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INTRODUCTION Mobile devices are the driving force behind world economies

security challenges. The implications of malicious attack on

today. Leading research firm Gartner predicts worldwide

devices create major concerns for enterprises. Recently, two

combined shipments of devices (PCs, tablets, ultramobiles and

threats - Exynos exploit for Android and Evasion for iOS - have

mobile phones) are expected to reach 2.5 billion units in 2015, a

been identified. Device OEMs are adopting technologies such as

1.5 percent increase from 2014 [1]. As smart phones and tablets

Mobile Device Management (MDM) and Mobile Application

become ubiquitous, there has been an unprecedented growth in

Management (MAM) to cope up with these threats.

the availability of mobile applications which are free to download. With this spurt in availability of innovative and feature

In these circumstances, mobile security is the need of the hour

rich mobile applications, comes the real threat of malicious

as the mobile security ecosystem continues to evolve. While

applications that can play havoc with the user’s data on mobile

end-users and enterprises work towards overcoming various

devices. The security threats can be due to security risks in

mobile security threats, the fact is that malicious applications

mobile applications, loopholes in mobile operating systems or

and attacks continue to breach mobile device security at all

risks in the network access. Malicious applications and


vulnerabilities in network access and mobile operating systems can expose sensitive user-data such as photos, email, contact

Most smart phone OEMs are providing accounts to device

list, calendar details, call records and messages to attackers.

owners on private clouds where they can store their personal

Device rooting i.e acquisition of complete administrator rights

data such as photos, documents, etc. Accessing this data on th

on a device also gives malicious applications the ability to access

internet from unsecure Wi-Fi networks poses a threat to user

sensitive information on end-user devices. Apart from the threat

data stored on the cloud.

to data stored on the mobile device, data exchanged on the network between mobile applications and backend servers is

This paper attempts to look at the key challenges and risks

also under threat. The communication between the mobile

prevailing in the mobile security space both in the B2E and B2C

application and its backend servers may not be secured, leading

domain. It also explores the evolving mobile security

to data security being compromised.

technologies that stakeholders should employ to safeguard their devices, personal data and businesses against mobile security

With large number of enterprises adopting BYOD to improve


employee productivity, enterprises are also facing similar mobile

B2E An Employee

M2M MAM Trustlets Secure Elements

B2C - A Consumer Secure Chat Tor Project Guardian Project

Data Transfer over SSL/Secure Tunnel

User Device powered by MDM Server Data Transfer via MDM Server

MDM Server


Internet Encrypted Data Transfer Between VPN Server and Internet

Figure 1 - Mobile Security Ecosystem

Mobile Security: Overcoming Prevalent Threats and Challenges Inside and Outside an Enterprise


MARKET OVERVIEW Current Trends in Mobile Security The mobile security market is flooded with technologies to

An analysis by Forrester indicates that enterprises will adopt

address mobile security needs. According to Infonetics

emerging technologies such as mobile VDI, containers, app

Research, by 2018, mobile device security software will be a


$3.4 billion market. This is primarily driven by demand from

personal-to-corporate segregation in comparison to the more

enterprises to address concerns related to mobile security

conventional solutions such as Mobile Device Management

threats. Enterprises need to evaluate technology maturity and

(MDM) which shall be perceived as a "heavy-handed approach�






Global revenue in US $Billions

Enterprises and consumers are investing real money in mobile device security $4

$ 3.4 Billion

$3 $2

$ 1.3 Billion $1 $0



Copyright -Infonetics Research, Mobile Device Security Client Software Biannual Market Size and Forecasts, april 2014



to managing employee devices. The challenge with many of

requirements but are efficient and can integrate with the







these technologies is that they diminish the user experience,

existing enterprise infrastructure. The solutions must also have

which may become the single biggest barrier to their adoption.

a buy-in from the employees on whose devices they will be deployed.

