Ajp 03.09.2018

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March 9, 2018 22 Adar 5778 Volume 74, Issue 5

S O U T H E R N A R I Z O N A ’ S A WA R D - W I N N I N G J E W I S H N E W S PA P E R

Home & Garden..........19-25 Passover Plans ...........14-18

Bet Shalom scholar to explore Jewish history and ethics

Arts & Culture ................... 9, 15

Commentary ..........................6 Community Calendar...........28 In Focus.................................30 Letter to the Editor ................7 Local ... 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 19, 20 National ................................10 News Briefs ..........................26 Our Town .............................. 31 Rabbi’s Corner ......................27 Synagogue Directory...........30

Photo courtesy Rabbi Avraham Alpert

Classifieds .............................10

Rabbi Elijah Schochet (left) and Rabbi Avraham Alpert at Alpert’s ordination, May 29, 2017.

PHYLLIS BRAUN AJP Executive Editor


abbi Elijah Schochet will return to Congregation Bet Shalom as scholar-in-residence March 16-17, with a trio of topics exploring thorny issues in Jewish history and ethics. He will start the weekend with “The Jewish Civil War” at the 5:30 p.m. Shabbat service on March 16, exploring the schism between Hasidism, which was considered revolutionary when it arose in 18th century Eastern Europe, and the Mitnagtim (opponents), who were mostly from the Lithuanian rabbinate. “I’m going to be talking about what exactly was Hasidism like, why did the objections ensue the way they did, and how does this reflect on the nature of religion as a whole,” says Schochet. On Saturday at 9:30 a.m., he will present a sermon on “The Animal Rights Movement,” including Jewish attitudes on vegetarianism and animal experimentation, and how nonhuman life fits into the traditional Jewish perspective. Saturday afternoon from 12:45 to 2 p.m. will be devoted to studying a Talmudic tractate on the theme of See Scholar, page 2

Kaddish to honor soldiers at Wall replica in OV DEBE CAMPBELL AJP Editorial Assistant


iverfront Park in Oro Valley was chosen as the only location in Arizona for “The Wall That Heals” exhibition, featuring a replica of the national capital’s Vietnam Veterans Memorial. The Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona Northwest Division is among sponsors of the exhibit, hosted March 15-18 by the Town of Oro Valley Parks Department and Bring the Wall, Inc. In 1996, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund unveiled a half-scale replica of the memorial, designed to travel to communities throughout the United States. “The Wall That Heals” has visited nearly 600 communities throughout the nation, spreading its healing legacy to millions. The exhibits tell the story of the Vietnam War, the era surrounding the conflict, and The Wall. It’s designed to put America’s experiences in Vietnam in an historical and cultural context. This year’s tour features a new, three-quarters size replica.

Photo: bringthewallaz.com



The replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial

JFSA Northwest Division Advisory Council Chair Alan Kendal played a role to ensure that fallen Jewish soldiers enshrined on the wall will be honored at the local opening and closing See Wall, page 2

Rabin’s legacy, leadership topic for Pozez talk “This book is my most personal. I worked with him (Rabin) and knew AJP Editorial Assistant him very well. Writing the book was ore than two decades have a labor of love.” passed since Israeli Prime It is an account of Rabin’s life, Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s character, and contribution, drawassassination in 1995, yet he remains ing on original research and the auan intriguing and admired modern thor’s recollections as one of Rabin’s leader. Former Israeli ambassador closest aides. He provides insights Itamar Rabinovich to the U.S. Itamar Rabinovich will into Rabin’s relationships with world speak about his recent biography of leaders including Bill Clinton, JorRabin in an upcoming lecture in Tucson, Tues- dan’s King Hussein, and Henry Kissinger; his day, March 13. desire for an Israeli-Syrian peace plan; and the “I’ll focus around the biography of Rabin that political developments that shaped his tenure. was published last year, but not just the book. Rabinovich also assesses the repercussions of Many issues in the book are relevant today, but Rabin’s murder; Benjamin Netanyahu’s ensunot in a positive way,” Rabinovich recently told ing election as prime minister, and the rise of the AJP from his home in Tel Aviv. Israel’s radical right wing. His book, “Yitzhak Rabin: Soldier, Leader, An Israeli ultra-national extremist assassiStatesman” is called an insider’s perspective on nated Rabin in 1995 as he was trying to resolve the life and influence of Israel’s first native-born the Palestinian issue and withdraw from the prime minister, his peace initiatives, and his as- West Bank. “The assassination did not end the sassination. Author of more than a dozen other Palestinian issue, but it dealt a deadly blow,” says See Rabin, page 2 historical, political books, Rabinovich says,




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WALL continued from page 1

ceremonies. At 9 a.m. on Thursday, March 15, Rabbi Avraham Alpert will deliver the opening Kaddish along with other chaplains’ prayers and an honor guard. Closing ceremonies at 9 a.m. on Sunday, March 18, will include a Kaddish by Rabbi Sanford Seltzer. Tucson Mayor Jonathan Rothschild is expected to welcome distinguished speakers, the honor guard, and prayers by other chaplains that morning. The

RABIN continued from page 1




Rabinovich. “A line was crossed . . . this was the first time an Israeli prime minister had been killed by an Israeli Jew. This kind of radicalism or incitement to hurt opponents has become more rampant in domestic politics.” Rabin’s life also raises a question of leadership and statesmanship in the world today, says Rabinovich. “There are a lot of questions about leadership, obviously in the U.S., but also in Western Europe. Leadership and statesmanship are lacking. For that reason, the book is now being translated into Serbian, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, German and other languages. The interest is not because of the story, but because of the man who proved to be a strong leader.”

SCHOLAR continued from page 1


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telling the truth. It raises questions, he says, such as “What if telling the truth turns out to be harmful or hurtful? Is it preferable not to tell the truth or not to tell the whole truth, in order to preserve a relationship or the dignity of a relationship? “And we’ll be considering the imperative to tell the truth to a terminally ill patient,” he adds. Schochet, who was Bet Shalom’s scholar-in-residence in 2015, is the author of seven books on Jewish thought and the lives of great Jewish figures, including “Amalek: The Enemy Within,” and “The Hasidic Movement and the Gaon of Vilna.” He served as the rabbi

Wall will be lit and guarded around the clock during its stay, so the public may visit at any time. It will be disassembled at 3 p.m. March 18. Numerous civic organizations, private citizens, local businesses and veterans’ organizations made this visit possible. Any excess funds raised will benefit a veteran’s charity organization. Volunteers and funding continue to be welcome; email support@bringthewall.az. Riverfront Park is located at 551 W. Lambert Lane. For more information, visit bringthewallaz.com or thewallthatheals.org.

Rabinovich is a frequent visitor to Tucson. “I have strong relations with the Arizona Center for Judaic Studies and have spoken, on most visits, at the university or in public lectures.” This month’s lecture is a part of the center’s 20th Anniversary Shaol and Louis Pozez Memorial Lectureship Series 20172018. The series has a national and international reputation for its history of distinguished lecturers. Other event sponsors include the Pozez Family Fund at the Jewish Community Foundation of Southern Arizona, Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona, the Tucson Jewish Community Center and Tucson University Park Hotel. Free and open to the public, the event starts at 7 p.m. at the Tucson Jewish Community Center. For more information, call 626-5758 or visit judaic.arizona.edu.

of Congregation Beth Kodesh, later renamed Shomrei Torah, in Los Angeles from 1960-1999. He has been an adjunct professor of rabbinical literature at American Jewish University for more than 40 years and professor of rabbinic studies at the Academy for Jewish Religion-California since its founding in 2000. He is also a licensed marriage and child counselor in California. Schochet is the son of Rabbi Jacob Schochet, who taught at the Los Angeles Yeshiva, and the grandson of Rabbi Chaim Zvi Rubenstein, founder of the Hebrew Theological College of Chicago. He graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles, in 1955 and was ordained by the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in 1960. In 1967, he received his doctorate in rabbinic literature from JTS.








Correction: The article “Social activist among writers for BNC Book & Author events” in the Feb. 23 edition referred to Mike Lawson as an Edgar Award-winning author. Lawson has not won an Edgar Award.

LOCAL Making Passover possible for those in need

Experience Matters

Jim Jacobs Photo courtesy Jewish Family & Children’s Services


520-444-1444 | Jim@JimJacobs.com | JimJacobs.com

Volunteers Adidi Juma (left) and Barbara Brumer assemble Passover packages at Jewish Family & Children’s Services.

DEBE CAMPBELL AJP Editorial Assistant


he annual Matza & More program has served thousands of households in Tucson. The project ensures that needy Jewish individuals and families in the community have the necessities to celebrate Passover with joy and dignity. For more than 40 years, Jewish Family & Children’s Services of Southern Arizona has headed the program, with donations and support from local businesses, synagogues, Jewish agencies and individuals. This year organizers anticipate delivering up to 200 care packages throughout the community. “JFCS does this with the wider Jewish community,” says Nancy Lefkowitz, the project’s volunteer chairperson. “Food is costly at Passover time. We provide the ingredients so they can make their own Seder or share it with friends or family. We want people not to feel alone.” Packages are filled with fresh vegetables, gefilte fish, horseradish, walnuts, grape juice, matzah ball soup mix, grocery gift cards, holiday candles and matzah. “Although synagogues and agencies provide in-kind and financial support, it doesn’t cover the total cost,” says Lefkowitz. “We really count on the community at large. Without those donations, this program would be history.” “There is great need,” says Debbie

Crowder, Jewish Emergency Financial Assistance manager at JFCS. Throughout the year, JEFA assists those in crisis, providing immediate help with rent, utilities, food, transportation and other things. “A lot of low income individuals on Social Security or disability, may have under $850 a month. It’s hard for them to stretch their dollars,” she says. “Helping to get kosher food to celebrate at the holiday and connect them with their Jewish roots, gives them the opportunity to see that others do care,” says Crowder. “Those who are visited feel they’re not invisible,” adds Lefkowitz. “It’s a person-to-person connection,” says Susan Kasle, JFCS vice president of community services. Volunteers drive the program that has many working parts, from collecting donations to purchasing food, sorting and packing, phoning recipients to loading and delivering. “We thank all of the volunteers who have helped over the years,” says Kasle. The 28 volunteer delivery drivers are encouraged to take along family or friends, especially children, to participate in the mitzvah. This year’s food packages will be assembled on Friday, March 23 and delivered Sunday, March 25. Contributions continue to be accepted online at jfcstucson.org/donate/ matza-more. Names of those in need can be referred to their rabbi or by calling Crowder at 795-0300.

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LOCAL After decades of silence, French survivor speaks

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Photo courtesy Léon Malmed

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Léon Malmed, right, with his wife, Patricia, in Dubrovnkik, Croatia, during a 2014 sailing trip



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s a former French teacher with an enduring passion for the French language and culture and a devout cardiac Jew (Jewish in my heart), I had to attend Monsieur Léon Malmed’s talk Feb. 19 on his survival during the Holocaust in Compiègne, France. The 80-year-old was silent regarding his wartime experiences for 60 years, but finally decided to write his autobiography, “We Survived … At Last I Speak,” published in 2013. Speaking at the Jewish History Museum/Holocaust History Center, Malmed said he considers World War II, which resulted in the death of 72 million people, the most barbaric period in the history of mankind. Preceding his talk, Malmed showed a 15-minute documentary, “The Promise,” which gives an overview of his life during that time. Then he told his story, beginning with his family’s arrival in France in 1930. In a cruel twist of fate, his parents, Chana and Srul, had left Poland to escape rampant anti-Semitism. With his older sister, Rachel, they eventually settled in Compiègne, 40 miles north of Paris, where Léon was born. Hitler invaded France in 1940 and restrictions soon began, followed by deportations. One fateful Sunday in July of 1942, there was a knock on their door at 5 a.m. Two French gendarmes (police) came to arrest Srul and Chana, who were seen as untermenschen (subhumans) by the Nazis simply because they were Jewish. The children’s screams awakened downstairs

neighbors Henri and Suzanne Ribouleau, who assured the parents, “Ne vous inquiétez pas (don’t worry). We will look after your children until you return.” How could little Léon and sister Rachel (ages four and seven respectively) have imagined that they would never see their parents again? For the next three years, the Ribouleaus kept their promise to care for the children. They also continued to pay the rent on the Malmeds’ apartment, hoping the family would eventually return. Food was scarce. Malmed remembers, “Many nights we went to bed hungry after a ‘dinner’ of a glass of milk and ‘bread,’ a combination of wheat flour and sawdust.” He and his sister had several close calls with capture by the Nazis, but through a combination of quick thinking and good luck evaded the S.S. At the beginning of World War II, there were roughly 600 Jews in Compiègne. By the end, two Jews remained — Léon and Rachel. After the war ended, an aunt and uncle living in Saint Quentin, a nearby French town, wrenched the children away from their loving second parents, “Papa Henri” and “Maman Suzanne,” in the belief that they should not be living with gentiles. In 1948 Rachel, age 15, was sent to New York to live with another aunt, uncle and their three children. Léon was not allowed to go with her because the New York family felt that they could not take on the care of yet another child. Léon remained behind with his aunt and uncle and was finally reunited with See Survivor, page 8

