FALL 2013
Festival of Races
Fall Barn Dance
2013-2014 Check at for locations Come see the artwork from the 2013 UNIQUE Magazine! 671-2909 /
October 6, 2013 Syracuse University 5K Run, 3K Fun & Fitness Run, and Community Walk to benefit ARISE. 671-4643 /
October 26, 2013 ARISE at the Farm Join us for the costume contest, music, dancing, and more! 687-6727 /
A MESSAGE TO OUR FRIENDS A few years ago I accompanied one of our UNIQUE artists to Channel 9’s daily live Bridge Street program. The artist, Michael Simmons, brought with him the painting that was featured in UNIQUE that year. Michael happens to be blind. The casual observer might say to him: “You can’t paint; you can’t see.” And he would respond: “Yes, I can.” Tom McKeown Executive Director
And paint he did. When Bridge Street started, Michael had a blank canvas. By the end of the one-hour program, Michael had painted a landscape showing trees with leaves in beautiful fall colors. Maybe you have heard voices from others or even from within, voices that suggested that “you can’t do that.” Every single day, our dedicated team of 600 advocates and passionate volunteers in Onondaga, Oswego, and Madison counties work to achieve access, independence, and success. We are committed to advocacy with the person who says, “Yes, I can!”
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Yes I can: • Make choices about how and where I want to live • Study in a school in my own neighborhood, with my friends • Contribute my skills as a valuable employee • Advocate for change • Ride a horse or ski down the slopes • Write from my heart • Draw from my imagination • Dance to my own beat Here at ARISE, we’re always focused on each person’s strengths, skills, hopes, and dreams – not on perceived limitations. As we move into our 35th anniversary year, we are grateful. Grateful for all of the advocates like you, who have contributed to the movement to create a community that offers independence and access for all. Thank you.
Pictured Above: Releasing balloons at the Madison County ADA Celebration Catch more pictures at
INCREASING HOME ACCESSIBILITY New HOME Program Complements Oswego County Ramp Program Shineman Foundation Makes New Program Possible As our Ramp Program has grown over the years, we’ve seen families who desperately need internal home modifications. Sometimes, the ramp makes all the difference. Other times, while the ramp makes it possible to get to the front door, interior accessibility challenges remain. Thanks to support from the Richard S. Shineman Foundation, we are excited to offer a new program to complement our existing Oswego County Ramp Program.
“Our Foundation is thrilled to support this new initiative from ARISE as part of our commitment to be a catalyst for positive change in Oswego County. Not only does the program profoundly impact the lives of individuals with mobility challenges, but it eases the burden of taxpayers who would likely bear the cost of nursing home care,” said Lauren Pistell, Executive Director of the Shineman Foundation.
“We are so grateful to the Shineman Foundation...their support means that we can help people remain at home, preserving their independence and family connections.”
If you’d like to learn more about HOME, visit our website or call 342-4088.
Oswego County Ramp Program Update Even though the intense heat followed by lots of rain created many weather challenges this summer, our Oswego County Ramp Program managed to The new Housing - Sabine Ingerson accomplish an amazing feat. With the Options Made through Director of Oswego County Offices help of volunteers, not only were we able E-Modications (HOME) to build three ramps for three different Program will cover the cost of minor interior home families living in three different parts of the county in one modifications (installing grab bars, widening doorways, weekend - we were able to do it twice! etc.) that become necessary due to mobility issues. We’re always looking for volunteers so if you’d like to With these modifications, we hope that even more of our lend a hand and help a family regain their independence, neighbors will be able to stay in their homes or move call Jim Karasek at 342-4088 x206 or Kris Rabideau at back from rehabilitation centers. 324-4088 x207.
NEWSFLASH Consolidated Support Services
Skaneateles Festival Concert
We are pleased to announce that we now offer Start-Up and Support Broker services to help families design and manage their self-directed Consolidated Support Services (CSS) through the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). To learn more about this program, visit our website or call Lisa Seguin (Oswego County) at 342-4088 x208 or Andrea Stoughtenger (Onondaga & Madison Counties) at 671-2989.
The Skaneateles Festival took some of our consumers on a musical journey through a special performance put on for friends and families connected to ARISE and Enable. Elinor Freer and David Ying, Artistic Directors of the Skaneateles Festival, performed a series of pieces on the piano and cello at St. Paul’s Cathedral in Downtown Syracuse to show the power of music to connect, communicate, and inspire.
