ARISE & Ride at the Farm
UNIQUE 2013 Exhibit
July 2013 - See Pg. 9 Community Locations Join us as we celebrate the 23rd anniversary of the ADA! 671-2909 /
Saturday, July 27, 2013 ARISE at the Farm Cycle and play in support of inclusive recreation! 671-2909 /
August 17 to September 1 Everson Museum of Art Come see the artwork from the 2013 UNIQUE Magazine! 671-2909 /
A MESSAGE TO OUR FRIENDS For the second newsletter in a row, I begin with a baseball reference. Twenty years ago this season, Jim Abbott, pitching for the Yankees, threw a no-hitter against the Cleveland Indians. Jim was a left-handed pitcher, and his left hand is his only hand. That’s right: the fellow threw and caught with his left hand because he was born without a right. Tom McKeown Executive Director
He worked around this perceived disability. Jim spent decades developing his skills before that no-hitter career highlight. And then at each level of the game, Jim fought off the internal messages and external nay-sayers who doubted that he had the skills to do what he loved doing. His biography “Imperfect” is a great read. (And this is a shameless plug because my cousin, Tim Brown, is his co-author). Many associated with ARISE are continually proving that they have the skills to do what they love doing. With the annual publication of our UNIQUE magazine, we will once again witness the amazing talents of artists who happen to have disabilities.
Some of our consumers, with guidance from our employment counselors, are demonstrating to employers (and customers) that having a disability does not diminish their job skills: as financial managers, as breadstick cooks, as auto detailers, as dedicated (sign waving) advertisers, as “helping hands”. ARISE is also a major employer of 600 skilled advocates. And so many who work at ARISE have disabilities. Some joined us without a disability, and later acquired one, occasionally through a traumatic experience. Together we’re working toward a shared mission to make our community a better place by advocating for independence and access for all. We’re all imperfect. And we all have skills, developed over time, fostered by mentors. We at ARISE, knowing that there is an option to sit on the sideline, discouraged regarding our imperfections, are convinced that there is more to gain by responding to the umpire’s invitation to “PLAY BALL!”
RIDERS TAKE ON 21-DAY CHALLENGE Innovative Program Helps Riders Develop Strength and Confidence up onto bar-height chairs without help for the first time On the first day of our most recent 21-Day Therapeutic to another who now has more energy at school, the Riding Challenge, Amaya, Emma, Danae, and Hank benefits of the challenge have carried outside of the arrived at the Farm, ready and eager to get on the riding arena and into all aspects of their lives. saddle and ride. Their parents hoped their children would be able to strengthen Support for the last three 21-Day their core muscles while Challenges has been provided “I watched Hank gain focus and also improving their balance individual donations as well as and motor control. The stability which has improved his by proceeds from the annual ARISE riders were just looking confidence and independence & Ride at the Farm event. forward to having fun.
“Therapeutic riding is a great form of therapy because it encourages the muscles to constantly work in response to the movement of the horse. The participants don’t realize how hard their body is working because they’re busy enjoying the ride,” said Nikki Dandignac, one of ARISE at the Farm’s therapeutic riding instructors. By the end of the challenge, everyone could see the differences the riders had made. Teachers, physical therapists, and relatives all pointed out improvements they observed. From one child who was able to climb
This year, friends will come - Hank’s Mom together on Saturday, July 27 for the largest fundraising event of the year to support the inclusive recreation programs offered at the Farm. Cyclists can ride in the 25- and 12-mile rides around Chittenango to raise money, and everyone will share in the fun at the Farm Festival featuring therapeutic riding demonstrations, carnival games, horse cart rides, field games, fishing, food and more. There will be a variety of fun activities for the entire family. To register, start a team, or learn more, visit or contact Liz Martin at 671-2909 or
On Opposite Page (left to right): Danae, Emma, Hank, and Amaya taking on the 21-Day Challenge.
NEWSFLASH 2013 UNIQUE Magazine Update
Breast Health Outreach Program
We had another record-breaking year as 142 artists submitted work for UNIQUE 2013. Seven different counties were represented by artists ranging from 10 years old to 75.