LOCAL Cuddle a cockroach, go nose to nose with a skunk, or fly a drone. It’s kids’ choice at Tucson Hebrew Academy’s 4th Annual STEM Festival, Sunday, March 18. STEM encompasses science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The free, family fun fair will offer 50 different exhibits with hands-on activities or demonstrations. “This year’s festival promises to be the biggest and best,” says Jennifer Lehrfeld, THA STEM coordinator and science department head. “To double the fun, we’ve partnered with the THA Health & Wellness Fair to bring even more great hands-on experiences.” Among health highlights are a glow-germ experiment to see how germs are spread and handson cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training. Participants also can learn about the technology behind laser dentistry and visit a wellness center for free health screenings. New this year is an air and space experience. With actual aircraft on site, experts will explain the basics of flight with a 40-foot glider and a Cessna aircraft. SkyPod Images will demonstrate aerial views from drones and offer hands-on drone flight experience. Southern Arizona Rocketry Association will launch rockets throughout the day following the morning build-and-fly rocketry workshop. The Lunar & Planetary Laboratory and the OSIRIS-REX Mission staff will detail how asteroid Bennu was reached and surface samples collected. Many of last year’s popular exhibitors are returning, says Lehrfeld. The Center for Neurosciences Foundation will bring its Brain Bus and the Tucson Rep-

Photo: Facebook

THA STEM, health fests to offer fun, knowledge

The Arizona Sonora Desert Museum presents live animal shows at Tucson Hebrew Academy STEM festivals.

tile Museum will have critters to view and hold. The Arizona Sonoran Desert Museum has free animal shows and a marine booth with a shark. The Three Ring Lab demonstrates 3-D printing, chemistry magic and allows kids to hold cockroaches and read with butterflies. Glass-blowing, robotics, solar cooking, wildlife, rocks and minerals are also in store for fairgoers. The fair will be held on the THA campus, 3888 E. River Road. It runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., but there is a build-andfly rocketry workshop at 9 a.m. for the first 25 children who pre-register. For more information, visit thastem.com/ stem-festival.

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COMMENTARY Post-Parkland, teens don’t need our praise — they need a place at the table DAVID BRYFMAN JTA

Photo: Rhona Wise/AFP/Getty Images


n the aftermath of the fatal mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, the Jewish community should take note: Teenagers are not just the future of the Jewish people; they are the dynamic force driving social change today. Today we are witnessing history unfold as the American teenage populace is mobilizing. This moment will be recorded as one in which adolescents were the catalysts for societal change — and they will keep fighting because they know that they are on the right side of history. The irony should not be lost here. Generation Z (teens born post-2000) are often described as the most narcissistic, materialistic generation that the world has ever known. They are referred to as “the iGeneration” and “the Selfie Generation.” Their addiction to electronic devices has been well documented, and with it the social deficits that this addiction brings. Those of us who study and work with today’s youth know all too well that despite the alleged self-indulgence of this

Marjory Stoneman High School student Cameron Kasky addressing area students as they rally at his school after participating in a countywide school walkout in Parkland, Fla., Feb. 21, 2018.

generation, its members have repeatedly demonstrated that they are committed to social and political change. And now the spotlight is firmly on them — and it’s their time to shine. Those who mistrust the influence of technology fail to truly understand these youth. For today’s youth, technology is not

what they do; it is who they are. The smartphone and its apps are an extension of their lives. And social media, in all of its variations, enhances their social life and amplifies their engagement with the world. After the tragedies of Parkland, and Sandy Hook, and Columbine, and too many others to name, it is time to allow

today’s youth to fix what we could not. Our role as adults must be to empower our young to take control of the conversation and ensure that policymakers hear their voices loud and clear. On a recent webinar sponsored by The Jewish Education Project and 12 major Jewish organizations serving youth, 450 educators tuned in live as Saralyn Lerner — a Jewish high school senior from Boca Raton, Florida, who helped organize a sit-out at her school in the days following the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland — issued the following call to action: The best thing you can do is instead of simply just empowering your teens and allowing them to do the things they have been asking — like these marches and these sitouts and these walkouts and these protests — [is to] actually take part in them. You, as Jewish educators, you are the ones who taught us how to fight for what we believed in, whether you’re our teachers, whether you’re our rabbis, whether you’re our cantor at our synagogues — we looked up to you. It’s your generation that put these ideas in See Teens, page 10

In outreach to progressives, AIPAC heartily endorses the two-state solution RON KAMPEAS JTA WASHINGTON he American Israel Public Affairs Committee opened its arms to progressives this week, launching its annual policy conference with direct appeals to pro-Israel liberals who


have lately considered the lobby an unwelcoming extension of Israel’s solidly right-wing government. In addition to major speeches and smaller sessions devoted to bipartisan outreach, there was a surprisingly forthright endorsement of the fading twostate solution from the organization’s executive director.

3718 E. River Rd., Suite 272, Tucson, AZ 85718 • 520-319-1112 www.azjewishpost.com • localnews@azjewishpost.com The Arizona Jewish Post (ISSN 1053-5616) is published biweekly except July for a total of 24 issues. The publisher is the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona located at 3718 E. River Rd., Tucson, AZ 85718. Inclusion of paid advertisements does not imply an endorsement of any product, service or person by the Arizona Jewish Post or its publisher. The Arizona Jewish Post does not guarantee the Kashrut of any merchandise advertised. The Arizona Jewish Post reserves the right to refuse any advertisement.



ADVERTISING MANAGER Bertí S. Brodsky berti@azjewishpost.com





OFFICE MANAGER — April Bauer office@azjewishpost.com

GRAPHIC DESIGNER — Michelle Shapiro ads@azjewishpost.com

Arizona Jewish Post Advisory Board Damion Alexander, Myles Beck, Barbara Befferman Danes, Bruce Beyer (chairman), Roberta Elliott, Cathy Karson, Deanna Myerson, Steve Weintraub Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona Stuart Mellan, President • Fran Katz, Senior Vice President • Shelly Silverman, Chairman of the Board



“To my friends in the progressive community, I want you to know we are partners in this project,” AIPAC President Mort Fridman said Sunday at the launch of this year’s conference at the convention center here. “The progressive narrative for Israel is just as compelling and critical as the conservative one,” Fridman said. “There are very real forces trying to pull you out of this hall and out of this movement and we cannot let that happen — we will not let that happen!” The crowd applauded. AIPAC is contending with a Jewish community that polls show is deeply unhappy with the Trump administration and its Republican allies in Congress. Jews who have achieved maturity — and voting age — in the past decade have known only an Israeli government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that has been at odds with the president favored by the vast majority of Jews, Barack Obama. So from the get-go, AIPAC has rolled out the welcome mat for progressives — to the degree that the AIPAC leadership could manage such a thing. There are plenty of obstacles to AIPAC making its tent wider: Its rank and file, judging from the applause, remains partial to conservatives, and the progressive movement remains deeply suspicious of

a lobby they see as identified with hostility to Obama and the right-wing policies of Netanyahu. Which may explain why for the first time in memory — possibly in the lobby’s history — AIPAC appeared to get ahead of both the U.S. and Israeli governments of the day in pressing for a peace deal. “We must all work toward that future two states for two people, one Jewish with defensible borders and one Palestinian, with its own flag and its own future,” Howard Kohr, AIPAC’s executive director, said in a speech Sunday evening (one albeit delivered after much of the conference had departed for dinner or for the Jewish meet-and-greets that traditionally crop up around AIPAC conferences). It was a stunning declaration at a time when both President Donald Trump and the Netanyahu government have retreated from explicit endorsement of a two-state outcome. Moreover, while Kohr demanded “defensible” borders, he made no mention of what for years has been a bedrock of Israeli government and AIPAC rhetoric: demilitarization of the Palestinian state. Kohr also sounded a note that could have come from J Street, the liberal See AIPAC, page 12

LETTER TO THE EDITOR CCAR reverses suspension, reinstates local rabbi On Friday, Feb. 16, 2018 the Board of Appeals of the Central Conference of American Rabbis issued its final opinion in which it voted unanimously “in the interest of substantial fairness” to reverse my suspension (reported here in the Arizona Jewish Post in September) and reinstate me immediately. I can now work as a rabbi in all capacities, performing life-cycle ceremonies, leading services, teaching, preaching and in all other functions. I am deeply grateful for the tremendous support I have received during this very difficult period from so many people. It has been my honor to serve this Jewish community for more than 18 years, and to always dedicate my energy and commitment to deepening Jewish knowledge, engagement and meaning in Southern Arizona. If anyone has any questions for me about this process,




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or any other issues arising out of this situation, I urge them to speak directly with me. It is always best to talk to the person involved rather than to rely on outside information, and I welcome those conversations. I can be reached directly at rabbisamcohon@gmail. com. L’Shalom, in peace, — Rabbi Samuel M. Cohon P.S. I have been asked frequently about my weekly radio show, “The Too Jewish Radio Show with Rabbi Sam Cohon and Friends,” now in its 16th year on the air in Arizona. The show remains on the air every Sunday morning at 9 a.m. on KVOI-1030 AM as well as streamed through the website, toojewishradio.com, and it is podcast on itunes at http://itunes.apple.com/ us/podcast/too-jewish/id391627329.

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LOCAL J to host IRC ‘Walk a Mile’ refugee simulation

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The International Rescue Committee in Tucson, in partnership with the Tucson Jewish Community Center, will present a “Walk a Mile in a Refugee’s Shoes” simulation event on Sunday, March 18, in the Tucson J’s Sculpture Garden. Registration starts at 9:30 a.m. and the event will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. As part of this simulation, attendees will assume the role of a refugee and focus on the challenges that refugees face in getting the bare necessities of life — food, water, shelter, and education. The event is

an effort to provide community members insight into the hardships and frustrations that refugees endure. Tucson Mayor Jonathan Rothschild, IRC Tucson Executive Director Jeffrey Cornish, and the Tucson J President and CEO Todd Rockoff will be providing commencement addresses. To register for the event, visit http:// bit.ly/2AeTaxL. For more information, contact IRC Outreach and Advocacy Coordinator Nejra Sumic at 319-2128, ext. 130 or Nejra.Sumic@rescue.org.


and began work on his autobiography in French, “Nous Avons Survécu…Enfin Je Parle.” The English translation was published in 2013, followed by a Spanish edition in 2015. All three are available on Amazon. Proceeds from the books’ sales are going to an organization that helps poor Jewish survivors of the Holocaust in the Bay Area. At the Jewish History Museum, a member of the audience questioned how he was able to persevere in spite of living through tragedies most of us can only imagine. He answered, “It is my nature to keep going even if others think circumstances are too hard or impossible.” Today Malmed, also a survivor of prostate cancer — which he considers a walk in the park compared to his experiences as a child of the Holocaust — enjoys the good life with his second wife of 37 years, Patricia, their children and grandchildren. He bicycles, sails, participates in Zumba and also volunteers in many philanthropic endeavors. Frequently asked why he continues to tell his emotional story, Malmed always replies that he hopes each person who hears it will be inspired to make this a better world.

continued from page 4

the Ribouleaus in 1950; he remained with them until he was drafted by the French Air Force to fight in the Algerian war in 1959. It would be 13 more years before Rachel Malmed Epstein and her husband, Izzy, would have the funds to bring her brother, his pregnant wife and their son to New York. Malmed was 27. Fortunately, with a degree in engineering from France, Malmed found work right away. In 1978, Rachel and Léon arranged for Henri and Suzanne Ribouleau to be awarded the honor of Righteous Among the Nations at Yad Vashem in Israel. A tree was planted there in recognition of their heroism. In 1982, Malmed was recruited for a position in Silicon Valley, where the high tech industry was off to a booming start. He retired in 2000, having worked with companies that created components used in today’s computers, tablets and iPhones. Why did Malmed keep his story bottled up for 60 years after the war? “It was too painful,” he says. By 2009, he felt it was time to “uncork the bottle”

Barbara Russek, a local freelance writer, welcomes comments at Babette2@comcast.net.

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ARTS & CULTURE / LOCAL Second volume preserving local survivor stories available DEBE CAMPBELL AJP Editorial Assistant


olume 2 of “To Tell Our Stories: Holocaust Survivors of Southern Arizona” will be among hundreds of books represented at this weekend’s Tucson Festival of Books, March 10-11 at the University of Arizona. The newly-released book chronicles 45 local Holocaust survivors’ stories. It is the second book in a project initiated by Raisa Moroz, Jewish Family & Children’s Services of Southern Arizona Holocaust Survivor Program manager. Agency volunteer Richard Fenwick, a retired United States Air Force Russian linguist, poet and author is the co-editor and translator for both books. Moroz says she accidentally began collecting the stories, originally from Russian survivors. After the first volume was published 2015, many other survivors came forward, wanting to share their stories, from Hungary, Germany, Czechoslovakia and Poland. “We have the gift of many amazing Holocaust survivors who came to Tucson from different European countries,” says Moroz. “I am so grateful that they entrusted their unique stories to us, and agreed to share More than 20 years’ experience owning and managing rental properties.

