October 12, 2018 3 Cheshvan 5779 Volume 74, Issue 19
S O U T H E R N A R I Z O N A ’ S A WA R D - W I N N I N G J E W I S H N E W S PA P E R
Arts & Culture ........................11 Classifieds .............................24 Commentary ..........................6 Community Calendar...........28 Local .....................2, 3, 5, 7, 9, .................... 11, 14, 16, 17, 19 National ................................24 Obituaries .............................30 Our Town .............................. 31 P.S. ........................................27 Synagogue Directory...........30 World .................................... 12
DEBE CAMPBELL AJP Assistant Editor
’ve always considered Tucson Hebrew Academy as my fourth child and this community to be my family,” Ronnie Sebold recently told the AJP. With hands-on involvement within the school for 37 of its 45- year history, she has dedicated a lifetime to nurturing the academy. For this dedication to education and the community, THA will honor Sebold next month with its annual Tikkun Olam Award. The Nov. 4 event also will be a celebration of THA’s 45th anniversary. “We select an honoree for their work beyond THA,” says Jon BenAsher, THA head of school, “for
Photo courtesy Ronnie Sebold
Celebrations............ 17-23 Pets .......................14-16
THA dinner to honor Ronnie Sebold for community devotion
Brooke Sebold, left, with her mother, Ronnie Sebold, at a Sept. 29 tribute event in Denver for trauma surgeon Ernest E. Moore, who saved Brooke’s life 25 years ago after a skiing accident. Brooke will be the keynote speaker at Tucson Hebrew Academy’s Tikkun Olam Award dinner Nov. 4.
their work in the greater Jewish community and beyond. Ronnie’s many years actively involved with
Jewish Tucson organizations, events, and people have been an effort from her heart and soul.
She’s also done significant work at THA, and has been committed to the Jewish day school.” Sebold began volunteering at THA when her first child, Jordan, entered first grade in 1981. She says she chose a Jewish school so she wouldn’t have to add Hebrew school to secular education. “By the time my daughter Brooke attended, there was a different motivation. It was because it was the best education you could give a child,” she says. An educator herself, Sebold earned her bachelor of arts, cum laude, in elementary education from Brooklyn College of the City University of New York and a master’s in education as a reading specialist from the University of Michigan. With four years of See THA, page 2
YMCA ball to honor Shoah survivors, WWII and Korean War vets PHYLLIS BRAUN AJP Executive Editor
olfgang Hellpap, 87, a child survivor of the Holocaust from Berlin, Germany, tells his remarkable story with matter-of-fact simplicity. He’s told it many times during the past 13 years he’s lived in Tucson, to high school students and other groups. “I want people and especially young people to know what happened. This is history … it has to be conveyed so that this kind of evil should never happen,” he told the AJP recently. Hellpap will be among Holocaust survivors honored at the YMCA of Southern Arizona’s 2018 Community Military Ball on Nov. 10, along with World War II and Korean War veterans, and
Photo courtesy Christians United for Israel-Arizona
w w w. a z j e w i s h p o s t . c o m
Holocaust survivor Wolfgang Hellpap lights a memorial candle at the community Yom HaShoah commemoration on May 1, 2016, at the Tucson Jewish Community Center.
a Council of Heroes representing various branches of the U.S. Armed Forces.
Born in 1931, the son of a Polish Jewish father and a Christian mother who never married, Hell-
pap says his father left Germany “before everything started.” Hellpap’s first experience of anti-Semitism came in 1937 when he was in the second grade. “They found out I was officially Jewish,” he says. “They kicked me out of school in the middle of class, when the teacher said she had my name on a list and told me to leave. That was the law. All of a sudden the other kids were throwing rocks and spitting at me, so I had to run as fast as I could. I was crying.” His mother’s landlady wouldn’t let Hellpap stay in her room, so he was forced to find shelter on his own — sometimes with relatives for a few days, sometimes hiding in old sheds in parks. Eventually, the police caught him and placed him in a Jewish orphanage, basically a little camp, See YMCA, page 4
CANDLELIGHTING TIMES: October 12 ... 5:37 p.m. • October 19 ... 5:29 p.m. • October 26 ... 5:21 p.m.
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ARIZONA JEWISH POST, October 12, 2018
LOCAL Daughter to speak at tribute to Sebold, THA’s 45th year
onnie Sebold’s middle daughter, Brooke Sebold, will deliver the keynote speech at Tucson Hebrew Academy’s Tikkun Olam dinner honoring her mother and THA’s 45th anniversary on Nov. 4. A THA graduate and filmmaker in Los Angeles, Brooke recently spoke glowingly to the AJP about the upcoming event honoring her mother. “It’s the greatest thing in the world to celebrate my mom. Being a mom, she used it in a way that benefited everyone around her. I feel like my mom was born to be a mom — everyone’s mom,” she said. “To have that reverberate through the generations is real energy you feel. She fulfills that role even in a passing moment — she impacts people in ways she doesn’t even know.” Brooke recalls her mother’s dedication to THA. “I remember what a huge deal it was when they broke ground for the new school. She was so passionate about it, fundraising and personally working to make it a real-
ity. THA was like a family, and she played a huge part in that, not just with our family. She has such a symbiotic relationship with THA and the community; it gave her a sense of purpose. She’s lucky she found a community that can reap those benefits. I am proud that THA appreciates that. “She lives her life from a higher vantage point,” Brooke says of her mother. “She was born with a natural gift to make all around her feel loved. She showed me how to journey through the world with a lack of fear, showing love to everyone I meet; and tailored her guidance to what each of her children needed.” The anniversary and award celebration will be held at the Tucson Jewish Community Center with a cocktail reception at 5:30 p.m. followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $150 per individual, $250 per couple. Sponsorship opportunities are available. To register, visit www.thaaz.org or call 529-3888.
was a member of at least seven committees, for up to as many as 19 years. She led the General Campaign last year, co-chaired the Women’s Philanthropy Campaign in 2017 and has chaired or co-chaired at least six other committees. She continues to chair JFSA’s community engagement department and participates as a member of the department of Jewish education and identity, which she co-chaired for five years, along with chairing at least five sub-committees. She also is a Women’s Philanthropy Lion of Judah. The community previously recognized Sebold for her dedication. JFSA named her Woman of Valor in 1989 and Woman of the Year in 1996, and extended its Community Service Award in 1991 and Meritorious Service Award in 1993. While qualified and deserving of the Tikkun Olam honor, Sebold expressed surprise at the award, having been the honoree at THA’s Annual Torah Dinner in 1993. “Ronnie epitomizes ‘lifelong devotion’ for the decades she has been ‘all-in’ when it comes to the Jewish community, THA, and JFSA, particularly through the Federation’s Coalition for Jewish Education,” says JFSA President and CEO Stuart Mellan. “Like any leader, Ronnie draws people around her through her magnetic personality and passion.” Today, Sebold feels she has passed the baton on to the next generations. “I know there’s another parent out there enrolling their kindergartner that will start volunteering and become committed. I think that the most important Jewish value that I learned at THA, and the one that I use on a daily basis, is the importance of developing and nourishing community,” Sebold told the AJP in 2017. It is evident that her commitment remains.
continued from page 1
teaching experience in Texas and New York when she arrived in Tucson in 1980, she was well prepared for immersion into the THA family of students, parents, faculty, and leadership. By the time the third child, Shayne, graduated, Ronnie had spent 19 years carpooling, a school record she believes she still holds. Over nearly four decades, Ronnie went from volunteer to board member, held various committee chairs, was board president, twice the interim head of school, and director of admissions for nine years, before retiring in 2015. She remains an active life member on THA’s board of directors. The Sebold family also funded the school’s library and the middle school science lab. “Ronnie brought her children to school and stayed. She wore every hat in the building from teacher to leader,” said Ben-Asher. “She’s seen the transition from Anshei Israel (the school’s previous location) to the current campus. The right word for it is devotion. She invested her heart, soul, and mind. We teach our students the principle of tikkun olam, bringing light and hope to the world. This award highlights people who are a role model for tikkun olam. It’s our way to say thanks.” Sebold says she put her community and Federation activism on the back burner to focus on THA, but she didn’t ignore those commitments. She has served on the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona board of directors for 16 years, an executive officer for half of those years. Sebold
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LOCAL New synagogue to open in Northwest Tucson
Experience Matters
ongregation Beit Simand welcoming congregacha (House of Joy), a tion with strong connections new synagogue based throughout the community,” in Northwest Tucson, will says Beit Simcha President open later this month. Craig Sumberg. “Rabbi CoEstablished by a group of hon is an inspirational leader congregants and Rabbi Samwith an innovative approach uel M. Cohon, Beit Simcha to contemporary Jewish life.” will hold its inaugural Friday Congregation Beit Simcha’s night Shabbat services on Oct. Rabbi Samuel M. Cohon first Torah scroll is one of the 19 at 6 p.m. at the Harvey and Holocaust-era Czech MemoDeana Evenchik Center for Jewish Phi- rial Scrolls, which Cohon and his son lanthropy, 3718 E. River Road. Along Boaz received from the Czech Memorial with weekly Shabbat services, Beit Simcha Scrolls Trust at Westminster Synagogue will offer youth and adult education, social in London, England, on Oct. 10. Using justice opportunities, outreach and cultur- this scroll will connect the congregation al Jewish programming, says Cohon. to Jewish history and heritage in powerYouth education and b’nai mitzvah ful ways, says Cohon. His late great-unclasses will begin Wednesday, Oct. 17 at cle, Rabbi Harold Reinhart, the founding the classroom location, 7493 N. Oracle rabbi of Westminster Synagogue, was inRoad, Suite 131. Adult Education Acad- strumental in the rescue of the scrolls and emy courses will begin with the first their refurbishment and redistribution to session of “The Zohar: the Kabbalistic synagogues throughout the world. Crown” on Thursday, Oct. 25 at 11:45 For more information on services, a.m. A Shabbat morning hike and ser- adult classes and lifecycle ceremonies, visit vice with Cohon will be held Saturday, www.beitsimchatucson.org or call 276Oct. 20, departing from Catalina State 5675. For youth education information, Park at 8 a.m. contact Education Director Lori Riegel “We are thrilled to begin our new tem- at youthed@beitsimchatucson.org or call ple, and are dedicated to building a warm 276-9244.
JFCS will host dialogue on domestic violence
oan-e Rapine, MS, LAC, Rapine, a licensed mental NCC, a clinical therapist health counselor, workshop at Jewish Family & Chilfacilitator, international predren’s Services, will lead an senter and former childbirth interactive discussion, “Doprofessional, has worked for mestic Violence and the Immore than 30 years with inpact on Our Community: dividuals, families and groups Let’s Work Together to End of all ages. She held an internthe Problem and Become Part ship at a domestic violence Joan-e Rapine of the Solution” on Sunday, shelter where she worked Oct. 28, 10 a.m. to noon at JFCS, 4301 with women and children from various E. Fifth Street. cultures. The discussion will cover who suffers The LEAH (Let’s End Abusive Housefrom domestic violence and how it af- holds) program at JFCS and community fects our community, focusing on how partner Hadassah Nurses Council are to recognize domestic violence, how presenting the free event. LEAH is fundto support neighbors and friends who ed by the Jewish Federation of Southern might be affected by domestic violence, Arizona. For more information, call and ways to create positive change. 795-0300.
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HANUKKAH The Arizona Jewish Post is looking for a creative, colorful Hanukkah illustration for the cover of our Nov. 23 issue. If you’re age 12 or under send us your Hanukkah-themed artwork by Monday, Nov. 12. For more information visit: www.azjewishpost.com/hanukkahcontest For sponsorship opportunities contact Bertí: 520-647-8461 berti@azjewishpost.com
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To reserve your place, visit www.thelearningcurvetucson.com or call 520-777-5817.
October 12, 2018, ARIZONA JEWISH POST
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YMCA continued from page 1
he says, where some of the Jewish teachers cooperated with the Nazis. The Gestapo would come at night with lists of children to be deported, and one Jewish teacher would crack a whip at the children as their names were called. “It was a horrible time,” he says, adding that the building that housed the Auerbach Jewish Orphanage, now an apartment house, bears a plaque chronicling its history, along with a wall built in memory of the children who were killed that current residents must pass every day. The rest of Hellpap’s story, which includes service in the Israeli army, where he nearly lost a leg, and in the U.S. Army, which returned him to Germany as a translator, is chronicled in the first volume of “To Tell Our Stories: Holocaust Survivors of Southern Arizona,” published in 2015 by Jewish Family & Children’s Services. A second volume was published this year. Hellpap says that with the remaining survivors dying out, and people who deny that the Holocaust ever happened, “as long as I can speak out, I will … that’s my last duty in this world.” Former U.S. Coast Guard Yeoman Third Class Max Davis was an anti-submariner in the South Pacific during World War II. Davis, who is Jewish, was a member of the Council of Heroes at the YMCA’s inaugural military ball in 2016, and will again be recognized this year. He told the AJP he wanted to volunteer in 1941 after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, but being only 15, he had to wait two years to volunteer, with parental consent, in 1943. Davis says he experienced some anti-Semitism during his military career, but nothing he couldn’t handle, dismissing those who expressed such bigotry as “idiots.” One of his most cherished memories is participating in an Honor Flight about 10 years ago, visiting the various war memorials in Washington, D.C., and, along with other veterans, being greeted by bands playing music and children waving flags at the various airports along the journey. At 92, Davis says, “I hope that I’m never called again, but if my country asked me to serve I would happily do it.” Rabbi Bonnie Koppell of Temple Chai in Phoenix, who also serves as a military chaplain, will give the invocation at the ball. Koppell says it will be “a humble honor to be in the presence of our military heroes and of those who experienced and survived the worst of human depravity. I know that it will be incredibly moving to witness these two groups encountering each other — they have a shared experience that is unimaginable to the rest of us.” The YMCA expects more than 900 attendees at the event, a fundraiser for YMCA programs benefiting local active duty military and their families. “In keeping with the YMCA’s 150 plus years of military support, the ball raises funds to provide free and re-
Photo: Phyllis Braun/AJP
Closing dates for AJP publicity releases are listed below.
