ways to mend a broken heart
decoding pick up lines... don’t be a sucker for them!
“I Fell In Love With A Pedophile” Valentines Mystery! Lubes that won’t leave you irritated
Cupid issue
Nikolai Kokenize cupid already hit him!!!
Forgotten love story until now!!
Letter from the Editor
ple do this. But let’s break that habit and stereotype and have more compassion for one another. I have a friend who has said that he has had sex with all of his friends. Thrown back by that comment I asked, why? He had said that is just what happens and for that they are really good friends. I have never had sex with any of my friends. To me that would be weird if I did say so. Talking to that person and knowing that they have seen me naked, possibly undressing me with their eyes and thinking about that night is something that I never want to come across. No thanks! I have tried going Dear Viewers, down booty call lane, and I’m such a sucker for love. I’ve for those who have said always watched the romantic com“Oh I just have sex with edies (still do) and have asked “Why can’t that happen to me?” I can finally them and I have no feelings.” Yea right! After that say IT HAS!!!! I have found the love night of a booty call, I had of my life, Daniel. I was almost going felt horrible about using to give up on love if he did not show the person for sex and we up when he did. Good thing too! We gays have lost the path of love; instead were not even dating. Human beings have feelings most people have sex and trade it off for a reason and by saying like a handshake rather than just putthat I just DTF and that is ting your hand and shaking the other person’s hand, and then maybe seeing all, well that to me sounds if it can go into a relationship. Most of like you are a shallow person. Okay alien, robot, you have gone down the promiscuity road . I’m not doggin’ on those who do blow up doll, or whatever it and I’m not saying that just gay peo- you are you do have feel-
ing for the other person that you just climaxed in. Sex is not just the action it is about how much you love the person and sharing a part of you that nobody gets to see or feel. Love should be expressed and function like that in everybody’s head. In this issue, we wanted to focus on the whole love aspect. In most magazine’s they use the work “TRICK”. My team and I are avoiding that word completely. The word that should be used is “GUIDE”. We want to help you obtain not just love but the satisfactory of showing your love for the other person. When I would read the most popular women’s magazine and try to show my partner a few new things, it’s not relatable because it is from a woman’s point of view. That is not what I am looking for. So for the month of February we have put together what we think is the ultimate guide for love & relationships. It does not hurt to ask for some help!
DAVID HEXBERG Editorial Director
• 5 Best Places to Eat • Book of the Month “Son of the Witch” • Movies to Love • Gays of Our Lives • 30 Shots • Music of February • 775 Event Calender
• Decoding pickup lines • Shit Straight People Say
• Nikolai Kokenzie cupid has his heart set aside! Find out for who?
• unwanted body hair • prevent wrinkles • 10 nightly rituals to better your appearance
ARIES February
• Well done Europe, But It Is Still Not America • Bob & Me • I Fell In Love & Was Living With A Pedophile!
• Keeping it SWEET in the bedroom • Lubes that won’t leave you irritated • 12 toe curling tips for the ultimate BJ
• Cupid is in the House • 8 scents that drive men crazy • Grindr The Digital Cupid • Top Ten Ways To Mend A Broken Heart!
• FEB’S Tech Review
• Now that I’m Single What I AM I Going To Do Now?
• Valentines Day Mystery! Where did the holiday come from?
• Stop by and see what people have sent in for February!!
• Meet James And His Story
• Luscious Desserts
• Safe Sex, the importance of prevention. • AB “V” Workout
• Love this Month?
• Are you in love?
know a lot of people are looking forward to Valentine’s Day this month and there are tons of ways you can celebrate that special day with that special someone. Try that restaurant you always wanted to go to or how about finally going to see that movie you two have been talking about? No matter what you decide to do, or whether or not you have someone special to spend with on Valentine’s , I encourage you to try something new and unexpected. It’s always a good idea if you’re in a relationship to try new things to make the partnership more intriguing, but it if you are not with anyone, then trying something new and unexpected can lead you down a road to where you find yourself, or even better…that special someone. If you have no idea where to take your special love for a V-Day Dinner..don’t worry, I did the research for you. Resturaunts are very hard to pick when you want have a nice and wonderful date without having to deal with other people and trying to hear your love. Let me tell you nothing ruins a date more than the place that you decided to try out!!!
a Got No Ide o What To D e For The On.... e In Your Lif ..... No Biggie ou We Have Yd!! Covere
Ming’s A great place to dine your beloved in. Service is very esquist, they
don’t treat you like your cattle or just another customer. Family is how you walk in as and how you walk out in. The atmosphere is very pleaseant and if your order is taking longer then expected then its worth the wait. When tasting the food, your taste buds will enjoy it as much as you do and so will your date. If your not a big eater then just the asian salad will be enough for you. All I can say is that Ming’s is very Dynamic in its own way!
SK NOODLE If your date and yourself are in the mood for something more ethnic.
Sk Noodle is the place to go. Even though it’s a very small resturant the plates are very big. Whenever I go there I always order the orange chicken. Everytime I take a bit of it I always feel that the cook makes it with “LOVE”. Which I know sounds weird. The atmosphere is very nice even though they ahve a t.v. in the background. It’s great for conversation. You will leave feeling very satisfied and don’t forget to rub the golden buddah for good luck!
The Green Papaya Another ethnic resturant but worth your time. Its a little bigger than sk
noodle with the same feel. They treat you like you are a royal guest. Which is always nice to feel. I have tried all of their dishes and they all are very good. Its a matter of preference when you eat there.
The Green Papaya This little neighborhood restaurant is a slice of old Reno. Reno resi-
dent Toni Tenille is a regular here. Zozo’s serves classic Italian food and really good wine. Holidays can be crowded, but the food is good. They are famous for their garlic bread and homemade salad dressings. Their menu contains country style items like Proscuitto Wrapped Asparagus, Grilled Polenta, a great Tomato Salad, Vegetarian Lasagna, Rigatoni with Sausage, Zozo’s Chicken with fresh herbs and mushrooms and really good Veal Picatta. The atmosphere is unbelieveable!
o as we continue our book of the month. The Second installment of the “Wicked Series” come “Son of A Witch”. If you loved the first book, your gonna love this book even more. Let me just give a little background story. It starts off where a character named Oatsie Manglehand finds a body of badly bruised man and near death on the side of the road near Vinkus. This road has been abandoned due to “scrapings” where victims facials features have been mutalted. But yet his face has not been scraped. He was taken to a place like a church where Sister’s have been taking care of him. Candle a character that was dropped off at the same place has been given a task to watch over the comotose Liir and place music for him. As liir is under we travel back where Dorothy killed Elphie, the wicked witch of the west, and now Liir has no one to turn too. He was under the care of witch So he sets off his journey by following Dorothy and the gang back to emerald city. There he is in search of Nor, his half sister daughter of Fieyro who was taken by the Wizards force. In the time he searches for Nor he becomes a solider, befriends Trism, another solider, who both begin to have feelings for each other. Later becomes rogue, befriends a princess who is a women and also an elephant who is dying and wants liir to grant her one wish. Defends a colony of birds. As well as trying to find the grimmerie, the witches spell book, leading up to the point where he was found and taken to the place under the care of Candle. She begins to feel that liir is dying so she wraps him up in her clothes and goes for help. But is locked in the room by Mother yackle, the oldest of the sisters. In a desperate attempt to save him, she performs mouthto-mouth resuscitation on the boy, and ultimately ends up raping him. Mother Yackle later unlocks the door, and, when the Superior Maunt and the newly returned Sisters Doctor and Apothecaire enter the sickroom, Candle and Liir are gone. The pair take up residence in a deserted farmhouse, which Candle names “Apple Press Farm.” When he is fully recovered. Later in the book She reveals a secret to Liir that she has been hiding from him for a long time. But after all is said and done. The question still remains......Is he the son of the Wicked Witch of the West? This book will keep you on the edge of your seat and will have you never putting it down. You can find something relatable within its pages. I reccommended to a bunch of my friends and they all have said the same thing. Gregory Maguire has done it again and has captured the land of oz in a different light. Everything is not what it seems. This book is perfect for the month of love. A lot of heartfelt scenes have been poured out in the pages of this book. The next book in the series is “A Lion Among Men”. I am half way done with that book and boy it answers a lot of questions in the second book. Just a little teaser for you all. This book is the backstory of the Lion and his journey to find liir. Will he find what he’s lookiing for? I don’t know yet, but I find out!!
he last time that we left off Gabi and Will were trying to collect money for the clinc to have an abortion. Will realizes that its a mistake and that Gabi should keep the baby. From then on things have been sprialing out of the control for the two gay love birds. When sonny found out that Will got Gabi pregnant and has been lying to him for quite some time and was secrectly halping Gabi with her pregnancy, Sonny was furious and want nothing to do with Will. Called him a liar. Their relationship slowly starting to crumble. “How could he lie about this, a baby.” Will was ready to give that all up to show his love for Sonny just to prove that he wants Sonny more than anything, though Sonny never knew that and had to be told by someone else, it was too late, he and Brian have been becoming for than friends.
A new guy that has just popped up into Sonny’s life and have been there for him every step of the way. Sonny and Brian were talking and getting very close, Will was coming to see sonny but instead he saw the two of them kissing in the coffee shop. A heartbroken Will understands now that it is over and leaves and was noticed by Brian. Brian confronts Will after the pizza joint after sonny leaves, letting him know that don’t come around anymore. Sonny is mine. Pretty much so far the morel of the situation is that not to lie to your boyfriend, partner, or who ever your with. Even if it is a very small one. All I can say is that maybe Sonny took it a little to far with his temper and judgement. He should of taken the time to understand what Will was going through.
“Bullet to the head”, opening on February 1st, stars Sylvester Stallone as a hit man who seeks out revenge for his partner being killed. Rated “R” for language, drugs, and violence. “Stand up Guys”, opening on February 1st, stars Al Pacino, Christopher Walken, Alan Arkin. Pacino’s character is released from prison after a murder and one on his ex-partner’s he reunites with has been given orders to kill him. Rated “R” for violence, brief drug use, sexual content and language. “Warm bodies”, opening on February 1st, is a romantic comedy take on the zombie world starring Nicholas Hoult as a zombie who falls in love with a human. Rated PG-13 for some language and zombie violence. “Identity theif”, opening on February 8th, starring Jason Bateman and Melissa McCarthy is a comedy rated R for sexual content and language. McCarthy’s character steals the identity of Bateman’s and he has to track her down before his life is ruined. “Safe haven”, opening on February 14th, is a romantic drama starring Josh Duhamel and Julianne Hough. A woman struggles to find love again in a small town and discovers the true meaning of sacrifice when she meets a widowed man. This film is not yet rated. “Side effects”, opening on February 8th, is a drama/thriller starring Channing Tatum and Catherine Zeta-Jones . It’s about a couple in New York and the female gets a prescription for anxiety, but it comes with some unexpected “side effects”. This film is not rated.
“Beautiful creatures”, opening on February 13th, is a supernatural love story starring Emma Thompson. Her character meets a young man who is trying to escape from their town. Together they find out important history of their town as well as their own families. The film is based on the first novel in the bestselling series by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl and is rated PG-13 for sexual material, violence, and scary images. “A good day to die hard”, opening on February 14th, is the 5th installment of the Die Hard series starring Bruce Willis. In this film, he is reunited with his estranged son and together they have to help keep each other alive while his son attempts to break out a rogue Russian leader. This film is not yet rated. “Snitch”, opening on February 22nd, stars Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Susan Sarandon. A man goes undercover for the DEA in order to free his son who was set up in a drug deal. Rated PG-13 for drug content and violence.
{ 1
UNR @ 7-9 7 QSU Paper Diamond is
/ Tronix @ 8 Vanity 10
Crawl 9 Vampire Downtown
14 QSU UNR @ 7-9
/ Tronix @ 15 Vanity 10
21 QSU UNR @ 7-9
preforming on February 7th at 8pm
the house wed. 6 Pack @ Bruka Theater starting 10 pm
/ Tronix 22 Vanity @ 10
Crawl starts 23 Beer at 2pm
UNR @ 7-9 28 QSU Pennywise will be playing at the Knitting Factory @ 7:30pm
id it hurt? (Did what hurt?) When you fell from heaven, did it hurt? Oh, the beloved pick-up lines. A simple form of starting a conversation with that face you spotted from across the room, but are these clever selections of words really “simple”? Maybe, just maybe, one word spoken out of order can be the fate, the deciding factor, of that person’s interest in you. Maybe you are the hunted – the prey, being sought out and baited by the endless collections of words. How can you determine what the hidden motives, the substance and purpose of these flattering words truly are? Many questions arise when I think about the nature of the most common ice-breaker – the “pick-up line”. Let’s start off by determining some of the most common pick-up lines used in today’s everyday life – whether flattering, funny, perverted, persuasive, clever, or just plain cheesy. “Are you tired, because you have been running through my mind all night” is one of the all-time classics. Such a classic, this pick-up line can stem from multiple motives and styles. Sure, we have all heard this pick up line over and over to the point that we already know the punch line before it’s even said. Surprisingly enough, however, that common knowledge is the underlying reason for its use. This pick-up line is a simple get your foot in the door type of conversation starter mixed with the cheesiness and dull humor needed to break that special someone out of their comfort zone. Once this barrier is broken, a follow up topic can easily slide past the defenses of the human mind. If this one is used on you, eye contact will tell everything. Watch the eyes. As we all know this pick-up line so well
DECODING PICK UP LINES Don’t be a sucker!