Integrated Care at Upstate An ARISE clinician is now based in the Upstate Pediatric and Adolescent Center thanks to a collaboration with the hospital and support from the NYS Office of Mental Health. By working alongside medical professionals, we are excited to provide holistic services to children in our community that focus on both physical and mental wellness.
UNIQUE ART & LITERARY MAGAZINE Opening Night Reception Marks Start of Traveling Exhibitions Hundreds of friends joined us for the 2013 UNIQUE Opening Night Reception to celebrate the 60 talented artists and their powerful works of self-expression. We were delighted to once again debut the body of work featured in UNIQUE at the region’s premier art venue, the Everson Museum of Art. From the record-breaking 141 submissions that were received, the UNIQUE Editorial Board was tasked with selecting the final 59 pieces. Dan Cummings commented, “[Serving on the Editorial Board] was extremely difficult and rewarding at the same time. Difficult, thanks to the number of high-quality entries. Rewarding, because each entry gave me a glimpse into the life of another human being.” After the opening exhibition, UNIQUE will travel to many community locations with the first stop at the Oswego County Literacy Fair on September 21st. We are proud to feature the stunning work of CNY artists and writers in UNIQUE and are extremely grateful to all of the sponsors, donors, and Editorial Board Members who make the magazine and traveling exhibition possible. We’d also like to express our thanks to the Everson Museum of Art for hosting the UNIQUE opening exhibit. To learn more about UNIQUE, visit or contact Elizabeth Martin at 671-2909 or
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See more photos at
IN MY OWN WORDS Sarah Hamlin Poet Featured in UNIQUE 2013 For me writing poetry is a way for me to see my heart more clearly. All my hopes and my dreams can be put to light, brought to the surface by a particular song or scene, and all I do is throw my emotions and imaginations down on paper, eventually critiquing it here and there, before I am truly satisfied. ARISE recognizes and encourages this individuality, especially through their annual UNIQUE magazine. The magazine gives disabled artists an opportunity to share their stories in ways that are unique to who they are on the inside. If you were to shut your eyes and just doodle your heart only based on your emotion and thoughts, what would you produce? The outcome might look splotchy and not much like anything, but that’s the beauty of individuality. It’s the same with poetry; you let your heart design your work.
YOUR QUESTIONS How can I use the new ARISE website to find programs that can help me? If you’ve been to our website recently, you may notice that it looks quite different! After brainstorming with consumers, staff, and other community members, we went back to the drawing board and designed a new website that went live in August. In an effort to make it easier for people to find programs, we are excited to share a new feature that allows you to filter our 50+ programs by your location as well as by core program areas.
This new feature can be accessed by visiting any core program area page (ex: Advocacy & Accessibility) or on any program page (ex: Medicaid Service Coordination).
The Drescher Corporation J.W. Burns & Co. Investment Counsel Haylor, Freyer & Coon, Inc. Tania S. Anderson The Bonadio Group PurEnergy LLC
SUNY Oswego V.I.P. Structures, Inc.
Tim, Sue, & Robert George INFICON
Onondaga Hearing Services Relph Benefit Advisors
CARDS & NOTECARDS Enjoy UNIQUE all year long with a 2014 Calendar or a 12-pack of Notecards for $10 each! To order yours, contact Elizabeth Martin at 671-2909 or
When you visit the page for a specific program, you’ll also notice we added more detailed descriptions as well as contact information for each program. We’d like to send a special thank you to our Marketing Committee and to Bentley Hoke for their help with this project! We hope the new website makes it easier, more convenient, and more enjoyable for you to browse and learn more about all that we have to offer. If you have any questions about our new website, please contact Gigina Long at 671-4643 or
3RD ANNUAL ARISE & RIDE AT THE FARM Cyclists and Families Ride and Play In Support of Inclusive Recreation SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS:
The sun was shining as a few hundred people came out to the Farm for the 2013 ARISE & Ride at the Farm Festival. With the support of the participants, sponsors, and raffle donors, we were able to raise over $18,000 in net proceeds for the inclusive recreation programs offered at ARISE at the Farm! Cyclists started the day off with a scenic 25- or 12-mile ride through the Chittenango countryside. Families joined us in the afternoon for the Farm Festival featuring pony rides, the high ropes course, carnival games, and more. Many hands pitched in to help make the event a success. Our fantastic planning committee worked all year long. Friends from BNY Mellon helped with our cheer stations and prepared the food donated by TOPS Friendly Markets. Mark Perrin from the bikery provided SAG support, Michael E. Mobile Sound donated his great DJ services, and Banner Envy donated all of the beautiful banners and signs. We are so grateful to everyone who shared their time, energy, and resources to support the magic that happens at the Farm. If you would like to be involved with the next ARISE & Ride at the Farm Festival, contact Nancy Kern Kronen at 671-2903 or SAVE THE DATE - JOIN US NEXT YEAR SATURDAY, JULY 26, 2014
Century Decorations
Michael E. Mobile Sound Tim, Sue, & Robert George
The Gerardi Family Adam’s Apple Services, Inc. Brackens Financial Solutions Network Chittenango Self Storage, Inc. Ed & Svea Cook Driver’s Village Doug Eaton & Nancy Kern Kronen INFICON, Inc. Jake Hafner’s Restaurant & Tavern Jerome Fire Equipment Co.
