March 27, 2014
Local News & Culture Marina del Rey
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Burlesque troupes heat up the Westside nightlife scene By Michael Aushenker
Westchester finds a path to safer sidewalks Andy Walshe has talent down to a science The Outta Sites make their Westside debut
Good News Santa Monica! California’s “Best” health care for kids is now in your backyard. Santa Monica is a great place for families. We’re proud to say it just got even better. Because Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, the only children’s hospital in California to be ranked “Best” on U.S. News & World Report’s prestigious Honor Roll five years in a row, just opened an outpatient center in Santa Monica, at the corner of 20th and Arizona in the St. John’s Medical Plaza. Now, Westside families can access 10 world - class physicians Board- certified in seven specialties without ever going east of the 405. To learn more or schedule an appointment, visit CHL or call 310 -820 - 8608.
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PAGE 2 THE ARGONAUT March 27, 2014
15 A beer party with a purpose
16 Richard Montoya, with music
VOL 44, NO 13 Local News & Culture
Guest opinion: School breakfast program doesn’t make the grade.................................................... 4 Letters to the editor............................................... 5
Feds fix Sepulveda sidewalks............................... 8 Congress scrutinizes LAX safety ......................... 8 Assembly candidates talk pot and taxes............... 9 News briefs..........................................................10
Los Straitjackets members wear new outfits in the Outta Sites....................................................15 Tap, Cheer & Give is an all-you-can-sample beer education....................................................15 Culture Clash’s Richard Montoya, backed by an orchestra........................................................16 Dirk Hamilton checks in at McCabe’s................. 32 Westside Happenings..........................................18
Red Bull’s Andy Walshe on using technology to “hack” creativity...................................................11
Willie Jane mixologist Derrick Bass mixes his own bitters to put a fresh spin on seasonal cocktails.... 17
With names like the Dollface Dames, The Lalas and the Bootleg Bombshells, burlesque troupes are heating up the Westside nightlife scene.......12
Find your dream home ....................................... 20
Jobs, apartments and more................................. 32
Comic duo Cheech & Chong have announced they are working on a new movie, their first live-action film collaboration in three decades. On Friday, Tommy Chong tweeted this photo of what appears to be a shoot on the Venice boardwalk. Asked about the picture, Chong replied via Facebook: “What photo?” Follow @ArgonautNews on Twitter.
March 27, 2014 THE ARGONAUT PAGE 3
Guest Opinion
School breakfast program doesn’t make the grade
Children like mine are losing valuable class time to munch on mini-mart meals By Martin Lopez I call it “forced eating,” because the more I think about it the more it reminds me of the forced busing program of the 1970s. Although well-intentioned, I believe LAUSD’s Breakfast in Class program is a misstep. I am the parent of a kindergarten student at Coeur d’Alene Elementary School in Venice and recently sat in on my child’s class to observe how it works. Before the program started earlier this year, kids who qualified for a free breakfast ate during the few minutes before school, and kids who didn’t qualify for free breakfast paid for it. They ate at the lunch tables side by side. It worked pretty well. Under the Breakfast in Class program, kids or volunteers fetch a luggage cart with thermal containers and roll it into the classroom. Food is handed out during class time, so instead of learning the kids are eating.
In my kid’s class about half of the students have signed a form opting out, so those kids sit up front and interact with a teacher or aide while the other kids eat. The day I visited, eight kids were eating the breakfast, including my own — whom, by the way, I had served eggs, fruit and toast about an hour earlier. The process took about 25 minutes, including setup and cleanup. A school year of 180 days means that breakfast in class costs each participating student 60 hours per school year. For my kindergartener, that’s 10 days of learning lost. That family who strives for perfect attendance: Your kid just missed 10 days of school. How are we going to make our schools great again starting with that? The next thing that occurred to me was the imbalance. Some kids were eating while others were already engaged in education. Imbalance, I’m sorry to say, means discrimination. The praiseworthy idea was to get some food in the stomachs
of disadvantaged kids without stigmatizing them, but now we’ve just cut 10 days out of their school year. If someone straight-out suggested giving disadvantaged kids less time in class there would be a riot. Maybe the motivation was to reduce the stigma of free meals, but all the students at my kid’s school have a debit account for breakfasts and lunches. Parents put money into the account, and the kids just say their name to the cashier. They don’t require a special card, purple ticket, DayGlo “underprivileged kid” T-shirt or anything else that would call attention to them. The only way anyone would know if a meal was paid-for or free would be by the student’s own admission or by observation of the cashier’s keystrokes on the register. Well, these kids aren’t CIA operatives. There’s a good chance they won’t notice who is paying or not. So if the prior system didn’t stigmatize or take away class time, the only reason for
changing it would have to be because needy kids couldn’t get to school on time to partake of the meals provided. If such is the case, that’s simply pathetic. In case you think me some privileged snob, let me tell you I know firsthand of what I speak. I received subsidized meals in school because my family was poor — five kids and a single mom struggling to make it. We were also on what was then called welfare until my mother completed her degree in nursing and started working full time. Things are different now, but the principle is the same: if you are in need, there is help. I was grateful for it then and I’m grateful for it now. When I was getting free lunches as a kid I sometimes felt some stigma, but it wasn’t just the purple meal tickets we were given, it was the neighborhood we lived in, the run-down car we drove, the clothes we wore. It was crappy being poor. But I was fortunate enough to get a breakfast every morning at home. Sometimes
it was just Cheerios with milk, sometimes more. What I’m getting at here is that lowering the bar does not do the child or family any favors. Parents have got to get their kids to school on time. And at our school, kids can still eat an hour and 15 minutes later at the 9:30 a.m. break. Another thing I noticed was the quality of the breakfast itself. It was pretty much a mini-mart meal: pancakes in a bag, a banana and milk. A day before that it was a breakfast quesadilla, and before that a coffee caketype thing. We can’t all have organic free-range happy chicken eggs and Greek yogurt for breakfast, but this was a marginal offering at best. And at least at 7-Eleven the ingredients are listed on the bag. Not so here. Subsidized meals can happen without taking up precious class time. There’s so little of it, let’s use what we have to fill hungry minds. Martin Lopez lives in Venice. Send comments to letters@
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Letters Writer must have had one too many
Re: “Hoist the Burgee, Sailor,” feature, March 20 Many members of Pacific Mariners Yacht Club and I are somewhat puzzled as to why your article about Marina del Rey’s Opening Day ceremonies focused primarily on alcohol when referring to PMYC rather than our theme for Opening Day, which was “Celebrating the Past, Present & Future.” PMYC was founded by Mr. Phil Murray in 1963. We are known as a “do-it-yourself yacht club” run completely by the members, with no paid staff. These members are hardworking volunteers. It is a complete insult to them for you to write that the Pacific Mariners are sometimes called the “Pickled Mariners.” This is a derogatory term used by individuals who wish their club was as much fun as ours and enjoy making negative comments. PMYC is well known and respected throughout the marina for its Opening Day hospitality. We can only hope that any future article would be more fair and balanced and not be one that concentrates on how many complementary Bloody Marys
were consumed by our guests. Mary Ellen Woolery Log Editor, Pacific Mariners Yacht Club Marina del Rey
Wetlands plan won’t help climate change
Re: “Climate change a factor in Ballona restoration effort,” news, Feb. 13 Earlier last month The Argonaut ran a story about a visit by U.S. EPA officials to tour the Ballona Wetlands with representatives of The Bay Foundation, the
entity behind planning a huge mechanized habitat conversion that would seriously impact endangered species and other sensitive, imperiled wildlife — the very wildlife for which the land was acquired to protect. The shocking part of the story was that someone from The Bay Foundation suggested that the plan to excavate some two million cubic yards of soil and plant life (which is in the description of the scoping documents released to the public for environmental review) would
somehow help with climate change impacts. There was no science referenced to back up such a ludicrous statement, and no climate change experts quoted in the article either. When we’ve heard Bay Foundation representatives speak of such things, they parrot phrases like “carbon sequestration,” which actually is happening now at the wetlands. We don’t have to wait for a replica of a wetlands ecosystem to be completed
by the Bay Foundation and their contractors. We have one now — one that already serves the many functions a wetland ecosystem serves, like carbon sequestration, protection of surrounding areas from storm surge, minimizing flood damage to surrounding areas, cleansing of pollutants and housing endangered species. The make-work project that has been proposed would use hundreds of millions of dollars in public funding to create something that according to (Continued on next page)
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March 27, 2014 THE ARGONAUT PAGE 5
Public Hearing on Proposed Fare Changes
several restoration ecologists is “not restoration.” Removing every bit of plant life from the 600+ acres of the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve via plans that have been submitted to the Army Corps of Engineers would actually release harmful gases into the atmosphere, and it would take time for the carbon sequestration services of the ecosystem to once again be real. The plans The Bay Foundation drew up last year and asked the Los Angeles County Dept. of Public Works and California Dept. of Fish & Wildlife to submit to the US Army Corps of Engineers for a permit includes excavating, clearing and grubbing nearly the entire reserve. The L.A. County Democratic Party, the West L.A. Democratic Club, LAX Area Democratic Club, Torrance Democratic Club, Progressive Democrats of the Santa Monica Mountains, the League of Humane Voters and numerous environmental and community groups that have long worked to protect Ballona have studied these plans and are strongly united in our opposition to it — no matter if the plan’s promoters try to deceptively pass this off as helping to “fix” climate change impacts. If people fall for this laughable, unscientific claim, the result would be tragic. We ask the public to help us protect the wetlands and grasslands — again. Marcia Hanscom Executive Director, Ballona Institute Chair, Sierra Club Ballona Wetlands Restoration Committee
WESTSIDE/CENTRAL Attend A Public Hearing on Proposed Fare Changes To continue reliable service of LA County’s expanding transportation network, Metro must consider gradually increasing fares. Metro’s approach would make the system easier to use by including free transfers on a single fare. There’s a public hearing to gather comments on Saturday, March 29 at 9:30am at Metro Headquarters. Sign up in person by 11:30am to speak at the hearing. Details at
I-405 Sepulveda Pass Project Reaches Milestones The Skirball Center Drive Bridge is nearly complete and reconstruction of segments of Sepulveda Boulevard is scheduled to wrap up this summer. Ten miles of new carpool lanes are slated to open in just a few months. Construction schedules and project information at
Miracle Mile Utility Relocation Underway The Metro Purple Line Extension is proceeding with advanced utility relocation at Wilshire and La Brea Boulevards. Wilshire and Fairfax are next on the schedule. This work will help prevent service disruptions during subway construction. More information at
Go Metro to CicLAvia on April 6 Travel along legendary Wilshire Boulevard car-free during CicLAvia, LA’s free celebration of public spaces. This April’s event route stretches between Downtown Los Angeles and Miracle Mile. Plan your trip and see bus detour schedules at
New Metro Buses Start Service
PAGE 6 THE ARGONAUT March 27, 2014
14-1684ps_wsc-ce-14-010 ©2014 lacmta
The >rst of Metro’s 550 new 40-foot buses went into service last month on Line 33 along Venice Boulevard between downtown LA and Santa Monica. The new models will be phased in during the next 18 months, replacing vehicles that have reached their retirement age.
