My words, my thoughts

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My words My thoughts

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Some words from the author, an Introduction By: Carlos Ari-el Ruiz Muñoz A kid and his dream By: Carlos Ari-el Ruiz Muñoz September 19 th 2017 By: Carlos Ari-el Ruiz Muñoz Swords were forbidden, so I picked pencils By: Carlos Ari-el Ruiz Muñoz My name By: Carlos Ari-el Ruiz Muñoz Countdown By: Carlos Ari-el Ruiz Muñoz Thanks for your existence By: Carlos Ari-el Ruiz Muñoz Conclusion By: J.R.R. Tolkien


Poem 3 Diary Entry 4 Six Word Memoir 5 Acrostic 6 Short Story 7 Poem 13 Quote 14

I hope you read this, honestly I put a lot of effort in the writings you’ll find in here, even when it is easy to write for me, I’m not the kind of person that likes to express himself in a honest and direct way.


And you’ll notice that How I change from giving no sign of good and positive feelings, from showing nothing about myself to let you know I’m happy, to let you see my smile and hear my laughs, those I thought I could never have again.

You’ll see it, I’m sure about that and eventually, you’ll know a In front of the TV

little of You’llbit find a littleme kid after reading, and if that happens, I’m successful as Who smiles at what he sees A normal guy’s life or that seems The kid shouts in exciting When the man goes flying He’s not normal, a superhero he is


“Like him I want to be” Says the little kid

a writer. A kid and his dream

Upstairs his older brother cries A song which breaks his mind His soul has lost the gleam Given by an old dream He no longer wants to fly He no longer wants a suit and cape Or being celebrated at sunset If you ask “What was your dream?” He will say “A September 19th 2017 superhero I desired to be”


Today was a weird day, for most part of the population it was terrifying It was the anniversary of the 85 earthquake, we did the test to know how we are supposed to act and then we kept our routine as always, classes, works and talks with classmates. It was also my first day with my girlfriend; I was really excited about it, I mean, what could go wrong? In my classroom we were in a normal lesson of Ethics, we laughed at a joke and then returned to our notebooks, we had a whole topic to study. And then it started. The ground had a strong tremor and we got out of the classroom, the building’s windows cracked while it danced at the savage rhythm of Earth. Some cried drowning in fear and others had their eyes like big plates. Suddenly it stopped, and the worst came, the fear was so easy to find you could say it was a piece of fabric. I didn’t feel a thing, the amazing feeling of vulnerability was gone, and my family would surely be fine. I felt like a rock being an obstacle at the road, I felt empty Until I saw her eyes about to cry, a little evil part of me laughed at the opportunity “It’s almost like a movie” I thought, and without thinking I grabbed her hand and told the first thing that came to my mind in a desperate try to calm her and unexpectedly, myself. 20 minutes later I was in my way home, with my brothers, mother and girlfriend in the car, I forced myself to being nervous about telling my mom about my relation, instead of being nervous due to the earthquake Yes, it was a weird day.


“Swords were forbidden I Picked pencils”


And then he took the pen Right handed he wielded it In paper the ink fell -The story I desire the most - he said Either people liked it or not Long lines and long nights, writing 6

Countdown When my eyes finally opened, I knew I was about to die. It may was because of the constant ticking of the weird clock I had in my hand, It may was because my legs did not respond when I ordered them to move, it may was because of the silence, which devouring me as a giant snake swallows a deer, it may was because of the lonely place, a cabin? Or maybe just a little wooden house someone built to never use again. I was about to die, but my mind got lost in nowhere, my eyes had some memories printed so deep, that the broken wood wall was almost a ghost, I was about to die, but my heart was not accelerated, I wasn’t scared, fear seemed so… useless. The weird clock finally called my attention, it seemed funny for me to think as a criminologist, so I asked myself “Death hour?” and then looked to the clock hoping to see it was just 9 in the morning, but instead, there was a huge 8457, so that was not a clock, it could be a rare calculator? I looked again, the number was decreasing, now it was 8454, and then it changed again, 8453, I looked at it for almost ten seconds, the number went backwards every couple of seconds, with no idea of what was that thing, I looked around again.


I knew that a forest should not be that quiet, there should be birds flying, a few bugs buzzing around with their tiny wings, maybe a rabbit hopping near, trees making a particular noise with the wind, Then I noticed something that got me a little bit confused, there was no wind, everything seemed to be paralyzed in a moment of time, although, the sunlight changed as the minutes passed away. Sooner than expected, I got lost in my memories once more, I Heard the laughs and voices of everyone, the conversations that twisted the way everything was supposed to happen, I thought in each one of them but their names vanished away. I could barely remember all the faces. The one with glasses would forget about me in a few months, he would keep drawing outer space creatures and dragons. “Hey! Good luck!” He said last time we met The short girl would keep on with her life, ignoring any life sign of the others, no more puns, no more talks about future. The tall guy … Did the hate still boil in his eyes after what I have done? I missed making fun of life with him; -You just acted as you thought was right- I said myself as the weird clock kept ticking with the numbers falling down. “Just go away! You’re a piece of waste, not a friend” Those were his final words when he finally realized the truth.