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them with our community so the personal accounts of what they experienced will be recorded and remembered by future generations to come.” “JFCS is grateful to the survivors for sharing their stories,” says Susan Kasle, JFCS’ vice president of community services. “Having firsthand accounts of the Holocaust in circulation supports our survivor services and public awareness of our mission at JFCS.” JFCS’ Holocaust Survivors Program provides care management and support services to Holocaust survivors, and since 1998 has served over 150 local survivors. JFCS sponsors book readings in public libraries and other community venues where survivors themselves read their stories. Since October, 1,025 listeners have attended one of nine readings, Moroz says. The next reading will be on Thursday, April 12, at the Joel Valdez Main Library downtown. Both volumes are available at the Tucson Festival of Books and on Amazon.com. For more information on the JFCS Holocaust Survivor Program, the book project and public readings, visit jfcstucson.org/services/holocaust-survivors-program.

On April 6, 2018 the Arizona Jewish Post will celebrate the 70th anniversary of Israel’s Independence with a special issue. We invite you to be part of the special commemorative issue by including your names on an anniversary greeting, “The Southern Arizona Community Salutes Israel.” The AJP will donate a portion of every $18 community greeting to the Weintraub Israel Center, a joint project of the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona and the Tucson Jewish Community Center.

Community Greetings $18 Two names maximum per greeting Deadline March 27, 2018

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If you have any questions, please call the Arizona Jewish Post at 319-1112 and ask for April. March 9, 2018, ARIZONA JEWISH POST



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(JTA) The heads of 139 Jewish day schools have signed an open letter urging action following last month’s deadly shooting at a Florida high school. The letter released Tuesday expresses support for the student movement calling for gun reform and seeks political change. Prizmah, a group representing over 300 Jewish day schools, organized the letter. The schools that signed on are from the United States and Canada, and represent various denominations and affiliations.

“As leaders in our communities, as Jews of conscience, and most of all, as those who have taken on the sacred task of educating and protecting our children, we feel compelled to join our nation’s youth to demand action that will increase safety in all of our schools,” the letter reads. It calls upon President Donald Trump, federal and state lawmakers and citizens “to enact common sense legislation that addresses all factors contributing to a safe and secure educational community, including restrictions and safeguards related to guns.”


American teens. Through an initiative called Generation Now Voices, The Jewish Education Project will invite, collect and disseminate teen sermons that speak to the issues of our time, spark debate and inspire change. On a personal level, as a recently naturalized American citizen, I urge every adult to offer teenagers the resources and transportation — and if need be to act as chaperones — so that they can show up to demonstrate. I would also urge every nonprofit organization to consider including teenagers on their boards as active voices and decision-makers, particularly if their voices can provide important or missing perspectives. I encourage every gathering, conference and demonstration, no matter what the issue, to find an impassioned teen to speak to that issue. In the weeks leading up to March 24 and beyond, I urge all clergy to yield their pulpit to a teenager in their congregation. These steps are not lip service. They are recognition that today’s teenagers have something fiercely real to say; that they are here and that they have a voice worth hearing. These steps also reflect our recognition that we adults might not have all the answers, and that sometimes we might be best served in actively withdrawing to offer those better suited to fill that space.

continued from page 6

our heads of how we can use our own voices and we’re doing exactly that. But we need your help because a generation of teenagers, as much as I’d like to hope that we could, we’re not taking over the world. We’re starting a movement, and every movement has its leaders, every movement has its followers. And on this movement, the Jewish educators ... also are the leaders of this. You’re telling us since we were kids, that we need to speak for ourselves, that we need to protect, that we need to respond to one another, you showed us that way, and the only way that these peaceful protests and that change is going to happen is if you keep showing us those right ways. Over the next weeks and months, The Jewish Education Project will be offering guides and resources for organizations who want to elevate the voices of teenagers within their communities. With encouragement from rabbis, education directors and other Jewish professionals, we will encourage teens to raise their voices in congregations and communities across the country, particularly on Shabbat HaGadol (The Great Shabbat), March 24, the Shabbat before Passover that for centuries has been set aside as a day for communal rabbis to deliver major sermons. This year, Shabbat HaGadol coincides with the March For Our Lives gun control demonstrations throughout the U.S. led by

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David Bryfman, Ph.D., is the chief innovation officer of The Jewish Education Project. View The Jewish Education Project’s resources for “Responding to Parkland: Supporting Our Students from Grief to Activism” at jewishedproject.org.


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LOCAL ADL annual report: Anti-Semitic incidents in Arizona show record increase The number of anti-Semitic incidents in Arizona surged to 26 in 2017, with the largest single-year increase on record for the region, the Anti-Defamation League said in a new report released Feb. 27. Nineteen percent of the incidents occurred in Tucson, including the bomb Carlos Galindo-Elvira threats to the Tucson Jewish Community Center. The sharp rise, reported in ADL’s Audit of AntiSemitic Incidents, was in part due to a significant increase in incidents in schools. “The anti-Semitic incidents reported to ADL Arizona reflect a climate of growing incivility and hate groups emboldening their efforts,” said Carlos Galindo-Elvira, ADL Arizona regional director.


ADL, which was founded in 1913, began its annual audit of anti-Semitic incidents in the United States in 1979. Last year, in response to concerns about rising anti-Semitism, ADL stepped up the frequency of its reporting. In 2017, according to ADL Arizona, the incidents in Arizona included: • 19 incidents of harassment, up from five in 2016; • 6 incidents of vandalism, up from five in 2016; • 1 physical assault, reported for the first time in two years. Across the United States, there were 1,986 incidents, an increase of 57 percent over 2016. The largest increase in 2017 was in the category of vandalism. This is particularly concerning, according to ADL, because it indicates perpetrators feel emboldened enough to break the law. In the vast majority of vandalism cases the perpetrators remain unidentified. According to the audit, there are myriad reasons why the numbers are rising, including that more people

are reporting incidents to ADL. Anti-Semitic incidents took place in a variety of locations, including private homes, public areas such as parks and streets, Jewish institutions and schools and colleges/universities.

School incidents on the rise

Nationally, anti-Semitic incidents in K-12 schools and college campuses in 2017 nearly doubled over 2016. There were 457 anti-Semitic incidents reported in non-Jewish schools, up from 235 in 2016 and 114 in 2015. Jewish institutions and schools also saw incidents double, jumping from 170 in 2016 to 342 last year. Meanwhile, college campuses saw a total of 204 incidents in 2017, compared to 108 in 2016. “The consistent increase of anti-Semitic incidents against students of all ages is deeply troubling,” said Jonathan A. Greenblatt, ADL CEO and national director. “We know that students do not always report when they are being bullied, so for every incident that’s reported, it is likely there’s another that goes unreported. This is why it is imperative for schools to have anti-bias and anti-bullying programs, and why we are committing to take our No Place for Hate program into more schools this year.”

ADL’s response

ADL’s approach to address anti-Semitic incidents and behavior includes educating youth to prevent these behaviors and working with law enforcement to apprehend the perpetrators. ADL trains 15,000 law enforcement officials per year, provides anti-bias training widely, including to every new FBI agent, and reaches 1.5 million kids in schools with its anti-bias and antibullying training. “We make government leaders and the public aware of anti-Semitism so we can counter it together,” said Greenblatt. “Anti-Semitism may be the oldest hatred, but it is deeply felt today and we will never give up on our important work to ensure our communities are safe for each and every one.” ADL recently announced expansions in its work to

counter cyber hate with a new center in Silicon Valley, in recognition of the close connection between the rise in hate online and the rise of hate incidents in our communities.

Policy recommendations

ADL is sharing the following policy recommendations with members of Congress and other government leaders: • Congress should pass legislation to expand federal protections against bomb threats to religious institutions. The House of Representatives approved this legislation, HR 1730, in December. The Senate must now act and send the measure to the President to sign. • Public officials and law enforcement authorities must use their bully pulpit to speak out against antiSemitic incidents — and all acts of hate. These officials must support efforts to punish this conduct to the fullest extent of the law, while providing comfort and assistance to individual victims and community members. • Victims and bystanders should report all anti-Semitic incidents and vandalism to the Anti-Defamation League and to local police. • College and university administrators, faculty, and staff must receive the necessary training to effectively respond to anti-Semitic incidents, hate crimes, hate speech, and extremism on campus. Campus officials have a moral obligation to speak out against hate. Colleges and universities must build an institution for learning that works toward inclusion and equity while also ensuring open expression and a marketplace for ideas. The ADL Audit includes both criminal and noncriminal acts of harassment and intimidation, including distribution of hate propaganda, threats, and slurs. Compiled using information provided by victims, law enforcement, and community leaders, and evaluated by ADL’s professional staff, the audit assists ADL in developing and enhancing its programs to counter and prevent the spread of anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry.



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AIPAC continued from page 6

Mideast lobby that presents itself as an alternative to AIPAC: Security, he said, is illusory without peace deals. “Israel’s security cannot be fully ensured and a promise cannot be fully realized until she is at peace with all her neighbors,” he said. The settler movement immediately expressed shock. “I am astounded as to why such a great, meaningful organization as AIPAC, whose raison d’etre is proIsrael advocacy in the United States, would present the positions of the State of Israel (and of the U.S.) so inaccurately before senior government officials, senators and congressmen, and the general pro-Israel public,” Yossi Dagan, the head of the Samaria regional council, wrote in a letter to AIPAC, reported The Jewish Press. To be sure, Kohr made his pitch with the traditional AIPAC caveats: The Palestinians were primarily if not wholly at fault for the lack of movement because they would not agree to direct negotiations. (Netanyahu wants direct talks; the Palestinians say that an arena that keeps away international pressure on Israel places them at a disadvantage.) And Kohr notably made no mention of settlements. Avi Gabbay, the new Labor Party leader in Israel, earlier Sunday received only tepid applause with his call to remove settlements deemed illegal under Israeli law. A key theme of the conference — and of its legislative agenda — was using laws to push back against the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement targeting Israel. The laws would allow state and local governments to block entities that support BDS from doing

business with the state through pensions and contracts. Progressives have come out against the state BDS laws and those proposed for Congress because they see it as inhibiting free speech. Liberals also object that the laws almost uniformly target not just entities that boycott Israel, but those that boycott settlements as well. And AIPAC stood strong in its continued disdain for the 2015 Iran nuclear deal that Obama negotiated. On Sunday, a panel on the agreement featured a top AIPAC official, Brad Gordon; U.S. Rep. Ileana RosLehtinen, R-Fla., and a former congresswoman, Jane Harman, a Democrat. All were opposed to the deal. AIPAC’s legislative agenda included a bill that would enhance sanctions on Iran as a means to force compliance with policies not included in the 2015 deal, which trades sanctions relief for a rollback of Iran’s nuclear program. AIPAC officials made clear that the organization was reaching out to the left but not closing out the right. Fridman said maintaining bipartisan support for Israel was critical in a polarizing time. “People are angry and hurting and frustrated and fed up,” Fridman said. “There’s an impulse to walk away from politics to retreat to partisan corners and to demonize the other side. We cannot let those impulses win the day.” AIPAC has been buffeted in recent years by tensions between Israel and Democrats during the previous administration. It is striving to rebuild bipartisan support at a time when Trump has made good on promises that AIPAC has had on its agenda for years: recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and seeking to alter the Iran nuclear deal. Fridman’s thanks to Trump for those policies earned






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Photo: AIPAC

extended applause. At the same time, Trump has meager approval ratings among American Jews, most of whom vote Democratic and are repulsed by the bigotry they perceive in his rhetoric and policies, and his projected rollbacks of social safety nets. On Monday, Trump met with Netanyahu, who has been effusive in his praise of the U.S. leader. Winning back a majority progressive Jewish community to its fold was nonetheless the overwhelming focus of a slew of breakouts with titles like “Foundations of Pro-Israel Progressive Activism.” A session on Zionism and feminism drew a packed room. (Most AIPAC breakout sessions like these are closed to the media. New York’s Jewish Week editorialized last week that it would not be sending reporters to the conference to protest the closed-door policy.) The progressive agenda also featured prominently on the main stage. One of the keynote speakers on Sunday morning was former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, a Democrat, who called Israel a “progressive paradise” because of its support for women’s rights, LGBTQ rights and its subsidies for health care and parental care. “Israel can be a role model for other nations including America showing how citizens are cared for,” said Granholm, who received a standing ovation. Progressives also dominated the stage on Monday with talks by Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, a Democrat; Isaac Herzog, the Israeli opposition leader; and Rami Hod, a union organizer who now directs the Berl Katznelson Education Center near Tel Aviv. “We should do the exact opposite of what BDS supporters advocate,” Hod said. “We should provide a space for the multiplicity of voices.” It was a theme Kohr advanced the evening before. “Know this: We in the pro-Israel movement will ask you to do many things, but we will never demand that you change anything about yourselves, we want you the way you are,” he said. “Whatever your politics or struggle, the color of your skin, the language that you speak, the faith you hold close, no matter whom you love, we want you.”

AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr speaks to the Israel lobby’s policy conference in Washington, D.C., March 4, 2018.

