OSWEGO COUNTY EDITION Director: Sabine Ingerson
February 2017 The Advocacy Department What’s Inside: ARISE Groups
MSC Blog
Fun Page
At the heart of an Independent Living Center is the Advocacy Department. The Advocacy Department provides support in many areas for people with disabilities in our community. There are four main core services that we provide which include Information & Referral, Independent Living Skills, Peer Support, and Individual & Systems Advocacy.
Information & Referral We assist and can be a contact point for people with disabilities, their families, and the community in locating available services.
Independent Living Skills ARISE Center for Independent Living ARISE Oswego 9 Fourth Ave Oswego, NY 13126 (315) 342-4088
ARISE Pulaski 2 Broad St Pulaski, NY 13142 (315) 298-5726
ARISE Fulton 113 Schuyler St, Suite 2 Fulton, NY 13069 (315) 887-5156
ariseinc.org /ARISEcny
Our Mission To work with people of all abilities to create a fair and just community in which everyone can fully participate.
We teach a wide range of skills needed to live independently and manage life with a disability.
Peer Support Peer support is one of the fundamentals of a Center for Independent Living. Who better knows the issues that individuals with disabilities face than another person with a disability who has been there and done that? Peer mentors provide role modeling and share experiences, feelings, and awareness of disability issues.
Individuals & Systems Advocacy Individual Advocacy is when the advocate helps teach the individual self advocacy skills. Once the individual is able to advocate for themselves, they will be able to communicate and negotiate with agencies, service providers, employers, and others in order to obtain needed benefits, services or accommodations. Systems Advocacy is when the advocates work for a positive change in the community, working to create awareness of the barriers to participation by persons with disabilities, and how such barriers can be removed. Advocates also address public policies that will help individuals with disabilities be able to fully participate in the community that we serve.
Advocates: Jim Cronk: 342-4088 X211 Vicki Affinati: 342-4088 X225 Josh Solazzo: 342-4088 X213
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ARISE Groups Oswego Social Club
Self-Advocacy Group
No Social Club this month.
Friday, February 10th 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Pontiac Terrace Community Room
Self-Advocacy is a group for people who want to advocate for change. For additional information, or if you have an issue you would like the group to advocate for, please contact Josh Solazzo at 342-4088 X213.
Teen Group
Community Connections
Saturday, February 24th
Saturday, February 11th
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Trip to the Zoo
Trip to the Zoo
Rosamond Gifford Zoo
Rosamond Gifford Zoo
Please sign up for this event by emailing Vicki at vaffinati@ariseinc.org or call 342-4088 X225 for information about this group.
Please sign up for this event by emailing Vicki at vaffinati@ariseinc.org or call 342-4088 X225 for information about this group.
TBI Group
SibShops will meet next month
Tuesday, February 14th
March 18th
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM (This is a reoccurring meeting that takes place the 2nd Tuesday of each month)
Please email Sabine at singerson@ariseinc.org or call 342-4088 X210 for information. We will be meeting at the ARISE Oswego office If you have any questions, contact Shannon Morrell at 342-4088 X245 or Christine Ward at 342-4088 X201 or cward@ariseinc.org.
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MSC Blog Danielle Fox MSC Coordinator February is Go Red for Women Month, a movement by the American Heart Association to end heart disease and stroke in women. There are several misconceptions about heart disease in women, and they could be putting you at risk. The American Heart Association’s Go Red For Women movement advocates for more research and swifter action for women’s heart health for this very reason. Heart disease is the number 1 killer in women. Only 1 in 5 American women believe that heart disease is her greatest health threat. Heart disease is a killer that strikes more women than men, and is more deadly than all forms of cancer combined. While 1 in 31 American women dies from breast cancer each year, heart disease claims the lives of 1 in 3. That’s roughly one death each minute. Many things can put you at risk for these problems, there are some you can control, and others that you can’t. Studies show that healthy choices have resulted in 330 fewer women dying from heart disease per day. Here are a few lifestyle changes you should make: -
Don’t smoke Manage your blood sugar Get your blood pressure under control Lower your cholesterol Know your family history Stay active Lose weight Eat healthy
For more resources check out http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/ https://www.goredforwomen.org
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Fun Page
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Fresh Food Giveaway Sandy Creek UMC, 3:30-5:30p
14 TBI Peer Support Group 4:30-5:30p
Fresh Food Giveaway Park UMC, Pulaski 3:00-5:00p
Fresh Food Giveaway
Community Connections
Presidents Day
Teen Group 9:00-2:00p
Fresh Food Giveaway No. Syracuse Christian Church 3:30-5:30p
Office Closed
St. Joseph’s The Worker, Liverpool 3:30-5:30p
Self Advocacy Group 11:30-12:30p
20 Fresh Food Giveaway Believer’s Chapel 3:30-5:30p Page 5
ARISE 9 Fourth Avenue Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: Fax: TTY:
OSWEGO, NY 13126
(315)342-4088 (315)342-4107 (315)342-8696
ariseinc.org Address Service Requested Mailing Address Goes Here
Employment ACCES-VR (Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation) is an agency in the New York State Education Department that has helped many individuals with disabilities find and keep employment. You may know the agency from it’s previous acronym: VESID. Over the past year, ACCES-VR has helped over 900 people in Central New York (including 80 in Oswego County) succeed in careers ranging from customer service to information technology. Services to help eligible individuals reach their employment goals may include but are not limited to: job coaching, employment counseling, advocacy, and financial assistance with training, equipment, and work uniforms. If you or someone you know has a barrier to employment and is interested in applying, please call (315) 428-4180 to register for an information session or to receive an application.