SECURITY LOOPHOLES WITH MOBILE PLATFORMS AND APPLICATIONS Mobile platforms and the applications that run on them have

applications that have the potential of causing tremendous

inherent security loopholes, most of which remain hidden from

harm to the end-user’s privacy and data. It also suggests some

end-users. These end-users could be corporate employees or

best practices that developers can adopt to prevent any misuse

end-users of smart devices. This section discusses some of the

of these loopholes.

security loopholes present in mobile operating systems and

Mobile Security: Overcoming Prevalent Threats and Challenges Inside and Outside an Enterprise



Unsafe Coding Practices




Figure 2 - Security Loopholes

Application Loopholes Malwares Malwares







recommendations for secure coding practices are discussed.

vulnerabilities to gain operating system (root) privileges, impact

Intents: Intents are a means to provide inter-application and

normal operations or collect sensitive and private information

intra-application communication mechanism on Android using

without explicit permissions. Evasion – discovered in February

message passing. If used incorrectly, intents can become an

2013 - for Apple is one such example. Evasion7 is the iOS 7.x

attack surface for hackers to exploit any application

jailbreak program released by ‘evad3rs’, which just after an hour of

vulnerabilities. The content of messages can be sniffed,

release was proved a malware because it was not compatible with

modified, stolen, or replaced by malicious third-party

some of the apps offered in the app store for jailbroken devices

applications, which can compromise user privacy. Also, there


are malicious applications present which can inject malicious or forged messages leading to data breach and security policy

One example of malware for Android is Exynos Exploit discovered in

violation. There are applications available that exploit incorrect

December 2012. This OS vulnerability allows any malicious

usage of intents, for example: an intent sniffer can sniff intents

application to gain full access to a user’s device. It also provides


read and write access to several parts of the memory (RAM) to

Intent is explicit and not implicit

anyone. Using permissions, malware can be pushed to the device to

Intent is created with the NEW_TASK flag

disable security features. Android devices affected by this malware are devices including Samsung SII, Samsung SIII and Samsung Note that use Samsung Exynos chipset.


Permissions: Android



permissions from the operating system to access resources to function suitably, for example access to resources that cost

Another type of malware executes malicious code outside the application sandbox because it has root privileges. Some malwares execute malicious code that turns mobile applications into key logging apps and screen capturing software which are then are able to send all sensitive data to attacker-controlled servers.

money like SMS or phone calls, resources that store users’ private data like user location and contacts, and device resources like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, while installing the applications. This may result in over privileging an application, thereby increasing the security threat to the application. Attacker can access any protected resource and exploit the vulnerabilities of the platform that are the result of over

Unsafe Coding practices

privileging an application. The issue has two aspects to it:

Indiscriminate usage of rich features - intents, permissions

The developer who creates an app with an overly permissive

and WebViews - provided by mobile platforms such as Android


can introduce vulnerabilities in mobile devices. Developers

The end-user who allows the app to access resources at


install time







development practices to avoid any security loopholes. Using

The attackers take advantage of both these lapses to gain

various features without having sufficient knowledge of the

access to protected resources on the device. To avoid this, it is

security loopholes, developers can unknowingly introduce


several vulnerabilities in the mobile applications, leading to

permissions to any application.














Mobile Security: Overcoming Prevalent Threats and Challenges Inside and Outside an Enterprise









engineering hook Dalvik byte code, examine process states,

functionality as web browsers with customizability with respect

and provide logs and detailed report of application’s behavior.

to how and what to display. These customized browsers

Obfuscation can be leveraged to minimize the risk of exposing

sometimes pose a threat to application security by allowing

the application call flow to a hacker and adds a degree of

web content to interact with the application. Android allows

difficulty to retrieve code in original form. Basic obfuscation

JavaScript to invoke Android application code in a WebView.

techniques such as rewriting methods, parameters and

One such example where using WebView led to an OS

variables with small or meaningless strings do not make the

vulnerability is remote code execution that was discovered in

application source code completely safe from hackers.

Google Android 4.1 (and below) in early 2012. This is due to the

Advanced obfuscation techniques are required to counter

‘addJavascriptInterface’ API which exposes native methods to

techniques used by de-compilers and make it tougher for

the JavaScript loaded from the WebView. As a result of which,

hackers to obtain application source code.

remote attackers get a chance to perform several dangerous tasks such as executing malicious code, escalating privileges,

Operating System Loopholes

extracting all user data and loading malware on the device. There are several possible entry points for loading malicious

If the OS allows jailbreaking and if there are forums such as

JavaScript in the application through WebView. Few examples

Cydia for iOS devices that provide applications to run on


jailbroken devices, then people will be tempted to root their

Application requests content from the server using any plain

devices and install such applications.

text (HTTP) communication

Jailbreaking an Android or iOS device might lead to phone

Application loads third-party content including ads or

bricking or installation of full-scale spyware on the device. While

content from partner websites

jailbreaking makes unimaginable features and nice device

Application has a persistent cross-site scripting vulnerability

management available to the end-user, it brings to the fore the following loop holes in the operating system which hackers can