Another issue sowing tensions between Israel and American Jews is Netanyahu’s reneging on pledges over the years to improve the status of non-Orthodox Jews in Israel. Ambassador Ron Dermer told the AIPAC crowd that he expected “good news” later this year on allowing organized non-Orthodox prayer at the Western Wall, one of Judaism’s holiest sites. An estimated 18,000 activists attended the conference, which culminated in a Capitol Hill lobbying day on Tuesday. On AIPAC’s legislative agenda is introducing new Iran sanctions as a means of toughening the 2015 deal; codifying into law a pledge of $38 billion over 10 years in defense assistance to Israel Obama promised in his waning days in office; and support for measures that would set penalties for compliance with boycotts of Israel and Israeli settlements in the West Bank.


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PASSOVER PLANS Here are some new children’s books for Passover — and springtime, too PENNY SCHWARTZ JTA


talking parrot saves the family seder and a moose-musician is eager to host his perfect first Passover meal in a pair of delightful new children’s books for the holiday, which this year begins on the night of March 30. Looking beyond Passover, a new crop of Jewish children’s books beckons for the spring that includes a picture book on Moe Berg, the Jewish baseball player who became a spy for the U.S. government; an adventure chapter book that travels back to the days of King Solomon; and a rollicking graphic novel on the life story of Dr. Ruth Westheimer. “Paulie’s Passover Predicament” Jane Sutton; illustrated by Barbara Vagnozzi Kar-Ben Publishing; ages 3-8 Paulie is a guitar-playing moosician who is hosting his very first seder and wants it to be just perfect. At the grocery store, he piles his cart with boxes of matzah, candles and lots of grape juice. But Paulie’s guests — a porcupine, bear, bunny and others — giggle and poke fun at his seder plate with its really big ostrich egg, saltwater with pepper, and pine cones rather than walnuts for the ceremonial charoset. Kids will get in on the action when Paulie sets out to search for the hidden

afikomen — until the basement door closes shut behind him. Paulie ingeniously solves the problem and later leads his friends in a rousing rendition of “Dayenu”; he is especially grateful for his freedom. Jane Sutton’s playful story, enhanced by Barbara Vagnozzi’s brightly colored illustrations, captures the excitement of celebrating Passover with a tender touch that reinforces the importance of being kind to friends. “The Passover Parrot” Evelyn Zusman; illustrated by Kyrsten Brooker Kar-Ben Publishing; ages 3-8 Lily lives in a brownstone in Brooklyn with her parents and six brothers and sisters. She loves swinging on a tire swing that hangs from a large tree in their New York City backyard. As the family prepares to celebrate Passover, a neighbor who is moving drops off her pet parrot as a gift that delights Lily — her mom, however, doesn’t share the excitement. The parrot’s name is Hametz, the word for bread and other leavened food that is not eaten during Passover. Lily is determined to recite the Four Questions in Hebrew at the seder, but everyone is too busy to help her practice. Except Hametz, that is, who repeats the questions back to Lily. With a houseful of guests for the seder, Lily’s father is not amused when Hametz chimes in

with Lily and he banishes the parrot to the girl’s room. Will the seder be ruined when Lily discovers Hametz and the afikomen missing from her room? Lily solves the mystery and the seder comes to an uplifting end. This is a newly illustrated 35th anniversary edition of this story by Evelyn Zusman, who was a Hebrew school teacher in New York and Los Angeles, according to Kar-Ben Publishing. A lively Lily and playful Hametz are center stage throughout the book’s large, colorful illustrations by Canadian artist Kyrsten Brooker. She draws readers in on the scenes that evoke a nostalgic feel of urban Jewish life in the early to mid20th century. Here are some new Jewish titles on the springtime bookshelves: “The Spy Who Played Baseball” Carrie Jones; illustrated by Gary Cherrington Kar-Ben Publishing; ages 5-9 Nothing says spring like baseball. This new book introduces kids to the unusual story of Moe Berg, a Princetoneducated, multi-lingual major leaguer from the 1930s who was inducted into the National Jewish Sports Hall of Fame. During World War II, Berg became an intelligence officer for the U.S. war

efforts, including in Nazi-controlled Europe. “Search for the Shamir” Eric A. Kimmel; illustrated by Ivica Stevanovic Kar-Ben Publishing; ages 6-9 This is the second in the “Scarlett and Sam” series, a Jewish chapter book for older readers. Eric Kimmel, a popular and awardwinning author, delivers a fun adventure story with returning fictional twins Scarlett and Sam, who travel back in time to ancient Jerusalem, where they face the challenge of finding a mythical insect called the shamir that the ruler needs to build the First Temple. “Roller Coaster Grandma: The Amazing Story of Dr. Ruth” Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer and Pierre Lehu; illustrated by Mark Simmons Apples & Honey Press; ages 8-12 In this graphic novel, kids follow the remarkable life journey of Ruth Westheimer, the media star known as Dr. Ruth, who fled the Nazis on a Kindertransport, trained as a sniper with the Haganah in Israel and immigrated to the United States.

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PASSOVER PLANS Nine things you probably didn’t know about Passover MJL STAFF MY JEWISH LEARNING VIA JTA Here are nine things that many likely wouldn’t know about the Festival of Freedom: 1. In Gibraltar, there’s dust in the charoset. The traditional charoset is a sweet Passover paste whose texture is meant as a reminder of the mortar the enslaved Jews used to build in ancient Egypt. The name itself is related to the Hebrew word for clay. In Ashkenazi tradition, it is traditionally made from crushed nuts, apples and sweet red wine, while Sephardic Jews use figs or dates. But the tiny Jewish community of this small British territory at the tip of the Iberian Peninsula takes the brick symbolism to another level, using the dust of actual bricks in their recipe. 2. Abraham Lincoln died during Passover. The 16th American president was shot at Ford’s Theatre on a Friday, April 14, 1865, which coincided with the fourth night of Passover. The next morning, Jews who wouldn’t normally have attended services on the holiday were so moved by Lincoln’s passing they made their way to synagogues, where the normally celebratory Passover services were instead marked by acts of

mourning and the singing of Yom Kippur hymns. American Jews were so affected by the president’s death that Congregation Shearith Israel in New York recited the prayer for the dead — usually said only for Jews — on Lincoln’s behalf. 3. Arizona is a hub for matzah wheat. Hasidic Jews from Brooklyn have been increasingly sourcing wheat for their Passover matzah from farmers in Yuma, Arizona. Excessive moisture in wheat kernels can result in fermentation, rendering the harvest unsuitable for Passover use. But rain is scarce in Arizona, which allows for a stricter standard of matzah production. Rabbis from New York travel to Arizona in the days leading up to the harvest, where they inspect the grains meticulously to ensure they are cut at the precise moisture levels. 4. At the seder, Persian Jews whip each other with scallions. Many of the Passover seder rituals are intended to re-create the sensory experience of Egyptian slavery, from the eating of bitter herbs and matzah to the dipping of greenery in saltwater, which symbolizes the tears shed by the oppressed Israelites. Some Jews from Iran and Afghanistan have the tradition of whipping See Passover, page 18



PASSOVER continued from page 17

each other with green onions before the singing of “Dayenu.” 5. Karaite Jews skip the wine. Karaite Jews reject rabbinic Judaism, observing only laws detailed in the Torah. That’s why they don’t drink the traditional four cups of wine at the seder. Wine is fermented, and fermented foods are prohibited on Passover, so instead they drink fruit juice. (Mainstream Jews hold that only fermented grains are prohibited.) The Karaites also eschew other staples of the traditional seder, including the seder plate and charoset. Their maror (bitter herbs) is a mixture of lemon peel, bitter lettuce and an assortment of other herbs. 6. Israeli Jews have only one seder. Israeli Jews observe only one Passover seder, unlike everywhere else where traditionally two seders are held, one on each of the first two nights of the holiday. Known as yom tov sheni shel galuyot — literally “the second festival day of the Diaspora” — the practice was begun 2,000 years ago when Jews were informed of the start of a new lunar month only after it had been confirmed by witnesses in Jerusalem. Because Jewish communities outside of Israel were often delayed in learning the news, they consequently couldn’t be sure precisely which day festivals were meant to be observed. As a result, the practice of observing two seder days was instituted just to be sure. 7. You’re wrong about the orange on the seder plate.



Some progressive Jews have adopted the practice of including an orange on the seder plate as a symbol of inclusion of gays, lesbians and other groups marginalized in the Jewish community. The story goes that the practice was instituted by the feminist scholar Susannah Heschel after she was told that a woman belongs on the synagogue bimah, or prayer podium, like an orange belongs on a seder plate. But according to Heschel, that story is false. In that apocryphal version, she said, “a woman’s words are attributed to a man, and the affirmation of lesbians and gay men is erased. Isn’t that precisely what’s happened over the centuries to women’s ideas?” 8. “Afikomen” isn’t Hebrew. For many seder participants, the highlight of the meal is the afikomen — a broken piece of matzah that the seder leader hides and the children search for; the person who finds the afikomen usually gets a small reward. Most scholars believe the word “afikomen” derives from the Greek word for dessert. Others say it refers to a kind of postmeal revelry common among the Greeks. Either theory would explain why the afikomen is traditionally the last thing eaten at the seder. 9. For North African Jews, after Passover comes Mimouna. Most people are eager for a break from holiday meals when the eight-day Passover holiday concludes. But for the Jews of North Africa, the holiday’s end is the perfect time for another feast, Mimouna, marking the beginning of spring. Celebrated after nightfall on the last day of Passover, Mimouna is marked by a large spread of foods and the opening of homes to guests. The celebration is often laden with symbolism, including fish for fertility and golden rings for wealth.

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Experts in the garden and the kitchen are presenting programs at the Tucson Jewish Community Center this spring that celebrate the season’s bounty. Michael Ismail, the owner of Thrive and Grow Gardens, leads weekly gardening classes, now through June, on Fridays, which start indoors and move outside to the Shay Shay Community Garden. On Sunday, April 15, DIY kitchen expert and cookbook author Emily Paster will delve into the world of pickling, preserves, and canning methods in the J’s Spivak Demonstration Kitchen. Ismail, a Tucson-born expert gardener, teaches participants how to create life in the desert. “It is my passion to teach and help people find success in the garden and since growing vegetables in the desert can be a challenge for a lot people, my goal is to demystify the process, providing answers to questions — some you didn’t even know you needed to ask,” he says. “A large component of vegetable gardening here is timing. So, ‘Happy New Year!’ is synonymous

Photo: Andreas Ganter /Pixabay.com

Pickling, bee keeping, vegetable gardening among spring classes at Tucson J

Attracting pollinators is important for garden yields.

with ‘Let’s start tomato transplants!’” Ismail will teach a workshop on “Attracting Pollinators to Your Garden.” Not having enough pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, in your garden will lead to poor crop yields. Ismail will detail the best methods to attract these beneficial insects. He will discuss plant selection and also demonstrate how to build a Mason bee box. Mason bee is the name commonly used for several species of bees found in North America that are easy to

raise, gentle, and excellent pollinators. The name comes from their habit of using mud or other “masonry” products to construct their nests. Do you have a Mason jar (named for inventor John Landis Mason) at home begging for a purpose? Have you always wanted to create your own pickles to share with friends? Have you been eager to enjoy a New York City bagel in Tucson? In celebration of her cookbook, “The Joys of Jewish Preserving: Modern Recipes with

Traditional Roots, for Jams, Pickles, Fruit Butters, and More — For Holidays and Every Day,” Paster will share her knowledge with hands-on cooking lessons, a book signing and brunch. Through the J’s membership, shared with the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona, to The Jewish Book Council, Paster will host “Books, Bagels, & Brunch with Cookbook Author Emily Paster” in the J’s demonstration kitchen. She will lead a discussion and cooking demonstration on Jewish preserving techniques. Kosher bagels from Zabar’s in New York City will be served and participants will be able to try innovative pickles and chat about all things preserving. Tickets for the event include a signed copy of “The Joys of Jewish Preserving.” “The bagel brunch will have lots of delicious food as well as a lively discussion of the role of preservation in Jewish cuisine and I will demonstrate safe canning techniques right on the spot,” says Paster. The J also will host a cooking class See Pickling, page 20



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HOME& GARDEN Grow your own seder garden with seeds from libraries DEBE CAMPBELL AJP Editorial Assistant


ever again have wilted parsley for karpas (greens) on your seder plate. Instead, grow your own with free seeds, “borrowed” from one of several Pima County Library branches. This Seed Library was among the nation’s first circulating seed concepts, opened in 2012. Now, libraries across the country have adopted the model, many with advice from Tucson’s library system. The seed library features open-pollinated and heirloom seeds, donated by local and national seed companies, seed banks and local growers and harvesters, housed in repurposed card catalogue boxes. Library members can borrow up to six packets of seeds monthly. Each packet contains enough seeds to grow five to 10 plants. They are checked out with a library card like other materials, but there are no due dates or late fees. Gardeners are encouraged to save seeds from local, healthy, pollinated plants, and donate them back to the library. The Seed Library’s mission is to help nurture a thriving community of seed savers and to be part of a community-wide effort to create genetically diverse, desertadaptive plant varieties. By properly growing, selecting and harvesting seeds, borrowers ensure a collection of seeds that have become acclimated to the desert environment. So, your parsley will be hearty and more heat resistant when grown from local library seeds. (Note that with only three weeks until the first seder on March 30, you may have to plan ahead for next year to grow and harvest parsley for your Passover table — but you

PICKLING continued from page 19

where participants will learn exactly how to preserve the best of the local harvest. The J has teamed up with Pivot Produce, a local farm-to-table produce distributor, to showcase the season’s harvest. Paster will teach methods for preserving the season’s plenty in this hands-on class, which will enable participants to be creative with produce from the farmers’ market, prevent food waste, and capture nature at its best. Details: Thrive & Grow Vegetable Gardening Workshops with Michael Ismail

During the seder, parsley is dipped in salt water so we may symbolically taste both the hope of renewal and the tears shed by the Israelite slaves.

can certainly get a start now on vegetables for Sukkot, the harvest festival, which starts this year on Sept. 23.) Seeds may be checked out from these branches: Dusenberry-River, Flowing Wells, Himmel Park, Joel Valdez, Martha Cooper, Oro Valley, Quincie Douglas and Salazar-Ajo. Gardeners who are unable to visit any of those branches can search the online catalogue, place seeds on reserve, and pick them up at any library branch. Different seeds are available seasonally, along with planting calendars, instructions and live support for gardening success. Available varieties include fruits, grains, flowers, and of course, parsley and other herbs and vegetables for chazeret and maror (the two types of bitter herbs). For details, go to library.pima.gov/seed-library. Fridays, through June 15, 2-3:30 p.m. $10 per class. (No class April 6.) Attracting Pollinators to Your Garden with Michael Ismail Sunday, March 11, 10 a.m. $10. Books, Bagels, & Brunch: Jewish Preserving Techniques with Cookbook Author Emily Paster Sunday, April 15, 10- 11:30 a.m. Tucson J members, $95; nonmembers, $100. Includes cookbook. The Joys of Jewish Preserving: A Cooking Class with Cookbook Author Emily Paster Sunday, April 15, 1- 3:30 p.m. Tucson J members, $65; nonmembers, $70. To register, visit tucsonjcc.org or call 299-3000.