The CNY Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure has once again pledged their support of our Breast Health Awareness, Outreach, and Education Program.
Our Editorial Board will have an extremely difficult task selecting the 60 pieces that will be featured in the magazine. We’d like to thank the following community members for serving on the 2013 Editorial Board: • • • • • • • • • •
Lauren Bristol, Sparky Town Dan Cummings, NewsChannel 9 Nienke Dosa, M.D., Upstate University Hospital Linda Erb, Gary Forbes, Onondaga Hearing Services Sean Kirst, The Post-Standard Lauren Pistell, Richard S. Shineman Foundation Debora Ryan, Everson Museum of Art Kristen Smith, Time Warner Cable Lauren Unbekant, Syracuse Stage
Since 2008, we have reached out to thousands of underserved and uninsured women to increase awareness and promote early screening. Women with disabilities often face additional barriers to services and through this program we are able to provide oneon-one support to ensure that they have access to and are receiving the care that they need.
UNIQUE 2013 Opening Exhibition August 17, 2013 - September 1, 2013 Everson Museum of Art
HELPING PEOPLE REACH THEIR GOALS Our Medicaid Service Coordinators Help Families Succeed When one of our Medicaid Service Coordinators (MSC) From making sure basic needs are met to helping received an emergency call from the father of one of his people achieve their dreams, our Medicaid Service consumers, a 10-year old boy with muscular dystrophy, Coordinators do it all. By weaving together supports he took action. With their utilities turned off and an and coordinating services for consumers, our MSCs eviction notice, the father didn’t know what to do. The help people develop and reach their personal goals, bills were piling participate in the community, up and he was and achieve independence. “[Our MSC] was especially instrumental in already working As our Medicaid Service helping our daughter move into her own 12-14 hours each Coordination program has day just to try to apartment and get oriented to life on her grown over the years (we make ends meet. own. There has been a huge improvement in now serve over 500 people Our MSC moved in the community), we have quickly to help our daughter over the past few years and I maintained our steadfast the family secure commitment to providing emergency funding attribute most of it to our [ARISE MSC].” high-quality services. through Family - Father of an ARISE MSC Consumer While MSCs at many Support Services. other agencies work with By making sure up to 40 consumers at a time (the maximum number the family could stay in their own home, they were able allowed), we ensure that each of our MSCs is only to move forward and look to the future. working with, on average, 25 consumers at a time. We want our MSCs to have the time they need to provide When a 41-year old consumer told his MSC he would exceptional services to each and every person. like to go to college after being out of high school for 20 years, our MSC not only helped him enroll in a local If you would like to learn more about our MSC program, community college, she also worked with him to secure contact: Karen Santy (Onondaga and Madison financial aid, apply for ACCES-VR services, connect Counties) at 671-2970 /, or, with resources at school, and provide information about Pete Williams (Oswego County) at 342-4088 x202 / different public transportation options to make sure he’d be able to make it to his classes.
YOUR QUESTIONS My young child was just diagnosed with a significant disability. What are the next steps I should take? Having a newborn or young child who is medically fragile can be extremely overwhelming. Finding services and supports that are right for your situation and family can be confusing and difficult. In an effort to help parents of infants and young children navigate through this complex process, we are proud to offer a new program called Connecting-the-Dots. This program is geared specifically for parents of infants and children up to the age of three.
IN MY OWN WORDS MiChele Frazier-Torres (@CheleyFrazier) Proud Parent Our Service Coordinator has been an integral part of our lives. He is supportive, resourceful, organized, compassionate, and an empowering advocate for my daughter and our family dynamic. He has brought possibilities and independence to my daughter’s life along with support to the whole family. My daughter is always excited and happy to see him. I am always so pleased with his response time and his close attention to detail. Our MSC always wants to learn more so he can better assist folks with not only being independent but also enjoying their lives. By keeping his consumer’s interests, needs, and heart in mind, as well as knowing how many possibilities there are, he is always able to fully meet the needs of this family and beyond. For me, this means he is always striving right alongside me, hoping for my daughter to have the best in her life, for her to have opportunities and choices, for her to be able to live life to its fullest. And for this alone he is not just a Service Coordinator... he is part of our family.