By Chris Gorman
the motives are hidden in the eyes, not the words. If they are looking at your hands and waist – then they are simply looking for some physical contact and the line itself is merely a distraction. If their eyes stay fixed on your lips or your eyes, they are legitimately making the effort to pay attention to what you are going to say in return. This one might be able to have some potential. From cheesy and funny to clever and persuasive, each pick-up line has its own motives. “I know a great way to burn off the calories in that pastry you just ate.” Pick up lines like this have only 1 motive. Sex, sex, and more sex. However, the tactic isn’t in the words. Pick up lines are simply the crack in the ice to any conversation. A good pick-up artist knows exactly how to read the prey’s reaction. Because a pick up line can be persuasive and borderline inappropriate to say to someone you first meet, this line needs
to be limited to use on those with an obvious open mind. If you have an open mind, and someone decides to play this card with you, keep in mind exactly what their intention is. Despite what they may try to say, anything after this line basically just goes like this, “I want sex, I want sex, I choose you, What do you say?”. The answer to those hidden, yet up front questions are entirely up to you. Just remember to keep an eye open for key words that trigger this type of pick-up line, just as you should for a flattering pick-up line which is the hardest type of line to distinguish a difference. “I don’t normally do this, but I thought of every line to say just to get you to talk to me, and I had the right one picked out. I’m terrible at this, especially when I am on the spot with someone who has the looks that you do.” Although it may seem like a simple flattering “poor thing is nervous,
he must be genuine” type of line, this particular line was staged from the get go. The reason a line like this works so well, personally a 5 for 7 success rate – is because it displays a seemingly obvious soft side of someone who cares. Hook, line, and sinker – the line worked. This line has caught the hunted off guard to where they allow for more conversation to eventually ask what the pick-up line they were going to use was. If they are really good at the fake display of sincerity, a cheesy and clever line, usually a rare line will be used. For example, “Are you going to kiss me, or am I going to have to lie to my diary?” They laugh, you laugh, and the rest is history. Can this type of line ever be genuine, you ask? If it can, then how can you know they are for real? The answer is simple. Just as the classic pick up line, the clever style of flattery and its genuine nature can be determined by one thing – the eyes. Key in on where they look – around the room, through you, or at you with a smile. Looking at you with a smile instead of fixating on the surroundings around the two of you is a sign that cannot be faked – if you are paying attention. Words are only used as the gateway, but the eyes can only tell the truth. Whether its comedy, flattery, perversion, cleverness or just plain cheesy – pick-up lines can be casual harmless combinations of words or they can be the tip of the hidden dagger. They can be used as a distraction, a deterrent, or an attention diverter. One thing through any pick-up line must remain constant, and always does – the eyes. They are the key and the hook to any successful or unsuccessful first line in a conversation. Eyes fixated on the lips, eyes, or nose – typically harmless upon first contact.
Eyes fixated on your hands, waist, or anywhere below the chin – typically hidden motives. Being able to determine each style of pick-up line can totally assist you in finding whatever it is you are looking for – a quick fling or the real deal. Watch the eyes.
“Are you tired, because you have been running through my mind all night”
“so you never been with a girl?” “so there’s this guy I know he’s gay”
Gay Love
Just becuase you know two gay guys doesn’t mean that we would be good together. That’s like us gays setting up dates for you and telling you that I know this straight guy and you two would be very cute together!
“WAS HE BIG?” “you guys are like two gay peas in a cute”
“you guys would be cute together”
“I went on gay dates, is it weird that I was interested”
“Ugh, can’t you just be straight?”
“has he met your parents!”
“does a man send another man flowers?”
$h!t Straight People Say...
“lets go on a double date, I want to know about how a gay dating works!”
Aries - Can you tell Aries and our readers a little background history of yourself? Nick - Im from a pretty small town in wisconsin where a lot of nothing happens. I spend most my time as a kid playing in the woods and as i got older i was always involved in sports. once high school was over i joined the navy. once that was over i became a personal trainer Aries - Have you always wanted to go into the military? Nick- I remember watching action movies as a kid and always wishing i could be like the hero, and a lot of the time that person was in the military so yeah Aries - What are you views on gays? Nick- same on my views for everyone else. i dont care, if your a good person you are a good person and we will get along Aries - Are you dating anyone? yes i am Nick - Are you in love? there is no one else i would rather be with Aries - What’s the one thing that she does for you that you love? Nick- She believes in me. No matter what way i wanna go in life she motivates me to it Aries - How many times does a gay man hit on you? Nick - haha guess it kinda depends on if im trying to be a show off or not Aries - What sparked your interested for modeling? Nick - i love the idea of being the piece of art
Aries - Is it something that you plan in doing for a long time? Nick - as long as people wanna look at me haha Aries - Why are some goals that you have or working towards? Nick- earning my NPC Pro card for mens physique bodybuilding Getting down to the dirty! Lol Aries -Whats one thing girls notice about you? Nick- I like to think its the fact i try to stay as original with my look as i can. never had a tatto or any type of peircing. when i wanna change the way i look i do it with diet and exercise Aries - Have you ever done one night stands? Nick - yeah, but its kinda like a jackpot you dont ever really get it =P haha Aries - What does gay clubs offer that straight clubs don’t? Nick - A good club is a good club no matter what type it is. as for the clubs around here i just dont wanna pay a cover to get all dressed up and go broke buying drinks. when i go out i wanna dance and it gets hot so the less clothes the better. cant really get away with that most places here. Aries - What’s your favorite sex position and why? Nick- Anything in the shower... its always funner then a water park Aries- One song that can be related to you the most? Nick - love train by the o’jays
Aries - Give us three words that describe you? Nick - motivation, dedication and class Aries - What’s your style? Nick- changes with the tide
GETTING RID OF UNWANTED BODY HAIR NATURALLY! without the niks or the cuts by Daniel Schultz
ne of the most prevalent problems that not only a lot of men but all men face where appearance is concerned is that of unwanted body hair. Nowadays, women like clean shaven bodies in men. Therefore the priority for removal of unwanted hair has grown in the recent times. It seems to be very tiring and irritating to shave hair or getting it waxed from time to time. Excessive hair in the body is taken to be as a point of turn off in men. Laser hair removal and other forms of surgeries are however some permanent treatments that you can opt for but it comes with its own pros and cons. The side effects and long
term damage that it might leave on the skin may not be worth it. The best way to get rid of the problem of unwanted body hair is to get natural! Home remedies and natural treatments will not only get you freedom from the issue but is totally safe and effective, Home made alternatives are something that will work best of any kind of problem that you might face. This simple guide will give you an idea about various treatments that you can adhere to clean off the extra and undesired body hair + Gram Flour and Yoghurt combo A simple way to get a solution to your problem is to mix equal quantities of yoghurt and gram flour in a bowl. Once it blends well, add 2-3 drops of olive oil to it. Now apply this effective paste on the body generously. A thick layer of the paste will work wonders on the unwanted hair. Now leave it to dry completely. Once it is, you can rub the entire area gently to remove the paste as well as the hair. However, if you want visible outcomes, follow this trend once every week for a couple of months + Lemon juice And Sugar Magic Another cure for getting rid of unwanted hair in men is to make a liquid blend of water in the quantity of quarter cup with the equal amount of lemon juice and approximately 2 cups of sugar. Now once you mix it well, boil this in a pan and medium flame. This will help the sugar dissolve properly. Once it starts bubbling, remove from heat and cool it down to normal temperature. The liquid should be cool enough to apply the same on the skin without burning.
Now to apply on skin, you need to first dust the area of unwanted hair with cornstarch. Now apply the solution with the help of your fingers in the direction opposite to the hair growth. Use a thin cotton cloth as a strip. Rub gently and quickly pull away. This natural hair removal solution will help you a long way in getting riddance of body hair.
+ Honey, Lemon and Gram flour mix! To soften the hair on the body, take a quick shower. Dry yourself completely with a towel. Now apply a thick layer of this paste on the skin where you want to remove the hair from. This paste should be left to dry for at least half an hour before you start rubbing it off. The rubbing procedure should be done with the use of a loofah. Use this to scrub the skin just in the opposite direction to which the hair grows. This is one of the most effectual and quick ways to get freedom from unwanted body hair. Make sure you follow the home remedy consistently for great results! The treatment should be followed by another shower to remove the residues. You can also use a mild soap for the purpose.
+ Turmeric and Gram flour Combination Mix in water, gram flour and some turmeric and apply on the areas. Dry the paste and rub gently to remove the hair. This will prove efficient if followed once every week for 1-2 months. I have tried all of these remedies either on myself or on friends, and they all work. You may have to reapply every other week. But it beats shaving and having horrible bumps, niks, red areas, or anything else that could create a sore. Also before attempting any of this remedies make sure that your not allergic to any of them. What ever works for you I know that you will like the result, I know that my husband doesnt’t like to go completely bald everywhere but likes to keep it a little on the hairy side. I aske him why one time. He said “ I hate how it makes my skin feels plus I feel itchy when it starts to grow back,.�
by daniel schultz s some of your eyes in you look in order to focus on the mirror, near or far oball we look jects, the higher for is flaws the chances of in yourselves. We pull, stretch, wrinkles appearexamine, rub but we never can get ing on your face. away from the wrinkles. But we Squinting actually all ask the same question. “Im too puts stress on the young to have wrinkles, whats gofacial muscles, ing on?” It doens’t matter how old causing them to you are, its a matter of how well work more than you take care of yourself. There necessary. With are many factors that could cuase time, this stress aging process to speed up. causes grooves to Sleeping on your side can appear beneath the skin’s surface be factor of the lines. It has been which resemble wrinkles on the noted that sleeping on the same outside. side night after night can cause Washing your face is way the skin in that particular area to for you to obtain early lines. Of stretch, thereby causing wrinkles course we always recommend the that with time, don’t disappear habit of washing your face every even after you get up. So its best day to remove dirt and impurities considered to sleep on one’s back that might lead to clogged pores more often to prevent wrinkles. and blemishes. If you catch yourself But washing your face too squinting your eyes alot either you often can put you at the risk of loshave really bad eyesight or move ing essential barrier oils from your closer to read or view. This is anface. Washing these oils from your other factor. face could strip the latter off the If you find your self sufferprotection that it needs. Thus limit ing from eye sight problems, get an your face washing and cleansing appointment with an optometrist sessions to once or twice a day. immediately and get a prescrip Also not practicing good tion for either a pair of spectacles skin care habits can lead up to as or lens. For recent studies have well. These skin care basics need revealed that the more you squint to be definitely incorporated into
your daily routine. Miss out on them and you will start developing wrinkles very quickly. These include ample protection from the sun, restriction on smoking and regular moisturizing. Keeping up on this will give you the result that your looking for. Ignoring Certain Vitamins and Minerals is a basic mustMost of us would not know it, but the Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) present in natural fruits have a soothing effect on the skin and literally remove the top layer of the dead skin cells. This in turn reduces wrinkles to a great extent. AHAs also stimulate collagen production which leads to the formation of healthier, more radiant skin. Vitamin C is known to enhance skin elasticity by stimulating the formation of collagen in the body. Regular use of Vitamin C will also keep the skin safe from the UVA and UVB rays of the sun.
10 Nightly Rituals That Improve Your Appearance
Change Your Sheets
Regularly rotating your sheets is essential for better-looking skin. Dirt and debris accumulate in bedding, so slip on fresh sheets and pillowcases once a week to help clear up the skin on your face as well as other parts of your body, like your back.
Lay Out Your Clothes Before hitting the hay, if you take a few minutes to choose the clothes you plan to wear the next day, you’ll cut down on the time you spend frantically running around in the morning because you’ll always have a freshly ironed shirt, and you’ll never have to waste time searching for matching socks. The result is that you’ll arrive at the office looking rested rather than frazzled. What’s more, because you know everything you’re wearing goes together, you’ll come off as professional and confident.
Soften Lips
Tweeze Unwanted Hair
Getting rid of unwanted hair between your eyebrows, taming bushy brows and plucking unruly nose or ear hairs are all jobs better tackled at night, particularly if you have sensitive skin. As tweezing can lead to redness, performing this grooming operation at night means that any irritation that develops has eight hours to subside, so your handiwork won’t be obvious to others.
Get kissable soft lips while you sleep in two quick steps: Begin by exfoliating your lips when brushing your teeth. While it may sound complicated, exfoliating your kisser simply involves running your toothbrush lightly back and forth across your upper and lower lips a few times. This technique is extremely effective for getting rid of any dry, flaky skin and takes mere seconds. After brushing your teeth, apply a softening lip balm, and you’ll wake up in the morning with noticeably nicer lips.
Doing some gentle stretching before bed will lengthen your muscles and, within a few weeks, you’ll have a leaner, more toned appearance in addition to being more limber. Additionally, light stretching will help you relax, meaning you’ll sleep better.
Brushing your teeth is a no-brainer, but as you age, flossing becomes increasingly important for maintaining fresh breath and healthy gums. Plus, you can also lighten the spaces in between your teeth while you floss if you pick up a brand that boasts whitening properties.
An hour or two before bed, turn off your computer, laptop, iPad, television, and gaming system. Some studies suggest that the energy emitted from these devices may interfere with the production of melatonin, a hormone critical to your sleep-wake cycle. Obviously, the ensuing difficulties you may have falling asleep or staying asleep will affect your appearance, both in the short term and over time. To enable your body to do what it’s supposed to and rejuvenate while you sleep, switch your electronics off and pick up a book instead to bring on drowsiness.
Swap Stimulants For Decaf Tea Drinking caffeine, in the form of coffee, energy drinks, or soda, or consuming more than a couple of alcoholic beverages in the evening, will keep you awake, so you lose out on restorative sleep time. These beverages are also dehydrating, which increases the appearance of wrinkles because they dry out your skin. For younger-looking skin, switch to decaf tea if you crave a hot drink or plain-old ice water for a cold one instead before turning in for the night.
Cleanse Your Face
Just like you would in the morning, use a mild facial cleanser at night for brighter skin. Look for one with a 2% salicylic acid concentration in order to wipe away traces of your day, like dirt and sweat, which can clog pores and lead to zits.
Apply An Anti-Aging Moisturizer And Eye Cream
Many anti-aging products are best applied at night rather than in the day, as they can contain active ingredients that don’t interact well with sunlight. For a nighttime moisturizer that can diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and give you smoother skin, look for one that contains retinol, one of the only scientifically proven anti-aging ingredients. Recent studies have found that even moisturizers that contain very low doses of retinol, such as the products you can find in your local drugstore, have beneficial effects in terms of reducing signs of aging. For a super-strong dose, you’ll need to consult a dermatologist. Don’t forget to layer an eye cream on top of your moisturizer. The skin around the eye area is so delicate that it needs extra protection and hydration.
ome of us are clueless when it comes to picking out a suit. Were not sure what types look good on us or even there were different types. As far as I knew there weren’t until the time I need to buy one. When I was greeted by a young lady who worked in suits for the past 5 years, she really knew her stuff. She had try on different suits. She said that I looked devine in the “English Cut” or the “Italian Cut”. She was right! Stating that since I had a Slim figure that slim suits are best for me. As I try suits between the two I didn’t like the colors or the fabrics that they had in stock at the store. But there is was a black slim fit suit with the perfect woven fabric, I knew I had to have it. The price was within my budget, it was like I could hear it singing to me, calling my name. So to the thank the lovely lady *June. I took her to lunch and picked her brain for more information about suits. *June was very knowledgeable she told me that when picking a suit you have to remember your body type. She had said as well each designer is different so size you have to watch out for. But she did draw up
SUITING Up! diagrams for the different types of suits there are. Thanks *June for your time and patiences!