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Upcoming Home & Garden sections: June 1 • Sept. 14 • Dec. 7 To advertise contact Bertí S. Brodsky (520) 647-8461 • cell (360) 701-7772 Berti@azjewishpost.com • www.azjewishpost.com

Photo: StatePoint

Smart home upgrades appeal to buyers

A faucet with hands-free technology is a relatively inexpensive upgrade.

From smart thermostats to remotely controlled showers, connected homes are all the rage for today’s homeowners and those looking to make a purchase, providing easy opportunities to boost your profit when you sell. Over half of millennials (57 percent) believe that smart home technology is a good investment in their home, according to a recent survey by “Better Homes and Gardens.” Upgrading to include connected items can make your home more appealing to this next generation of home buyers in particular. If you are looking to sell, here are some of the latest smart home upgrades to have on your radar.

Climate control

Your thermostat is responsible for half your energy bill — more than appliances and electronics — so make sure to choose one wisely. Consider installing a smart thermostat, which learns your temperature preferences, and can save energy by turning heating and cooling

on and off, based on the weather outside, your home’s energy profile and more. Potential homebuyers will love the energy savings, as well as the ability to control the thermostat from anywhere with their devices.

A hands-free faucet

Imagine the convenience of having a kitchen faucet turn water on or off, without a touch. Faucets with handsfree technology allow users to easily activate the faucet with the wave of a hand. Great for when your hands are too full or messy to turn on the faucet, the technology also minimizes the spread of dirt and germs, since there is no need to touch the faucet to start the flow of water. It’s just the type of smart upgrade to attract house hunters of all ages — and easy on the wallet, with options available for under $300.

Bright lighting

Smart lighting dimmer and sensor systems allow you to turn lights on and See Smart, page 24

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Photo: StatePoint

Consider three home improvement projects that offer a great return on investment

Manufactured stone veneers offer some of the best returns on home renovation investment.

Early spring presents an excellent opportunity to get outdoors and spruce up your home’s exterior. But if you have limited time and resources, it’s important to prioritize the focus of your efforts. For guidance, consider Remodeling Magazine’s 2018 Cost vs. Value Report, which shows that not all remodeling projects are equal. Here are three spring renovation ideas that will give your property not only a facelift, but offer a great return on investment to boot.

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Garage door

National data from the 2018 Cost vs. Value Report shows that the project that delivers the highest return on investment is a new upscale garage door. This is a good choice for those looking for better noise control, greater security, curb appeal and convenience. Newer offerings relying on smart home technology can synch with your mobile device to offer conveniences like voice control and notifications when you’ve left the garage door open.

Manufactured stone veneer

In the number two slot for sound renovation investments, according to the same report, is manufactured stone veneer, which is a great way to add visual interest to your home exterior (or an interior room, for that matter). Be sure to select products that mimic the texture and color of natural stone. Manufacturers such as ProVia offer selections that are molded and cast to look like stone harvested from various U.S. geographic regions and are offered in a variety of style and color palettes. A visualizer tool, found at ProVia.com, allows you to upload a photo of your home to see how the stone will look on your exterior.

Entry door replacement

Your home’s entry door is one of the first things prospective homebuyers will notice. The Cost vs. Value report named a new steel door as the third highest cost recouped. However, steel or fiberglass are both good choices for materials when it comes to functionality, durability, energy efficiency, security and versatility in style.

Local class to focus on growing mushrooms Tucson Organic Gardeners, a nonprofit organization, will present “Growing Mushrooms” at its free monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 20 at 7 p.m. at St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church, 3809 E. Third Street, in the Geneva Room. The doors will open at 7 p.m. to allow participants to browse free literature and ask gardening questions. The speaker will begin at 7:30 p.m. Programs are held the third Tuesday of the month, September through April.

TOG also will hold an organic garden fair and plant sale at the community gardens at St. Mark’s on Saturday, March 17 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Locally grown organic vegetable and herb seedlings, openpollinated seeds, organic compost and fertilizers will be available, along with garden ornaments and other supplies. A free gardening class will begin at 11 a.m. For more information, email info@tucsonorganicgardeners.org or visit tucsonorganicgardeners.org.



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continued from page 21

off remotely with a smartphone, and can be customized to perform certain actions, such as slowly growing brighter as you wake up or turning off automatically when you leave your home — providing added convenience and customization for prospective buyers. These systems are especially useful when you are traveling– allowing you to turn your lights on and off remotely, so your home doesn’t look empty while you’re away. Picture showing potential buyers how they can control all of the lights in the home with one device, or turn off the lights after they are snuggled up in bed — and get ready for the offers to roll in.

A digital shower

An updated bathroom is a huge sell-

ing point for potential buyers. If you are planning a renovation, enhancing your space with a digital shower can make a big difference for your family now and for future homebuyers. To provide the ultimate in personalization, select a system such as U by Moen, the first Wi-Fi/ cloud-based digital shower on the market, which allows users to precisely set shower temperature and flow with an in-shower digital controller, or from the smartphone app. Plus, it can be voice activated with products like Amazon Alexa, for a connected home experience. By swapping just one or two items — such as your thermostat or a buildergrade kitchen faucet — you can achieve a sleeker, smarter home. And while the return on investment varies for each product, they’re all sure to appeal to tech-loving homebuyers whenever you choose to sell.

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Pima County Master Gardeners plan ‘My Dream Garden’ art contest for students

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This water garden at the home of Tucsonan Gail Barnhill might serve as inspiration for art contest participants.

Tucson students can design the garden of their dreams as participants in the Pima County Master Gardeners Student Art Contest. Master Gardeners are university-trained volunteers who serve as community educators, working with the UA Cooperative Extension. The contest is open to Pima Country residents, ages 5-18, in four categories: ages 5-9, 10-12, 13-15, and 16-18. Artwork must be original and be a minimum of 8 ½ inches by 11 inches and

a maximum of 16 inches by 20 inches. Artistic media may include markers, crayon, paint pen, watercolor, ink, acrylic, and colored pencil. The deadline to submit artwork and a “My Dream Garden” entry form is Sept. 4. Winning artworks will be displayed at a festival celebrating the 35th anniversary of the Master Gardeners program on Oct. 27. For complete rules and entry form, visit extension.arizona.edu/pima-mastergardeners.


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NEWS BRIEFS Gary Cohn, the chairman of President Donald Trump’s National Economic Council, is resigning. The New York Times reported late Tuesday that Cohn, who is Jewish, would leave within weeks. “Gary has been my chief economic adviser and did a superb job in driving our agenda, helping to deliver historic tax cuts and reforms and unleashing the American economy once again,” Trump told The Times. “He is a rare talent, and I thank him for his dedicated service to the American people.” Cohn told The Times that he had been proud to work on the “pro-growth economic policies to benefit the American people, in particular the passage of historic tax reform.” The cordial goodbyes belied the tumult at the White House. There have been dozens of departures since Trump’s inauguration in slightly over a year ago. It is not clear what drove Cohn out now, but the former top executive at the Goldman Sachs investment bank was known to favor conventional Republican free trade policies. Trump, in a move last week that surprised many of his top advisers, wants to introduce stiff tariffs on the importation of steel and aluminum. Cohn was known to be close to Trump’s Jewish daughter, Ivanka, and her husband, Jared Kushner. Both are top advisers to Trump. Cohn re-

portedly considered quitting the Trump administration last August after Trump equivocated in his condemnation of neo-Nazis and white supremacists who marched in Charlottesville, Virginia. A white supremacist rammed counterprotesters with his car during that march, killing one and injuring at least 20 others.

The U.S. Holocaust Memorial and Museum has rescinded a human rights award it gave to Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, the former political prisoner and democracy activist and now the civilian leader of Myanmar. The museum said it is taking back the Elie Wiesel Award given in 2012 because of what it calls Aung San Suu Kyi’s failure to oppose the ethnic cleansing and possible genocide of Myanmar’s Rohingya minority. “We had hoped that you — as someone we and many others have celebrated for your commitment to human dignity and universal human rights — would have done something to condemn and stop the military’s brutal campaign and to express solidarity with the targeted Rohingya population,” read the museum’s letter to Aung San Suu Kyi sent March 7 and first reported by The New York Times. But the letter charges that her party “has instead refused to cooperate with United Nations

investigators, promulgated hateful rhetoric against the Rohingya community, and denied access to and cracked down on journalists trying to uncover the scope of the crimes in Rakhine State.” Aung San Suu Kyi was the second person to receive the Elie Wiesel Award, after only Wiesel himself. Named after the late Holocaust survivor and author who won the Nobel Peace Prize, the award recognizes public figures who have combated hate and genocide and advanced human dignity. Its most recent recipient is German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Aung San Suu Kyi was placed under house arrest for 15 years for opposing the country’s military dictatorship. She was internationally celebrated during that time as a pro-democratic icon. In 2015, as part of Myanmar’s transition to democracy, she was elected state counselor, a position akin to prime minister. But she has increasingly been under fire for failing to speak out and oppose the country’s military campaign against the Rohingya, a persecuted Muslim minority in Myanmar. The military has killed thousands of Rohingya and forced an approximate 700,000 to flee, according to The Times. The military has burned their villages and buried the dead in mass graves. The Holocaust museum encouraged Aung San Suu Kyi to cooper-




ate with U.N. efforts to examine and prevent the campaign, and to grant the Rohingya citizenship and full rights, which they do not have.

Jews in Russia’s Tatarstan region are objecting to a new ice cream

called “Poor Jews.” The ice cream cone, announced last month by the Slavitsa company in Naberezhnye Chelny, 600 miles east of Moscow, is wrapped in an image of Israel’s flag. Leonid Shteinberg, a leader of the Jewish community in Naberezhnye Chelny, has called the name “racist” and demanded its production and sale be halted, Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty reported. The city prosecutor’s office says it will investigate the complaints. In a social media post announcing the ice cream’s launch on Feb. 28, the company describes it as a “crusty horn” filled with chocolate- and prune-flavored ice cream and topped with peanuts. “Trying all this tastiness, it turns out that he is not so ‘poor,’ ” the post asserts. The Slavitsa company has been criticized previously for creating a chocolate ice cream named after thenPresident Barack Obama, which had a wrapper depicting an African boy, and for naming another ice cream with an ethnic slur for Ukrainians.

