January 20, 2017 22 Tivet 5777 Volume 73, Issue 2
S o u t h e r n A r i z o n a ’ s A wa r d - W i n n i n g J e w i s h N e w s pa p e r
‘Accidental actor’ to speak on award-winning film, Holocaust 16-19 20-21
Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Commentary . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Community Calendar . . . . 24 In Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Letter to the Editor . . . . . . . 11 Local . . . . . . . 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10 16, 18, 19, 20 News Briefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Obituaries . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 23 Our Town . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Rabbi’s Corner . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Restaurant Resource . . . 14, 15
Special to the AJP
espite receiving critical acclaim for masterfully portraying the lead role in the Academy Award-winning film “Son of Saul,” Hungarian-born Geza Rohrig does not identify as an actor. “I’m an accidental actor. I’m a writer, that’s what I do. It gives me much more freedom, because I can write whatever I’m capable of. I don’t need to ask anybody’s opinion. Me being an actor is a whole different game,” says Rohrig. Premiering in 2015 at the Cannes Film Festival, “Son of Saul” tells the story of Saul, an Auschwitz prisoner and member of the Sonderkommando. Forced to dispose of the bodies removed from the gas chambers, Saul stoically performs his duties until he is faced with the body of a boy he recognizes. The film follows Saul as he struggles with trying to do what he believes is right for the body of the boy.
Photo courtesy Jewish HIstory Museum
INSIDE Arts Alive Celebrations
Geza Rohrig in ‘Son of Saul’
A poet and former kindergarten teacher, Rohrig, a 49-year-old father of four, was not director Laszlo Nemes’ first choice for the role.
“He had somebody in mind for the role, and when that didn’t work out - I think he had like See Actor, page 4
Hall, UA Hillel benefit performer, believes in power of laughter
Synagogue Directory . . . . . 13
Photo courtesy UA Hillel Foundation
Arsenio Hall will perform in Tucson on Feb. 18.
rsenio Hall, a comedian, actor and television star, believes in the healing power of laughter, and he surrounds himself with like-minded people. “The greatest thing in the world is laughter, from my son to my friends, laughter keeps you young and it keeps you alive,” says Hall. Nothing impedes his comedy routines, says the self-proclaimed “Republicrat,” someone who holds both Democratic and Republican principles. Hall aims his humorous criticism at the best target, whether it’s President Barack Obama’s ears or Trump’s hair. “If I don’t look at everyone, and everything, I miss good jokes,” says Hall. “And one of the things that I love about stand-up now is, when I’m performing, whoever you like, you will enjoy my act — because I’m going to rip everybody.” Hall took a moment to chat with the AJP in between watching Senate hearings for Presi-
January 20 ... 5:29 p.m.
January 27 ... 5:35 p.m.
dent-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for attorney general, Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions. He was awestruck by the stark contrast in testimony from proponents such as Willie Huntley, a former assistant U.S. attorney from Alabama, and opponents like New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker and Georgia Rep. John Lewis. “That’s why it’s so important for us to talk, as people,” Hall says. “It’s a reminder of how different people see different things, and even the black community can’t be painted with one broad brush.” Hall is the featured guest for the University of Arizona Hillel Foundation 100 Years of Celebration event on Saturday, Feb. 18. The fundraiser will kick off at the Tucson Scottish Rite Cathedral, 160 S. Scott Ave., at 6 p.m. Hall will perform at the Fox Tucson Theatre, 17 W. Congress St., at 8 p.m. The night will honor the 75th year of UA Hillel and Michelle Blumenberg’s 25th year as executive director (see related story, page 2). Financial contributions will fund Hillel programming See Hall, page 4
February 3 ... 5:42 p.m.
LOCAL UA Hillel director continues to grow Jewish community DAVID J. DEL GRANDE
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ARIZONA JEWISH POST, January 20, 2017
services, you want to be around your peers.” As a finance major, Rozansky had an interest in seeing how the business side ichelle Blumenberg, execuof Hillel worked, so he volunteered to tive director at the Univerbecome an unofficial student ambassasity of Arizona Hillel Foundor for Hillel’s board of directors. dation, has spent her career helping “It was a really good experience beto secure and expand a vibrant Jewish ing able to do that,” he says. “And havcommunity in Tucson and beyond. ing Michelle there as someone who “I feel that it’s important to give I can always go to, and ask questions what I can to help ensure that we have about things that I’m interested in when a Jewish community in the future,” she it comes to my studies.” says. “And not only that, but that we He is elated to see the Jewish comMichelle Blumenberg have leaders who are trained, and who munity recognize such a humble and care about the Jewish community, however they become invaluable person at the 100 Years of Hillel Celebration. involved. “Being able to honor [Blumenberg] is going to be really “That’s really important about Hillel; we’re a pluralis- special, because I don’t think she gets enough credit for tic community.” what she does.” The UA Hillel Foundation 100 Years of Celebration Blumenberg was only about five months into her pofeaturing comedian Arsenio Hall on Saturday, Feb. 18 sition at the UA when she took part in a Jewish Fedmarks the 75th anniversary of local Hillel programming eration of Southern Arizona mission to Israel. “It was and the 25th year of Blumenberg as executive director a quick way to get to know lots of people well, and a (see related story, page 1). wonderful opportunity that the community afforded me Blumenberg began her 30-plus year career with Hillel to go in order to integrate Hillel into the Jewish comInternational at the University of Michigan Hillel Foun- munity fabric.” dation. Her nine-month temporary position turned into At the time, Hillel was almost an afterthought when the a full-time job, which slightly delayed her plans to attend Jewish community would meet and organize its events or graduate school. When she started her graduate studies, outreach, she says. This was something Blumenberg and part of her practicum experience was founding Hillel at the Hillel board of directors worked to change. Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti. “College students are important, in terms of building After spending six years working at her alma mater, future leaders for the community,” she says, “so college Blumenberg was recruited to apply for the executive di- students need to be sitting at the table.” rector position at the UA Hillel in Tucson by Richard The JFSA was one of the first Jewish federations in the Joel, former president and director at Hillel Internation- country to take on a welcoming approach to community al, and David Raphael, director of campus services for organizing, Blumenberg says, and they look to Hillel as an Hillel International at Boston University. example. This open-door approach gives Tucson one of She signed on as executive director of the UA Hillel its most beautiful and unique strengths, she adds. in 1992, breaking two local traditions: she was the first Blumenberg is also a member of the executive board of woman to run the campus organization, and she wasn’t the UA University Religious Council, an interfaith coalia rabbi. tion that protects religious freedom, which makes Hillel a “It was an awesome opportunity that the U of A Hillel valuable partner on campus. board gave to me,” says Blumenberg. “What our work does is, not only grow Jewish leaders During the transition, a handful of Hillel students for the future, but we also make the U of A a safe place to balked at the change, and she spent some of that first be Jewish for our students,” she adds. semester proving herself. During the community mission in November 1992, “On the other hand, there were lots of other students Blumenberg announced Hillel would send Jewish stuwho were thrilled that I was here, trying to move Hil- dents from the UA to Israel by the end of 1993. The camlel in a different direction,” says Blumenberg. “I came pus organization fulfilled that commitment, sending a in with a very different background. And because I had group of students every two years, before the creation of been a program professional, I really knew what it took Birthright Israel in 1999. to put together programs, to do that outreach and en“Israel is an important part of Jewish peoplehood,” gagement work with students, with building relation- says Blumenberg. “And being able to experience Israel ships on campus and in the community.” with your peers when you’re a young adult … can be Adam Rozansky, a senior at the UA Eller School of pivotal in terms of Jewish identity formation and inManagement, was very active with the UA Hillel Foun- volvement.” dation as an undergraduate. Whether engaging with community leaders, working For Rozansky, whose background includes Jewish with students at UA or experiencing the impact of local summer camp and a gap year in Israel, a strong Jew- lay leaders, narrowing down the highlights of her work ish community was essential when he started to look at is near impossible, says Blumenberg. colleges. The Hillel Foundation was his first stop as he “All of this, it’s great; I have a great job,” she says. toured the UA campus. No matter the era, or technology, keeping the JewThe UA Hillel is unique because there isn’t a rabbi on ish community strong is a matter of reaching out to stustaff, Rozansky says. dents, she says. “It’s totally student-run, the services, which is some“We’re always looking to expand our reach, meaning thing I think is really important,” he says. “I think that we should always be engaging more students — that’s when it comes to Judaism, or it comes to actually doing our mandate,” says Blumenberg. AJP Staff Writer
LOCAL Exhibit on hunger informs, moves Tucsonans
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Photo courtesy Denise Uyehara
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René and Anya Schaap visited the ‘This Is Hunger’ exhibit in Tucson.