On a trip to Berlin in 1998, Wolfgang Hellpap was able to retrieve his German identity card from a World War II archive. The Nazis assigned the middle name ‘Israel’ to all Jewish males who had first names ‘of nonJewish origin,’ with ‘Sara’ assigned to females, in addition to a large ‘J’ stamped on their cards.
Photo courtesy YMCA
U.S. Coast Guard veteran Max Davis and Priscilla Storm, YMCA military ball volunteer liaison, at the 2016 YMCA Community Military Ball
duced cost memberships and summer camp tuitions,” says Stephanie Horne, chief development officer of the YMCA of Southern Arizona. She adds that the goal is to make the YMCA “a touchstone for military families no matter where their careers take them throughout the country.” The ball, which will be held at the Tucson Convention Center, will feature a keynote address by retired USMC Lieutenant General Robert Johnston and music by the University of Arizona Jazz Band, Tucson Highlanders Pipes and Drums, The George Howard Band, and trumpeter Michael Finkelstein. Other military VIPs in attendance will include retired USAF Major General Ted Maxwell; retired USAF Major General John Almquist; Major Rodney Glassman, USAF JAG Corp Reserve; and retired USAF General Eugene “Gene” Santarelli. Tickets are $150. To purchase tickets, contact Horne at 623-5511, ext. 257, or visit www.tucsonymca.org/events/ military-ball.
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ARIZONA JEWISH POST, October 12, 2018
LOCAL Shalom Baby welcomes newest community members
DEBE CAMPBELL AJP Assistant Editor
845 E University Blvd 520-388-4500 Mon-Sat: 10:30a -9p Sun: 11a - 8:30p
Photos courtesy Jewish Tucson Concierge
halom Baby celebrates the birth or adoption of new babies and welcomes them to the Southern Arizona Jewish community with a box of supplies for the new parents. “It’s like the Jewish community in a box,” says Jewish Tucson Concierge and program coordinator Carol Sack. “There’s not many opportunities for the Jewish community to come together like this and welcome a child.” Along with resource information, the box includes useful items like a baby t-shirt and onesie, teethers, pacifier and holder, socks, beanie, books, bibs, burp and washcloths, sanitizer, coupons, afghan, and sippy-cup. Sack says her last box delivery was to a couple who recently moved to Tucson and have no family here. “It really touched them that the community reached out,” she says. Shalom Baby is a Jewish Community Roundtable program, funded by the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona/Jewish Community Foundation Aligned Grants Program. Also participating are Hadassah, Handmaker Jewish Services for the Aging, University of Arizona Hillel Foundation, Tucson Jewish Community Center, Jewish History Museum, PJ Library, Tucson Hebrew Academy and seven local synagogues: Chabad Tucson, Temple Emanu-El and Congregations Anshei Israel, Bet Shalom, Chaverim, Chofetz Chayim, and Or Chadash. “Whether it’s your first child, your fourth, or if you recently adopted a baby, Shalom Baby is for you,” Sack says. To register yourself or someone else for the program, contact Sack at 577-9393. Find more information at www.jewishtucson.org/jewish-life/shalom-baby.
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A sample of some of the Shalom Baby gift box contents
Handmaker, Hebrew High plan new ‘Tracing Roots’
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Photo: Handmaker Jewish Services
andmaker Jewish Services for the Aging and Tucson Hebrew High will launch a Tracing Roots 2.0 intergenerational program next month, bringing together Handmaker residents and Jewish teens. The original program, which began in fall 2015 and wrapped up in 2017, built “beautiful connections,” says Nanci Levy, Handmaker’s community outreach coordinator. Any Jewish high school student in Southern Arizona may apply for the program, which will accept 12 applicants. Teens chosen to participate must attend an orientation on Sunday, Nov. 4 from 1-4 p.m. at Handmaker. Other requirements include meeting regularly with a community mentor throughout the program, attending a group Friday night Shabbat meal with Handmaker residents and other teens, attending at least three meetings with their partner and conducting interviews for a book of life stories, writing up a biography of their partner, and attending a final program event in April. Applications are available at www.bit.ly/traceroots or
Hebrew High students Maya Krause, left, and Rachel Levy, right, collaborate with Handmaker resident Lois Waldman to trace her family tree.
www.tucsonhebrewhigh.org. Applications are due on Monday, Oct. 15 and should be emailed to Levy at nlevy@ handmaker.org or Rabbi Ruven Barkan, Hebrew High principal, at rabbiruven@jfsa.org. For more information, call Levy at 322-3632.
and each month your Jewish child age 6 months to 8 years will get a FREE Jewish book or CD in the mail. Go to www.jewishtucson.org. October 12, 2018, ARIZONA JEWISH POST
COMMENTARY Five Jewish candidates are running for Senate in 2018 midterm elections RON KAMPEAS JTA WASHINGTON
here are 55 candidates for Congress who identify as Jewish. Among them are 41 Democrats: five are running for the Senate — three incumbents and two challengers. Among the 36 in the U.S. House of Representatives, 19 are incumbents and 17 are challengers. (Three incumbent Jewish House Democrats are retiring.) The 14 Republican candidates are running for the House. There are two incumbents and 12 challengers. Additionally, two House candidates, both Democrats, have Jewish fathers and say that shaped their outlook, but they do not identify as Jewish. At least three House hopefuls in the same party — two incumbents and one challenger — have a Jewish spouse and are raising their children as Jewish. Politically and geographically, they are as diverse a bunch as the 900 candidates for Congress (Jews, who make up less than 2 percent of the population, comprise 6 percent of the candidates). There are moderate Republicans who would rather not mention President Donald Trump’s name while campaigning, rightwing Republicans who eagerly embrace the Trump endorsement and other rightwing Republicans who peddle “alt-right” tropes. There are centrist Democrats who staunchly defend Israel, leftist Democrats
among the Jewish state’s most outspoken critics and Democrats who barely register on the Israel spectrum. There are sure bets and long shots (in some cases very long shots), while some races are too tight to call. Some have come up through the statehouse, some through the national security system, some with no political experience. They come from areas of high Jewish concentration like New York and Los Angeles, and spots such as Kentucky and Wyoming where Jews barely register on the electoral map. JTA is breaking down the races, assessing where the candidates stand on the political spectrum, noting their Jewish involvement and reporting what the forecasters say. We start with the Jewish Senate nominees, all Democrats: Dianne Feinstein, California (incumbent) Politics: Feinstein, 85, elected in 1992, is the oldest sitting U.S. senator and the longestserving woman in Dianne Feinstein the body. She is a leading progressive on most issues, and for decades has been outspoken on gun control and LGBTQ rights. She became San Francisco’s mayor in 1978 after her predecessor, George Moscone, and City Supervisor Harvey Milk, a Jewish gay rights activist, were shot to death.
3718 E. River Rd., Suite 272, Tucson, AZ 85718 • 520-319-1112 www.azjewishpost.com • localnews@azjewishpost.com The Arizona Jewish Post (ISSN 1053-5616) is published biweekly except July for a total of 24 issues. The publisher is the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona located at 3718 E. River Rd., Tucson, AZ 85718. Inclusion of paid advertisements does not imply an endorsement of any product, service or person by the Arizona Jewish Post or its publisher. The Arizona Jewish Post does not guarantee the Kashrut of any merchandise advertised. The Arizona Jewish Post reserves the right to refuse any advertisement.
Feinstein, the president of the city’s Board of Supervisors, discovered their bodies. As the senior Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, Feinstein took the lead in picking through the record of Brett Kavanaugh, who barely won Senate confirmation following allegations of sexual assault from decades ago. As the chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee from 2009 to 2015, Feinstein angered progressives by siding with intelligence agencies when they drew fire for their methods. Jewish quotient: Feinstein had a Jewish father and Christian mother and was brought up in both faiths. At 20, she chose Judaism, she said, because of its directness. Over the years she has become more critical of Israel, taking the lead recently in urging its government not to demolish Palestinian residences in the West Bank as punishment. Feinstein has been endorsed by the political action committee affiliated with J Street, the liberal Jewish Middle East policy group, as well as JACPAC, the Chicago-based Jewish PAC that backs liberal domestic policies. Election prospects: California’s system grants the two spots on the November ballot to the two top vote-getters in the primary, regardless of party. That leaves Feinstein facing off against Kevin de León, a Democratic state senator who has the endorsement of the state party. Feinstein is expected to win, although recent polls show de León narrowing the divide to single digits.
OFFICE MANAGER — April Bauer office@azjewishpost.com
GRAPHIC DESIGNER — Michelle Shapiro ads@azjewishpost.com
Arizona Jewish Post Advisory Board Damion Alexander, Myles Beck, Barbara Befferman Danes, Bruce Beyer (chairman), Roberta Elliott, Cathy Karson, Steve Weintraub Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona Stuart Mellan, President • Fran Katz, Senior Vice President • Shelly Silverman, Chairman of the Board
ARIZONA JEWISH POST, October 12, 2018
Ben Cardin
Ben Cardin, Maryland (incumbent) Politics: Cardin, 74, was elected to the Senate from the House in 2006. Like his father and uncle, he served in the Maryland
House of Delegates, becoming its youngest-ever speaker. As a U.S. senator, he eschews the national reputation some of his colleagues seek and tends to pursue his liberal agenda through the prism of state issues: Cardin is a champion of the environment who seeks to keep the Chesapeake Bay clean and wants to narrow the income gap, with a focus on Baltimore’s troubled inner city. Cardin does strike a broader profile in international relations, particularly human rights. For years he has taken a lead role on the U.S. Helsinki Commission, which monitors human rights in other countries, and he was the top Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee from 2015 until earlier this year. Cardin started each briefing with reporters with an appeal for the release of a prisoner of conscience. Jewish quotient: Cardin is a scion of a family influential in Jewish philanthropy. A relative is Shoshana Cardin, who led multiple national Jewish organizations. He hews to a conventional pro-Israel line, and was one of four Senate Democrats who in 2015 opposed the Iran nuclear deal after being subjected to intensive lobbying by Baltimore-area Jewish leaders. This year, Cardin spoke at J Street’s national conference, a signal that he was edging toward the more Israel-critical posture that the group favors. Nonetheless, he defended a bill he authored that would impose penalties on companies that comply with the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement targeting Israel. Cardin has been backed by NORPAC, the New Jersey-based center-right pro-Israel political action committee, as well as JACPAC. Election prospects: Cardin is heavily favored to defeat Republican Tony Campbell, a political science professor. See Senate, page 8
Photo courtesy Congregation Bet Shalom
Synagogues grow youth, family education programs with Federation funding
DEBE CAMPBELL AJP Assistant Editor
ocal congregations are enhancing youth and family education programs while increasing inter-synagogue collaboration to enrich Tucson Jewish life. Participants credit expanded funding from the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona for this boon. “The Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona has always allocated grant money to synagogues, but additional funding through the new Planning and Allocation Committee process is increasing this engagement,” says Oshrat Barel, JFSA senior vice president for community engagement. The Federation-Synagogue Dialogue group, which includes Federation representatives, rabbis, administrators, and presidents from area synagogues, has long met to discuss common issues and concerns facing religious organizations and the broader, organized Jewish community. A consistent topic was the year over year decline in enrollment and participation within religious schools not just in Tucson, but also nationally, recalls Phillip Pepper, immediate past president of Congregation Anshei Israel. The Federation and the congregations set out to explore ways to increase and enhance youth and family participation. Subsequently, the dialogue group fostered the Synagogue Funding Group as part of JFSA’s PAC revised process, says Pepper, who now co-chairs that group with Andy Kunsberg. The PAC process allocates all of JFSA’s annual campaign income to congregations, beneficiary agencies, national and overseas programs, and the Federation’s operations, explains Stuart Mellan, JFSA president and CEO. During the last quarter of each year, PAC steering committees work on budgets
for the four funding areas. With a total first-year allocation of $101,000 in 2017, funding to seven local synagogues ran from $5,000 to $20,000, says Barel. “This is significant locally and nationally. Generally, Federations are not this generous to synagogues, but the need was compelling enough to include them in this process,” Pepper says. “For the size of our community and campaign, we are leading or among the top few federations making this type of commitment at this level.” Pepper explains that PAC allocation to synagogues is based on the census of congregants 18 years of age and younger. Through a simple request for proposals process, individual synagogues present programs and budgets for consideration. Awarded programs are evaluated midyear and at year-end. “As a brand new concept, we expect it to take three to five years to prove it is worth,” Pepper says. “We will be measuring success by gathering as much data and anecdotal information as possible.” “Our goal was to strengthen Jewish commitment, and it is working,” says Kunsberg. “What’s exciting is how successful this has turned out. It has allowed for thinking outside of the box and creating new programs to bring family and children into the synagogues.” For 2018, the allocation was $94,000, reduced proportionally to the amount of campaign funds raised. “We also are learning that synagogues can create inter-congregational partnerships. There are program opportunities for collaboration among synagogues. Why can’t one synagogue parallel programs of another, or collaborate in sharing resources and programs?” asks Pepper. Congregations already are reaping the
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Congregation Bet Shalom members work on the pollinator garden for the Midbar Project. Later project development will include beehives, gardens, and chickens for lessons about desert and Biblical gardening traditions.
