Page 3: Editors Welcome
Page 18 - 19: Zion World Nation
Page 28 - 29: Pursue Your Passion
Page 4 - 5: Meet The Arise Team
Page 20: Arise Team
Page 30: Arise Team
Page 6 - 7: Melisa Dundas Artwork
Page 21: Monthly Word
Page 31: Poet’s Corner
Page 8 - 9: 5 Minutes With Dan Bosi
Page 22: My Testimony
Page 32 - 33: Joshua Ajitena
Page 10: Nargis Cross Photography
Page 23: Arise Team
Page 34 - 36: Arise Team
Page 11: Arise Team
Page 24: Poet’s Corner.
Page 37: Kende
Page 12 - 13: Interview With Grace Aladade
Page 25: Arise Team
Page 38: Hyphon
Page 14 - 15: Frances William 5 Tips
Page 26: Strudwick
Page 39: Livin Life TV
Page 16 - 17: Arise Team
Page 27: Arise Team
Page 40: All About Jesus Page 41 - 44: Events
EDITORS WELCOME This month we are celebrating one year
and step into that specific calling and seek
have deeply hurt you in order to reach the
to gain a closer relationship with Christ.
destination in which God has placed for
As a young person, there is no better
time to launch out, even when you look
Launch out into the deep, be prayerful,
at the bible there were so many young
learn to fast and seek to hear the voice
individuals who were called to step out of
of God. Peter was asked to launch out
their comfort zones and do the work for
by Jesus and that same invitation Peter
God – Josiah was called to be a King at
had has been given to us all today. One
such a young age (2 Kings 22) “Josiah was
day, Jesus was sitting in Peter’s boat
eight years old when he became king, and
teaching the crowds as they sat on the
At Arise, unity is fundamental; it is always
he reigned in Jerusalem thirty-one years.
shore. Peter was in the boat cleaning his
important to be in one accord, as the
His mother’s name was Jedidah daughter
nets while Jesus was teaching. At this
bible reminds us that we must love our
of Adaiah; she was from Bozkath. He did
time, Peter had been longing to have a
neighbour as we are all one in Christ
what was right in the eyes of the Lord and
true relationship with God and wanted to
Jesus. As a result we as a team would
followed completely the ways of his father
tap into his faith in a more intuitive way,
like to thank all our readers for your
David, not turning aside to the right or to
so he continued to listen to Jesus speak.
encouragement, support and time taken
the left.”
Then finally Jesus turned to Peter and
since we released our first issue and ‘Launching Out’ marks our seventh issue! As a team we are thankful to God for allowing us to reach our first milestone and we give Him all the glory and all the praise for the great things He has done.
out to read our issues. We have felt the love and backing and are blessed to know that so many have been beatified by what we produce for the glory of The Lord.
Even Samuel was called at such a young age to do the work of God, but in order for that to happen, he had to forget about his age and step out of his comfort zone
Despite it being an issue of festivity,
(1 Samuel 3) “Speak, for your servant is
merriment and attainment, I still have to do
listening.” Moreover, David, as many of
my duties as normal and give a welcome
you are aware, was specifically chosen to
note for all you wonderful readers (Aren’t
become Israel’s next King at such a young
you all blessed).
age and lived on to be one of Israel’s
When I think about the theme Launching
greatest and most prominent Rulers.
said “Launch out into the deep.” (Luke 5:4). Jesus was asking Peter to go out into the deep waters with Him. This happens to us at times, God asks us to dig deeper in our relationship with Him and wants us to launch out; get rid of the fear that withholds and have faith. So, readers, Are you ready to launch out into the deep? Are you equipped enough to step out of your comfort zone? Are you ready to launch out? Or will you remain in
Out, I can’t help but take into account the
As young people, we have to remember
the static place of complacency, inviting
beauty of stepping out of your comfort
that anything is possible when you place
the roaring waves to eventually sink your
zone. As young people we have the whole
Christ at the centre of your plans. When
boat? I strongly advise you to LAUNCH
world ahead of us and we are able to do
you have been called to do a specific
so much because we feel that we have
assignment for God, you should always
so much time on our hands. However, this
allow yourself to walk in alignment to your
can bring complacency and idleness. If
calling and do not be afraid to launch out,
we do not push ourselves to do more and
and by that what I mean is; you might
launch out, who will? We at times have
have to lose some friends; you might
to remember that once a calling has been
have to step out of a relationship and you
placed in our lives we have to launch out
might have to even forgive those who
God Bless,
David Wurie Editor
Fun fact: Arise magazine now has a team of 17 individuals with a host of contributors.
