Architecture Portfolio

Page 10

2 0 1 8 I 2 0 2 2 A RIS GRAMMA T AS R C H I T E C T U R E P O R F O L I O


An architect engineer with more than 2 years of working experience and 8 years of education, with emphasis on sustainable architectural design, engineering and construction. I am currently a second-year student at the ETH Zurich, at the Master in «Integrated Building Systems», and I am doing my master thesis. My main focus is the holistic approach of design and construction by considering the resource and energy parameters of each project and its context, as well as assessing the building throughout its whole life cycle. My goal is to become member of a multidisciplinary team working on big-scale and technologicallly challenging projects, either on the design and/or implementation side.




Phone + 41 (0) 78 218 29 19

Place of residence Zurich, Switzerland

Date of birth

28 / 01 / 1997









Autodesk AutoCad

Autodesk Revit (BIM)

Autodesk 3DsMax



ETH Zurich

Master in Integrated Building Systems

National Technical University of Athens

Diploma (BArch & MArch) in Architecture Engineering

Hellenic-American Educational Foundation

Senior High School Graduation Diploma


ETH Zurich

Teaching Assistant

Sept. 2021 - Present

Sept. 2015 - July 2021

Sept. 2009 - June 2015

Feb. 2023 - Present

General Command of Hellenic Navy

Sept. 2020 - Aug. 2021 Seaman

DG Development

Junior Architect

Studio75 Architects

Junior Architect

Studio75 Architects

Intern Architect

National Technical University of Athens

Student Research Assistant


Intern Architect

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Illustrator

Microsoft Office

Sept. 2019 - June 2020

Mar. 2019 - July 2019

Mar. 2018 - Dec. 2018

Oct. 2017 - Jan. 2018

April. 2017 - July. 2017

Rhino 3D

Rhino Grasshopper

Ladybug Tools GH

V-Ray Rendering


Limmergy Acdemic Project 2022 - 2023 01 02 Aimasies Academic Diploma Thesis 2020 - 2021 04 Community Center Academic Project 2018 - 2019 8 - 13 14 - 27 34 - 47 03 Scirocco Professional Project 2019 - 2020 28 - 33


Residential complex in Obersiggenthal

Project Type



ETH Zurich

Time Sept. 2022 - Jan. 2023

During the integrated design studio we worked on the residential project of “Limmergy”, in close collaboration with JOM Architekten. More specifically, during the studio I worked collaboratively on urban and architectural concepts integrating aspects of energy, sustainability and building technologies. That way, I got the opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge gained in previous semesters in a lifelike setting, collaborating in interdisciplinary teams. The studio’s case building was the winning proposal for the competition of “Limmergy”, held by the municipality of Baden. Our objective was to identify site specific energy demand and potentials, develop integrated energy and climate systems on both the urban and building scale and evaluate their interactions and impact on building design and operation. Apart from that, we retrieved relevant concepts and technologies of energy and HVAC systems, in order to develop and compare integrated design concepts.


After conducting several thermal simulations, the energy loads of the building were determined, on an annual and daily level. As the analysis addressed the high domestic hot water, heating, and electricity, as well as the ever-increasing cooling loads, the energy concept was based significantly on the exploitation of the solar potential. After running several analyses and self-consumption scenarios, the installation of photovoltaic panels on the west, east and south façades was decided, as well as solar thermal panels on the two roofs of the building. Also, in order to address the issue of temporal mismatch of generation and demand, a seasonal thermal energy storage tank was dimensioned and installed underground. As a result, the aforementioned energy concept provides the building with almost 100% thermal autarky for domestic hot water and heating purposes.

photorealistic rendering limmergy 01 12

Moreover, in an effort to design resilient and adaptable building systems, analyses on the projections about the increase of the average dry-bulb temperatures, and the subsequent increased peak and total cooling demand were conducted. Thus, considering that the peak cooling load coincides with the peak electricity generation in the warm months, the implementation of a groundwater-source heat pump, coupled with PVs, was decided. Regarding the construction elements, their selection was indicated by the passive strategies, which aimed to reduce the thermal loads and attenuate the peaks. More specifically, the strategies included the thermal inertia of the envelope, the low thermal transmittance and natural ventilation of the building. Additionally, green roofs are installed, in order to regulate the microclimate through evaporative cooling and improve the envelope’s performance.

