13 minute read


Director of Surveillance and Facilities

At Harrah’s Ak-Chin Casino Resort

Recently we had the opportunity to meet with April Stovall at Harrah’s Ak-Chin Casino Resort near Maricopa, Arizona on the Ak-Chin Indian Community.

We are very excited to feature Ms. Stovall in this issue as you can't help but be drawn in by the narrative of her long career at the property and by her enthusiasm. Her achievements are wide-ranging beginning with moving up into leadership roles within the area of Security and Surveillance to now overseeing multiple casino departments. And, April is especially passionate and proud of CodeGreen®, the environmental program at the property. As they are significant and unique among Arizona’s casinos, we’ve highlighted some of the accomplishments achieved by Ms. Stovall and Harrah’s-Ak Chin in reducing the environmental impact of the business

Q: What are some of the milestones in your career path that led you to the position you hold now?

A: I’ve held multiple positions over the years at Harrah’s AkChin Casino. I think that’s helped me become a better leader. I started in 1999 as a Security Officer! Back then, I didn’t realize I’d be spending my entire professional career at the same property. I was in security for one year and I was intrigued by surveillance. I can’t tell you details about the surveillance room, but the very first day I walked in, I have to say it was magical. That space made me feel like I belonged there, like something out of a movie. I still have the Surveillance Department under my belt currently and I cherish it greatly.

So, I moved from Surveillance Officer to Lead to Supervisor, at which point I began to learn the technical side of surveillance. During the housing market crisis in the late 2000s we were understaffed, which provided me the opportunity to cross train. I was up in the ceilings of the casino installing cabling, terminating cables, and gaining a lot of other job skills. Having that opportunity to learn, to cross train, allowed me to understand the ceiling, the walls, the floor, everything in the building!

Next, I became Surveillance Manager, and we were able to upgrade the system and the technology, which was very exciting. Then an opportunity came to be the Interim Facilities Manager. I said, “Sure! I’ll help out!” One month turned into two, then more, and one day management asked me to assume the role permanently, which I did.

The role of Facilities Director has been such a wonderful experience. I learned so much bringing that team together and I believe we are one of the best within Caesars Entertainment. The detail-oriented nature of both jobs allows me to inspect all the walls, the light bulbs, I like doing Gantt charts, organizing, 5S, and everything being in its place!

[Note: Gantt charts are bar charts illustrating a project schedule. Designed and popularized by Henry Gantt around the years 1910–1915, modern Gantt charts also show the dependency relationships between activities and the current schedule status. 5S comes from the Toyota Production System which was developed by Tahichi Ohno during the 1960s. 5S stands for five Japanese words which are Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke. Or, translated, Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize and Sustain. This process is used in Lean Manufacturing and other business applications. JIT or “Just In Time” is a related inventory management system also pioneered by Ohno.]

When I started my journey, I would not have thought it would end up this way. A little over a year ago, I was promoted to Director and inherited the Environmental Services (EVS) Department. And if your readers recall our $180 million expansion was probably one of my greatest achievements here. We went from 300,000 sq. ft. to 900,000 sq. ft. on 40 acres, which was a huge milestone. The project involved a lot, including late nights and relentless follow through. Seeing the tangible result at the end was a true reward.

Now, within the last year, I’ve had the exposure to the EVS Department the fixers, washers, and cleaners! I’m so excited to see that team grow. We are investigating how to incorporate robotic technology, and I’m using my experience with the two other departments with EVS and vice versa. Plus, overseeing EVS has given me more involvement in the environmental program, CodeGreen, which I’m extremely passionate about.

Q: Please discuss CodeGreen, your role in it, and some of the successes.

A: I’m very proud to be the CodeGreen leader for this property. CodeGreen is an environmental program including sustainability, reducing the carbon footprint (energy, water consumption, recycling), and introducing real solutions to global environmental issues. The Ak-Chin Indian Community is close to my heart as this casino was built on farmland. They are an amazing partner with their own Environmental Department. This allows us to partner together on programs, events, and much more. The relationship is wonderful which is something other casino properties, regardless of where they are located, may not have. We benefit from an environmental culture.