t Arise magazine, as; ministry; calling and walk this is a month of with Christ. We want our readcelebration and ju- FUN FACT: ARISE MAGAZINE HAS BEEN ers to not only be inspired by bilation. This cur- USING WIX AS IT’S WEBSITE HOST BUT what we produce but also aprent issue marks 1 year since preciate and understand that WILL NOW BE ON WORDPRESS. we released our first issue in our focal aim is to spread the October 2014. As a bi-monthly magazine, we are always good news. working towards deadlines and al- Seeing as there’s so much bad ways endeavour to produce a well press about young people over the As a non profit publication the magathought through issue to display media, we saw this as an opening zine does it’s all to produce the very the very best content as possible. to display the positive aspects of best work as possible and aims to Arise magazine is a Christian publicaour youth. The magazine consists keep it’s professionalism throughout tion for young people. We as a church of talented and creative individuals it’s issues, nonetheless we have had wanted to create a platform to showwho collectively are: writers, inter- some setbacks but through faith and case the great work young individuals viewers, videographers, photogra- at times perseverance, we have been within the church are currently doing. phers, designers, poets, editors, able to move forward and become well The magazine is formed of individuartists and much more. As a team, established. als across the four churches within we share the same vision, which is the Deptford district (New Testament Team members at Arise do not see to empower our readers with the Church of God) – Deptford, Chrisma, it as a voluntary job, but as a minword of God and to encourage other Rochester and Gateway and we also istry and we consider what we are young people to strive for the very have contributors from other denomidoing is serving God. best, when thinking about their ednations to assist with forming our variucation; future plans; business ideous issues. Arise magazine timeline: October 2014 – Issue1: Spiritual Notes December 2014 – Issue 2: Agents of Change February 2015 – Issue 3: The Beauty of God’s Love April 2015 – Issue 4: The Next Chapter June 2015 – Issue 5: Preparation August 2015 – Issue 6: Pursuing The Dream
Why a magazine? As a district we wanted to use a constructive item that could incorporate numerous young people, to help them be active within the church and engage in church lead activities. As a result, the magazine has provided roles for various young people and allowed them to build on their communication skills. We aim to continue to launch out and we hope to see our vision expand and reach higher levels.
5 * We were fortunate enough to have hired a studio to take group photos as we are also launching out to a new website, however some members of the team were unable to attend the photo-shoot; nonetheless we wanted to make sure that our readers can put the faces behind the magazine. *
5 minutes with Spoken Word Artist, Dan Bosi.
We caught up with the very talented and skilled, poet, spoken word artist and lyricist Dan Bosi, as he talked about how he has used his gift from God to spread the word and to also, encourage and elevate those who listen. Dan discovered his talent in spoken word and poetry and has been able to adapt this skill to draw people to see things in a different light. He uses artistic words, creative slogans and a diverse way of delivering poetry through spoken word.
Tell us about yourself and your journey to giving your life to Christ? Dan: I was born into the church but I didn’t really take it seriously until I when to uni.
How do you stay in line with the Word of God when writing your spoken word? Dan: I try to stay in the right mindset, reading the Bible, going to church continuously and staying focus.
What inspired you to start spoken word? Dan: I have a lot of friends in the creative industry and one day I thought, “I can do this.” So I started writing and posting on Facebook and from there it started blowing up and it toke off from there.
Dan: It’s not until people have come to me after telling me that my spoken word has done this for them or made them feel this way or made them cry that I realised that its actually hitting them.
“I love making people feel good and helping them to understand certain situations, so they know that they’re not the only one going through it.” Do you have any advice for young people looking to get into spoken word and poetry? Dan:Just go for it, I wasn’t that into but some told me to try it and I did and now people love it.
How have you seen spoken lyrics/ words change people’s lives?
What encouragement would you give to a young person struggling with peer pressure?
Keep the right people around you, if it doesn’t feel right it probably isn’t.
Š Nargis Cross Photography nargiscross.com
Natalie Casey - Magazine Overseer
Meet a Team Member We caught up with our District Youth Director, Minister Grace Alalade and we asked her a few questions on her ministry, balancing her day to day life & church duties and also heer views on this month’s issue. Grace has supported the magazine since the concept was first presented to her and has showed her undivided support and attention towards the publication throughout the past 18 months. As a leader, Grace has many responsibilities and is always hit with deadlines, in and out of church so we are grateful for her commitment towards the district youth.
Grace: Stepping out of your comfort zone. Discovering what God wants you to do in the kingdom and going full throttle with it. Allowing God to minister through you to the max whether it be in church, the secular workplace, college or school. You are never too young or old to be used by God.
1. You are currently our District Youth Director how did you feel when God gave you this role?
Grace: The bible says,”Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10) and “A man’s gift makes room for him” (Proverbs 18:16). So firstly, it’s not about us but all about Him. God will therefore lead us into what is best if we put everything in prayer and wait on Him. I would advise them to ensure they have waited on God for direction. Proverbs 3:6 gives us a promise, “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct your paths.” Secondly, find out as much as you can about your chosen career. Who are the best recruiters in your field of interest? What is the career ladder like in that company? Thirdly, polish up your CV. Get your profile on LinkedIn and if you are on Social Media change the settings to private (you will be amazed at how many employers use them to find out about you).
Grace: God asked me the question about 2 years earlier, “What would you do if you were the District Youth Director?” So I thought about it and wrote down my goals and objectives based on seeing revival in our young people. After that, approximately 3 months later, someone prophesied to me that I was going to be the next DYD and 3 months after that another person also prophesied. So it was not a surprise when the formal invitation came. I had already been praying and fasting for almost 2 years about the role. 2. When you hear launching out what does that mean to you?