photorealistic rendering limmergy 13

In order to derive with the qualitative and quantitative results regarding the environmental impact of the building, throughout its lifetime, extensive LCA analyses were conducted. The results were used in a feedback loop, aiming for the refinement of the materials’ and building systems’ selection. The concept included the extensive use of materials with biogenic storage, as well as energy-efficient building systems. Given the south facade’s special condition of maintaining the optical connection of the occupants with the outdoor environment, its design was optimized with parametric means. The goal was to maximize the technical properties of the facade, while coming up with an aesthetically pleasing design. In order to achieve optical views through the transparency of the PV modules, the cells are embedded between two clear glass panels. Also, ach individual PV module is separated in terms of height into two equal parts with different functions and properties. After exploring and optimizing the PV module geometry, and determining the optimal design choices, the occupants’ behaviour was decided to be reflected on the façade, thus becoming dynamic Finally, the modules have a cell reduction, with the one being supplementary to the other. As a result, minimum minimum self-shading and maximum electricity generation is achieved.

isometric drawing limmergy 01 14
technical drawing limmergy 15


Agritourism in the island of Andros

Project Type

Academic Diploma Thesis


National Technical University of Athens


July 2020 - July 2021

The aim of the thesis is the design of an agritourism facility in Paleopolis of Andros. More specifically, this facility will operate throughout the year, both in terms of building, but also in terms of cultivation program. As a result, the acquaintance and, finally, appropriation of the visitor with the countryside of Andros will be attempted, but also with the traditional activities that take place and are the main occupation of many inhabitants of the island. In addition, the facility will be designed in a central location for the island, with the aim of connecting it with the primary sector, as well as with the existing networks of trails and attractions. Finally, through this installation, attempts will be made to find ways in which architecture can contribute to the strengthening of the primary sector, through the ability to adapt the building program of the facility to the alternation of seasons and to different levels of attendance, respectively.

02 16
drawings aimasies 02 Topographic Plan | 1/500 18
aimasies 19

Through the research of social and economic factors that make up the current image of Andros, but also due to the desired agritourism directions of the facility, appears the need to be build in the area of Paleopolis. More specifically, this specific location is selected because of it its central location on the island, being in equal corresponding proximity to the administrative and cultural center, and to areas with predominantl employment in the primary sector. Moreover, with the central and key placement of the facility on the island, it will be connected successfully with the existing hiking and cultural network in general. Through the agritourism facility, continuous promotion efforts will be made and ultimately the development of the primary sector, by actively participating in tourism. The hotel facility, therefore, will focus on agritourism, with its visitors being exposed to the the local life through various activities and being in contact with nature. To a large extent, the building program of the installation stems from its crops, the key choice of which will determine whether the facility can operate in a yearly basis. Therfore, the crops of the facility are selected based on the agricultural tradition of the island and the know-how of the people employed in this sector.

drawings aimasies 02
South Elevation | 1/100

More specifically, the crop plan is based on the exploitation of their different fruiting periods of the crops of Andros, aiming at the autarky of the installation in raw materials and conducting agritourism experiences throughout the whole year. Finally, livestock activities will also take place, as part of the primary sector industry. At the same time, at the premises of the facility and at its crops, various training programs will take place, aiming to better train the people employed in the primary sector of the island and the promotion of their products. The facility seems as it is engraved into the ground, an idea which is supported by the excessive use of local stone and green roofs. Furthermore, it is arranged around the central axis, the hiking toute, which serves as the main circulation path. Given the aforementioned, the building program is constituted not only by the rooms of the guests, but also by various supplementary areas. More specifically, a common area with reastaurant and bar is implemented into the program, as well as various workshop areas. Furthermore, a wellness area with a pool is also added. Finally, at the upper floor of the facility, a wine production facility is located, accompanied by its wine cellar.

drawings aimasies
drawings aimasies 02 Floor Plans | 1/200 22
drawings aimasies 23
photorealistic renderings aimasies 02 24
photorealistic renderings aimasies 25
photorealistic renderings aimasies 02 26
photorealistic renderings aimasies 27
physical model aimasies 02 28
1/20 29
technical drawings
Detail Cross Section of First Floor | 1/20 Detail Cross Section of Second Floor |
Detail Cross Section of Third Floor |

Residential complex on the island of Andros



Scirocco is a residence located on the island of Andros, Greece, which accommodates a family of four and their guests. The design was guided by the clients’ desire to optimize their view of the Aegean Sea. To avoid creating a massive structure, the house was designed as a deconstructed volume, with large openings on all sides. The entrance is located at the back of the main house and could be reached from a gentle slope through a series of small courtyards.