AJP Executive Editor
he statistics are disturbing, but it is the faces and the stories of “This Is Hunger” that remain with viewers. The double trailer that houses “This Is Hunger,” a multimedia exhibit created by the national nonprofit MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger, was parked at the Tucson Jewish Community Center Jan. 5-8. Tucson was the third stop on a 10-month tour that will take “This Is Hunger” across the country and back to MAZON’s Los Angeles headquarters. More than 300 Tucsonans, including Tucson J winter campers, saw the free exhibit, which aims to raise awareness and dispel myths about hunger in America. Richard Glaze, a recently retired anesthesiologist, was one of about 30 people who entered the exhibit at 4 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 5. Participants listened to short, powerful stories from a variety of Americans impacted by hunger as screens displayed stark, black-and-white portraits of the speakers. Glaze says the statistics, including that more than 42 million in the United States struggle with hunger, were not completely new to him — he’s read books and articles on the topic. But the stories made it clear “it’s not
just people who aren’t making an effort,” he says. “In fact, I’m not sure any of those people who were interviewed had anything they could have done differently. “For me, that was a little bit surprising and definitely worth hearing about,” says Glaze. He admits that, like many people, he has a tendency to think “when there’s a horrible problem, there must be a reason” that lays the blame on the affected person, such as not trying hard enough to find a job. “Those people had jobs — a lot of them did. Certainly the one guy who said he was a UAW worker and made $100,000, and suddenly he’s without a job, struggling to feed his family,” he says. “That really hits you — it’s really everybody’s problem.” After hearing the stories, participants were free to roam the trailer, looking at photo displays, reading additional stories, or engaging in a hands-on activity such as trying to design a healthful, balanced meal that would cost no more than $1.40 — the amount a person on food stamps, now called SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), typically would have to spend. In many of the profiles, people said they had to buy food that was cheap and filling, but not very nutritious.
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See Hunger, page 8
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azjewishpost.com News and views from the Jewish world from Tucson to Israel — Iceland to Tunisia. For advertising opportunities, call 319-1112. January 20, 2017, ARIZONA JEWISH POST
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ACTOR continued from page 1
three months before shooting - he started panicking. I think someone brought me to his attention, and he contacted me. It wasn’t an easy process, because I was a risky choice,” says Rohrig. As an observant Jew, Rohrig would not film any of his scenes on Shabbat, but the director agreed. Rohrig will be in Tucson for the Elizabeth Leibson Holocaust Remembrance Lecture on Feb. 9. Ron and Kathy Margolis established the lectureship in memory of Ron's mother, who was a resident of Tucson. Sponsored by the Jewish History Museum/Holocaust History Center and the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona, the multimedia event will look at several representations of the Holocaust and engage the audience with a conversational question-and-answer session with Rohrig and Bryan Davis, executive director of the museum. “I assume we are going to talk about why we all believe so much in this movie,” says Rohrig. “We thought that this movie treated the subject matter differently than all of the other movies, otherwise there is no reason to make one more [about the Holocaust].” Laszlo Nemes and the team behind “Son of Saul” wanted to create a realistic film. “We were honest, unlike Hollywood. We didn’t Americanize the Holocaust.
HALL continued from page 1
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as well as the Hillel Fund for the Future. The Cleveland-born comic has spent more than 30 years in Hollywood, starring in films like “Coming to America” and “Harlem Nights.” He hosted “The Arsenio Hall Show,” a late-night talk show that aired from 19891994 and had a single return season in 2013. He also won “The Celebrity Apprentice 5” in 2012, a reality television game show created and hosted by Trump. Hall was nominated for two Primetime Emmy Awards, and won the People’s Choice Award in 1990 for Favorite Late Night Talk Show Host. That same year, his name was embedded in the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Hall developed a penchant for orators at age 5, when he watched his father, Fred, who was a Baptist minister, deliver a sermon from the pulpit. As his father inspired his congregation, Hall recognized the power and eloquence of language. “It made me want to stay in school; I wanted to be smart like my dad.” Muhammad Ali was one of Hall’s first idols, he says, “because prior to that, I wanted to be Batman.” In the 1960s and ’70s, many abhorred the outspoken boxing champion because he converted to Islam and opposed the Vietnam War as a conscientious objector. But for Hall, Ali was a powerful African American role model who instilled a sense of positivity and an element of hope.
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ARIZONA JEWISH POST, January 20, 2017
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We didn’t try to put a big huge nice humanistic message, some comforting happy ending. We did not make a movie about survivors, we did not make a movie about rescuers, because by far, there were no survivors, and by far, there were no rescuers. Very, very few people survived. We were all fed up with movies focusing on the survivors,” says Rohrig. Looking forward to speaking in Tucson, Rohrig anticipates some conversation about his religious observance. “Being an observant Jew, maybe some larger questions can arise. The faith of the Jew and the challenge that the Holocaust represents,” says Rohrig, who credits that challenge with his becoming observant after a childhood spent in foster homes in Hungary. “I lost faith in man because of Auschwitz, and that vacuum - that void -had to be filled with something. I felt like I had the right to my heritage, and I started to learn, and I realized this is nothing new in Jewish history. And the questions that the Holocaust poses were always present in the Jewish mind, and, not that I would ever excuse G-d, or I would find some answer that no one found before, but all in all I see no hope for us, unless we somehow find our ways to the Creator.” The Elizabeth Leibson Holocaust Remembrance Lecture will take place Feb. 9 at 7 p.m. in Holsclaw Hall in the University of Arizona music building, 1017 N. Olive Road. A reception will follow. Tickets, $36, are available at jewishhistorymuseum.org/ events or by phone at 577-9393.