To avoid any vulnerabilities using WebView, the developers must:

take undue advantage of: An application that has obtained root privileges comes out

Avoid calling setJavaScriptEnabled() for WebView unless

of the “Application Sandbox”, so its declared feature set and

there is need for processing JavaScript

granted permissions are no longer applicable, making the

Compile the application against Android API level equal to or

device vulnerable to misuse

more than 17

Applications for rooted phones are almost never from

Send all traffic over SSL

credible companies/groups and are created by amateur

Un-obfuscated and Poorly Obfuscated Applications: Most application developers are unaware of the threat to their source code from hackers. Hackers can easily obtain code and the call flow of an application using techniques such as de-compilers and dynamic code analyzers. These techniques enable reverse

groups. More often than now, they contain sloppy code with its own vulnerabilities Some jailbreaking methods leave devices SSH enabled, therefore remotely controllable with a common password (such as alpine) that any attackers can misuse

SECURING THE MOBILE APPLICATION As responsible users, both enterprises and end-users need to

devices. This section talks about the different technologies that

be aware of the techniques and best practices to keep their

are being utilized to implement mobile security in the

device and data secure, when using mobile devices to access

enterprise, as well as outside it.

enterprise data or personal data. Enterprise employees and end-users are not a disjoint set. The end-users become

Mobile Device Management (MDM) is a management

enterprise users in office premises or even outside, when they

technique that enterprise IT uses to manage enterprise data

access enterprise applications and data from their personal

security, while Mobile Application Management (MAM) and

Mobile Security: Overcoming Prevalent Threats and Challenges Inside and Outside an Enterprise


Containerization can be used for managing mobile application

isolated and secure environment for each application on the

security for both enterprise users and end-users.

device. MAM solutions help in acquiring, distributing, securing and tracking mobile applications. They allow organizations to

MDM enforces device security by implementing the policies so

manage each lifecycle activity of application - from purchasing

that the organization’s IT department has full control over


device. Containerization is a management approach which uses








Securing the Device through Mobile Device Management Mobile Device Management (MDM): MDM is to devices what

Most enterprises today are using some form of MDM to better

traditional IT management was to enterprise desktops and

secure, monitor, manage and support mobile devices used by

laptops. As more and more enterprises move towards making

their employees. MDM solutions enable IT to provide employees

corporate applications accessible to their employees over

with access to corporate resources and applications - email,

mobile devices, the biggest challenge that IT departments face,

work time logging and enterprise social network - from their

today, is to secure corporate data on employee devices and

mobile devices. To protect corporate applications and data,

ensure secure access to the corporate network from these

MDM solutions leverage security services and features provided

devices. BYOD brings in additional challenges for IT – managing

by the mobile operating system or the device OEM. IT

corporate data on personal devices, while not interfering with

organizations also implement additional security controls such

personal user data.

as device passwords, remote wipe and lock features in the event of a device loss to enhance mobile device and data security.

Securing the Application through Mobile Application Management and Containerization While an MDM solution enables managing policies on the device

device management operations (data wipe and lock) exclusively

level, it may not be sufficient to provide security at application

on the corporate data.

level. Additionally, MDM does not always provide easily adaptable BYOD and good end-user acceptability. For example:

Another way to provide security at application level is to add a

Passcode strength maybe enforced by IT but may have

security wrapper or a management layer on top of a mobile

opposition from enterprise users due to inconvenience of

application. The advantage of this approach is that it doesn’t

keeping complex passwords

require any changes to the underlying mobile application. This

Lock and wipe feature may result in wiping out the entire

approach can be leveraged for both enterprise applications, as

users’ data

well as applications available on OS play store. The wrapper

This is where Mobile Application Management (MAM) fills in the

allows a MAM administrator to set specific policy elements that

gap. MAM provides security at the application level. One way of

can be applied to an application or a group of applications. For

providing security to mobile application data from hackers is by

example whether user authentication is required for a specific

using a container-based approach, where a separate container

application, whether data associated with the application can be

is created for storing enterprise application data. This provides a

stored on the device or whether specific APIs such as copy and

secure environment on the device to protect enterprise data,

paste or file sharing will be allowed. This enables organizations

while providing unrestricted access to end-user data to

to completely customize their own unique mobile workflows to

third-party applications. This approach enables enterprises to

support app-to-app interoperability and end-to-end security.