(Continued from previous page) not seem to give proper attention to community needs. I would also like to see more affordable housing in Marina del Rey, Venice and Santa Monica. Perhaps we would see fewer of the population “living rough” on the streets. Sandra Benson Marina del Rey
It’s retreat, not retirement
Re: “Henry Waxman’s last dance,” news, Feb. 6 Congressman Henry Waxman announced earlier this year that after 40 years of serving in the House of Representatives, he is choosing to retire. Now 21 prospective candidates are running to replace him. However, six months prior, he had issued an e-blast to supporters declaring why he needed to run for office again, citing the usual liberal litany of causes (climate change, raising taxes, health care reform). A few weeks before announcing his retirement, he had conducted an interview with LA Weekly, which included comments from Independent challenger Marianne Williamson along with his 2012 campaign rival Bill Bloomfield of Manhattan Beach. For all apparent purposes, it looked as if Waxman was prepping to run for Congress again. Why would he change his mind? In the last four months following the Not all people love your dog … Obamacare rollout, millions of Americans or your building have witnessed their health insurance Re: “Unleashed dogs can be premiums rise, their doctors retire or dangerous,” letters, Jan. 30 Thank you for publishing letters from the their insurance companies cancel clients’ current plans — the same plans that community to support the needs of local congressional Democrats had promised residents. I especially appreciated the letter about unleashed dogs. we could keep. I have a fear of dogs due to a past dog The investigations into Operation attack. Many residents do not abide by the Fast and Furious and IRS abuses which rules and allow dogs to run on beaches targeted conservatives have deeply and in the channel area at Via Marina. implicated the president and his party. This is very selfish of these dog owners. The GM bailout, which Waxman My message: Not all people love your championed, cost taxpayers billions of dog. Some are afraid. Another concern as a resident of Marina dollars, according to MSNBC. The only del Rey is the extreme construction winners following the Solyndra fiasco, for that is happening throughout the area. I which Waxman barley apologized, were relocated here as a retired person after Obama’s donors. finding senior housing here. I find the No one should wonder why Waxman is construction of high-end apartments quitting. Not "retire," but "retreat" is the disruptive, and they are inappropriate for word to describe Waxman's decision not my economic status. to run for office. I have read letters in The Argonaut by Arthur Christopher Schaper local citizens who speak out at community forums, but the governing boards do Torrance
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Sepulveda sidewalks get a new look
As Los Angeles weighs a ballot measure to fund infrastructure repairs, Westchester gets upgrades through a federal grant
City Councilman Mike Bonin (front left) stands with Westchester’s John Ruehlan while announcing Sepulveda Boulevard sidewalk repairs
By Gary Walker The need for extensive street and sidewalk repair continues to be a pressing concern throughout Los Angeles, but residents of one Westside community are teaming up with local and federal officials to get the ball rolling. Following a years-long push by Westchester residents, both sides of Sepulveda Boulevard between 79th and 83rd streets are getting
new sidewalks and curbs thanks to two federal grants. Work on the east side of Sepulveda is being funded through a $625,000 Safe Routes to Schools grant and should be completed this month, Los Angeles City Councilman Mike Bonin said. Safe Routes to Schools grants are designed to enable children to walk or bicycle to school or after-school programs — in this case, Orville
Wright Middle School and the Westchester Family YMCA. Bids for work on the west side of the boulevard went out this week and are being paid for by a $1-million federal grant obtained through Rep. Maxine Waters (DLos Angeles). John Ruehlan, a member of the Westchester Business Improvement District, had worked with former Councilman Bill Rosendahl and Waters to
push for the grants. “Leadership doesn’t always come from City Hall,” Bonin said during a March 13 press conference outside the YMCA. “It often comes from neighborhoods, and in this case John Ruehlan has been one of the leaders on this project.” The Sepulveda projects are taking shape against the backdrop of proposals for a $3-billion city street repair bond or a half-cent sales tax hike that would raise up to $4.5 billion for such infrastructure improvements. City administrators recommended last week that city leaders put the sales tax hike, which would fix more than 8,000 miles of the city’s most badly damaged roadways, on the November ballot. The projects on Sepulveda include the planting of 26 trees to replace 17 ficus trees that have been removed from the west side of the boulevard, said city Bureau of Street Services Assistant Director Ron Olive. The wide-spreading root systems of ficus trees planted more than 40 years ago have lifted sidewalks and displaced curbs along Sepulveda and much of Los Angeles. The Sepulveda upgrades also include meandering sidewalks that curve away from the boulevard to leave more room for trees and other landscaping. “We’ve been working on this
project for a very long time,” Ruehlan said. “Because of the new meandering sidewalks that we’re going to put in, this will really be a showcase for Westchester.” Mar Vista homeowners have frequently complained about crumbling streets and sidewalks in their neighborhoods. South Mar Vista Homeowners Association members contemplated seceding from Los Angeles to become part of nearby Culver City, but the effort fizzled for lack of support from other groups. In September, association members voted to pay additional property taxes to fund localized infrastructure repairs. Westchester’s Sepulveda corridor also benefits from other private street maintenance funding. As part of its entitlements for commercial and residential projects at the Howard Hughes Center, developers the Equity Group have contributed nearly $2 million toward maintenance of the boulevard. “It’s these types of publicprivate partnerships that are needed in order to get things done,” said Bonin, who spoke of the need for creative infrastructure solutions that won’t tap out the city’s general fund. “We’re looking to see how we can do this in other places,” Bonin said. ª
Feds to grill LAX officials on airport shooter response Congressional subcommittee to hold Friday hearing at the airport on public safety breakdowns during Nov. 1 rampage By Gary Walker Members of a U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee on transportation security plan to call two top LAX officials — Los Angeles World Airports Executive Director Gina Marie Lindsey and LAX Police Chief Patrick Gannon — to testify Friday at a congressional hearing about public safety missteps during the Nov. 1 shooting spree at the airport. The hearing, which will be held at LAX, comes after last week’s
release of an 83-page “active shooter review” that was critical of the airport’s emergency alert system, public mass notification system and difficulties in interagency communication and found an emergency phone and two panic buttons were not working at the time of the shooting. Alleged shooter Paul Ciancia, 24, is charged with killing Transportation Security Administration officer Gerardo Hernandez and wounding three others during the early morning
PAGE 8 THE ARGONAUT March 27, 2014
rampage at Terminal 3. The airport was shut down for 30 hours in the aftermath and over 250 flights were canceled. Ciancia has pleaded not guilty. The TSA and Los Angeles Work Airports, the agency that oversees LAX, have each conducted assessments of the shooting. TSA Administrator John Pistole is also expected to testify during the hearing and review findings of those reports with members of Congress, according to a Homeland Security advisory
obtained by The Argonaut. The active shooter review, authored by a pair of consulting firms, praised public safety officers for preventing additional fatalities but was critical of communications failures. According to the report, airport officials spent $5.4 million in 2011 on a new high-tech radio system that was frequently unable to communicate with other responding agencies. “Had the attacker not been highly selective in his targets, and/or had there been multiple
attackers with weapons of greater lethality, the outcome might have been far different,” the report states. Marshall McClain, president of the Los Angeles Airport Police Association, said his union was not consulted on the active shooter review. “We were a little taken aback by that,” he said. But McClain said he was “pleased” the report spotlighted what he called poor communication between law enforcement groups. McClain blamed Lindsey
Assembly hopefuls talk pot and taxes West Los Angeles Democratic Club hosts first political forum featuring candidates in an eight-way race his experience in education and as a veteran. He said one of his first acts if elected would be to push for a reduction in class size in all public schools. Farrise, a civil rights attorney, cited her professional experience as one of her strengths. “As a lawyer, I have the ability to decipher and understand complex problems,” Farrise said. Gray noted that she was the only candidate with legislative experience, currently serving on the West Basin Municipal Water District and previously as an Inglewood school board member. “I have experience creating policy for thousands of people in Southern California,” Gray said. “You need practical experience in Sacramento. This is not a job where you’ll have a lot of time to learn on the job.” Burke, a business development consultant, talked about her passion for the district and her experience in economic development. “No one on this dais has ever been an assemblyperson,” said Burke, a Marina del Rey resident and daughter of former Los Angeles County Supervisor Yvonne Brathwaite Burke. “I think it’s important to not just understand the problems of the urban portion of the district but also the coastal areas of our district.” Moderator Loren Scott, the club’s political vice president, asked the candidates whether Proposition 13, the 1978 landmark initiative to restrict property tax increases — often called the third rail of California politics — should be restructured or repealed.
for the failure of the alert system, saying that she has placed too much attention on the restructuring of the Tom Bradley International Terminal at the expense of maintaining airport-wide emergency alert and notification systems. “We have a general manager who has created more fiefdoms [rather] than an emergency management system that functions properly,” McClain said. “With 165,000 to 175,000 passengers a day, how do you not think a 911 system should be a priority?” In response to calls for Lindsey, Los Angeles World Airports staff
referred to a memo she wrote to the airport board stressing the importance of examining all airport functions in the wake of the shooting. “It is incumbent upon all of us at Los Angeles World Airports to take a clear-eyed, detailed look at every aspect of this incident to identify any action that we might undertake that could prevent a similar occurrence,” Lindsey wrote. Recommendations in the review specified measures airport employees could undertake “that could prevent a similar occurrence, enable us to better manage emergency events, and
Photo by Gary Walker
By Gary Walker Questions about how to protect the environment, whether to legalize marijuana use and whether to tweak Proposition 13 came to the forefront during the first public forum for candidates seeking an open Westside state Assembly seat. Sponsored by the West Los Angeles Democratic Club, the March 13 forum at St. Bede’s Episcopal Church in Mar Vista was one of the first public events introducing a field of hopefuls seeking state office for the first time in the June primary election. Assemblyman Steven Bradford (D- Gardena) terms out of his 62nd Assembly District seat later this year. The district includes Marina del Rey, Venice, Playa Vista, Playa del Rey, Westchester and part of Mar Vista. Democratic candidates Autumn Burke, Gloria Gray, Paul Kouri and Simona Farrise answered questions for more than 90 minutes before an audience of approximately 60 people. Inglewood City Councilman Mike Stevens and community activist Adam Plimpton, also Democrats, did not attend but were invited, organizers said. The field includes one Republican, real estate agent Ted Grose, and student Emidio “Mimi” Soltysik, who has declined to state a party affiliation. The contenders who spoke during the forum worked to set themselves apart by focusing on what they consider their strengths. Kouri, a former Venice High School social studies and government teacher, mentioned
Forum moderator Loren Scott, center, pressed candidates about Proposition 13 reform
Kouri, a Mar Vista resident, said perhaps after a year or two the law might merit another look. “Now is not the time to repeal Prop. 13,” he said. “I don’t want to raise taxes on homeowners right now.” Farrise said large corporations that own large commercial properties have benefited the most from Proposition 13. “Prop. 13 is about fundamental fairness, and it is not fair to everyone,” she said. Gray said the law should get a second look for a possible revision. Burke said while single-family homes need to be protected, she was in favor of closing some of the corporate loopholes that Farrise mentioned. On the environment, the candidates took similar positions. A question from Scott regarding the state’s “official” position of using bulldozers in its planned revitalization of the Ballona
Wetlands brought out nearly identical answers — all four saying they were against using bulldozers to in the restoration of the 600-acre state ecological reserve. None pointed out that there is no “official” state alternative for restoring the ecological reserve yet, though using bulldozers is one option pending an environmental review. Kouri and Gray, whose backgrounds are in education, decried what they believe is an attempt by some education reform groups to privatize education as well as the recent cuts to funding schools. “We don’t put enough funding into education in Los Angeles or statewide,” Gray said. “I’m against any effort to privatize our schools,” Kouri said. “Public schools are not created to make a profit.” The topic of legalizing marijuana drew applause from
the audience. Farrise said that, as a parent of three, she found the argument for legalization difficult. But she also feels that current laws have led to mass incarceration of many young people. “It’s become the new ‘Jim Crow,’” the attorney said. Burke said it was hard to deny “the kind of revenue” that legalizing marijuana might bring the state, but she expressed concern about those who might drive after using the drug. “How do we test for the effects that marijuana can have on someone who is driving?” she asked. Each of the candidates voiced their opposition to hydraulic fracturing, commonly known as fracking, an energy production technique used to obtain oil and natural gas supplies that are trapped in rock and sand formations. ª
harness all available resources to ensure appropriate customer care during prolonged operational disruptions,” Lindsey continued. At a March 18 press conference at LAX, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti credited public safety first responders for their rapid response but also criticized the lack of coordination between the various law enforcement agencies. “The biggest failure was our lack of communications,” Garcetti told reporters. “We’re lucky that the shooting didn’t take more lives. … We got lucky that day.” Rep. Maxine Waters (D- Los
Angeles), whose district includes Westchester and LAX, expressed outrage that the automated communications system did not function properly on Nov. 1. “I am shocked and dismayed by the revelations,” reads a statement by Waters. “This report is an embarrassment. LAWA spends $125 million on security every year. With this level of investment, LAX should have a state-of-the-art emergency response system.” The report, Waters continued, “explains how problems in coordination between various police and fire departments resulted in multiple command
posts at different locations that did not unify for 45 minutes.” A spokeswoman for Waters said she plans to attend the hearing. The review also criticized airport officials for not being ready to arrange overnight accommodations for passengers whose flights were cancelled because of the shooting Thousands of passengers were stranded during the 30 hours that the airport was shut down. Several decided to seek hotel rooms on their own and many who were interviewed later said they received no direction or assistance from the airport. ª
March 27, 2014 THE ARGONAUT PAGE 9
News briefs The Getty lends a hand in Mar Vista
Getty Center staff are paying a visit to Mark Twain Middle School in Mar Vista on Monday to paint two murals in the school’s main hall, revamp computer labs and do some other beautification work. J. Paul Getty Trust CEO James Cuno and about 40 of his team members are working from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. during the Getty Community Service Day event. “What an extraordinary partner in education to have,” Mark Twain Middle School Principal Rex Patton said. But this isn’t the first time the Walgrove Avenue language magnet school has collaborated with the Getty Center. The Getty and nonprofit writing and tutoring center 826LA ran a semester-long photography and writing workshop at the school last year. “The program gave one of our eighthgrade classes in-depth experience into what it means to have a career as an artist and writer, as well as delve into theme and analysis of artistic works,” Patton said.
—Compiled by Gary Walker and Joe Piasecki
Eight candidates are looking to replace termed-out Assemblyman Steven Bradford (D- Gardena) in a district that includes Marina del Rey, Venice, Playa Vista, Playa del Rey, Westchester and part of Mar Vista. The six Democrats have been invited to the forum, which includes an audience question-and-answer session. Among a crowded field of congressional candidates, former Los Angeles City Controller Wendy Greuel, state Sen. Ted Lieu and attorney Barbara Mulvaney have confirmed their participation in the Santa Monica fourm, according to organizers. The Assembly forum starts at 3:30 p.m. at the Los Angeles Fire Station No. 5 Community Room, 8900 S. Emerson Ave., Westchester. Call (424) 225-1504 or email for more information. The congressional forum is at 7 p.m. in the community room of the Santa Monica Main Library, 601 Santa Monica Blvd., Santa Monica. Call (310) 488-7431 or visit
Panel tackles invisible Local Dems host candidate forums wounds of war
The Santa Monica Democratic Club is hosting a forum tonight in Santa Monica for Democratic congressional candidates running to replace retiring Rep. Henry Waxman (D- Beverly Hills), and the Westchester-Playa Democratic Club and LAX-Area Democratic Club are co-hosting a forum for local state Assembly candidates on Saturday in Westchester.
