Certified IRIS Incident Simulation tool Provider

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IRIS marine Accidents will happen. In calm weather on a clear night, two loaded tankers collide, causing a serious pollution incident and severely damaging both vessels. The root causes will be identified during the ensuing legal investigation and accident investigation reports will highlight failings in procedures and/or equipment which may have been causal factors. This information will be widely circulated and referenced in multitudes of procedure revisions, company operations manuals and industry directives. But photographs, investigation reports, presentations, videos and references to rules and guidelines tell only one part of the story. They do not create the intensity of learning typically generated by living through the experience. When personnel have only minutes and seconds to make decisions they rely on instinct and seamanship more than procedures and guidelines.

In these situations it is experience that allows people to take the best decisions. But how do we train people for this? Up until now there has been no easy way to translate incidents such as this into powerful learning experiences; to expose personnel to the developing complexities of the situation and to allow them to experience it first-hand. By combining traditional analysis and reference information with fully interactive high fidelity simulation it is possible to unlock the huge learning potential in such situations and deliver it as powerful and compelling training packages. We call this immersive e-learning, and we have developed an entirely new and specialized training product IRIS - to deliver this.

IRIS- Bringing learning to life IRIS is a software system specifically designed around the requirements of maritime safety training incorporating a powerful scripted computer based training architecture as well as adapted versions of our well established DNV Class A certified simulation systems. With the objective of delivering powerful solutions to the largest number of potential users both ashore and at sea IRIS has been designed to be compatible with a broad range of Windows™ based computers, including the training systems typically found on board vessels. There are, of course, a large number of CBT products available and widely used today which have been specifically designed for maritime training. These are valuable products which perform an important role in the improvement of seafarer knowledge and understanding. However STCW has outlined a series of Potential Disadvantages of CBT which include the fact that such systems 'do not support Group Learning', that trainees cannot 'ask computers questions and so are limited to the pre-determined help facilities built into the training course' and that 'Computers can only provide training where the objective is to transfer knowledge computers cannot transfer skills to trainees'. These pitfalls to traditional CBT training systems are relevant. IRIS provides a very different experience which addresses many of the identified shortcomings inherent in traditional CBT. From the outset, IRIS has been designed to provide both individual and group based learning. The architecture of the IRIS system, with its embedded simulation features, actually puts users in control of the vessel and its navigational equipment and practically provides the means for real skills to be transferred to trainees.

Whilst it is correct that trainees cannot ask computer questions, IRIS systems in group learning modes provide the ability for trainees to be guided by more experienced personnel as they interact with and dynamically adjust the control and navigation support systems of the vessel. These factors combine to make an IRIS training session broadly similar to an actual experience, with senior officers providing measured and dynamic assistance to trainees in mastering the complexities of a developing situation, building situational awareness and making sure that navigation aids and other systems are correctly used to their full potential. We believe that this is an extremely powerful and dynamic learning tool promoting communication and learning on a group and individual basis in a completely new way.

Modular learning to suit your requirements. IRIS users can choose from a large and growing library of learning modules covering a wide variety of incident themes and offering a virtually unlimited set of learning opportunities. The IRIS incident library includes modules with incident themes in navigation, propulsion, cargo management and more, IRIS modules have been designed, built and validated by maritime experts and cover a vast range of valuable and important learning scenarios. Unlike traditional CBT systems, the learning objectives of an IRIS module are not fixed but can be adapted to the needs of the individual, group and company training objectives. IRIS exercises can be run in individual or group learning modes. Individual modes provide a structured learning framework, with ARI's unique Voice- Coach™ technology providing spoken guidance and explanations in a range of languages.

Orientation sections provide trainees with a detailed understanding of the situation the IRIS module is concerned with.

Group modes are designed to be driven and paced by a session leader and actively promote team learning in a group mode either on-board or in shore focus meetings and safety seminars. IRIS modules provide situations in which a large number of factors converge to create an experience which, in and of itself, offers an virtually unlimited range of possible learning outcomes. One module can easily be used for a multitude of different objectives. The individual simulated navigation aids alone, provide broad training applications independently of the module thematic content. ARI has formed associations with some of the most respected organizations in maritime safety to jointly develop and publish IRIS modules to the benefit of the entire maritime community.

Stunning 3D animation is used to recreate the minute human and machinery details in the time leading up to the incident.

In simulation mode a high fidelity visual of the situation is provided, and the user can change the time of day and weather to help build awareness.

IRIS ! ! ! ! !

Compatible with standard* computers Full module compatibility Individual and group modes supported Basic equipment simulation Indicative non-real time visual

IRIS advanced ! ! ! ! !

Requires high end graphics computer Full module compatibility Individual and group modes supported Fully simulated equipment Real-time, controllable visual

* Computers must meet the minimum specification requirements

* Computers must meet the minimum specification requirements

IRIS professional

IRIS seminar

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Supplied with a computer Full module compatibility Individual and group modes supported Fully simulated equipment Real-time, controllable visual User can 'seize control' of the vessel / equipment Unlimited potential outcomes Simulator-in-a-box

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Supplied with computers Supplied with IRIS controller system Full module compatibility Individual and group modes supported Fully simulated equipment Real-time, controllable visual User can 'seize control' of the vessel / equipment Unlimited potential outcomes Simulator-in-a-box

Customizing IRIS The IRIS module library provides a huge resource of learning opportunity but we recognize that in some cases it may be useful and important for organizations to create their own modules around their own internal learning objectives. To cater for these requirements we offer a module design and publishing service for customer specific IRIS modules to be developed. In compliance with the ISM Code (Section 9.1) this service allows IRIS customers to analyze their own safety records, identify areas of concern and build their own incident modules, around their own incidents and vessels for dissemination across their own fleet as part of their own internal training program. Custom built modules can also include powerful feedback features, in which individuals and groups can enter their thoughts and suggestions into the system as part of a session. These can be sent by email back to QHSE teams for analysis and provides an effective way to canvas opinions and suggestions which can be used to drive company policy and procedure development. For more information on the development of customized IRIS modules visit us at www.arisimulation.com or send us an email at info@arisimulation.com

In its first version this is already a superb tool that the observer cannot fail to be impressed with and learn from the content. … This will no doubt be a World Leader in Risk Analysis, Incident follow-up and as a Teaching device. The Radar features as a learning tool for students [and] is also a great assistant just as a stand-alone instructor. Good luck with this - it's a winner all the way.

Captain Steve Tucker “One Team” Leader TEEKAY

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