3. What advice would you give to a young person launching out into their chosen career?
Grace Alalade District Youth Director
4. You launched Pathway To Excellence™ (PTE) to the church a few years back; can you tell us how that came about?
Grace: Well, in a nutshell, my Pastor (Jancie Johnson, NTCG Rochester Church) asked me to help her launch her vision in the church and that I should train the department leads to make it happen. So I prayed about it and one evening I searched the New Testament Church of God website but could not find anything. Then I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Write these words down”. He said 10 key words/terms to me and gave me the descriptions. Then he said, “Follow my lead and draw a grid…”. He basically gave me a church growth model. Nothing was pre-meditated. A few months later, we then took our leaders away to a retreat to train them on the model and within 3 years the church almost doubled. For me, this is proof that Pathway To Excellence™ can only have been inspired by the Holy Spirit.
“5. Hebrews 13:7 Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. 6 .Have you had any obstacles to overcome in your time of leadership, if so how did you go about overcoming these stumbling blocks? Grace: As well as being in leadership in church I am also in leadership in the workplace. All leaders face challenges. For me in general, it is making sure that the people you work with in both of these settings buy-in to whatever you are doing so that they support it and make it happen. As a Christian, it is important for me to pray till I get the breakthrough if there are conflicts, receive God’s grace to confront issues and deal with them in the love of Christ.
7 .How do you juggle family, work and all your other responsibilities whilst leading a team of people? Grace: “God first, family second, and me last” is my motto. Just after I had finished my A levels (many years ago), I would spend the summer holidays sleeping all day (I love my sleep). One day an Elder from the church came to visit our house and found out how lazy I was being. He gave me a telling off and told me to that the devil finds work for idle hands. I have never forgotten that. So I always try to maximize my time. God’s grace and supernatural strength makes it all happen. Also, everything goes in the diary including ‘Family time’, ‘Study time’, ‘Church time’, etc. 8. What is it like having Arise magazine launch out under your leadership of the district? Grace: Epic! To God be the glory! It was part of my mandate to see some kind of communication tool in place, led by upcoming young leaders to reach the young people. Arise Mag Team have made it happen. They are all very talented. I AM VERY VERY PROUD OF THEM. 9 .In what ways do you see the District launching out in the future? Grace: Wow, I think I want to prophecy! LOL! I believe that out of our district will emerge a generation of revivalists and change makers that will be so hungry and passionate for Christ, they will bring transformation wherever they go. I would like to see young evangelists, prophets and apostles emerging from the district doing missions and planting churches. I would like to see more young people being able to minister as anointed musicians. Plus, we need to have a district creative arts ministry. I would like to see all Youth Workers equipped with training for youth ministry so that they are empowered.
Tell us Tell us something about yourself that nobody else knows?
Grace: I purchased a set of bongos about 2 years ago and secretly play them when the kids are not around! I also write musicals (lyrics and script). I was 17 when I wrote my first musical and 3 people got saved. My latest project (I know, where do I find the time, only God knows) is on Nehemiah which I hope to put into production one day. 13
5 Tips from Frances Mensah Williams for beating the ‘Confidence Eaters’ as you move on to the next stage of your life October is a month when many of you will be setting off for University or other higher education establishments, starting apprenticeships and taking new jobs. While it can all seem very exciting, particularly if this is the first time you are going to be living independently from your parents or family, launching out into the next stage of life can also be a source of anxiety – and, sometimes, sheer terror. It’s normal to feel nervous about taking any new direction and how well you deal with your nerves is often a matter of how confident you feel about yourself. Some of us might appear to be more extrovert or confident than others, but rest assured that everyone – no matter how handsome/pretty, rich or successful they are – at one time or another, will be attacked by what I call the ‘Confidence Eaters’. These are the feelings, emotions and negative thoughts and ideas that can literally gobble up your confidence and leave you feeling nervous, overwhelmed, uncertain and incapable of fulfilling your potential. So, as you launch out into the next phase of your life, here are five tips to help you keep your calm and beat the ‘Confidence Eaters’.