Loyola Marymount University is hosting a public forum on Wednesday to address post-traumatic stress disorder and other issues faced by combat veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. “Healing Moral Injury and PTSD: Ministry to Veterans, their Families and Communities” contemplates how family members and others can best serve veterans
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PAGE 10 THE ARGONAUT March 27, 2014
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Staples Center. Megan Yost, 29, volunteers with the nonprofit Esophageal Cancer Action Network. She became involved after her father, 68-year-old Don Yost, was diagnosed with the disease in January 2012. He’d suffered from acid reflux for years and sought help after he began having trouble swallowing. The Yosts are delivering a message about the link between heartburn and cancer that will air on the arena’s Jumbotron and be Biologist talks Ballona restoration broadcast through the Staples Center’s Have thoughts on what to do with the public address system. Ballona Wetlands? “I wanted to make a difference by bringing So does Margot Griswold, a veteran awareness to the public about esophageal restoration biologist and past president cancer,” Megan Yost said. “I figured this is of the California Society of Ecological a great place to start.” Restoration. Following five weeks of chemotherapy and Griswold will discuss multiple possibilities radiation, Don Yost underwent a successful for restoring the 600-acre ecological esophagectomy. reserve, including alternatives being “For those of us who have been considered by the California Coastal fighting esophageal cancer for years, Conservancy and the state Dept. of Fish and getting the spotlight for the first time Wildlife, during a meeting of the Del Rey ever at a professional sporting event Residents Association on April 3. is groundbreaking,” said Mindy Mintz The meeting begins at 7 p.m. at the Mordecai, CEO of the cancer organization. Westside Neighborhood School, 5401 “And for the fans who may not know that Beethoven St., Del Rey. Visit delreyhome. heartburn can cause cancer, it could be lifeorg for information. saving.” Mordecai founded the national nonprofit Clippers join activist’s after losing her husband to the disease in 2008. cancer fight The organization has purchased a block A Mar Vista woman is teaming with the of 430 tickets in the upper concourse of the Playa Vista-based Los Angeles Clippers to raise awareness of esophageal cancer during arena. Tickets are available at a discounted ª an April 3 Clippers home game at the rate of $27 at
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Making the best better
Andy Walshe, director of high performance for Red Bull, on how using technology to ‘hack’ talent and creativity can help solve the world’s problems
t was October 2012 and YouTube viewers were transfixed to their screens as Austrian Felix Baumgartner shot up to 128,100 feet in a stratospheric balloon and freefall-jumped toward Earth before parachuting to the ground. The Red Bull Stratos mission had 52 million YouTube viewers from all over the world tune in to watch Baumgartner become the first person to break the sound barrier without the aid of a vehicle. Andy Walshe, who in 2007 became director of high performance for Red Bull after developing a Winter Olympics training program for American athletes, oversaw Baumgartner’s preparations for the Stratos mission and continues to supervise a team of experts who develop new models for pushing humans seemingly beyond their limits. The company’s human performance program, which involves a team of engineers, trainers, nutritionists and sport-specific experts, has also worked with skiers Lindsey Vonn and Nick Goepper, snowboarder Louie Vito and golfer Rickie Fowler. Walshe, a native of Australia who works out of Red Bull’s Santa Monica headquarters, believes everyone has the potential to achieve incredible feats — and not just in athletics. He also works with artists and musicians who collaborate with the brand. Walshe will be in Aspen next month to train skiers and snowboarders for future competitions. He’s also gearing up for Red Bull’s Project Endurance, a weeklong series of intensive training sessions in May that tests both athletes’ limits and scientists’ ability to measure performance. On Tuesday, Walshe is speaking about techniques for advancing the development of human potential as part of an ongoing lecture series at the UCLA Dept. of Architecture and Urban Design’s IDEAS facility in Playa Vista. — Ameera Butt
Can you explain your role as high performance director at Red Bull? The job is supporting and developing the talent within the organization, typically our athletes or our opinion leaders in the arts and music space … essentially help them either become better at what they’re doing or stay on top of the game. It’s typically cognizant around some aspirational dream they have, like, ‘Hey, I want to break a world record; I want to maybe jump from space.’ [Next month] we’re taking the human performance construct and wiring it into a project for social entrepreneurs in Africa. It really is about optimizing the potential of an individual towards whatever goal or targets they may have. How do you figure out who’s in the program? In the culture program — which is arts, music, photography — they’re not sponsored athletes, they’re more opinion leaders or people we have relationships with. It’s pretty much based on need and desire and passion. We have our human performance facility in Santa Monica, but our athletes can be from anywhere in the world. They do come in and spend some time locally and work on things. The big project we are working on here is called ‘hacking creativity.’ What’s ‘hacking creativity?’ When we are trying to hack talent we are trying to look at the human performance construct. It’s a very complex problem, and we realized we needed a system. If
you think about understanding what you eat, how many pushups you do, what you’re thinking about —bringing all of that data together is extraordinarily complex. We realized we needed a problem-solving engine for them. Then, with all the work that was going on in the culture space creativity-wise, we thought we could do something really powerful to understand more about creativity and actually train for it. The best athletes in the world are extraordinarily creative — they’re trying to invent new tricks, do new things so it was a win-winwin. We paired our top women athletes with Cirque du Soleil, that creative environment with that physical aspect to it. It went really, really well. We decided we actually had to try to build an engine to solve [creativity]. We basically constructed a virtual system, which is still ongoing, whereby X [number of] subject matter experts on creativity go on top of a lot of the research and data, and potentially opinions from the general public — from hundreds, as many people as would like to participate. If we allow that, what we call artificial intelligence, it’s doing all of that aggregation. We have expert intelligence, those are the interviews with subject matter experts, and then collective intelligence, which means the thousands of people who have opinions about this, and we can get that in the system. The system flattens those three layers of intelligence into insight and potentially into understanding and learning. We are going to try to be live by August or September this year. The first step is a number of opinionators
done in hundreds of thousands of years. The broader vision is we can understand talent and how the best in the world perform in these kinds of very deliberate verticals, like athletics, music, arts or culture or business. If we can understand that, our vision is we can actually transcribe it and bring it down and make it work for everybody. These skills are highly transferrable, and ultimately we can turn that information, with the same amount of energy and intensity, into making people who are trying to solve the world’s biggest challenges — environment, climate, disease, it may even be political. Maybe we can help the kid who can cure cancer or help the young girl — Andy Walshe who can help solve global warming. It’s hacking talent. If we can understand [talent] really well, we can make the best sharing their ideas of creativity. The future better. People who are the best make state [is] everyone can participate in the money at being the best, but at the same conversation. time we should democratize talent by making sure those same skill sets aren’t What is your philosophy when it comes restricted to the people at the top of the to having athletes perform these death- pyramid. ª defying acts? My personal philosophy is people have Walshe speaks at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, extraordinary potential, and far beyond following a 6:45 p.m. reception, at IDEAS, what anyone even imagines. It’s not 1% located within the Hercules Campus at better, it’s 100% better in whatever you 5865 S. Campus Center Drive, Playa do — even if you’re the best in the world. Vista. Ideas lectures are free and open That sets us up for the next five, 10, 20 to the public, but seating is limited and years, where we get so much better at on a first-come, first-served basis. For information, call (310) 267-4704. making people better in ways we haven’t
"We thought we could do something really powerful to understand more about creativity and actually train for it."
March 27, 2014 THE ARGONAUT PAGE 11
Photo by Luis Salaiz
Flirtatious Fun
Burlesque troupes heat up the Westside nightlife scene By Michael Aushenker
t’s Monday night at Britannia Pub in Santa Monica, and the voluptuous Kitty Kat DeMille slides off her top before a crowd of 40 cheering onlookers. As a Gothic techno cover of The Eurythmics’ “Sweet Dreams” pumps through the speakers, she peels off her long purple gloves and sheds her tutu before culminating in a whirling dervish spin on ballet-slippered toes. A cleaning woman with bright yellow gloves and a blue kerchief pushes a mop and bucket of soapy water through the crowd, then suddenly takes the spotlight to an eruption of salsa music. The kerchief disappears to reveal a cache of long burgundy locks. Sudsy water splashes as Eva Eden doffs layer after layer, winding down with the music to a blue-and-green two piece. She wings her bra-like top into the crowd, where I catch it, and leaves a sudsy mark on my sweater as she brushes past me up the stairs. In addition to ruling Britannia once a week, the Dollface Dames burlesque troupe also performs each second Saturday of the month at Magicopolis and holds a Wednesday residency at TRiP —“consistently one of our busiest nights of the week,” says Josh Wiener, who books
Members of The Lalas get their groove on entertainment for the venue, a staple of Santa Monica’s live music scene. While definitely one of the more prominent burlesque companies in the Los Angeles area, the Dollface Dames aren’t the only troupe that’s made this stylish and sexy throwback performance art a fixture on the Westside nightlife scene. The Lalas, a seven-member troupe led by film and television choreographer Erin Lamont, make regular appearances throughout the Southland, including gigs at Harvelle’s jazz and blues club in Santa Monica, where they perform tonight. The Bootleg Bombshells, initially regulars at Harvelle’s, now appear Wednesday nights at the basement Del Monte Speakeasy at Town House in Venice. Harlow Gold, created by choreographers Tracy Phillips and Dominic Carbone (who designed the dance sequence in the hit indie film “500 Days of Summer” and Adam Lambert’s performance on the American Music Awards) occupy every third and fourth Thursday of the month at Harvelle’s with a “nouveau burlesque” revue infusing cabaret-derived moves with more modern rock music.
PAGE 12 THE ARGONAUT March 27, 2014
Avoid the ‘S’ word Blame it on those old Tex Avery cartoons with horny wolves overreacting to a striptease by a Jessica Rabbit predecessor, but if there’s one stigma contemporary burlesque acts must battle, it’s the outdated connotations to the performance art form’s crass younger cousin — stripping. “It’s insane how different [burlesque] is to stripping. Stripping is anti-feminist. This is totally feminist. It’s about representing women,” says Lalas dancer SaraAnne Fahey. A Playa del Rey resident, Fahey graduated with a B.A. in dance from Loyola Marymount University and went on to perform in the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards as a dancer during pop star Rihanna’s performance of the song “Disturbia.” It was after catching another local burlesque performance — The Toledo Show at Harvelle’s — that Fahey was drawn to it as “an art form that is all about empowering women” and reached out to Lamont. In American burlesque’s peak years of the 1920s, ‘30s and ‘40s, these performers — a holdover from the edgier side of vaudeville’s glory days — were among the more extreme forms of erotically tinged
“This is totally feminist. It’s about representing women.” — SaraAnne Fahey of The Lalas
entertainment. Today, burlesque, which remains provocative for what it leaves to the imagination, is celebrated as performance art. It’s not about taking your clothes off, says The Lalas’ Lamont, “It’s how you take your clothes off, and in what way.” “Traditional burlesque, in its heyday, usually had a vaudeville element with a comedian. It was a shimmy-and-shake style, and all about the reveal. The classic burlesque dancers stay with that,” says Dollface Dames founder Kira Turnage, an actress and Santa Monica resident whose nom de burlesque is Lola Boutée. “Today, it’s all about the reveal of the tease and the comedy aspect,” Turnage says.
