Do you know how a plain ordinary T-shirt is turned into adorable, unique and fashionable garment? It is very well known that nowadays fashionable designing on the tshirt and other garments is grabbing eyes frequently. But you might be thinking how tshirt printing is done and what are its benefits, so here in this article you will know answers of all the questions that are wandering into your head. All you have to do is read the article and get a printed t-shirt from recognized store.
Type of t-shirt printing techniques: This technique is considered as most preferred printing technique using advanced professional printing machines. If you are wearing a soft, vibrant & smooth printed graphic t-shirt then there are 99% chances that it is a screen printed shirt. The technique creates a stencil held in place of screen i.e. usually made of nylon mesh. The ink is flooded on screen using a squeegee to ensure that the entire ink gets spread over the screen by just pressing down. Finally, the screen is taken off after the design mentioned by the individual is printed
DTG is an abbreviation for direct to garment used as printing method by large tshirt printing business. In this method, printing is directly done onto the garment. For example, the t-shirt gets fed on a conveyer belt and is taken out from large flatbed printer this is how this technique works. The DTG printers are quite exclusive but if you wish to go off faster go for it. A multiple colored and soft printed t-shirt can be obtained using this method. It also works best on darker t-shirts, the only thing is that the process is quite challenging and requires learning of curves.
The sublimation printing method is used for oversize printing as the ink has to cover all the corners and sides. Galaxy prints and repeated patterns can be achieved using the dry sublimation process but you will require 100% polyester made t-shirt. The quality of the t-shirts is high and over-all designing can be done using it. It offers unlimited styles, colors and graphics.
with great alternatives for multiple garment types. Vibrant designs with different color using the vinyl layer can also be done. It is not at all suitable for large printing areas but works excellently on words, and slogans. A longer, shorter and medium runs of prints can be made using this technique with vibrant designs and zero fading effect.