Oswego November 2016 Newsletter

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OSWEGO COUNTY EDITION Director: Sabine Ingerson

November 2016 What’s Inside:

10th Annual Disability Mentoring Day

ARISE Groups


Community Habilitation


Ramp Program


MSC Blog


Fun Page






ARISE Center for Independent Living ARISE Oswego 9 Fourth Ave Oswego, NY 13126 (315) 342-4088

ARISE Pulaski 2 Broad St Pulaski, NY 13142 (315) 298-5726

ARISE Fulton 113 Schuyler St, Suite 2 Fulton, NY 13069 (315) 887-5156

ariseinc.org /ARISEcny

Our Mission To work with people of all abilities to create a fair and just community in which everyone can fully

The Oswego County Placement Network hosted the 10th Annual Disability Mentoring Day which took place on Thursday, October 27 th at the American Foundry. Disability Mentoring Day (DMD) is a unique event during the Disability Awareness Month that provides individuals with disabilities the opportunity to participate in coordinated job shadowing experiences at local businesses and not-for-profit organizations. Karen Mahlke, COCOAA, gave the opening remarks. She thanked the American Foundry, Oswego Bagelry and Sandwich Shop and Cam’s Pizzeria for sponsoring the event. Teresa Gilbert, ARISE Employment Consultant, introduced the mentees and their mentors. Each received a certificate acknowledging their participation. This year Oswego County Building and Grounds, the Oswego Police Department, Farnham Family Services, Price Chopper-Oswego, Catholic Charities, Salvation Army, NYP-Oswego, Ruby Tuesday, The Gardens, A&P Auto, St. Luke’s, McDonalds of Fulton, and Lowe’s provided mentoring opportunities. The guest speaker was Josh Solazzo. Josh was recently hired by ARISE as a Housing and Ramp Coordinator. He credited this success in becoming employed to the support of his ACCES-VR counselor who never gave up on him during his years of education at SUNY Oswego. He said how much it meant to him to receive encouragement and support during the time he needed it most, when he had to take off time from school to attend to health issues and when he was searching for a job. Teresa Gilbert suggested he interview at ARISE and it has turned out to be a perfect fit. LaParilla, McDonald’s in Fulton and Books & Bears were honored for having provided competitive employment for individuals with disabilities during the year. A special thanks to the ARISE Direct Support Professionals (DSP) who accompanied many of the individuals during their job exploration.

By: Sabine Ingerson Page 1

ARISE Groups Oswego Social Club

Self-Advocacy Group Friday, November 18th

No Social Club this month.

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Held at Pontiac Apts. Self-Advocacy is a group for people who want to advocate for change. For additional information, or if you have an issue you would like the group to advocate for, please contact Josh Solazzo at 342-4088 X213.

Teen Group

Community Connections

Tuesday, November 22nd

Saturday, November 12th

5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Game Night

Harvest Hoedown

129 Curtis Street Fulton, NY 13069

Fulton Elk’s Lodge 57 Pierce Drive Fulton, NY 13069

Join us at the Fulton Junior High for Game and Snack Night!!

Hee-Haw over for an afternoon of dancing and snacks!

We might have the gym so please wear sneakers! Please email Vicki at vaffinati@ariseinc.org or call 342-4088 X225 for information and to RSVP by November 17th.

Bring your cowboy hats and boots, put your hands in the sky and move side to side! (Cowboy hat and boots are not required) (Event is open to the Public)

Please email Vicki at vaffinati@ariseinc.org or call 342-4088 X225 for information and to RSVP by November 7th

Sib Shops

TBI Group

Saturday, November 19th

Tuesday, November 8th

12:00 PM - 4:00 PM We will be meeting at the ARISE Oswego office. Please email Sabine at singerson@ariseinc.org or call 342-4088 X210 for information.

4:30 PM - 5:30 PM (This is a reoccurring meeting that takes place the 2nd Tuesday of each month) We will be meeting at the ARISE Oswego office If you have any questions, contact Shannon Morrell at 342-4088 X245 or Christine Ward at 342-4088 X201 or cward@ariseinc.org.

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ARISE Holiday Open House We will be hosting our annual Holiday Open House on December 16 th starting at 12 PM noon. Every year we enjoy having our office open to you so that you may share a small part of the holiday season with us. It is our way of saying thank you for the support you have shown throughout the year. There will be a large variety of food and snacks for you to enjoy, all prepared by…..OUR STAFF!!!! We will be having the annual door decorating contest and you can vote on your favorite door. The winner this year will receive a free trip to Mexico….(NY), but more important the bragging rights for the entire next year. (I won last year and have thrown down the challenge!) We look forward to seeing you even if it’s just for a few minutes. We will start at 12 PM noon and go until about 3:00 PM depending on the number of people that stick around. So remember…December 16th………….Noon………………..FOOD!!!...............ARISE. - Jim Karasek, Manager of Independent Living Skills

Community Habilitation Program The Direct Support Staff and individuals worked in combination to plan their annual Halloween Party. They worked together to coordinate the food, decorations and activities. Among those activities were a race that involved wrapping ARISE staff up to look like mummies, and making Halloween monsters using cheese sticks, pretzel sticks and grapes. Some of those in attendance also played Halloween Bingo. Everyone had a great time and are excited to start planning the next event. Thank you to the DSP staff and individuals who participated and attended!