The girl with the pretty eyes and beautiful lips, the one who caused all the disaster, she would run away, as she always had done with every trouble in her life, run until somebody else solved the problem, she would run and forget the friends she someday used to love. “Please make this easier for me” She wrote in a letter. Finally the girl with the dark hair and deep eyes, did she forget me, just as I did with her? Would she wait for me to return? Where was she? I remembered how we talked about common things or the most complicated topic we could find, she laughed and stared at my eyes before saying “I love your brown innocent eyes” A warm, tiny, drop of water ran through my face and pulled me back to reality, I looked up; the ceiling had no holes, then from where…? It took me a couple of drops to realize that I was crying, how bad could my body be to note even feel my own tears? After a moment thinking how my family could overcome the pain of the loss I was about to be for them, I looked at the weird clock, 3529, still I had no idea of what was that, the countdown didn’t follow the patron of seconds, maybe it was counting two by two, maybe.


My arms looked consumed, also my legs, actually my entire body seemed consumed, useless, just a piece of fabric to play around. The muscles were no longer in its place, I had the feeling that if I punched something, my bones would shatter and go through my skin… something unpleasant to imagine, I tried to close my fingers, but I couldn’t do it, they didn’t even move, not a single millimeter, I doubted for a minute, maybe I couldn’t feel my fingers anymore, I raised my arm, the effort accelerated my heart and my breath became heavier, then I my arm fell back to the ground, with a short sound, my fingers hurted, and only moved to return to the previous state they had, and still I couldn’t move them. As a result of recovering the normal rhythm in my breathing, I moved my head to my chest, and my sight met up with the white numbers. 3284. After seeing how it had decreased in a couple of minutes, I had an idea, I kept my eyes staring at the numbers, and raised my arm, this time a little bit higher, the effort made me breath as if I just ran chasing a horse, the numbers began to decrease really fast, I let my arm fall, hitting the floor hurted a lot this time and I screamed while pain stabbed my skin and stayed inside the wounds like termites eating a tree; the numbers changed again, 3221. If I breathe faster the countdown goes faster. I thought and then took three fast breaths, but numbers kept their rhythm. Then I’m wrong”


I spent five minutes complaining about the pain until it disappeared, and then the countdown returned to the speed it had before I moved my arm. “Help!” I shouted as loud as my throat allowed me. But there was no answers to my voice “Please, help me!” Still, not even a bird answered to me. I used my arms to drag myself in the floor so I could reach the limit of the wooden floor to see where I was. The agony I faced was something I do not expected, the skin in my elbows was ripped off after a few “steps” like paper, my bones crushed the skin and cut it with every move I made, in my legs and stomach I felt my skin peeling of as I dragged myself out of there. When I finally got there, I collapsed in the ground, panting, crying, and bleeding from horrible wounds located in almost the entire body. I felt my heart about to explode, with my chest in the floor I felt crushed between it and my heart. After a few more minutes, my heart reduced the beat rhythm, and I realized what measured the weird clock, by the moment it marked 1285, I still had time to prove what I thought.


1283, my heart made a sound like “KA-BUMP”. 1282, I had no idea of how to low my heartbeat rhythm, “KA-BUMP” 1281, maybe the clock counted how many heartbeats I had left “KA-BUMP” As I said before, I was about to die. In the position I had after my non-sense race, the only things at my sight were some roots that belonged to a giant tree, a small amount of grass, the orange light of the sun leaving the place at hands of night, and a tiny, yet beautiful, white flower, rising in the grass. Hours and hours lying in the ground, my wounds only hurted if I moved too much, only a few meters away from where I started, my face surely had the marks of my tears, and my throat was dry, I began to feel hunger and thirst. 30 beats remaining, I tried everything: holding my breath, that made me spend almost 200 beats, a useless hour trying to sleep, and choking myself, nothing seemed to give me more time. Death was not something I could avoid in that situation. 20, nobody near to help, by 300 I tried to shout until somebody came, but from my mouth only escaped agonizing screams due to my wounds. 10, no friends to aid me, 9 I started to feel sleepy, 8 the most boring last day ever, 7 I would decompose to be tree food, 6 nobody would know where it happened, 5 the sun disappeared at some point in the horizon, 4 I wanted to drink water, 3 the little white flower was even more beautiful at night, 2 my body hurted no more, 1 I was about to die.


“Thanks for your existence” I’ve heard it many times “I thank your existence” And still I don’t understand I don’t get why so much joy She feels for me, a simple boy At least I can give something back Something back for her love So, I thank seeing her eyes And staring at her while she laughs “I thank your existence too” My answer is that


“Fantasy is escapist, and that is its glory. If a soldier is imprisoned by the enemy, don't we consider it his duty to escape?. . .If we value the freedom of mind and soul, if we're partisans of liberty, then it's our plain duty to escape, and to take as many people with us as we can!”

― J.R.R. Tolkien 14

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