“When I was a kid, [Ali] was the villain but he had such a strong persona,” he says. “Before I met Ali, he did more for me than any other man except my father.” Throughout his life, Hall would fantasize about becoming a star. As a kid, he recalls walking past the home of former Cleveland Brown football player Jim Brown, or driving his motorcycle through Los Angeles, looking across the valley at Jeopardy! host Alex Trebek’s house. “I always believe in dreaming like that,” he says. Hall says having a personal connection to both presidential candidates last year was surreal. Not only did Hall get to know Trump, he met Hillary Clinton when former President Bill Clinton appeared on “The Arsenio Hall Show” in June 1992, months before he clinched the White House. “When I realized the choice that I had for the presidential election, Trump versus Hillary, that’s like asking me who my favorite Menendez brother is,” he says. His personal and professional responses to Trump’s victory are strikingly different. “As a man, I’m scared as hell; as a comedian, I couldn’t ask for more. The greatest thing about what I do is, in the tough times, or the uncertain times like the Donald Trump administration coming towards us, we have to laugh. “We have to laugh to keep from crying sometimes, and that’s what I do,” he says. For more information, visit arizona.hillel.org and foxtucson.org.
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At a ceremony on Jan. 8 at the Tucson Jewish Community Center honoring local firefighters who helped battle fires in Israel in November, Sam Grundwerg, consul general of Israel to the Southwest United States, commended the volunteers on being their “brother’s keeper,” comparing them to Judah, who, according to the weekly Torah reading, stepped up to act as a guarantor for his brother Benjamin. “When we think about the act of heroism that all of you displayed by going to Israel in November and doing what you did, such a selfless act and such as sense of responsibility, and being guarantors, you made that statement loud and clear, that you are your brother’s keeper and for that we say, thank you very much,” said Grundwerg, who assumed the role of consul general in August. More than 150 people gathered at the Tucson Jewish Community Center to honor retired Mt. Lemmon Fire District Chief Randy Ogden, Nogales Fire Captain Pete Ashcraft, Nogales firefighter and arson investigator Marcela Donovan Hammond, Tucson EMS Captain Bruce Avram, Tucson Fire Battalion Chief Kris Blume and Glendale firefighter and paramedic Patrick Hourihan. Weintraub Israel Center co-chair Jeff Artzi thanked not only the firefighters, but also those who provided support for Israel to combat the disastrous blazes, including the Tucson Holocaust Survivors group, which donated $2,000 from their fund at the Jewish Community Foundation of Southern Arizona. Other speakers included Greater Tucson Fire Foundation Chair Mike McKendrick and volunteer organizer Patty Vallance, Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona President and CEO Stuart Mellan, Israel Fire and Rescue Chief of Operations Shmulik Friedman, Israel Consul for Political Affairs Yaki Lopez and Emergency Volunteer Project founder Adi Zahavi. Grundwerg noted the firefighters’ volunteer efforts are just one example of the ongoing special relationship between Israel and the people of the United States. “It’s important that we come together not just to express our gratitude for the outpouring of help from the Arizona firefighters, the Greater Tucson Fire Foundation and the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona during one of Israel’s most challenging disasters, but also to recognize the continued support that Israel receives from all of you throughout the year, through the good times and the
Nogales firefighter Marcela Donovan Hammond and Israeli Consul General Sam Grundwerg at the Tucson Jewish Community Center on Jan. 8.
bad times. The state-to-state relationship, as well as the personal relationships and friendships that developed between the first responders in Arizona and Israel are critical in advancing grassroots initiatives, strengthening the bond between the people of Israel and the people of Arizona and, in general, with the American people.” In an interview with the Arizona Jewish Post, Grundwerg, here for his first official visit to Arizona, further stressed the connection between Israel and the United States as a relationship that goes beyond any one presidential administration. “It’s a long history of very close and special bonds, of common goals, shared values and shared destiny. And also, unfortunately, mutual threats and enemies that we fight together, which has been going on for decades.” He cited the terror attack in Jerusalem that same morning - when a Palestinian man from East Jerusalem ran his car into a group of IDF officers in training, killing four - as an example of the type of shared threats facing Israel and the United States. “With a change of any administration we don’t expect that special relationship to change,” said Grundwerg. As an example of outgoing President Barack Obama’s strong support of Israel, he referred to the memorandum of understanding signed in September as “unprecedented in its financial support for Israel’s defense.” But he also noted Israel’s disappointment in the United States’ abstention from vetoing UN Security Council Resolution 2334 on Dec. 23. “It actually pushes peace further away,” he said, by encouraging the Palestinians to continue to internationalize the conflict, rather than negotiate directly with Israel. The resolution
Find Your Connection with the all-new jewishtucson.org CA L E N DA R | CO N C I E R G E | VO LU N T E E R J E W I S H L I F E | E D U CAT I O N | R E S O U R C E S
See Thank, page 10 January 20, 2017, ARIZONA JEWISH POST
COMMENTARY Britain again breaks rank with Europe — apparent shift gratifies Israel CNAAN LIPHSHIZ JTA
wo days after delegates from more than 70 nations attended the Paris summit on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it is clear that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was wrong to label the meeting “useless.” Admittedly the France-initiated event, which neither Israel nor the Palestinian Authority attended, did not change the international community’s understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Nor did the gathering take any concrete steps to end the dispute. But it was neither insignificant nor useless from Israel’s point of view. The summit saw Great Britain break ranks with the countries that did attend in a move that pleased Israel and perhaps the incoming administration of Presidentelect Donald Trump. Instead of demonstrating internation-
Photo: Bertrand Guay/AFP/Getty Images)
with Australia, declined to join 70 other nations in co-signing a relatively mild statement about preserving the twostate solution, even though it matched positions long supported by the British government — including in its rejection of “continued acts of violence and ongoing settlement activity” and the call for “meaningful direct negotiations.” It was a stunning about-face that even caught longtime observers of Anglo-Israeli relations by surprise. “I was gobsmacked,” Jonathan Hoffman, a former vice chair of Britain’s Zionist Federation, told JTA on Monday. “It was a watershed moment for U.K.U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, left, speaks with European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini during Israel relations and a huge change from the Middle East peace conference in Paris, Jan. 1. anything I had seen before,” he said, adding that the United Kingdom typically al consensus as intended by France under States under Trump. President Francois Hollande, the summit The first sign of dissent happened be- sides with its allies on policies toward the turned into a showdown between France fore the summit even began, when the Jewish state. The British “snub” — as The Guardand the United Kingdom over Israel. In United Kingdom dispatched only junior ian termed it — of the Paris peace suman unprecedented manner, the rift ex- diplomats. By contrast, Hollande attendposed disagreements within a brittle Eu- ed, as did 36 foreign ministers, including mit pleased Israeli diplomats, who openly dismissed the event as doomed to fail ropean Union that is bracing for poten- the U.S. secretary of state, John Kerry. See Britain, page 11 tially turbulent relations with the United Then, the United Kingdom, along
As allies of Martin Luther King, Jews must fight for civil rights of Muslims MARC SCHNEIR JTA
his week, we celebrated the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. In that spirit, American Jews should reflect anew upon the epic struggle he led to free African-Americans from the shackles of bigotry and take pride in the singular role played by the Jewish com-
munity in support of King and AfricanAmericans. As we await the advent of the new Trump administration, it is more important than ever for our community to reconnect with that uplifting chapter in American history half a century ago. We should do so not for the purpose of selfcongratulatory platitudes, but rather because we face a similar moment of moral testing now. Just as many Jews risked
3822 E. River Rd., Suite 300, Tucson, AZ 85718 • 520-319-1112 The Arizona Jewish Post (ISSN 1053-5616) is published biweekly except July for a total of 24 issues. The publisher is the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona located at 3822 E. River Rd., Tucson, AZ 85718. Inclusion of paid advertisements does not imply an endorsement of any product, service or person by the Arizona Jewish Post or its publisher. The Arizona Jewish Post does not guarantee the Kashrut of any merchandise advertised. The Arizona Jewish Post reserves the right to refuse any advertisement.
