Konflik vol 1

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KO N F L I K do nt j u d ge book from t h e cov er



Political U ps tarts Work to Propel Cha n ge in an Ind ones i a Tired of Corru pti on

Wh e n h e wa s 2 6 , h e h elped f o und a national political party after the c o u n t ry bega n i ts tr a nsi ti o n to democracy following the collaps e o f t h e m ili ta ry- b ac ked gover nment of Pres ident Su harto in 1 998. By his lat e 3 0s , Mr . B i ma wa s runni ng one of the top political cons ulting firms i n J a k a rta , w h i sper i ng a dvi c e to national politicians twice his ag e. T h is s p r in g , h ow ever , Mr . B i ma , now 41 , left the political machinations of t h e I n d o n esi a n c a pi ta l a nd r et u rned home to Bogor, a quaint Wes t Java mo u n ta i n ci ty, to b e swor n i n as its new mayor. In a cou ntry k nown for da mag i n g levels of of f i c i a l corru ption and was te, he s pends his time t ry i n g t o plug “ lea kages� th at drain as mu ch as 30 percent of Bog or’s bu d g e t , q uesti o ni ng w h y h i s predeces s or had a $16,000 clothing allow a n c e , a n d f oc usi ng on i ssues lik e health care and local edu cation th at ma ny I nd o nes ian politicians ignore.


In Love or Fake Love By: Ariel Nois How do you know if you are truly in love? You will know when you are, but it is easy to confuse it with other powerful emotions. So you will not know for sure until you’re there. I thought I was in love many times. I now know that I wasn’t because once I was truly in love the differences were great and unlike anything I’d experienced before. Many emotional states can trick us into feeling that we are in love. You are probably familiar with many of them. The problem is that when we’re experiencing these emotions it’s nearly impossible to get ourselves to think rationally and believe otherwise. Why? This happens because we want to believe it is true love and not something less noble. We crave love. So it is easy to fool ourselves into believing that what we are feeling is love when we know deep inside it is not. Here are some common emotions that masquerade as being love. I’ve composed this list in the second-person narrative mode (you) so that it might be easier to feel the emotions should one or more of them apply to you. Several of them certainly apply to me in my younger years. :oops: Lust – Your overwhelming desire for someone is interpreted as love. But it’s an unstable foundation that can’t be trusted. Lust crushes rational thinking and leaves you blind. Need – Deficiencies and heartaches within yourself drive you to seek a patch or a fix from another person. This can’t not be done. (To experience being in love you must have yourself and your life in order.) Desperation – You’ve never had a relationship or you’ve been between one for a long time. Your desperation to fill the void leads you to believe that the person you’ve just met is the love of your life. That’s what you desperately want, so that’s what you trick yourself into believing. Fear – You’ve just broken up, moved to a new city, or started a new job and your emotions and vulnerabilities are extremely high. These powerful emotions trick you into believing that the person you just met is “the one” when in fact they are just a crutch to quiet your fears. (During a major transition, especially after a breakup, it is wise to put off getting involved in a romantic relationship until your emotions and life has stabilized.) Ego – Your envy of your friends being in strong romantic relationships drives you to believe that you are in love with the first person who comes along. Your ego fools you into believing that what you’re experiencing is true love. The problem is that since it probably isn’t love, the letdown will be greater than the discomfort of waiting – till a good match comes along. When you’re truly in love, there are some unique emotions that happen. You’ll notice a huge shift in what you feel and how you behave in comparison to the false loves listed above. Here are the feelings and experiences of being in love.In Love or Fake Love By Brad Paul How do you know if you are truly in love? You will know when you are, but it is easy to confuse it with other powerful emotions. So you will not know for sure until you’re there. I thought I was in love many times. I now know that I wasn’t because once I was truly in love the differences were great and unlike anything I’d experienced before. Many emotional states can trick us into feeling that we are in love. You are probably familiar with many of them. The problem is that when we’re experiencing these emotions it’s nearly impossible to get ourselves to think rationally and believe otherwise. Why? This happens because we want to believe it is true love and not something less noble. We crave love. So it is easy to fool ourselves into believing that what we are feeling is love when we know deep inside it is not. Here are some common emotions that masquerade as being love. I’ve composed this list in the second-person narrative mode (you) so that it might be easier to feel the emotions should one or more of them apply to you. Several of them certainly apply to me in my younger years. :oops:

FAUX FAUX né dans l'esprit de celui qui soutiennent toujours et ne veulent pas regarder à l'extérieur de la connaissance ou de l'entrée qui peuvent contaminer l'identité de l'autre


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