We also participate in a CodeGreen competition within Caesars Entertainment every year. And I’m proud to say our casino regularly takes first or second place since about 2014. Not only are we a committed CodeGreen property, but the awards leave a legacy for the employees here.

We will participate with the Ak-Chin Indian Community in a tree planting on Arbor Day (Friday, April 28, 2023) at Milton Paul Antone Memorial Park in the Ak-Chin Village where the children of the community will plant the trees. And, we will help establish a seed exchange program, so community members can give and receive seeds for their gardens. I could talk all day about CodeGreen!

Another program I’m passionate about is the Clean The World program. For example, the soap recycling program takes our used soap, it’s sterilized during melting, processed into bars, repackaged and sent to various US Veterans programs, to the homeless population in the US, and all over the globe to underprivileged countries. We also participate in hygiene kit building with organizations who rent out our ballroom space if they request it. We have an environmental forum coming to the property in May and I’ve pre-ordered 250 kits for them which they will complete and pick a 501c Tribal non-profit to donate to. I find it exciting that this is all part of my experience at work!

Q: What is the secret to keeping everything running so smoothly?

A: I believe leaders should develop and mentor new leaders. This keeps the chain going, if you understand what I mean. Thinking outside of the box, embracing change, understanding an evolving society and technology, being an active listener, problem solving, walking the walk and talking the talk, which are all so critical when managing people and a large business.

On occasion, I’ll dress up in an employee uniform and work a shift. The last time I did that was on New Year’s Eve, 2022. I was part of the EVS team, complete with a cleaning cart, and swept up a lot of confetti in the wee hours of the morning! That experience gave me the opportunity to interact with some newer employees who didn’t know I was their undercover Director. I was able to work and talk with them in that situation while gaining valuable experience and perspective as a result. I’ve cleaned bathrooms, ashtrays, hotel rooms, vacuumed, swept, and more. Since employees see me doing the work, I’m there with them, I think that’s empowering for all of us.

Q: What sets Harrah’s Ak-Chin Casino apart?

A: The Caesars Rewards program. Hands down. As you know, it is nationwide and, in my opinion, it’s the best program in casino gaming. Members can use the program at over 50 properties and have access to all kinds of benefits including gaming, dining, entertainment, hotel stays, and more. And what guests also experience is our EGE (Everyone Greets Everyone) Program. Employees greet guests as soon as they walk in, across the floor, and each other behind the scenes off the casino floor. I’m in strong support of this program because when you walk by someone and you say, “Hello! How is your day?” in a cheerful manner, it becomes contagious, it makes you and others feel good, which then gets shared with more people, especially our guests. Being nice makes you feel good, it’s that simple. We emphasize family style service here at Harrah’s Ak-Chin. For example, I don’t want the perception of our EVS team, the “Cleaning Crusaders,” to be unnoticed. They should be visible, they should interact with guests, especially because they work so hard.

Q: What are some of your goals?

A: I’d really like to see additional electric vehicle charging stations. As we see technology evolve, I think we should be at the forefront of that. As we are in Arizona, I think we can make use of solar technology, including solar covered parking and more solar trash cans. Composting is a very complicated process, but we are looking to schedule a pilot with one of our dining outlets to look at the benefits on a small scale first through a partnership with the Ak-Chin Indian Community so they can transport our compost to their farms. This is exciting, and I can’t wait for that to happen. The nice thing is the Community already has an operating compost program and we want to partner with them to start and grow ours.

I’m happy to say I believe I’ve reached the career goal I set for myself and I want to leave a legacy at this point and figure out what I want to do after being a successful leader here.

Q: What advice do you have for anyone who is interested in beginning a career in the gaming industry?

A: I have so much advice! I try to tell everyone, even prospective employees, we are like a small city. We have so many different types of jobs here. Marketing, Food & Beverage, Retail, Slots, Table Games, Maintenance Engineering, Cleaners, Housekeeping, the hotel, the pool, Bartenders, Landscaping, all sorts of things! So, it’s a great opportunity for anyone! My story is a perfect example – I’m going to try this out in Security – not knowing I’d make a career out of it. There are so many different jobs, advancement opportunities, tuition reimbursement, and more. Plus, it’s fun! There’s always excitement and something new. The gaming industry is definitely unique and entertaining. Even my experience with the expansion and the construction of new employee and guest areas is a beginning to end process employees may not participate in at other workplaces. There’s an opportunity to discuss the finishes. Are they durable? How easy is this to clean? What is the guest perspective? Is it beautiful and efficient? All of those things are part of my job and part of working here.