See Funding, page 10
October 12, 2018, ARIZONA JEWISH POST
SENATE continued from page 6
Jacky Rosen, Nevada (challenger) Politics: Rosen, 61, was a consultant and software designer plucked from obscurity by Sen. Harry Reid Jacky Rosen just two years ago to run for the 3rd District seat then held by Republican Joe Heck, encompassing Las Vegas suburbs. (Heck ran a failed Senate campaign to replace Reid, who was retiring.) Reid, the longtime Democratic leader in the Senate and a powerhouse in Nevada politics, wanted a pickup for Democrats, and Rosen delivered — so much so that Reid, who remains influential, tapped Rosen to take down Dean Heller, the incumbent Republican senator. The focus of Rosen’s campaign has been education — the public school system in Nevada is notoriously underfunded — and the environment. She also is part of the wave of women seen as spurred to higher office by Donald Trump’s election. She has been outspoken in recent weeks in saying that as a senator she would have opposed the Kavanaugh confirmation, and she has the endorsement of feminist PACs like Emily’s List. Jewish quotient: Rosen’s sole political experience prior to 2016 was as president of Ner Tamid, a Reform synagogue in Henderson, Nevada. Good enough, said Shelley Berkley, a former Democratic con-
gresswoman from Las Vegas who lost to Heller in 2012. “If you can be president of a synagogue,” Berkley told The New York Times, “you can be president of the United States very easily.” Rosen has taken a typically centrist pro-Israel line, saying she would have opposed the 2015 Iran nuclear pact. Heller is backed by Sheldon Adelson, the casino magnate and proIsrael and Republican giver who helped lead opposition to the deal. She has been endorsed by center-right pro-Israel PACs as well as JACPAC. She’s an “On The Street” candidate for J Street’s PAC, which means she does not accept the PAC’s money but does allow it to direct individual donors her way. Election prospects: Rosen vs. Heller is one of the closest races in the country — pollsters rate it as a tossup.
Election prospects: Sanders is running unopposed. Gary Trauner, Wyoming (challenger) Politics: Trauner, 59, ran twice in the mid-2000s for Wyoming’s single House seat and, shockingly for this Gary Trauner reddest of Republican states, nearly took it in 2006, a sweep year for Democrats. He told JTA that year that he had knocked on nearly every door in the state. Trauner tried again in 2008 and lost by a wider margin. The issues page on his campaign site suggests a cautiously centrist approach: He backs the social safety net, environmentally responsible energy independence, immigration reform that includes allowances for undocumented migrants currently in the United States and “balance” on gun rights. Jewish quotient: Trauner, a New Yorkborn financial entrepreneur, attended Jewish political fundraising events during his House runs. This time around, the record does not show money coming in from pro-Israel or Jewish PACs. (He has raised an impressive $630,000, which nonetheless is less than a tenth of the nearly $7 million brought in by his Republican opponent, incumbent John Barrasso.) His campaign site does not address foreign policy. Election prospects: Barrasso is seen as safe in a state that Trump won with 67 percent of the vote to 22 percent for Hillary Clinton — the widest margin for a presidential election in the state’s history.
Sanders ran a surprisingly strong campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016, becoming the first Jewish candidate to win major-party nominating contests. Hillary Clinton won the nod, but the Sanders bid excited the party’s base and helped steer it leftward. For instance, the $15 minimum wage Sanders championed, once considered pie-in-the-sky by the Democratic establishment, is now party policy. Leftleaning candidates now eagerly seek out an endorsement from Sanders or the activist group established in the wake of his campaign, Our Revolution. Jewish quotient: Sanders, who firmly identifies as a democratic socialist, for years had eschewed a focus on his Judaism, preferring in media encounters to stick to his overriding policy concern: income inequality. Since launching his presidential election campaign, though, he has spoken more openly than he had in the past about family who had perished during the Holocaust and about the several months he had spent as a young man in Israel on a kibbutz. He has since his presidential campaign become a leading Senate critic of Israel, posting multiple videos on social media criticizing how Israel is handling the crisis across its border in the Gaza Strip. He has the endorsement of J Street’s PAC and was the star of J Street’s annual conference this year. While critical of Israel, Sanders opposes BDS and emphasizes his demand that Arab states recognize Israel’s existence.
There are 55 candidates who identify as Jewish running for Congress in 2018. Five are running for the Senate.
Bernie Sanders, Vermont (incumbent) Politics: Sanders, 77, is an Independent who caucuses with the Democrats. He won election to the Senate Bernie Sanders in 2006 after serving 16 years in the House. He launched his political career in 1981 when he became mayor of Burlington, Vermont.
Ron Kampeas is JTA’s Washington bureau chief.
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LOCAL Women’s classes aim to build positive habits, decode Torah mysteries DEBE CAMPBELL AJP Assistant Editor
Photo: Southwest Torah Institute
ewish wisdom teaches that it takes 40 days to form a habit. “The same is true for molding character and changing how we look at life,” says Esther Becker, director of the Women’s Academy of Jewish Studies at the Southwest Torah Institute. Her “40 Days to Become a Better You” program continues last year’s widely attended “40 Day Challenge“ series. It provides a systematic approach to integrate positive, life-enhancing attitudes. Becker launches the new series of classes on Oct. 21. Three five-week series each focus on the development of a character trait. Series one, “The Magic of Order,” will provide techniques to generate a calm personal environment. It is designed to reduce stress and increase productivity by creating clarity and uniformity in the performance of one’s dayto-day tasks. Series two, “Living Your Authentic Life,” is based on the character trait of truth. Living authentic life takes courage, Becker says. Honesty with consistency empowers and promotes openness, cutting through red tape, frustration and indecision, she adds. Series three, “The Power of Humility,” demonstrates how integrating the trait of humility into our lives can free us to learn, grow and accomplish. “True humility is congruous with healthy selfesteem and enables us to recognize our gifts and talents and to rejoice at the accomplishments of others around us,” says Becker. “Since I initiated ‘The 40-Day Challenge’ with Esther, I have understood what peace of mind means and to exercise true compassion toward all. I am experiencing a more meaningful and joyful
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Esther Becker
life,” says previous class attendee Dana Zeligman. The 40-Days classes will be held Sundays at 10-11:30 a.m. Each session is $90, or participants can register for all three sessions for $225. Sign up with a friend who has never attended before, and both receive a 10 percent discount. Becker also is continuing her classic Thursday morning series for the 14th year. This year’s course, “Decoding the Mysteries of the Torah,” is an exciting interactive journey, she says, challenging women to look between the lines and to unravel the hidden lessons of Medrash (stories based on Hebrew Scripture) and Talmud. “Life transforming insights will emerge, as participants think, question and delve evermore deeply into the text,” says Becker. The course begins Thursday, Oct. 25 at 10 -11:30 a.m. A Tuesday evening option is available beginning Oct. 23 at 7 p.m. Cost is $290 per person for 15 sessions. Sign up with a friend who has never attended before, and both receive a 10 percent discount. For more information or online registration visit www.tucsontorah.org or contact Becker at 591-7680 or ewbecker@me.com.
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October 12, 2018, ARIZONA JEWISH POST
FUNDING continued from page 7
fruits of this unique investment. Kunsberg cites, as an example of this collaboration, that three Reform synagogues now combine eighth grade, post-b’nai mitzvah education classes. Congregation Bet Shalom is building a gaga ball pit to encourage inter-synagogue tournaments with Congregation Or Chadash, which has its own gaga pit. For Temple Emanu-El, the additional support funds the congregation’s Hebrew at Home program. “Students may attend in the classroom or far away,” says Rabbi Batsheva Appel, adding that this flexibility has enabled the classes to maintain community and help students learn although they are not physically present.
“Parents are very appreciative because they couldn’t get their kids to the class before” because of distance or time and schedule conflicts, she notes. “Hebrew at Home is a costly program that we couldn’t have gotten without Federation assistance,” says Appel. The distance-learning component allows participants from Red Rock, north of Marana, Arizona, and two students as far as south as Caborca, Sonora, Mexico, to attend virtually. The family in Mexico has a long-standing relationship with the temple, and they appreciate being able to attend, says Rabbi Appel. “The financial support has allowed us to do some innovative programs that look to be making a significant difference for our youth and families, specifically, our pre- and post-b’nai mitzvah participants,” says Stephanie Roberts, Congre-
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ARIZONA JEWISH POST, October 12, 2018
gation Anshei Israel board of trustees president. In a letter to the Federation she notes “it is not just financial support being provided … thank you for challenging us to create programs that both fit the structure you created and allow for innovation, flexibility, and customization for our specific needs.” Congregation Bet Shalom has seen exponential growth in children and family participation to the extent that two or three new families are joining every month, says Anne Lowe, the congregation’s board president. JFSA funds are used on innovative programs that give youth hands-on experiences. “We’re really engaging youth, families, and children in Jewish life and Shabbat activities because now it is a lot of fun. The shul is now the place to be on Shabbat, totally due to the funding we’ve gotten from
Federation.” Bet Shalom’s new programming updated the monthly Camp Shabbat for 6to 10-year-olds, staffed by University of Arizona students and shinshiniyot (Israeli teen emissaries), with adult supervision. A unique Chesed Shel Emet (true kindness) project teaches children to deal with grief and how to honor their ancestors. The Midbar (desert) Project will develop an on-site, hands-on educational family farm project. “The partnership between the Federation and the synagogues will continue to grow through this program benefitting all partners,” says Pepper. Appel says colleagues she engages in conversation at conventions and forums are surprised at the level of funding JFSA allocates to Tucson congregations. “They are always amazed,” she says.
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ARTS & CULTURE / LOCAL Century-old adobe house, home of clay co-op, celebrates birthday this month MICHEAL ROMERO AJP INTERN
Photo: Facebook
he Tucson Clay Co-op is celebrating a special birthday in October. The building where clay bowls and pots come together is turning 100 years old and proprietor Maxine Krasnow wants to send it up big. “You don’t celebrate when a building is 101 or 102, you do it the year that it is a hundred,” she says. Krasnow moved the clay studio to the adobe house at 3326 N. Dodge Blvd. in 2008, after a series of relocations that took her all over Tucson. Starting out in New York, she founded and ran Supermud Pottery Studio in Manhattan. She moved out west in 1982 because of her son’s asthma and ran her pottery school out of her home. In 2000, Krasnow was offered a spot in an 1,800-square-foot space to teach her class but three years later, that building was sold off and Krasnow had to relocate. From there, she had to bounce from location to location as each spot closed its doors.
Maxine Krasnow is the founder of the Tucson Clay Co-op.
“I moved the pottery five times in five years,” Krasnow said. “I got lucky and found this building on Craigslist.” The building was listed by Lynn Rae Lowe of the Metal Arts Village and while many were interested, Krasnow’s pottery took the spot. “She specifically wanted the Tucson Clay Co-Op and she thought there would
be a synergy with the Metal Arts Village,” Krasnow said. Although the space is small, there is a place for every type of kiln, mold and glaze. “A lot of people didn’t think I could pull it off,” she said. “I’m basically in a house.” But Krasnow isn’t one to be overcome by the cards she is dealt. As the first girl to have a bat mitzvah in
her Conservative temple, she wasn’t easy with the inequalities that came with being a Jewish girl in that era. “I was angry that I was not allowed to read from the Torah,” Krasnow said. “Not because I was that religious, but because I thought it was unfair that you had to [be a boy] to read from the Torah.” Krasnow knows that a bigger space for the Tucson Clay Co-op might provide better opportunities but it is the close nature of the space that forces a tight knit community. “Because it is so intimate and so small, we have to get along with each other,” she jokes. The celebration is set for Saturday, Oct. 27 and will feature the band The Wayback Machine, as well as speakers who will talk about the history of the neighborhood and building. There will be food and drink to honor Mexican and Native American dishes from the region. The party is set to start at 4 p.m. and end around 8 p.m., but that isn’t guaranteed. “It’s a party so if it runs later, it runs later,” Krasnow says.
October 12, 2018, ARIZONA JEWISH POST
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These non-Jews in the U.K. are fighting Labour anti-Semitism from the inside Floors by Rogo’s... Cool on the outside, cooler on the inside!
