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ground made it easier to push the power envelope without the rider getting completely worn down. A short while into this second long -lining session, it was my turn to get in the saddle. The biomechanics work Heather and I have done over the years came into play and I was able to actually focus on my aids and get the appropriate responses from Roo. The trot Roo was now exhibiting was powerful and pushing. First we posted the trot to keep the power and me pushing him into the bridle when he lost the contact or his focus. Heather’s direction was to get the engine pushing before going into a collect trot. Heather had me kick (to the level necessary to get his attention) him every few strides to get him reacting appropriately: more power, staying in the frame and not reacting negatively. He was moving bigger and more powerfully - I decided to sit the trot. Heather coached me to not be so ‘buoyant’, but instead ‘sit deeper into him.’ Combining this with past feedback from Heather and Missy about my biomechanics: • • • • • • • • •
Widen the lats (lattisimus dorsi) armpits and shoulders down (‘bear down’) press the sternum down strengthen the core (both abs and back) to push into the power sit into the sit bones keep weight evenly distributed on right and left the legs and arms act as chutes- the horse stays between them weight 60% in the inner thighs, 30% on the seat and 10% on ball of feet, pushing down into stirrups forward tension pushing the horse from behind into the contact of your hands
The results in that session were amazing! I had never sat so much power in partnership with my horse! We continued this same process in the canter. For me, the canter has been more difficult to organize with this process, but we got a very forward-into-the bridle canter and then worked on collection. The ‘get the engine moving’ process ensures he’s focused on me and pushing into the bridle, engaging his hind end. The biomechanics allow me to control that power into collection.