PurEnergy, LLC Susan & Edward Judge Tom & Lynne McKeown Oliva Companies Onondaga Hearing Services Pure Transformation – Arbonne Ra-Lin Beth & Bruce Sherwood Sun Chevy & Auto Warehouse Visions FCU
IN MY OWN WORDS Rachel Romer ARISE & Ride at the Farm Cyclist I have been involved in ARISE’s inclusive recreation programs since 2000. Some of the programs I take part in are horseback riding, skiing, and recently I also participated in the 2013 ARISE & Ride at the Farm bike ride that was twelve miles long. As an individual who has Cerebral Palsy, I feel that ARISE’s inclusive recreation programs and their wonderful volunteers and employees have made it easier for me and countless others to take part in skiing, horseback riding, and bike rides. In addition to being able to take part in these activities, they also give me a sense of independence and joy.
Catch pictures from the event at
Join us in congratulating: • CNY Cranks for being the largest riding team! • Jill Restifo for collecting the largest number of pledges!
SUMMER CAMPS AT THE FARM Creating Memories and Sharing in the Fun For eight weeks this summer we were thrilled to welcome more than 225 campers to the Farm to delight in the joy of adventure. Camp Director Jes Sudol and her team once again did a fantastic job. For the kids who love working with horses, Horsemanship Camp gave them hands-on experience caring for horses, practicing their riding skills, making delicious treats for the animals, and creating equinethemed crafts. Meanwhile, our Adult and Tot camps gave kids and adults of all ages the full summer camp experience that was specially tailored to their interests.
We were also excited to introduce something new to Farm Camp to make it even more special for the campers - weekly themes! From the pirate treasure hunt to the superhero costumes, our campers were able to experience all that the Farm offers with an extra layer of imagination and wonder. We’d like to send a special thank you to all of the campers and their families, counselors, buddies, volunteers, and friends for joining us for another memorable summer camp season at the Farm.
Share your camp memories from the Farm! You can post them on
Syracuse Festival of Races
Remembering Bev Hamilton
5K Run
3K Fun & Fitness Run
Community Walk
This past June we were honored to dedicate a new accessible picnic table at ARISE at the Farm in memory of Bev Hamilton. Bev and her husband, Wayne, became a part of our family as they shared wonderful moments volunteering at the Farm for many years. We are extremely grateful to Barb Greene for organizing and leading the effort to create this lasting tribute to Bev at the Farm.
You can participate in the Festival of Races while also making a difference. Help make our dream of an accessible playground come true! By collecting pledges in support of your run or walk, you can make it even more fun to be at the Farm. Every dollar you raise will bring us one step closer to building an accessible playground for children of all abilities at our inclusive recreation center, ARISE at the Farm. To learn more, visit or contact Gigina Long at 671-4643 or
Pictured (top): Bev and Laura Little Pictured (bottom): Barb and Wayne presenting Bev’s picnic table
SPECIAL THANKS Thanks to our community partners and friends, who have recently offered us their support: •
CENG for their support of Call-N-Ride which provides curb-to-curb transportation services for the elderly and people with disabilities in Oswego County.
Atlas Fence for generously donating pipes that were used to create bike racks for ARISE & Ride at the Farm.
BNY Mellon Employees for cheering at the turn stations and donning their chef hats to prepare all of the
Bob Schwitter for donating corn and running the hay rides at our ARISE & Ride at the Farm Festival.
Jessica Sbiroli for creating and selling lovely handmade scarves in support of ARISE at the Farm.
food at our annual ARISE & Ride at the Farm event.
Thanks to some of our wonderful volunteers, who generously shared their time and talent: •
Carmelo and Dwight for all of their help cleaning and organizing equipment in our Equipment Loan Closet.