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Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn speaks at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool, England, Sept. 26, 2018.
teeped in anti-Semitism accusations involving him and his supporters, British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has made many Jewish enemies — including inside his own party. But one of his most effective critics is not Jewish. He is a meteorology student at the University of Reading who describes himself as “just a kid with a laptop.” Denny Taylor, 20, has used that laptop to keep a running tally of party members who have flouted Labour’s own guidelines against hate speech and report them to the party’s ethics review panel. Horrified at the revelations about Corbyn’s ties to anti-Semites, Taylor set up Labour Against Anti-Semitism, or LAAS, in 2016 with a few dozen nonJewish and Jewish volunteers. He was 18 and had voted the previous year for Corbyn. It was LAAS that last month reported to Labour’s ethics panel on an old recording in which Corbyn declared that Zionists “don’t understand English irony.” The group has flagged 1,200 alleged members who it said have breached the party’s guidelines against hate speech and has a backlog of about 2,000 additional cases of people engaging in what LAAS considers anti-Semitic rhetoric. LAAS has not reported the latter yet, ac-
ARIZONA JEWISH POST, October 12, 2018
cording to its spokesman, Euan Philipps, who also is not Jewish. LAAS “punches far above its weight,” said Jonathan Hoffman, a British Jew who has been involved in some of the most vocal protests against Labour’s anti-Semitism problem — including a poster campaign in London earlier this year. The “small group of volunteers,” to which Hoffman does not belong, “has achieved great success in raising the profile of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party, and is now the first port of call for media like the BBC, The Times and Sky News,” he told JTA. Corbyn, a far-left politician who was elected to lead Labour in 2015, has alternated between vowing to address Jewish concerns and dismissing them. In August, he called many Jews’ existential fears about a Corbyn-led government “overheated rhetoric.” He also has refused to apologize for his own controversial actions, including his honoring in 2015 of dead Palestinian terrorists and saying in 2013 that local “Zionists” lack a sense of irony. Amid attacks by Labour moderates, Corbyn’s worsening relationship with British Jewry sunk to a new low in August when former chief rabbi Jonathan Sacks, a lord and probably British Jewry’s most eminent representative, called Corbyn “an anti-Semite.” The Jewish Labour Movement, a group of coreligionists within the party that once was British Jewry’s political home, has
threatened to sue Corbyn and dismissed his promises to fight anti-Semitism as lip service. Corbyn supporters dismiss many critics either as “Zionists” — Corbyn himself has acknowledged that the term has often been “hijacked” by anti-Semites as code for Jews — or Labour rivals seeking to weaponize anti-Semitism claims. Such criticism is harder to pin on LAAS, according to Taylor. Beyond having non-Jewish members from across the political spectrum within Labour, “We primarily file complaints that are well-documented,” Taylor said. He traces his commitment to fighting anti-Semitism within Labour to a desire to “make up for the damage” that Corbyn and other of his erstwhile supporters helped cause to the United Kingdom. The ethics board of Labour — a party eager to shake off its image as a hub for anti-Semitism — is forced to act on the complaints on Corbyn’s behalf, making the complaints and subsequent disciplinary actions more difficult for his supporters to dismiss than an external criticism. LAAS said it follows Labour’s own definition of anti-Semitic hate speech, which as of last month is identical to that of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. That working definition acknowledges that criticism of Israel is not automatically anti-Semitism, but also notes examples of how anti-Israel and anti-Zionist rhetoric often takes anti-Semitic forms. Among LAAS’s recent successes is the April suspension of Pam Bromley, a local lawmaker from northern England. LAAS reported her 2017 Facebook post defending her opposition to the Rothschilds, the famous Jewish banking family at the center of numerous anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. She urged followers to remember that the “Rothschilds are a powerful family (like the Medicis) and represent capitalism and big business — even if the Nazis DID use the activities of the Rothschilds in their anti-Semitic propaganda. We must not obscure the truth with the need to be tactful.” Another subject of an LAAS ethics complaint is Anne Kennedy, who was suspended in May for writing that Israeli Jews are “Hitler’s bastard sons.” Jane Dipple, a university lecturer in media and communication, was suspended and possibly fired for inveighing against “a Zionist attempt at creating a pure race” and “rampant Zionism across the media” in a post that included a link to an article on the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer. It was headlined “BBC to Replace Male Jew Political Editor with Female Jew.” This kind of rhetoric is something that Emma Feltham, a London painterdecorator and longtime Labour voter,
had never imagined existed in mainstream politics before it surfaced in 2015, after thousands of far-left voters entered Labour in support of Corbyn. “I’m a white English person; I had never seen anything like this. I remember crying the first time I did,” recalled Feltham, who joined LAAS following that experience. The fact that she’s not Jewish, she said, makes it harder to dismiss her criticism. “It’s harder to ignore, they can’t say, ‘oh, it’s just because she’s a Zionist, what she says doesn’t matter because she’s Jewish,’” Feltham said. When rank-and-file non-Jewish members of Labour fight in the trenches against anti-Semitism, she said, “it shows there are people out there who care, who find if unacceptable.” Nevertheless, Labour’s highly public anti-Semitism problem seems to have only marginally hurt the party’s popularity in the general population. Corbyn’s approval rating in a YouGov poll from Sept. 27 was 10 points higher than in a poll conducted on that week in 2016. (He currently enjoys 51 percent approval versus 49 percent disapproval.) Anti-Semitism isn’t even the main issue working against Corbyn, according to Taylor. “The main issue is Corbyn’s handling of Brexit,” he said. Critics say the Labour leader has failed to effectively oppose the government’s policy of exiting the European Union. With positive ratings and a Conservative government in shambles over internal disagreements on Brexit, Corbyn seems nearer than ever to becoming prime minister, regardless of his being pummeled on the front pages of mainstream dailies over Labour’s anti-Semitism problem. Given this reality, Feltham said she understands and agrees with British Jews who say they view a Labour government led by Corbyn as an existential threat to their community — a statement that, unprecedentedly, all three major British Jewish newspapers put on their front pages in July, and which the Board of Deputies of British Jews has also echoed. “I don’t think it’s an overreaction,” she said of this warning. And Feltham believes that a “party that can target one minority or group will target others when it becomes expedient. It’s a danger to society at large.” Still, Feltham, Taylor and Philipps, the LAAS spokesman, said they are not sure whether they can win the fight for Labour’s identity and image. “This question is beyond my control,” Feltham said. “All I know is I can’t stop fighting. I don’t want to have to say that I did nothing when all of this was happening.” October 12, 2018, ARIZONA JEWISH POST
Therapy pet spins an active life in Tucson’s Jewish and general community DEBE CAMPBELL AJP Assistant Editor
At a Sparks cheerleading rehearsal at the Tucson Jewish Community Center, Yofi sits on a command from owner Judith Shephard Gomez.
Photos courtesy Judith Shephard Gomez
ofi, a fluffy 2-year-old goldendoodle, leads a very dynamic life in the Jewish community and beyond. She is an athlete, educator, therapist and beloved pet with a very busy schedule. Her active social life began early with basic training at eight weeks old. “She went from crazy to calm in six weeks,” recalls Yofi’s “mom” and taxi driver Judith Shepard Gomez, a retired sociology professor. The pup started training with Jeremy Brown, owner of The Complete Canine. Brown, a former PetSmart corporate trainer, teaches basic training, socialization, obedience, and tricks. He is also a trainer and evaluator with the Alliance for Therapy Pets for therapy dogs, something that intrigued Shepard Gomez when she learned about it during Yofi’s intermediate training. Before they could start pet therapy training, Shepard Gomez’s partner, Marjorie Hochberg, and Yofi were involved in a traumatic accident. A car struck down Hochberg, the cantorial soloist at Temple EmanuEl, during a morning walk with the dog. Hochberg was seriously injured. Frightened by the ordeal, the 8-month-old pup ran off into the desert and was lost for 20 hours. In a harrowing rescue with help from numerous community pet organizations and friends, the rattled dog was found. While Hochberg had a long road to recovery, Yofi changed. “Since the accident, she seems to want to give more,” says Brown. That’s when the light went on for Shepard Gomez, and Yofi gained a new calling. Animal assisted-therapy helps all kinds of people improve social, emotional or cognitive function. Advocates say animals can help with educational and
Yofi wears her Sparks Cheer T-shirt.
motivational effectiveness. A properly trained therapy dog can provide affection, comfort, and love to people in hospitals, retirement homes, nursing homes, schools, hospices and disaster incidents. Scientific research shows animal-assisted therapy has a calming effect and motivates children to excel academically and behaviorally. Therapy pets often assist children on the autism spectrum. Through training and testing, they can become certified and insured to visit, bringing cheer, smiles, healing, and unconditional listening to
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ARIZONA JEWISH POST, October 12, 2018
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humans in need. Yofi and Shepard Gomez trained to become one of Brown’s 45 teams now actively volunteering in outreach programs at local schools like Donaldson and Sam Hughes elementary. Teams visit the local Holocaust survivors group and patients in Agape Hospice and Foothills Place Assisted Living. At Temple EmanuEl, Yofi is a reading dog, listening intently and without judgment while students practice reading to her in Hebrew. As trainer Brown’s young son began attending Early Childhood Education at the Tucson Jewish Community Center in March, Brown found a warm reception to the idea of introducing the tiny students to the therapy dog teams he has trained, including Team Yofi and See Therapy, page 15
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Beware of treats that can harm your dog’s health
efore you toss that treat to your pooch, remember it might be a fatal decision. Human bodies process foods differently than canines, says U.S. Food and Drug Administration veterinarian Carmela Stamper. Like people with allergic reactions to foods, one food may harm one dog and not another, depending on genetic makeup, size and the food in question. Raw meat may contain E. coli, salmonella or other harmful bacteria. Be careful when making or setting out hamburger patties, steaks or chicken breasts for the barbecue, especially if your pets are counter-surfers. Don’t handle meat then give your dog a treat, just as you would not eat a sandwich without first washing your hands. Grapes, raisins, and currants can cause kidney failure for some dogs. Apples and bananas are not harmful. Fried, fatty foods can cause life-threatening pancreatitis. Resist giving tasty fried chicken as a snack. Moldy foods aren’t something you would feed your family, nor should you feed to your pet. If you put them
in the trash or compost, make sure they are out of the pet’s reach. Salty snacks in large quantities can be problematic. The occasional potato chip or pretzel may do no harm, but chowing down on a bag of chips could make a dog very ill. Ensure dogs have access to plenty of water at all times, especially if they get into salty snacks. Chocolate, even in small quantities, can make a Chihuahua dangerously ill, while a larger dog may not have as many problems. Onions, garlic and chives can be harmful, especially in large amounts. Macadamia nuts can be very harmful. Xylitol, a sugar substitute in gum, candy and some peanut butters, also can be deadly. Read the labels, especially on peanut butter, if using in hollow chew toys or to disguise medications. Cats are fussier eaters and don’t often get into much food trouble. They are, however, sensitive to onions and garlic in raw or powdered form.
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THERAPY Shepard Gomez. When the J kicked off its Sparks social club last year, Special Abilities Coordinator Allison Wexler made sure there was animal therapy involved, inviting a HoofsnHorns Farm Sanctuary animal rescue organization. “Without allergies, animals and people with disabilities are a good fit,” she says. The club soon launched its Sparks Cheer athletics program, an all-inclusive, co-ed cheerleading team for people of all ages and abilities. The program began as an adaptive one, specifically for individuals with special needs. However, as it evolved, “neurotypical” individuals expressed interest in joining. “It’s sort of a reverse inclusion program,” says Wexler. The program currently has 16 participants, ages three to 36. Shepard Gomez volunteered to take Yofi in as a special guest for the Sparks Cheer’s first friends and family performance. She became the team’s first canine cheerleader, while doubling as a therapy dog. By that time, the lovable pooch had learned to stand and spin whenever the cheerleaders yelled, “Sparks!” She will continue participating as a mascot and performing with the group as appropriate, Wexler adds. While the canine continues to be a popular fixture at the J, Brown’s cadre of working hounds are expanding their therapy visits through Kiernan’s Kindness, a nonprofit organization he recently formed. He will be placing volunteer teams in the community, targeting underserviced schools, reading programs and spreading kindness. A long-term goal is to create a five- to 10team traveling crisis group to assist around the region in times of need. Kiernan’s Kindness will hold its dog-friendly launch event in the J’s Sculpture Garden on Sunday, Oct. 21, 3-5 p.m. Brown encourages everyone to come and see the amazing things the therapy dog teams are doing,
Photo courtesy Jeremy Brown
continued from page 14
Jeremy Brown trained Archie as a therapy dog.
especially those who may want to volunteer or consider therapy dog service. Contact Brown at completecaninetucson@gmail. com or 403-1401. October 12, 2018, ARIZONA JEWISH POST
Canines abound at Congregation Anshei Israel Blessing of the Pets
Photos: Debe Campbell
All hounds were on deck Sunday for a Blessing of the Pets at Congregation Anshei Israel, led by Rabbi Robert Eisen. About two dozen dogs attended, and a half-dozen cats were blessed virtually through photographs or with stuffed stand-ins. One dog even brought her stuffed cat for blessing. The Sunday school class and attendees joined to sing a resounding rendition of “Rise and Shine Noah” while a torrential rain fell outside.
Rabbi Ruven Barkan with his barking beauties
Seth Windham with the lovin’ Ozzie
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ARIZONA JEWISH POST, October 12, 2018
Miles Larcom with Chewy, outfitted for the special occasion
When THA first graders reconnect after years apart, it’s love at first sight
the United States. Ages: We are both 25.
