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Awards Banquet Night


ADA Board

President: Tania Radda 480.235.7654 t.radda@azdressage.org

1st VP: Kathy Smith ksmith@azdressage.org

2nd VP: Amy Burnett

Secretary: Nicole Zoet-Oostermyer ozranch3@aol.com

Treasurer & Trustee of Records: Cynthia Ganem cganem@azdressage.org

Maeike Zoet mzoet@yahoo.com

Michell Combs

Susan Skripac

Alanna Almgren

Heather Lynch

Kadriya Musina-Sallus

Jarred Sallus


Awards: Maeike Zoet-Javins m-zoet@yahoo.com

Centerline Editor: Beth Martinec centerline@azdressage.org

Webmaster: Sue Leutwyler webmaster@azdressage.org

Education: Pam Polydoros

Finance: Cynthia Ganem

Fundraising: Kay Lorenzen

Futurity: Susan Skripac

Juniors/Young Riders: Heather Lynch

Membership: Michell Combs

Scholarship: Ann Damiano a.damiano@azdressage.org

Recognized Shows: Kathy Smith

Scores Compilation: Sue Leutwyler

Vendors: Michelle Scarzone

ADA Board Attorney: Wendy Riddell w.riddell@azdressage.org

Earn Volunteer/Service Hours

Contribute to The Centerline Today!

Letters to the Editor: Submit your comments, suggestions, or opinions relating to the sport of dressage, to centerline@azdressage.org

Barn News:

Trainers would you like to let us know about the recent accomplishments of your clients or introduce new clients and horses? Would you like to update readers about barn improvements, or talk about any other news of interest to the membership. Send submissions to centerline@azdressage.org

Member Submissions to The Centerline: Submit an article and photo of you and your horse on a topic of interest, a clinic or show experience. Submit your favorite barn and horse care tips, or review clinic. We’d love to hear from you! Send to centerline@azdressage.org

If the photo is a riding photo, a helmet is required. **Product Endorsements/Advertising**

In most cases, products and services are considered paid advertising. Articles that are negative in nature concerning a particular product will not be considered for publication.

The Centerline is the official monthly newsletter of the Arizona Dressage Association (ADA), a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit organization. Material in the newsletter may not be reproduced, with the exception of forms, without the written consent and credit of the editor and/or author. The Centerline welcomes your articles, barn news, artwork, and especially, your photographs. Submissions, news, and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of the ADA. Acceptance does not constitute an endorsement. Accuracy of materials submitted is the sole responsibility of the author. The Editor reserves the right to accept, reject and edit submitted material. The deadline for submission is the 20th of the month. Email: centerline@azdressage.org

USDF Region 5 April 2023 Update

Winter is soon behind us and I’m thankful spring is here. The busy months of summer are ahead of us, lots of time with family, friends and our horses. The World Cup is April and we’re excited to see some of the top horses and riders in the world! I hope you were able to join in the fun and the amazing shopping they always have on offer… http://www.usdf.org/about/about-usdf/governance/nominating/accepted.asp

The deadline for Participating Member Delegate nominations is April 15. Our region will have 5 PM delegates for the 2023 USDF Convention in Omaha, Nebraska November 29 - December 2. You can check the status of our delegate nominees by going to the link below. Please check your status to make sure your acceptance is there if you would like to be a PM delegate candidate. If you are not listed and you would like to be a PM delegate, please contact Dorothy Kapaun at dorothykapaun@yahoo.com. Please do not commit to be a delegate unless you know you can attend. There is some financial assistance from our Region for those PM delegates who do attend the convention. We really need the representation to help give your Region a voice.

As of May 9, our potential candidates for the 2023 FEI North American Junior and Young Rider Championships August 9-14 in Traverse City, Michigan will be finalized, but the first of the early application deadlines has now passed, though there is still an opportunity to apply! As I write this, we have 8 riders who have declared (4 Juniors and 4 Young Riders). If you would like to contribute or help with their fundraising efforts, please contact Joan Clay, our Region 5 Jr/YR FEI coordinator at jnclay@comcast.net or 970-420-0877. This competition is a reasonable distance for us to travel by trailer, which makes things much more feasible, but we still need your help in order to be able to. If you’re a rider, PLEASE DON’T FORGET TO TURN IN YOUR DECLARATIONS!

A couple of lovely educational events are being offered soon by some of our GMOS:

• Terry Ciotti Gallo - Developing a Musical Freestyle

Presented by Santa Fe Dressage Association

April 29th & 30th, 2023

Hosted by Terra Nova Equestrian Center

• Through the Levels - an Extraordinary Dressage Clinic with Debbie McDonald

Presented by Tucson Dressage Club

May 20th & 21st, 2023

Hosted at Pima County Fairgrounds in Tucson, AZ

Till next month!

Heather Petersen

Region 5 Director

Join NAC of ADA:

Saturday June 3, Schooling Show with L Judge, Krista Peek

Classical and Western Dressage

Date: Saturday June 3, 2023

Venue: American Ranch Equestrian Center, 9100 N Callahan Rd, Prescott, AZ 86305

Opening Date: May 5, 2023

Closing Date: May 26, 2023

Entry Form and All Information may be found at: nacofada.com

Mail Entry Form, Release Forms and check payable to NAC of ADA, to: Susan Crampton, 1904 Sarafina Drive, Prescott, AZ, 86301

Any Questions contact: susancrampton1@gmail.com, 928-925-6043

Our Friends at WDAAZ are generously providing a High Point Prize at the end of the show day for a Western Dressage Rider. (It is Beautiful)

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