“Picking a suit is like picking out a piece of you who are, it reflects your style!”
Serapian Leather Two Pocket Briefcase
Lotuff & Clegg Working Tote
Tod’s Atlantico Laurent Tote
Fendi Selleria Boston Bag
Just becuase women have bags doesn’t mean that we can’t have one too!
Rag & Bone City Case
Les Essentiels De La Vie Haneda
Well Done Europe, But It Is Still Not America
By: Charles Scott
2012 was not exactly the best year for everyone here in the good ole U.S. of A. Mostly that had everything to do with the economy and all those horrendous acts of pure rage, hatred, and willingness to sacrifice the lives of innocence. On the other hand, there was a lot to celebrate if you were a liberal this year. Three states did approve to legalize marriage of same-sex couples and two more states legalized marijuana. Oh yeah, I almost forgot the little fact that President Obama was reelected. I am sure that conservatives are not happy with any of those latter happening. For those in the overarching gay community there is a bright spot in this world that progressive thought for sexual orientation equality actually matters. The United Kingdom has seen this progressivism in action. A therapist by the name of Gary McFarlane, and a civil servant, Lilian Ladele, are the ones who were made example of this progressive human rights ruling. McFarlane refused to counsel a same-sex couple using the excuse that it is against his religion. Ladele, a city registrar, refused to officiate a civil partnership ceremony between a same-sex couple as is part of her official duties. Last I checked people had
to actually do their job otherwise they are subject to termination. That is exactly what happened in both cases. Freedom of religion is protected as a human right in western countries and under this basis both people sued over their firings. The decision of the European Human Rights Court was not one I am sure either party was hoping for. The court ruled that there was no illegal act in firing either person. McFarlane and Ladele had nothing to support their refusal to do their job. The ruling also went on to say that based on the European Convention of Human Rights that sexual orientation is protected under that law and religion is no excuse, when institutions provide equal opportunity services, to not perform your job. It is tough to say what the exact response in the United Kingdom is over this ruling. While vacationing there I do remember posters saying that England specifically was a Christian country. On the other hand, they do have things like universal health care and domestic partnerships are recognized. Concepts that are almost exact opposites of one another. Also since that ruling was by a European court and not one from the United Kingdom, I suppose that the ruling is blanket over all members and
and that is an entirely separate bag of worms to guess at. To go further I can only speculate at the political leanings, if any are allowed, in the European courts. From the various rulings over the years it appears there is not any. Being that this is Murcia though not a single ruling in a European court is worth any of the American paper it was never written on. My personal opinion is that while this is a landmark ruling it just does not affect us enough and will do nothing more than feed political fires of both camps. Until the United States can find the kind of impartiality in the justice system, and in government, this kind of ruling will never happen. So long as extreme liberals and conservatives hold sway that is. Until the leaders of my beloved United States pulls their heads out and move to the middle and appoint courts that are central as well this will not happen. The basic idea of an employer being able to fire their employee for not doing their job cannot happen here so long as equality and religion are exclusively liberal and conservative concepts.
Bob & Me
As Told by James Winchurch
“He was brilliant; he was cultured; he was funny – and he was gay.”
“I loved Bob, but I’m straight, you know, so I never spoke those words to him. I regret that.” I met Bob in 1968. I had started my junior year in college, and he moved onto my floor in the dorm. He was a freshman. We hit it off immediately. He was brilliant. He was funny. And as I found out later, he was gay. That did not bother me. I can only remember once in my childhood someone talking to me in grade school about “queers.” I cannot even remember what he said, but it was probably a joke. I did not laugh. I was raised in what many would call a racist environment, and I learned later that racism and homophobia have the same roots. If you are not like everybody else in a given environment, you are in trouble. I decided when I was a senior in high school that I would put that behind me and treat everyone as an individual. I always tried to treat everyone as I would like to be treated. I never asked any acquaintances if they were gay, but I learned that more than a few of the people that I have known were. It never bothered me. All of them were intelligent, wonderful people. I have often wondered why gayness is so often associated with intelligence and talent. Bob exemplified both. Bob and I became fast friends. He was so funny, and he enjoyed laughing so much. Like me, he saw humor in everything. Once, we were with a bunch of friends and one was backing out of a parking place on a dark and snowy night. Suddenly, we heard a loud crunch. The driver expressed alarm about the sound but kept backing out. Suddenly, one of the passengers looked out the window and said with feigned shock, “My god, a
small child!” Bob and I roared, but the driver got a little angry because he was hoping that the crunch was not just that. Bob and I knew better, and we enjoyed laughing, even at ourselves. Bob decorated his dorm room with a lot of psychedelic posters and stickers. We did a lot of things (drugs) that we should not have done in that room, but it was okay. It was Bob’s room, after all. One night, we were all in Bob’s room, listening to some of the great music that Bob had in his collection, on his great stereo. He was talking with a mutual friend at one end of the room, and I was alone at the other end. The room was dark as always, with the usual psychedelic lights. I was feeling alone, and I missed Bob. I lay there and silently asked him to leave his friend and come to me. I wanted Bob. I needed Bob. I knew that he was gay, and had he come that night, I think we may have come together. Was it meant to be? I’ll never know. I did not say anything, since he was with a mutual friend, and I did not feel right about butting in. That was too selfish. I kept my mouth shut, so I’ll never know. In 1971, I moved to Ch-
icago briefly, but I moved back to my college town. I immediately looked up Bob. In fact, he was the first person I looked up when I got back. The guys in the dorm called him “Mom.” I do not think that Bob was actively gay back then, but he made it known that he was gay. I am sure that many thought he was kidding, but everyone accepted it. I never saw any negative reactions. I cannot remember just when, but Bob and I got an apartment together. It was after I had graduated and bummed around for a couple of years, but when I found a job and started to straighten out my life, he was the first person I thought of to room with. We shared two apartments, so I think that we were room mates for two years. Bob started to come out then, but I never saw him with a boyfriend. I think he was just looking for a way to be more open about it. I always thought that Bob was attracted to me. He never made any overt moves, but he hinted at it more than once. I did not respond. Later, I got a girlfriend, and I think that came between us. She was a ditz, and we broke up after a few months. I am straight, you know, but I did occasionally think about a relationship with Bob especially after that breakup, but I couldn’t talk myself into it, so I let it go. I noticed a change in Bob’s attitude toward me about that time. He did like me a lot, and maybe even loved me, but I think he was angry because I had let her come between us. In our second apartment, I also insisted on taking the larger bedroom, the one with the outside door. He wanted it
bad. I wanted it so I could sneak girls in, and he wanted it so he could start coming out. Once, when I left a note on the back bedroom door because she and I were in bed (almost all we ever did!), he moved his stereo into his bedroom, and we started separating. We remained friends, but we did not hang out together. I was working as a theatre manager, and I hired Bob as a janitor. He was good, but he found out the storeroom key and the office key were the same, and he started stealing candy. I changed the lock. I could have, and I am sure that many would say that I should have fired him, but I could not do it. I am not sure that I would not have done the same thing with him, and he knew that I knew about what he had done. That was enough punishment 11for me. After a few months, he decided to move to Chicago to pursue his goal as an actor. He left, and I did not see him for ten years, although I did call him occasionally. In 1984, I moved to Chicago, too, and I looked Bob up after a few weeks. I went to see him in a play he was in. I went to see the play twice. We went out to dinner. I visited him in his apartment. We laughed. We shared. We had grown apart, but the friendship was still there. We did not speak that often. I would call him every couple of months, and we got together a few times. I thought about Bob often. I should have realized what that was telling me, but I refused to see it. Before the first time that I was going to see him in the play, I got dressed and looked at myself in the mirror. I told myself that if Bob said anything or made any moves on me, I would accept them and Bob and I would finally be together. Finally. I wasn’t seeing anyone, and I was starting to wonder. He didn’t, and I didn’t, and that was that. I saw the play; we had dinner, talked and laughed, went to his apartment, and I went home. I was as
I believe it was in August, 1987, that I was talking to him on the phone, and he told me that he had been “diagnosed.” That meant that he was HIV. I had heard that he had pneumonia, and that scared me. I knew about Pneumocystis carinii. It turned out that Bob had that. He told me then or later that he had a catheter in his chest, and he took his meds for pneumonia that way. He could not take AZT, the only drug they had for AIDS back then, because it conflicted with his pneumonia drug. I told him then how sorry I was that he was ill. We talked a little more, and he told me he had to get off the phone. I am sure that Bob knew that I was struggling to find words to say, so he spared me the trouble. I talked to Bob occasionally after that. I called him once, and he was so ill that he bowed out of the conversation. He did not like to talk when he was ill. I went to the restaurant where he worked. He had worked as a waiter there, but they took him off the floor when he was sick, and put him in the office. A woman there told me that he was not doing well. I knew that he was losing his vision, and I could only imagine what else he was going through. I realized, too, that Bob had already been infected with HIV when I went to see him in that play, and that I would probably have been infected with HIV, too, if we had come together that night. I was too concerned about him to be relieved about that, though. In early December, 1988, I called Bob, and he sounded great. He told me that he has just had his blood “washed.” They had given him a complete transfusion. His voice still sounded a bit scratchy, but I figured that was because of lesions in his throat. Otherwise, he sounded like himself again. He told me that he was going to Florida for Christmas with his sister. They had everything ready for him, and he was eager to go. I was happy for him, and I even thought there might be a glimmer of hope. As
Christmas approached, I started wondering if he had gone to Florida. On December 22, I called him. He answered the phone. He had not gone. He was sick. Whatever benefits he got from the blood wash were gone. He was really sick. When I heard Bob’s voice, and I knew that he was sick, I wanted to open up to him. I wanted, to spill my guts. I wanted to tell him how much I loved him, how I had loved him almost from the day we met, how sorry I was that he was sick, and how sorry I was for the times I had hurt him. I was certain that there were several times. He had cooked for me, cleaned for me, washed my clothes, loaned me money, given me rides, helped me. I wanted to tell him how much I owed him for all of that. And I wanted to tell him more. Bob was gay. Bob had never made any overt moves toward me. I am not sure how I would have reacted if he had. There were a couple of times when I was attracted to him. Hell, I even had what I am sure some would consider gay feelings -- even before I knew what they were -- when I was a freshman toward another guy. I did not act on them. I was straight, you know. But I wanted to tell all of this to Bob. I just wanted to open up to him. I wanted to tell him how sorry I was that I could not, would not be what I believed he wanted me to be. I wanted to tell him how I had regrets about that, and I did. He was dying. It was too late for anything to start between us, but I wanted him to know. I wanted desperately to tell him how much I loved him. Instead, I panicked and hung up. I shall carry that phone call with me to my grave. I have often wondered why I never told Bob how I felt about him. Was it because he was gay? Probably. I am sure that I was afraid that he would do what I wanted to do in that last phone call. And then what? A couple of months later, I called Bob again. An Hispanic man answered the phone. That was when I knew that Bob
had died. It was 1989. I did not attend his funeral. I do not know where he is buried. I have never visited his grave, and I even threw away his picture during a move. It’s funny. When my sister was little, my mother was starting to teach her to write. She started using her left hand. I have heard that children automatically start using right or left. Everyone in our family was right-handed, of course, so my mother insisted that my sister use her right hand. That is how she learned. Her penmanship was always terrible, and she can now write with either hand. I am sure that she was left-handed. Is this how we become straight or gay, too? I think it may have a lot to do with being straight. Gay people I have known have always told me that they were always gay, always “different,” and that tends to fly in the face of everything we learn -- like about how being gay is a “choice.” I was raised straight, but I have always wondered. At one job, I knew a guy who had been married for 24 years and then went gay. In fact, he went what some call “flaming.” Go figure. Is it possible to realize that you may have been raised wrong, that what you really are is not what you have always been told you should be? I do not deny my straightness, but I did have feelings for Bob. I have wondered what might have happened if I had acted on those feelings, or if Bob had read my mind and come to me. Would things be different? Would Bob still be alive now? I do not know. I only know that I miss him; I think about him often; and I regret being a coward in that last phone call, and in the years that we were friends. If you feel something for someone, tell them, even if they are gay. Maybe I should say especially if they are gay. When you say you love them, it will be like saying it to a good friend. When they reply that they love you, they will mean it, real meaningful, physical love. Don’t be afraid.
You could actually benefit from considering that kind of love. I could have returned Bob’s physical love on more than one occasion. Part of me wishes I could have. A big part of me wishes that I had. Another part of me wonders why I couldn’t. You’ll find out a lot when you speak that love to someone who is gay and hear the reply. In fact, you may find out a lot more about yourself than you will about them, and you will never have any regrets. Believe me, I learned that the hard way. I loved Bob. I still do and always will. If life after death is real, Bob will be the first person I seek. I can finally admit how sorry I am that I did not tell him of that love when he was alive. I shall carry the regret for that to my grave, as well.
“When I heard Bob’s voice, and I knew that he was sick, I wanted to open up to him.”
I Fell In Love & Living With A
Pedophile & Didn’t Know It! Nothing is worse than finding out that the person your sleeping with could possibly land you jail. *Berke kept his cool when he found out. You have to really judge a book by its cover!