Photos: Steven Palm Photography
race Kolack, daughter of Marque Kolack of Naples, Florida, and Janice Wilson of Tucson, and Daniel Louchheim, son of Thomas and Marcia Louchheim of Tucson, were married April 29, 2018, at La Mariposa Resort with Rabbi Thomas Louchheim and Cantor Janece Cohen officiating. The maid of honor was Bailey Decker, and Lucinda Hubbs and Katie Louchheim, the groom’s sister, were bridesmaids. The best man was Scott Boling, with the groom’s brothers, Jacob and Benjamin Louchheim, serving as groomsmen. The couple honeymooned in June, taking a three-week cruise called “Rhine and Viking Shores and Fjords,” beginning on a river cruise ship in Basel, Switzerland. They traveled north on the Rhine, ending in Amsterdam. In Amsterdam, they boarded an ocean cruise liner, and went out on the North Sea to various places in Norway, ending in Bergen. “From Bergen we flew to Iceland, and spent four days on land, touring the highlights of the country. It was an incredible trip,”
Newlyweds Grace Kolack and Daniel Louchheim
says the bride. They are currently living in Grenada, West Indies, where Grace is study-
ing medicine at St. George’s University School of Medicine. Daniel plans to continue online courses until they return to
How they met: Daniel and I began our story at Tucson Hebrew Academy in the first grade, but my family relocated to Florida only a few years later. The most I remembered of him from those days was the extremely large Bucharian kippah that he wore, and he recalled that I had long hair and absolutely refused to wear shoes (not much has changed). We reconnected briefly on social media during high school, but soon moved on to college and continued with our separate lives. I ultimately decided to move back to Tucson to pursue my undergraduate degree, but our true reunion did not come until my mom and I coincidentally became members of Daniel’s father’s congregation, Or Chadash. When Daniel moved back to Tucson two summers ago from college in New York, we met in person for the first time since elementary school at an annual congregational event, See Love, page 20
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October 12, 2018, ARIZONA JEWISH POST
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ARIZONA JEWISH POST, October 12, 2018
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Israel, India visits add global flair to local baker’s repertoire
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Park & 22nd • Peter & Cyd Marcus
Cake decorating is Lauren Berger’s forte.
recent trip to Israel and India inspired cake decorator Lauren Berger, of Cayley’s Cakes, to bake pastries from around the world. “If I got my way in this world, for 10 years I would just travel and learn how to bake things from all over,” Berger says. “Then one day, open a worldly little bakery where I chose all of the best things from all the places I’ve gone.” A childhood friend from Congregation Anshei Israel making aliyah is what drew Berger to Israel, but the food is what charted her path. “As soon as I thought of it, I said ‘I have to stop into every bakery,’” Berger said. “In Israel I fell in love with bourekas, I could eat them till I die.” As she made it into India, she knew she had to let the food lead the way. “When I was in India as well, I definitely made a point to befriend the kitchen staff ,” Berger said. “I actually got to make a cake when I was in this little place in India called Kaza.” Berger is from Tucson but moved to Colorado on a whim to experience actual seasons, which Tucson never sees. “The first place that hired me was a grocery store and they gave me a job in the bakery,” Berger said. “I saw another employee who was a cake decorator and I said, ‘Your job is so much cooler and I want to do it.’” After five years, Berger moved back to Tucson and called every bakery she could, but Cayley’s Cakes was the spot that had a position for her. Cayley’s makes cakes for bar and bat mitzvahs and will feature pastries like rugelach and Hanukkah-themed confections as the holiday rolls around. The bakery at 8963 E. Tanque Verde Road even has sugar-free cupcakes that fall in line with the low-carb keto diet.
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The groom’s father, Rabbi Thomas Louchheim, and Cantor Janece Cohen officiated under the chuppah.
LOVE continued from page 17
“Jews at the Zoo.” We oohed and awed at the baby elephant, shooed the peacocks away, and exchanged numbers before the night was over.
ARIZONA JEWISH POST, October 12, 2018
The proposal: Daniel’s proposal to me was not only a huge surprise, but a beautifully planned, romantic, and wonderful evening. Daniel proposed to me atop the Eiffel Tower —that is, the one in Las Vegas overlooking the Bellagio fountains and all the city lights. We were in Las Vegas for his younger brother’s 21st birthday, but arrived with his parents one day before everyone else. They reserved a fabulous dinner for us at the Eiffel Tower restaurant, and afterward bought tickets for us to take the elevator to the top of the tower. When we reached the top, we were with a large group of people, and it was difficult to get to the edge railing to see the view. Finally, most of the group decided to head down, and as I heard the boom of the Bellagio fountains, I was able to reach the railing for a beautiful light and water show. After watching only a couple of minutes, I felt a small tap on my back, and turned around to find no one standing behind me. Then I realized someone was kneeling in front of me; “How strange,” I thought, “Daniel wasn’t wearing lace-up shoes, what on earth is he doing down there?” And then it all struck me at once: his kind face beaming up at me, asking me to spend the rest of my life with him, and his parents weeping and filming from our side. The remaining people on the top of the tower with us broke into hushed whispers of “Look, he’s proposing!” and I felt as though my entire world suddenly made sense — I had found the one true person who made me complete, and he loved me as much as I love him. He was asking me to spend the rest of my life with him, and I could
not imagine spending it any other way. So naturally, I said, or more like sobbed, yes. YES YES YES. I was presented with a gorgeous ring that Daniel designed himself, and we spent the rest of the evening and weekend on cloud nine, amazed that we had found each other (again), and that we could share the beauty of this life together, forever. Wedding planning triumph (or challenge): When we began planning our wedding, we anticipated that the biggest challenge would be finding a venue that would be accommodating in terms of customizing the space and menu in the way that we wanted and needed. I have many severe allergies, and we needed a special menu and cake. I also had many ideas of personal things I wanted to incorporate into the decoration of the reception space, and many venues did not allow for such customization, or even for basic changes to the catering menu. We looked at many venues in Tucson and nothing seemed quite right until we visited La Mariposa Resort. As soon as we got there and saw the beautiful outdoor ceremony space and large, indoor reception room, we fell in love with the venue. Mariposa had a feeling like being “at home,” and we could easily see ourselves and our guests enjoying our big day there. After speaking with the manager about the accommodations we were looking for, it became clear that Mariposa was absolutely our venue. We ended up booking our date the same day, and had an amazing experience working with them. After finding the venue, the little details (although sometimes stressful), ultimately fell into place, and having a venue that was so dedicated to making the day what we wanted made everything so much easier. Special memories of the day: The most vivid and special memory I have of our wedding day was part of my journey up to the chuppah where we would say
Marcia and Rabbi Thomas Louchheim with the groom, Daniel Louchheim
our vows. Our wedding venue supplied a carriage for weddings, for use by the bride and her parents, to transport us up to the beginning of the aisle. The carriage took a long route around the outskirts of the wedding party area, on the other side of a fence covered with greenery, and entered through a back path that could not be seen by the guests. As my parents and I clopped around the fence in the carriage and were mostly obscured by the trees and vines, I caught a glimpse of my groom and my soon-to-be father-in-law (our rabbi) standing under the chuppah, with huge smiles on their faces and so much warmth and love in their eyes. That moment melted every jitter and fear I had, and I forgot all about the stress of planning the wedding. Every worry that had seemed so important leading up to this big day just faded into the wind that ruffled the trees around my waiting groom. In that moment, I could see more than ever the beautiful family I was entering, and I could hardly wait for the carriage to reach the aisle so that I could be with him. As I found out after the wedding, this moment was also one of the most special and vivid moments of the day for my husband, and for much of our wedding party. During the reception, Daniel told me that since our guests did not know about our use of the carriage for my entrance, the last thing they saw was me on the carriage, heading outside the venue, seemingly leaving! Although his family knew that was not the case, they all shared a funny moment when one of our frontrow relatives stated (all in jest, of course), “I don’t think she’s coming.” The rest of wedding party had quite a good laugh, and much of the fear my husband had been feeling was lost as well (he knew
Bride and groom share a tender moment.
that the carriage was going the right way). It was this moment of laughter that I had glimpsed through the trees — so, it seems that the carriage went a long way toward preparing both of us for our wedding ceremony, just in rather different ways! Wedding attire: Bride’s dress — Maya Palace, Tucson Groom’s tuxedo — custom made by Klein Epstein & Parker, Los Angeles, California Florist: Posh Petals Photographer: Steven Palm Photography Caterer: La Mariposa Resort Wedding cake: Cakes by Genevieve Music: Eduardo Costa for ceremony and cocktail hour; Millennium Music Service for reception music
The Best Jewish Photographer in Town Mitzvahs • Weddings • Portraits • Events 5935 N. Sabino Canyon Road (917) 854 - 5549 www.joshsailor.com October 12, 2018, ARIZONA JEWISH POST
Some traditions are waiting to be broken LORIE KLEINER ECKERT Special to the AJP
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Photos courtesy Lorrie Kleiner Eckert
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t the end of a Jewish wedding ceremony, there is the dramatic moment in which a wine glass (wrapped in a napkin) is placed on the ground. The groom stomps on and shatters the wine glass as the assembled guests shout their congratulations, “Mazel tov!” There are many interpretations for this portion of the ceremony. • It is a reminder that life holds both joy and sorrow and that the couple’s commitment must remain strong through good times and bad. • It represents the newly married couple breaking with their old lives and stepping forward into their new life together. • It symbolizes the fragility of human relationships, reminding the couple that great care must be taken to maintain the marriage bond. The breaking of the glass by the groom is so integral to a Jewish wedding that many a Hollywood movie uses such a scene as a shorthand way of telling viewers that the bridal characters are Jewish. It was surprising therefore to attend my cousin David’s recent wedding, and to have this very traditional part of the ceremony used instead to symbolize the breaking of tradition. It was the bride, not the groom, who crushed the glass! I am not a newcomer to unique life cycle ceremonies and I actually find them to be wonderful. David and Ellie, like many
Ellie Chestnut and David Abram take a stroll during their wedding in Brooklyn, New York.
young couples, crafted a lovely ceremony that perfectly reflected their union. I should mention that they are both children of intermarried couples; each has one parent who is Jewish by birth. This gave them lots of traditions from which to pick and choose. • They opted not to have a clergy person marry them. Instead, a friend became
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ARIZONA JEWISH POST, October 12, 2018
an ordained wedding officiant online and performed the ceremony. • From Jewish tradition, they chose to stand under a canopy, the chuppah. They chose to bless wine and to sign a Jewish wedding certificate, the ketubah. • From the groom’s mother’s tradition, they chose a “tying of the hands” ceremony. • They also included poetry that was meaningful to them and to the bride’s parents. • They wrote their own vows. Coming home from the wedding I had lots to tell my friends about: • The unique ceremony! • The bride’s beautiful dress with its peek-a-boo midriff, not to mention her smile that lit up the room! • Even the groom’s attire was great! It included a bolo tie made by his late grandfather. • The outdoor garden venue was fabulous and the cool June evening couldn’t have been more delightful. • The vegetarian food that was not only delicious but beautiful to look at — I would hang photos of those gorgeous appetizers in my kitchen! But beyond all these sights and sounds and tastes, I came home filled with joy from the human connection the wedding provided. I loved being together with my extended family and I loved extending the group further as we added Ellie and her loved ones to it. Indeed, of all the traditions that Ellie and David included in their wedding, the one most meaningful to me was that they stood under the chuppah. This canopy is a piece of fabric held over the couple by four poles. It represents the home the couple will make together, open on all sides to allow friends and family into their lives. I am very grateful that the sides of that chuppah were wide enough
At her June 9 wedding, bride Ellie Chestnut shakes up the traditional glass-breaking ceremony.
to allow me, a second cousin, to enter. Clearly, all these traditions have a lot of significance. If nothing else, they are so recognizable that they pull at our heart strings as they evoke other happy beer? No fear. We’re here! occasions in the past. And I loveLove to get weepy as my heart strings are tugged. But I’ll tell you, I didn’t cry at the end of this wedding. I was too pumped up. Watching Ellie stomp on that wine glass was electrifying! I couldn’t help but think of all the glass ceilings in her future. Let’s face it, some traditions are just waiting to be broken!
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Site17EventCenter.com October 12, 2018, ARIZONA JEWISH POST
NATIONAL Five times Nikki Haley delighted the pro-Israel community in the body, but there were hiccups. The latest came in December 2016 when Ambassador JTA Samantha Power allowed through a Security WASHINGTON Council resolution criticizing Israel’s settlement policy in the waning days of the Obama hen Nikki Haley said on Tuesday administration, about a month before Trump that she would be stepping down was inaugurated. as U.N. ambassador by the end of It was a rare instance of a U.S. official semithis year, the Israeli and pro-Israel laments endorsing U.N. criticism of Israel. poured out swiftly. Netanyahu and the centrist to right-wing Nikki Haley Haley didn’t simply defend Israel and its pro-Israel community sees the United Nations government, led by Prime Minister Benjamin as a snake pit, and any concession is seen as a betrayal. Netanyahu, as her predecessors had under Democratic Th at was the message in the American Israel Public Affair and Republican administrations. On her watch, and with Committee’s farewell to Haley packed into a single word: the blessing of President Donald Trump, support for Israel became a “with or against us” proposition. Slam the “consistently.” “We appreciate the strong leadership of @nikkihaley United States for defending Israel, and count on being @USUN, ” AIPAC said on Twitter. “Thank you for consisslammed back, was the Trump-Haley credo. tently standing up for America’s interests and our demoA big chunk of Haley’s two years at the world body was cratic ally Israel.” about Israel. Here are five times Haley changed the game for Israel “Thank you for your support, which led to a change in while she was ambassador to the United Nations. Israel’s status in the UN,” Danny Danon, Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, said on Twitter. Cutting funds to UNRWA Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu offered his gratiIsrael and pro-Israel officials have long criticized tude as well in a statement. UNRWA, the U.N. agency that administers assistance to “I would like to thank Ambassador @nikkihaley, who Palestinians and their descendants, for what they say is a led the uncompromising struggle against hypocrisy at too-broad definition of what denotes a Palestinian refuthe UN, and on behalf of the truth and justice of our gee, effectively allowing the status to continue indefinitely. country,” he said. Haley helped spearhead the Trump administration Haley’s predecessors had also robustly backed Israel decision last month to sever funding to the agency. Last
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ARIZONA JEWISH POST, October 12, 2018
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year, the United States contributed $360 million, the lion’s share of the budget. This year, after forking over $60 million, there was a freeze, and it became permanent last month. Speaking in August at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Haley said the money could flow again — if UNRWA radically reconfigured how it counts refugees, slashing the number from 5 million to 500,000. (Liberal pro-Israel groups decried the fund cuts, saying they were cruel, and noted that Israeli security officials have long argued that UNRWA assistance helps stabilize the region.) That wild U.N. party Haley used the U.S. veto to nix a U.N. Security Council resolution last year criticizing Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, but its backers took the measure to the General Assembly to at least score a moral victory. (Security Council resolutions have the force of international law; General Assembly resolutions amount to little more than statements.) Haley went to work and managed to get an impressive 64 members to not vote or vote against the resolution in the General Assembly. Then she invited them to a party. “It’s easy for friends to be with you in the good times, but it’s the friends who are with you during the challenging times that will never be forgotten,” the U.S. mission said on Facebook in January. “Thank you to the 64.” Quitting the Human Rights Council The United States Human Rights Council makes Israel a perennial agenda item, even as it includes among its members some of the world’s worst human rights abusers like Iran, China and Venezuela. The Obama administration repeatedly noted the anomaly, but it stuck with
the council in order to nudge its members to condemn abuses in other countries. Haley and the Trump administration stayed for 18 months before eventually concluding it wasn’t worth the insults. The body “was not worthy of its name,” Haley said at a joint appearance with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in June. Scrub the apartheid report The U.N. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia published a report in March 2017 accusing Israel of apartheid. Haley, fresh to her role, made it a point to lobby the U.N. secretary-general, Antonio Guterres, to pull the report from the web. Guterres, no doubt wary of getting off to a wrong start with the Trump administration, pulled rank on the agency and the report was soon gone. Praying at the Western Wall Two months after the apartheid incident, Haley told the Christian Broadcasting Network that the Western Wall belonged to Israel, a sharp departure from longstanding executive branch policy of not pronouncing on who claims what in Jerusalem. By the end of the year, Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. It was an early instance of Haley’s role as a smoke signal for a significant Trump administration shift in U.S. policy. She was tapped a year ago to signal that the Trump administration would pull out of the Iran nuclear deal and, as noted above, she set the stage for cutting off UNRWA funding. Recognizing the Western Wall as Israeli seemed personal, however. Visiting Jerusalem a month after her CBN interview, she broke away from security to touch the holy site and ask worshippers how to pray.