Our staff can work with you individually to provide comprehensive information about the services and resources available in your community. Not only can we guide you to services that are right for your child, our staff can also assist with completing applications and referrals. We’re here to provide supports to improve the outcomes for your entire family. As your child turns three and transitions out of early intervention services, our advocates can also help connect your child to new services that become available, like Medicaid Service Coordination and Education Advocacy. We are delighted that, in addition to working individually with families, our new Connecting-the-Dots program also gives us the opportunity to collaborate with other healthcare and community-based service providers. Together we will work to create a system that improves the flow of information and service coordination for parents of young children with disabilities. If you would like to learn more about this program, contact Jayson McDowell, Project Manager, at 671-3082 or
5TH ANNUAL RIDE FOR RAMPS EVENT Community Comes Together To Keep Families Together & Regain Independence When a person becomes unable to leave their home because they don’t have a ramp, home can feel like a prison. If returning home after hospitalization isn’t possible because there’s no ramp, home can feel like the impossible dream. A waiting list of more than 50 created a sense of urgency for everyone involved in the Ride for Ramps fundraiser. We appreciate all of the efforts of the sponsors and friends who helped this year. The runners and bikers had a good time and the food was great. To raise $11,000 in bad weather is a credit to everyone involved and will change lives. That money will purchase materials for ramps, since volunteers build them. The average cost for a ramp is $1,200. In order to build as many ramps as possible (last year we built 28), we need more funds. Donations can be made online, in person at our office, or by sending a check. We always need more volunteers, so contact Kris Rabideau, Housing Advocate/Ramp Coordinator, at or 342-4088 x207.
8 6
Catch pictures from the event at
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2013 SPECIAL APPRECIATION EVENT Expressing our Gratitude for Dedication and Service We were thrilled to recognize the following people who are part of our movement to remove barriers, sustain needs, strengthen skills, and enrich the lives of people with disabilities across CNY: •
Keith Mulcahey (presented posthumously) and Mitch Mitchell for 10 years of leadership
participation in our Oswego Advisory Committee to make the community accessible to all.
and service on the ARISE Board of Directors. •
Robert George for his many years of volunteer service through ARISE & Ski and at our annual fundraising event, ARISE & Ride at the Farm.
Barb Falkowski for sharing time, energy, and passion for ARISE at the Farm and inclusive recreation.
for sharing their time, skills, and dedication as volunteers at ARISE at the Farm.
Integrated Marketing for their generous
Nikki Dandignac, Jeremy Holden, Chris & Chuck Roberts, and Richard Schenosky for their generosity of time, talent,
Ron Champion, Nina Lutz, and Jeanne Maddox for their energy, commitment, and dedication in their 20 years of service on our staff.
Joanne Gardner for her advocacy and
Tim Cleary, Allie Cretaro, Sarah Cretaro, Megan Groves, Kalila “Waffles” Lehner, Bob & Kris Watson
and commitment to help people share in the joy of flying down the slopes through ARISE & Ski.
support and sharing in our creative vision.
Eric Kuersteiner for the leadership role he has played in ARISE & Ski for the past fifteen years.
See more photos and read the bios for all of the honorees at
HOLLYWOOD NIGHTS DANCE Community Comes Together to Hold A Special Dance for Consumers The moment people entered the dance hall, they knew they were in for a special night. After walking down the red carpet and receiving their corsage or boutonniere, guests were enveloped by the sound of music. From the Macarena to the Chicken Dance, they made new memories and danced the night away. The Hollywood Nights Dance was the culmination of a joint effort between ARISE and many community members, students, and businesses. We’d like to send a special thank you to: Mayor Woodward of Fulton for letting us use the Fulton Municipal Building for the dance, Dianna Nesbitt and her New Vision Students for collecting the formal wear, helping the Community Connections Group
make decorations, and for participating in the dance, BOCES Floral students for creating beautiful corsages and boutonnieres, BOCES Culinary students for making the delicious meatballs and rolls, Peter Foster from Studio 160 for taking professional photographs, JaMS Dj Service from West Monroe who donated his services, our Community Integration Specialists who provided delicious desserts, Pathfinder Bank employees for donating gowns and men’s formal wear, and the many ARISE staff who helped put this unforgettable night together.