*Names have been changed As told by *Berke
eople have skeletons in there closet. But this guy takes the cake!!! It happened 3 years ago. I was ready for the dating scene. So my friends and I headed to the bars and clubs. One night I met a guy who I had thought was charming, yet causal. He was bit older than I was, age really didn’t interest me unless you were like 50 and crippled. Then that’s drawing the line. We moved from the dance floor to the bar. He had asked me my drink order. Corona is always my drink. As the bartender was getting our drinks we were already deep within conversation. I really got to know *Tony before we got our drinks. We part ways that night but exchanged numbers. Later that week I got a text from *Tony. I was excited to see that he was interested and that he wanted to ask me if I wanted to have dinner over at his house. I responded with “yes, what should I bring?” In his blue bubble he had said “nothing.”
We had dinner that night and moved to the couch were things got a little steamy. All I can say is that I left his apartment no longer a virgin. He had asked me to be his boyfriend a couple weeks after that. I was floating with joy that I was in a relationship with a guy that respected me. He even told me that he was in AA. We were sharing very personal subjects as two people dating should. I met his parents, went on trips with him, and attended pride. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, before you I knew it I was already living with him before our one year anniversary. I was in love with this man and I couldn’t believe that my life was moving along. So I thought. A few days before out anniversary, I was at home off from work. *Tony called me to send him a file that was on his computer. Following his instructions, I send his file that he needed. Exploring his computer, I was looking at all of the pictures we had taken together and lis-
tening to music he loves. Even going as far as reading his speeches and editing them for grammatical errors. As I was saving his horrible speeches there was a folder that seemed suspicious to me. “Business Files” had 5bg in it. Closing out of his current folder I was in, I double clicked the 5 GB one, there were small images I couldn’t see with the naked eye. Zooming in it, my face went blank as I was going through each image. Displaying on the screen was X-rated images of boys who were between the ages of ten to fifteen. Closing out of the file and shutting down his laptop, I quickly got dressed and drove myself to my friend’s house. Explaining what I had seen to her, she instructed me to call the police and report him. When I got home he was already in bed asleep. I crawled into bed and laid beside him. A few days had passed and our anniversary has come and gone. I couldn’t kiss him or even look at him. I knew in my gut that he already knows that I knew his secret. Eleven at night I came home from work, I was ready to break up with him. I had to do it. But he already beat me to the bunch. *Tony was waiting up for me. As we began to talk and said that is best to go our own ways he said those words that I hated to ever hear… ..”I love you, but I’m not in love with you.” Even though I knew his secret, it killed me inside know that I cared for him that he didn’t for me. . He had discussed his what he
wanted to do and was influenced by his AA group without ever discussing it with me first. That night I slept on the couch thinking about my next move. But I needed sleep. Only with a few hours of sleep I could hear *Tony snoring in the bed where he had taken my virginity. Seven am came and quickly drove to my parent’s house asking to move back in. Explaining to them like I did with my friend, my parents understood with extreme horror on their faces. They had asked me when he went to owork and that we should wait til he leaves to move my things out. My mother even pop off and said “should we call the police?” I told her “No Way!!” I thought to myself that he would slip up somehwhere and get caught on his own. Moving my belongings into boxes and in the back of my dad’s car, my parents had asked me if there was anything else left in the apt of mine. I grabbed *Tony’s laptop and erased his hard drive, making sure that there was nothing left of myself. I left that apartment as if he and I never met. I ddn’t want anything that could possible link me to him when or if did get caught. From time to time I remember those times I spent with him and thought about if I was still be with him and that someone did find out and call the police. Would I be jail right now? I’m glad I did what I did and got out of there when I did. Still to this day I hope to see his face on the news. But one can only wish. :)
Toe Curling Tips For The Ultimate BJ
Hello Aries readers! For our February issue I am going to go out on a limb and make a couple assumptions... Chances are that if you are a reader of this magazine you have a dick, aaaannd chances are that if you read this magazine you like dick. Was that a YES?! Oh YEAH! Then we all know the importance of a great Blow Job. Or at least you should! Wait… YOU DO NOT KNOW THE IMPORTANCE OF A GOOD BJ? A good lollipop pop?! A good skin flute symphony?!! A good boff boff?!!!
Your Man Will Not Expect It!!
Ok that last one is a stretch but geese; what (w)hole have you been occupying your time with? Being able to give and receive a good BJ is actually a very important component of a strong and intimate relationship for many couples. Too bad most people are only willing to learn and experiment before they find their main stay dude. Personally I love bobbing on Tyler’s knob, and Tyler loves bobbing on my knob. It did take several attempts for both of us, sucking down those hamburgers to learn
how we each liked our meat cooked before we got it right. Readers promise me that if you are not into BJ’s, have not given the best one of your life, or have not received the best one of your life that you promptly grab your SO and practice. Even if much laughing that ensues, suck, suck and suck again until you get it right. I have compiled a small list of Tips and some of My Two Cents worth of experience on the matter in hand.
You have to want it. If for some reason the idea of a BJ has never been your style you might be one of those few people who really just are not into it. If that is the case make sure you sack up with someone else who is not into it either. But if you are leaning on the fence, or your SO likes BJ’s then take a minute to gather yourself and then really go for it. Learning to like oral is the key. The more you like it the more of a learning curve you will have. Do not use topical numbing agents. If you use it to numb your mouth you will numb the sensation your SO receives. If you need to find another way to help numb your throat to counter act your gag reflex try sucking on an ice cube or a Popsicle before you go to town. I do not recommend having an ice cube in your mouth while performing oral; it is a really good way to end up in the ER. If you are old enough one or two cocktails will not hurt either just do not go overboard because that can get really messy and scare you for life. Otherwise practice is the only remedy. Oh and just remember ‘going balls deep’ does not really apply here. Do what feels comfortable, and lastly groom and ye shall receive. Prepare the groin area for oral sex. No one likes Schweddy Balls, or needs to floss while they are giving a BJ. No one…
EYE CONTACT Add a little seductive eye contact once in a while. This helps increase intimacy and arousal.
STROKE Use your hands too. One hand can stroke in tandem with the bobbing while, with the other hand please yourself.
VIBRATING Forget a hummer. Use a vibrating cock ring placed under his penis and as close to his body as possible.
ZONES Use the many erogenous zones around the groin area to help activate his nerve endings. When you find them you will know…
PUSH LIMITS The gag-reflex naturally produces more saliva to help lubricate the throat. Safely push your limits a bit.
SILK LICK Try licking your tongue like a wiper blade over the soft and silky frenulum. (the super sensitive spot located underside of the penis below the head middle of the ridge.)
SHOWER TIME If you are in the shower tilt the shower head so the warm water is running down his back. This will help to relax him and increase blood flow to the whole body. SET MOTION Lie on your back with your head off the edge of the bed and let him safely set the motion.
SURPRISE Surprise your SO with a BJ. Spontaneity can be seriously hot.
LESS IS MORE Not too much suction. You are not trying to suck out his penis piercings, plus for some men it hurts a bit.
THE “W” Lick a ‘W’ around the scrotum.
”69” Go for the 69. Changing the angle of your head while bobbing will mean different sensations. In this case for you and him.
Keeping It Sweet In The Bedroom
have been with my man for well over a year now, and if there is one thing that we both have in spades is a sense of adventure. Recently I surprised Lance with some games involving a couple cans of whip cream, strawberries, pineapple and a bar of gourmet chocolate. So, for this issue’s ‘Keep it Sweet in the Bedroom’ and because Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, I thought I would give you a few great ideas on how to be a SEXY WHIP CREAM TREAT for your man. WHIP CREAM BIKINI Before Lance got off work, I took the liberty of sprucing up the counter with a small array of what the night had in store for him. Set out in blaring plain sight were two cans of whip cream chilled so much there was ice forming on the sides, a bowl of melted Ghirardelli dark chocolate, and a bowl of perfectly ripe cut up strawberries and pineapple. (The fruit was the after fun snacks.) But, what got his attention was my choice of extremely lick-able spray-on whip cream undies and my ‘you better believe it’ bad-ass confident expression. He stood there for a moment, slightly dumbfoundedly derpy (mind you with the door was still wide open) until I grabbed the can of whip cream and said “I’ll be waiting for you when you are out of the shower.” Then walked into the bathroom and turned the water on. Lance though, pulled me into the shower with him so we had to reapply the whip cream in some of those strategic places for some tantalizing BJ experiences later. The warmth of the mouth with the exciting chill of the whip cream is an awesome combo!
LOVE LETTERS Taking care to ensure the last of ‘cold’ cans of whip cream got used before they warmed, we decided that for round two we would spray cutesy messages on each other’s backs and try to guess them. WARNING: This game is a lot harder with whip cream. Back when we were all kids and someone just writes on your back with their finger, it was pretty easy to tell what they are writing. But when all the nerves on your back are being driven wild by the icy chill of the whip cream, it is a whole new sundae… Lance chose more four letter words like LOVE DICK and ASS, but being me, I had to shoot for things like LOVEABLE PROVACATIVE and COITUS. I am very competitive… Any who, I know some of us are size queens and what not, but at least for this game -Keep It Simple Stupid- it.
LICK ME EVERYWHERE I love licking Lance, and making him squeal with pleasure turns me on like no other. So for round three, Lance blindfolded me, put chocolate and whip cream on five different places on his body and told me to find them! The catch, NO HANDS of course! Just make sure you have your man steer you a little otherwise, if you are like me, you will get a little carried away and be prone to taking a nose dive right off the bed or poking your eye out... This game takes way longer than you would think and the anticipation of where I would explore next drove Lance and me wild.
There are tons of other fun things you can do with whip cream and anything that is a sweet treat, but after three rounds of play we were exhausted and super sticky! If you are up for four, five, or more rounds of SWEET TREAT fun, Aries would love to hear about what you did to keep it going.
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hoosing the right lube is very important if you want to have some slick fun. There are many types of personal lubricants out there and it can be tough to choose the right one. Here at Aries we did some boning up on the topic and have taken the guess work out of trying to identify which lube is worth the big O. While choosing the best of the best we considered factors such as: slickness, retention, absorption, chemical additives, and cost.
+Water based lubes are water soluble; which means they are mostly made of water and the easiest clean up of any other lubricant type out there with just the use of water plus a little soap or detergent. They are made slick with by adding cellulose and/or glycerin. The thickness of water based lubes is achieved by changing the ratio of ingredients that are responsible for thickness, water retention, and preservation. The more water retention the less reapplication is required. The more thick it is the more it stays in place. The longer it lasts in the bottle, the more chemical disinfectants it has. Some people are allergic to glycerin or increased amounts of glycerin. If the lube has less water retention it will cause more friction and increase STD transmission if not using a condom. And lastly water based lubes do not react with toys‌Unless the toy is edible of course‌
+Silicone based lubes have only a few ingredients and do not contain any water. Because of this, they are not absorbed by the body nearly as much and will require less reapplication. Silicone lubes can only be cleaned up with the use of detergents and soaps, but can sometimes get lodged so deep into fabrics where they will never come out or can ruin fabrics by reacting with them. Silicone lubricants react with non-medical grade silicone surfaces and will disintegrate the surface cells. This causes roughness and creates a surface for bacteria to grow more easily. Not all silicone lubes are deemed safe with all types of condoms, but all pre-lubed condoms use silicone because of its preservative properties. The use of silicone lube has not been proven to increase the risk of STDs. +Oil based lubes have great retention and are more slippery. They are usually free of additives and preservatives, which is a great alternative for couples that do not require the use of condoms. Most USDA organic lubes contain oils such as grape seed oil and coconut oil, but none are certified with the FDA because they are considered medical devices. Natural oils are great for the body and skin, but because of this, some of the oils are absorbed into the body and may require reapplication. All oil based lubricants dissolve latex, reducing elasticity and creates micro holes that STDs can easily pass through. +Flavored, scented, and sensation altering lubes can be made of any of the previously mentioned types. But be careful; unless clearly listed on the bottle the additives that create the flavor and sensation characteristics are synthetic and the effects of such chemicals are not well studied. Many of these products are not meant for sensitive skin. It is hard to find a good non-pasty water based lube that is ok to use for anal play too. SYLK is made of kiwi fruit vine extract that is a completely natural water based lubricant with no hormones, harsh chemicals, animal products, or artificial colors or flavors. SYLK was enjoyable because it has no sugar like molecules that cause the sticky tacky feeling, and is extremely gentle on those nether regions. Add as much as necessary, the more the merrier with no desensitizing effects. Most water based anal lubes are really
gunky, but this guy is formulated just thick enough to move things right the first time. Cobeco stays where it is supposed to but if you plan on making it an all-night love fest, reapplication is a necessity and a shower break will rejuvenate the senses. Pronounced ‘PURE’, this lube silicone lube is something else. If you have not had action for a while but need a little help loosening up the natural jojoba extract does the trick without numbing. Jojoba oil is very similar to the skins natural oil sebum, so it reacts well and creates a natural slippery skin on skin feeling. This stuff is amazing. Gun Oil provides the sensation of friction without the friction, but I have had sleepovers where I have been overly stimulated and cannot climax. Also, be careful with shower play. I have luckily only had to replace one shower door. Though, I cannot be certain if it is because its super slippery or if it is the knee buckling orgasms‌
Cupid Is In the House! By David Hexberg
Valentine’s Day is coming up and I want to get my partner something or make his valentines night he will never forget! What would you recommend?” Everybody wants to leave there partner breathless when it comes to gifts. It just matter of how creative you are. Guys just don’t want a gift that you bought and doesn’t have thought into it. Think outside of the box! Create an atmosphere that shows and makes him feel that you are taking the time to do all this for him. Do something along the lines of taking him out to dinner, make reservations of head of time so that you don’t look embarrassed when your try to get a table at the hottest restaurant. Money should not be an issue when you want to treat your beloved. You + Him = no price. When Valentine’s Day came around last year, my husband went above and beyond. He had Chinese waiting on the table with a dozen roses on the table and on the ground and scented candles, music in the background. He bought my favorite wine. He even bought me a dog for Valentine’s. Nobody has ever done anything like this before, he was really creative too on how to present the even to me. Ask his friends of what he been wanting for the holiday. It doesn’t hurt to ask and get some feedback. People who say that if you need help from the friends then you
you don’t know the person very well or that you don’t care. That’s a big load of BS! I would want to make sure that the night is exactly what he wants and looking for. Another way to keep your man on his toes is plan a picnic under the stars. Something simple yet something so impactful. Even as simple as going to the beach and watching the stars can imprint a wonderful memory.