Board of Directors Tania Anderson, President Matt Dadey, Vice President Mitch Mitchell, Treasurer Gary Forbes, Secretary Greg Callen John Izzo Sue Judge Michael Cook Michael Klaehn John Donovan Agnes McCray Linda Erb Bill Porta Janet Haskins Maurie Heins
Kristen Smith, ARISE Foundation Board Member So many things impress me about ARISE and the more I learn, the more excited I am to be involved.
is excellent. The staff members are caring, creative, knowledgeable, and diligent. They work to provide the best services for consumers, creating the greatest opportunities and finest experiences for people of all ages with any type of disability.
Foundation Board of Directors
ARISE seeks to remove limitations and boundaries so that every person has a chance to thrive. It At ARISE is wonderful to see what happens there is a genuine sense of care at ARISE at the Farm and on the and concern. In addition to helping slopes through people reach ARISE & Ski. their individual “I believe in the UNIQUE Art & goals and achieve people connected to Literary Magazine independence, ARISE also ARISE and I believe in also touches me a very special cares about the the purpose of ARISE.” in way. This beautiful people who make up the diverse publication invites and features artistic expression in a and dedicated workforce. And, powerful way. ARISE treats board members and volunteers with such a high level of I believe in the people connected to respect that it is an honor to serve. ARISE and I believe in the purpose of ARISE. That’s why I am proud to As a business person, I value be a part of this movement seeking productivity and performance. The independence and access for all. quality of work throughout ARISE
Denise McGraw, Chair Jeffrey Grimshaw, Vice Chair David Dreverman, Treasurer Agnes McCray, Secretary John Bosco Carol Kranz Kim Brown Tom McKeown Edward Cook BrandiLee Schafran Marianne DiNiro Dan Schafran Lynn Hamilton Kristen Smith Janet Haskins Janice Vitale
Staff Leadership Tom McKeown, Executive Director Susan Craig, Quality Improvement Sabine Ingerson, Oswego County Offices Nancy Kern Kronen, Development & PR Kimberly Langbart, Mental Health Services Kim Lipke, Finance Nina Lutz, Independent Living Services Karen Lynch, Human Resources Sue Rogers, Executive Assistant
JOIN THE MOVEMENT WELCOME OUR NEW FOUNDATION BOARD MEMBERS Janet Haskins “After serving on the ARISE Board for over five years, joining the ARISE Foundation is very exciting since it enables me to serve ARISE in a broader and more impacting capacity.”
Dan & BrandiLee Schafran “We cannot express how thankful we are for the opportunity to have participated in the 21-Day Challenge. We are so excited and thrilled to be able to get involved and give back because ARISE has done so much for our son Gavin.”
Janice Vitale “The Farm is a hidden gem. I’ve seen such a difference in my brother, even at 50. He has learned, grown, and been excited. I feel a passion to grow the programs because of the great benefits they provide. So much more can be done if we put our heads together!”
To learn how you can join the movement, contact Nancy Kern Kronen at 671-2903 or
THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS We’d like to thank the following individuals and organizations who made donations from June 11, 2013 to August 30, 2013 in support of independence and access for all. AAA of Western & Central New York Advance Cyclery The Allyn Foundation Tania Anderson Anonymous Donors Janine Backman Bailey, Haskell & LaLonde the bikery BJ’s Wholesale Club BNY Mellon Amy Borio-Alt Robert Boutell Jim & Kathy Burns Jennifer Byrne John Cappelli China Towne Furniture Mr. & Mrs. John Conti Ed & Svea Cook Diane Csornok Andrea & Jason Dellich P. Drescher Incorporated David Dreverman DUMAC Business Systems Inc Dunk & Bright Furniture Co., Inc. R. Douglas Eaton Empire Brewing Company
Joe Solazzo Mary & James Failing Edward & Nicole Falkowski Gary & Julie Forbes The Gerardi Family Judy Gilson Girl Scout Troop #10547 Marvin & Vivian Golding Grooves Salon Megan Groves Raymond W. Hackbarth Lynn Hamilton Maurie Heins INFICON, Inc. J.W. Burns & Company Investment Counsel Mike Januszka Karen Johnson Jim & Pat Karasek Michael Klaehn Vincent & Jacqueline Krahl Nancy Kern Kronen Kim Lipke & Eric Sadowski Lockheed Martin Employees’ Federated Fund Lou’s Village Service
