We are a local Commercial / Industrial Painting Contractor in Southern Michigan. We are proud to work in Michigan and our highly trained staff takes a safety first approach while keeping a very close eye on the integrity of our work.
We are a local Commercial / Industrial Painting Contractor in Southern Michigan. We are proud to work in Sturgis, Michigan and our highly trained staff takes a safety first approach while keeping a very close eye on the integrity of our work. If you are in the market for a true Industrial / Commercial Painting Company who has a deep education in coating technologies, Commercial Painting Services is your best choice for getting the project completed correctly and on time. Thank you for choosing Commercial Painting Services and we look forward to meeting you soon.
Looking for an Industrial / Commercial Painting
Contractor in Sturgis, Michigan? Commercial Painting
Services has over 20 years experience in Concrete
Floor Polishing, Interior / Exterior Painting / Re-
Paints, Elastomeric Roof Coatings, Epoxy Flooring, and much more.