Why a world based on Very Cheap Energy it's not possible.

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Why a world based on “Very Cheap Energy Sources” it is NOT possible ? (in a financial, profit type economy)

The world today it’s organized on and around the energy production and consumption which influence the whole life.

The main source of energy comes from petroleum products, coal, gas and atomic power plants.

All this are concentrated sources.

All this are concentrated sources. Meaning that a few persons control them‌

… or “the state”.

… or “the state”. This also means “a few persons”.

Also, the world it’s controlled by a PRIVATE financial & banking system…

‌ based on profit.

‌ based on profit. ‌ based on control.

And they need “profit” in order to secure their “control”...

and “control” to obtain more “profit”. - A vicious and dangerous circle -

The world it is organized primarily into two circles of powers:

1.The tangible power (visible) 2. The intangible power (invisible).

1. The tangible powers (the puppets):  politics  police  military  intelligence  central banking - national (FED) and international (IMF, WB)

The intangible power (the masters): ď Ž

Semi-official institutions with most of their activity secret/unaccountable (CFR).

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Un-official institutions with complete unaccountable activity (Bilderberg Group, Masonic Lodges).

But what will happen in the unlikely event of a disclosure of a source of abundant, very-cheap, un-concentrated source of energy

A catastrophic collapse of the stock-quotation of all conventional power producers in the world today. A catastrophic collapse of the stock-quotation of all major producers with a high quota of energy/product consumption. A vastly reduced banking and financial system. A complete collapse of the financial “for profit” type of economy, due to the fact that an unlimited access to the energy will produce a vast number of products and services on the market which will conduct to the impossibility of obtain “profit”. And… you can NOT control the peoples without “profit”. The complete dissolution of the intangible form of powers as they can not “concentrate”

How the world will look like in a very-cheap-energy solution scenario? 

After the initial shock, the society will gain a momentum of rebuilding itself from the ground up. The society will develop into a “web-net”, peer-to-peer, (semi) decentralized type. An “online” type of socio-economy will emerge. The power and the new type of “profit” will be greatly dispersed into communities, caused by the systemic impossibility of concentrate power/profit in one (or a few) hands. The politic system will evolve, most likely in a

BUT…. Is it realistic…. 

For some one to just accept the loss of power? History answers that this is unlikely.

Do we HAVE the “very-cheap” abundant sources of energy. 

WE DO… but they are largely concentrated types like geo-thermo power plants, or wind, or solar…

Unofficially it is more then certain that the intangible powers, thru their branches – finance, politics and corporations keep hidden more and very powerful sources of energy.

WHY is it suppressed?

Because very cheap energy isn't compatible with a private financial, “for profit” society ! Because everything it’s about POWER… and above all… it’s about CONTROL !



…part from a school project: “Just a Theory?” – 2013

The “New World Order” means “A New World Control System” ! But due to the general awakening of the people worldwide, the NWO will be… Dead on Arrival !

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