The first of three sets during the Dames’ Britannia show opens with a trio in USO kitsch performing “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” and “Anything Goes,” but with each set the entertainment becomes more tailored to individual talents— aerial acrobatics, juggling, hula hoops and, in some shows, rings of fire. At Magicopolis, themes include Broadway musicals and comic book characters, with a pair of dancers performing as Betty and Veronica, DeMille as Supergirl and Eden as Batman villainess Poison Ivy. Turnage, who describes the Dames’ aesthetic as “cabaret Chicago style,” devises the choreography for her group with collaborator Dixie Mae Revel. “It’s all about the creative
Photo by Eleonora Barna
The Dollface Dames make the 1940s look good
have the freedom of using the entire room, it makes things more interactive and fun with the whole crowd.” Turnage started the Dollface Dames in 2008 after organizing a burlesque performance for a charity fundraiser, and Lamont launched The Lalas four years ago and has seen the troupe become close to a full-time job over the past two. For The Lalas, “There’s more emphasis on the comedy aspect in a 75- to 90-minute show: How can I make the audience crack up?” says Lamont, who has created dance numbers for Lady Gaga, Cyndi Lauper, the People’s Choice Awards, Miss USA pageants and college bowl game halftime shows. “What’s sexier than a sense of humor?” Don’t Call It a Comeback In a way it’s fitting that Britannia Pub should host the Dollface Dames, as the roots of burlesque date back to performances in Victorian England. The American burlesque tradition took on its own form shaped by vaudeville shows, but by the 1920s and ‘30s, much of the comedic and musical elements became overshadowed by striptease acts. In the 1930s, a performer named Gypsy Rose Lee emerged as one of the biggest stars at Minsky’s Burlesque in New York City, but headed for Hollywood
The Bootleg Bombshells put their own twist on burlesque
“People have a love of the ‘20s. They love the flapper era,” Turnage said. “It’s definitely exploded in the last five years,” Depina-Cordova said. “It’s a little bit more accepted now.” TRiP’s Wiener says burlesque is rooted in tried-and-true elements of show-business. “I can’t really provide statistics to back it up, but my feeling is that burlesque has always been pretty popular, as opposed to just being ‘hip’ right now,” Wiener said. “Think about it – music, [nearly] naked women and alcohol. Are those things ‘hip’? I’m more inclined to call them timeless sources of entertainment.” But make no mistake, troupe leaders emphasize that the style of striptease showcased in burlesque is no longer a movement aimed at male titillation. “The audience you get for
burlesque shows has evolved. A lot of women and men come to these shows and it sparks in them the desire to do it themselves. It’s an empowering art,” DepinaCordova said. “I feel humble and proud to share the stage with these women.” “It really appeals to women. They appreciate the costumes, the choreography. More risqué back in the day, now it's more like a show,” adds Turner. To some degree, the old days of leering male gazes have been replaced by the admiring attention of females. “Getting a compliment from a woman after a show is golden,” Lamont says. ª For more information about the troupes and upcoming local performances, visit, thelalas. com, and Photo by Jim Knell
aspect. Not only about the dance, but you create a character, a back story. You [illuminate each performer’s] talent,” Turnage says. “Each company has its own set style. Like any music or painting, there’s all different types.” The Bootleg Bombshells, says founder Lulu Depina-Cordova, intentionally stray from some of burlesque’s more antiquated precepts. Unique among local burlesque acts, the Bootleg Bombshells also feature a male dancer, Tito Benito, and frequent guest appearances by established performers. “We are not classical at all,” says Depina-Cordova, a Culver City resident. “We don’t do group choreographed sets. My style is cabaret definitely inspired by Bob Fosse and classical musical theater.” Depina-Cordova formed the Bootleg Bombshells out of Harvelle’s while the club was suffering some attendance woes. The ballet dancer turned Pilates instructor, who also performs with the five-member troupe, immersed herself in the burlesque scene a little over a year ago after learning about it from a client. She feels the Bootleg Bombshells’ current digs at Townhouse, an underground parlor during Prohibition, adds a certain allure to their shows. “I love that it’s a speakeasy,” Depina-Cordova says. “It has a genuine feel to it. Since we
to break into the movies in 1937. According to Sherill Tippins’ book “February House,” Lee made five films before quickly returning to the East Coast, where she became a successful mystery author. Her first book, “The G-String Murders,” became the basis for the 1943 Barbara Stanwyck thriller “Lady of Burlesque.” Lee and others helped popularize burlesque in Los Angeles, but by the 1960s the art form was dying out fast. A fledgling nine-member union called The League of Exotic Dancers even held a meeting in 1955 to complain that L.A. performers earned some of the lowest wages of any American city — $85 a week, versus an average of about $125, according to The Golden Days of Burlesque Historical Society. Call it the postmodern age we live in — a time after the mixing of Aerosmith and Run-DMC, the Beatles’ “White Album” and Jay-Z’s “Black Album,” Lou Reed and Metallica — but the kind of striptease act a Jayne Mansfield character might’ve done in a Frank Tashlin film has become suddenly relevant some 30 years after Mötley Crüe sang in “Girls Girls Girls” of “raising hell at the Seventh Veil.” Both Turnage and Lamont point to movies such as 2010’s “Burlesque,” starring Cher and Christina Aguilera, and last year’s Baz Luhrman epic “The Great Gatsby” as contributing to a renewed interest in the art form.
The Dollface Dames strike a pose backstage before a gig March 27, 2014 THE ARGONAUT PAGE 13
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•This Week•
No masks, different ‘jackets’
Members of the luchador-guised Los Straitjackets shake things up as ‘60s-style rockers The Outta Sites By Michael Aushenker Los Straitjackets, the Mexicanwrestler-mask-wearing instrumental combo, have not hung up their championship belts for good. However, they do make time for serious side projects, and The Outta Sites is no exception. Fondly recalling British Invasion-style rock ‘n’ roll of the early 1960s, The Outta Sites, who perform Friday night at the West Los Angeles vinyl shop Record Surplus, features Chris “Sugarballs” Sprague on lead vocals and guitar, Zack Simpson on bass, Jason “Mongoose” Eoff on organ, and Pete Curry on drums. What’s interesting is that Sprague and Curry, two members of Los Straitjackets, play different roles in the Outta Sites than in their main band. Normally, Curry plays bass for Los Straitjackets and Sprague drums. With The Outta Sites, Curry and Sprague dispense with the lucha libre shtick and are free to show their real faces. But that doesn’t mean they perform sans uniforms. “We generally wear matching suits, with ties or turtlenecks, as a nod to the ‘60’s style of music we play,” Curry said. “The choreography is also reminiscent
Los Straitjackets bassist Pete Curry takes up the drums for swingin’ ‘60s revivalists The Outta Sites
of that era: synchronized, simple and fun. It seems like most of the bands you see nowadays look just like the audience, so we try to stand out a bit.” Also different: the music.
Unlike the music of Los Straitjackets, these tunes have vocals and lyrics — and lots of them. About two years (30 gigs) old, the band already has an
album (on CD and vinyl) called “Shake All Night with the Outta Sites.” Decked out in matching uniforms, the Outta Sites play live sets that are about half covers and half
originals, including songs with such swingin’ titles as “Martian Jive,” “Shake All Night” and the eponymous “Outta Sites.” Side projects such as Outta Sites are nothing new for Los (Continued on page 29)
A crash course in craft brews
Tap, Cheer & Give is an all-you-can-sample beer education that also benefits local causes By Rebecca Kuzins Both craft beer enthusiasts and novice drinkers who don’t know an IPA from a Belgian white can find good reason to hoist their glasses at Tap, Cheer & Give, a combination beer-tasting party and fundraiser on Saturday at the Cross Campus collaborative workspace in Santa Monica. The afternoon event, which includes food trucks and live music, offers unlimited sampling of more than 20 craft beers, plus crash courses on the origins of certain beer styles and notes on how to taste those beers and judge their quality.
Tap, Cheer & Give is donating 10% of ticket proceeds to charities such as the SurfRider Foundation and Would-Works, a nonprofit assisting Americans living in poverty. The event also benefits the causes of three local companies that make social welfare part of their business model: Omniscience Apparel, which donates funds from sales of its Be Awear clothing line to environmental organizations; SOLO Eyewear, a sunglass manufacturer that provides glasses and cataract surgery for those in need; and This Bar Saves Lives, whose fruit and nut
(Continued on page 31)
The crowd at BAM Fest, produced by the organizer of Tap, Cheer & Give, proved girls like craft beer, too
March 27, 2014 THE ARGONAUT PAGE 15
‘Chavez Ravine’ set to a symphony
For its Westside Connections series, L.A. Chamber Orchestra welcomes Culture Clash satirist Richard Montoya for a musical reading on April 3 By Michael Aushenker How’s this for a culture clash? A full-blown orchestra sweeping through a reading delivered by playwright/comedian Richard Montoya. The strange bedfellows unite on April 3 when the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra welcomes guest artist Montoya — one-third of the Chicano theatrical troupe Culture Clash — to read excerpts from Culture Clash’s lauded 2003 play, “Chavez Ravine,” over a soundtrack provided by the orchestra at New Roads school in Santa Monica. The event is part of the orchestra’s Westside Connections series, which last month featured violinist Arnold Steinhardt and in May features actor John Rubinstein. Montoya, Ric Salinas and Herbert Sigüenza founded Culture Clash nearly three decades ago in San Francisco’s Mission District, along with José Antonio Burciaga, Marga Gómez and Monica Palacios. In fact, this coming Cinco de Mayo will mark the satirical theatrical group’s 30th anniversary. Montoya’s solo plays have
included “American Night,” a scathing assessment of the United States’ immigration crisis commissioned by the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, and the 2006 Chicano noir tale “Water & Power,” which Montoya has now adapted into a film, due out May 2. Like the unrelated but identically titled Grammywinning Ry Cooder album released two years later, Culture Clash’s 2003 play “Chavez Ravine” told the story of the thousands of indigent Angelenos, most of them of Latin descent, displaced by the creation of Dodgers Stadium. Frank Wilkinson, a progressive who acted as the assistant director of the city Housing Authority and tried to implement a public housing project called Elysian Park Heights, was targeted as a Communist and turned into a straw man in a scheme to clear the Chavez Ravine section of Los Angeles of its residents in order to build the baseball venue in 1959. According to Montoya, musician Cooder caught Culture Clash’s “Chavez Ravine”
Richard Montoya speaks for the ghosts of Chavez Ravine
four times before releasing his Grammy-winning 2005 album. Montoya said, half-joking, “Yeah, I would‘ve loved it if we were mentioned in the liner notes.” But Montoya harbors no ill will. “When I finally ran into Ry, I held out my hand and thanked him,” he said. Montoya said he never lost sight of the bigger picture:
the story of the squashing of Wilkinson’s plans for affordable housing, designed by Modernist architect Richard Neutra, to Chavez Ravine — “a story just waiting to be told,” he said. Prior to Wilkinson’s death in 2006 death, Culture Clash invited him to performances of their “Chavez Ravine” play at the Bootleg Theater and the Mark Taper Forum.
“To see Latino kids give him a standing ovation was amazing,” Montoya said. The orchestra’s April 3 program to accompany Montoya’s reading includes Revueltas’ String Quartet No. 4, “Musica de Feria”; Chavez’s Trio for Harp, Flute and Viola and Sonatina for Violin and Piano; and Dvorak’s String Quartet No. 12, “American.” The writer-performer — who is dedicating the show in memory of his father, Jose E. Montoya, and to his toddler son, Mountain Montoya — endorses this epic orchestral music treatment. “I feel the subject matter is deserving,” Montoya said. “The Chavez Ravine ghosts will not go away, whether it’s Ry Cooder or [Culture Clash’s] Mark Taper play. Something will be revealed to us.” ª The show starts at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 3, in the Ann and Jerry Moss Theater at New Roads School, 3131 Olympic Blvd., Santa Monica. $50. Call (213) 622-7001 or visit
PAGE 16 THE ARGONAUT March 27, 2014
Neighborhood Councils are designed to give all individuals: residents, business owners, property owners, renters, youth, non-profit providers and others a more-effective way to improve the quality of life in their neighborhoods. Through Neighborhood Councils, all stakeholders have a direct way to discuss and deliberate on issues that affect them, and can work together to find solutions. Neighborhood Council’s are a true example of participatory democracy as it is meant to be. To find out what seats are available in the May 18, 2014 election, please visit your Neighborhood Council website or for instructions on how to file as a candidate. But hurry, the filing deadline is April 3!