“How can I tell if the guy loves me, like I love him? Is there any hints or words I should look out for so I can tell?” Being in love is like falling without ever hitting the ground. It’s the sensation that even though you are heading to the dark corners of your life, there is always somebody there to hold your hand and help you get back into the light. Without love it’s like walking in the fog with no idea which way to go. I’ve been there and it’s something that nobody should ever go through. Once you find the person that makes you feel the way that you think and should feel and be treated, then do everything in your power to keep that person in your life till the day you don’t breathe. There is no real way of knowing from a man’s body language if he loves you or not. It’s a matter of him telling from his lips to your ears. Those magical words “I LOVE YOU”. Give it time if he feels the way you do, then he will make it known. As well as for yourself don’t go rushing up to
him and making an awkward position. Trust me. After going through the guys that made me the person I am. It’s truly comforting that fate has brought me the guy of my dreams. And in no way am I going to lose him. Don’t fall for false feelings that somebody wants you to feel. Sex is something that you can never take back if you are looking for a sign. See if he pays for most of the meals or says things to you that make you feel very special. Small gestures go a whole lot farther then going through a date to the bedroom. If you are looking for a more definate answer you could look for signs while the bed. When you two are having sex see if he looks into your eyes rather than your body. When my guy and I have sex I know it’s more than just sex when he looks into my eyes. Take a minute to see where he places his hands or how he positions you. Chest to chest is how he likes it to be then it means that he is interested in pleasuring you and making sure that your needs are fulfilled. But he places you where the only thing he is seeing is the back of your head then you might as well just have fun till either you get bored waiting for expectation or if he wants to start sleazing around. Something that you should never wait around for. Another hint that you can try to pick up on is to see if he likes to stay the night over at your house or if he wants you to stay the night at his. He wants to wake up next to you if he enjoys the sleepovers. A sign that you should have no problem understanding. If he takes you to meets his parents
loves you enough to take you home to the folks and show you off. Not saying that you are a trophy but someone he is proud of to call you boyfriend. If that doesnt scream love then I dont know what you are really looking for. Don’t ruin a good thing with this guy. All I’m saying is that give the guy sometime to say what he is feeling. You have an entire life ahead of you. If it happens it happens.
“I have fallen in love with my gay best friend. I’m straight, but he is the only guy that I find attractive and want to have sex with. But I don’t want to ruin a good friendship. How do I let him know how I feel, or even if I should tell him?” Don’t beat yourself up over matters of the heart. If you have fallen in love with another man, that just means that your mind, body, and soul are evolving. Constantly thnking about it will get you nowhere. Try it out, you never know until you do. If it comes down to where you don’t like him anymore after the first date then at least you got your answer. I have a lot of straight friends who have been in yours shoes and they gone on dates and about half of them either liked it or they didn’t. I think that’s the best way of figuring out what’s been on your mind is to simply talk to him. If you work with the guy then ask him out to lunch or a coffee. Then ask him on a date. Don’t mention that your confuzed about your feelngs. He will think that your’re using him as a ginnypig. Merely asking out on a date is a good head start. Make it for at least week. Being eager is a bad sign. Until then just keep it casual. When your on the date just be yourself. Get to know the guy. It just
dates that have been on with women. It’s okay to be scared, its normal. When its comes time for the check. Pay for it. It shows more than you know. Now comes the time you two part ways. Never get him to bed to figure out your feelings. Bad idea. Attempting to figure out feelings show never be done over sex. Just assess the date and your feelings and you will find out how your really feel. Just give yourself sometime before you decide to let the guy know about how you feel. If
takes you more time to spend time with him then do so. I hope that this helps you figure out your feelings.
“This is the second time that my boyfriend and I have dated! He said he would change. I haven’t seen any improvement. Is there a way to get him to do what he said he would do?” If it didn’t work the first time then what makes you think that its going to work the second time. Dating is like a trial period for us...a test
husband if you will. We try to see if we are compatible not just sexually and not just on the looks but also personality and boundries to each other. Can we handle the other persons style, way of life, even once again the boundries. Men say things to keep the relationship. They even do it for the sex aspect of it. Compromising should never be initiated. The best advice I can give you is to break it off with him but explain to him why set him a goal to see if can reach it. You may think that this way is compromising but in fact its not. Setting a goal is acheiving worth. Compromising means that your going to deal with it. If he says no to this goal then its very obvious what his intentions were.
“I’m 14 and I have already had sex with my best friend who is a guy. He and i are on the same team and go to the same school. We have done other sexual stuff but I wondered if it was too early Should have I waited?” Wow...That’s all I can say. The question you should be asking yourself is “ Am I ready?” Thinking about it know and regretting kinda tells me that you weren’t. I didn’t lose my virginity till I was 20. I wanted to make sure that I was ready. Ready to become sexually active. I know one person who is, still to this day, scared about losing her virginity and will not have sex.... period. I think she should just relax and just get it over with, but that’s not what I’m saying in your case. The boy you talk about, seems like all that he is inerested in is just sex and nothing else. At your age you, all your daily activies should be school.
ex is all that we look for nowadays. We just can’t get enough of it. Not looking for that special connection with someone, not looking to find the one for you, not even to have wake up next to somebody. Just finding someone willing to go to bed with and have shameful sex for the sake of your sex drive. JK guys. Bars and clubs were the places to go when you wanted to DTF (down to f*@^). Get somebody drunk enough, take them home, and really have your way with them was a challenge. Technology today has made that easier for us. Simply upload a picture, list out what you look for, a brief description of yourself, and you’re on your way to getting hooked up with people nearby. I downloaded an app made just for that, “GRINDR”. The ultimate sex catalog for gay men. Following the instructions/rules that came with the
Grinder The Digital Hookup Cupid app and abide, within minutes I had local guys knockin’ on my digital door. All types of guys, fat, short, really buff, skinny, old, and young. All of them had the same response “what are you looking for?”. Didn’t matter what I had looked like, just the fact that I was open for business is what these guy were looking for. What I had said that I was merely looking to chat, all of them, indeed all, said see ya later. They were not messing around when it came to getting laid for the night. Adventuring out in the digital neighborhood I had come across some familiar faces. Few that I knew were into the DTF scene and some that I had known were married and even some that I had even dated. Don’t worry guys your slutty identity will be kept safe, even friends I know that are deceiving their husbands as we speak. Finally deciding to strike up a conversation with every guy that was online and merely just saying hello, some of the discuss
ions I had were very entertaining. I will color coordinate my conversations and go as far as to changing them when it’s a new guy. Men what’s going on in your head? Have you ever heard of treat your date first before you wham bam thank your ma’am and no longer talk to them. I don’t think grindr is a very exciting app to explore if you’re looking for more than just a night of climax.
Guys......What happened to romance and falling in love. I can see that only falling in love happens to those with morels and values. Everytime I would open that app on my phone and saw the grid of guys who where available, it almost felt like we were all cattle. Grindr has had the worst rep all over the internet. There is criticism that many users of the app use what some find to be offensive, racist, and/or homophobic language, such as “No Asians”, “No Blacks” or “No femmes”. Grindr users can list race in their preferences, but can be banned for posting material perceived to incite racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm of any kind. However, Grindr has been accused of lax enforcement of profiles that use the language as cited above, having stated that it considers statements such as “No Blacks” to be only sexual preference, and not racist. On the other hand, Grindr has removes profile text that includes foul language or if it is too adult. The irony is that most users look to Grindr as an instant hook up app. Grindr claims that a large team of moderators enforce the application’s policy guidelines, and that the company encourages its users to state what they are looking for as opposed to what they are not looking for, however many users of the application do not believe these policies are commonly -Hello enforced or encouraged as much as Hi is claimed, says ZOSIA BIELSKI -How’s it going? from the global and mail. It’s okay. How are you With this app being available to -I’m good got any pics every gay men or bi-curious man its I don’t seem to have a way to send become such a health risk as well. pics On some of the users profile, it states -That’s okay I’ll send you some of “Clean” meaning that they have no mine HIV, Aids, or any form of diesease’s. ( send’s me his x rated pics) Oh thanks, but I’m looking for more -God you hot!!!! than just naughty pics Thanks But how do you really now? Are you -That’s what I’m talking about -The things I would do to you!!! going to ask the person to get a test I’m looking for a relationship What kind of things? before anything happens. Most fo you -Well first I would eat you out and would say no and go right into it either -Sorry bud just looking to get thick C@(% in me. Hope you find what then lick your nipples with protecting yourself or without. Okay Thinking about what your going to do you’re looking for Thanks, I think. -Then I would slowly glide my before its too late, I cannot stress that d&^% into you enough! So romantic. Grindr’s founder, Joel Simkhai, predictably doesn’t see his app in those -Do you want to come over? terms. “Yes, there are people who look at their cell phones just to look at it; they’re constantly texting. But we’re helping guys feel connected, and get con- I think I’ll pass -:( nected into their community and what’s around them. If you’re alone, Grindr helps you be no longer alone. It’s this loneliness that we help address.” “A quarter of our users - 250,000 people - sign on at least once a day, though on average, it’s between five and seven times a day. That’s understandable: every time you move around, there’s a new group of guys to check out. I don’t have a sense of whether that’s healthy, or whether it’s verging on addiction. Certainly we encourage our users to use our services in healthy moderation. We see Grindr as an extension or a tool. It shouldn’t replace real life.” He has also said that people don’t ever meet up. Instead what they do is swap pics and have some imagined acts. So you can have your kicks and still be in the comfort of your home. Bleh!!! Gentlemen if we continue this route , there’s no way for us to truely be happy. After having a few conversations with you with my husband reading the conversation’s he agree’s with me. You can’t have actual emotion from a cell phone, you cannot have actual romance in a conversation, if you call that romance. All you have is a person miles away with you hand on your member thinking that this is love , but if it doesn;t go very far, then you can just forget about him and find someone new on your grid of love. Go ahead take your pick. -Hey sexy Hey -So what do you like to do for fun? Well travel, sing, play basketball -Thats cool, but I’m think dirty fun Football? -No no, you top or bottom I would have to say bottom -You’re perfect What do you mean? -I need a bottom tonight who can take my 9 inches That sounds like it hurts -Can you take that? Will you be gentle? -At first I will Well I don’t want a trip to hospital -Don’t worry I’ll take good care of you How can you say that when I don’t even know you? -Trust me! So I’m supposed to say okay at that? -Do you want to ride my donkey dick or not? I guess I’m gonna pass on that bullet -Seems like you couldn’t take it anyway, bye
10 Ways To Mend A Broken Heart!
We know that Valentine’s Day is the worst holiday for those who are single or those who are still fresh from a break up. Here’s a special section for you guys!!!
Go through it, not around it.
Detach and revel in your independence again.
I realize the most difficult task for a person with a broken heart is to stand still and feel the crack. But that is exactly what she must do. Because no shortcut is without its share of obstructions. Here’s a simple fact: You have to grieve in order to move on. During the 18 months of my severe depression, my therapist repeated almost every visit: “Go through it. Not around it.” Because if I went around some of the issues that were tearing me apart inside, then I would bump into them somewhere down the line, just like being caught in the center of a traffic circle. By going through the intense pain, I eventually surfaced as a stronger person ready to tackle problems head on. Soon the pain lost its stronghold over me.
Attempting to fill the void yourself — without rushing to a new relationship or trying desperately to win your lover back — is essentially what detaching is all about. The Buddha taught that attachment that leads to suffering. So the most direct path to happiness and peace is detachment. One of the most liberating thoughts I repeat to myself when I’m immersed in grief and sadness is this: I don’t need anyone or anything to make me happy. When I’m experiencing the intense pangs of grief, it is so difficult to trust that I can be whole without that person in my life. But I have learned over and over again that I can. I really can. It is my job to fill the emptiness, and I can do it… creatively, and with the help of my higher power.
List your strengths.
Allow some fantasizing.
Help someone else.
A technique that helps me when I feel raw and defeated to try anymore is to list my strengths. I say to myself, “Self, you have been sober for 20 years!! Weaklings can’t pull off that! And here you are, alive, after those 18 months of intense suicidal thoughts. Plus you haven’t smoked a cigarette since that funeral back in December of last year!” I say all of that while listening to the “Rocky” soundtrack, and by the last line, I’m ready to tackle my next challenge: move on from this sadness and try to be a productive individual in this world. If you can’t list your strengths
Grief wouldn’t be the natural process that it should be without some yearning for the person you just lost. Dr. Christine Whelan, who writes the “Pure Sex, Pure Column” on, explains the logic of allowing a bit of fantasy. She writes: If you are trying to banish a sexual fantasy from your head, telling yourself “I’m not going to fantasize about her” or “I won’t think about what it would be like to be intimate with him” might make it worse… In a famous psychological study from the 1980s, a group of subjects were told to think about anything but whatever they did, they were not supposed to think about a white bear. Guess what they all thought about?
When I’m in pain, the only guaranteed antidote to my suffering is to box up all of my feelings, sort them, and then try to find a use for them. That’s why writing Beyond Blue contributes a big chunk to my recovery, why moderating Group Beyond Blue has me excited to wake up every day. When you turn your attention to another person — especially someone who is struggling with the same kind of pain — you forget about yourself for a split moment. And let’s face it, that, on some days, feels like a miracle.
Laugh. And cry
Make a good and bad list.
Work it out..
You think it’s just a coincidence that you always feel better after a good cry? Nope, there are many physiological reasons that contribute to the healing power of tears. Some of them have been documented by biochemist William Frey who has spent 15 years as head of a research team studying tears. Among their findings is that emotional tears (as compared to tears of irritation, like when you cut an onion) contain toxic biochemical byproducts, so that weeping removes these toxic substances and relieves emotional stress. So go grab a box of Kleenex and cry your afternoon away.
You need to know which activities will make you feel good, and which ones will make you want to toilet paper your ex-lover’s home. You won’t really know which activity belongs on which list until you start trying things, but I suspect that things like checking out his wall on Facebook and seeing that he has just posted a photo of his gorgeous new boyfriend is not going to make you feel good, so put that on the “don’t attempt” list, along with e-mails and phone calls to his buddies fishing for information about him. On the “feels peachy” list might be found such ventures.