October 12, 2018, ARIZONA JEWISH POST
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ARIZONA JEWISH POST, October 12, 2018
PS Israel travels, fantasy camp, Sukkah squads and sisterhood inspire Tucsonans Shalom’s Rabbi Avi Alpert, Ben Arditi, Richard Brodesky, Rosa Cohen, Aaron Farber, Art Friedman, Jacques Gerstenfeld, Andy Kunsberg, Myles LeVine, Mark Levine, Daniel Naiman, Saul Ostroff, Morrie Shoob, Robert St. John, Sid Temlock, and Merrell Warshaw. The grateful recipients were Avi and Kamala Alpert, Howard and Trudy Schwartz, Pinchas and Rita Zohav, and Gila Silverman.
SHARON KLEIN Special to the AJP
A special Israel visitor
From Aug. 9-Sept. 3, Linda and Shelby Silverman traveled to Europe and Israel. They saved the best for last, spending two weeks with their four Israeli grandchildren and their parents. Three generations of the Silverman-Levin family enjoyed a delightful surprise when they visited Rishon LeZion, home of the Yaacov Agam Museum of Art. After touring this beautiful museum, which opened last November, there was the artist himself! While Agam lives in Paris, he often visits Rishon LeZion, his birthplace 90 years ago. He spent 10 minutes with them, conversing and taking photos. When Shelby told Agam that his home is Arizona, the artist responded that he had been to the state to visit his friend, Frank Lloyd Wright.
(L-R) Mike Feder, Eric Rudner, Jordan Emerson, and Neil Katz (referee coordinator) at the Lute Olson Fantasy Basketball Camp
to coach. I am still a die-hard Arizona basketball fan, have season tickets, and try to get to every game.” Jordan’s feedback: “The fantasy camp was a blast. Growing up, my family has had the same four seats at McKale Center for over 35 years. My uncle Roger Sedlmayr was the public address announcer at McKale for 18 years. He was best known for the ‘Steeeeve Kerrrr!’ call beginning in 1985. I attended the Final Four in Charlotte in 1994 when the UA lost to Arkansas. So my basketball roots run deep. It was fun to interact with the players and partake in friendly competition, between warm-up drills, 3-on-3 skill sets, and a round-robin tournament. It was wonderful to see the brotherhood between the former players, their bond centering on the game and the city of Tucson. “At the opening Thursday night dinner, these players spoke of their favorite memories and directed remarks affectionately to Lute of his importance in their lives. I highly recommend this experience and hope to repeat it next year.”
Artist Yaacov Agam, left, with Ruthie Levin, Shelby Silverman, Lisa Silverman and Yaeli Levin at the Yaacov Agam Museum of Art
Among European highlights, the Silvermans visited Prague and Budapest, where they toured important Jewish sites. Especially interesting to the couple was the mechitza in Prague’s Old New Synagogue built in the 1300s. This wall separating men and women is 3 feet thick. After a quick visit to Innsbruck, they traveled to the beautiful Dolomite Mountains in Sud Tirol, Northern Italy. The two took long walks through apple orchards and near castles, so high up that at times they were above the clouds.
Adult basketball camp
The second annual Lute Olson Fantasy Basketball Camp took place Sept. 6-9 at the Sporting Chance Center. Camp organizers Mike Feder and Steve Rivera orchestrated the weekend of fun and friendship. Participants were able to get up close and personal with former University of Arizona Wildcat Coach Lute Olson and many of his former players, who served as camp instructors. Eric Rudner and Jordan Emerson availed themselves of this sports opportunity. Eric’s impressions: “This basketball camp, which I’ve attended both years, was a great experience. I grew up being a Wildcat fan, attending Lute Olson’s basketball camp as a child and now as an adult. Playing basketball regularly, I find this to be a great opportunity to play with friends and meet new players that end up becoming new friends. As a 1998 UA graduate, I was in school when the UA won the NCAA national championship in 1997. It’s exciting to see some of the players from that team come to the camp
(L-R) Saul Ostroff, Merrell Warshaw, Sid Temlock, Rita Zohav and Pinchas Zohav in the Zohavs’ newly constructed sukkah
Sukkah building
“You will dwell in booths for seven days…” Leviticus 23:42. Sukkot commemorates the 40 years during which the Israelites wandered in the desert after the Exodus from Egypt and marks the end of harvest in Israel. This joyous holiday focuses on G-d’s shelter and protection. On Sunday, Sept. 23, Congregation Bet Shalom’s Mensch Club met, schmoozed, and proceeded to build the synagogue’s sukkah. Upon completion, they formed small “Sukkah Squads” to help fellow congregants construct their own temporary dwellings. Arnie Merin led this team effort. Whether using a pre-fab sukkah kit or their own materials, the workers followed the rules for erecting these three-sided huts. Congregants were thrilled to be able to celebrate this festival at home, praying, eating meals, and inviting guests to partake in this mitzvah. Volunteer builders accompanying Merin included Bet
Sisters/cooks Judy Fireman and Janet Fireman in the kitchen at Sister Jose Women’s Center
“Sisters Helping Sisters”
This saying is part of the Sister Jose Women’s Center logo. Two sisters, Judy Fireman and Janet Fireman, heeded the call for volunteers at this center serving homeless women. Sister Jose was the focus of the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona’s 70th anniversary mitzvah project. Some background: Upon retiring, Judy, a book editor from Manhattan, and Janet, a museum curator in Los Angeles, moved to the Bay Area in 2007 before settling in Tucson in October 2015. They relocated to be close to their cousins Deborah Oseran, Richard Oseran, and Barbara Brodie, their spouses, and extended families. A few months later, they heard Mayor Jonathan Rothschild speak of the Federation’s commitment to becoming involved with Sister Jose. The Fireman sisters donated clothing and household goods and began cooking while the facility was still housed in its tiny former bungalow. At the dedication of the Federation’s cultivated garden area at the new building, Jean Fedigan, the center’s executive director, asked Judy to speak as a valued volunteer. On their twice-a-week Tuesday/Thursday shifts at the new center on Park Avenue South, the two siblings have run the clothing shop, worked in the laundry, manned the front desk, and covered other assignments. Now they are cooks for 40 people. The center uses food donations but Judy and Janet also shop and plan ahead. They have raised the variety, ingredients, and presentation of the food they prepare and serve. The two provide a healthy, tasty Mediterranean-style diet, with more vegetables and fruits and less carbohydrates and fat. A typical dinner might include Provençal beef ragu on top of polenta, roasted squash (grown in the garden by the women themselves), spinach salad with avocado dijon dressing, and cupcakes. The pair also furnish sack lunches and wash dishes during their 2-7 p.m. shift. Both sisters derive joy and satisfaction from doing this tikkun olam (repair of the world). Judy and Janet are appreciated for their dedication and have bonded with the other regular volunteers. They stress that the shelter could use more volunteers. The two will be in attendance tomorrow night at the center’s seventh annual fundraiser dinner at St. Francis de Sales Parish Gym.
Time to share
Until next month, keep me posted at the Post — 319-1112. L’shalom. October 12, 2018, ARIZONA JEWISH POST
COMMUNITY CALENDAR The calendar deadline is Tuesday, 10 days before the issue date. Our next issue will be published Oct. 26, 2018. Events may be emailed to office@azjewishpost.com, faxed to 319-1118, or mailed to the AJP at 3718 E. River Road, #272, Tucson, AZ 85718. For more information, call 319-1112. See Area Congregations on page 30 for additional synagogue events. Men’s Mishnah club with Rabbi Israel Becker at Cong. Chofetz Chayim. Sundays, 7:15 a.m.; Monday-Friday, 6:15 a.m.; Saturdays, 8:15 a.m. 747-7780 or yzbecker@me.com. Chabad of Sierra Vista men’s tefillin club with Rabbi Benzion Shemtov, first Sundays, 9 a.m., at 401 Suffolk Drive. 820-6256 or www.jewishsierravista.com. “Too Jewish” radio show with Rabbi Samuel M. Cohon on KVOI 1030 AM (also KAPR and KJAA), Sundays at 9 a.m. Beth Shalom Temple Center of Green Valley bagel breakfast and Yiddish club, first Sundays, 9:30 a.m. Members, $7; nonmembers, $10. 648-6690 or 399-3474. Southern Arizona Jewish Genealogy Society, second Sundays, 1-3 p.m. at the Tucson J. Contact Barbara Stern Mannlein at 731-0300 or the J at 299-3000. Tucson J Israeli Dance, taught by Brandi Hawkins, 2nd and 4th Sundays, partners, 4:45-6 p.m., open circle, 6-7 p.m. Members, $8; nonmembers, $10. 299-3000.
ONGOING at 745-5550 or visit www.caiaz.org. Temple Emanu-El mah jongg, Mondays, 10 a.m. 327-4501. Cong. Anshei Israel mah jongg, Mondays, 10 a.m.-noon. All levels, men and women. Contact Evelyn at 885-4102 or esigafus@aol.com. Tucson J current events discussion, Mondays, noon-1:30 p.m. Members, $1; nonmembers, $2. Bring or buy lunch, 11:30 a.m. 2993000, ext. 147. Cong. Bet Shalom yoga. Mondays, 4:30-5:30 p.m. $5. 577-1171. Jewish sobriety support group meets Mondays, 6:30-8 p.m. at Cong. Bet Shalom. dcmack1952@gmail.com. Spouse Bereavement Group, cosponsored by Widowed to Widowed, Inc. at the Tucson J, Tuesdays, 10 a.m. Contact Marvin at 885-2005 or Tanya at 299-3000, ext. 147.
an Schachter-Brooks, Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m., at Cong. Bet Shalom, free. www.torahofawakening. com. Temple Emanu-El “Stitch and Kvetch.” Third Tuesdays, 6-7:30 p.m. 327-4501. Tucson J social bridge. Tuesdays and Thursdays, noon-3 p.m., year round. Drop-ins welcome. Meets in library on second floor. 299-3000. Tucson J canasta group. Tuesdays and Thursdays, noon. Instruction available and a beginners’ table every week. Call or text Lisa at 977-4054.
“Biblical Breakthroughs with Rabbi Becker” at the Southwest Torah Institute. Fridays, noon, for men and women. 747-7780 or yzbecker@me.com. Jewish History Museum/Holocaust History Center new core exhibition, “Meanings Not Yet Imagined.” 564 S. Stone Ave. 670-9073.
Integral Jewish Meditation group led by Bri-
Temple Emanu-El Talmud Study, Wednesdays,
Friday / October 12
2-3:30 PM: Tucson J Jewish Jazz Connection series, “The Music, Life & Times of George & Ira Gershwin” with the Robin Bessier Band. At Tucson J. $10. 299-3000 or www.tucsonjcc.org/programs/arts/specialevents.
7-8:30 PM: Temple Emanu-El adult education class, “Genesis: Seven Days, Many Voices” with Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz. Members, $10; nonmembers, $15. Contact 3274501.
9:30 PM: Temple Emanu-El Downtown Shabbat at Jewish History Museum, 564 S. Stone Ave., with Rabbi Batsheva Appel and Armon Bizman band. 327-4501.
Sunday / October 14
10 AM-NOON: JFCS CHAI Circle meeting, for women with or survivors of cancer. At 11:40 a.m., annual CHAI Circle Memorial Event in the Sculpture Garden. Free. At Tucson J. RSVP to Irene Gefter at 795-0300, ext. 2271 or igefter@jfcstucson.org or asiemens@jfcstucson. org. 10:30-12:30 PM: Desert Caucus brunch with Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY). Guests should be potential members. For details, RSVP at 490-1453 or desertcaucus@ gmail.com. 11:30 AM: Cong. Chaverim blessing of the animals. 320-1015. 1-5 PM: Temple Emanu-El Hebrew Marathon with Cantorial Soloist Marjorie Hochberg. Continues Oct. 15, 6–9 p.m. Members, $45; nonmembers, $60. Register at 327-4501.