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Across the Counter
BesT hArBorside views
The Power of a Single Drop
Willie Jane mixologist Derrick Bass concocts custom bitters for experimental cocktails By Richard Foss
The BesT AuThenTic iTAliAn Food It’s a pivotal ingredient in cocktails: the drop or dash of bitters that gives a drink depth of flavor. With the handcrafted cocktail revolution has come a new interest in the most strongly flavored item on a bartender’s shelf. Derrick Bass, a mixologist at Willie Jane restaurant on Abbot Kinney Boulevard, is making his own custom bitters to craft adventurous cocktails with fresh and seasonal flavors. What is the history of bitters? I seem to remember that there are several kinds. Most bitters started out as herbal medicines and tonics back in the day — possibly as far back as Renaissance Italy. The doctors of the time created these for headaches, upset stomach and anything having to do with digestion. There are two types: the very strong ones that were originally designed for medicines but taste great in cocktails, and less assertive ones that you traditionally have as a digestive after dinner. I don’t make any of the amaros, the milder bitters that are made to be drunk straight. I am more focused on a modern garden-toglass idea, using herbal tinctures to create fresh, seasonal bitters. Tinctures use alcohol to leach the essential oils out of plants; you have to leave the herbs in there between two weeks and a month in a cool, dry area. You make sure the oils are completely mixed in the alcohol by shaking the bottle every day. Do you use those bitters that you make in standard cocktails instead of the traditional brands? I stick to the classic bitters to make the classic drinks — if anybody calls for a Sazerac, I’m reaching for Peychaud’s, if they want a Manhattan I use Carpano Antica and Angostura bitters. If they’re interested in the more creative aspects of the cocktail, something fresh and seasonal, that’s where my bitters come into play. Mixologists are making all sorts of things like fruit infusions, and those take less time and give you more ability to adjust the flavor while you’re making it. What attracts you to crafting
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CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH Derrick Bass goes garden-to-glass with custom cocktail bitters
something as concentrated as bitters instead of something you’d have more control over? It’s a very powerful thing, where a few drops can make a cocktail, a few more can ruin it. It’s an attention-to-detail thing, and it’s fun and rewarding and challenging for me. There’s a bottle on the bar labeled 'We’ve Got Plenty of Thyme,' and I don’t associate thyme with bitter flavors. That’s a tincture that I use in some drinks — it is all about playing up the herbal aspects, and it’s different from a bitter. The bitters I have now are the rhubarb bitters and midnight bitters, both of which you taste as a tonic. Rhubarb has a very strong, funky herbal flavor that can be almost like cabbage, and you have to treat it carefully — raw rhubarb can make you sick, so I blanch it. I add that to unique natural bittering agents, motherwort, gentian, dandelion root. There are many bittering agents, and every company uses a different blend or different variations. Midnight Bitters is made with rosemary, citron geranium, charred hickory, orange peel, and gentian root. It has a very full herbal aspect, as opposed to something like Angostura, which is very dark. Are you guided by Italian tradition? Do they make rhubarb bitters or something like your midnight bitters in Italy? For me this is a new American tradition, and it’s informed and guided by what we can grow here — literally here, as I’m lucky enough to have the Cook’s
Garden right next door to me where we grow our herbs. I can go over there and begin playing and concocting my own recipes. I’ve never made any in the traditional Italian style. I’m more interested in trying new things. Some of our readers may have a bottle of Angostura bitters on the shelf that is years old. Do bitters go bad? Commercial bitters have a long shelf life, so they’re probably fine. My bitters have a shelf life of about a year, but in the environment of a bar they don’t last that long. I only make it two bottles at a time rather than a bucketful. I want to keep it garden-to-glass, local and seasonal — this isn’t a commercial product, it’s all handmade. A little goes a long way, so they do last for a while. People come to Willie Jane for Southern-style American cuisine. Do they ask for a cocktail to go with fried chicken, steak or oxtail stew? What do you tell them? Cocktails are for exciting your palate to make you hungry for food, or they’re great after dinner, to help you digest and settle your stomach. We have Champagne for the fried chicken, red wines for the steaks, and after dinner we’ll serve a heavy, aromatic drink like a Manhattan. I’d make it with the traditional ingredients unless they say they’re open for experimentation, but if they do I’ll throw in some curve balls. ª Derrick Bass pours at Willie Jane, 1031 Abbot Kinney Blvd., Venice. Call (310) 392-2425 or visit
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March 27, 2014 THE ARGONAUT PAGE 17
Westside Happenings — Compiled by Jennifer Boucher Thursday, March 27
presents candidates for the open 33rd Congressional District seat in a public forum at Santa Monica Update on the Ballona Main Library Community Room, Wetlands Restoration Project 2nd Floor, 601 Santa Monica and the Oxford Lagoon, 6:30 Blvd., Santa Monica. Free. p.m. The Airport Marina Group of the Sierra Club hosts a meeting Light refreshments provided. on the Ballona Wetlands and Oxford Lagoon at the Burton “Women Who Shape Santa Chace Park Community Room Monica,” 7 p.m. Join the League at the far west end of Mindanao Way, Marina del Rey. (310) 437- of Women Voters of Santa Monica in honoring four local 3523. women for their contributions to Santa Monica and celebrating Congressional Candidates the 80th anniversary of the Forum, 7 p.m. The Santa organization’s founding. Light Monica Democratic Club
food and beverages served. Penthouse terrace of Ocean House, 2107 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica. $40 suggested donation. RSVP at (310) 692-1494 or email Figure Drawing Classes, various times. Create art from 7 to 9 p.m. the first and third Thursdays of the month and from 3 to 5 p.m. on second and fourth Thursdays at REAL Creative Space, 6207 W. 87th St., Westchester. $20. Walk in or reserve online at
“Big Blue Ride,” 8 p.m. Part of The Solo Series, a theatrical performance about riding the Big Blue Bus illuminating the connection between the environment and each other at The Miles Memorial Playhouse, 1130 Lincoln, Santa Monica $10$15 suggested donation. Also April 3.
Friday, March 28 Mar Vista Seniors Club, 9:30 a.m. - noon. Group for seniors 50+ meets Fridays at Mar Vista
the Saban theatre On sAle nOW!
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Friday Night Jazz and Off the Wall, 8 p.m. - 2 a.m. Live classic jazz from the Barry Zweig Trio plus funk, blues, rock, electro and more by DJ Alfred Hawkins each Friday at Townhouse Venice, 52 Windward Ave., Venice. No cover. (310) 392-4040;
Gorilla Mic Presents Broken System, 8:30 p.m. Line-up includes The Raids, Grit, Black Noise, Constant Change, Kill for Kicks. Good Hurt, 12249 Venice Blvd., Mar Vista. $5 cover. (310) 390-1076;
Saturday, March 29 apRIL 24
apRIL 13
“Country Funk” Release Weekend, 8 p.m. Described as “a hybrid crop of roots rock and hip hop with SoCal vibes and outlaw country grit that hits deep down in your soul,” Nate Hancock and The Declaration host their record release party at TRiP, 2101 Lincoln Blvd., Santa Monica. (310) 396-9010;
Unite the Vibe Presents, 8 p.m., Nate Hancock & the Declaration, Johnny Huges, Sutter Zachman and Todd Hawes perform at TRiP, 2101 Lincoln Blvd., Santa Monica. No cover. (310) 3969010;
JuNE 29
Park Recreation Center, 11430 Woodbine St., Mar Vista. (310) 838-2981
May 10
April 2 • Johnny Winter April 12 • AhmAdrezA nAbizAdeh April 13 • hermAn’s hermits stArring Peter noone
April 24 • the Fixx With drAmArAmA April 25 • mArc cohn May 2 • enVogue May 10 • s.t.A.g.e. goes to the moVies May 11 • Jesse cook May 17 • JilliAn michAels Jne 19 – 22 • brothers oF the knight June 28 • FoghAt June 29 • the Pointer sisters July 18 • hAPPy together tour 2014 August 10 • ottmAr liebert & lunA negrA September 5 • burt bAchArAch September 13 • AFricAn oscArs October 10 • Jerry leWis October 25 • leon russell
Electronic Waste Dropoff Event, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Pacific Palisades Charter High School Marching Band and Green Mouse Recycling host a free electronic waste recycling event with no limit on the amount of waste that can be dropped off, including computers, monitors, hard drives, TVs, satellite boxes, game consoles, VCR, DVRs, stereos, tape players, copying and fax machines, printers, scanners,
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telephones, answering machines, and just about anything with a cord. All proceeds from products recycled benefit the Pali High Marching Band. Penmar Park, 1362 Lake St., Venice. Making Time for Meditation in Today’s Modern Life, 11 a.m. Doug Frankel discusses meditation techniques to reduce stress and enhance productivity. He will also address emotional and spiritual benefits of meditation at Marina Del Rey Library, 4533 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey. Free. (310) 8213415; The Big Read Kick-Off Celebration, 12:30 p.m. Santa Monica Public Library kicks off its citywide initiative, a program of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest, to read and discuss the same novel at free book discussions and events held through May 4. Chicano lit authors Marissa López ( Chicano Nations”), Daniel Olivas (“The Book of Want”), Reyna Grande (“The Distance Between Us”) and Verónica Reyes ( Chopper! Chopper! Poetry from Bordered Lives”) are among the featured writers. (310) 586-6488; Book Signing Party, 1 - 5 p.m. In “A Unique Life Fully Lived: A Personal Journey of Love, Hope and Courage,” motherdaughter pair Karen and Lorrin Kain tell their story of Karen’s love for Lorrin after her daughter is confined to a wheelchair as a baby. Mystic Journey Bookstore, 1624 Abbot Kinney Blvd., Venice. (310) 399-7077; Friends, 1 - 4 p.m. The R&B group plays in a continuation of the “Music by the Sea” program of free weekend concerts at
Fisherman’s Village, 13755 Fiji Way, Marina del Rey. (310) 3019900 OMBB, 8 p.m., A night of jam, groove and funk as the group headlines a bill including Sweet Earth and Down North at TRiP, 2101 Lincoln Blvd., Santa Monica. (310) 396-9010; Waddy Wachtel Band, 9:30 p.m. The gifted guitarist returns to Harvelle’s, 1432 4th St., Santa Monica. $15. 21. (310) 3951676; The Paul Chesne Band, 10 p.m. - 1:30 a.m. Live country, blues and rock at O’Brien’s Pub, 2941 Main St., Santa Monica. No cover. 21+. (310) 396-4725;
Sunday, March 30 “Unmanned: America’s Drone War,” 10:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Progressive documentarian Robert Greenwald of Brave New Films shares his new film and leads a Q&A session at Westside Neighborhood School, 5101 Beethoven St., Del Rey. Free. Coffee and bagels provided. (310) 384-7534; Kids Biz Masters founder Liliana Somma, 1 - 3 p.m., The children’s enrichment industry expert will offer a free and informative workshop deigns for owners of pre-schools and daycare centers. The Ritz Carlton, 4375 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey. Grow LA Victory Garden Class, 1 - 4 p.m. Learn how to grow organic vegetables, choose the best plants for your garden and start plants from seeds at Emerson Avenue Community Garden, 8050 Emerson Ave., Westchester. $20. (310) 7026653;
Floyd & The Fly Boys, 1 - 4 p.m. The R&B group plays in a continuance of the “Music by the Sea” program of free weekend concerts. Fisherman’s Village, 13755 Fiji Way, Marina del Rey. (310) 301-9900 Chamber Orchestra Concert, 3:30 p.m. Music by Mozart, Bach and Handel at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, 1343 Ocean Park Blvd., Santa Monica. (310) 525-7618; “Eric Nakamura B-Shots” opening, 6 - 9 p.m. Before lifelong Westsider Nakamura co-founded Giant Robot magazine 20 years ago and opened Giant Robot stores and galleries on Sawtelle 14 years ago, he roamed L.A.’s clubs as a photographer, capturing such rap, rock and punk acts as Public Enemy, Living Colour, Fishbone, Jane’s Addiction, Kurt Cobain, Courtney Love, Beck, The Dwarves, Bikini Kill and L7. The photo exhibit runs through May 11 at Balconi Coffee Company, 11301 W Olympic Blvd., Ste 124, West Los Angeles. (310) 906-0267; balconicoffeecompany
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Comedy Show, 8 p.m. Enjoy live comedy and an all-day happy hour every Monday at Danny’s Venice, 23 Windward Ave., Venice. No cover. (310) 566-5610; Stand-up Showcase, 8 p.m. Stand-up comedy happens Mondays at Westside Comedy (Continued on page 30)
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The Argonaut’s Real Estate Section
Elegant Playa del Rey Estate with Fabulous Views
“Experience luxurious beach living in this stunning Mediterranean estate situated atop the hills of Playa del Rey. Lush landscaping frames the facade and an iron gate leads to a private yard, where outdoor and indoor living merge to set the perfect stage for this exquisite home. A beautiful open kitchen features custom cabinetry, granite counters, top-of-the-line appliances, and breakfast bar. Designed with the entertainer in mind, the formal dining area flows into the family room, with French doors opening to a lovely backyard and open patio with cascading waterfall, hot tub, and tropical foliage. Enjoy views of the serene backyard from the balcony of the second-story master retreat, accented by an elegant fireplace, chic chandelier, large walk-in closet, and luxurious spa bath. Another bedroom has ocean and treetop views from its expansive balcony. Three additional bedrooms, two more designer full baths, a stylish powder room, a separate laundry room, and an attached two-car garage complete the home’s layout. Top quality, fine finishes, and stylish amenities abound, making this warm and sophisticated residence the ultimate retreat.”
The property is offered at $1,649,000. Information, Stephanie Younger, Teles Properties, (424) 203-1828. PAGE 20 THE ARGONAUT March 27, 2014
david fowler 310.383.5926 124 Washington Blvd., Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 | 310-577-5300
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#1 in Marina City Club SaleS For Sale
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Call today for a free appraisal PAGE 22 THE ARGONAUT March 27, 2014
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Cozy, upgraded family home. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Bright and airy kitchen/dining room with granite counter tops, canned lighting, a fireplace in the family room, master suite with bath, 2-car attached garage, large covered patio in gated and fenced landscaped backyard with citrus trees and RV parking. Peaceful, family-friendly neighborhood. Features new paint, hardwood floors, carpeted bedrooms, dual-pane vinyl windows, new roof, copper plumbing, forced air, washer/dryer hook-up.
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March 27, 2014 THE ARGONAUT PAGE 23
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Spacious Home w/ Updates & Designer Style, 3 Bd, 1.75 Ba, Fam Rm. $865,000
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Move Right In! Immaculate Home w/ 2 Bd, 1 Ba, Lovely Lg Rear Yd. $559,000
Follow Bob on for new listings and real estate news. For a free consultation
310.337.9225 search listings
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Š2012 Coldwell Banker Real Estate Corporation. Coldwell Banker is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate Corporation. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Owned and Operated by NRT Incorporated. Coldwell Banker does not guarantee the accuracy of square footage, lot size or other information concerning the condition or features of property provided by the seller or obtained from public records or other sources, and the buyer is advised to independently verify the accuracy of that information through personal inspection and with appropriate professionals.
PAGE 24 THE ARGONAUT March 27, 2014
Marina Peninsula Home
“This southwest corner penthouse, on one of the most desirable blocks in the Marina, is four blocks from the Venice Pier, with all its nightlife, while still having the tranquility and peace of an exclusive, newly remodeled building,” says agent Sebastian de Kleer. “Double height ceilings in the main living area allow for maximum natural light, and a private front balcony invites the fresh ocean breezes. The flexible floor plan has ocean views from both levels.” The property is offered at $2,400,000. Information, Sebastian de Kleer, Keller Williams Marina/LA Realty, (310) 293-6629.
