders work together toward a common goal.
Workshop Overviews
Speaker Bios
farm BiLL insights Presiding: Mike Sullivan, ArFB Board Member Presenters: Chris Jones, Legislative Assistant for Agriculture for Rep. Rick Crawford; Zac Hartman, Legislative Assistant for Agriculture for Sen. John Boozman; Kelvin Stroud, Legislative Assistant for Agriculture for Sen. Mark Pryor You will hear a description of both House and Senate versions of the farm bill and projections on the time schedule going forward. Also, Sen. Pryor’s staff will comment on the role that the Agricultural Appropriations Committee will have on farm bill implementation. gOLd star review Presiding: Allen Stewart, ArFB Board Member Presenters: ArFB Organization & Member Programs staff This workshop will help your county use the Gold Star Application as a program guide for activities. Numerous changes have been made in the application itself, and staff will provide insight on enhancing your county reporting efforts.
dOnaLd BOBBitt was an awardwinning chemistry professor before becoming Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at the University of Texas at Arlington in 2008. He became President of the University of Arkansas System in November 2011. v.J. smith has been a professional speaker for more than 20 years. He is also a published author. He has been a bill collector, bomb maker, solar-collector salesman and a fundraiser. Drawing on his lifetime experiences, he peppers his talks with anecdotes and personal stories to illustrate key points. Keith JacKsOn is a native Arkansan whose professional football career was highlighted by six Pro Bowl appearances and a win at Super Bowl XXXI. He is a sports broadcaster and the founder of P.A.R.K. (Positive Atmosphere Reaches Kids), a non-profit ministry.
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Thank You!
An enormous ‘thanks’ to our conference cosponsors: Southern Farm Bureau Casualty Insurance Company; Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company; Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company of Arkansas, Inc.
On the Horizon
Make plans now to attend arkansas farm Bureau’s 79th state convention on Dec. 4–6 in Little Rock. ArFB is offering travel packages to afBf’s 95th annual meeting on Jan. 12–14 in San Antonio. For more information, pick up a flier at the AFBF convention booth.