ARIZONA JEWISH POST, October 12, 2018
4 PM: Arizona Center for Judaic Studies Sally & Ralph Duchin Campus Lecture Series presents “Discovering Babylon,” by Prof. Rannfrid Thelle of Wichita State University. Free. At UA Hillel, 1245 E. 2nd St. 6265758 or www.judaic.arizona.edu. 6 PM: JFSA 2019 Campaign training for volunteers with development expert Dirk Bird. Dinner provided. At 3718 E. River Rd. RSVP to www.jfsa.org/dirkbird or geri@jfsa.org.
Tuesday / October 16
11:30 AM: Brandeis National Committee Fall Opening Luncheon with Billy Russo, managing director of the Arizona Theatre Company. At The Lodge at Ventana Canyon, 6200 N. Club House Lane. Profits support Elaine Lisberg Scholarship Fund. Bring hygiene products and school supplies for Youth On Their Own. $39. RSVP for availability to Soralè Fortman at 744-3520. NOON-1 PM: Cong. Or Chadash book club discusses “Heretics” by Leonard Padura. 5128500 or www.octucson.org. 4-6 PM: Cong. Or Chadash grief workshop. Continues Oct. 30. $18. 512-8500 or www.octucson.org.
Jewish mothers/grandmothers special needs support group for those with children/ grandchildren, youth or adult, with special needs, third Wednesdays, 7-8:30 p.m. at Tucson J. Contact Joyce Stuehringer at 299-5920.
Tucson J Israeli dance classes. Tuesdays. Beginners, 7:30 p.m.; intermediate, 8:15 p.m.; advanced, 9 p.m. Taught by Lisa Goldberg. Members, $8; nonmembers, $10. 299-3000.
JFCS Holocaust Survivors group meets Tuesdays, 10 a.m.-noon. Contact Raisa Moroz at 795-0300.
5:30 PM: Temple Emanu-El Seeking Shabbat service, preceded by wine and cheese at 5 p.m. 327-4501.
Chabad Tucson lunch and learn with Rabbi Yehuda Ceitlin, Wednesdays, 12:15 p.m. at 5th Street Kitchen and Deli, 5071 E. Fifth St. info@ www.chabadtucson.com.
Temple Emanu-El Jewish novels club with Linda Levine. Third Thursdays, 2-4 p.m. 327-4501.
Cong. Anshei Israel parent-tot class, led by Lindsey Embree. Mondays, 9-11 a.m. Children up to 24 months and their parent(s). Free. Mandatory vaccination policy. Call Nancy Auslander
Monday / October 15
Chabad of Sierra Vista women’s class with Rabbi Benzion Shemtov, last Wednesdays, 2 p.m., 401 Suffolk Drive. 820-6256 or www.jewishsierravista.com.
Cong. Anshei Israel Talmud on Tuesday with Rabbi Robert Eisen. Meets 6 p.m. 745-5550.
Cong. Anshei Israel gentle chair yoga with Lois Graham, Wednesdays, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Members of Women’s League, $6 per class; nonmembers, $8 per class. Contact Evelyn at 8854102 or esigafus@aol.com.
11 AM: Jewish History Museum/Holocaust History Center gallery chat. Fighting for Trans Women’s Rights In & Out of Detention, with Karolina Lopez of Tucson’s Mariposas Sin Fronteras. In English and Spanish. 564 S. Stone Ave. 6709073 or www.jewishhistorymuseum.org.
10 -11:30 a.m. Text required, call 327-4501.
Thursday / October 18
1 PM: Handmaker Jewish Services for the Aging Lecture with Rabbi Hazzan Avi Alpert on “The State of Israel” in the Rubin Café. Free. 2221 N. Rosemont Blvd. RSVP to Nanci Levy at nlevy@handmaker.org or 322-3632. 5:30-7 PM: Tucson J Introduction To Memoir Writing with author Edie Jarolim. Continues Thursdays through Nov. 15. Members, $75; nonmembers, $85. Register at www.tucsonjcc.org or call Jennifer Selco at 299-3000.
Friday / October 19
10 AM-6 PM: Brandeis National Committee Tucson Chapter annual book sale, new location, Oracle Tower Square, 3815 N. Oracle Road. Continues Oct. 20, 21, 26-28. 747-3224. 5:45 PM: Cong. Anshei Israel Community Shabbat Under the Stars & Family Shabbat Dinner, dinner at 7 p.m.: members, $25 family of 2 adults and up to 4 children; nonmember family $30; adult (13+) $10. RSVP by Oct. 15, to Kim at 745-5550, ext. 224 or www.caiaz.org.
Saturday / October 20
11 AM-NOON: Cong. Bet Shalom and PJ Library Tot Shabbat with Lisa Schacter-Brooks. Free. At Bet Shalom. 577-1171.
Tucson J Fine Art Gallery show, Fiber Artists of Southern Arizona, through Nov. 1. 2993000.
Sunday / October 21
9-10 AM: Temple Emanu-El Intermediate Prayerbook Hebrew with Cantorial Soloist Marjorie Hochberg. Continues Sundays. To register and for fee information call 327-4501. 10-11:30 AM: Southwest Torah Institute class for women, 40 Days to Become a Better You!, “The Magic of Order,” with Esther Becker. Continues Sundays through Nov. 11. At Cong. Chofetz Chayim. $90. Register at www. tucsontorah.org/40-day-challenge-course-forwomen.html or call 747-7780. 10:10-11:10 AM: Temple Emanu-El Beginning Prayerbook Hebrew with Cantorial Soloist Marjorie Hochberg. Continues Sundays. To register and for fee information call 327-4501. 11:15 AM: Hadassah Southern Arizona fashion show, “Walkin’ and Rollin’ Down the Runway.” Fashions by Dillard’s Department Store, emceed by Matthew Schwartz, KVOA investigative reporter, at Country Club of La Cholla, 8700 N. La Cholla Blvd. $36. RSVP by mailing check, payable to Hadassah, to Ruth Osobow, 8701 S. Kolb Road, #12-226, Tucson, AZ 85756. For questions, call Rochelle Roth at 403-6619. 4-5 PM: Tucson J Tucson Symphony Orchestra Just for Kids Concert. At Tucson J. Free. 299-3000.
Monday / October 22
7–8:30 PM: Temple Emanu-El Beginning Biblical Hebrew with Dr. Abby Limmer. Continues
Mondays. To register and for fee information call 327-4501.
Tuesday / October 23
6:15-7:30 PM: Temple Emanu-El “Eight Questions of Faith, Part II: Biblical Challenges That Guide and Ground Our Lives,” with Rabbi Batsheva Appel. Continues through Nov. 13. To register and for fee information call 327-4501.
Wednesday / October 24
7-8:30 PM: Chabad Tucson presents sixweek class, “Wrestling with Faith.” At Tucson J. $99 includes textbook. Contact info@ chabadtucson.com or 299-3000.
Thursday / October 25
7-9 PM: Chabad Tucson and Tucson J present annual Mega Challah Bake for women and girls. Early bird registration, $25. Regular tickets, $36. RSVP at www.megachallahtucson. com.
Friday / October 26
5:30 PM: Temple Emanu-El Shabbat Rocks! service with Rabbi Batsheva Appel and the Avanim Rock Band, followed at 6:30 p.m. with family Shabbat dinner, and 7:30 p.m. traditional chapel service with the choir. Dinner $10 for adults, $5 for kids 6-12, free for kids under 6. RSVP for dinner at 327-4501.
Saturday / October 27
1:30-3:30 PM: Secular Humanist Jewish Circle Lecture, AZ Separation of Church and State with Tory Roberg, director of government affairs for the Secular Coalition for Arizona, at Woods Library, 3455 N. First Ave. RSVP to Marshall Rubin at mrubinaz@comcast.net or 577-7718. Bring a snack to share.
Sunday / October 28
9:15 AM: Jewish War Veterans FriedmanPaul Post 201 breakfast meeting at B'nai B'rith Covenant House, 4414 E. 2nd St. Contact Seymour Shapiro at 398-5360. 10 AM-NOON: LEAH (Let’s End Abusive Households) a program of JFCS, and community partner Hadassah Nurses Council present “Domestic Violence and the Impact on Our Community: Let’s Work Together to End the Problem and Become Part of the Solution,” with Joan-e Rapine, MS, LAC, NCC, clinical therapist at JFCS. Free. At JFCS, 4301 E. 5th St. RSVP to Irene Gefter at igefter@jfcstucson.org or 795-0300, ext. 2271.
Sunday / November 4
7 AM: Cong. Or Chadash Tour de Torah. Bike, run or walk at Brandi Fenton Park, 3482 E. River Road. Followed by brunch at Cong. Or Chadash. Participants encouraged to seek sponsors in support of Or Chadash. 512-8500 or www.octucson.org. 1-4 PM: Tracing Roots 2.0 intergenerational program orientation for teens at Handmaker Jewish Services for the Aging, 2221 N. Rosemont Blvd. Contact Nanci Levy at 322-3632 or nlevy@handmaker.org. 5:30 PM: Tucson Hebrew Academy 2018
Tikkun Olam Celebration honoring Ronnie Sebold. Begins with cocktails, followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m. At the Tucson J. Single ticket, $150; couple, $250. RSVP at www. thaaz.org or call 529-3888.
Saturday / November 10
6-10 PM: YMCA of Southern Arizona 2018 Community Military Ball honoring World War II and Korean War veterans, Council of Heroes awardees and Holocaust survivors, at the Tucson Convention Center. $150. Contact Stephanie Horne at 623-5511, ext. 257 or visit www.tucsonymca.org/events/ military-ball.
NOON: Jewish History Museum Fall Benefit, “Writing Our History” with presentation by Samuel Kassow, author of “Who Will Write Our History,” honoring Marianne and Allen Langer, at Westward Look Wyndham Grand Resort & Spa, 245 E. Ina Road. $100. RSVP at www.jewishhistorymuseum.org/fall-benefit.
Jewish Federation-Northwest chair yoga with a Jewish flair taught by Bonnie Golden. Mondays, 10-11 a.m. $7 per class or $25 for four. 505-4161 or northwestjewish@jfsa.org. Northwest Needlers create hand-stitched items for donation in the Jewish community. Meets at Jewish Federation Northwest Tuesdays, 1-3 p.m. RSVP to judithgfeldman@gmail. com or 505-4161. Jewish Federation-Northwest mah jongg, meets Wednesdays, 12:30 to 3:30 p.m., 5054161. Chabad of Oro Valley adult education class, Jewish learning with Rabbi Ephraim Zimmerman. Wednesdays at 7 p.m., at 1217 W. Faldo Drive. 477-8672 or www.jewishorovalley.com.
UPCOMING Thursday / October 18
5 PM: Jewish Federation-Northwest Men's Group dinner out at Bottega Michelangelo, 420 W. Magee Road. Purchase your own fare. RSVP to 505-4161, northwestjewish@jfsa.org or www.jfsa.org/NWmensgroupdinner.
Friday / October 19
5-6 PM: Jewish Federation-Northwest Tot Shabbat in the Northwest, with Rabbi Batsheva Appel and PJ Library. Free. At Jewish Federation Northwest, 190 N. Magee Road, Ste. 162. 505-4161.
Sunday / October 21
6:30-8 PM: Chabad Oro Valley presents six-week class, “Wrestling with Faith.” The Highlands at Dove Mountain clubhouse, 4949 W. Heritage Club Blvd., Marana. Second option begins Tuesday, Oct. 23, 10-11:30 AM at Golder Ranch Fire Station, 1175 W. Magee Road. $99 includes textbook. Register at www.jewishorovalley.com/jli or call 477-8672.
Monday / October 22
5 PM: Jewish Federation-Northwest book club discusses “An American Marriage” by Tayari Jones. At 190 W. Magee, #162. 505-4161 or northwestjewish@jfsa.org.
Thursday / October 25
12:30 PM: Jewish Federation-Northwest community dining out event at The Bagel Joint. Purely social. Purchase your own fare. At 7315 N. Oracle Rd. Register by Oct. 22 for an accurate headcount for their staff at www. jfsa.org/thebageljoint or contact 505-4161 or northwestjewish@jfsa.org.
UPCOMING Sunday / November 4
9-11 AM: Jewish Federation-Northwest Stuff the Truck with 1st Rate 2nd Hand Thrift Shop. Drop off gently used, re-sellable items at 190 W. Magee Rd., Ste. 162. Or call to schedule an in-home pick-up of larger items from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Proceeds from this day will benefit the Northwest Jewish Federation. Call 505-4161 or email northwestjewish@jfsa.org. October 12, 2018, ARIZONA JEWISH POST
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A reA C ongregAtions CONSERVATIVE
Congregation anshei israel
5550 E. Fifth St., Tucson, AZ 85711 • (520) 745-5550 Rabbi Robert Eisen, Cantorial Soloist Nichole Chorny • www.caiaz.org Daily minyan: Mon.-Thurs., 7:30 a.m. & 5:30 p.m.; Fri., 7:30 a.m.; Sun. & legal holidays, 8 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. / Mincha: Fri., 5:45 p.m. / Shabbat services: Sat., 9 a.m., followed by Kiddush; Tot Shabbat, 1st Fri., 5:45 p.m.; Family Service, 3rd Friday, 5:45 p.m.; Holiday services may differ, call or visit website. / Torah study: every Shabbat one hour before Mincha (call or visit website for times) / Talmud on Tuesday, 6 p.m. / Weekday Torah study group, Wed., 11 a.m. beverages and dessert provided.
Congregation Bet shalom 3881 E. River Road, Tucson, AZ 85718 • (520) 577-1171 Rabbi Hazzan Avraham Alpert • www.cbsaz.org Shabbat services: Fri., 5:30 p.m. (followed by monthly dinners — call for info); Sat. 9:30 a.m.-noon, Camp Shabbat (ages 6-10) 11 a.m.-noon, followed by Kiddush lunch and weekly Teen Talk lunch with shinshinim, 12:30 p.m.-2 p.m. CBS Think Tank discussion led by Rabbi Dr. Howard Schwartz and Dr. Howard Graizbord / Weekday services: Wed. 8:15 a.m. / Hagim 9:30 a.m.