Working out your grief quite literally — by running, swimming, exercising, walking, or kick-boxing — is going to give you immediate relief. On a physiological level — because exercise increases the activity of serotonin and/or norepinehrine and stimulates brain chemicals that foster growth of nerve cells — but also on an emotional level, because you are taking charge and becoming the master of your mind and body. Plus you can visualize the fellow who is responsible for your pain and you can kick him in the face. Now doesn’t that feel good?
Create a new world.
This is especially important if your world has collided with his, meaning that mutual friends who have seen him in the last week feel the need to tell you about it. Create your own safe world — full of new friends who wouldn’t recognize him in a crowd and don’t know how to spell his name — where he is not allowed to drop by for a figurative or literal surprise visit. Take this opportunity to try something new — scuba diving lessons, an art class, a book club, a blog — so to program your mind and body to expect a fresh beginning… without him
Find hope.
There’s a powerful quote in the movie The Tale of Despereaux that I’ve been thinking about ever since I heard it: “There is one emotion that is stronger than fear, and that is forgiveness.” I suppose that’s why, at my father’s deathbed, the moment of reconciliation between us made me less scared to lose him. But forgiveness requires hope: believing that a better place exists, that the aching emptiness experienced in your every activity won’t be with you forever, that one day you’ll be excited to make coffee in the morning or go to a movie with friends. Hope is believing that the sadness can evaporate, that if you try like hell to move on with your life, your smile won’t always be forced. Therefore in order to forgive and to move past fear, you need to find hope.
REMEMBER TO LOVE AGAIN!! Once our hearts are bruised and burned from a relationship that ended, we have two options: we can close off pieces of our heart so that one day no one will be able to get inside. Or we can love again. Deeply, just as intensely as we did before. Henri Nouwen urges to love again because the heart only expands with the love we are able to pour forth. He writes.......
“The more you have loved and have allowed yourself to suffer because of your love, the more you will be able to let your heart grow wider and deeper. When your love is truly giving and receiving, those whom you love will not leave your heart even when they depart from you. The pain of rejection, absence, and death can become fruitful. Yes, as you love deeply the ground of your heart will be broken more and more, but you will rejoice in the abundance of the fruit it will bear.”
Luna Rossa by Prad
Acqua Di Gio Essenza by Giorgio Armani
Decibel by Azzar
8 scents that drive men crazy!!
L.12.12 Blanc by Lacoste
Gucci Guilty Intense by Gucci
Moschino Forever by Moschin
Only the Brave Tattoo by Diesel
Orignal Musk Blend by Kiehl’
would be in the living room spending my time on the couch watching movies or ocassionaly surfing the net on our computer. We had become so used to each other that even intimacy was gone, I was lucky if we did anything once in 5 months. I was going crazy and it wasn’t getting any better trying to talk about it with him. His feelings would get hurt and once again we were starting to BY : QUIINN EROS argue. Things got worse and I started to not stay at the apartment anyo where to begin this more I would go to visit my family story of mine.... it all almost everyday or hang out with began meeting who I friends stopping by occasionally to thought was the love get something or feed my cat, even of my life the person just to say I love you to this person I wanted to spend my life with who had become a stranger to me. forevor, unfortunatley things did not go as planned. I had given four We tried to share things with one another again hoping this would years of my life to nick* he was help but anything I found humora great guy and after two years ous he would scoff at, his games of dating we moved in togethor. that he would want to share with It was rocky at first as all first roomates are we would argue over me I would be bored with and that just led to more arguing. The last the smallest of things and I knew it was going to get better in time, I straw was one evening during the annual Santa Crawl downtown, I was right and it did, the late night shopping trips to bond us and make went out with no intention of doing us feel like we were truly a couple. the thing that eventually happened. I went out with a few friends and We loved each other and would talk about anything in our lives that we all jumped from bar to bar just having a great time, we had went we wanted to do, I would tell him that I wanted to go back to school, to this one bar where I saw this guy we mutually decided togethor that who mutually thought I was good looking, we talked and ended up we didn’t want any children. Life was good, flash forward about one singing to journey toghethor and dancing, which was harmless in year, we like all couples became my opinion not once did I try to do complacent with one another. We may have loved each other but the anythiing and neither did he. We ended that night saying our goodrelationship was becoming stale, the only time we would truly hang bye’s and I went on to the next out togethor was special occasions place. The next bar/nightclub that and you may be saying to yourself we went to was where the shit hit right now “ but they live togethor they see each other every day” that the fan. I started dancing with one of my friends and we had gotten may be true but it was like living on two seperate islands. He would tired and decided to go get a drink. mainly stay in the bedroom playing While at the bar one guy kept eyeing me and finally came over to his games and writing which was chat and asked me for a dance, one of his favorite hobbies, and I
thinking back to my other venture I decided this would be no big deal and said yes. 10 min into our dance things started to get hot and heavy, and he leaned in for a kiss, I being a little buzzed decided to go for it against my better judgement but I do not blame my inhibitions for what I did. This kiss was truly my own self trying to get back what I had lost with nick*, it made me feel special and beautiful. At the end of the dance he proceeded to ask me up to his room which I declined, I may have kissed this guy but I am not easy nor am I willing to do any more damage then I already caused myself and nick*. That night I had to go home to the man that I had in my own way cheated on, I had to look him in the eye and tell him things were ok and that I loved him. And to this day I have never told him what happened. I finally decided after a mental fight within myself that it was time to break it off for good. It was after christmas and we were still in the same rut, I had come home and sat down on our bed, I started the coversation by telling him all the things that I felt weren’t in our relationship anymore. He knew something was wrong and I finally had to tell him the truth I was no longer in love with the man I spent 4 years getting to know. It hurt both of us in a big way and for the next few weeks all we did was cry it was awful. Anytime one of us would remember something from the past it started all over again. Nick* packed his things and left and I was stuck with our apartment that no longer had the feeling of home. I am still on the lookout for the man of my dreams but I know that nothing will be as special as the time I spent with the man that I thought I loved.
Valentine’s ! ? y r e t s y M Day
alentine’s Day, the holiday people either love or hate. But where did it begin? Are we taking the pessimists idea that it was created by greeting card companies to get our money or the optimists that love conquers all and we made up a day to appreciate that one person who can stand to be with us. The history behind Valentine’s Day is quite the mystery, there are a lot of theories to suggest that it was created by Christian tradition by the Romans, and the Catholic Church jumps in on the fun and a saint is somehow involved. Well it is a little of all these things and a Pagan tradition. According to the legends there are two men involved in these legends; one is The Roman Valentinius and the other the Christan Valentine. One Legend starts in the 3rd Century Rome under the rule of Emperor Claudius the Second, who decided that single men made better soldiers and in turn he outlawed marriage. Seeing this, Valentinius decided this was unjust and began to hold secret marriages for young lovers. After being discovered by Emporer Claudius,Valentinius was ordered to be put to death. The Christian version of this legend is that Valentine may have been killed trying
By : Bernie Rose
to help Christians escape roman prisons. Valentine in turn was captured and turned prisoner himself, falls in love with the jailer’s daughter who visits him during his imprisonment. Valentine writes the first ever love letter signing “From your Valentine”. These legends both from Roman Catholic and Christian’s while broad in information all tell stories of young romantic men trying to right wrongs like the young Valentinius under the rule of an oppressive Emperor or men like Valentine who found love while trying to help others escape from prison; while Pagan tradition on the other hand is slightly darker. The pagan lore of Luperci gives reason to believe that he belongs to Valentine’s Day is due to the fact that it falls on the calendar month around the time historians believe that the Christian’s tried to outlaw him and deeming it “un-Christian”. Adding own version of Valentine to cover up this pagan holiday; the Luperci holiday starts by Roman Priests that would gather in the cave of Romulus and Remus the infants that founded Rome that were believed to have been cared for by a she-wolf Lupa. The Priests would sacrifice a goat for fertility and a dog for purification. They then took hide strips
from the goat and dipped them in dogs’ blood and would go out within the streets slapping the women with the hides to help with fertility. Later in the day the women would then place their names in a large urn where in turn the young bachelors of the city would pick a name and be paired with the woman they chose from the urn. The matches would sometimes end in marriage. While we have all these legends we are not sure which one is the correct one and are in turn having to continue to speculate where the holiday actually began. This holiday is celebrated in The United States, Canada, Mexico, The United Kingdom, France, and Australia. England started celebrating the holiday around the 17th century; the United States began celebrating the holiday in the 1700s. And for the Pessimist that think valentine’s day was for the greeting card companies in fact is not such a stretch from the truth in the 1840s Esther Howland began selling mass produced valentines in America. So pessimists there you have it, proof of your theory that greeting cards were produced for companies later in the present day to bank off of.
2013 Gadget Guide
ell 2013 is here and I bet the gadget nerd in you is wondering what you can spend your hard earned dollars on this year. Well do I have a few ideas for you! This year we are seeing trends in smarter gadgets that make life easier, so to kick off the 2013 year of gadgets here is the grand guide of things to look out for. This year we are going to see a lot of changes in the technology world. Most we should expect but a lot come from the realm of the unexpected. Our world of technology is at a point where we are becoming more innovative on things that we take for granted. Anything from the way we turn on and off our lights to how we wake up in the morning or exercise. Technology is meant to make our lives easier and more entertaining and in the year 2013 technology is growing by leaps and bounds to do just that. I hope everyone finds something in 2013 that makes life easier.
Dragon Mobile Assistant (Android App) Apple Fanboys do not be mad. I am putting an android app on the 2013 list. I know it is not a physical gadget but I have been playing with this thing for some time and it is phenomenal. When Siri came out for the iPhone I was using it in the car any chance that I had to ask for directions or find a place to eat. But I sadly had to change to android and was left without my digitally voiced companion, whatever was I to do. But then the clouds opened up and Nuance Communications released the Dragon Mobile Assistant. This may not be Siri but let me tell you. When I am driving around town and I need some information. Dragon is by my side. A few things this app does better then Siri is the load time. I did a side by side comparison and Dragon loads information a lot faster than Siri can. The app is still in beta and is constantly updated but is something that I recommend checking out in 2013 Availability: Now (Android Appstore) Price: Free (Yay!) Website:
Dragon Mobile Assistant (Android App) Apple Fanboys do not be mad. I am putting an android app on the 2013 list. I know it is not a physical gadget but I have been playing with this thing for some time and it is phenomenal. When Siri came out for the iPhone I was using it in the car any chance that I had to ask for directions or find a place to eat. But I sadly had to change to android and was left without my digitally voiced companion, whatever was I to do. But then the clouds opened up and Nuance Communications released the Dragon Mobile Assistant. This may not be Siri but let me tell you. When I am driving around town and I need some information. Dragon is by my side. A few things this app does better then Siri is the load time. I did a side by side comparison and Dragon loads information a lot faster than Siri can. The app is still in beta and is constantly updated but is something that I recommend checking out in 2013 Availability: Now (Android Appstore) Price: Free (Yay!) Website:
PowerDock 5 by Griffin In this day and age we have a lot of electronic devices, from tablets to smartphones and so on from there. Anyone with multiple gadgets has found them self-wanting to charge them all at the same time and try to keep the cables and devices organized. As someone who has found themselves in this situation I am glad that Griffin has come up with a reasonable solution that looks sleek and efficient. The power dock 5 offers its users the ability to charge up to 5 USB powered devices at once. It can also charge more than one tablet....thank you...Each charger port on the device has a dock that can hold an iPhone in a bulky case like the otterbox while at the same time having room to fit an iPad and three other devices without issues. I would just like to thank Griffin for this product because I know have an unobtrusive place to store and charge my gadgets. Availability: Right Now Price: $99.99 Website:
The Pebble Watch What is the pebble watch? It is a watch made of rocks.... kidding.....It is an innovative idea that got its start on a website called kickstarter. Basically people researched plans and donated money for a watch that had the ability to use apps created specifically for the device anything from how fast you are biking and distance traveled to receiving text, phone and email alerts by connecting via blue-tooth to your iPhone or smartphone device. The company has a few pictures of the capabilities of the watch at But I do recommend you check out this gadget for 2013. Availability: Early 2013 Price: $150.00 Website:
“I have a major problem of commitment...i broke up with my last boyfriend after 2 years.My current boyfriend and i aren’t coming up to our 2 year mark and i find myself strongly thinking about cheating and in some sick way i wanna see how long i can get away with it.Theres something really wrong with”
“he doesn’t know that im gay or at least i haven’t told her. i’ve only told a few selected people as a matter of fact. when i still played volleyball with her i used to give her skittles before every game. i tried to deny that fact that im in love with he. its been over a year since i’ve fallen head over heels for her. i wish she were gay as well... i love you stinky.” “My mother hates the fact that I am gay and dating a man. She is constantly trying to break us up and setting me up on dates with women. So to get back at her, my boyfriend and I had sex in her bed.”
‘I’m in love with a gay boy who’s father is my mother’s ex husband which makes everyone mad at me. I love him more than anything and it hurts because I know he’ll never want me.’
“I believe that I am sexually attracted to people of the same sex as myself.”
“I have thoughts about disappearing into obscurity. I just don’t want to come out and have people look at me as a gay person rather than a real man. I would like to move to Europe so that I can take a break from my life and identity.” “I have a girlfriend whom I have been with for 3 years. I love her to piecies but for a while now I have thought her brother was so attractive both on the outside and the inside. Then the other day to my amazement I realised he felt the same about me. We had sex and now we want to be together. I dont feel guilty. Should I? or was it destiny? I still love his sister but the love I have for him is a different kind of love that cannot be matched. I love him with all my heart and wouldn’t harm a hair on his head but I just like her. “
“I dream of having sex with my wife’s brother. Alot”
“I flirt with men until they fall for me, and then I discard them.”
“He makes me feel wanted half of the time... he fills in the empty space that was left empty when my ex boyfriend jeremy passed away... is it worth feeling love and wanted partially when the other half i’m getting hit by the hands of the man who “loves me”? i have a disease and feel like no one else will ever care about me because of it... i feel ugly every 15 seconds of the day and if your wondering.”.
