New Plant Guidelines
Published in 2013 Santoni Knitting Machinery Co., Ltd Shanghai, China Administration Brochure HR Department
New Plant Guidelines
Introduction .......................................................................................... .
Overall Map and People & Material Flows ...........................................................
Safety Rules ............................................................................................. 12 Safety Principles............................................................................................. 12 Urgent Assistance............................................................................................ 12 Urgency Escape Channel...................................................................................... 12 Function Area and Rules.................................................................................. 13 Office 办公............................................................................................... 13 Production 生产.......................................................................................... 13 Warehouse 发货、收货................................................................................ 13 Gates & Parking 出入、停车.......................................................................... 14 Reception, Showroom and Meeting Rooms 展厅、前台、会议室、贵客休息区................... 14 Canteen/ Bar / Cleaning/ Toilet 餐厅、清洁以及用厕指示......................................... 14 Operation Processes 工厂内经营纪律............................................................ 15 Guard Management 门卫管理........................................................................... 15 Express and Mails 文件收发传递....................................................................... 15 Attendance Record 考勤................................................................................... 16 Santoni Etiquette & Working Clothes 着装、礼仪......................................................... 17 Limitation Area 门禁管理................................................................................ 18 Electric and Internet Service 电力以及网络服务....................................................... 19
Dear Partner, As a member of our Santoni Shanghai Community you are warmly welcome in our new plant, where you will: enjoy great value time, get access to highest level facilities for your personal and company development and share our knowledge and commitment to build up brighter world for knitters. All of us sincerely hope that in working and living our space, you will feel at home, breathing a confortable and inspiring air. We wish you share the same endeavour we produce everyday to keep our House, as clean and proactive as we can.
尊敬的圣东尼伙伴:欢迎来到圣东尼 大家庭,并在此度过充实多彩的美好 时光。
Welcome to Santoni Shanghai
这里有世界先进的技术与设施为您提 供成长的沃土,让我们在此携手,用 智慧与信念交汇出针织机械行业绚烂 的明天。 真心希望圣东尼和谐融洽、蓬勃进取 的工作与生活氛围让您舒适如家、充 满活力。让我们一起携手协力,保持 明净的家园更加生机盎然。 再次向您致以最热忱的欢迎!
Tiberio Lonati CEO Santoni Group
谢谢 Tiberio Lonati 圣东尼中国区CEO
About Santoni
Recognized as the most innovative Circular Knitting Machine Designer & Manufacturer Santoni is committed to drive the “World of Knitters” a step ahead with its unique products range. The top performing socks machines, the vaste selection and ultimate technology seamless products, the finest gauge Circular Knitting machines and lately the sinkerless revolution are just some of the recent Santoni’s Wonders you could admire in choosing us.
作为公认的最具创新精神的圆机针织 设备设计者和制造商,圣东尼以其独 特的产品系列持续致力于推动“针织 世界”向前发展。
Convinced you will join the Santoni Experience, the staff on behalf of its Italian Shareholders thanks you all in Advance.
顶级绩效的织袜机械系列,超多品种 选择和技术功能全面的无缝机械产品 系列,超细针距的圆机产品系列以及 最新研发的去沉降片改良就是近期圣 东尼的部分奇迹,她也是您选择圣东 尼的骄傲。 确信您对圣东尼的选择,我们代表意 大利股东向您致以诚挚的谢意。
Overall Map
Car Entrance 展示厅 Truck Entrance 展示厅 Bicycle Entrance 展示厅
Scooter Charger 展示厅
1st Floor
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Showroom 展示厅 Training Rooms 培训室 Canteen 餐厅 VIP Canteen VIP 餐厅 Women Changing Room 女更衣室 Materials Storage 储藏室 LG Office LG 办公室
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
QC Office QC 办公室 Seamless Production Line 无缝生产 Seamless Office 无缝办公室 LD Office LD 办公室 LD Production Line LD 生产线 After Sales Office 售后办公室 Finished Machines Storage 成品仓库
9 9
2nd Floor
15 16 17 18 19 20 10 10
Meeting Room 会议室 CEO&GM Office 总经理室 Finance and M&A Office 财务室 HR Office 人力资源办公室 IT Office IT办公室 Male Changing Room 男更衣室 Product and R&D Office 产品办公室
Sourcing Office
22 采购办公室
Machines Storage
23 车间
Workers Flow
Large Diameters
Office 11 11
Safety Rules
Safety Principles Nothing is more important for Santoni than keep his staff safe.
The rules help everybody to don’t make mistakes.
Urgent Assistance Call 120 / 57240777-0 for help.
视伤情轻重电话120 / 57240777-0
Go to medical box for tiny hurt.
Medical box is at guard room and production Office.
Urgency Escape Channel With calm and order go out from the nearest emergency exit door.
Function Area and Rules
Do not speak aloud.
TEL/Internet for business, no private use.
Don’t waste materials.
Press beeper to call Ayi for drink and clean. After a meeting room is been used please make it order as you found it.
饮料、清洁服务请按呼叫器. 会议后恢复会议室原状.
Move in your lines, care of truck and forklift.
No photograph without permission from management.
No headphones inside workshop.
No smoking inside workshop.
No mobilephone during working time.
Nobody is allowed to enter inside the workshop without the registration. People from downloading and uploading area must check that visitors and suppliers don’t enter inside the workshop area.
客人禁止进入厂房内部,收货发货区 员工要检查和阻止非公司人员从这些 区域进入厂房内部.