EXECUTIVE EDITOR — Phyllis Braun pbraun@azjewishpost.com
ADVERTISING MANAGER — Bertí S. Brodsky berti@azjewishpost.com
ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE — KT Garber GRAPHIC DESIGNER — James Alewine ads@azjewishpost.com
Arizona Jewish Post Advisory Board Damion Alexander, Myles Beck, Barbara Befferman Danes, Bruce Beyer (chairman), Burt Derman, Roberta Elliott, Deanna Myerson, Steve Weintraub Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona Stuart Mellan, President • Fran Katz, Senior Vice President • Tom Warne, Chairman of the Board
ARIZONA JEWISH POST, January 20, 2017
their very lives to go to the South in the 1960s in support of our African-Americans brothers and sisters, we must show similar courage and fortitude today and stand up for American Muslims, whose civil and human rights are under attack. The history of the civil rights movement of the ’60s shows vividly that when the civil rights of any community are compromised, Jews feel the responsibility to speak out and take a stand of moral conscience. As King declared: “Our Jewish friends have demonstrated their commitment to the principle of tolerance and brotherhood, not only in the form of sizable contributions, but in many other tangible ways and often at great personal sacrifice. Can we ever express our appreciation to the rabbis who chose to give moral witness with us in St. Augustine?” He was referring to 16 rabbis who were arrested in Florida in 1964 at a protest of Jim Crow segregation. King went on to describe the “awful beating” of Rabbi Arthur Lelyveld of Cleveland by segregationists in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, that same year and the deaths of two Jewish activists, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner, who along with the black civil rights worker James Cheney were abducted and murdered in Neshoba County, also in Mississippi.
“It would be impossible to record the contribution that the Jewish people have made toward the Negro’s struggle for freedom — it has been so great,” King said. There is no question that Muslims in the United States are now facing similar struggles. According to an FBI report issued last November, hate crimes against Muslims shot up 67 percent in 2015 to their highest levels since the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks in 2001. Throughout the recently concluded yearlong presidential campaign, we saw a worrisome uptick in expressions of bigotry, including Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, and anti-Hispanic and anti-immigrant rhetoric, much of it clearly in response to, or encouraged by, the demagogic rhetoric in the campaign itself. Since the election on Nov. 8, the number of hate crimes has soared. Mosques, synagogues and other houses of worship across the country have been desecrated by swastikas and hateful slogans, while in diverse cities, Muslim women have been assaulted by bigots intent on tearing off their hijabs. I am proud that since the fall of 2007, when the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding initiated the first Summit of North American Imams and Rabbis in New York, the American Muslim and See King, page 14
Be part of a landmark event in our community’s history TH E N E X T 70:
A NEW HOME FOR THE JEWISH FEDER ATION OF SOUTHERN ARIZONA AND JEWISH COMMUNIT Y FOUNDATION OF SOUTHERN ARIZONA Wherever there is a Jewish community, the Federation and Foundation are at work. Rebuilding. Supporting. Strengthening. Changing Jewish lives for the better in countless ways. Now, on the occasion of the Federation’s 70th anniversary, we ask for your help in creating a secure, unified, visible and professional facility that will enable the Federation to house all of its vital service arms and bring the Jewish Community Foundation back to the Campus. This new facility will bring together community members as we work together to ensure our community’s vibrant future. Support the Next 70 Campaign.
Gifts of any size are important and appreciated. Named recognition opportunities are available starting at $1,000. Pledges may be payable for up to five years. For more information, contact Stuart Mellan, stumellan@jfsa.org; Fran Katz, fkatz@jfsa.org; or Marlyne Freedman, marlynej@aol.com.
Thank you to these community members who have already supported THE NEXT 70. We invite you to join them and be included in future recognition listings. Donate at www.jfsa.org or call 577.9393 LEAD GIFTS Deanna Evenchik-Brav & Harvey Evenchik* Diamond Family Sue & Saul* Tobin The Children of Shaol* and Evie* Pozez Mel & Enid Zuckerman Donald L. Baker* Endowment Fund Jane & Lee* Kivel Paul & Alice Baker BENEFACTORS Maizlish Family Ron & Kathy Margolis Herschel & Jill Rosenzweig Lex & Carol Sears Maltz Family Foundation Ron & Diane Weintraub Brina Grusin Family BUILDERS Gerald & Gail Birin Dick & Sherry Belkin Ed & Fern* Feder Ellis & Irene Friedman Danny Gasch & Janis Wolfe Gasch Larry Gellman & Kristen Bozza Gellman Eric Groskind & Liz Kanter Groskind Bobby Present & Deborah Oseran James Wezelman & Denise Grusin Sundt Corporation David & Kathryn Unger
CHAI Bruce & Jane Ash Audrey Brooks & Donna Moser The Children of Richard and Esther Capin David & Anne Hameroff Gary & Tandy Kippur Bertie Levkowitz Ken & Beverly Sandock Howard & Trudy Schwartz Harvey & Rica Spivack TZEDAKAH Anonymous Jeff & Dianne Grobstein Leonard & Marcelle Joffe Stephen Pozez Jim Shiner CHESED Peter Evans Rob & Laurie Glaser Amy Hirshberg Lederman Phil & Vicki Pepper Stuart & Andy Shatken Gerry & Linda Tumarkin James Whitehill & Jane Rodda Robert Wolk & Mary Cochran Wolk TIKKUN OLAM Marlyne Freedman Barry & Madeline Friedman Adam & Dana Goldstein Jeff & Fran Katz Fred & Sharon Klein Landau Family Irwin Manou & Barbara Brumer Stuart & Nancy Mellan Terry & Martha Perl Tracy Salkowitz & Rick Edwards Ed & Robyn Schwager Earl & Lee Surwit
CHAVERIM Jim & Ruth Barwick Jon Ben-Asher JR & Tamar Bergantino Amy Beyer Neil & Ilana Boss-Markowitz Julee Dawson Keith Dveirin & Julie Feldman Esta Goldstein Jerry & Lynn Greenberg Carol Hollander Josh & Ashley Hurand Carole Levi Marilyn Lobell David & Anne Lowe Ann Markewitz & Trish Linden Caron Mitchell Todd & Jenni Rockoff Mark & Bari Ross Carol Sack Eric & Andrea Schindler Leonard & Sarah Schultz Kenny & Sandra Wortzel John & Kitty Wu CONTRIBUTORS Morton Aronoff Eliot & Vida Barron Caballeros Del Sol, Inc. Stephen & Ruth Dickstein Richard & Wendy Feldman Kate Sassoon Monique Steinberg William & Bonnie Jacobson Includes commitments received as of 1/12/17. Please contact the Federation to correct any omissions or errors. *Of blessed memory
January 20, 2017, ARIZONA JEWISH POST
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Photo courtesy Oshrat Barel
Mayor Rafael Ben-Sheetrit, left, and Rabbi Joseph Lasry unveil a sign that renames a Beit She’an street ‘Derech Hashisha’ or ‘Road of the Six.’