RABBI’S CORNER Sometimes, silence speaks louder than words RABBI HELEN COHN CONGREGATION M’KOR HAYIM


e are called The People of the Book. Appropriately so, because all of Jewish life and practice is built on text. Torah, of course, is the foundation of the law, which is further developed by the Mishna, the Talmud, and centuries of continued writings and teachings. Just last week we read or heard the Megillah of Esther, and in less than a month we will read and hear the words of the Hagaddah. And then there are the siddur and the machzor — the prayer book used throughout the year and the special prayer book for the High Holy Days. Although the different streams of Judaism have published their own prayer books, all of them are based on Hebrew texts that are centuries, even millennia, old. Judaism is based on so many words! The underlying intention of all these texts and all these words is to help us experience the Divine. So what do we make of the final verse of the Book of Exodus, which we read this week? “For the cloud of YHVH would be on the Tabernacle by day, and fire would be on it at night, before the eyes of all the House of Israel throughout their journeys.” (Exodus 40:38) The cloud and the fire have a stated purpose in the Torah: they signal when it is time for the Israelites to decamp and continue their journey, and they also indicate God’s presence in the Israelites’ midst. I’d like to propose an additional way

to consider the cloud and the fire: as a visual reminder that the Divine can be profoundly experienced beyond words, through silence. Words are so often inadequate for expressing deep emotion or feeling. Perhaps you have found yourself responding to someone nonverbally, with a loving look, a warm touch, or tears of empathy. For example, Judaism teaches us not to speak to mourners until they have spoken first, which helps prevent us from blurting out platitudes or unwelcomed words. In addition to being inadequate for expressing deep emotion, words can block the channel between ourselves and the holiness all around us. Consider the difference between taking a hike with a companion and taking a hike by oneself. How much more we can notice, how much more focused and yet open are our thoughts, when we are silent and alone in nature . But we humans are easily preoccupied with the ordinary events and distractions of daily life. We need reminders of God’s presence. Something inside — some call it “soul” — yearns to connect with the Still Small Voice that cannot be heard within a tumult of words. The Israelites had that reminder. The cloud by day and the fire at night were visible, non-verbal reminders that the Divine presence was constantly with them. May we find our own non-verbal reminders to refrain from words so that we can arrive at a deeper place of connection with other people, with ourselves, and with the Holy One of Blessing.

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COMMUNITY CALENDAR The calendar deadline is Tuesday, 10 days before the issue date. Our next issue will be published March 23, 2018. Events may be emailed to localnews@azjewishpost.com, faxed to 319-1118, or mailed to the AJP at 3718 E. River Road, #272, Tucson, AZ 85718. For more information, call 319-1112. See Area Congregations on page 30 for additional synagogue events. Men’s Mishnah club with Rabbi Israel Becker at Cong. Chofetz Chayim. Sundays, 7:15 a.m.; Monday-Friday, 6:15 a.m.; Saturdays, 8:15 a.m. 747-7780 or yzbecker@me.com. Chabad of Sierra Vista men’s tefillin club with Rabbi Benzion Shemtov, first Sundays, 9 a.m., at 401 Suffolk Drive. 820-6256 or jewishsierravista.com. “Too Jewish” radio show with Rabbi Samuel M. Cohon on KVOI 1030 AM (also KAPR and KJAA), Sundays at 9 a.m. Mar. 11, Isaac Shapiro, author of “Edokko: Growing up a Stateless Foreigner in Wartime Japan.” Mar. 18, Tova Mirvis, author of “The Book of Separation.” Beth Shalom Temple Center of Green Valley bagel breakfast and Yiddish club, first Sundays, 9:30 a.m. Members, $7; nonmembers, $10. 648-6690 or 399-3474. Women’s Academy of Jewish Studies “Women's 40-Day Program,” at Cong. Chofetz Chayim. Free weekly 45-minute class; topic: “Make Happiness Happen.” Newcomers welcome. Meets most Sundays, 10:30 a.m. Contact Esther Becker at 591-7680 or ewbecker@me.com. Southern Arizona Jewish Genealogy Society, second Sundays, 1-3 p.m. at the Tucson J. Contact Barbara Stern Mannlein at 731-0300 or the J at 299-3000.


Cong. Anshei Israel mah jongg, Mondays, 10 a.m.-noon. All levels, men and women. Contact Evelyn at 885-4102 or esigafus@aol.com. Tucson J current events discussion, Mondays, noon-1:30 p.m. Members, $1; nonmembers, $2. Lunch, bring or buy, 11:30 a.m. 2993000, ext. 147.

Cong. Or Chadash Mondays with the Rabbi, with Rabbi Thomas Louchheim. Mondays, noon1:30 p.m. Bring a bag lunch. This year's topic: “Judaism’s Departure from the Bible to Influence Contemporary Life.” 512-8500. Cong. Bet Shalom yoga. Mondays, 4:30-5:30 p.m. $5. 577-1171. Jewish sobriety support group meets Mondays, 6:30-8 p.m. at Cong. Bet Shalom. dcmack1952@gmail.com. “Along the Talmudic Trail” for men (18-40), with Rabbi Israel Becker of Cong. Chofetz Chayim. Includes free dinner. Mondays, 7 p.m. Call for address. 747-7780 or yzbecker@me.com. Spouse Bereavement Group, cosponsored by Widowed to Widowed, Inc. at the Tucson J, Tuesdays, 10 a.m. Contact Marvin at 885-2005 or Tanya at 299-3000, ext. 147.

Tucson J Israeli Dance, taught by Brandi Hawkins, 2nd and 4th Sundays, partners, 4:45-6 p.m., open circle, 6-7 p.m. Members, $8; nonmembers, $10. 299-3000.

JFCS Holocaust Survivors group meets Tuesdays, 10 a.m.-noon. Contact Raisa Moroz at 795-0300.

Temple Emanu-El mah jongg, Mondays, 10 a.m. 327-4501.

Integral Jewish Meditation with Brian Schachter-Brooks, Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m., at

Friday / March 9


5:45 PM: Cong. Anshei Israel “Shabbat Under the Stars.” 745-5550 or caiaz.org. 5:45-7:45 PM: Secular Humanist Jewish Circle Shabbat service, with Joan Adler, author of “For the Sake of the Children,” discussing letters found in 2007 between Nathan Straus Jr. and Otto Frank, Anne’s father, about trying to get his family out of Holland. Potluck dinner. RSVP for directions to Dee at 299-4404 or deemorton@msn.com 6 PM: Cong. Chaverim Babies Rock Shabbat. 320-1015. 7:30 PM: Temple Emanu-El Shabbat Evening Service with guest Rahel Musleah, speaking about her personal journey that mirrors the story of Calcutta’s Jews, “Namaste & Shalom: Jewish Rhythms from Baghdad to India.” 327-4501.

Saturday / March 10 9:30 AM-5:30 PM: JFCS, “To Tell Our Stories: Holocaust Survivors of Southern Arizona.” Book available at Tucson Festival of Books at the University of Arizona. Continues March 11. Contact Raisa Moroz at 795-0300, ext. 2214 or rmoroz@jfcstucson.org. 10:30 AM: Cong. Anshei Israel Junior Congregation. New teen-led (13+) Shabbat service. With storyteller Jordan Wiley-Hill. Contact Rabbi Ruven Barkan at 745-5550, ext. 227 or



Sunday / March 11 10 AM: Tucson J Attracting Pollinators to Your Garden, with Michael Ismail. $10. Register at tucsonjcc.org or 299-3000. 2 PM: Tucson J Celebration of Heritage concert, “Celebrating the Arizona Balalaika Orchestra.” Traditional Russian folk music, some classical composers, Jewish numbers. Vocalists include gypsy singers Natasha Neazimbetov and Guy Velgovich. $10. Register at tucsonjcc.org or 299-3000. 2-3:30 PM: Weintraub Israel Center Israel 2018 trip informational meeting. Trip will be Oct. 14–22, 2018. At Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona. RSVP at israelcenter@jfsa.org or 647-8446.

Tuesday / March 13 7 PM: Arizona Center for Judaic Studies Shaol & Louis Pozez Memorial Lectureship Series presents “Rabin’s Assassination: A Turning Point in Israel’s History,” by Ambassador Itamar Rabinovich, president of the Israel Institute. Free. At the Tucson J. 626-5758 or judaic.arizona.edu.

Wednesday / March 14 6:45 PM: Cong. Chaverim book club discuss-

Cong. Bet Shalom, free. torahofawakening.com. Temple Emanu-El Needlecraft Group with Ariana Lipman and Rosie Delgado. Second Tuesdays, through May 8, 2-4 p.m. 327-4501. Tucson J social bridge. Tuesdays and Thursdays, noon-3 p.m., year round. Drop-ins welcome. Meets in library on second floor. 299-3000. Cong. Anshei Israel Talmud on Tuesday with Rabbi Robert Eisen. Meets 6 p.m. 745-5550. Weintraub Israel Center Shirat HaShirim Hebrew choir meets Tuesdays, 7 p.m., at the Tucson J. Learn to sing in Hebrew. Contact Rina Paz at 304-7943 or ericashem@cox.net. Tucson J Israeli dance classes. Tuesdays. Beginners, 7:30 p.m.; intermediate, 8:15 p.m.; advanced, 9 p.m. Taught by Lisa Goldberg. Members, $8; nonmembers, $10. 299-3000. Shalom Tucson business networking group, second Wednesdays, 7:30-9 a.m., at the Tucson J. 299-3000, ext. 241, or concierge@ jewishtucson.org. Cong. Anshei Israel gentle chair yoga with Lois Graham, Wednesdays, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Members of Women’s League, $6 per class; nonmembers, $8 per class. Contact Evelyn at 8854102 or esigafus@aol.com. Chabad of Sierra Vista women’s class with Rabbi Benzion Shemtov, last Wednesdays, 2 p.m., 401 Suffolk Drive. 820-6256 or jewishsierravista.com. es “The Book of Stone: A Novel,” by Jonathan Papernick. 320-1015.

Thursday / March 15 8:45 AM-2 PM: Jewish Community Relations Council/Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network Poz Café. Volunteers needed to create and serve a meal. At St. Francis in the Foothills, 4625 E. River Road. Contact Jill Rich at 349-0174. Temple Emanu-El and the YIVO Institute of Jewish Studies present YIVO’s Shine Online Educational Series: “Folksong, Demons, and the Evil Eye: The Folklore of Ashkenaz” with Professor Itzik Gottesman. Members $55; non-members $70. Optional discussions March 26 and April 9, 7-8:30 p.m. at Temple EmanuEl. Deadline to register for this online, selfpaced course is March 15. 327-4501.

Friday / March 16 11:30 AM Jewish History Museum/Holocaust History Center opening of new exhibit of Leo Goldschmidt photographs, with remarks by curator Nika Kaiser. 564 S. Stone Ave. 670-9073 or jewishhistorymuseum.org.

Chabad Tucson lunch and learn with Rabbi Yehuda Ceitlin, Wednesdays, 12:15 p.m. at Eli’s Deli. info@ChabadTucson.com. Jewish mothers/grandmothers special needs support group for those with children/ grandchildren, youth or adult, with special needs, third Wednesdays, 7-8:30 p.m. at Tucson J. Contact Joyce Stuehringer at 299-5920. Tucson J canasta group. Players wanted. Thursdays, noon. Instruction available and a beginners’ table every week. Call Debbie Wiener at 440-5515. Temple Emanu-El Jewish Novels Club with Linda Levine. Third Thursdays, through May 17, 2-4 p.m. 327-4501. “Biblical Breakthroughs with Rabbi Becker” at the Southwest Torah Institute. Fridays, noon, for men and women. 747-7780 or yzbecker@me.com. Thrive & Grow Vegetable Gardening Workshops, with Michael Ismail. Fridays from 2-3:30 p.m. at Tucson J, through June 15. $10. No class April 6. tucsonjcc.org or 299-3000. Tucson Jewish Community Center Fine Art Gallery art exhibit, “95: Henry Koffler,” through Mar. 15. 299-3000. Jewish History Museum/Holocaust History Center art exhibit, “Invisibility and Resistance: Violence Against LGBTQIA+ People,” 564 S. Stone Ave., through May 31. Wed., Thur., Sat. and Sun., 1-5 p.m.; Fridays, noon-3 p.m. 670-9073 or jewishhistorymuseum.org. third grade class, Rabbi Batsheva Appel, Avanim Rock Band and youth choir. Dinner $12 for adults, free for kids under 13. RSVP for dinner at 327-4501. 5:45 PM: Cong. Anshei Israel family Shabbat experience followed by dinner at 7 p.m. Dinner $25 per member family (two adults and up to four children); guest family, $30; additional adults (age 13+) $10 each. RSVP by March 12 at 745-5550 or caiaz.org. 9:30 PM: Temple Emanu-El Downtown Shabbat at Jewish History Museum, 564 S. Stone Ave., with the Armon Bizman band, Rabbi Batsheva Appel and soloist Lindsey O’Shea. 327-4501.

Saturday / March 17 9:30 AM: Cong. Bet Shalom Shabbat scholar-in-residence Rabbi Elijah Schochet presents sermon, “The Animal Rights Movement, A Jewish Perspective.” 577-1171.

5:30 PM: Cong. Bet Shalom Shabbat scholar-in-residence Rabbi Elijah Schochet presents sermon, “The Jewish Civil War.” 577-1171.

NOON: Cong. Anshei Israel Targum Shlishi, “Talking Tachles with Chen and Tamir.” “Straight talk” from the Weintraub Israel Center’s shinshinim (Israeli teen emissaries) on “Couscous, Lasagna and Ballet Shoes.” Free. Contact Rabbi Robert Eisen at 745-5550, ext. 230.

5:30 PM: Temple Emanu-El Shabbat Rocks! dinner followed by service at 6:30 p.m., with

12:45-2 PM: Cong. Bet Shalom Talmudic study led by scholar-in-residence Rabbi Elijah

Schochet, “Must One Tell the Truth?” 577-1171.