The common areas are housed in the main volume, while the family’s private area is on the higher floors. The guesthouses were designed to be both private and connected to the pool and outdoor space. They are located in different parts of the property and have distinct characteristics. The guesthouses closer to the main house are intended for close friends and visitors, while those located a bit further have a private entrance and can be rented out. The outdoor area follows the natural topography of the landscape and includes a series of steps that define the various outdoor areas, providing ample spaces for relaxation and shelter from the sun or open areas.

Firm DG
Project Type
2019 - June 2020
project photos scirocco 03 32
project photos scirocco 33
construction phase photos scirocco 03 34
construction phase photos scirocco 35

Community Center

Multifunctional public building in Patisia neighborhood

The goal of this two-semester academic studio project was the design of a multifunactional public building, operating mainly as a community center, in the neighborhood of Patisia in Athens. The neighborhood is characterised as developing and has a high degree of cultural and ethnical divercity. In terms of uses, the residential is the most widespread, with the commercial acting as a supplementary. The given plot is adjacent to the railway, which acts as a boundary, dividing the neighborhood into two seperate ones. For that reason, the first goal was to unite these two seperate neighborhoods with the design of a multipurpose pedestrian bridge. That way, the circulation will run through our proposed building, giving the visitor the chance to catch a glimpse of what is happening in the community center, and decide whether he wants to participate or not. Therefore, the main goal for the building was to be in operation for most of the day, and as a result enabling the whole community, by reaching the various aspects of it.

04 36 Institution National Technical University of Athens Project Type Academic Time Sept. 2018 - June 2019

Through the composition of a fairly expanded and diverse building program, the residents of the neighborhood and the surrounding areas are given the opportunity to participate in it. Firstly, the building program includes activities that fuel life into the community center, and make it a point of reference of the neighborhood and a meeting place. Thus, the program includes a cafe and restaurant, but also workspaces with a library and meeting rooms, open to the public. The program also includes areas for the development of technical, intellectual and artistic skills, such as sculpture, carpentry and painting workshops, as well as social cuisine. In addition, in the context of the effort of professional development, promotion and rehabilitation of community members, the building program includes spaces open to the public, with the aim of conducting seminars. Finally, on the lower floors are the theater and the multipurpose space, where there is the possibility of holding various exhibitions. Regarding the courtyard, through the multiple levels of the outdoor spaces, the emphasis was placed on creating the feeling of amphitheater, as well as a single courtyard, for all hours of the day.

building program community center 03
drawings community center +0.00 Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο Διδάσκοντες Αλεξάνδρου Ελένη Παπαιωάννου Τάσης Σεπτέμβριος 2019 Σπουδαστές Γαλετάκης Γιάννης Γραμματάς Άρης Εμπέογλου Νίκος Αρχιτεκτονικός Σχεδιασμός 7 Κτίριο σύνθετων λειτουργιών δημόσιου χαρακτήρα Α01 Κάτοψη Ισογείου Γενικά Αρχιτεκτονικά Σχέδια Κλίμακα: 1/ 100 +0.05 Χώρος Εστίασης Κουζίνα +0.05 Κλιμακοστάσια/Ανελκυστήρες +0.05 Εργαστηριακοί Χώροι +0.05 Εργαστηριακοί Χώροι +0.00 -0.70 Ground Floor Plan | 1/100 39
photorealistic renderings community center 03 40
photorealistic renderings community center 41
photorealistic renderings community center 03 42
photorealistic renderings community center 43
Διδάσκοντες Αλεξάνδρου Ελένη Παπαιωάννου Τάσης Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο Αρχιτεκτονικός Σχεδιασμός 7 Κτίριο σύνθετων λειτουργιών δημόσιου χαρακτήρα Σεπτέμβριος 2019 Σπουδαστές Γαλετάκης Γιάννης Γραμματάς Άρης Εμπέογλου Νίκος B04 Δυτική Όψη Γενικά Αρχιτεκτονικά Σχέδια Κλίμακα: 1/100 Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο Διδάσκοντες Αλεξάνδρου Ελένη Παπαιωάννου Τάσης Σεπτέμβριος 2019 Σπουδαστές
Α-Α Γενικά Αρχιτεκτονικά Σχέδια Κλίμακα: 1/100
Αλεξάνδρου Ελένη Παπαιωάννου Τάσης Σεπτέμβριος 2019 Σπουδαστές Γαλετάκης Γιάννης Γραμματάς Άρης Εμπέογλου Νίκος Αρχιτεκτονικός
Β01 Βόρεια Τομή Γενικά
Κλίμακα: 1/100 drawings community center 03 North Elevation | 1/100 Section A-A | 1/100 West Elevation | 1/100 44
Γαλετάκης Γιάννης Γραμματάς Άρης Εμπέογλου Νίκος Αρχιτεκτονικός Σχεδιασμός 7 Κτίριο σύνθετων λειτουργιών δημόσιου χαρακτήρα B05 Τομή
Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο Διδάσκοντες
Σχεδιασμός 7
σύνθετων λειτουργιών
Αρχιτεκτονικά Σχέδια


