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8. Communications Committee – Email with Calendar updates for the 2022/2023 Years was sent out.

ADA will be hosting the Regionals next year at Westworld. 9. Education Committee – Bill Warren clinic was a success. Riders and auditors enjoyed learning from


Bill Warren, and walked away with new ideas to improve their rides in the show ring. Bill worked closely with the riders and showed them ways to improve their strategy in the show ring. 10. Volunteer Committee – ADA is in desperate need of volunteers. This is an area the club could use more help. We need more help at the shows, as well as within our committees. 11. Vendor Committee – Michelle Scarzone is working with the vendors for the Fall Fiesta. 12. Awards Committee – Awards, neck ribbons, are on order for the championships. Farnam will donate prizes for the show and sponsor the Wash Rack.

New Business:

13. Nothing new to report.


Members may be recognized by the Presiding Officer and may then address the Board regarding issues of concern to the Association. The Presiding Officer has the right to limit the amount of time that each Member has to address the Board.

Announcement of Next Meeting – Next Meeting will take place in person. Venue TBA.

Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.

NAC of ADA 2022 Board Members

PRESIDENT: Kirsten Kuzmanic 951-440-4615 Kirstenk38@gmail.com V. PRESIDENT:

TREASURER: Virginia Parker 303-921-6654 vp@sleepingmule.org SECRETARY: Sherry Nash 513-505-8419 Sherrynash2017@gmail.com COMMITTEES: SHOW MANGER: Kirsten Kuzmanic CLINICS/EDUCATION: Sue Crampton 928-925-6043 Susancrampton1@gmail.com WESTERN DRESSAGE LAISON: Sharon Petrone 319-325-7094 timberline@netins.net NEWSLETTER & WEB: Sherry Nash SHOW ASSISTANT & FACEBOOK: Pat Albee 928-778-0516 albeepat97@gmail.com

2022 Show & Clinic Dates

May 7th - Spring Schooling Show, Judge - Cynthia Ganem September 17th - Fall Schooling Show, Judge - Michell Combs June 25th - “Ride a Test” with Lois Wittington at Randi Wagner’s Ranch, Prescott October 22-23rd - Amelia Newcomb at American Ranch



26-28: TDC Road Runner Dressage Show I: Pima County Fairgrounds, Tucson, AZ


17: ADA Members Only Schooling Show: WestWorld, Scottsdale

17: NAC Dressage Schooling Show: American Ranch, Prescott, AZ , Judge: Michell Combs


15-16: Clinic with Bill Warren: WestWorld, Scottsdale

22-23: Amelia Newcomb Clinic: American Ranch, Prescott, Contact Susan Crampton 928-925-6043 for more info

26-27 Debbie McDonald Dressage Clinic: Carefree Farms. Accepting auditor registration. Contact michellcombs@hotmail.com for information.

29-30: Western Dressage Show: WestWorld, Scottsdale


5-6: AZ 2022 State Championships: WestWorld, Scottsdale, Judges:

19-20: Fall Festival I & II: Pima County Fairgrounds, Tucson, AZ. Judges:

26-27: New Tests Clinic: Sage Mountain Equestrian Center, Scottsdale AZ. Visit caradressage.com for more information

2023 Dates

January 13-14 CARA Champagne I & II March 12-13 TDC March Madness April 15-16 ADA Spring Celebration: WestWorld June 17-18 ADA Summer Heat: WestWorld September 29 - October 1 USDF Regionals: WestWorld November 4-5 ADA Fall Fiesta: WestWorld


The Centerline is not responsible for, nor does it endorse any claims made by advertisers. All advertisements must be paid at the time of submission. Ad Formats – JPG, TIFF, PDF - 300 dpi Full Page (7.5”x10”) ………….$90 1/2 Page .................................$50 1/3 Page .................................$35 1/4 Page .................................$20 Business Card ……………..…$15


Have something for sale? For rent? Want something? Put your ad in the classifieds to see if someone has what you want, or wants what you have. Send to centerline@azdressage.org. $5 for up to 50 words; $5 per photo; $5 nonmember fee

Web Site:

The ADA Website is www.azdressage.org. You can advertise on the site for $50 per year, or $30 for six months. Non-members please add $5. Newsletter Deadline: 20th of the previous month Email to: centerline@azdressage.org Please be sure that your payment accompanies your ad. To make a payment go to https://azdressage.org/ advertisement-submission/

Hey Readers -

The Centerline is always in need of great photos to go along with our articles or just to fill the world with more cute pony pics. So if you have some you'd like to share, please send them to us at: centerline@azdressage.org

ARIZONA DRESSAGE ASSOCIATION PO Box 31602 Phoenix, AZ 85046-1602

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