Sunday / March 18 9:30 AM: Tucson J Exploring the Old Pueblo: Tucson’s El Presidio Historic District Walking Tour, led by Jim Sell. Meet at La Casa Cordova, 175 N. Meyer Ave. Optional lunch at El Charro after tour. Members $20; nonmembers $25. Register at tucsonjcc.org or 299-3000. 9:30-11:30 AM Cong. Or Chadash Rollin’ with the Rabbi, ride bikes with Rabbi Thomas Louchheim on the Loop Rillito River path. Meet in Or Chadash parking lot. 512-8500. 10 AM-2 PM: Tucson Hebrew Academy 4th Annual STEM Festival and Community Health & Wellness Fair. 3888 E. River Road. thastem.com/stem-festival. 10:30 AM-12:30 PM: Desert Caucus brunch with Rep. Grace Meng (D-NY). Skyline Country Club, 5200 E. St Andrews Drive. Guests should be potential members and must RSVP at 4901453 or desertcaucus@gmail.com. 10 AM – 2 PM: Tucson J “Walk a Mile in a Refugee's Shoes,” in partnership with the Tucson International Rescue Committee. Various stations simulate the refugee experience. Registration starts at 9:30 a.m. Free; suggested donation $10. tucsonjcc.org or 299-3000. NOON-3PM: Tucson J “From Frozen to Fabulous with Tucson Community Supported Agriculture,” with Sara Jones. Members $60; nonmembers $70. Register at tucsonjcc.org or 299-3000. 1-3 PM: Tucson J Seder Plate Making Workshop. $30. Register at tucsonjcc.org or 299-3000. 1-4 PM: Temple Emanu-El Dynamite Desserts for Passover with Palmer Shim’on. Members $25; non-members $30; supplies $18. 327-4501. 2 PM: Beth Shalom Temple Center of Green Valley presents Michael G in concert. Suggested donation $10. All proceeds benefit Beth Shalom Temple Center. Contact Michael G at 777-4431. 3-4:30 PM: “Talking Tachles with Chen and Tamir.” “Straight talk” from the Weintraub Israel Center’s shinshinim (Israeli teen emissaries) on “The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.” At Congregation Or Chadash. Part of a series hosted at various organizations. 512-8500.

Monday / March 19 NOON-1 PM: The Tucson J Rosh Chodesh Nisan. Bring dairy/vegetarian lunch and explore Jewish connection to gefilte fish. 299-3000.

Tuesday / March 20 NOON-1 PM: Cong. Or Chadash book club discusses “Karolina’s Twins” by Ronald Balson. 512-8500. 7 PM: Tucson Jews for Justice. New group formed by co-chairs Alma Hernandez and Tony Zinman to be a voice for Jewish Progressives. Speaker, Rabbi Thomas Louchheim. Marion Chubon of McSally Take a Stand/Represent Me AZ will also be speaking at the event. At Jewish History Museum, 564 S. Stone Ave. Contact Tony Zinman at 390-5794.

7-8:30 PM: Temple Emanu-El “Eight Questions of Faith, Part 1: Biblical Challenges That Guide and Ground Our Lives,” with Rabbi Batsheva Appel. Continues March 27, April 3 and April 10. Members $50, with digital version, $55 with paperback; nonmembers $65, with digital version, $70 with paperback. 3274501

Wednesday/March 21 8 AM-5 PM: Tucson Hebrew Academy Upper School (5th-8th) open house. 3888 E. River Road. 529-3888. 7-8:30 PM: Cong. Anshei Israel Seder Heder: Adult Studies Kollel & Haroset Tasting. Three 20-minute classes. Rabbi Robert Eisen presents “Insights into the Haggadah;” Cantorial Soloist Nichole Chorny presents “Hallel: The Song of the Seder;” and Rabbi Ruven Barkan presents “Telling the Story as an Act of Redemption, Then and Now.” Bring one box of matza per family for “Matza & More” Passover Food Drive to benefit JFCS. RSVP by March 19 to Tamara at 745-5550, ext. 225. 7-8:30 PM: Temple Emanu-El Music of the Shoah with Robert Hanshaw. Members $55; non-members $70. Continues March 28, April 4. Concert on April 11. 327-4501.

UPCOMING Wednesday / March 28

10 AM: Handmaker Jewish Services for the Aging lecture, “Some Things About Passover and the Seder That May Surprise You,” with Rabbi Sanford Seltzer. 2221 N. Rosemont Blvd. Contact Nanci Levy at nlevy@ handmaker.org or 322-3632.

Thursday / March 29

7 PM: Ninth Annual Cindy Wool Memorial Seminar on Humanism presents “One Man’s Quest to Change the Way We Die” with Dr. BJ Miller. $18 includes coffee and dessert (free for medical students). RSVP by March 22 at jfsa.org or call Karen Graham at 577-9393, x 8469. Preceded at 5:30 p.m. by VIP Reception. $108 includes dinner, seminar and parking in 2nd Street Garage. At UA Student Union, 1330 E. University Blvd.

Friday / March 30

5:30-8:30 PM: JPride Seder in private home. $18 suggested donation. RSVP by March 27 at jpride@tucsonjcc.org for address. 6 PM Cong. Or Chadash First Night Community Seder. Members: adult $45;

Friday / March 23 NOON-1:15 PM: Tucson J Shabbat Lunch & Learn, “Experience Israel with Tucson Shinshinim, Chen and Tamir.” $10, lunch included. 299-3000.

Saturday / March 24 8 AM: Temple Emanu-El Wandering Jews Shabbat hike. Join Rabbi Batsheva Appel at Wasson Peak. Bring a picnic lunch and water. 327-4501.

Sunday / March 25 9:15 AM: Jewish War Veterans FriedmanPaul Post 201 breakfast meeting at B'nai B'rith Covenant House, 4414 E. 2nd St. Contact Seymour Shapiro at 398-5360. 12:30-2 PM: PJ Library & Keshet Passover Celebration. At Whole Foods, 5555 E. River Road. Free. RSVP requested but not required. Contact Mary Ellen Loebl at pjlibrary@jfsa.org or 647-8443. 1-3 PM: Tucson J “Family Passover Cooking Class,” with Jennifer Selco. Members $10; nonmembers $12. Register at tucsonjcc.org or 299-3000. 2-4 PM: Cong. Anshei Israel Passover Painting Party, led by Arte Bella Painting. Paint a Miriam and/or Elijah wine glass. Two glasses, apron, brushes and paints provided. Ages 6+. $36. RSVP by March 20 at 745-5550 or caiaz.org. 2-4 PM: “Talking Tachles with Chen and Tamir.” “Straight talk” from the Weintraub Israel Center’s shinshinim (Israeli teen emissaries) on “Sephardi, Ashkenazi, and Everything in Between.” At Temple Emanu-El. Part of a series hosted at various organizations. 327-4501. 6 PM: Tucson J Desert Melodies presents “A 1950s Sock Hop.” $10. Visit tucsonjcc.org or call 299-3000.

child $36; Nonmembers: adult $65; child $45. Register with Eileen Cook at 512-8500 or eileen@octucson.org.

Saturday / March 31

11:30 AM-2:30 PM: Secular Humanist Jewish Circle Passover Seder. Humanistic Hagaddah with traditional Seder plate and lunch. Members $25; nonmembers $35. RSVP by March 26 for directions to Becky at 2963762 or schulmb@aol.com. 6:30 PM: Cong. Anshei Israel Ma’ariv followed by Second Night Passover Seder at 7 p.m. Family participation; supervised children’s play; traditional dinner. Members: adult $45; child $30; Nonmembers: adult $55; child $40; College & military $38. RSVP by March 22 at 745-5550 or caiaz.org.

Sunday/April 8

5:30 PM: Jewish Family & Children’s Services Celebration of Caring 2018, with Dr. Deborah Lipstadt. At Westin La Paloma, 3800 E Sunrise Drive. For ticket and sponsorship information, contact Liz Hernandez at lhernandez@jfcstucson.org or 209-2438.


Jewish Federation-Northwest chair yoga with a Jewish flair taught by Bonnie Golden. Mondays, 10-11 a.m. $7 per class or $25 for four. 505-4161 or northwestjewish@jfsa.org. Chabad of Oro Valley Torah and Tea for women, with Mushkie Zimmerman, Mondays, through March 26. 477-8672 or jewishorovalley.com. Northwest Needlers create hand-stitched items for donation in the Jewish community. Meets at Jewish Federation Northwest Tuesdays, 1-3 p.m. RSVP to judithgfeldman@gmail. com or 505-4161. Jewish Federation-Northwest mah jongg, Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m. Also meets Wednesdays, 12:30 to 3:30 p.m., 505-4161. Chabad of Oro Valley adult education class, Jewish learning with Rabbi Ephraim Zimmerman. Wednesdays at 7 p.m., at 1217 W. Faldo Drive. 477-8672 or jewishorovalley.com.

Friday / March 9 NOON: Jewish Federation-Northwest Lunch & Learn with Rabbi Avi Alpert. Topic: Too Jewish vs. Not Jewish Enough. $8. 505-4161.

Tuesday / March 13 8 AM-5:45 PM: Jewish Federation-Northwest and Hadassah Spring Bus Trip to Bisbee. Visit Bisbee-Douglas Jewish Cemetery, lunch at Café Roka with Jewish residents of Bisbee, and shopping. $54 includes bus fare, water, snacks and lunch. Choice of pickup/drop off at 8 a.m. and 5:45 p.m. at Oro Valley Trader Joe’s, 7912 N. Oracle Road or 8:30 a.m. and 5:15 p.m. at the Tucson J. Reserve at 505-4161 or northwestjewish@jfsa.org.

6 PM: Chabad Oro Valley presents Musical Musings, from shtetl melodies to Jewish contemporary artists and Chassidic Niggunim. At a private residence. Reserve at office@ jewishorovalley.com.

Thursday / March 15 9 AM: The Wall That Heals, Vietnam Veterans Memorial Replica & Mobile Education Center, opening ceremony. Jewish FederationNorthwest is a sponsor. Rabbi Avraham Alpert will deliver opening Kaddish prayer. Canada Del Oro Riverfront Park, 551 W. Lambert Lane. Bagels served at the Jewish Federation-Northwest after, 190 W. Magee, #162. Continues through March 18, with Kaddish at 9 a.m. with Rabbi Sanford Seltzer and wall disassembly at 3 p.m. 505-4161 or bringthewallaz.com.

Sunday / March 18 9-11 AM: Jewish Federation-Northwest Stuff the Truck with 1st Rate 2nd Hand Thrift Shop. Drop off gently used, re-sellable items at 190 W. Magee Rd., Ste. 162. Or call to schedule an in-home pick-up of larger items from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Proceeds from this day will benefit the Northwest Jewish Federation. Call 505-4161 or email northwestjewish@jfsa.org.

UPCOMING Monday / March 26

5 PM: Jewish Federation-Northwest and Hadassah book club discusses “The Orphan’s Tale” by Pam Jenoff. At 190 W. Magee, #162. 505-4161 or northwestjewish@jfsa.org.

Friday / March 30

6 PM: Chabad Oro Valley Passover Seder. Location TBD. $36. 477-8672 or jewishorovalley.com. March 9, 2018, ARIZONA JEWISH POST



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Two teens win Bryna Zehngut Mitzvot Award

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A reA C ongregAtions CONSERVATIVE 5550 E. Fifth St., Tucson, AZ 85711 • (520) 745-5550 Rabbi Robert Eisen, Cantorial Soloist Nichole Chorny • www.caiaz.org Daily minyan: Mon.-Thurs., 7:30 a.m. & 5:30 p.m.; Fri., 7:30 a.m.; Sun. & legal holidays, 8 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. / Mincha: Fri., 5:45 p.m. / Shabbat services: Sat., 9 a.m., followed by Kiddush; Tot Shabbat, 1st Fri., 5:45 p.m.; Family Service, 3rd Friday, 5:45 p.m.; Holiday services may differ, call or visit website. / Torah study: every Shabbat one hour before Mincha (call or visit website for times) / Talmud on Tuesday, 6 p.m. / Weekday Torah study group, Wed., 11 a.m. beverages and dessert provided.

Congregation Bet shalom 3881 E. River Road, Tucson, AZ 85718 • (520) 577-1171 Rabbi Hazzan Avraham Alpert • www.cbsaz.org Shabbat services: Fri., 5:30 p.m. (followed by monthly dinners — call for info); Sat. 9:30 a.m.-noon, Camp Shabbat (ages 6-10) 11 a.m.-noon, followed by Kiddush lunch and weekly Teen Talk lunch with shinshinim, 12:30 p.m.-2 p.m. CBS Think Tank discussion led by Rabbi Dr. Howard Schwartz and Dr. Howard Graizbord / Weekday services: Wed. 8:15 a.m. / Hagim 9:30 a.m.


Congregation ChoFetz Chayim/southwest torah institute 5150 E. Fifth St., Tucson, AZ 85711 • (520) 747-7780 Rabbi Israel Becker • www.tucsontorah.org Shabbat services: Fri., Kabbalat Shabbat 15 minutes before sunset; Sat. 9 a.m. followed by Kiddush. / Mincha: Fri., 1 p.m.; Sat., 25 minutes before sunset, followed by Shalosh Seudas, Maariv and Havdallah. Services: Sun., 8 a.m.; Mon. & Thurs., 6:50 a.m.; Tues., Wed., Fri., 7 a.m.; daily, 15 minutes before sunset. / Weekday Rosh Chodesh services: 6:45 a.m.