Κλίμακα: 1/100 Αρχιτεκτονικός Σχεδιασμός 7 Κτίριο σύνθετων λειτουργιών Γενικά Αρχιτεκτονικά Σχέδια

Τομή Δ-Δ Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο Διδάσκοντες Αλεξάνδρου Ελένη Παπαιωάννου Τάσης Σεπτέμβριος 2019 Σπουδαστές Γαλετάκης Γιάννης Γραμματάς Άρης Εμπέογλου Νίκος Αρχιτεκτονικός Σχεδιασμός 7 Κτίριο σύνθετων λειτουργιών δημόσιου χαρακτήρα B03 Νότια Όψη Γενικά Αρχιτεκτονικά Σχέδια Κλίμακα: 1/100 drawings community center Section D-D | 1/100 Section B-B | 1/100 South Elevation | 1/100 45

Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο Διδάσκοντες Αλεξάνδρου Ελένη Παπαιωάννου Τάσης Σεπτέμβριος 2019 Σπουδαστές Γαλετάκης Γιάννης Γραμματάς Άρης Εμπέογλου Νίκος Αρχιτεκτονικός Σχεδιασμός 7 Κτίριο σύνθετων λειτουργιών δημόσιου χαρακτήρα B06 Τομή Β-Β Γενικά Αρχιτεκτονικά Σχέδια Κλίμακα: 1/100 Διδάσκοντες Αλεξάνδρου Ελένη Παπαιωάννου Τάσης Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο Σεπτέμβριος 2019 Σπουδαστές
Γαλετάκης Γιάννης Γραμματάς Άρης Εμπέογλου Νίκος δημόσιου χαρακτήρα


1.5 10 10

7 2

Detail Cross Section | 1/20



+12.96 +12.84

+22.60 +22.03 10 2 7

+10.00 ±0.00


Λ 01 Λ 02 Λ 03 Λ 04 Λ 05 Λ 06 Λ 07 Λ 08 Λ 09 Λ 10 Λ 11 Λ 12 Λ 13 Λ 14 Λ 15 Λ 16

15 3 6 6 7 10 10 10

7 32 -0.86

+4.69 -0.66 -3.85

5 Βιομηχανικό δάπεδο

7 9 10 11 13 14 16 18 21 23 24 26 27 29 30 32

Κλίμακα: 1/20 Διδάσκοντες Αλεξάνδρου Ελένη Παπαιωάννου Τάσης Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο 10 Μεταλλική Λαμαρίνα 1 4

Σπουδαστές Γαλετάκης Γιάννης Γραμματάς Άρης Εμπέογλου Νίκος Ιούνιος 2019 3 5 6

Μπλοκ πολυσθερίνης Αφρός πολυουρεθάνης Γαρμπιλομπετόν με στεγανωτικό μάζης HEB 120x120x10 UPN 180x70x7 HEB 140x140x10 Γωνιά 200x150x7 HEA 100x100x6

Αρχιτεκτονικός Σχεδιασμός 8: Κτίριο σύνθετων λειτουργιών δημόσιου χαρακτήρα 2 8

Μεταλλικά Πανέλα Διπλό ασφαλτόπανο Διπλή ασφαλτική επάλειψη Ελαφρομπετόν Φύλλο πολυαιθυλένιου Εξηλασμένη πολυσθερίνη Γαρμπιλομπετόν Τραπεζοειδής λαμαρίνα Σύνθετη δοκός από χάλυβα με αφρό πολυουρεθάνης Ξύλινες σανίδες Κόλλα 5mm Θερμομπετόν Διάταξη σωλήνων ενδοδαπέδειας θέρμανσης Ενδιάμεση προστατευτική στρώση Οπλισμένο σκυρόδεμα Προκατασκευασμένη σχάρα από μπετόν Τσιμεντοκονία εξομάλυνσης Τσιμεντοκονία με στεγανωτική στρώση Χώμα Αποστραγγιστική στρώση από αδιαβάθμιστο βότσαλο Αποστραγγιστική μεμβράνη Προστατευτική στρώση Στρατζαριστή λαμαρίνα για σφράγιση και προστασια Μαστίχη σφράγισης Διάταξη με γωνιές και στρατζαριστή λαμαρίνα Κόντρα πλακέ Πατητή τσιμεντοκονία 6mm Πλάκα γκρο μπετόν Άμμος και σκύρα Αυγουλιέρα Γεωύφασμα Mπάζα και προϊόντα εκσαφής