Karen Lynch Bob Markowski Cindy McAllister Elizabeth McBroom Denise & Owen McGraw Tom & Lynne McKeown David & Mary Morgan Morningstar Residential Care Center MVP Health Care Oliva Companies Onondaga Hearing Services Oswego Firefighters Mary & John Politis Maryjane Poulin Mike Pozefsky PurEnergy, LLC RaLin’s Mike & Jane Reagan Reefer Compressor & Parts, Inc. Jill Restifo Sue Rogers Gerald Rudolph Bob & Joyce Salvetti Samson & Co. Salon Don Scholl
Rena Sgambellone Danielle Shelley Beth & Bruce Sherwood Richard S. Shineman Foundation Kristen Smith Sparky Town Restaurant & Catering Sun Auto Warehouse of Cortland Syracuse Bicycle Target - Camillus Time Warner Cable Tucker-Haskins & Associates Two Sisters Beauty Salon Donna Vince Vince’s Gourmet Imports Janice Vitale Walmart #2444 Walmart Foundation Paula Weigelt Gregory Weiland Steve Weisbrod Welch Allyn West Genesee Central School District - Ski Club Laurie Palmiero Wilde Robert Wilmot
LEAVE YOUR LEGACY A gift to our endowment, naming ARISE in your will, and gifts of stock are some of the most important investments you can make to ensure the future of our services. Your impact will multiply in perpetuity and continue to touch lives for generations to come. To learn more, contact Nancy Kern Kronen at 671-2903 or
GIFTS IN TRIBUTE We’d like to thank the following individuals and organizations who made gifts in memory or in honor of a friend or family member between June 11, 2013 to August 30, 2013. In Honor of Melissa DeFerio Raymond W. Hackbarth In Honor of Hank Flynn Gary Clark & Dolores Carp In Honor of The Headless Horsemen Diane Csornok The Russo Family The Zacchanelli Family In Honor of Nancy Kern Kronen Jason & Lynn Hy G. Richard & Mary Grace Kelley In Honor of Liz Martin Bill & Tracie Martin In Honor of Denise McGraw Deborah Tilton
In Honor of Mike Nortman Matthew Dwyer James McCarthy Robert & Jennie Shearin In Honor of Joyce Placito Rich Kurdes Jeff Placito Maggie Placito Sis Schmid In Honor of Jill Restifo Rhonda Belzile Jennifer Born Ina Cohen Anthony Corelli Anthony Diana James Lynch Cheryl Restifo-Lynch Wendy Miller Phil & Geri Restifo
In Honor of Jill Restifo (ctd.) Joseph Restifo John Farley In Honor of Rex Janice Vitale In Honor of Rachel Romer Lisa Grousso Rudy Freidberg Jeff Bermen Jane & Dan MacWilliams Louise Romer Caitlin Brown MaryEllen Brown Cyndi Coltoite Katie McCarthy Natlie Lovlope Sara Deatherage Julie Hoke Katherine McDonald
In Honor of Rachel Romer (ctd.) Colleen Gribbons Kathy Stanley Lavolpe Margie Romer In Honor of Ed & Bridget Theobald’s 35th Anniversary Gary & Linda Stoddard Brian & Laura Stoddard & Family Adrienne & John Turbeville & Family In Memory of Anna Blasczienski Gary Clark & Dolores Carp In Memory of Peter Green Joanne Linnenbach
635 James Street Syracuse, New York, 13203 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED
About Us
Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Syracuse, NY Permit No. 1629
We are a non-profit, community based organization run by and for people with disabilities. Through over 50 programs, we provide a wide range of services that promote the social, educational, economic, and individual interests of people with disabilities.
Our Locations Onondaga County/Main Office 635 James Street Syracuse, NY 13203 Voice: (315) 472-3171 TTY: (315) 479-6363 Oswego County Office 9 Fourth Avenue Oswego, NY 13126 Voice: (315) 342-4088 TTY: (315) 342-8696 Pulaski Office 2 Broad Street Pulaski, NY 13142 Voice: (315) 298-5726 Fulton Office 113 Schuyler Street, Suite 2 Fulton, NY 13069 Voice: (315) 887-5156 Madison County Office 131 Main Street, Suite 107 Oneida, NY 13421 Voice: (315) 363-4672 TTY: (315) 363-2364 ARISE at the Farm 1972 New Boston Rd Chittenango, NY 13037 Voice: (315) 687-6727
Special Thanks to the West Genesee High School Ski Club! We are so grateful to the West Genesee High School Ski Club for making a donation to ARISE & Ski in order to help other people participate in a sport that they love so much!
Volunteer Opportunities Available! Do you want to help someone feel the thrill of flying down the slopes? We’re always looking for volunteers (both on the mountain and off!). To learn more, visit or contact Richelle Maki at 671-3094 or
Š 2013 ARISE Child and Family Service, Inc.
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