Congregation young israel/ChaBad oF tuCson 2443 E. Fourth St., Tucson, AZ 85719 • (520) 881-7956 Rabbi Yossie Shemtov, Rabbi Yudi Ceitlin • www.chabadoftucson.com Daily minyan: Sun. & legal holidays, 8:30 a.m.; Mon. & Thurs., 6:30 p.m.; Tues., Wed., Fri., 6:45 a.m. / Mincha & Maariv, 5:15 p.m. / Shabbat services: Fri. at candlelighting; Sat. 9:30 a.m. followed by Kiddush. Mincha, Maariv and Havdallah TBA.

ChaBad on river 3916 E. Ft. Lowell Road • (520) 661-9350 Rabbi Ram Bigelman • www.chabadonriver.com Shabbat services: Fri., Mincha at candlelighting time, followed by Maariv. / Sat., Shacharit service, 9:30 a.m. / Torah study: women, Wed., 2 p.m.; men, Tues. and Thurs., 7 p.m. Call to confirm.

ChaBad oro valley 1217 W. Faldo Drive, Oro Valley, AZ 85755 • (520) 477-8672 Rabbi Ephraim Zimmerman • www.jewishorovalley.com Shabbat services: 3rd Fri., 5 p.m. Oct.-Feb., 6 p.m. March-Sept., all followed by dinner / Sat., 10 a.m. study session followed by service.

ChaBad sierra vista 401 Suffolk Drive, Sierra Vista, AZ 85635 • (520) 820-6256 Rabbi Benzion Shemtov • www.jewishsierravista.com Shabbat services: Sat., 10:30 a.m., bimonthly, followed by class explaining prayers. Visit website or call for dates.


Congregation Kol simChah

(Renewal) 4625 E. River Road, Tucson, AZ 85718 • (520) 296-0818 Mailing Address: 2732 S. Gwain Place, Tucson, AZ 85713 Shabbat services: 1st and 3rd Fri., 7:15 p.m.

Congregation m’Kor hayim 3888 E. River Road, Tucson, AZ 85718 (Tucson Hebrew Academy) Mailing Address: P.O. Box 31806, Tucson, AZ 85751 • (520) 904-1881 Rabbi Helen Cohn • www.mkorhayim.org Shabbat services: 2nd and 4th Fri., 7 p.m. / Torah study, 2nd and 4th Sat., 9:30 a.m.

Congregation or Chadash 3939 N. Alvernon, Tucson, AZ 85718 • (520) 512-8500 Rabbi Thomas Louchheim, Cantor Janece Cohen www.orchadash-tucson.org Shabbat services: Fri., 6:30 p.m.; 1st Fri., Friday Night LIVE (Oct.-May); 2nd Friday, Tot Shabbat (Oct.-June), 6 p.m.; Sat., 10 a.m. / Torah study: Sat.,8:30 a.m.

the institute For JudaiC serviCes and studies Mailing Address: 36789 S. Golf Course Drive, Saddlebrooke, AZ 85739 Rabbi Sanford Seltzer • (520) 825-8175 Shabbat services: Oct.-April, third Friday of the month at 7 p.m. — call for details.

temple emanu-el 225 N. Country Club Road, Tucson, AZ 85716 • (520) 327-4501 Rabbi Batsheva Appel • www.tetucson.org Shabbat services: Fri., 7:30 p.m.; Sat., 10 a.m. / Torah study: Sat., 8:30 a.m. except when there is a Rabbi’s Tish.

temple Kol hamidBar 228 N. Canyon Drive, Sierra Vista • (520) 458-8637 kolhamidbar.tripod.com Mailing address: P.O. Box 908, Sierra Vista, AZ 85636 Shabbat services: Fri., 7:30 p.m.


Beth shalom temple Center

1751 N. Rio Mayo (P.O. Box 884), Green Valley, AZ 85622 (520) 648-6690 • www.bstc.us Shabbat services: 1st and 3rd Fri., 7 p.m. / Torah study: Sat., 10 a.m.

Congregation etz Chaim (Modern Orthodox) 686 Harshaw Road, Patagonia, AZ 85624 • (520) 394-2520 Rabbi Gabriel Cousens • www.etzchaimcongregation.org Shabbat services: Fri., 18 minutes before sunset / Torah study: Sat., 9:30 a.m. handmaKer resident synagogue

2221 N. Rosemont Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85712 • (520) 881-2323 www.handmaker.com Shabbat services: Fri., 4:30 p.m., led by Lindsey O’Shea, followed by Shabbat dinner; Sat., 9:30 a.m., led by Mel Cohen and Dan Asia, followed by light Kiddush lunch.

seCular humanist Jewish CirCle REFORM CONGREGATION CHAVERIM 5901 E. Second St., Tucson, AZ 85711 • (520) 320-1015 Rabbi Stephanie Aaron • www.chaverim.net Shabbat services: Fri., 7 p.m. (no service on 5th Fri.); Family Shabbat, 1st Fri., 6 p.m. / Torah study: 2nd Sat., 9 a.m., followed by contemplative service,10 a.m.



Karen Katz presents a Bryna Zehngut Mitzvot award certificate, created by local artist Julie Szerina Stein, to Jillian Cassius on Feb. 18. Winners also receive a gift of $613, relating to the tradition of 613 mitzvot.

www.secularhumanistjewishcircle.org Call Cathleen at (520) 730-0401 for meeting or other information.

university oF arizona hillel Foundation 1245 E. 2nd St. Tucson, AZ 85719 • (520) 624-6561 • www.arizona.hillel.org Shabbat services: Reform, Conservative, Orthodox and alternative services two Fridays each month when school is in session. Dinner follows (guests, $8; RSVP by preceding Thurs.). Call for dates/times.

Photo courtesy Maya Levy

Congregation anshei israel

Photo: Martha Lochert

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The advisory council of the Women’s Philanthropy of the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona chose two teens, Jillian Cassius and Maya Levy, as the 2018 Bryna Zehngut Mitzvot Award recipients. The award, created in memory of a community leader who Maya Levy was attending a NFTY died in 2005, recognizes leadership conference and could teens who display outstandnot attend Connections. ing leadership in the Jewish and greater Tucson communities. The awards were presented at the annual Women’s Philanthropy Connections brunch on Feb. 18. Jillian, the daughter of Jennifer and Mark Cassius, is a junior at The Gregory School. She is president of the local chapter of United Synagogue Youth, a member of USY’s regional general board, a student at Tucson Hebrew High, an active member of Congregation Anshei Israel, and a member of her school basketball and robotics clubs. She has attended Camp Ramah as both a camper and a counselor in training. Maya, the daughter of Nanci and Doug Levy, is a junior at University High School. She is religious and cultural vice president of the Southwest Chapter of The North American Federation of Temple Youth, a member of Jew Crew at Temple Emanu-El Youth, madrachim (teacher’s aid) at Temple Emanu-El, and a member of her school Veterans Heritage Project club and tennis team. She has been a counselor at Camp Swift and a volunteer at Handmaker.

Explore our website azjewishpost.com News and views from the Jewish world from Tucson to Israel — Iceland to Tunisia. For advertising opportunities, call 319-1112.

OUR TOWN B’nai mitzvah Lily Maya Goldberg, daughter of Lisa and Benjamin Goldberg, will celebrate becoming a bat mitzvah on Saturday, March 17, at Congregation Or Chadash. She is the granddaughter of Mimi and Jerry Sisk of Palos Verdes, California, and Karen and Bill Goldberg of Tucson. Lily attends Tucson Hebrew Academy and is a participant in the strings and art programs. She enjoys animals, art, playing violin, and Camp Ramah. For her mitzvah project, Lily is volunteering at Therapeutic Ranch for Animals and Kids (TRAK), an organization that provides animal encounters to children with physical disabilities, emotional disabilities, illnesses, and/or social or self-esteem issues. Daniel Vincent Hillel Robbins, son of Sylvia and Dr. Matthew Robbins, will celebrate becoming a bar mitzvah on Thursday, March 22 at the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona Northwest Division office. Marlene Burns will officiate. He is the grandson of the late Harriet Robbins and Harold Robbins of Tucson, and Margrit and the late Fred Knippert of Portland, Oregon. A former student of Tucson Hebrew Academy, Daniel currently attends Sonoran Science Academy as an eighth-grade honor and presidential award-winning student. He plays cello and soccer, mentors robotic teams, and loves anything technology related.

Birth A daughter, ADIRA NESHAMA FRUMKIN, was born Feb. 16, 2018 to Michelle Kuper Frumkin and Dvir Frumkin of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Grandparents are Mindi and Stewart Kuper of Tucson and Mira Frumkin of East Brunswick, New Jersey. Great-grandparents are Ileane Schneider of Scottsdale and Rochelle Roth of Tucson.

Anniversary Wi l l i am and Risé Rosenfeld will celebrate their 37th wedding anniversary this month. They met at a Hanukkah party in 1980 and were married in a Scottsdale courthouse on the eve of the festival of Purim, March 19, 1981. Bill owned Tucson Textile, Inc. for 27 years and then spent nine years as a substitute teacher, mostly in the Sunnyside Unified School District. The Rosenfelds have two children, Heather and Robert, and two grandchildren.

Business briefs ALMA HERNANDEZ is a candidate for the Arizona State House of Representatives in Legislative District 3 for the Democratic primary. A native Tucsonan, Hernandez is a former Jewish Community Relations Council coordinator for the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona and sings in the choir at Congregation Chaverim where she and her family are members. She received her Bachelor of Science and Master of Public Health degrees from the University of Arizona and has further public health training from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She was a Glass Leadership Institute Fellow with the Anti-Defamation League last year. Hernandez and her siblings continue to be involved with AIPAC. She began her involvement with the Democratic Party at age 14 and was most recently campaign manager for Joel Feinman, candidate for Pima County Attorney. She also served as campaign manager for State Sen. Steve Farley and for her brother, State Rep. Daniel Hernandez, and was an intern and dedicated headquarters captain for Mayor Jonathan Rothschild’s campaign. Daniel, is running for reelection in LD2, and her sister Consuelo is running for the Sunnyside school board. More information is available at almaforarizona.org. LEE H. OLITZKY, CEO of WiT2, a Tucson-based health care and consulting firm, has been appointed by Gov. Doug Ducey to the Governor’s Advisory Council on Aging. Olitzky is the former president of Handmaker Jewish Services for the Aging and for the past 10 years has provided management, consulting and medical billing services to federal and state governments, nonprofits and American Indian tribal governments. ANTHONY ZINMAN has started a group, TUCSON JEWS FOR JUSTICE, which aims to be a voice for Jewish Progressives. Zinman works as a juvenile public defender for Pima County, is a member of Democrats of Greater Tucson, and vice president of the Brotherhood at Congregation Or Chadash. He and Alma Hernandez, a Democratic primary candidate for the state legislature, co-chair the group.


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ESTHER STERNBERG, M.D., founding research director for the University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine and founding director of the UA Institute on Place and Wellbeing, and Casey Lindberg, Ph.D., M.Arch, postdoctoral research associate with UAIPW, were among six presenters of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention webinar “Physical Work Environments and Individual Health Outcomes” on Feb. 28. MARSHA DROZDOFF, a pioneer in the field of psychosocial oncology, retired from Banner University Medical Center Tucson (formerly UMC) on Dec. 31 after 36 and a half years. She created innovative programs, provided counseling, facilitated numerous support groups and integrated Reiki into oncology care. Since January she has been facilitating a monthly mindfulness and meditation group and a Reiki share at the Northwest YMCA. These groups are open to the community at no charge. She continues to offer Reiki sessions and classes through Desert Reiki Connection. She can be contacted at Marsha@DesertReikiConnection.com. SAM FOX, CEO and founder of Fox Restaurant Concepts, will receive the Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson 2018 Click for Kids Award. The award was created in honor of longtime supporter of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson, Jim Click. The award will be presented at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson 27th Annual Steak & Burger Dinner, which will be held June 8 at Casino Del Sol Resort. Ticket information is available at BGCTucson.org or 535-3533.

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The Arizona Center for Judaic Studies

Jeffrey Plevan Memorial Lecture 2018

Photo-illustration components: Aircraft - defensetalk.com; Israel Flag - Wikimedia Commons, the State of Israel; Hezbollah Flag - Rasa News Agency - Iran; Hezbollah Fighters - Presstv.com, Iran (Reuters); Iran Flag - wallpapercave.com; Revolutionary Guard - OFFICE OF THE IRANIAN SUPREME LEADER VIA AP; ISIS flags - Reuters, Infowars; Assad - Reuters, used in compliance with 17 U.S.C. ยง 106.

Free and Open to All


Israel, Iran & Iranian Proxies in Syria in the aftermath of ISIS David Makovsky, PhD.

Washington Institute for Near East Policy Special Envoy for Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations Obama Administration Senior Advisor for Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations

Monday, April 9, 2018, 6pm Reception (light refreshments) 7pm Lecture Environment & Natural Resources 2 Building (ENR2) 1064 E. Lowell St. Parking available next door at Sixth St. Garage - 1201 E. 6th St.

For more information, call (520) 626-5758 or visit us at www.judaic.arizona.edu Sponsors:

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