Δοκός από χάλυβα 32 Προκατασκευασμένες πλάκες από σκυρόδεμα

03 27 6.5 17 2 1 3 4 18 80 75 80 1 70 5.5 1 7 56 90 1.3 1 0.5 1.6 148 2.5 10 12 9 Ø10 Ø10 Ø10 Ø10 1.5 4 6 6 14 8 7 5 1 4 3.1 0.5 0.5 11 0.5 5 34 25 55 0.3 1 4 20 5 9 5.5 12 5 25 80 145 0.5 46 10 5 1.7 1 55 10 0.5 3 25 2 12 25 17 7.5 25 4 17 9 25 5.5 55 2 34 105 8.95 10 10 13 8 0.5 0.5 9 22 0.15 15 20 +12.96 +17.00 86 50 15 +4.69 +22.60 12 1 8 3.5 87 9.5 5 14 10 12 13 13 1.5 7 5 123 2 27 21 3 15 0.7 52 6 70 1.45 25 -5.00 -5.44 +4.44 +10.00 +12.84 +22.03 25 17 25 15 25 9 14 4 11 86 2 ±0.00 15 1.2 10 14 55 1.5 22 4 50 2 1 5 3 9 9.5 Λεπτομέρειες 14 10 2
technical drawings community center
Συντετμημένη Τομ΄ή
Λ 01-Λ 16
+18.15 +5.85 +5.05 -0.05 ±0.00 +4.60 +3.95 +12.25 +14.10 +20.80 Διδάσκοντες Αλεξάνδρου Ελένη Παπαιωάννου Τάσης Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο Πίνακας Υλικότητας Τεμνόμενων Στοιχειων Ιούνιος 2019 σκυρόδεμα K και θερμοδιακοπή A08- Μεταλική θύρα Α09- Πυράντοχη μεταλική δίφυλλη πόρτα Τομή 1 Α08 Γενικά Κατασκευαστικά Σχέδια Σπουδαστές Γαλετάκης Γιάννης Γραμματάς Άρης Εμπέογλου Νίκος Κλίμακα: 1/50 Αρχιτεκτονικός Σχεδιασμός 8: Κτίριο σύνθετων λειτουργιών δημόσιου χαρακτήρα Πίνακας Συμβολισμών Πίνακας Υλικότητας Προβαλόμενων Στοιχειων Αρίθμηση Κανάβου Dr σανίδες απλάνιστες 10cm Πίνακας Υλικότητας Δαπέδων 9.05 4.10 0.72 3.90 4.50 0.60 A5 A4 A3 A2 Α1 Β3 Β2 -4.95 -1.65 -3.40 +5.85 +3.30 +5.05 +9.00 +10.05 +15.75 Πατητή τσιμεντοκονία Α11 Βόρεια Όψη Γενικά Κατασκευαστικά Σχέδια Κλίμακα: 1/50 Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο Διδάσκοντες Αλεξάνδρου Ελένη Παπαιωάννου Τάσης Ιούνιος 2019 Σπουδαστές Γαλετάκης Γιάννης Γραμματάς Άρης Εμπέογλου Νίκος Αρχιτεκτονικός Σχεδιασμός 8: Κτίριο σύνθετων λειτουργιών δημόσιου χαρακτήρα με πλάκες πολυσθερίνης στο εσωτερικο Πίνακας Υλικότητας Τεμνόμενων Στοιχειων Πίνακας Υλικότητας Προβαλόμενων Στοιχειων Πίνακας Συμβολισμών ονομασία άξονα σανίδες απλάνιστες 10cm K Κ.Σ.- άνω σταθμη πλάκας από Ο.Σ. A01- Κούφωμα αλουμινίου, ύψος από κάτω μέρος πρεκιού Πίνακας Υλικότητας Δαπέδων Ραμποτέ ελάτης, 15cm 1.50 0.80 5.60 1.15 0.22 Section C-C | 1/50 North Elevation | 1/50 technical drawings community center 47
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