Catch more pictures from the dance at
THE POWER OF THE ADA Protecting the Rights of People with Disabilities By Contributing Writer: Michael Theobald This year, the Americans with Disabilities Act is celebrating its 23rd year of existence. I have used a wheelchair for twelve of them, and I couldn’t imagine the country without the ADA compliance rules. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is federal legislation that protects the rights of people with disabilities. The ADA addresses the barriers and discrimination that people with disabilities have traditionally faced. The ADA addresses the widespread exclusions of people with disabilities from the routine activities of everyday life. Public accommodations to increase accessibility include: ramps, railings, stair lifts, wider doors, automatic door openers, parking spots, auxiliary aides for those with vision, hearing or speech impairments, accommodation of guide dogs and service animals, just to name a few. The interesting thing about making stores, restaurants, and other public buildings accessible is that most people other than the people that use them don’t even notice that these accommodations exist.
When I first started using a wheelchair I began to notice all the non-accessible buildings. I needed to remember the layouts of buildings because I couldn’t always enter and leave the same way as everyone else. I quickly began to realize that no one else did that unless they were also in a wheelchair. When I became a junior in college, a friend of mine who was also in a wheelchair taught me that if I have an accessibility problem I should speak up, because I have the power of the ADA behind me.
Join us as we celebrate the 23rd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act! • Onondaga County Celebration July 22 from 9 AM - 12 PM City Hall Commons - Atrium, Syracuse Program and march • Oswego County Proclamation July 11 at 2 PM County Office Building, Oswego ADA Proclamation • Madison County Celebration July 26 from 10 AM - 12 PM Kallet Civic Center, Oneida Speakers, balloon release, and march
SPECIAL THANKS Thanks to our community partners and friends, who have recently offered us their support: •
United Community Chest of Cazenovia, Fenner, and Nelson for awarding $1,500 to ARISE at
Brian Sweeney and his crew for their support of our Oswego County Ramp Program.
National Grid for a $2,500 grant that will be used to build ramps for families in need.
Pearl Baldwin for holding a special fundraiser in support of our Onondaga County Youth Programs.
the Farm for equipment and allowing another instructor to become PATH Certified.
Morningstar Residential Care Center for pledging to fund and build a ramp through our Oswego County Ramp program.
Thanks to some of our wonderful volunteers, who generously shared their time and talent: •
The Cook Family, KeyBank Employees, Faculty and Students from Manlius Pebble Hill Farm, and Girl Scout Troop #10547 for helping with spring cleaning at ARISE at the Farm!
The Silverhammers for installing new windows, doors, and decking at ARISE at the Farm!
Board of Directors
Ed Cook, ARISE Foundation Board Member Ever since our first visit to ARISE at the Farm, we felt a connection. It just seemed to be a fit for my entire family. In fact, it seems hard to remember when our lives didn’t include time at the Farm. Helping out at the Farm has become one of my children’s favorite things to do. Emily and Teddy ask us all the time if we can go to the Farm, and they certainly don’t think of it as work. They ask what things need to be done and what they can do to help. I realized how important the Farm has become to all of us when Emily, without prompting from me or Svea, told her 6th grade class about the Farm. Her enthusiasm led the teacher and the students to set up a field trip to experience it for themselves. I am so proud that Emily
has become an ambassador for ARISE at the Farm and is making the effort to encourage others. We have shared in the joy of watching children accomplish their goals through the Farm’s therapeutic horseback riding lessons, and have joined in the celebration of each of the 21-Day Challenge efforts. And we are proud to be actively involved in the planning of the ARISE & Ride at the Farm event each year. On Saturday, July 27th, we will once again welcome people of all abilities to join in the fun as we raise funds to support the year-round inclusive recreation programs at the Farm. We have a great day planned for everyone to enjoy, and I can’t think of a more worthy program to support.