Sunset Views
“This one bedroom unit has unobstructed city and mountain views, hardwood floors, and stainless steel appliances,” says agent Eileen McCarthy. “Enjoy all the amenities that Marina City Club has to offer: six tennis courts, fitness center, pools, tennis and racquetball courts, restaurants, beauty salon, 24-hour security, and proximity to the beach and local restaurants.” The property is offered at $379,900. Information, Eileen McCarthy, RE/MAX Estate Properties, (310) 822-8910.
oPEN HOUSE DirectOry
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company phone
811 Virginia St.
3/2 Beautifully remodeled, office + 2 fireplaces
Bill Ruane
RE/MAX Beach Cities
1901 Chariton Street 10336 Dunleer Drive 7043 Macapa Drive 3134 Ivy Street
3/1.5 Spanish home, hrdwd flrs, din rm, FP, charm 4/4½ Cheviot Hills home from TV's Modern Family 3/3 Hilltop cul-de-sac, remodeled gem 2/1¾ Charming Spanish in great area
$699,000 $2,350,000 $1,890,000 $639,000
Benveniste/Ballentine Mitch Hagerman William Bell Laura & Jack Davis
RE/MAX Estate Properties Coldwell Banker-Venice Coldwell Banker-Venice Coldwell Banker
310-577-5300 310-963-4358 360-607-9267 310-642-7231
13220 Admiral Ave. 4708 La Villa Marina ‘D’ 4403 Ocean Front Walk 820 Howard Street 116 Fleet St. #A 13030 Mindanao Way #1 4600 Via Dolce #202
3/2.5 Pvt corner location, largest fl plan in area 3/2.5 Pergo flrs, skylite, f/p, patio, balc, garage 2/2 Prime 2-story remodeled ocean front condo 4/3.75 Luxury 3300 sqft Mediterranean home 3/3.5 Spacious townhome 1 blk to beach 2/2.5 Townhome, den, fam rm, FP, private gar 2/2 Updated-new carpet/paint, lg bedrms, FP
$745,000 $685,000 $1,890,000 $1,850,000 $1,350,000 $719,900 $689,000
Kris Moore Kris Moore Peter & Ty Bergman Denise Fast Peter & Ty Bergman Terry Ballentine Ellen Rude
TREC TREC Bergman Properties RE/MAX Estate Properties Bergman Properties RE/MAX Estate Properties Pacific Coast Realty
310-710-7227 310-710-7227 310-821-2900 310-578-5414 310-821-2900 310-351-9743 310-963-1915
2100 Walgrove Ave. 12524 Rose Ave.
2/1 Hip California Bungalow, dedicated garage 3/2.75 Meticulously remodeled 1,715 sf home
$739,000 $1,375,000
Bill Ruane Jesse Weinberg
RE/MAX Beach Cities Keller Williams Realty
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2/2.5 Splendid Townhouse in private area 2/2.5 Corner townhouse, breathtaking views
7607 Kittyhawk Ave 3/2 Upgraded home, new roof, paint, fenced yard 3/2 Westport Heights Nowell-built home, upgrades 5956 W. 79th Street 8305 Rayford Dr. 4/3 2-Story, remodeled and charming home 3/2 Pristine home, 8 car parking-open floor plan 7526 West 90th Street 8414 Reading Ave. 4/3 Remodeled home with rec rm, MBR ste, pool 8100 Bleriot Ave. 3/2 Nowell home w/ modern updates , lg FR, patio 8918 Yorktown Ave. 2/1 Hwd flrs, FP, granite counters , park-like rear yard
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Local News & Culture
March 27, 2014 THE ARGONAUT PAGE 25
What are the latest trends in decorating and color palettes? (Part 1) designs tend to give a kitchen a more timeless look. To fit these styles, hardware is less visible, more modern, and sometimes integrated into the doors. Instead of lower cabinets, big drawers are favored because they’re easier to access and can be fitted with removable storage receptacles. After years of beiges and whites grabbing all the attention as a way to appeal to potential buyers, many homeowners are now opting for more varied colors. Color forecasters agree that gray, especially a warmer hue, is the “it” gal in home design for 2014. The overall look is lighter; fresher soft corals, shell colors, sea greens, lavenders and misty blues – sometimes mixed with more potent purples and metallics. A DunnEdwards design projects neon brights fading or being mellowed, and expects blues to be everywhere. A Sherwin-Williams director says four color palettes are emerging; black, white and gray layered with textures and warm woods; soft
Wood floorboards are getting wider, often up to five and six inches, stained warm gray and cut from several tree species. We’re also seeing less of the hand-scraped look, which was costly to produce. Yet, boards can be personalized in other ways. Bole Floor uses a technique that gives floorboards a natural-looking curve, which also allows for more boards from each tree. Other companies recycle logs from older trees, which adds warm patina. Some have found that these reclaimed boards can look smashing whether in traditional or contemporary settings. Porcelain flooring has become more popular too, because it’s indestructible and available in unlimited styles, sizes, and colors. A major shift is occurring in kitchen cabinets: warmer gray tones are replacing oranges and browns for a more authentic look. Styles have shifted from traditional and detailed to more transitional and mid-century modern, since cleaner
Bridgeway Mills Townhome
flesh tones, beiges, grays and off-whites; deeper romantic hues, like purple, teal, red, and some oxided golds and coppers; and globally inspired ethnic brights balanced by neutrals. The trend continues for indoor and outdoor spaces to blend seamlessly, with more rooms having multiple sets of French doors that open to the outside, as well as big windows that visually bring in the outdoors. Solariums with screens for fresh air in summer, and screened or covered porches that link a house with patio and pool are also a coveted home feature. Even freestanding structures are being spiffed up. Pool houses may feature more than changing rooms and bathrooms; some owners are adding cooking equipment, fireplaces, and terraces with living room-style seating, wireless sound systems, and weather-protected TVs. Also expect more pizza ovens, fireplaces, fire pits, and propane heaters. Several trends are changing up the look of the
kitchen, the room where everyone still wants to hang out. After years of playing it safe with color in appliances, some homeowners are willing to go bold. Bertazzoni is manufacturing its professional-style ranges in “vitamin” colors of red, yellow and an orange it calls Arancio. Bertazzoni, Thermador, and other companies are making their ranges eco-friendly, energy efficient, and more about healthy cooking with new steam oven models. Smaller is in when homeowners downsize. Bertazzoni’s range is available in a 30-inch version. Instead of giving up valuable space for a desk, homeowners are shifting more toward smaller work areas that allow them to recharge phones, tablets and other portable devices, as well as a place to leave their mail and keys. This week’s question was answered by Linda Black, Coldwell Banker, Venice/Marina, (310) 804-6432.
Playa del Rey View Home
“This three story, 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath home is an incredible value,” says agent Erik Flexner. “The patio lets natural light fill all three floors, and the cook’s kitchen has upgraded stainless appliances and lots of cabinet space. On the second floor, the den has its own balcony and would make a great office or game room. The master suite on the third floor also has a balcony, and there is an extralarge bathroom with a separate shower and tub, dual sinks and a spacious walk-in closet. With an attached three car garage and a great location, this home also offers all the amenities of Playa Vista.” The property is for lease at $4,595 a month. Information, Erik Flexner, The Flexner Group, Coldwell Banker, (310) 422-2278.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Self Storage
“This exceptional property has unobstructed ocean views from the roof top deck with a full outdoor kitchen,” says agent Debra Berman. “The entry level features a gourmet kitchen, a full bar, a living room with a balcony and a dining room with floor-to-ceiling glass. Upstairs, there is an expansive den with a fireplace and entertainment center, and a spacious en-suite bedroom with a fireplace and balcony. There are two other bedrooms, a home office and maid’s quarters, with views from every level, and the upper level houses the impressive master suite with roof deck access. The pool area has a BBQ.” The property is offered at $4,350,000. Information, Berman Kandel, RE/MAX Estate Properties, (310) 424-5512.
El Segundo Townhome
“This stunning tri-level home, with three bedrooms and three baths, has an office with a closet that could easily be a fourth bedroom,” says agent Bill Ruane. “The spacious bedrooms are on the third floor, providing a quiet and private space. The open layout and high ceilings of the main floor give the home an expansive feel, and the kitchen, overlooking the living room, features newer appliances and an island. Upscale features include a travertine fireplace and countertops, dual vanity, a spa tub and skylights.” The property is offered at $829,000. Information, Bill Ruane, RE/MAX Beach Cities, (310) 877-2374.
Azzurra Condo with Views
“This two bedroom, two bath unit in the full-service Azzurra building reflects impeccable quality and taste,” says agent Jesse Weinberg. “Enjoy the 1,227 square foot open floor plan, an oversized balcony, granite countertops, stainless appliances and top-of-the-line fixtures. The building offers five-star resort amenities, including 24hour doorman, concierge and porter services, a business center/conference room, heated pool and rooftop spa, fitness center and a Tai-Chi/Yoga/Pilates studio, a screening/media lounge, fine art collection and BBQ area. The unit comes with two parking spaces in the gated garage.” The property is offered at $889,000. Information, Jesse Weinberg, Keller Williams Marina/LA Realty, (800) 804-9132.
Osage Home
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Marina 12901 Culver Blvd. Los Angeles, 90066 310-306-2278 Fox Hills 6711 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Los Angeles, 90045 310-670-7934 Pico 11471 W. Pico Blvd Los Angeles, 90064 310-478-1246
“Located on a friendly tree-lined street, this home is sure to delight,” says agent Stephanie Younger. “Step into an open, airy living room with a large picture window. The cheery kitchen, with tiled counters and a breakfast bar, overlooks a formal dining area and adjacent family room. The generous master bedroom has a dressing area, mirrored closets and an en suite bath. Two additional bedrooms and a full bath complete the floor plan. The park-like backyard features a covered patio and a sprawling lawn with fruit trees and colorful foliage.” The property is offered at $695,000. Information, Stephanie Younger, Teles Properties, (424) 203-1828.
Marina and Channel Views
“This two bedroom, two bath condo offers sweeping views of the Marina and the Channel from its floor-toceiling windows,” says agent Charles Lederman. “The tiled foyer leads to a kitchen with granite counters. Enjoy all that Marina City Club offers: a gym with free classes (yoga, stretch, cardio, spinning & more), 3 swimming pools, six tennis courts, two paddle tennis and three racquet ball courts, gourmet restaurant and bar, cafe, room service, car wash, 24-hour gated, guarded security and more. Walk to beach and many restaurants.” The property is offered at $595,000. Information, Charles Lederman, Marina City Realty (310) 821-8980.
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*To be eligible for a commission, (1) agent must be an active real estate licensee in the state where the home is located; (2) the agent must accompany and register buyer on buyer’s first visit to a Standard Pacific community or register buyer with online sales counselor prior to buyer’s first visit; (3) the agent and client must sign and return Standard Pacific’s form co-broker agreement before or at time buyer signs a Purchase Contract for the home and comply with all of the terms of such agreement; and (4) buyer must close on the home per terms of their Purchase Contract. Since seller reserves the right to modify or discontinue this program at any time without notice, please call the applicable sales center in advance to confirm that the program is still in place. Commission offer not valid for Purchase Contracts signed by buyer prior to publication of this advertisement. Commission varies per community and home site and cannot be used with any other special offer. Prices, plans, and terms are effective on the date of publication and subject to change without notice. Square footage/acreage shown is only an estimate and actual square footage/acreage will differ. Buyer should rely on his or her own evaluation of useable area. Depictions of homes or other features are artist conceptions. Hardscape, landscape, and other items shown may be decorator suggestions that are not included in the purchase price and availability may vary. Standard Pacific Corp. California Real Estate License No. 01138346. 3/14.
March 27, 2014 THE ARGONAUT PAGE 27
Phil Gilboy 310.846.0020
Resort Living! Op & Sen Sa un t 12-5 4
4314 Marina City Drive #220C, Marina del Rey 5956 W. 79th St., Westchester Westport Heights Nowell-built home! Charming Ranch style with large porch! 3bed/2bath with upgrades ....... $749,000
Kris Moore 310.710.7227
Su Open n2 -5
Beautifully remodeled open concept 2BR 2BA with floor-to-ceiling windows in living room and master overlooking the marina and Motherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Beach. Coffered ceilings, track lighting and large balcony for outdoor entertaining. Amenities include: 24/7 gated/guarded security,executive gym, free classes, 3 swimming pools, 6 tennis, 2 paddle tennis, 3 racquet ball courts, restaurant/ bar, room service available, car wash, dry-cleaning, convenience store. Offered at $533,000
Kassie Welch 310.666.4020 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Making Home Ownership Dreams Come True!â&#x20AC;?