Oshrat Barel, who serves as director of the Weintraub Israel Center and Tucson’s community shlicha (Israeli emissary), visited her hometown of Beit She’an last month for a memorial ceremony marking 14 years since the murder of her father and five others in a ter-
HUNGER continued from page 3
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ARIZONA JEWISH POST, January 20, 2017
Denise Uyehara came to the exhibit with her son, René, 10; daughter, Anya, 6; and husband, Marcel Schaap. “We were really impacted by it. We thought it was very well presented and very moving,” she says. “What struck me the most, the people who were profiled as struggling to put food on the table – you wouldn’t know it when you met them. It really shed light on how there’s a lot of invisible hunger.” Her son spent time reading the exhibit’s book of stories - including one from a 10-year-old boy like him. “His clothes were good, but he didn’t look that happy, and it looked like he was really hungry,” René told the AJP. For her husband, learning about hunger in the United States was “very poignant. Marcel is from the Netherlands [where] there’s a much better safety net,” she says, explaining that people might “make an assumption that we’re living in this very wealthy nation” but if you begin learning people’s stories, “you realize how deep [the problems] are.” The MAZON staffers encouraged participants to sign a petition against cuts to SNAP, which Uyehara explained to her daughter as “sending a letter to Mr. Trump” to remind the incoming president to continue to help feed the hungry. Uyehara is a grants program manager at the Arts Foundation for Tucson and Southern Arizona (formerly
rorist attack on the Likud party branch office there. The ceremony was held at the corner of Halamish Street, which was renamed Derech Hashisha or “Road of the Six,” honoring the six victims. The ceremony took place on Dec. 22, the 22nd of Kislev (close to the Hebrew date of the terror attack) with the participation of the bereaved families, Mayor Rafael Ben-Sheetrit, Rabbi Joseph Lasry, residents, friends and people who cherish the victims’ memory, says Barel. At noon on Nov. 28, 2002, as primary elections were being held to select the Likud candidate for prime minister, when the Beit She’an branch office was full of people, two terrorists entered and began shooting in all directions, she explains. Her father, Ehud Avitan, was killed along with Motti Avraham, Shaul Zilberstein, Larry Jacob, Chaim Amar and David Peretz; dozens more were injured. During the recent ceremony, new street signs were unveiled near a commemorative plaque placed in memory of the victims, “so no one will ever forget this evil murder in our city,” says Barel. “My two brothers, sister and I use to walk to school and back on this street for many years, and naming the street as the Road of the Six is very symbolic to us, as this is the heritage each of the six victims left to their families. They are victims of terror but did not die as victims, but as heroes,” she says.
Tucson Pima Arts Council) and a performance artist whose work touches on issues from gender to immigration. She appreciated the exhibit’s “marriage of art and social justice awareness.” She and her husband always try to bring their kids to events “that might expand their lives, not just culturally but also to understand about human beings around them,” she says. She’s glad the children signed the SNAP petition. “It makes them think about how little things can make a difference, and how they can make a difference.” An infographic in the exhibit emphasizes that charity can never meet the needs of the hungry. Judith Schwartz, a board member and volunteer at the Marana Community Food Bank who visited the exhibit, notes that food bank provisions are meant to supplement a family’s budget. “It’s really designed to be emergency food,” she says, adding that some people do only need temporary assistance, but others rely on food banks for longer periods. And some people are too proud to seek help. She recalls that many years ago, her late husband was out of work for three months and she struggled to put food on the table, even collecting soda pop bottles for the 5-cent deposit refund. Her oldest son recently remarked that when he was a child, they ate spaghetti all the time – those few months had made such a deep impression. “Although we didn’t use the food bank, we should have,” she reflects. As for “This is Hunger,” Schwartz says the entire exhibit was very effective. “It would be nice if it could be shared with more people.” For more information, visit thisishunger.org or mazon.org.