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ARISE RAMP PROGRAM We are so thankful for all that Novelis does for us! In October they built another ramp for a grateful recipient in Oswego County! Thank you to all of the volunteers who helped make this possible!

A Good Day had by All!

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MSC Blog Melissa Hull, Medicaid Service Coordinator

Check out what your Local Library has to offer besides books! Mexico Public Library: 3269 Main Street, Mexico, NY Phone:315-963-3012 Coloring Club for Adults meets every Friday from 11 AM until Noon at the library, starting Friday, October 7th. The library will provide coloring pages and colored pencil or you are welcome to bring your own supplies. Intricate coloring pages just for adults allow you to create gorgeous works of art and also provide stress relief! Parish Public Library 3 Church Street, Parish, NY 315-625-7130 Adults Coloring Club! Coloring can be beneficial for adults namely for its de-stressing power. The class will begin at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, November 2nd at the Parish Public Library. You can bring your own books and coloring utensils and some will also be provided here. There will be light refreshments. The Parish Public Library is also offering a ten week class in American Sign Language. The class will be held on Tuesdays, beginning November 1 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. It will run for 10 weeks with a break for the Christmas holidays. Phoenix Library 34 Elm Street, Phoenix, NY Phone: 315-695-4355 Wednesday November 18th from 7-8 PM there will be a lively hour of original songs, entertaining covers, and some very witty banner with The Genesee Ted. This musical group is comprised of local performers: Dana Cooke, local singer/songwriter and President of the Folkus Project in CNY; Shirley Stevens, lead singer/guitarist with Diamond Sunday, popular local bluegrass band; Eileen Rose, singer/

songwriter performs the mountain dulcimer and percussion; and recent member, Tom Burr, on bass and banjo. The Oswego County Fire Prevention Safety Trailer will be on Saturday, November 7th from 11 AM to 2 PM. Please join Oswego County Fire Safety Educators Danny Dunn, Karen Draper, and Teona Draper for safety training activities in this special unit equipped with fire prevention demonstrations and a tornado simulator. This program is for all ages and we encourage you to bring the whole family, including grandparents! Williamstown Library 2877 County Route 17, Williamstown, NY Phone: 315-964-2802 ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TEA to be held on Sunday, December 6th from 2 to 4 PM with music by the Jim McCarthy Family. Come enjoy the Christmas cookies and delicious delicacies. Stop in for the entire time or only a portion depending on your schedule. Relax and enjoy visiting with your neighbors. We look forward to seeing you.

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Fun Page

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Tue 1


7 Fresh Food Giveaway Sandy Creek UMC, 3:30-5:30p



8 TBI Peer Support Group 4:30-5:30p


Wed 2











Fresh Food Giveaway Park UMC, Pulaski 3:00-5:00p

Fresh Food Giveaway



St. Joseph’s The Worker, Liverpool 3:30-5:30p

Fresh Food Giveaway No. Syracuse Christian Church 3:30-5:30p





Fresh Food Giveaway Believer’s Chapel, Fulton 3:30-5:30p

Teen Group





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18 Advocacy Group 11:00-12:00p

24 Office Closed


Office Closed

25 Office Closed

Community Connections 12:00p-2:00p

19 Sibshops 12:00-4:00p



ARISE 9 Fourth Avenue Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: Fax: TTY:

OSWEGO, NY 13126

(315)342-4088 (315)342-4107 (315)342-8696

ariseinc.org Address Service Requested Mailing Address Goes Here

Employment ACCES-VR (Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation) is an agency in the New York State Education Department that has helped many individuals with disabilities find and keep employment. You may know the agency from it’s previous acronym: VESID. Over the past year, ACCES-VR has helped over 900 people in Central New York (including 80 in Oswego County) succeed in careers ranging from customer service to information technology. Services to help eligible individuals reach their employment goals may include but are not limited to: job coaching, employment counseling, advocacy, and financial assistance with training, equipment, and work uniforms. If you or someone you know has a barrier to employment and is interested in applying, please call (315) 428-4180 to register for an information session or to receive an application.

Informational fun sessions held at the ARISE office at 9 Fourth Ave., Oswego 5:30 to 7:30 each time with supper provided for everyone Parents meet in one room and youth in another room For ages 8 and older

November 15th

Oswego County Sheriff’s Department. Providing information on Project lifesaver to the parents and miscellaneous information to the youth.

November 29th

Oswego County Health Department Smoothie bike –for the kids. What’s a smoothie bike? Come find out and help to make a fun smoothie. If you come to this one and anyone has any allergies, you need to let me know when you sign up. Basic nutrition will be discussed with the parents.

December 6th

Farnham will be here to present to both parents and youth about alcohol and drugs.

To sign up please email Vicki Affinati at vaffinati@ariseinc.org or call Vicki at 342-4088 ext. 225. Just leave your name and let me know how many adults are coming and how many youth will be attending. Sign up for one, two or all three sessions! I look forward to seeing you there!

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