respect each employee’s privacy by applying policies on corporate applications only. It also gives freedom to exercise

Mobile Security: Overcoming Prevalent Threats and Challenges Inside and Outside an Enterprise


Securing the Operating System through TrustOS TrustOS: Data on a mobile device can also be secured using a

a naïve user. Android Lollipop provides a feature to disable and

specialized operating system named TrustOS, which is

delete the other user’s account once the user is done with their

separated by hardware from the main operating system. This


ensures secure data storage and processing by maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of key resources like user interface

Data sharing with other devices

and service provider assets in a Trusted Execution Environment

Smartlock: This feature allows the user to configure his device

(TEE). Trusted applications or trustlets running in a TEE have

to get unlocked only in the presence of a trusted device or

access to the full power of a device's main processor and

network, including a Bluetooth tag, an NFC tag or a Wi-Fi

memory, while hardware isolation protects these applications


from user installed applications running in a main operating

Encryption: Starting with Android Lollipop, the system the user

system. The Samsung Galaxy SIII was the first mobile phone

to enable data encryption when a factory device is started for

that utilized ARM TrustZone technology to host and run a secure

the very first time. When enabled, the system requests for a

micro-kernel on the application processor. The security critical

password on a device restart. If the password is not provided,

applications that run inside TrustOS (trustlets) are developed by

the device does not start. This feature was present on earlier

third-parties such as banks and content providers. The trustlet

versions of Android but was disabled by default.

software development kit includes library files to develop, test and deploy trustlets as well as Android applications that

Other methods to secure an OS

communicate with relevant trustlets via Trust API for Android.

Hypervisors: Type 1 hypervisors can be used on Android handsets to create two virtual phones, running simultaneously

Trustlet empowers mobile application to process and store

on the same physical hardware. One virtual phone instance is for

sensitive data securely. It also provides secure authentication

personal use, running Facebook, Twitter and other personal

and secure interaction with both users and cloud services.

applications. The other phone instance is for running all the enterprise applications on the device.

Building security into the rich operating systems’ architecture

Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS): DaaS uses virtualization to solve

Popular operating systems such as Android are evolving to solve

the BYOD puzzle, but without leveraging the hypervisor

the security issues in their architecture. Android Lollipop has

approach of virtualizing the phone. In this approach, the users'

added the following features to make its environment secure:

desktop computer is virtualized and delivered to the users as a service, giving them the ability to access that virtual desktop

Device sharing with guest

through different devices - from a physical desktop or laptop to

Guest user mode secures user’s personal data by isolating it

a tablet or smart phone.

from being accessed by a new user, who might be an attacker or

Securing the Application Data Exchanged on the Network (VPN/SSL) With the proliferation of the internet, providing access to the

sensitive data being exchanged over the internet. MDM

Web within the office premises and offering facilities such as

solutions also provide robust authentication and identity

work from home and access to web mail became a mandate for

management as devices and user base both change rapidly. By

enterprises. This led to corporate information being dynamically

unifying MDM and secured VPN gateways, enterprises can

posted to the Web, making data leak protection and application

ensure that only compliant devices are allowed access to the

control extremely critical. So enterprises had to adapt to a

corporate network. Compliance policies for corporate-owned

changing environment and utilize network security technologies

mobile devices reside on the MDM servers. When a device

such as VPNs, SSL connections etc. to safely meet user

attempts to connect to the corporate network, compliance is

demands for information access. MDM secures corporate data

checked. This can prevent users from installing a VPN client on

exchanged on the network by offering secure and encrypted

unmanaged devices and stop them from trying to access the

communication between MDM client and MDM server using

organization resources. The security gateway can also block

SSL, so as to prevent unwanted parties from accessing any

unknown devices of valid users.