Coming up in the Arizona Jewish Post
Cohon awards honor leaders in rescue, unity
For advertising opportunities call Berti' at 520-647-8461
survivors with basic needs; providing food, clothing and shelter for Jewish orAJP Staff Writer phans in Israel and the former Soviet Union; funding aliyah flights for Jews abbi Yechiel Eckstein, founder and facing persecution; security support to president of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, help combat terrorist attacks in Israel as says as his career began he realized cre- well as material and emotional support ating a partnership between Jews and for Israel Defense Forces. Last year alone, the organization Evangelical Christian had huge potential. helped about 1.5 million people through“I looked at it in terms of the Jewish people, and the need to have relationships out the world, says Eckstein, and making between Israel and pro-Israel Christians.” that kind of impact is very satisfying. “Knowing that we’re playing a signifiEckstein founded the Fellowship in November 1983, when dialogue between cant role in helping Jewish people in need Christians and Jews exis the most fulfilling part cluded the Evangelical of it,” he says. movement, he says. He Tammi Rossman-Benmet with strong opposijamin, co-founder and tion from liberal-leaning executive director of the Jewish leaders. Some obAmcha Initiative, a najected to the conservative tional nonprofit that fosocial values of the Chriscuses on identifying and tian right in America, eliminating anti-Semiwhile others opposed the tism in higher education, focus on Jews making was also recognized at aliyah (moving to Israel) this year’s Cohon FounRabbi Yechiel Eckstein rather than on their livdation ceremony. ing in safety everywhere. Some decried The Amcha Initiative was designed to the engagement on theological grounds, be a grassroots response to the disconsaying Evangelicals were more concerned certing rise in anti-Jewish sentiment on with their own salvation and saw the Jew- college campuses, she says. ish people’s return to Israel as a prerequi“It was a desire to bring together site for the second coming of the messiah. groups of organizations and individuals But the growing strength of Evangelicals who could, with the power of their collectivity and collaboration, successfully could not be ignored, says Eckstein. “They’re too important a group for us urge university leaders to do something about the problem,” says not to have contact with, Rossman-Benjamin. to reach out to and work Rossman-Benjamin with,” he says. was a professor at the Eckstein was one of University of California, two honorees who reSanta Cruz, teaching ceived a 2016 Cohon MeHebrew and Jewish studmorial Foundation Award ies. Many of her Jewish at a ceremony hosted by students would tell her Temple Emanu-El on Friabout the anti-Semitic day, Jan. 13. Established climate both in the classby their children and room and on campus. grandchildren, the Rabbi Tammi Rossman-Benjamin Samuel S. and A. Irma After unsuccessfully tryCohon Foundation recognizes individu- ing to affect change through the typials who benefit Klal Yisroel, the entire cal avenues within the college, in 2012 Jewish people, and excel in one of four Rossman-Benjamin and Leila Beckwith, areas: unity, education and information, professor emeritus at UCLA, founded rescue or the creative arts. This year’s Amcha, which would expand its focus winners received $20,000 each. throughout the United States. Receiving this type of recognition by a Combating anti-Semitism and intolerstateside Jewish organization is an honor, ance in general is the crux of Rossmansays Eckstein. “It’s humbling; it’s deeply Benjamin’s work. More important, she appreciated and a privilege.” The Fellowship is the largest Chris- says, is Amcha’s significance as a unified tian-supported nonprofit organization force. “That’s what I want to be recognized operating in Israel, raising more than for, even more so than successful efforts $140 million annually for its various proto combat anti-Semitism, is the fact that grams. The organization’s core initiatives include helping impoverished Holocaust we are able to do that by being united.”
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The Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona Women’s Philanthropy social action committee will hold a Purse and Paint Party to benefit Sister Jose Women’s Center next month. The party will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 7 at 6:30 p.m. at Tucson Hebrew Academy. Women are asked to donate new or gently used designer purses and will receive an entry into a surprise raffle for every donation. The most desirable bags will be auctioned at the Women’s Philanthropy Connections brunch on March 5, with proceeds from the silent auction donated to Sister Jose Women’s Center, which is the focus of the Federation’s
70th anniversary mitzvah project. Party attendees will paint tiles for the women’s center, to be incorporated into a mural that will be coordinated by Michael B. Schwartz, director of the Tucson Arts Brigade, which facilitates the City of Tucson Mural Program (see azjewishpost.com/2016/tucson-reputation-asworld-class-destination-gets-boost-from-new-murals/). JFSA has taken on creation of the mural as the centerpiece of its mitzvah project. The evening will include heavy hors d’oeuvres, wine and dessert. The cost is $18. RSVP by Feb. 3 at jfsa.org or email jscott@jfsa.org.
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ARIZONA JEWISH POST, January 20, 2017
The Coalition for Jewish Education of the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona is accepting applications for scholarships to Jewish overnight camps for the summer of 2017. The need-based camp scholarship is funded by the Mo and Frances Beren Family Scholarship Fund at the Jewish Community Foundation of Southern Arizona. Any student currently attending religious school programs in Southern Arizona or Tucson Hebrew Academy is eligible to apply. The application can be downloaded at jfsa.org/cje and is also available at religious schools and THA. The deadline is Feb. 20. The scholarship is is meant to be combined with funding from another source such as a synagogue, camp or other organization. Eligible campers may also qualify for additional
THANK continued from page 5
“moved the goal post or changed the frames of reference for negotiating peace” because it “hyperfocused” on the settlement issue, which is one of many final status issues, he said, that need to be negotiated. The resolution, he added, did not deal in a proportionate way with the issue of incitement “and the culture of hate that the Palestinian leadership unfortunately, in its partnership with the Hamas terror Islamist organization, continues
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funding through the national PJ Goes to Camp program (see https://pjlibrary.org/Beyond-Books/PJ-Goes -to-Camp). The Rabbi Arthur R. Oleisky Teen Recognition Award is presented to one outstanding teen in support of an organized teen trip to Israel in the summer of 2017 or on the 2017 March of the Living. The winner will receive a $500 stipend toward their Israel trip, presented at the Federation’s annual meeting. An application outlining the student’s activities (both Jewish and secular) and a personal interview are required. The deadline to apply is Feb. 20. Applications are available at synagogues, Jewish youth groups and Tucson Hebrew High or through the Coalition for Jewish Education. For more information, contact Suzanne at 577-9393 or samador@jfsa.org.
to nurture and develop in Palestinian society. … And it doesn’t deal with the root cause, in our opinion, of the conflict, which is the ongoing Palestinian refusal and rejection of the notion of a Jewish state in any borders.” Grundwerg emphasized that the disagreement over the resolution “is not a battle between the American people and the Israeli people. It’s a disagreement with this outgoing administration…. And looking ahead, as our prime minister has said, we’re optimistic and excited about working with the incoming administration to continue this long history of close cooperation.” Nancy Ben-Asher Ozeri is a writer and editor in Tucson.
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LETTER TO THE EDITOR Two-state solution could have happened decades ago In the most recent Post there was an opinion piece that noticed the lack of the words “two state solution” in some official pronouncement (“In Congress, a new battle emerges: two states or not two states” (AJP 1/6/17). In 1948, the United Nations declared a “two state solution.” The two states were Israel, and Transjordan, now known as the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The border between them was the Jordan River. As soon as the ink was dry, an alliance of Arab nations surrounding Israel confidently attacked, expecting to drive Israel into the sea in under a week.