During the materials moving be careful.
No mobile phone during working hours.
工作时不得使用手机. 13
Function Area and Rules
Gates & Parking
Please follow the guideline to park:
Guests and visitors must be registered at the entrance.
Receptionists will guide you to the meeting area.
Reception & Show Rooms & Meeting
Press beeper to call Ayis for drink and clean.
No pictures without permission from management.
Canteen/ Bar / Cleaning/ Toilet Please keep table and floor clean. Do not speak aloud. Press call Ayis for urgent support.
餐厅、清洁以及用厕指示 请保持地面、台面清洁. 不要大声喧哗. 意外情况请保洁阿姨帮助.
Operation Processes
Guard Management
Guardians are responsible for the management of all the gates, include the main entrance/ east gate (for staff)/ west gate (for goods delivering).
负责公司正门、西侧门、东侧门的整 体管理工作.
Paper documents will be managed by the main entrance guards, goods by the west gate guards.
文件的接收由正门门卫负责,物料接 收由门卫安排在西侧门进出.
Guards could drive out the visitor who is not following the company rules, they should call police for any serious issues.
有权立即驱逐没有按照公司规定来访 的非公司员工,严重情况可立即警.
Guards have the rights to proposal penalties to HR department for who didn’t follow company rules listed in this brochure and employee handbook.
对没有按照公司规定执行的员工,有 建议处罚权.
Guards have the responsibilities to stop any dangers activities which may hurt the people and Santoni’s properties.
有权立即纠正妨碍人身安全和公司财 产的任何危险因素;
Express and Mails
All express delivery shall be approved by department head and collected by the receptionist.
发出文件快递需要部门负责人签字确 认,在前台统一发送;
Curriers and postmans delivering documents to Santoni must managed by the guardians, after the guardian will pass the envelops to the receptionist.
文件接收由门卫收到后转前台集中分 发;
No dangerous goods is allowed to be delivered by express.
不使用快递收发危险物品. 15
Operation Processes
No express for ID cards.
Santoni doesn’t pay for any private shipments.
Attendance Record
The Santoni ID card is strictly personal, if anybody for any reason will use the Santoni ID card of somebody else, for example for checking in or checking out, Santoni will take a serious actions.
严禁代替别人考勤,代考勤行为视为 严重违规,立即开除.
If the attendance machine can not work the employees have to report to the supervisors and go to HR departments immediately.
如果考勤机不能识别考勤, 要立即报 告岗位的主管上司,并立即前往人事 部处理-
Normal holidays applications shall be approved by departments head in advance, preparing the application form and sending to HR departments.
一般请假行为需要事先经过主管批 准,并在批准后当天送往人事部备案.
Urgent leaves shall be approved with in two days after the employee is back to work and provided documents to HR department.
紧急请假需要电话获得上司批准并在 返回岗位后两天内执行上述手续.
Overtime works should be approved by departments head and HR department together; overtime papers must be passed to HR department within one week.
加班需要事先获得部门负责人和人事 部共同批准,加班单在加班后一周内 交人事部.
Annual days and other holidays application shall follow the employee handbook strictly.
公休假以及其他假期等都应严格按照 公司员工手册办理.
Operation Processes
Santoni Etiquette & Working Clothes
Be polite with colleagues and guests.
Office clerks shall have their clothes properly and cleanly, no sexy and smells.
办公室员工着装健康、得体、清洁, 不过于性感、无异味.
Production and logistic workers shall have their units when working.
Strictly forbidden for any strikes.
Strictly forbidden for any dirty words quarreling.
When talking with guests for any unbusiness related issues, you are strictly forbidden to talk about any information about Santoni products,cost,processes, management and etc.
与客户、供应商闲谈(非工作必要) ,严禁讨论公司产品、成本、程序、 管理等相关内容.
Clean your area every day at end of working time.
Operation Processes
Limitation Management
Santoni uses door forbidden system to manage its security; a suitable system of badges with different authority levels has been use; each employee have his own suitable badge to have access to different area of the company and complete his job, it is personal and it is not allowed to borrow it to anybody else.
公司实行门禁管理、刷卡出入相关工 作区域,禁止借给他人使用.
Each staff has its own card, and it could be used for forbidden system, lunch and attendance.
员工卡实行一卡多通,该卡同时应用 于考勤和就餐、由人事部负责发放管 理.
The employees are forbidden to enter areas which are not related to their duties. Employees are entrusted to accompany visitors, only after they are been registered and after they wear the visitors badge, to visit the company. They are responsible of the correct behavior of the visitors and they shall give back the badges as soon as the visit is completed.
员工只能进入获准通过的门禁. 持有访客卡并通过批准的客人需要员 工陪同方可参观工厂,陪同员工需要 对本次参观负责,并在参观结束后立 即返还访客卡。
Operation Processes
Electric and Internet Service
Office area has electric points with 220V power; workshop has some 380V and 220V points;
办公室提供220伏特电力供应、车间 提供220伏特和380伏特的电力供应.
If you are not authorized and certificated electric staff, please do not change or extend any electric points.
非电力专业人员严禁私自改动、延伸 电力线路.
Internal internet is only allowed to be used for business.
Strictly forbidden use any kind of instant messaging and social network with the computer during the working time.
Strictly forbidden the downloading of software and tools for computers without permission of the IT department.
未经IT部批准,严禁下载任何软件和 电脑工具.
Thank You 谢谢