As you may know, Surveillance and Facilities both are not traditionally positions held by women. So, over the years, I’ve always worked hard to go above and beyond to prove myself and be a representative for women to show that we can do those things. I have technical knowledge. I can get on a lift and run cable. Years ago I had gone to a facilities summit and as the only female in the group I thought, “Wow! I need to make sure my voice is heard.” And I can talk about things! But it makes me want to work twice as hard to make sure I don’t let women down, my team down, my boss down, the Community down. So, years later, at another summit in the facilities group, a female approached me and told me she remembered seeing me at that event saying, “Back then, I wished I could be you!” And her wish came true. She became a facilities manager and that made me feel so good. It was beautiful!

Also, I am a member of SAVVY, a women’s group where we give back to the community. We are trying to coordinate cleaning the commercial kitchen at a women’s shelter. We’ve done landscaping for them, and many other projects. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside to be able to help them.

What is your favorite casino game and why?

On occasion, when I visit Las Vegas, I like to play blackjack and have a cocktail. One of the reasons why is, as I do oversee Surveillance, I want to get the customer perspective. It’s important. To be a well-rounded leader, I need to have that in my toolbelt. And, blackjack is fun! $

April has been with Harrah’s Ak-Chin for over 23 years.

She oversees Surveillance, Maintenance, EVS, Utilities, and Construction projects at the property. April is also the CodeGreen Leader that oversees environmental efforts.

Awards include:

Property & Western Division Chairman’s Award for Internal Service 2007

Property & Western Division Caesar’s Award of Excellence for Leadership 2019

Programs, Memberships, and Participations include: Clean The World Program Adopt-A-Highway Volunteer Earth Hour

Giving Tuesday

Earth Day (with the Ak-Chin Indian Community) Habitat for Humanity


Personal Accomplishments include:

Member and Business Manager for the Casa Grande Roller Derby (a 501c3 Non-Profit)

April’s Secret:

“April May Dismember” is her Roller Derby stage name.

“777” is her Roller Derby number.

Property Accomplishments

2022 Recycled 2,354,622 lbs.

2021 Recycled 2,288,786 lbs.

2020 Recycled 1,845,201 lbs.

2019 Recycled 2,414,331 lbs.

2018 Recycled 2,508,266 lbs.

2017 Recycled 2,170,151 lbs.

1st Place CodeGreen Challenge 2018, 2016, 2014

2nd Place CodeGreen Challenge 2020, 2017, 2015

2nd Place CodeGreen Carbon Education Campaign 2015

#4 Green Key Rating 2014 through 2020

Hotel Tower Energy Management System

Room keycards allow guest adjustment of temperature from 68 to 80°F. Thermostats reset the temperature to 75°F when a room is unoccupied. When a keycard is removed, all lights turn off except for the light by the entry door for safety.

Hotel & Property Initiatives

Clean sheets and towels are available upon request to conserve electricity and water. Low flow shower heads and faucet aerators are used. Refrigerators are powered down or set to low in unoccupied rooms to conserve energy. Housekeeping turns off lights and pulls drapes closed in unoccupied rooms. Hotel soap is recycled and sent to the Clean The World program.

Hygiene kits are assembled at Harrah’s Ak-Chin for US Veterans and others in need through the Clean The World program.

Used cooking oil at Harrah’s Ak-Chin is recycled into bio-fuel.

Eight free electric vehicle charging stations available to guests.

Cold Plasma Ionization Bars in ventilation system use bipolar ionization to render viruses, bacteria, and mold harmless.

UVDI purification units to clean air are in use in the smoking section of the gaming floor including: 5.0 & 0.3 micron filters, gas absorption layers, photocatalytic converter, UV-C lamp.

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