1 u ere Yo on Wh ing s u c o d F a are He ver we Wherefocus is r put ou we direct e r e of h w ength the str oughts. our thher than t So, rabout what a k in ng, th go wro could usly plan io consc ill go right. w t a ive h w e posit Pictur mes; for outco , if you’re le exampg off to Uni, in d a he ine yourself imag nded by a surrou of friends group ink ahead and th e future to th ou will be ess y nd what c c u s ing a . ie h ac vwill feel like e t ng a a th h c u yo o Whenerspective t , e p iv r it u s o o y t the p look aill increase , w it nce onfide your cform your trans ing and think ut those o knock nce Eaters. e d fi n o C
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people Some t they will tha r worry illy, weak o k look s t if they as n , ignora lp. Actually for he pposite is the o art people m u tr e. Sthat no-one w o hing kn everyt knowsthat we all and to learn have meone o from s d rely on n a else . Even top othershletes have t flight ahes to help coac improve them me and a their grformance. e p ir the ur new life, In yo ill have to you w ny things do ma ou have that y had to never ore; for do bef , budget le exampr money, u o me y holeso cook wor study food ndently. indepe way you nly The o arn how to will le y of this is do an king and by as ing the by tak you are advice n board. o given k out the c o n K aters ence E Confidaching out, by re lecturers r to you, librarians, tutors ervisors, sup gers, manaors and ell u co ns e who are s o all th f the team part oport that is of supble to you. availa
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5 eep Faith K r u o Y g Let ou Stron Y dult, oung a As a yre going to you a sponsible be re ny more for ma ns than decision the case e a h s bee past. You h t g at in e livin may bwith more home ndence or indeper from your . fa living and church family g among Bein ers can strang es cause im somet iety and let us anxConfidence in the . But always Eatersw that you kno luable to are va d to your n God a and that y il m e to a f ou hav what yyour unique offer – f skills and set o – is also talentsle. Jesus valuabohn 10:10) said (J come that ‘I haveay have life they mave it to the and h e confidents full.’ B Lord want u e that th best for yo . what is abundancep and inur faith kee Let yo trong in the you s ledge that know is nothing there u cannot that yod there is n face access that no su be yours if t cannore prepared a u time yo in the to put the effort. and ut hing o Launcew phase n into a ur life can of yo ugh and be to can be e chang lming, but he overwwing these follo l help you il tips w quish the to vannce Eaters e Confido live a full,y t d n alth a and he happy life.
Frances Mensah Williams is an author and the Chief Executive of Interims for Development, a Human Resources and Training consultancy and Editor of ReConnect Africa.com (www.reconnectafrica.com) an online careers and jobs publication for African professionals around the world. She is the author of ‘I Want to Work in Africa: How to Move Your Career to the World’s Most Exciting Continent’ (www.IWanttoWorkinAfrica.com) and ‘Everyday Heroes: Learning from the Careers of Successful Black Professionals’ (www.everyday-heroes.co.uk). Her new novel is From Pasta to Pigfoot. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Pasta-Pigfoot-Frances-Mensah-Williams/dp/1909762202
16 Konnie Hamilton - Interviewer
Temmy Odumosu - Sub Editor
ion World Nation is a group of young usic K Billionz: What you have to understand men, who are always willing to share is that, music is the one thing that doesn’t the gospel and also look to help and have to ask permission to enter into your soul. encourage other young men. They You could be in your car and hear a nice tune have many talents, and the group is filled going on, but nobody tells you to tap your foot or even with: artists, musicians, speakers, bible study bop your head, so that’s how influential it is, it happens teachers, preachers, producers and much automatically and by the time you know it, you’re there more. We caught up with a few of the group singing that song and making your own remixes. As a members; Denzil, K Billionz, Bay Diamond and producer I know what music can make you do to people Fifty-Four, who were all excited to and even when you look at the bible in share their experiences growing Genesis, Adam and Eve hid because they I can do all things heard the sound of God, so sound is very, up in the church as young men. through Christ who very important Fifty-Four: We strongly believe strengthens me.” that God has called us to govaith Denzil: A lot of us, espeern and by his grace we will govcially coming from an Afriern.The group believe that unity can house hold, tend to go to is key and as brothers in arms, church because our parents they always communicate with one another make us go and think it’s so important that we find and make sure they are always offering a help God for ourselves, so it’s a matter of just reading in hand for each other. They disseminate well the word, praying, and try and strengthen our rein order to get things done efficiently. lationship with God. Try and find mentors, people who are already there and know him. Once you find that relationship with God, and once you know him
for yourself you will be able to impact other people. he group went on to talk about, the importance of worshiping God with you whole heart; we should reframe from shying away and worshiping God from afar. As young people we shouldn’t be afraid to live that righteous life, we also should remember that we are able and capable of doing what the bible tells us to do, as Philippians
4:13 states – “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Once you understand that it is Christ strengthening you, your mindset will be changed and you are connected into his word. He will then show you who he is and show up at any given situation whenever you call on his name. s young leaders and great role models and exampleary men in the Kingdom, Zion World
Nation has shown a genuine desire to serve God and to also spread the word. They launch out through music and their ministry involves speaking to young people and also helping encourage those in need of support. We need more young individuals like this group of men to continue to be ambassadors for Christ and to also be mentors and leaders.
TELLS US SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF THAT NOBODY KNOWS: Denzil: The main thing for me that people don’t know is that I’m a cricket fanatic. People genuinely get surprised when they know this. Bay Diamond: I love animations and would love to do a voice over piece on a cartoon. So, Disney, Pixel, holla at me Fifty-Four: I love playing the base guitar and I just love my base, I’ve even named it, it’s called Candice. K Billionz: When I was at University I used to set up chairs in my room and conduct a service and started preaching to the empty chairs.