Congregation ChoFetz Chayim/southwest torah institute 5150 E. Fifth St., Tucson, AZ 85711 • (520) 747-7780 Rabbi Israel Becker • www.tucsontorah.org Shabbat services: Fri., Kabbalat Shabbat 15 minutes before sunset; Sat. 9 a.m. followed by Kiddush. / Mincha: Fri., 1 p.m.; Sat., 25 minutes before sunset, followed by Shalosh Seudas, Maariv and Havdallah. Services: Sun., 8 a.m.; Mon. & Thurs., 6:50 a.m.; Tues., Wed., Fri., 7 a.m.; daily, 15 minutes before sunset. / Weekday Rosh Chodesh services: 6:45 a.m.
Congregation young israel/ChaBad oF tuCson 2443 E. Fourth St., Tucson, AZ 85719 • (520) 881-7956 Rabbi Yossie Shemtov, Rabbi Yudi Ceitlin • www.chabadoftucson.com Daily minyan: Sun. & legal holidays, 8:30 a.m.; Mon. & Thurs., 6:30 p.m.; Tues., Wed., Fri., 6:45 a.m. / Mincha & Maariv, 5:15 p.m. / Shabbat services: Fri. at candlelighting; Sat. 9:30 a.m. followed by Kiddush. Mincha, Maariv and Havdallah TBA.
ChaBad on river 3916 E. Ft. Lowell Road • (520) 661-9350 Rabbi Ram Bigelman • www.chabadonriver.com Shabbat services: Fri., Mincha at candlelighting time, followed by Maariv. / Sat., Shacharit service, 9:30 a.m. / Torah study: women, Wed., 2 p.m.; men, Tues. and Thurs., 7 p.m. Call to confirm.
ChaBad oro valley 1217 W. Faldo Drive, Oro Valley, AZ 85755 • (520) 477-8672 Rabbi Ephraim Zimmerman • www.jewishorovalley.com Shabbat services: 3rd Fri., 5 p.m. Oct.-Feb., 6 p.m. March-Sept., all followed by dinner / Sat., 10 a.m. study session followed by service.
ChaBad sierra vista 401 Suffolk Drive, Sierra Vista, AZ 85635 • (520) 820-6256 Rabbi Benzion Shemtov • www.jewishsierravista.com Shabbat services: Sat., 10:30 a.m., bimonthly, followed by class explaining prayers. Visit website or call for dates.
Congregation Kol simChah
(Renewal) 4625 E. River Road, Tucson, AZ 85718 • (520) 296-0818 Mailing Address: 6628 E. Calle Dened, Tucson, AZ 85710 Shabbat services: 1st and 3rd Fri., 7:15 p.m.
Congregation m’Kor hayim 3888 E. River Road, Tucson, AZ 85718 (Tucson Hebrew Academy) Mailing Address: P.O. Box 31806, Tucson, AZ 85751 • (520) 904-1881 Rabbi Helen Cohn • www.mkorhayim.org Shabbat services: 2nd and 4th Fri., 7 p.m. / Torah study, 2nd and 4th Sat., 9:30 a.m.
Congregation or Chadash 3939 N. Alvernon, Tucson, AZ 85718 • (520) 512-8500 Rabbi Thomas Louchheim, Cantor Janece Cohen www.orchadash-tucson.org Shabbat services: Fri., 6:30 p.m.; 1st Fri., Friday Night LIVE (Sept.-May); 2nd Friday, Tot Shabbat (Sept.-May), 6 p.m.; Sat., 10 a.m. / Torah study: Sat., 8:30 a.m.
the institute For JudaiC serviCes and studies Mailing Address: 36789 S. Golf Course Drive, Saddlebrooke, AZ 85739 Rabbi Sanford Seltzer • (520) 825-8175 Shabbat services: Oct.-April, third Friday of the month at 7 p.m. — call for details.
temple emanu-el 225 N. Country Club Road, Tucson, AZ 85716 • (520) 327-4501 Rabbi Batsheva Appel • www.tetucson.org Shabbat services: Fri., 7:30 p.m.; Sat., 10 a.m./ Torah study: Sat., 8:30 a.m. except when there is a Rabbi’s Tish.
temple Kol hamidBar 228 N. Canyon Drive, Sierra Vista • (520) 458-8637 kolhamidbar.tripod.com Mailing address: P.O. Box 908, Sierra Vista, AZ 85636 Shabbat services: Fri., 7:30 p.m.
Beth shalom temple Center
1751 N. Rio Mayo (P.O. Box 884), Green Valley, AZ 85622 (520) 648-6690 • www.bstc.us Shabbat services: 1st and 3rd Fri., 7 p.m. / Torah study: Sat., 10 a.m.
Congregation etz Chaim (Modern Orthodox) 686 Harshaw Road, Patagonia, AZ 85624 • (520) 394-2520 Rabbi Gabriel Cousens • www.etzchaimcongregation.org Shabbat services: Fri., 18 minutes before sunset / Torah study: Sat., 9:30 a.m. handmaKer resident synagogue
2221 N. Rosemont Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85712 • (520) 881-2323 www.handmaker.com Shabbat services: Fri., 4:30 p.m., led by Lindsey O’Shea, followed by Shabbat dinner; Sat., 9:30 a.m., led by Mel Cohen and Dan Asia, followed by light Kiddush lunch.
seCular humanist Jewish CirCle REFORM
Congregation Chaverim 5901 E. Second St., Tucson, AZ 85711 • (520) 320-1015 Rabbi Stephanie Aaron • www.chaverim.net Shabbat services: Fri., 7 p.m. (no service on 5th Fri.); Family Shabbat, 1st Fri., 6 p.m. / Torah study: 2nd Sat., 9 a.m., followed by contemplative service,10 a.m.
ARIZONA JEWISH POST, October 12, 2018
www.secularhumanistjewishcircle.org Call Cathleen at (520) 730-0401 for meeting or other information.
university oF arizona hillel Foundation 1245 E. 2nd St. Tucson, AZ 85719 • (520) 624-6561 • www.arizona.hillel.org Shabbat services: Reform, Conservative, Orthodox and alternative services two Fridays each month when school is in session. Dinner follows (guests, $8; RSVP by preceding Thurs.). Call for dates/times.
OBITUARIES Donald Simon Donald Simon, 88, of Delray Beach, Florida, died Sept. 16, 2018. Mr. Simon’s first career was in the garment center of New York, selling children’s wear. Upon moving to Tucson in 1989, he earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in psychology from Prescott College, and worked for Jewish Family & Children’s Services for 18 years. He moved to Florida in 2014. Mr. Simon was preceded in death by his wife, Bernyce “Bunny” Simon. Survivors include his children, Michael (Lynn) Simon of North Caldwell, New Jersey, and Debbie (Robert) Quint of West Palm Beach, Florida; brother, Alan (Dee ) Simon of Sarasota, Florida; five grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Services were held in Delray Beach. Interment was at Evergreen Cemetery in Tucson. Memorial contributions may be made to either the National Parkinson’s Foundation or the charity of one’s choice.
Beatrice Lippel Beatrice Lippel, 82, died Sept. 24, 2018. Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, she was the eldest of three children. An accomplished pianist, she earned her bachelor’s in music at Brooklyn College and master’s in musicology at Indiana University. She married Berthold Lippel in 1959 and they had four daughters. The family moved to Tucson in 1978. Mrs. Lippel had successful careers in teaching and computer programming, and continued her passion for music by singing and playing violin in local orchestras and string quartets. Survivors include her husband of 59 years, Berthold; children, Miriam Lippel-Blum and husband Bennett, Naomi Lippel, and Ellie Lippel, all of Tucson, and Rebecca Lockhart and husband Robin of San Francisco; and two grandchildren. Services were held at the chapel at Evergreen Mortuary with Rabbi Robert Eisen of Congregation Anshei Israel officiating, followed by interment in the Congregation Anshei Israel section at Evergreen Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to Tucson Junior Strings, www.tucsonjuniorstrings.org, or to Sierra Club, www.sierraclub.org.
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OUR TOWN Bat mitzvah
THA and PJ make a splash
Photo courtesy Tucson Hebrew Academy
Abigail Claire Cherkis, daughter of Brenda Frye and Sergey Cherkis, will celebrate becoming a bat mitzvah on Saturday, Oct. 20, at Congregation Anshei Israel. She is the granddaughter of Norma Frye of Maricopa, Scott Frye of Gilbert, Margarita Lazereva of Tucson, and Alexander Cherkis of Brooklyn, NY. Abigail attends BASIS Tucson North. She enjoys gymnastics and violin. For her mitzvah project, Abigail is raising money to fight cancer by playing music and selling homemade fruit-ades.
In focus
Kids enjoy Splish Splash in the Sukkah at Tucson Hebrew Academy on Sept. 30.
THA’s annual Passport to Peace highlights local, global charities
Business briefs Art teacher Amy Novelli has joined Tucson Hebrew Academy. Originally from Ohio, Novelli graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Columbus College of Art & Design and earned her Master of Fine Arts from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. She worked as a sculptor for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade Studio in New York as well as in New Orleans and Berlin as a muralist. She has more than 30 years of experience in scenic design, painting, and fabrication and has completed large-scale mural projects in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Washington state. Novelli has worked with several universities and museums, including the University of Arizona and the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh. She has been interviewed on PBS and in Southwest Art Magazine and awarded “Best Local Artist” in Pittsburgh and the Tucson Weekly newspapers. Her 2015 landscape painting “Great Plains” was chosen for the Wyoming Governor’s Award Exhibition and purchased by the Wyoming State Museum for its permanent collection. Tucson Jews for Justice was the subject of a Forward. com article on Monday, “Jews Fight for Immigrants — But Face Fierce Backlash from Anti-Israel Activists.” In the article, members of the progressive group explain that they focus solely on domestic issues. Alma Hernandez, a state House of Representatives candidate, and Tony Zinman, a public defender, started the group in March.
Photo courtesy Tucson Hebrew Academy
People in the news Dana Adler has been elected president of the Women of Reform Judaism Pacific District for a two-year term. She will be installed at the WRJ 2018 Pacific District Convention, which will be held in San Diego Oct. 18-21. The district comprises 13 U.S. states and two Canadian provinces. Adler was elected to the WRJ international board in November 2015. She is the immediate past president of the Congregation Or Chadash Sisterhood and is a board member of the congregation.
More than 75 people attended Splish Splash in the Sukkah, a joint event co-hosted by Tucson Hebrew Academy, PJ Library and PJ Our Way on Sunday, Sept. 30. The event included a reading of “Leo and Blossom’s Sukkah” by Jane Breskin Zalben, making rain sticks in the THA sukkah, lunch and play time. Play activities included a water table, bean-bag tic-tactoe, fishing, sponge bomb basketball, potato sack races, bubbles and the main feature — two sprinkler “sukkahs.”
Students learn first-hand about how to interact with and care for animals at Tucson Hebrew Academy’s Passport to At Passport to Peace on Sept. 17, Tucson Hebrew Academy’s student council helps fellow Peace Sept. 17. TRAK (Therapeutic Ranch for Animals and students prepare gift bags to be delivered to young patients at the Diamond Children’s Kids) brought goats, chickens and rabbits to the event. Medical Center.
Tucson Hebrew Academy’s student government held its annual Passport to Peace event Monday, Sept. 17. Taking place around the Jewish High Holidays, it provides students an opportunity to reflect and to learn about ways they can do mitzvot and actively participate in tikkun olam (repair of the world). Representatives from both Jewish and non-Jewish nonprofit organizations were on hand to help raise awareness about their programs in Tucson and the global community.
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In addition, some students researched and presented about organizations whose missions were meaningful to them. Students learned about Habitat for Humanity, Ronald McDonald House, Trevor Project, Interfaith Community Services, International Rescue Committee, Replanting Trees in Israel, Youth on Their Own, Hermitage Cat Shelter and TRAK. Students were able to donate tokens that have real monetary value, to learn about giving tzedakah (charity).
Send news of your simchas to localnews@azjewishpost.com or call 319-1112
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Born on the 4th of July!
Independent Anne
Elect Anne Segal For Justice of the Peace The Segal family are members of Congregation Bet Shalom.
• Independent Anne never accepts campaign contributions or donations.
Anne is married to Robert Segal, an associate professor of academic medicine.
• Anne Segal does not seek endorsements from attorneys, politicians or any people who may bring a case into her courtroom. • Endorse her Independence. Judges do not need a political affiliation to uphold the laws and follow the Constitution. • Author of textbook “Criminal Justice and Mental Health.” Anne plans to focus on Mental Health Court procedures to help interrupt the street-to-cell cycle for nonviolent offenders.
Anne Segal asks you to focus on accomplishments, not accusations. She supports positive politics. Independent Anne Segal asks YOU to support political campaigns that focus on the candidate’s qualifications rather than on negative messages.
Anne’s son Stephen recently returned from Israel after making aliyah and serving in the Israeli army. Son Brad is a child neurology first year resident at Stanford University, having graduated from Harvard Medical School. Their daughter Bonnie teaches at a Hebrew Day School and recently completed service with Teach for America.
Anne’s mother-in-law is the late Bertha Segal. She was a member of a New York School Board.
Her mother was the late (great) Honorable Lillian S. Fisher, a Pima County Superior Court judge.
Learn more at VoteLegalVoteSegal.com Paid for by Committee to Elect Anne Segal for an Independent Judiciary
ARIZONA JEWISH POST, October 12, 2018