From 1948 to 1967, Jordan illegally occupied Judea and Samaria; Egypt illegally occupied Gaza. In 1967, in a defensive war, Israel recaptured her territory from her enemy occupiers, including the Temple Mount. Israel cannot “illegally” occupy her own land. By what perverted logic can Jordan occupy the “West Bank” territories of Judea and Samaria after capturing these lands in a war of conquest, but when Israel recovers these territories in a defensive war, her “occupation” is “illegal?” The two state solution I can support is the one established by the U.N. nearly 50 years ago. — Joel S. Heller
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BRITAIN continued from page 6
because it did not address the Palestinian Authority’s refusal to negotiate without preconditions - in this case a public commitment by Israel to halt construction in eastern Jerusalem and the West Bank. The summit “turned as flat as a failed soufflé,” Emmanuel Nahshon, the Israeli Foreign Ministry’s senior spokesman, wrote Sunday on Twitter. “A big show is no replacement for direct negotiations between the parties.” In previous statements, Israeli officials described the summit as “laughable” in light of Western inaction on the humanitarian disaster in Syria. The British position was highly unexpected — especially in light of Britain’s leading role, as Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson described it, in drafting and passing on Dec. 23 a U.N. Security Council resolution critical of Israeli settlements. Using far harsher language than that of the summit declaration, the U.N. resolution condemned Israeli settlements as a “flagrant violation of international law.” Trump has called for the United Kingdom to veto any further action on Israel at the United Nations. A midlevel British diplomat, who spoke to JTA on Monday under condition of anonymity because he is not allowed to brief journalists on this matter, said his country will not support any further attempts in the near future to pass another resolution on Israel. So did the United Kingdom’s decades-long policy on Israel radically change sometime between Dec. 23 and Jan. 15? Unlikely, according to Yigal Palmor, a former top spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry who currently works in a similar capacity for The Jewish Agency. The British move in Paris, he told JTA, is the result of a mix of factors, including a “desire to assert independence from the European Union” — which the British government under Prime Minister Theresa May is committed to leaving as per the result of a June referendum over the issue. May replaced David Cameron as prime minister last year as a result of the Brexit referendum. Hoffman, meanwhile, said the apparent conflict between the British support for the U.N. resolution and its opposition to the Paris summit declaration could
stem from power struggles between May and the country’s Foreign Office, which does not share her relatively pro-Israel politics. In explaining its refusal to cosign the declaration, the British Foreign Office dropped another clue: A written statement objected that the summit was “taking place just days before the transition to a new American president when the United States will be the ultimate guarantor of any agreement.” The Foreign Office statement also pointed to “risks” that the conference “hardens positions at a time when we need to be encouraging the conditions for peace.” Whereas Kerry avidly supported the summit, members of Trump’s transition team signaled their disapproval to French officials, according to The Guardian. The newspaper suggested that May ordered the Paris snub to align her policy with that of Trump. Hoffman also attributed the apparent British aboutface primarily to a Trump intervention. “It’s such a dramatic departure from what we have seen in the past that a Trump intervention is the only thing that makes sense,” he said. Ever since Obama spoke out last year in favor of Britain remaining in the European Union, AngloAmerican relations have become strained. Johnson, a former London mayor who became foreign minister following the Brexit vote, accused Obama of meddling in British internal affairs and of harboring anti-British sentiment connected to the president’s Kenyan roots. The Paris summit was not the first time that Israeli diplomacy benefited from those recent tensions. On Dec. 29, a spokesman for May openly criticized Kerry’s Dec. 28 speech defending the U.S. abstention on the Security Council’s anti-settlements resolution. The spokesman chided Kerry for “focusing on only one issue” of “construction of settlements,” and for saying that the Netanyahu government is the “most right-wing” in Israel’s history. “We do not believe that it is appropriate to attack the composition of the democratically elected government of an ally,” May’s office said in its unusual criticism of the Kerry speech. The cracks in the positions of Israel’s allies offer the Netanyahu government “some relief from international pressure” over some of the Jewish state’s policies, Palmor observed. In that regard, the dissent benefits Israel, he said, but “ultimately it is not about Israel, not really.”
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Cnaan Lipshiz is JTA's European correspondent.
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At least 25 Jewish institutions across the United States received bomb threats on Wednesday, Jewish security officials said, in the second wave of such mass disruption in two weeks. Paul Goldenberg, the director of Secure Community Network — an affiliate of the Jewish federations of North America, which advises Jewish groups and institutions on security — said there were bomb threats called in to Jewish community centers, schools and other institutions in Miami; Edison, N.J.; Cincinnati; Alabama, and on the West Coast. News reports also cited threats in Albany, N.Y.; Nashville; suburban Boston and Detroit; West Hartford, Conn., and the Orlando area. Additional threats were being reported early Wednesday afternoon. Whether the institutions, which include schools and community centers, evacuated depended on the practices of local law enforcement, Goldenberg said. In many cases the callers were live, he said, as opposed to the previous threat, when calls were recorded. Bomb threats were called into 16 institutions across the Northeast and South on Jan. 9, and hundreds of people were evacuated. All the alerts were false. Secure Community Network held a conference call later the same week with top FBI and Homeland Security officials for over a thousand callers from Jewish groups across the country. Five Jewish Democrats in Congress are among 60 of the party’s House delegation who will not attend Donald Trump’s presidential inauguration. The five are Reps. Jerrold Nadler of New York; Jamie Raskin of Maryland; John Yarmuth of Kentucky; Steve Cohen of Tennessee, and Jan Schakowsky of Illinois. The movement to boycott the inauguration was launched over the weekend when Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., who helped organize the protests in the 1960s that brought about civil rights and voting rights reforms, said he would not attend because he saw Trump as an “illegitimate” president. Lewis cited, in part, reports of Russian attempts to swing the election toward Trump. Trump replied on Twitter by describing Lewis as “all talk, talk, talk — no action or results,” prompting an outcry, including from Jewish groups that have worked closely with Lewis over the decades to advance civil liberties. Some of the 60 Democrats, among the 194 in the U.S. House of Representatives, who will not attend said they agreed with Lewis that Trump was not a legitimate president. Others said they are joining with him because of Trump’s attack. Some said simply that they have other plans. The five Jewish members, out of 20 Jewish Democrats in the House and 22 Jewish House members overall, said they are standing with Lewis and also cited their own concerns about Trump’s election. “@RealDonaldTrump stands with V. Putin. I stand with @repjohnlewis,” Nadler said in a tweet, referring to the allegations that Russian President Vladimir Putin directed interference in the U.S. election. Cohen said, also on Twitter: “I won’t attend #inauguration out of respect for @repjohnlewis & for unpresidential remarks.” Raskin said of Trump in a statement: “I cannot stomach his relentless trafficking in bigotry, misogyny and fear.” From a Yarmuth statement: “I believe the office of the president deserves our respect, and that respect must begin with the president-elect himself.” Schakowsky said Wednesday she would be absent “in protest of a president who used bigotry, fear and lies to win an election that was tainted by foreign interference and voter suppression.”