Mobile Security: Overcoming Prevalent Threats and Challenges Inside and Outside an Enterprise


Securing the Application from Peripheral Devices (BT/Wi-Fi/Wi-Fi Direct/USB) While smart peripheral devices such as Wi-Fi-enabled music

denial-of-service and man-in-the-middle. These attacks expose

players, Bluetooth-enabled fitness wearables and gaming

the vulnerability of the Bluetooth devices and provide undue

peripherals enhance the functionality of smart phones, they

advantage to phone hackers or “phreakers”, leading to privacy

pose a major security threat to user data stored on the smart

invasion, loss of integrity and availability.

phones and tablets they are connected to. According to a study,

In the section below, threats that lead to serious security

25 percent of malware is spread through peripheral devices. In

breaches are discussed:

the section below, various security threats associated with

BlueBugging: Phreakers connect to the target device by altering

peripheral devices are discussed:

its owner and steal information by exploiting address translation commands (AT) available in GSM. Using these techniques, a

USB: The USB interface on a mobile device is used to transfer

phreaker can send text messages to contacts or infect the

files between the device and a PC or laptop or between device

target device by slipping in a Bluetooth virus or worms

and USB drive/flash drive through On-The-Go (OTG). Since USB

Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attack: MITM or impersonation

firmware isn’t ‘code-signed’ or tamper-proof, it is possible to

attacks can access and modify the data within piconets. It

hide malware inside the USB firmware. It may be impossible to

involves authentication message relay between two devices

detect the malware present in the firmware using anti-virus

trying to pair in order to authenticate without knowing shared

scans because it’s the code running the device itself. The

secret key. By acting between two devices a phreaker can trick

malware can play havoc with the data on the device the USB is

two devices into believing that they are mutually paired when

connected with – from siphoning-off data to a chosen network

actually they are paired with the phreaker.

to wiping-off data on the device it is connected with. Wi-Fi: Open Wi-Fi networks are unsecure and vulnerable to Some major threats prevailing due to malicious firmware in USB

attacks. The user connects to an unsecured Wi-Fi network


without knowing who else could be on the network. Free Wi-Fi

Malicious firmware could function as a keyboard, sending

access provided in public areas such as cafes, restaurants,

keyboard press actions to device/computers, as if someone is

shopping malls and airports serve as excellent places for

typing the keys

harvesting passwords. Hackers can read unencrypted data with its own internet connection could

including all plaintext passwords, unsecured email (email that

function as a router that could relay information from

does not use advanced authentication protocol like TLS),

device/PC to a malicious server

unencrypted ftp, websites without SSL, Google searches,

Juicejacking refers to gaining access to a phone during the

domains visited (encrypted or not) and so forth. A more

charging process using the now standard USB miniB connecion

advanced attacker might set up an active proxy on his machine

or Apple’s proprietary cable at a public charging kiosk,

to perform attacks such as SSL stripping, which would expose

leveraging the USB data/power cable to illegitimately access

all sites that are visited through the device connected to an open

the phone’s data and/or inject malicious code onto the device,

Wi-Fi network, including HTTPS and may provide illegitimate

Attack can be a simple privacy invasion, when phone pairs with

access to various sensitive passwords and financial information.

A connected USB

computer concealed within the charging kiosk, or can be as invasive as injection of malicious code directly into the device

Wi-Fi Direct: Another game changing technology is Wi-Fi Direct that enables Wi-Fi devices to connect to one another without

Bluetooth: Bluetooth headsets add to user’s comfort but can

joining a traditional home, office or hotspot network. While Wi-Fi

also lead to mobile security threats. A smart phone with

Direct has various benefits, especially for consumer devices, it

Bluetooth ‘ON’ is discoverable not only to the headset but to all

may introduce unforeseen security threats when used in an

other devices in its vicinity. Hackers can use Bluetooth to

enterprise setting. A known issue with Wi-Fi Direct allows a

connect with the device to get access to the sensitive data

hacker to attack vulnerable Android smartphones, when they

stored on the smart phone.

scan for other Wi-Fi Direct devices and could trigger a reboot or 'denial of service'. According to a study, an attacker could send a

Bluetooth can also be used to form ad-hoc networks of (up to

specially crafted 802.11 Probe Response frame causing the

eight) devices called piconets. These networks are useful, when

Dalvik subsystem to reboot because of an Unhandle Exception

co-located users want to communicate using their own

on the WiFiMonitor class. The bug has been confirmed to affect

compatible devices. This technology and the associated devices

a subset of Android devices, including the Nexus 4 and Nexus 5

are susceptible to general wireless networking attacks such as

running Android KitKat; it also includes some devices with


Android Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean.