Tania Anderson, President Matt Dadey, Vice President Mitch Mitchell, Treasurer Gary Forbes, Secretary Greg Callen John Izzo Sue Judge Michael Cook Michael Klaehn John Donovan Agnes McCray Linda Erb Bill Porta Janet Haskins Don Scholl Maurie Heins
Foundation Board of Directors Denise McGraw, Chair Jeffrey Grimshaw, Vice Chair Don Scholl, Treasurer Agnes McCray, Secretary John Bosco Lynn Hamilton Kim Brown Carol Kranz Edward Cook Tom McKeown Marianne DiNiro Kristen Smith David Dreverman
Staff Leadership Tom McKeown, Executive Director Susan Craig, Quality Improvement Sabine Ingerson, Oswego County Offices Nancy Kern Kronen, Development & PR Kimberly Langbart, Mental Health Services Kim Lipke, Finance Nina Lutz, Independent Living Services Karen Lynch, Human Resources Sue Rogers, Executive Assistant
SPONSOR HIGHLIGHT IN MY OWN WORDS Bruce Wichmann, President Haylor, Freyer & Coon We’ve always been committed to the community and try to do as much as we can. The work that ARISE does is phenomenal and we are pleased to support such a worthy organization.
Giving Opportunities for Businesses Whether your business is large or small, there are many ways to get involved and show your support. • Become a sponsor ARISE & Ride at the Farm, UNIQUE Magazine, or ARISE & Ride for Ramps • Participate in our events by forming a corporate team • Donate raffle items • Hold a fundraiser to support a program • Volunteer as a corporate group Help out at a special event, take on special projects at the Farm, or build a ramp for a family in need
To learn how your company can get involved, contact Nancy Kern Kronen at (315) 671-2903 or 10
THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS We’d like to thank the following individuals and organizations who made donations from March 16, 2013 to June 10, 2013 in support of independence and access for all. Darby Anderson Anonymous Donors Janine F. Backman Pearl Baldwin Blue Bowl Sanitation Company, Inc. BNY Mellon Kevin & Karen Bradley Bridgeport Salon & Spa Randie L. Burrows Greg Callen CNY Community Foundation Emily Champagne The Chocolate Pizza Company CiCi’s Pizza Mr. & Mrs. John V. Conti Irene Cook DoubleTree Hotel Syracuse P. Drescher Incorporated David J. Dreverman Kristin Drumm Kay Elmes Joe Eoliazzo Gary & Julie Forbes Peter Foster Mike Fox Fulton Medicine Place Bob & Pam Getek Raymond W. Hackbarth Kristen Henderson Integrated Marketing Billie Ann Johnson Karen M. Johnson
Jim & Pat Karasek Michael Kelly Kerwin’s Cupcakes Kinsella Quarries Nancy Kern Kronen Tony Kunigan La Fleur de Beaute Inc. Rita Labadie Kim Lipke & Eric Sadowski Karen Lynch Anne Maier John & Candace Marsellus McGowan’s Hardware Edward Miller Metro Fitness Sharon & Mark Morey NBT Bank Robert & Jean Nicholson Frederick & Virginia Parker Pathfinder Bank Thomas F. Pierson Kelly Ponzi Ann Ray Reefer Compressor and Parts, Inc. Robinson Memorial Presbyterian Church Robert Ruth The Sbiroli Family Danielle P. Shelley Jason Sherman Michael E. Sierotnik John P. Smigelski
Kristen Smith The Speach Family Candy Shoppe Sport Center 481, LLC Starbucks Amy K. Sweeney Don Swete Ron & Cynthia Tascarella United Community Chest of Cazenovia, Fenner & Nelson UW of Greater Oswego County UW of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley Janice Vitale Tim & Cynthia Walus Steve Weisbrod Chuck & Angelika Wentworth Bruce Wichmann WonderWorks Word-Wrights Inc. Anne Zingaro Thanks to our early sponsors: ARISE & Ride at the Farm Century Decorations Tim, Sue & Robert George Haylor, Freyer, & Coon J.W. Burns & Company Investment Counsel Relph Benefit Advisors DUMAC EMPOWER Federal Credit Union Onondaga Hearing Services
ARISE & Ride at the Farm (ctd.) Chittenango Self Storage, Inc. Ed and Svea Cook Driver’s Village INFICON, Inc. Jake Hafner’s Restaurant & Tavern Jerome Fire Equipment Sue & Ed Judge Denise & Owen McGraw Tom & Lynne McKeown VISIONS Federal Credit Union the bikery TOPS Friendly Markets NewsChannel 9 WSYR UNIQUE 2013 The Drescher Corporation J.W. Burns & Company Investment Counsel Haylor, Freyer & Coon, Inc. Tania S. Anderson SUNY Oswego Tim, Sue and Robert George INFICON, Inc. Relph Benefit Advisors Tom & Lynne McKeown Onondaga Hearing Services Benjamin & Elizabeth Martin Everson Museum of Art NewsChannel 9 WSYR WAER
Saturday, July 27, 2013 25- and 12-Mile Cycle Ride - Family Farm Festival Gather your friends, family, and co-workers and start a team!
