Arizona Health & Living Magazine August 2023 Issue

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Caregivers Today

While it can be a noble effort to step in and provide care to a friend or family member, caregiving can be time-consuming and emotionally and physically demanding, particularly for those who also are balancing careers and families. Know when to ask for help.

Insured|Bonded|References&LicensesVerified|BackgroundCheck Callustoday Receiveafree RNassesment 623.974.2397 Services •Performhouseholdrelatedduties •Providetransportationto appointmentsinthecommunity •Assistwithcompanionand homemakercare •Hands-onpersonalcare •Providemedicationreminders •Mealpreparation •Activities 13203N103rdAve,SuiteF6,SunCity,AZ85351 Providers •RegisteredNurse•MemoryLossSpecialist•CertifiedCaregivers •CertifiedNursingAssistants•PersonalCareAttendants AtLifeStyleOptions,weprovide appropriateandresponsive person-centeredcaregivingsupport andservicestobetteryourloved ones'health,progressandwellness. choose the best option.

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here used to be a simple formula for building a good American life – go to school and make good grades. Then find a job with a good company. Work hard. Save money. Enjoy retirement. These days,

move towardwith the dream of financial independence and self-reliance. Then do it.

The middle class has been "programmed" with belief systems that were not designed to help attain wealth and that barely work at all anymore.Because everyone you know is buying into the formula, you assume it is the "right" way. Everyone has an inner "sheep" that is afraid to go against the herd and fears punishment if it goes against cultural norms.That is a shame because while you are staring at the hindquarters of the sheep in frontofyou,youareignoringahugeworld filledw hrichesforthe taking.

Being trustworthy is critical to success, but what about the promises and pacts you make with yourself? Most people are far more likely to break agreements with themselves than with others. Yet,since becoming an entrepreneur requires a dramatic change in both mindset and habits, you will not get far if youkeep letting yourself off the hook.

Everydaythatyou takea concrete step forward is another day of the status quo, another day of acceptingamediocrelife.Liferewards action. Every morning, ask yourself what action can be taken to

Today and every day consciously evaluate and reconsider what works for you as you strive toward a life of wealth and abundance. First, think critically about risk and reward, and determine how to effectively balance the two.This involves looking closely at your emotions, your willingness to take action, yourdesiretomoveforwardwhenanopportunity to build wealth arises. As you begin to experience greater rewards, you will confirm the beliefs and actions that create wealth.

It is easy to blame disappointments and failures on everything other than yourself. For instance: “I could be a lot wealthier if the


economy hadn’t tanked.” or “How was I supposed to know that there would be a storm and I’d have to clean out my savingstoreplacemyroof?”Whileitistruethatyoucannot always foresee or control what happens in your life, you can choose how you respond to those circumstances. There are bills to pay, problems to solve, and circumstances that need attention.Youneedtodealwiththeseissues,butyoucannot allow them to stop you. Every day, you must make time to move toward the life of your dreams, no matter how small thatstepis.Ifyouarenottakingstepstochangeyourreality, you forfeitthe right tocomplain about it.

. It stands to reason that if you want more out of life, you will need to seek some nontraditional education that will help you cultivate the skills that will enable you to generate multiple streams of income. Do not be afraid to pay for the expertise you need.

Entrepreneurs, by nature, are goagainst-the-grain types. It is easy for them to assume they know best and disregard good advice from those who have been there. Donot fall into this trap. Not only should you carefully consider advice, you should actively seek it out.

It is crucial to understand that the work of an entrepreneur is the work of the mind thinking, planning, creating, leading and providing oversight.If you want to reach the highest level possible, you have to leave tasks that can be accomplished by others to those with the knowledge and skills todo them.

A true entrepreneur understands time is a precious commodity and must be used wisely and efficiently.You can and must devote time to creating wealth, planning and building business systems and leading your team. Once you have this foundation firmly in place, you’ll find you’re freeofthe obligation to work nine to five.

As an entrepreneur,itiscrucialforyoutobeabletoborrowmoney wheneveryouneedit–regardlessofwhatthemarketisdoing. Make it a priority to become a master at understanding, evaluating andcontrolling your credit score.

It is not that debt itself is bad, it is that the way the averageAmerican uses it is destructive. Commit to using debt to invest and build wealth. Used wisely, debt cangive you leverage and make yourich.

The saying “Those whocannot do, teach” does not apply to building wealth. Seek advice only from

thosewhoarewhereyouwanttobefinancially.Berespectful of others’ opinions, but realize that you are on a different financial path from most people, and that they will not necessarily understand or approve.

If your business does not address and fulfill an unmet need, it is not going to be successful. In today’s highly competitive world, it is critical toidentifywhatothers arenotdoing,ornotwillingtodo,so that you can compete and win customers.

Tardiness is a character issue. Not breaking agreements is a cornerstone of all the Universal Laws of Being an Entrepreneur. When you are not on time, you are essentially breaking your word to yourself and the others in the meeting.

This means that youwill need to understand the steps that leadto success, clearlydefine them andexplainthemto your team. Once you have done all this work up-front, you willno longerhave torun ay-to-day operations.

Youwill need a strong team of the right people. Your power team is the power behind your skill as an entrepreneur. It is so important to be respectful and helpful to everyone you meet.You never know when you will be making a connection that can benefit you next week, next month, or next year. They may also refer customers your way.

Someoftheselawsaredeceptivelysimple,butitistheirvery simplicity that gives them their power. Most people take the path of least resistance. Those who do not are the ones whowill createrich, full lives that are trulyworth living.

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