3 minute read

Thoughts on the Right of Development


Yang Haoqiang, China


⼈天 ⽣ 就有⼈权 , ⼈权是⼈的基本权利 , ⽐如 ⽣ 存权 , 发展权 , ⽣ 命健康权 , 受教育权等等。社会是⽆数个独 ⽴个体的集合,⼈与⼈之间往往存在着差异,在这个共同的环境中往往很容易产⽣⽭盾,⼈权极易受到侵害。

谈到关于⼈权的话题 , 就不得不提到“剥削”⼆字,对于很多⼈来说剥削或许离他们很遥远 , ⼜或许他们只在历史 书上⻅到过这两个字 , 但实 际 上 , 在这个⽂明 , 剥削也常有发 ⽣ , 它们有的看得⻅ , 有的看不⻅。被剥削 者 在 剥削 者 眼中⽆异于是案板上的 ⻥ ⾁ , ⽽ 不是⼀个⼈ , 他们最需要的不是 多 ⾼ 的 薪 ⽔ , ⽽ 是⼀个公平地对待。然 ⽽ 剥削 者 们往往⾏事隐匿 , ⼿段很 多 , 想要发现他们 ⾮ 常难。所以 , 即使与 ⾃ ⼰ ⽆关 , 在发现这种事时 , 也要 及时去举报,配合国家控制这些害⾍。

当⼀个⼈的最基本的权⼒都⽆ 法 被保障 , 那么社会的秩序就很难维持 , 政府将失去它的权威 ,

⼀旦⼈发现 ⾃ ⼰ 的权利⽆ 法 受到保护 , 那么就可能衍 ⽣ 出暴⼒威胁的等⼿段来 确 保 ⾃ ⼰ 权利的⾏使 , 久 ⽽ 久之社会 问 题的解决 途径就可能变为暴⼒,⼈类的⽂明也将逐渐在这中环境下摧毁。


Rehman Hassan, USA


It is often thought that people have unalienable rights, in fact, much of the political discourse today and in the past focus on people’s rights in various situations whether that be John Locke’s famous focus on the rights to life, liberty, and property or Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī’s famous focus on how all people are born with the same rights. This idea of rights has long fascinated humans and will continue to do so for many years to come. An important consideration in the debate of rights is that of the right to development. Development takes many forms: social development, economic development, cultural development, personal development, political development, etc; however, people are often stripped of their rights due to the actions of others.

People constantly contribute to society both individually and economically, but often, people are forced to the sidelines of development where, often, only a select group of people can truly exercise the right to development. This can be seen in the Democratic People ' s Republic of Korea (North Korea) where Kim Jong-un acts as a dictator controlling the lives that people live and all interactions with other countries. Thus, the right to development is limited to just a select few: the friends and members of the Kim family.

An especially important consideration with the right to development is that of COVID-19. The COVID19 pandemic has affected almost every person on the planet and has halted or limited many crucial industries. In the face of COVID-19, people have been limited in their opportunities to be a part of government and to have a say in what goes on around them. People have been prevented from being able to play a role in society and truly express the power of self-government. For example, AsianAmericans have been especially impacted in the wake of COVID-19. With the former president of the United States, Donald Trump, calling COVID-19 the “Kung Flu” and the “China Virus” among other events, many people of Asian descent have faced scrutiny and been blamed for the outbreak of COVID19. All around the United States and abroad, Asian Americans are victims of hate crimes like vandalism and assault. These situations, directly related to the COVID-19 pandemic, have led to the rise of important movements like Stop Asian Hate.

At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought up many important ethical considerations. At times, it is difficult to balance individual rights, in terms of the right to development, in regard to how individual rights impact the rights of others. Common examples include the responsibility of wearing masks to prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the movement of vital resources to other countries to protect foreign populations, and how certain resources like ventilators should be allocated when in shortage.

Overall, it is important to understand people’s rights to development and to contribute to society while understanding how the right to development can impact people and the communities around them.


https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/22/world-faces-pandemic-human-rightsabuses-covid-19-antonio-guterres https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1594564/ https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public/when-and-how-touse-masks

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