GIFTS IN TRIBUTE We’d like to thank the following individuals and organizations who made gifts in memory or in honor of a friend or family member between March 16, 2013 to June 10, 2013. In Honor of ARISE at the Farm Staff Daniel and Laura Schroth In Honor of Tom McKeown, Nancy Kronen, Nina Lutz, Funmi Akinpelu, Lindsay Ryan & ARISE Staff Randi Bregman & Ted R. Gottbrecht In Honor of Melissa DeFerio Raymond W. Hackbarth In Honor of Jacob Greene Sue Ellen Haney & Kathleen Knopp Sabine & Steven Ingerson Sarah & Eric Ingerson
In Honor of The Headless Horseman Barb Falkowski Laura & Paul Little Heather Wixon
In Honor of CJ Scoville Tracy Scoville
In Honor of Helping Our Community Anonymous Donors
In Honor of Hazel Shaw Tom & Kim Dando
In Honor of Nancy Kern Kronen CNY Community Foundation Mike and Jane Reagan In Honor of Mike Nortman Barb Falkowski
In Honor of Corey Scoville Tracy Scoville
In Memory of Peter Green (ctd.) Eleanor Michaels Shawna Nutting Susan Rogers Ricky Ryder In Memory of Melony Jeking, Gerald Walsh, Peter Green James A. Walker
In Memory of Peter Green Carol Davenport May Ann Hogan Sabine & Steven Ingerson Susan & Ed Judge Nancy Kern Kronen Kathleen T. MacCallum Tom & Lynne McKeown
635 James Street Syracuse, New York, 13203 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED
About Us
Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Syracuse, NY Permit No. 1629
We are a non-profit, community based organization run by and for people with disabilities. Through over 50 programs, we provide a wide range of services that promote the social, educational, economic, and individual interests of people with disabilities.
Our Locations Onondaga County/Main Office 635 James Street Syracuse, NY 13203 Voice: (315) 472-3171 TTY: (315) 479-6363 Oswego County Office 9 Fourth Avenue Oswego, NY 13126 Voice: (315) 342-4088 TTY: (315) 342-8696 Pulaski Office 2 Broad Street Pulaski, NY 13142 Voice: (315) 298-5726 Fulton Office 113 Schuyler Street, Suite 2 Fulton, NY 13069 Voice: (315) 887-5156
Join us in congratulating two of our staff members who were honored for their contributions to the community!
Madison County Office 131 Main Street, Suite 107 Oneida, NY 13421 Voice: (315) 363-4672 TTY: (315) 363-2364 ARISE at the Farm 1972 New Boston Rd Chittenango, NY 13037 Voice: (315) 687-6727
Nancy Kronen, Director of Development and Public Relations 2013 Woman of Distinction - Selected by Senator John DeFrancisco
Š 2013 ARISE Child and Family Service, Inc.
Vince Rogowski, Advocate Guest Lecturer Recognition Award - Utica College Health Studies Department
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