20 Dekkel Simmons - Senior Photographer
U T! uch ing O La
When I hear launching I always think about a rocket being sent into the unknown, and sometimes for us, having an idea or thinking about launching a business can always seem like the unknown. You will hear countless stories of different individuals doing things that is out of the ordinary and doing things which ultimately is out of their comfort zone in order to start a new venture in their lives. At Arise we can fully emphasise with people whose thoughts are like that just because starting a magazine was totally out of our comfort zone. I always tell people that when it comes to me and technology it’s a big NO! So when this idea came about after speaking to our Editor about some of the talents he had I could hear God clearly telling me to create a platform for young people to see a different side of Him. I wanted to see a platform where young people can express themselves but also evangelise Christ at the same time. I did not have a clue where to start nor did I know if the idea could work, but I left it with God! That’s the thing about God when He gives you an idea, He will always provide all the resources that you need, be it people, funds, education or maybe an office space. One of the important things that you need to do is plan. We all know I love to say the 5 P’s (proper, planning, prevents, poor, performance) , but you need to stay connected to the source that gave you the idea, simply in order to prevent you from missing the person or things who He is sending to help you out. One of the biggest examples of launching out is The Great Commission in Matthew 28 (Matthew 28:16-20). A definition of launching out is to introduce something to the public which is exactly the instruction Christ gave to us, for us to introduce Him to society. In today’s terms we can apply that to marketing. Now I’m no marketing expert however I am a consumer and I know how I would like things to look for my preference but that leaves little room for consideration of others. Do you know your target audience? In verse 18 Jesus said “All authority had been given to Me in heaven and on Earth”. Are there any limitations to what you want to do? Another definition is to enter enthusiastically (keen) into something which for me is needed throughout, not just at
the start of a new venture. When the setback comes and you have to push back the release date of something, are you still going to be enthusiastic to keep moving forward? When everybody else seems to be enjoying their life and your busy working hard are you going to quit for the sake of a little bit of fun? You have to be willing to propel yourself into something and basically not stopping till you reach your goal. If Apollo 11 had stopped mid flow Neil Armstrong would still be floating around in space! Or worse yet; what would of happened if Jesus started carrying the cross and thought it was too heavy and then decided to walk away from the burden. When you are launching out think about your team, yes there are some things you may have to do alone however, I am almost certain you will need a team of people who will help you in order for you to achieve all that you need. Jesus had his disciples despite dying alone on the cross, however He needed people to carry on His work and spread The Good News. We must not be afraid to call for help when we need it, but most importantly know where you are seeking that assistance from. Is that person going to be more of a hindrance or burden to the cause? In the book of James he mentioned that if we need wisdom we should ask – “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking” (James1:5) The last thing I want to say is if you feel it’s a God given venture then stay connected to the vine or the source as I said earlier (John 15:4) states: “ Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.” Do not be afraid my brothers and sisters, although it is generally easier said than done but I will leave two key texts with you: (2 Timothy 1:7) “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (Proverbs 3:5-6) “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.”
+MYTestimony ‘WHILST
This is the testimony of a young lady who made some wrong choices because of that yearning of wanting to feel adequate and ended up feeling less contentment and tied herself up in sin and baggage, which eventually left her broken..
Seeking for the love of man she ended up rejecting Gods love because she didn’t Love herself, she didn’t see herself correctly so therefore she didn’t see others correctly. She had to understand that she was hurting herself every time she
went back because she was afraid of what was in front of her - going back is familiar in sight view - where as moving forward commonly unfamiliar. However, she
moving forward and out
of the mess was exactly what she was looking for in the beginning. Initially, the process of letting go of her past was proving difficult and
reaching out to God and got filled with the Holy Spirit and started to share caused a sense of unease, nonetheless; she started
her testimony and passion for what God had done for her. She started to
share her past experiences with other young ladies whilst she
was still going through the healing process and she can now boldly
and unashamedly testify that she has learnt that God must be your first Love in any relationship. Moreover, validation must come from God because it is easy to idolise mankind, however the God we serve is a jealous God and requires us
to love Him first. Whilst you are waiting on the Lord, launch out for Jesus! (Matthew 6: 33)
JESUS!’ 22
“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and ALL His righteousness and ALL these things shall be added unto you.”
