1 minute read

Make A Thorough Assessment Of Your Assets And Talents

We may never really totally understand how visualization can effectively manifest what we want to achieve. Yet, it is believed that visualization operates on the subconscious level and that the subconscious level is not limited by time and space. This means that if we want to operate in the future, we can indulge ourselves in visualization to control the future. Some experts in visualization advised us that the best times to visualize are just fifteen minutes before we sleep and fifteen minutes after we have awoken. The reason is that our brain is operating on the alpha frequency during these moments of half-sleep. Alpha frequency is the relaxed state of our mind and many experts in visualization believe that this is the ideal time for visualizing what we want to manifest in our life. Hence, the alpha state is also the best time to imagine the change that we would like to achieve in our life.

Make A Thorough Assessment Of Your Assets And Talents


Together with the visualization, we should make a thorough assessment of our personal assets and talents. When I was in my first year of college, I was once embarrassed in front of my class because I made a guffaw about a mispronunciation of a certain difficult word. That embarrassing experience made me promise myself never again to be embarrassed because of a mistake in pronunciation. So I made it sure that I checked in the dictionary every unfamiliar word I encountered in my readings. I gave myself a timetable of one year to gain mastery of every pronunciation of words. I knew my limitation so I worked on it to improve it. A year later, I became the most admired speaker of my class. The change in me happened because I was able to figure out and accept my deficiency. My point is: we should know where our weakness lies so that we can work on it. Demosthenes, one of the greatest orators of all time, had a speech problem as a youth. He vowed to himself that he would one day become the best


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