My name is Jonathan and I am 21 years old. I suppose I had suspected that I was gay from a very young age. I was in the 4th grade when I had first suspected. Having two older sisters made my youth a bit easier I suppose because I could talk to them about guys and bands that they were into like Backstreet Boys and N’SYNC without them really catching on and so it was a bit of an outlet. Watching TV and news about homosexuals and how people treat them really made me sad and depressed so from 5th grade up until just recently I was extremely overweight. My mom was raised a 7th Day Adventist so I really had to be careful around her. My parents would always say things like “When you get married” or “Do you have a girlfriend?” I would brush them off and sort of ignore the subjets. My dad would also give me playboys thinking that it would make me happy. All I would do is take them and hide them.. at one point I actually forgot I had them. Eventually I tossed them all out and made up some lame excuse to tell him. In school I would hang out with the less popular kids and play card games. In a way I would alienate myself from the majority of the population in the school. I would never have more than 1 or 2 close friends because I was so worried if I got around too many people I would just blurt out that I was gay. Also it probably didn’t help that when the high school I attended found out that one guy was gay the students made him so upset that he eventually dropped out. I didn’t want that to happen to me. In my junior year of high school it became dangerously close to me telling everyone. I had a crush back then on my best friend Nathan. So that year I went on a cruise with
my parents and decided I would tell them. But when the right moment came all I got was an upset stomach and convinced them I was just sick. So.. Plan B.. I decided I would fess up to Nathan who had been so good to me, unfortunately he started up with the whole homophobic speech and would freak out if a guy said the wrong thing or was overly friendly and always would point out girls or talk to me about them and like with my parents I brushed off the topics and was quiet. I figure he might have known. So, being my stupid self, I put it off for a few more years. This year I got to the point where I was about to pop. I had trouble sleeping, eating and would spend nights just laying awake thinking about how I would tell everyone. I was tired of living a lie and pretending to be straight. 11 years is long enough if not too long. When I came out to him, it
was a night when he was working. My parents had gone to bed so I was waiting up for him to get home (he had been kicked out of his house so was living with us). Bad timing I think though. It was a week before April Fool’s Day. When he got there I asked him to come into our computer room and sit down. I asked him “No matter what we will still be friends, right?” He looked at me with a rather confused look on his face and said “Yeah. Of course.” There was a long pause before I realised that I was starting to cry. I wasn’t sure how he would react. I did not want him to hit me or run out of the house and never speak to me again. I finally said “I’m gay.” He sat back in his chair as though I had just knocked the air out of him. He told me he had figured it out a while back. Also since then he had told me that he is Bi.. I’m really glad we were able to tell each other
and that now I have someone to talk to. The next day I decided that I would tell my parents. I started to get an upset stomach again so I laid down on the couch and Nathan came out to the living room, sat down and asked “Whats wrong?” I told him “I have to tell my parents but I’m afraid of what they will say. I don’t want my relationship with them to change that much. Most of all..I’m afraid of being disowned.” I began to cry again (damn me and my emotions). He then said something that surprised me. He said “You have to tell them at some point. Just best to get it over with. Either way I’m here and will support you.” I thanked him and said “I’ll tell them tonight.” After that I still spent all day thinking about it. That night I went out to the living room while they were watching TV and asked them “Can you turn that off for a minute please? I have to tell you both something.” They were also about to ask Nathan to find another place to live because he couldn’t stay there forever so I had to get it done before they booted him out. I looked at them both, starting to get a knot in my throat, and told them “I’m gay”. My dad was amazingly fine with it and told me he had been a supporter of gay rights for a while prior. Granted he probably was trying to think of some strange joke like he always does to ease the tension of the situation. Bless him though he didn’t think of anything. My mom was obviously in shock and was trying to hold back the emotional freight train that was headed my way. It has now been 9 months. My mom is still having trouble dealing with the fact of having a gay son but she’s getting there. I no longer hide the fact that I’m gay and it has made me happier than I have in a very long time.
“I’m gay”. “My dad was amazingly fine with it and told me he had been a supporter of gay rights for a while prior. Granted he probably was trying to think of some strange joke like he always does to ease the tension of the situation.”
Pistachio and Strawberry 3 cups all purpose flour ½ teaspoon baking powder ½ teaspoon salt 2/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder ½ teaspoon espresso powder 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature 1 ½ cups sugar 2 eggs 1 ½ teaspoons vanilla extract 1. In a large bowl, sift together flour, baking powder, salt, cocoa powder, and espresso powder. Set aside. 2. In the bowl of an electric mixer, cream butter and sugar on medium speed until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add vanilla and beat to combine. Reduce speed to low and gradually add flour mixture, mixing until combined and smooth. (Make sure you scrape down the sides of the bowl and dig way down to the bottom too to bring up any dry bits. It took me about 3 tries of scraping the bottom before it was finally all incorporated.) Turn out onto a clean work surface. Divide dough in half, press out into a disk and wrap in plastic wrap. Chill in refrigerator for at least an hour. 3. Preheat oven to 350F. Line baking sheets with parchment paper or silicone liners; set aside. On a lightly floured work surface, roll out chilled dough to 1/8-inch thick. Cut into desired shapes with cookie cutters and transfer shapes to prepared baking sheets, brushing off any extra flour from the tops. Reroll scraps as needed. Bake, rotating sheets halfway through for 8 to 10 minutes, until the edges are firm and the centers are slightly puffed. (Mine were perfect at 8 minutes.) Let cool on baking sheet for several minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Once cooled, decorate with frosting or royal icing.
Royal Icing Adapted from Bake at 350 and Sweetopia Makes enough to cover 4 dozen cookies? (I actually made double the recipe and ended up with a LOT of icing left over, so I think just 1 batch might do it.) 4 tablespoons meringue powder 1 pound (4 cups) confectioners’ sugar Scant ½ cup of water* ¼ teaspoon almond extract (or another clear extract) Food coloring ½ to 1 teaspoon light corn syrup (optional)** *Not quite up to the full ½ cup. If it’s easier, fill it up to the line, then take out a teaspoon of it. ** The corn syrup is supposed to add a little gloss to your dry icing. I didn’t use it, but next time I might because my colors dried almost matte-like. 1. In the bowl of an electric mixer on low, mix together meringue powder, confectioners’ sugar, water, and extract. (Once combined, add the corn syrup if using.) Increase the speed to medium-high and beat for about 3 minutes. It will still look a little runny, and but should hold a line drawn through it with a knife for 5 to 10 seconds. If it rushes back in less than 5 seconds, beat a little longer. If it holds the line for more than 10 seconds, add a small amount of water to the icing and beat until it is combined, testing until it reaches the right consistency. 2. Divide icing into bowls and add food coloring, mixing until color is completely incorporated. Fill a piping bag fitted with a small round tip (I used a Wilton #3). 3. Working with one cookie at a time, pipe the outline on your cookie, holding the tip about a ½-inch above the cookie and letting the icing fall onto the cookie around the edges of your shape. Once it is outlined, with the tip right up against the cookie, pipe icing right up against the outline you just made. Then begin to fill the cookie with icing, using a zigzag pattern (or whatever works for you.) Once the cookie is filled, shake it back and forth a couple times to smooth out the icing. (There’s a really good video of this method at Sweetopia.) Allow to dry for several hours before piping on any raised details, allowing the final design to dry overnight. (I put mine on cookie sheets in the oven with the door cracked overnight.)
Pink Meringue Cupcakes with Raspberry Curd Vegetable oil cooking spray, for baking cups 6 large egg whites, room temperature 1 teaspoon white vinegar 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 cups sugar Gel-paste food coloring in Tulip Red 2 cups creme fraiche 1 container (6 ounces) raspberries, halved if largeRaspberry Curd
Preheat oven to 225 degrees. Line every other cup of 2 nonstick 12-cup muffin tins with baking cups; coat with cooking spray. Whisk egg whites, vinegar, vanilla, and salt with a mixer on medium-high speed until frothy. Add 1 3/4 cups sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time, beating for 1 minute after each addition, making sure the sugar dissolves. Beat until stiff, glossy peaks form. Mix in 6 drops food coloring.
Transfer mixture to a pastry bag fitted with a plain coupler (no tip), and pipe into prepared baking cups, about 2 inches above rims, finishing with a peak in the centers. Bake, rotating halfway through, 3 to 3 hours and 20 minutes. (Cupcakes should be completely dry on the outside but still soft in the middle. A toothpick inserted horizontally at base of top should have moist but cooked crumbs attached.) Transfer cupcakes in baking cups to wire racks; let cool completely. Beat creme fraiche and remaining cup sugar in a clean mixer bowl on medium-high speed until soft peaks form. Carefully slice off tops of cupcakes using a serrated knife. (Run the knife just above the liner and slowly work your way to the center.) Top each cupcake with 2 tablespoons raspberry curd, a few raspberries, and 2 tablespoons creme fraiche mixture. Replace tops, and serve immediately.
RedVelvetCookies 1 Betty Crocker Sugar Cookie Mix (unprepared) 1 Tbsp. Red Food Coloring 1/2 cup Butter (NOT melted) 3 Tbsp. cocoa Powder 1 egg Optional – White Chocolate Chips Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. In a bowl, combine all ingredients just until a soft dough forms, add optional white chocolate chips and incorporate. Scoop dough with a medium cookie scoop, and place on cookie sheet about 2 inches apart. Bake 8-9 minutes. I frosted them with a store bought cream cheese frosting and added sprinkles. If you don’t have sprinkles, you can break up one cookie into fine crumbs and sprinkle the frosting with the cookie crumbs, it looks really nice! Do NOT use use shortening, the cookies are too greasy and really fall. Using the white chocolate chips in the cookies is like adding baked in frosting, it made the cookies fantastic! If you do, eat them while they are hot, or pop them in the microwave for 15-20 seconds to soften the chips.
For the upcoming holiday I want your sexy muscles to look their best. So for this month’s fitness article I present you a killer abs workout to bring out that sexy-V we all have. Of course before every workout you should stretch and be limber enough to move in all sorts of directions without straining muscles. This workout consist of a warm up with exercise one, a repeated set exercises of two through five, then a final exercise six. A great way to loosen up for this abs workout is the helicopter stretch, toe-touches and the cat stretch.
Exercise One: Figure Eights Preparation: While using a mat or bench, lie on your back with your knees bent at a 45° angle and your femurs perpendicular to the floor. This is the neutral position. If it helps hold the sides of the mat or bench for stability until you are able to gain more balance as your supporter muscles strengthen. Once your core is strong enough keep your hands flat by your sides. Motion: For the bottom half of the figure eight start at the neutral position and trace the bottom of a figure eight in the air parallel to the floor with either your knees or feet following one direction (clockwise or counter clockwise) around and back to the neutral position. For the second half of the figure eight precede tracing (counter clockwise or clockwise) around the top of a figure eight and back to the neutral position. Continue one direction until burnout. After one side is done take a 1-minute break and follow the other direction until burnout.
Exercise Two: Side Plank on Fitness Ball Preparation: Using an appropriate sized fitness ball, balance yourself on your side by positioning your feet stacked tandem to each other with your ankles near the middle of the ball. (Everyone’s balanced position will vary, but your ankles are the key). Support your body on your elbow and your arm flat on the ground. Keep your other arm on your hip or straight up in the air for balance. Motion: Hold your body up in a ‘T-form’ position for as long as you can on one side until burnout. Then switch sides after a 1-minute break. Burnout is reached when you can no longer balance effectively on the ball for more than five seconds.
Exercise Three: Cross Body decline sit-ups Preparation: Grab an appropriate sized weight and lay in a decline bench with one arm in line with your body at a 45째 angle. Make sure you choose a weight that allows you to perform ten crunches with good form. Motion: Keeping your arm up at a 45째 crunch up and rotate your body so your elbow touches your opposite knee then rotate back down.
Exercise Four: Side Plant Reverse Oblique Side Crunches Preparation: Balance yourself on your side with feet stacked tandem to each other. Support your body with one arm extended out completely. Keep your other arm on your hip of straight up in the air for balance. Motion: From the ‘T’ position raise your hips as high as possible by contracting the oblique muscles closest to the floor and hold for one second then release back to the ‘T’ position. Burnout one side then take a 1-minute break and burnout the other side.
Exercise Five: Decline Helicopter Sit-ups Preparation: Put your hands together and make a diamond with your thumb and pointer fingers or grab a 10# or larger bar bell weight. While lying in the decline bench, hold your diamond or the weight above your head with arms extended so you can see through the center wholes. Motion: Keep the whole in the weight pointing towards the ceiling at all times. Perform a complete circle in one direction while doing a sit-up constantly looking through the weight. Shoot for more than five reps each side with a 1 minute break in between each set.
Exercise Six: V-ups Preparation: Lie on your back on a mat with your arms above your head and legs together. Motion: Keep your legs and back completely straight though out the exercise. Fold your body in a ‘V’ touch your hands to your toes, then flatten your body again. Do as many reps as possible until you cannot do another one; period. (Should be able to hit 30-50 reps)
Safe Sex, the importance of prevention.
here is still a lot that we don’t know about HIV or STD’s. But lately men (including straight men) have been having unprotected sex, more of it. Records to date have shown that men are less concerned with safe sex. Between 2011 to 2012 gay men who are having unprotected sex has rose 34.1 to 39.1 percent. Sexual health care provider Marie Stopes International said the national average of new HIV notifications had reached 1000 each year and had been increasing since 1999. Health Minister Lawrence Springborg said safe sex campaigns had descended into a form of political advocacy rather than health advocacy. “And we are now seeing more evidence of the tragic health reality of what happens. The previous Labor Government squandered the health dollar trying to buy and appease radical political lobby groups rather than investing in serious health outcomes and cultural changes. “These things do happen from time to time but the real health negligence came from Labor and so-called gay
community leaders falsely claiming the campaigns were successful and therefore failing to changing track. It means that the so-called gay community leaders that championed these campaigns have completely sold out the people they claim to represent. It stands to reason that if you have the worst levels of unsafe sexual practices in the gay community, then we must brace for seriously high levels of sexual diseases in the years ahead as the LNP Government works to unwind this mess.” So the question still remains why do men put themselves in jeopardy for pleasure? Riess said “Sex is a source of pleasure that encompasses biological, psychological, and sociological realities. Sex is not only about pleasure. It can be about belonging, feeling desired, desiring semen, organizing one’s life, and providing meanings to one’s life. “People have sexual relations for a variety of reasons: for love and intimacy, for recreation, for fun, for friendship, for money, to avoid loneliness, to be touched. The essence of sexual encounters is bonding, blending,
mutual pleasure, and loss of inhibition. HIV lurking in the background places strict boundaries on all of these aspects of sexuality” (Coates, 2005, p. xiv). Much as try to make sex feel amazing when using a condom, there is no way around the decrease of sensation from anal intercourse. Some have said that “it’s like wearing a raincoat in the shower.” Yea but you know that it’s safer than getting burned by the shower. Men who don’t wrap it up make it into a game for themselves. Am I going to catch something? How long can I do this for? Men who are high sensation seekers are unaware of the risks but choose to accept it instead. As well as the number of sexual partners one has. This makes since sex with more than one partners is a social activity rather than an intimate encounter with the person your with. There has been a study by Suarez and Miller in 2001 with Robert, a client of theirs, is an example of someone who made his barbacking decisions based on the other man’s HIV status. Using that information as an attempt to mitigate his risk, which is called “Serosoting” No matter what you call it, you should still have a condom whenever you’re having sex. It’s a must! I know that most of people do it just to feel close to the one your with.But is worth ending up in a bed at the hospital. Recent research finds that men who veto condoms feel there has been a decrease in social support for staying on the safe side as well as a shift in community norms toward acceptance for unsafe sex. Use of a condom, for example may be associated with a negative message because refusing semen may be perceived to be a rejection with far reaching emotional implications.