Oshane Woodhouse - Senior Designer
POET’S CORNER TO Time to Launch
I am launching out into greatness I am launching towards success I am ready to set off because I am a child of God and I can’t settle for less. I am launching out to touch my dream I am launching out with a masterplan I am ready to blast off because God is my cheerleader and tells me yes you can! I am launching towards victory I am jumping into God’s riches and Blessings I will look towards God for help when I am going through many tests. I am launching into my praises I am dancing towards my future I will not let anything knock me down because I run to God and sing ‘Hallelujah!’ I am launching out and shouting boldly ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’ I am declaring with confidence ‘Thanks be to God who gives me the victory through my Lord Jesus Christ. He always causes me to triumph’ I believe I will excel, I believe I will soar like an eagle, I believe my dreams will ignite and will come true and I will fear no evil I am ready to launch, I am ready to grab my dream, and I am ready to fly like an angel in Heaven This is the time to launch Now I am prepared to take off in: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 BLAST OFF!!!! ©Shantel Cherebin
Laura Henry - Assistant Designer
LAUNCHING OUT, DRIVING FORWARD As a full-time pessimist, I’ve often looked at the idea of launching oneself into a new learning experience to be the first step on the road to failure. It’s difficult to be excited about something when the overwhelming feeling of dread is holding you back from success; and even more so when your innate potential to succeed is screaming out to be released. When I was 17-years-old, as many young people do, I began taking driving lessons. My instructor at the time was an ex-road traffic policeman, and quite frankly, scared me half to death. He would point out every fault in other road users’ actions, talk to me as though I was stupid and punch the horn on the steering wheel while I was driving the car to scare birds out of our path. A year later I was still taking driving lessons, but was also ready to leave my home town for University in London. I convinced myself ‘that I wouldn’t need to drive in London, I can just get the tube everywhere!’ I still believe this is true, but three years later (five months ago) I returned to my home town. I moved back in to my little village in Kent and had to rely on the virtually non-existent public transport to get around. This is probably the reason I simply didn’t get out much... at all! About a month ago however, I started taking driving lessons again, after almost three years without touching a steering wheel. I booked my test, something I had never done before, but I felt ready, confident! The day of my test came, and I had arranged to spend
Tom Strudwick
a couple of hours with an instructor beforehand to perfect my manoeuvres and techniques. Once the test began however, my nerves subsided and I drove to what I thought was the best of my ability. Feeling confident, I returned to the test centre at the end of my examination and even had to stifle a grin! But when I had parked I heard those dreaded words, ‘Unfortunately, you’ve failed’. I couldn’t believe it! Three or four years ago I would have given up entirely. I would have vowed never to drive a car again and to devote myself to memorising as many bus timetables and train schedules as possible. But I didn’t. As soon as I got home, I spent five minutes beating myself up, lying face down in my bed and telling myself ‘you’re an idiot’ before logging on to my laptop and booking test number two. My second test was less than a week ago, but I am now sitting at my desk with a pink driver’s license in my pocket and a car on my driveway, just waiting for my next big adventure. I know as well as anyone does how easy it is to become frustrated with your inner self, but it is important to know that failure is inevitable. At some point in our lives, we will fail. Unfortunate though this may be, the key to my story is to learn how to manage ourselves when we do. Do not give up, learn from your failures and use them to succeed. I have found that success is far, far sweeter when it is prefixed with failure.
Do not give up, learn from your failures and use them to succeed.
T o m Strudwick
Barbara Omoruyi - Interviewer
Random Fact: Rachel has the smallest hands out of all the people she’s ever met
Random Fact: Hannah loves to eat raw onions
Arise Magazine caught up with the founders of Pursue Your Passion, Hannah, a Sociology and Media and Communications graduate, who just completed a year at a production trainee scheme with BBC Radio 2 and Rachel who has just completed law school - to find out how they launched out in order to help others fulfill their dream careers. Both Hannah and Rachel are members of a women’s fellowship where they both help plan retreats, prayer sessions and bible 28
study. The pair are very active in their churches and feel that by launching out they are making themselves accessible and allows them to engage with others in order to promote the work of God.
“We are just two young girls who haven’t yet made it but we
speak to them to find out where they’re at and where they
are working out ways towards our career paths; who want to
want to go. Then we can see what areas, workshops and
help others who are at the stages we once were.”
networking events that we can direct them to. We advice them to go to these things as this is where they find out
What is your inspiration behind Pursue Your Passion?
about the industry they are interested in.
PYP: We realised and even experienced it ourselves that a lot
“It’s not about finding jobs for them but it’s about them
of young people go to university not knowing what they want
experiencing these things and it impacting them so that
to do and get lost. We both had a mentor who helped them
they know where they want to go and how to go about it.”
so much in working towards their career paths and thought that there needs to be something like that for young people
How are you guys launching out through Pursue Your
out there. Our mentor helped us to be decisive and gave us
Passion to reach as many people as you can?
guidance, a sense of direction and opened our eyes to the many opportunities out there for us to make the most of. We
We thought social media would be the best way to get
thought that since we were helped so much in that way, why
ourselves out there, so we use Twitter @Pursue_Passion_.
can’t we give back and help people around us who are evi-
Through the use of social media we have been able to
dently confused about where they hope to go in the future.
impact and build a relationship with our followers; which is so important. We are also currently planning quite a few
How important is it to have a mentor? Especially in the
events as well and we have just had a meet up which was
pretty successful. It’s not just about getting followers but its making sure that we’re effective in bringing out the
PYP: It is so important for spiritual growth and accountabili-
right message to the people we want to connect with. We
ty, you have someone to check up on you and let you know
want to make sure that the brand of Pursue Your Passion is
whether you’re on the right path or not. Sometimes you can
authentic, natural and friendly.
get lost in your walk with Christ because you face struggles daily. It is really important to have someone who is more
“Network every opportunity you get and make sure its
mature in Christ than you to guide you. It’s important to have
fellowship with others that have been through the same things and pray over it.
What advice would you give to individuals who want to create their own businesses?