Mobile Security: Overcoming Prevalent Threats and Challenges Inside and Outside an Enterprise


In the section below, some key measures that can be taken to

Do not connect to open or ad-hoc Wi-Fi networks

secure smartphone devices from threats posed by various

Incorporate additional confidential piconet information to

peripheral devices are highlighted:

reduce security risk, while pairing between devices in a

Encrypt data stored on smartphones


Enable remote wipe and password protection on smart

Avoid charging at public kiosks or power off the device (while


charging a public kiosk)

Disable physical interfaces such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi,

Disable pairing with jailbroken iOS devices or any un-trusted

when not in use


COMMUNITY INITIATIVES IN MOBILE APPLICATION SECURITY The threats and techniques discussed in the sections above

their freedom to conduct confidential communication. It uses

only work well in the B2B scenarios to protect enterprise data.

an encryption technique called ‘onion routing’ which ensures

B2C scenarios are still a vulnerable area and need attention. To

privacy of data in transit. Anonymous web browsing is a use

safeguard and protect end-user’s private data, several industry

case for mobile devices too since browsing from mobile devices

forums are now working on various projects to develop open

puts user data at risk. The term "onion routing" refers to

source software, which maintains user anonymity and ensures

application layers of encryption, nested like the layers of an

secure communication, browsing and chats. Some of these

onion, used to anonymize communication. Tor encrypts the

projects are:

original data packet, including the next hop destination IP

Guardian Project: The Guardian Project is a community of

address and sends it through a virtual circuit of successive and

software developers, trainers and activists who work on open

randomly selected Tor relay nodes. Each relay node in the

source mobile security software development and operating

network decrypts a layer of encryption to reveal details of only

system enhancements. They create customized mobile apps

the next relay node in the circuit in order to pass the remaining

which enable individuals to communicate more freely and

encrypted data to it. The final relay decrypts the innermost layer


of encryption and sends the original data to its destination


monitoring. Some

against available




unsolicited or

without revealing, or even knowing, the source IP address.

implement the Guardian Project are Orbot, orweb and chat



Because the routing of the communication is partly concealed

secure. Refer [8] for more details.

at every hop in the Tor circuit, this method eliminates any single

Tor Project: The Tor project is an open source project that

point at which the communication can be de-anonymized

enables user anonymity, making it possible for users to surf the

through network surveillance that relies upon knowing its

internet anonymously. Tor ensures users’ personal privacy and

source and destination.

Router A Key Router B Key Router C Key Message


Router A Router B Router C


Figure 3 - Concept used in Onion Routing

Mobile Security: Overcoming Prevalent Threats and Challenges Inside and Outside an Enterprise






BYOC is the new BYOD (software is the new hardware)

Hotspots allow access to private and public cloud services


Figure 4 - The ‘Bring Your Everything’ Cycle

BYOD is a boon for employees, who get the benefit of carrying a

sensitive information from non-sensitive data. Use the latest

single device for their personal and official use. It also leads to

firewalls to track network usage and develop applications with

improvement in productivity for enterprises, since the

built-in security.

employees have round-the-clock access to their corporate

Network Capabilities: Invest in in-house network capabilities to

emails and services. However, it brings in newer challenges for

ensure employees have adequate wireless access and do not

enterprise IT because an employee, who uses BYOD services will

need to resort to using external network resources such as

also inherently use BYON (Bring Your Network) and BYOC

personal Wi-Fi hotspots to access the internet

(Bring Your Own Cloud). “As security professionals, we must re-evaluate traditional BYON: Employees can access enterprise applications and data

security practices and create service models that offer secure

from wherever an internet connection is available. BYON

data access—regardless of the device, network or source.”

encompasses a range of wireless networking options including

Jason Sachowski, a security professional explains.

cellular, public Wi-Fi, ad-hoc Wi-Fi. Some of these networks are inherently unsecure. Enterprises have no way of tracking their

BYOC: Gone are the days when hard drives were used to store

employees who may use these networks to access corporate

data. Today, software is the new hardware. BYOC is another


trend that is catching up in mostly small and medium enterprises to save costs. It enables employees to use public

Mitigating the risks that BYON brings: For enterprises to

cloud services. For examples, allowing employees to share large

benefit from BYON, they must focus on three elements:

files through their Dropbox accounts. The reason BYOC has

Policies: Clearly define and communicate policies that guide

become popular is due to the flexibility it offers to end-users. It is

employees on BYON and its usage

also beneficial for enterprises, as it enables them to reduce cost

Network Architecture: Install mechanisms that separate

of setting-up dedicated infrastructure needed to provide the

Mobile Security: Overcoming Prevalent Threats and Challenges Inside and Outside an Enterprise


access to the cloud. Consider a scenario where a sales person in

employee who is no longer on the rolls does not have access to

the organization needs access to confidential presentations on

company information stored over BYOC.