13220 Admiral Ave, Marina del Rey Largest floorplan in area, corner, extra windows. 3 bd + 2.5 baths. 3-car garage, gated complex. ........... $745,000
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PAGE 28 THE ARGONAUT March 27, 2014
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Straitjackets, whose various members constantly reconfigure for other bands, including The Sprague Brothers, Planet Rockers, The Neanderthals, The Hi-Risers, and The Halibuts. However, Curry emphatically notes that he is serious about the Outta Sites. Having played before 50,000 people with Los Straitjackets, Curry said he prefers playing the “smaller, more enthusiastic places than bigger venues with no interaction with the audience.” The Outta Sites is recording a second album for fall release and for the past seven months has held a monthly residency at The Barkley Restaurant and Bar in South Pasadena. The luchador mask-wearing Los Straitjackets started circa 1996, and Curry replaced their exiting bassist in 1998. Los Straitjackets have since toured the world, put out numerous albums and performed on latenight talk shows. The band advanced its Mexican wrestler angle at a time when luchadors were not all that common in mainstream American pop culture. “Even now, I don’t think many people know about it,” Curry said. “Some people think they’re kabuki masks. We do really well when the guys go to Mexico. We were nervous they thought we were making fun of them. We’re really not.” The mask gimmick grew out
Straightjackets haven’t bowled at AMF Mar Vista Lanes, but they did throw a party there for The Halibuts’ drummer. Having opened with his new band for Los Straitjackets back east and abroad, Curry — an avid vinyl enthusiast — said he’s proud that the Outta Sites will perform their first Westside gig at Record Surplus tomorrow night. Record Surplus owner Neil Canter began hosting free monthly in-store live appearances in November, welcoming groups such as Kim Lenz and Her Jaguars, The Concentrates and Insect Surfers. “I’ve known Pete for years. He comes by the store and he gave me some vinyl,” Canter said. “They’ve been so much fun,” wife Cheryl Canter said of the independent record store’s concerts. At December’s Insect Surfers show, “The crowd was really into it. [The band] jumped up on top of the counter and people danced around the store.” Ultimately, the Outta Sites intend to entertain. “You come out on stage and you look around and everyone has a smile on their face,” Curry said. “It’s just a fun band,” Neil Canter said. “It’s good time music that gets you dancing.” ª The Outta Sites play at 8 p.m. Friday at Record Surplus, 12436 Santa Monica Blvd., West Los Angeles. Free. Call (310) 9794577 or visit recordsurplusla. com.
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(Continued from page 15)
of frontman Danny Amis’s affinity for campy Mexican flicks starring wrestlers such as El Santo and Blue Demon. “He was a fan of Mexican culture in general. He started buying up the masks because he thought they looked interesting. He suggested we wear them,” Curry said. Since then, “we’ve never done a show without them.” So is there a sense of empowerment or liberation inherent in performing masked or donning a fancy suit? “I wouldn’t call it empowerment,” he said, “but there is a liberating feeling that comes along with dressing up. It’s more showbiz. I suppose it’s easier to get away with a bit of silliness when you’re dressed the part!” As a masked Mexican wrestler musician, “you can do things you normally would do,” Curry continued. “You can act like an idiot and nobody would know it is you.” Curry laughs as he recalls how once, after Los Straitjackets opened for Tom Petty, he and his fellow band members sat at a hotel bar after a performance and “we overhear people talk about how stupid we were.” Curry let The Argonaut in on a little secret: for most of the band’s 16 years, Los Straitjackets has rehearsed at Curry’s Mar Vista home. It is also where the Outta Sites practice. A resident for 27 years, Curry still enjoys living in this part of town, lunching at Mitsuwa Marketplace once a week. Los
203 Arizona Ave., Santa Monica, CA 90401 • 310.395.0033 203 Arizona Ave., Santa Monica, CA 90401 Behind Tender Greens at 2nd & Arizona Ave. •• 310.395.0033 Mon-Sat: 10 AM-9 PM • Su
Behind Tender Greens at 2nd & Arizona Ave. Mon-Fri: 10 am-7 pm • Sat: 10 am-9 pm • Sun: 12 noon-6 pm
our ready-made own from our huge m all over the world.
‘jackets’ ...
The Outta Sites aim to entertain during live shows
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March 27, 2014 THE ARGONAUT PAGE 29
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Attract new clients by advertising in The Argonaut’s Professional Directory Call (310) 822-1629 PAGE 30 THE ARGONAUT March 27, 2014
Westside Happenings Theater, 1323 3rd Street Promenade A, Santa Monica. (310) 451-0850;
(Continued from page 19)
Tuesday, April 1
different ways of seeing, sparks imagination and explores visual language at Arena 1 Gallery, 3026 Airport Ave., Santa Monica. Free. Saturday reception from noon to 5 p.m. (310) 397-7449;
20-Minute Tuesday, 7 p.m. Musicians Amy Gordon, Akasa, Frankie Bourne, John Clinebell, Lillian Sobermen and Dave Farina perform short sets. All ages. No cover, one item minimum. Witzend, 1717 Lincoln Blvd., Venice. (310) 305-4795;
“Color Spirit,” through Saturday. Five artists from Artist Co-op 7 present their individually creative artwork at the Schomburg Gallery, Bergamot Station Arts Center, 2525 Michigan Ave. E3A, Santa Monica. (310) 453- 5757;
“Service Your Soul,” 9:30 p.m. Join Hunter and the Dirty Jacks for their energetic mix of soul, rock and blues Tuesdays at Harvelle’s, 1432 4th St., Santa Monica. $5 or two cans of food. 21+. (310) 395-1676; santamonica.
“Binding Desire: Unfolding Artists Books,” through Sunday. Admire 120 works from OTIS Millard Sheets Library’s Special Collection of 2,100 artists’ books at the OTIS Goldsmith Campus, 9045 Lincoln Blvd., Westchester.
Wednesday, April 2
Yutaka Sone and Benjamin Weissman, through April 5. Painting partners exhibit their season-friendly imagery in “What Every Snowflake Knows in its Heart.” Santa Monica Museum of Art, 2525 Michigan Ave., Santa Monica. (310) 586-6488;
Westchester Life Story Writing Group, 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. meets on Wednesdays at the YMCA Annex, 8020 Alverstone Ave., Westchester. Donation: $6 a semester. Call (310) 397-3967.
“Loss, Memory & Recovery,” through April 11. Exhibit includes Dwora Fried’s mixed Toastmasters Speakers by the Sea, 11 a.m. media boxes that capture people, places and - noon Learn how to improve public speaking emotions under glass, and Linda Vallejo’s skills when the club meets at 1200 Vista del new work that carries a strong electric charge. Mar, Room 230, Playa del Rey. (310) 559-2834 SPARC, 685 Venice Blvd., Venice. (310) 8229560; Unkle Monkey, 6 - 9 p.m. The venerable Marina del Rey duo plays their unique brand “Blinded by Science: Alaska/California of acoustic rock and island music Wednesdays Collection,” through April 26. dnj Gallery, at Warehouse Restaurant, 4499 Admiralty Bergamot Station J1, 2525 Michigan Ave., Way, Marina Del Rey. No Cover. (310) 823Santa Monica. (310) 315-3551; 5451; House of Vibe All Stars, 8 p.m. Rock, jazz, hop hop and R&B every Wednesday at Harvelle’s, 1432 4th St., Santa Monica. $7. 21+. (310) 395-1676; santamonica.harvelles. com The Dollface Dames’ TRiP Tease Burlesque Show, 8 p.m. Swing/pop/folk by The Strands with dancing, singing and comedy by the Dames. 2101 Lincoln Blvd., Santa Monica. No cover. (310) 396-9010; Red Light Wednesdays, 11 p.m. Burlesque dancing show with performers from Bootleg Bombshells at Townhouse Venice, 52 Windward Ave., Venice. No cover. (310) 3924040;
Galleries Elena Bajo, through Friday. Concept-driven artist presents new site-specific project as Artist Lab Resident at 18th Street Arts Center, 1639 18th St., Santa Monica. (310) 453-3711; “Alternative Realities,” through Saturday. Contemporary photography that shows
“Kienholz: Berlin Hope,” through April 26. While living in Berlin, Germany, and Hope, Idaho, Ed Kienholz and Nancy Reddin Kienholz created art inspired by their place of residence. They were fascinated with German radios from World War II and created a White Easel series in Idaho. Some of the art is on display for the first time in the United States. L.A. Louver, 45 North Venice Boulevard, Venice. (310) 822-4955; “Gajin Fujita Drawings,” through April 26. Artist Gajin Fujita has worked on his drawings of geishas, samurais, demons, fish and flowers for the last seven years. His influences range from traditional Japanese ukiyo-e and contemporary manga to American pop iconography and Latino East Los Angeles culture. L.A. Louver, 45 North Venice Boulevard, Venice. (310) 822-4955; lalouver. com “Six Shooters,” through May 3. A photographic conversation uniting work by photographers Nancy Baron, Noelle Gilbert, Cat Gwynn, Heidi Lender, Aline Smithson and Ashly Stohl at the Venice Arts Gallery, 1702 Lincoln Blvd., Venice. (310) 392-0846;
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bars raise funds to feed the hungry. “It’s a party with a purpose,” says organizer Nicole Gordillo Schimpf, who was also behind October’s BAM (Beer, Art and Music) Fest at the 18th Street Art Center in Santa Monica. “I am celebrating the best of locally produced craft beer, music and cause-supporting brands that are making a positive impact on the community, environment and humanity as a whole.” The feel-good gathering is riding an unprecedented wave of enthusiasm for craft beer. In a 2013 survey of the U.S. beer industry, Demeter Group Investment Bank reported that while the beer market as a whole decreased by 0.3% between 2007 and 2012, sales of craft beer climbed 10% annually in the same period; by 2020, craft beer is expected to account for 15% of the total beer market. Craft beers are produced by small, independent breweries, with flavors deriving from both traditional and innovative ingredients. “This is more of a handcrafted thing, with people making the beers batch by batch in small batches, explains Tomm Carroll, who writes for “Beer Paper LA” and other beer publications and will be presenting a beer course on Saturday. Craft beers are popular, he adds, because they are generally a higher-quality, better-tasting beverage than the products created by large corporations, which have “perfected the recipe and a flavor profile which is pretty low … and tastes more like water. Wherever you drink a Budweiser or a Miller anywhere around the world, it tastes exactly the same.” Craft beers, by comparison, pride themselves on their diversity of flavor and local origins. Although Carroll said Los Angeles was “very, very late” in jumping on the craft beer bandwagon, there are now a number of breweries in the area, including some that will be participating in Saturday’s event: Angel City Brewing Co. in downtown Los Angeles, El Segundo Brewing Co., Smog City Brewing Co. and Dude Brewing Co. (both in Torrance),
Golden Road Brewing Co. near Glendale, Ladyface Ale Companie in Agoura Hills and the Westside’s own Venice Duck Brewery. John Binder, one of the owners of Venice Duck, which debuted about six months ago, says the company’s products relate to the community and its liberal politics. The name derives from the ducks in the area’s canals, and its first brand, Dogtown Duck, refers to the environs that gave birth to skateboard culture. In the next several months, Binder says Venice Duck will introduce two new products with similar Venice origins: Lucky Duck, an agave blonde ale, and Stoner Duck, a brown ale with chocolate and hemp seeds among its ingredients. Venice Duck is a contract brewery; it creates recipes for new beers that are brewed by a production company in Mountain View. But Binder said the company is looking to open its own brewery somewhere on the Westside. Venice is also the home of another craft beer creator: Venice Beach Beer Company, which opened in 2012. Later this year, Paso Robles-based Firestone Walker Brewing Company — which will also participate in Saturday’s event — plans to open a restaurant, small-scale brewhouse and beer discovery center presenting hops seminars, blending sessions and other educational experiences on Washington Boulevard near Lincoln Boulevard in Venice. In addition, Santa Monica Brew Works, which stakes its claim as “Santa Monica’s only local beer,” has announced plans to open a facility later this year on Colorado Avenue near 20th Street. Carroll, who has judged craft beer competitions, says drinkers should consider five things when determining a beer’s quality: its aroma, appearance, and flavor, how it feels in their mouths and the overall drinking pleasure associated with the beverage. “The best time to drink beer is when it’s fresh” — which is before it is two months old, Carroll advises. ª Tap, Cheer & Give happens from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday at Cross Campus, 929 Colorado Ave., Santa Monica. Tickets are $40 advance or $45 at the door. Call (310) 621-0992 or visit
William J. Wickwire, M.D.
Local breweries Angel City and Golden Road are bringing their best to Tap, Cheer & Give
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March 27, 2014 THE ARGONAUT PAGE 31
Steely Dirk Wry folk singer Dirk Hamilton returns to McCabe’s in support of the re-issue of his 1996 album, ‘Sufferupachuckle’ By Michael Aushenker Most musicians tour when they have a new album to support. Not singer-songwriter Dirk Hamilton, who appears at McCabe’s Guitar Shop in Santa Monica on Saturday night in support of an older album: 1996’s “Sufferupachuckle.” Then again, “Sufferupachuckle” is not just another album, and Hamilton is not “most musicians.” “It’s one of my favorite albums,” Hamilton said of the record, one of nearly 20 he’s recorded dating back to his 1978 Elektra debut, “You Can Sing on the Left or Bark on the Right.” “It’s got a lot of great songs on it, and the sequence from one song to the next is almost perfect. The songs are really strong.” This week, Hamilton is squiggling his way down the Pacific Northwest — where he has a gig in Redmond, Wash., and in Portland — to California’s Central Coast, where he plays Pismo Beach's Shell Café. “When you travel, time slows down,” Hamilton said.