“The hope is that we aren’t just throwing advice at you but we
You need to have discipline, you need to have a diary and
hope to just fuel you to become more proactive and go out
be organised and set yourself visions with deadlines oth-
there and get it!”
erwise you’ll never start. Most importantly you need to do something you’re passionate about because that’s when
How does Pursue Your Passion support students who are
you’ll enjoy it.
unsure about how to pursue their futures? “Direction is better than speed, it’s so important to know We ask them what they’re passion about or what they are
where you’re going because there are people who are
interested in and then we look at the different paths and
going nowhere fast. Enjoy your journey, don’t be pressur-
avenues that they could take within those passions. We also
ised by society but be adamant about making an impact
try and do meet ups where we gather everyone together and
in your desired career path.” 29
30 David Wurie - Editor
Into Gods house Sitting there waiting for the word to envelop us, To reach out and touch, Came here looking for an answer without a question, Are we asking a little too much? Just like the lost sheep that we are, Waiting to be herded in, The world is becoming a totally desperate place, And so were trying to hide from all the sin. Looking for a sanctuary, A place where we feel we belong, But yet there’s so much that were missing here, Why does it feel a little wrong? Have people got caught up with fakery? Has deception infiltrated the church doors? It shouldn’t be an issue for a true believer, It’s not other people we came here for. Although we share our space with others We are here by and for the grace of God, Not for peoples judgement or to judge them, But because of our hope and faith in the Lord.
©Areatha Mogagabe
Joshua Ajitena Meets Arise
odoner, Joshua is the founder of iRock Seminars and the Genero, two platforms that recognises the needs of young people, formed to support them and also encourage them pursue their goals and launch out.
Joshua: iRock Seminars, I’m really proud of, because we started off small and now we going into schools, colleges and universities up and down the UK and you work with a lot of clients and we run numerous motivational workshops and inspirational seminars and it’s been really good. We started off with a very small crowd and now we’ve done over 200 seminars within the UK and it’s been really amazing. Joshua says that building a good report with his clients and communicating well with them has really helped his business grow from strength to strength. He strongly believes that as a young business starter you have to be open to speak to numerous people and have very good communication skills in order to get to the write people and also get to your destined destination. As a believer, Joshua is very active in his local church and is also a musician. Along with being a speaker, Joshua also plays the drums and at times the base guitar at church and uses his talents to glorify God and add sweet vibes to services. Joshua: Those individuals who turn their life around because of what I do is what’s most important for me. Launching out First thing that came to Joshua’s mind was research. He believes that if you are going to launch out in anything you have to do research. You have to work out whom your target audience are; who will it benefit and how can it change lives and impact others in a more dynamic way. Coming from a marketing background, Joshua stresses the importance of research and believes it’s key in any concept or innovative plan that someone has. According to Joshua, a lot of people have great ideas and say that they want to do things; however, they do not know how to 32
market themselves or even, market their idea. It’s always vital to be able to market the thing that you are passionate about because the more people hear about it, the more recognition you will gain but ultimately, the more lives you will touch. Joshua: When you market yourself you make desires into reality. Growing up in the church Joshua was lead to play the drums. He had no other choice and he managed to learn how to play the drums without any experience or lessons. He stuck to it and practised incessantly until he has perfected the way he plays and now makes a good sound. Joshua: One of the best things that I’ve done in my life thus far has to be my masters because it was so robust and it challenged me to do so much. The experience levels and the workload was fantastic and I robustly enjoyed it and from that I was able to set up my own company.
Joshua’s advice on launching your own business:
Do adequate research Market yourself Know who wants it Know who needs it Know where your audience are so you can reach them Tell us something about yourself that nobody knows:
“I am addicted to Haagen Dazs ice cream, I can eat 5 tubs straight.” 33
34 Amifel Cliff-Eribo - Senior Video Editor
Shantel Cherebin - Writer
36 Pictures taken from our recent photo-shoot with part of the team.
“Prayer is what drives the church and is key to our success...” BISHOP DONALD BOLT
Join us in...
The Engine Room is a place of prayer and worship where we stand in the gap and intercede for: The work of the Church Church Leadership Nations & World Leader
Marriages and Families The sick And various other needs...
“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people. For kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness...” 1 TIMOTHY 2:1-2 (NIV)
Throughout 2015 each district is invited to join us in the Engine Room at the National Office in Northampton from 10.30am - 1.00pm: WED 14 JANUARY - Reading & West Croydon
WED 8 JULY - Aldershot & Brixton
WED 11 FEBRUARY - Gloucester & Manchester
WED 12 AUGUST - Bilston, Leeds & Luton
WED 18 MARCH - Deptford & Stoke-On-Trent
WED 16 SEPTEMBER - Cross Cultural Ministries
WED 22 APRIL - Coventry & Sheffield
WED 21 OCTOBER - Dudley & Lee
WED 13 MAY - Handsworth & Nottingham
WED 18 NOVEMBER - Leicester & Willesden
WED 17 JUNE - Bristol, Highgate & Wood Green
WED 9 DECEMBER - Clapton & Wolverhampton
For further information please speak to your local pastor, call: 01604 824 222, visit: www.ntcg.org.uk, or email: bigmove@ntcg.org.uk
If you are unable to attend with your district, why not set aside some time and join us in prayer right where you are!