the company’s annual report from his device while on travel. He would upload this material from the company provided file

Enterprises should take immediate steps to define and

servers on the corporate network to his personal DropBox

communicate a policy of what is acceptable when it comes to

account. Once the material is on the third-party cloud, the IT

BYOC. They must enforce this policy using tools such as next

does not have any visibility into managing or safeguarding the








should some

also of


evaluate popular

consumer-grade cloud services. Many of the consumer oriented Enterprises today are making their way towards using

cloud services may claim to be secure, but most do not include

third-party cloud services such as Google docs, Gmail for office,

enterprise-based security controls required to adequately protect

Evernote and DropBox instead of deploying their own


on-premise email or storage solutions. But being able to access

enterprises should apply security policies to the cloud services

corporate applications and data on the cloud from end-user

used from their premises such as:







devices makes corporate data vulnerable to security risks. Risks

Using antivirus security and monitoring of employee activities

from using cloud services include malwares and publicized

Event logging and firewall protection to track usage

breaches on cloud services such as those seen on Twitter and

Detecting intrusive attacks

Evernote[9] and [10]. Another potential risk with using cloud

Enabling secure login and authentication

services is as to how an enterprise would be able to know that an

CONCLUSION Enterprises today offer Bring Your Own Everything (BYOE),

charge - be it applications on the App Store, free Wi-Fi access in

covering devices, cloud and/or network to improve overall

public areas or free services such as cloud storage for user

employee satisfaction and productivity, and to reduce the fine

documents. End-users should be guarded in their use of peripheral

line between usage of employee owned devices for personal and

devices such as USBs, Bluetooth headsets and mobile charging

official purposes.. However, BYOE brings in a unique set of

kiosks. Setting up peer-to-peer connections over Wi-Fi Direct or

challenges too. Enterprises and employees should be well aware

Bluetooth also needs adequate caution. Organizations such as

of the threats to corporate data and services when they are

NSA and community initiatives such as Tor are working actively to

accessed from personal devices. Enterprise IT should adopt

safeguard the interests of end-users.

security solutions such as MDM and MAM with adequate know how, research and applicability to their unique requirements.

While enterprise IT is working towards safeguarding businesses within the enterprises, public organizations such as NSA are

NaĂŻve smart phone users are often lured to use the plethora of

working towards protecting end-user interests. Any measures

services offered free of charge. They are unaware of the serious

against security threats will be effective only when the user

consequences of using these services due to their lack of

carrying a smartphone is educated about the threats and risks

awareness of the threats these services pose. The directive for

prevalent in the mobile ecosystem

users is to use services judiciously that are offered free of

Mobile Security: Overcoming Prevalent Threats and Challenges Inside and Outside an Enterprise


ARICENT’S OFFERING Aricent provides engineering services to design and develop

also engaged with leading innovators to build secure messaging

enterprise apps and app stores. We provide vulnerability assess-

app and to provide end-to-end functional and penetration testing

ment as a service for mobile apps and backend systems. We are

for the MDM products.

Manju Dogra, Sumit Dhingra Authors

Mobile Security: Overcoming Prevalent Threats and Challenges Inside and Outside an Enterprise



Mobile Device Management


Mobile Application Management


Business to Consumer


Business to Enterprise


Bring Your Own Cloud


Bring Your Own Device


Bring Your Own Network


Universal Serial Bus


Virtual Desktop Infrastructure


Software as a Service


Desktop as a Service


Original Equipment Manufacturer




Trusted Execution Environment


Virtual Private Network


Secure Socket Layer


The Onion Router

REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. ing-mobile-security-to-a-new-level/ 5. ty_Project_-_Dangers_of_Jailbreaking_and_Rooting_Mobile_Devices 6. 7. 8. ic-but-all-usb-devices-have-a-massive-security-problem/ 9. 10. 11. 12. gated-with-3-critical-elements/


Aricent is the world’s #1 pure-play product engineering services firm. The company has 20-plus years experience co-creating ambitious products with the leading networking, telecom, software, semiconductor, Internet and industrial companies. The firm's 10,000-plus engineers focus exclusively on software-powered innovation for the connected world. The company’s key investors are KKR & Co. and Sequoia Capital.

Š 2015 Aricent. All rights reserved. All Aricent brand and product names are service marks, trademarks, or registered marks of Aricent in the United States and other countries.

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