“Especially when you travel in difficult circumstances [not knowing the language], time slows way down. And that’s got to be a good thing.” By week’s end Hamilton returns to Los Angeles, the place to which he devoted some of his best years as a young musician. “Ironically, I didn’t play [McCabe’s] back in the 1970s,” he said. “I wasn’t interested in playing solo or acoustically; I just wanted to rock.” In the 1980s, it was McCabe’s that rejected Hamilton, but since the late 1990s, when Hamilton began playing McCabe’s every few years, it appears musician and venue have met in the middle. “It’s a great gig,” he said of McCabe’s. “When we do venues like that, they love singersongwriters. The people there know how to listen to songs.” Unlike, say, at a recent stop in Seattle, when Hamilton was performing and “you could hear a pin drop. And in the back, two people kept talking while 40 other people were dead silent.” Hamilton stopped the
performance. He glared at them until “they look around startled and realize they’re the only ones talking,” he said, chuckling. Born in Indiana, the wry-witted Hamilton grew up in Sacramento and Stockton before arriving as a young musician in Los Angeles, where he lived in Hollywood, Venice and Malibu. Elektra subsidiary ABC Records paired Hamilton with Gary Katz, the producer best known for crafting Steely Dan’s most iconic records in the 1970s as well as frontman Donald Fagen’s 1982 solo offering, “The Nightfly.” Hamilton and Katz got along well making “You Can Sing,” but when Katz tried to apply his aesthetic approach with the New York supergroup on Hamilton’s album, the lyrical folk rocker was initially not thrilled about the final product. “They made records exactly opposite of how I made records,” Hamilton said of Steely Dan. “Everything is overdubs, tweaked and polished.” These days, Hamilton divides his year between the Dallas area and Italy, a country he fell in love with 20 years ago. Unlike people in the States, the Italians know something about quality of life, he said, quoting Oscar Wilde: “America is the only country that went from barbarism straight to decadence without passing through civilization.” At the McCabe’s show,
Dirk Hamilton returns to his former Westside stomping grounds for a gig at McCabe’s
expect a slew of tracks off of “Sufferupachuckle,” including “Walk on Lake George,” “Black Dog Blues,” and “New Earth Suit,” a crypto-tribute to the birth of his son. Since the original release of “Sufferupachuckle” on the Core label, Hamilton had a daughter— now 12 — and his 19-year-old son has designs on becoming a professional musician, just like dad. Life moves in cycles, he said, just like the musician’s career.
“I like it all,” Hamilton said. “I love being in the studio. I love making a new record and putting the songs down. The writing period, the studio period, the playing-live period. I love the rhythm of it.” Dirk Hamilton follows opening act Walter Bliss at 8 p.m. Saturday at McCabe’s Guitar Shop, 3101 Pico Blvd., Santa Monica. $15. Call (310) 828-8037 or visit
legal advertising FIcTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014 052087 The following person is doing business as: Agents of Adventure, 10949 Palms Blvd. #2, Los Angeles, CA. 90034. Registered owners: Eric Ludwig, 10949 Palms Blvd. #2, Los Angeles, CA. 90034. This business is conducted by an individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000)). Registrant Signature/Name: Eric Ludwig. Title: Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on Feb. 26, 2014. Argonaut published: Mar. 6, 13, 20, 27, 2014. NOTICE-In accordance with Subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the County Clerk, except, as provided in Subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A New Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code).
FIcTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014 052427 The following person is doing business as: Olympios & Associates, 8017 Rayford Dr., Los Angeles, CA. 90045. Registered owners: Stavros Olympios, 8017 Rayford Dr., Los Angeles, CA. 90045. This business is conducted by an individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000)). Registrant Signature/ Name: Stavros Olympios. Title: Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on Feb. 26, 2014. Argonaut published: Mar. 6, 13, 20, 27, 2014. NOTICE-In accordance with Subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the County Clerk, except, as provided in Subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A New Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code).
PAGE THE ARGONAUT ARGONAUT March 2014 PAGE 32 32 THE MARcH 27, 27, 2014
FIcTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014 057335 The following person is doing business as: Callie Rose Literary Arts Cafe, 1) 207 E. Nutwood Street, Inglewood, CA. 90301, 2) 10866 Washington Blvd. #165, Culver City, CA. 90232. Registered owners: Alisa Orduna, 4436 W. 58th Pl., Los Angeles, CA. 90043. This business is conducted by an individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000)). Registrant Signature/Name: Alisa Orduna. Title: Founder. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on Mar. 4, 2014. Argonaut published: Mar. 27, Apr. 3, 10, 17, 2014. NOTICEIn accordance with Subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the County Clerk, except, as provided in Subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A New Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code).
FIcTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014 065335 The following person is doing business as: Khaless Healing, 12726 Mitchell Ave. #4, Los Angeles, CA. 90066. Registered owners: Negar Shariatmadari, 12726 Mitchell Ave. #4, Los Angeles, CA. 90066. This business is conducted by an individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000)). Registrant Signature/ Name: Negar Shariatmadari. Title: Miss. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on Mar. 11, 2014. Argonaut published: Mar. 20, 27, Apr. 3, 10, 2014. NOTICE-In accordance with Subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the County Clerk, except, as provided in Subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A New Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code).
FIcTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014 072384 The following person is doing business as: Point One Design, 1640 Via Palomares, San Dimas, CA. 91773. Registered owners: A & D, INC., 1640 Via Palomares, San Dimas, CA. 91773. This business is conducted by a corporation. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000)). Registrant Signature/Name: A & D, INC. Title: President. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on Mar. 18, 2014. Argonaut published: Mar. 27, Apr. 3, 7, 10, 2014. NOTICE-In accordance with Subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the County Clerk, except, as provided in Subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A New Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code).
FIcTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014 073279 The following person is doing business as: 1) Picture Rock, 269 S. Beverly Dr. #1210, Beverly Hills, CA. 90212, 2) Picture Rock Studios, 269 S. Beverly Dr. #1210, Beverly Hills, CA. 90212. Registered owners: Danielle Vasinova, 269 S. Beverly Dr. #1210, Beverly Hills, CA. 90212. This business is conducted by an individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000)). Registrant Signature/ Name: Danielle Vasinova. Title: Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on Mar. 19, 2014. Argonaut published: Mar. 27, Apr. 3, 10, 17, 2014. NOTICE-In accordance with Subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the County Clerk, except, as provided in Subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A New Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code).
FIcTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014 075988 The following person is doing business as: Moniker Bread Garden, 8500 Belford Avenue, Los Angeles, CA. 90045. Registered owners: 1) Dana H. Morgan, 8500 Belford Avenue, Los Angeles, CA. 90045, 2) Paul C. Morgan, 8500 Belford Avenue, Los Angeles, CA. 90045. This business is conducted by a married couple. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000)). Registrant Signature/Name: Dana H. Morgan. Title: Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on Mar. 21, 2014. Argonaut published: Mar. 27, Apr. 3, 10, 17, 2014. . NOTICE-In accordance with Subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the County Clerk, except, as provided in Subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A New Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code).
legal advertising FIcTITIOUS BUSINESS NaME STaTEMENT File No. 2014 078060 The following person is doing business as: Homecom, 13428 Maxella Ave. Suite 491, Los Angeles, CA. 90292. Registered owners: Esmond McCabe, 13428 Maxella Ave. Suite 491, Los Angeles, CA. 90292. This business is conducted by an individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000)). Registrant Signature/Name: Esmond McCabe. Title: Owner. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on Mar. 24, 2014. Argonaut published: Mar. 27, Apr. 3, 10, 17, 2014. NOTICE-In accordance with Subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the County Clerk, except, as provided in Subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A New Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). FIcTITIOUS BUSINESS NaME STaTEMENT File No. 2014 073456 The following person is doing business as: Palski & Associates, INC., 14000 Old Harbor Lane Apt. 307, Marina Del Rey, CA. 90292. Registered owners: Palski & Associates, INC., 14000 Old Harbor Lane Apt. 307, Marina Del Rey, CA. 90292. This business is conducted by a corporation. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on n/a. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and Professions Code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars
($1,000)). Registrant Signature/ Name: Palski & Associates, INC. Title: President. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on Mar. 19, 2014. Argonaut published: Mar. 27, Apr. 3, 10, 17, 2014. NOTICE-In accordance with Subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the County Clerk, except, as provided in Subdivision (b) of Section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A New Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code).
Public notices OrDEr TO ShOW caUSE FOr chaNGE OF NaME case No. NS028605 SUPErIOr cOUrT OF caLIFOrNIa, cOUNTY OF LOS aNGELES. Petition of Maya St. Mark, for Change of Name. TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: 1.) Petitioner: Maya St. Mark filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: a.) Maya St. Mark to Maya O’Mahony 2.) THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: Date: 05/02/14. Time: 8:30 AM. Dept.: 527 Room: N/A. The address of the court is 275 Magnolia Ave., Long Beach, CA. 90806. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: The Argonaut. Original filed: March 17, 2014. Ross M. Klein, Judge of the Superior Court. PUBLISH: The Argonaut 03/27/14, 04/03/14, 04/10/14
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Great Pets Looking for a Home
COOKIE, a five year old, affectionate Yorkshire Terrier, who tips the scales at six pounds, was dropped off in front of the shelter by a family who no longer wanted him. He is in desperate need of a new family to love. He promises to be very good.
ORIO, a gorgeous long-haired tuxedo cat about three years old, lost her home because her family was forced to move to a no pets building. She is rather shy at first but most loving when she gets acquainted with you.
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Looking for a more sophisticated clientele? Advertise in The Argonaut’s Pet Directory For more information call (310) 821-1546 PAGE3434 THE THEARGONAUT ARGONAUT MARCH March27, 27,2014 2014 PAGE
“BREAKING PAR” By C.C. BURNIKEL (Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis)
ACROSS 1 Have a big mouth? 5 Power yoga aftermath 9 Proud papa’s present 14 Feature of a bad air day 18 Together, in scores 19 Circular 21 City near Kobe 22 Skateboarder Hawk 23 Schoolyard promise 25 Engrossing read 27 Liberal arts maj. 28 JFK’s UN ambassador 29 Skin care giant 31 Workout portmanteau 32 On display 34 Puzzle-solving asset 35 Dodge __ 36 Molson Golden, e.g. 38 Milwaukee Brewer in the Hall of Fame 44 In the thick of 45 Farm expanse 46 In jeopardy 47 Tech sch. since 1824 48 Pitching stats 49 Old vitamin label nos. 52 “Project Runway” topic 53 Lancelot’s strong suit? 54 Scotch datum 55 Stays under the radar 58 Celestial altar 59 Two-time Oscar winner Michael 60 Add 62 Toledo snacks 64 Showed serious anticipation 66 Time honoree 70 File holder 73 Auctioned autos, often 74 “Am I the only one?” 78 Takes it easy 79 Pvt. address
82 84 85 86 88 89 90 91 93 95 96 98 100 101 103 104 106 109 110 112 114 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124
Beaming Dashed Stuck in __ Surprised jerk February Revolution victim They’re in one year and out the other Sault __ Marie Some sightings Dakota, to Elle Chevy subcompact Economical vacation option Arctic denizen Dinner crumbs Have leftovers for dinner, e.g. Bridal accessories Spread apart Sticks it out Opening night nightmare National Pizza Mo. One interpreting lines Nothing to be afraid of, really “Dies __” Crepes for Putin SKYY shelfmate, familiarly Dior fragrance Alaska, once: Abbr. Lisa of “Enemy of the State” Role for Skippy Hunt for
DOWN 1 Flaws in 34-Across 2 “Hasta la vista, pal!” 3 They make you laugh, hopefully 4 “A mouse!” 5 Weapons center
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 24 26 30 33 34 35 36 37 39 40 41 42 43 50 51 53 55 56 57 59 61 63
Milk sources Jade or ruby Win over Mimics “Out of Africa” author Dinesen “Do What U Want” Lady Play __ role in First animal in the Chinese zodiac Low-hanging clouds Laundering evidence Seat usually in first class Athens street food Wet blanket Two-master Serviceable TV morning co-host Hefty refs. Results in “Life Begins Here” sloganeer Probe in a catlike way “Chicago” star Court org. “Star Trek” meas. Affliction Speak out In a lather Hooper’s Store proprietor on “Sesame Street” Deep sleep One of New Zealand’s official languages Legal claims Concerning, to a dictator? Thin cookie Vacation destination In need of mopping up Mar. honoree
65 67 68 69 70 71 72 75 76 77 80 81 83 86 87 89 91 92 94 97 98 99 102 104 105 106 107 108 109 111 113 115 116
Silver checker Great Sphinx, e.g. Mortar carriers “The NFL Today” analyst Hold tight Vital line Like Jeff Foxworthy’s “Comedy Tour” Picture-packed presentation Acted out publicly Belgian artist James Peace talks goal Snack that’s been a kosher food since 1998 Seed cover Droops John Wayne classic Teo of Formula One fame Creature seen on some antique wine cups Mmes., in La Mancha State bordering Austria “Seinfeld” goofball Party gift holder Let The best, or bests Patio cooking aid Rid of rind California baseball cap image Court edge Island goose Hit with hail, say Slog Dwindle +, on a batt. Verification docs
PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF Michelle R. Hobin CASE NO. BP150152 To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both of Michelle R. Hobin, Michelle Rowland. A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by Thomas M. Rowland in the Superior Court of California, County of LOS ANGELES. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that Thomas M. Rowland be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests the decedent's will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: April 11, 2014, Time: 8:30 AM, Dept.: 29, Location: 111 N. Hill Street, Room 429, Los Angeles, CA. 90012. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code Section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: Ronald D. Alling, Esq. Post Office Box 3390 Lake Tahoe, Nevada 89449 (775) 588-6676 The Argonaut 03/20/14, 03/27/14, 04/03/14
Advertise in The Argonaut Call Janelle at 310.821.1546
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