By Chris Gorman
The hardest part of a relationship is love, unless it’s true. When it is real, it is easy to do. Almost gave up on the thought of loving again, But then I met my best friend. Spent the last 2 years laughing, playing, and ultimately falling in love. Falling because it hit when I had least expected. Like the tide rolling in on the coastal sands, love snuck up on me When I realized what was happening, it was too late, I was hooked eternally The love of my life stood in front of me, once only a friend But now the love of my life will stand next to me, until the bitter end. When you think of love, many things come to mind, But one thing stands out more than the rest. Love is not just an emotion, but a way of life Live it, know it, trust it and it will pass all the tests The tests of time, through good times and through bad The tests of obstacles standing in your path I know what I have is true, with you, dearest love Cause around you I can be myself, I don’t have to try, your love is enough My heart is yours, and will be till our dying days Because this love, we have, is pure in every single way.
New projects are always exciting. But on the 1st and 2nd, be ever so slightly cautious as you decide whether or not to dive on in. After all, if you decide to paint the living room canary yellow because you are sick to death of that avocado green, but you don’t really have time to get the whole thing painted because you promised your Aunt Fannie that you would man the barbeque at her ladies’ card game on Sunday, you could be stuck with a half-canary, half-avocado problem. By the mildly unsteady 7th and 8th, do everything you can to get yourself back into balance. Yes, a yoga class will help. Slow way, way, way, way, way down on the 13th, 14th and 15th. Heck! You could learn to love taking things a little easier. Don’t thumb your nose at authority, even if you decide to ignore what they have to say on the 18th. You’re feeling wonderful and having some totally terrific ideas and inspirations on the awfully intense (in a good way) 21st and 22nd. Celebrate a diversity of ideas on the 25th. And slow down, again, before you go plunging in on a new project on the 28th.
You are off to one heck of a terrific month, starting on the 1st and 2nd. You get a raise. You get a new bike. You get a peck on the cheek from that super hottie. Wowee! Be sure to stay open to all this awesomeness! Don’t go second guessing it, or doubting it, or wondering if you deserve it. You do! By the somewhat emotionally challenging 7th and 8th, you might be coming down from all this high energy, and that feels hard. Actually, though, it’s really healthy! Do your best to accept that life is made up of highs and lows and in-betweens, and there’s nothing wrong with that, and you’re likely to be better able to roll with it. You really, really, really need to think hard about whether or not this relationship is working for you on the 13th, 14th and 15th. If it isn’t, don’t just give in to inertia. This is your life, and it’s up to you to live it fully. Bring a peony to work on the 21st or 22nd. You need to be around beauty! The big picture is where your mind should be on the 25th. Get ready for a whole lot of wonderful on the 28th.
If your brain is saying, ‘take option number one’ but your gut is saying, ‘no way, baby’ on the 1st and 2nd, ask yourself if you can take a little more time making this decision. After all, your gut’s wisdom is absolutely not to be underestimated. Like, totally not. In fact, if you have to make a decision pronto, it may well be a better idea to go with your gut than with your head, which can sometimes fail to register non-factual but nonetheless important decisionmaking factors. Everything is clear as crystal to you on the powerful 3rd and 4th. Your dreams could hold clues as to which step you should take next on the 11th or 12th. So don’t dismiss them, no matter how strange they may be! A little antagonism could turn abrasive on the 16th and 17th. Instead of getting too worked up over it, go for a soothing jog. You get exactly what you want on the 21st and 22nd. But that isn’t really so unusual, is it? Volunteer your time and energy to help others on the 25th, 26th or 27th, and you’ll end up feeling really fulfilled. Patience is the answer to the question.
What partnership doesn’t have bumps? No partnership, that’s the answer. So if a few bumps come up on the 1st and 2nd, relax Don’t tense up. Don’ get panicked. Go to yoga. Breathe deeply Approach the bump. Examine what happened. Consider why Consider how it coul come up again. Get a professional opinion, if you want. Someon really helps you out on the 7th and 8th. Let them know how much you appreciate it. You’re in for some pretty transformative times on the wonderful 11th and 12th. Ge ready for some pretty intense insights! Ah, romance! You love it and you’ll have plent of it, on the 16th and 17th. Yay! Even mor romance makes you even more happy on the 21st and 22nd. B sure to revel in the wonderfulness. Relationships are critical to everyone’s happiness.
If you’re feeling a little like you just got off the express train to Dullsville and there’s no plane, train or bus heading out of here for days on the 1st or 2nd, take a deep breath. Instead of feeling bored, why not concentrate on the fact that you are lucky enough to be in a calm spot right now. Instead of your usual, super hectic hustle and bustle, you can relax a bit. And there is nothing wrong with relaxation! Nothing at all. By the earthy, grounded, feeling-good 7th and 8th, you’ve eased into relaxation. Wonderful! Make the most of this lull in the action. By the ever so slightly crazed 13th, 14th and 15th, you need to make a serious effort to slow down. Even if somebody is pushing you to speed up! You’re in a pretty great space on the 16th and 17th. You should definitely go on a date! You really, really should tell them how you feel, without leaving anything out, on the 21st and 22nd. Romance finds you waiting with open arms on the 25th, 26th and 27th. Yay! Share that box of chocolates with your coworkers on the 28th.
You’re in a great spot for starting all over again -- in a good way -on the 1st and 2nd. New apartment? New sofa? New project? Change of career? New love? Renewal of an existing love? New ideas for spending more quality time with the people you love the most? Whatever it is, you’re off to an awesome start to the month. Sure, there may be icicles outside, but you are toasty warm on the inside. Ask yourself what you most dearly desire on the 7th and 8th. Guess what? You are very likely to get it. Or maybe you’ll get something even better that you hadn’t even thought of. Wow! Get in some serious creative writing on the 11th and 12th. Seriously! Romance and fun are on the agenda, for you, on the 16th and 17th. A desire to be a homebody should definitely be indulged on the 21st and 22nd. Make cupcakes! Reconnect with an old friend on the 25th, 26th or 27th. The miles and years will melt away! New projects beckon on the 28th. Answer their call!
Spend as much time as possible with friends and loved ones as the month gets going on the 1st and 2nd, and you’ll feel great. As in totally fulfilled. As in, to the max. Yay! Bury yourself in work, though, and you’ll feel a little blue. C’mon! No matter how much you have to do, you can make time for the things that are important in your life. By the wonderful 5th and 6th, you’ll have a lot of time for your loved ones, and you will all be loving it! Take things outdoors, and you’ll be even more impressed with how fantastic you (and they) feel. A few metaphors you come across (a door opening suddenly? A breeze blowing away the clouds) seem to fit your situation perfectly on the 11th and 12th. Make note of them! By the happy, active and romantic 13th, 14th and 15th, you are happy, active and romantic. Keep up the awesome work! On the 18th, 19th and 20th, there’s so much going on that you might feel like your head is spinning. Look on the bright side: At least you aren’t bored! Stay your cool, calm, collected self on the 25th, 26th 27th, & 28th
As long as you aren’t way too ‘you, you, you’ on the 1st and 2nd, everything will go swimmingly. If you just find yourself getting a tad bit selfish, put the brakes on. After all, nobody wants to hang out with the selfish monster! By a pretty exciting 6th and 7th, you are ready to get out there and see what life has to offer. So get out there! And see what life has to offer! Be sure to generate as much good karma as possible on the 11th and 12th by helping folks out. You feel fabulous and look awesome on the 13th, 14th and 15th. If you want to get their number, now is the time to do it! The clarity of your arguments and the brightness of your smile as you offer said compelling arguments up to your oh-so-engaged audience will win you a lot of converts to your point of view on the 18th, 19th and 20th. By the detail-oriented 25th, you could feel deluged! Don’t freak out. Take things one at a time. You’ll be glad. End the month with a bang on the 28th. How? By doing something really great for someone else.
If you’re presented with the choice on the 1st or 2nd, to connect or to withdraw, connect! Connect, connect. Even if it’s a little bit hard or scary. Connect! After all, the meaning of life is intricately bound with our abilities to be part of other people’s lives, and to let them be part of ours. And guess what? Connecting is pretty much always a choice. Get ready for a great day with lots of work progress on the 7th. Then again on the 8th. It feels good to make so much progress, doesn’t it? If you thought things were good, they are going to be getting even better on the fabulous 9th and 10th. Wow! How visionary can you get? You have a couple of fabulous, off-the-beaten track insights on the 11th and 12th. Sure, it’s bohemian. But it’s going to catch on with the mainstream, big. Listen to the insights of people who have been around the block on the 16th and 17th. They’ve seen some things there! Tune into your emotions on the 21st and 22nd. Listen to the whisperings in the wind on the 25th, 26th and 27th. Pay attention to your personal issues on the 28th.
If you discover that you suddenly have an incredible yen to buy something you know you can’t afford on the 1st or 2nd, just breathe deeply. You’ll discover that the situation has a silver lining. And how? Don’t give up asking until you are sure you have the answer. (Does this inability to buy a brand new mansion in the hills make you realize that you really just need to do a little thrift store redecoration? Does the fact that that sports car is out of your range mean you’ll have to spend more time on your bike?) Enjoy the search! By the romantic 7th and 8th, somebody at work really, really thinks you are cute. How exciting! Give some relationship issues some serious thought on the 11th and 12th. They deserve it! By the fun-filled 16th and 17th, trust your gut when it comes to planning. After all, isn’t it usually pretty right on? Organize a superfun get-together on the 21st and 22nd. You’re in a pretty amazing kind of place on the 25th, 26th and 27th -- make the most of it. If you’re feeling indecisive on the 28th, go with it.
When you’re a good combination, you’re a good combination. Like pasta and pesto. Like lettuce and tomatoes. Like chocolate and more chocolate. And on the 1st and 2nd, you two are a good combination. So don’t hesitate to make the absolute most of your energies right now! Who knows what you will come up with? You had better be ready for romance on the 5th and 6th, because it is coming your way, ready or not! (Actually, don’t worry: Even if you think you aren’t ready for romance, when it appears, you’ll find you absolutely are!) Try your best not to fly off the handle if things don’t go exactly the way you wish they would, emotionally or financially, on the 11th or 12th. What is it that you really, really want, when it comes to your career (or any other part of your life where you’ve been questioning the status quo, of late) on the 16th and 17th? Trust your intuition on the 21st and 22nd. You’re flying high and feeling spectacularly on the terrific 23rd and 24th. Fly high! Feel spectacular! Wrap up the month celebrating what a terrific half of a fabulous combination you are on the 28th.
It’s tough to resist the siren song of someone praising your efforts on Monday, but use Tuesday and Wednesday to be honest with yourself: Do you really think that your current work is up to snuff? The more realistic you are, the better the results will be. The latter half of the week is a great time to make headway on any changes that might need implementing. Speak softly and rely on action, rather than words over the weekend. People can misinterpret what you say, but what you do has unmistakable intent.
Here’s fun Valentine’s game for the two of you! It’s really simple. What you do print out the pages of the “place” and “Action” and cut out the squares. You should end up with 2 piles. What happens next is that each of you will pull one square from each pile you will read whats on them and your partner will have t perform the “action” whereever the “place” on the body is. You may need a timer for this. You have 5 mins for each action. as soon as the timer is up then its your partners turn to enjoy some pleasure!
Valentine’s MIX/MATCH
Place On Body! EAR
Action! LICK
Aries Quiz
How oftern do you catch yourself daydreaming about other people?
A. All the time. There’s just a lot of sexy people B. Every now & then. But I still think about the person i’m with. C. Never, I consider that cheating.
Do you get jealous when he is around another guy even though he loves you?
What do you like best about him? A. The way he treats me, makes me feel important.
A. I don’t want them hanging out. B. I’m always with him, but they still need to know there place!
Would you give up anything for him?
B. His body, it’s a must! C. I’m just in it for the sex.
B. Depends on the situation. C. Better find someone else for that kind of thing.
You are not on cupids list. You’re just not ready for the whole love and its package. So don’t bother finding anyone but those who are looking for what your looking for. It’s the golden rule!
A. If he need me to give up anything, I would do it in a heartbeat.
C. He is his own person, I don’t care.
Love Is Not For You
Are You Really In Love?
Your Not Quite There
It seems that you really want him but your still not sure. So you hang out with him when he is with his friends. Giviing up something is not on your mind but you expect him to give his hot body.
9 - 12
Cupid Has Struck You
Love cannot describe how much you care for your man! Willing to give up everything and never daydreaming about anybody else makes you trust worthy and shows him the love you have for him
1. a - 1 b - 2 c - 3 2. a - 3 b - 2 c - 1 3. a - 2 b - 1 c - 3 4. a - 1 b - 3 c - 2