Arizona Health & Living Magazine March 2025 Issue

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ArizonaHealth&Livingispublishedmonthly.Allrightsarereserved.The entirecontentsofArizonaHealth&Livingarecopyright20by .Reproductioninwholeorpart,orusewithout writtenpermissionofthepublisher,ofeditorial,pictorial,ordesigncontent, includingelectronicretrievalsystemsisprohibitedintheUnitedStates&foreign countries.Thetrademarkandtradename,ArizonaHealth&Living,isownedby

ThankstoapartnershipwithSamsung,thisviewingroom is also outfitted with state-of-the-art displays and the latest behavior-sensing technology to help customers discover, personalize,andbuildtheirideal sleep experience. Information kiosks at each bed display allow visitors to interact with the collection at their own pace, with knowledgeableSleepGuidesonhandtoassistandanswer questions.

Ascustomersexplorebedding,pillows,andothertop-ofbed accessories, an LED display embedded in the accessories wall changes to display pertinent product information. In the children’s bed area, kids can interact with the Flip, a 55-inch whiteboard with a touch screen fordrawing.

The Arizona opening is the first in what Saatva has planned for expansion 2025, with the aim of creating a new vision for what a shopping outpost for consumers can and should be. Initial hours of operation are Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and on Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information, visit

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