NTCG NATIONAL OFFICE: 3 Cheyne Walk, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN1 5PT “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land...” 2 CHRONICLES 7:14 (NIV)
“Prayer is what drives the church and is key to our success...” BISHOP DONALD BOLT
Join us in...
The Engine Room is a place of prayer and worship where we stand in the gap and intercede for: The work of the Church Church Leadership Nations & World Leader
Marriages and Families The sick And various other needs...
“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people. For kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness...” 1 TIMOTHY 2:1-2 (NIV)
Throughout 2015 each district is invited to join us in the Engine Room at the National Office in Northampton from 10.30am - 1.00pm:
WED 14 JANUARY - Reading & West Croydon
WED 8 JULY - Aldershot & Brixton
WED 11 FEBRUARY - Gloucester & Manchester
WED 12 AUGUST - Bilston, Leeds & Luton
WED 18 MARCH - Deptford & Stoke-On-Trent
WED 16 SEPTEMBER - Cross Cultural Ministries
WED 22 APRIL - Coventry & Sheffield
WED 21 OCTOBER - Dudley & Lee
WED 13 MAY - Handsworth & Nottingham
WED 18 NOVEMBER - Leicester & Willesden
WED 17 JUNE - Bristol, Highgate & Wood Green
WED 9 DECEMBER - Clapton & Wolverhampton
For further information please speak to your local pastor, call: 01604 824 222, visit: www.ntcg.org.uk, or email: bigmove@ntcg.org.uk
If you are unable to attend with your district, why not set aside some time and join us in prayer right where you are!
NTCG NATIONAL OFFICE: 3 Cheyne Walk, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN1 5PT “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land...” 2 CHRONICLES 7:14 (NIV)
“Prayer is what drives the church and is key to our success...” BISHOP DONALD BOLT
Join us in...
The Engine Room is a place of prayer and worship where we stand in the gap and intercede for: The work of the Church Church Leadership Nations & World Leader
Marriages and Families The sick And various other needs...
“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people. For kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness...” 1 TIMOTHY 2:1-2 (NIV)
Throughout 2015 each district is invited to join us in the Engine Room at the National Office in Northampton from 10.30am - 1.00pm: WED 14 JANUARY - Reading & West Croydon
WED 8 JULY - Aldershot & Brixton
WED 11 FEBRUARY - Gloucester & Manchester
WED 12 AUGUST - Bilston, Leeds & Luton
WED 18 MARCH - Deptford & Stoke-On-Trent
WED 16 SEPTEMBER - Cross Cultural Ministries
WED 22 APRIL - Coventry & Sheffield
WED 21 OCTOBER - Dudley & Lee
WED 13 MAY - Handsworth & Nottingham
WED 18 NOVEMBER - Leicester & Willesden
WED 17 JUNE - Bristol, Highgate & Wood Green
WED 9 DECEMBER - Clapton & Wolverhampton
For further information please speak to your local pastor, call: 01604 824 222, visit: www.ntcg.org.uk, or email: bigmove@ntcg.org.uk
If you are unable to attend with your district, why not set aside some time and join us in prayer right where you are!
NTCG NATIONAL OFFICE: 3 Cheyne Walk, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN1 5PT “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land...” 2 CHRONICLES 7:14 (NIV)
“Prayer is what drives the church and is key to our success...” BISHOP DONALD BOLT
Join us in...
The Engine Room is a place of prayer and worship where we stand in the gap and intercede for: The work of the Church Church Leadership Nations & World Leader
Marriages and Families The sick And various other needs...
“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people. For kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness...” 1 TIMOTHY 2:1-2 (NIV)
Throughout 2015 each district is invited to join us in the Engine Room at the National Office in Northampton from 10.30am - 1.00pm:
WED 14 JANUARY - Reading & West Croydon
WED 8 JULY - Aldershot & Brixton
WED 11 FEBRUARY - Gloucester & Manchester
WED 12 AUGUST - Bilston, Leeds & Luton
WED 18 MARCH - Deptford & Stoke-On-Trent
WED 16 SEPTEMBER - Cross Cultural Ministries
WED 22 APRIL - Coventry & Sheffield
WED 21 OCTOBER - Dudley & Lee
WED 13 MAY - Handsworth & Nottingham
WED 18 NOVEMBER - Leicester & Willesden
WED 17 JUNE - Bristol, Highgate & Wood Green
WED 9 DECEMBER - Clapton & Wolverhampton
For further information please speak to your local pastor, call: 01604 824 222, visit: www.ntcg.org.uk, or email: bigmove@ntcg.org.uk
If you are unable to attend with your district, why not set aside some time and join us in prayer right where you are!
NTCG NATIONAL OFFICE: 3 Cheyne Walk, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN1 5PT “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land...” 2 CHRONICLES 7:14 (NIV)
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