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At a recent meal with friends, someone shared that Elon Musk plans for all Tesla electric vehicles to feature fully autonomous driving by the end of 2017. I was asked, “Would you ride in a driverless car?” Good question! Self-driving cars seem to be the way of the future. Every major automaker and tech companies such as Google, Apple and Baidu are heavily invested in the research and development of vehicles capable of navigating without human input. Though the discussion that ensued focused on safety, my mind went to morality concerns. Will it be possible to program autonomous cars with instructions on how to react in the case of an unavoidable collision? I stayed up late that night to answer the Moral Machine survey from MIT researchers on how self-driving cars should be programmed in the case of a collision (moralmachine.mit.edu). The survey presented various hypothetical scenarios where the survey-taker is given the choice to program cars with one of two fatal outcomes. One scenario proposed the following: If the selfdriving car has sudden brake failure, should it continue ahead through the pedestrian crossing killing two men and one woman? Or should the car swerve and hit three pedestrians, who were breaking the law by crossing on the red light? What if the choice of casualties was between hitting a female and male executive crossing on a red signal or swerving and crashing into a concrete barrier resulting in the death of bystanders who happen to be a homeless person and a criminal? It was a gut–wrenching process for me. It was also revealing since at the conclusion of the survey, MIT matched up my answers to those from the wider public. The Torah (Devarim 30:19) tells us, “You shall choose life.” What right do we have to determine someone else’s life? Who allowed me to “play” the role of judge, jury and even executioner? The Talmud (Yoma 82b) tells of a Jewish man who was given an ultimatum by authorities to either murder his neighbor or be killed himself. He presented this dilemma to the well-known scholar Rava, who replied: “What did you see to make you think that your blood is redder and more important than his?” Indeed, I am not content with all of the answers I gave to MIT. That is why I am looking forward to presenting the new course from the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) titled “The Dilemma.” Together, we will debate six modern situations with legal and ethical ramifications, like the Tesla Autopilot dilemma. We will explore relevant precedents from the Talmud as well as secular law. As to the question of whether I’d ride in a self-driving car: Since I can’t afford a Tesla Model X at this point, I’m open to trying a self-driving Uber the next time I’m in San Francisco. Rabbi Yehuda Ceitlin is the outreach director of Chabad Tucson and associate rabbi at Congregation Young Israel of Tucson. He will be teaching “The Dilemma” over six weeks beginning Thursday, Feb. 2, at the Tucson Jewish Community Center. The course is co-hosted by Chabad Tucson, the Tucson J and the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona’s Cardozo Society.
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Area Congregations CONSERVATIVE CONGREGATION ANSHEI ISRAEL 5550 E. Fifth St., Tucson, AZ 85711 • (520) 745-5550 Rabbi Robert Eisen, Cantorial Soloist Nichole Chorny • www.caiaz.org Daily minyan: Mon.-Thurs., 7:30 a.m. & 5:30 p.m.; Fri., 7:30 a.m.; Sun. & legal holidays, 8 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. / Mincha: Fri., 5:45 p.m. / Shabbat services: Sat., 9 a.m., followed by Kiddush; Tot Shabbat, 1st Fri., 5:45 p.m.; Family Service, 3rd Friday, 5:45 p.m.; Holiday services may differ, call or visit website. / Torah study: every Shabbat one hour before Mincha (call or visit website for times) / Talmud on Tuesday, 6 p.m. / Weekday Torah study group, Wed., 11 a.m. beverages and dessert provided. CONGREGATION BET SHALOM 3881 E. River Road, Tucson, AZ 85718 • (520) 577-1171 Hazzan Avraham Alpert • www.cbsaz.org Services: Fri., 5:30 p.m. (followed by monthly dinners — call for info); Sat., 9:30 a.m.-noon, Shabbat Experience includes free break-out sessions for children and adults, followed by Kiddush lunch and discussion led by Rabbi Dr. Howard Schwartz and Dr. David Graizbord 12:30-1:30 p.m. / Daily services: Mon.-Fri. 8:15 a.m.; Sundays and legal holidays, 9 a.m.; Hagim 9:30 a.m.
ORTHODOX CONGREGATION CHOFETZ CHAYIM/SOUTHWEST TORAH INSTITUTE 5150 E. Fifth St., Tucson, AZ 85711 • (520) 747-7780 Rabbi Israel Becker • www.tucsontorah.org Shabbat services: Fri., Kabbalat Shabbat 15 minutes before sunset; Sat. 9 a.m. followed by Kiddush. / Mincha: Fri., 1 p.m.; Sat., 25 minutes before sunset, followed by Shalosh Seudas, Maariv and Havdallah. Services: Sun., 8 a.m.; Mon. & Thurs., 6:50 a.m.; Tues., Wed., Fri., 7 a.m.; daily, 15 minutes before sunset. / Weekday Rosh Chodesh services: 6:45 a.m. CONGREGATION YOUNG ISRAEL/CHABAD OF TUCSON 2443 E. Fourth St., Tucson, AZ 85719 • (520) 881-7956 Rabbi Yossie Shemtov, Rabbi Yudi Ceitlin • www.chabadoftucson.com Daily minyan: Sun. & legal holidays, 8:30 a.m.; Mon. & Thurs., 6:30 p.m.; Tues., Wed., Fri., 6:45 a.m. / Mincha & Maariv, 5:15 p.m. / Shabbat services: Fri. at candlelighting; Sat. 9:30 a.m. followed by Kiddush. Mincha, Maariv and Havdallah TBA. CHABAD ON RIVER 3916 E. Ft. Lowell Road • (520) 615-9443 Rabbi Ram Bigelman • www.chabadonriver.com Shabbat services: Fri., Mincha at candlelighting time, followed by Maariv. / Sat., Shacharit service, 9:30 a.m. / Torah study: Women, Mon., 8 p.m. & Wed., 12:30 p.m.; men, Tues. & Thurs., 7 p.m. CHABAD ORO VALLEY 1217 W. Faldo Drive, Oro Valley, AZ 85755 • (520) 477-8672 Rabbi Ephraim Zimmerman • www.jewishorovalley.com Shabbat services: 3rd Fri., 6 p.m., followed by dinner; Sat. 9:30 a.m., bimonthly, call for dates / Torah study: Sat., 9 a.m. CHABAD SIERRA VISTA 401 Suffolk Drive, Sierra Vista, AZ 85635 ● (520) 820-6256 Rabbi Benzion Shemtov ● www.jewishsierravista.com Shabbat services: Sat., 10:30 a.m., bimonthly, followed by class explaining prayers. Visit website or call for dates.
REFORM CONGREGATION CHAVERIM 5901 E. Second St., Tucson, AZ 85711 • (520) 320-1015 Rabbi Stephanie Aaron • www.chaverim.net Shabbat services: Fri., 7 p.m. (no service on 5th Fri.); Family Shabbat, 1st Fri., 6 p.m. / Torah study: 2nd Sat., 9 a.m., followed by contemplative service, 10 a.m.
CONGREGATION KOL SIMCHAH (Renewal) 4625 E. River Road, Tucson, AZ 85718 Mailing Address: 2732 S. Gwain Place, Tucson, AZ 85713 • (520) 296-0818 Shabbat services: 1st and 3rd Fri., 7:15 p.m. CONGREGATION M’KOR HAYIM 3888 E. River Road, Tucson, AZ 85718 (Tucson Hebrew Academy) Mailing Address: P.O. Box 31806, Tucson, AZ 85751 • (520) 904-1881 Rabbi Helen Cohn • www.mkorhayim.org Shabbat services: 2nd and 4th Fri., 7 p.m. / Torah study, 2nd and 4th Sat., 9:30 a.m. CONGREGATION OR CHADASH 3939 N. Alvernon, Tucson, AZ 85718 • (520) 512-8500 Rabbi Thomas Louchheim, Cantor Janece Cohen www.orchadash-tucson.org Shabbat services: Fri., 6:30 p.m.; 1st Fri., Friday Night LIVE (Oct.-May); 2nd Friday, Tot Shabbat (Oct.-June), 6 p.m.; Sat., 10 a.m. / Torah study: Sat., 8:30 a.m. THE INSTITUTE FOR JUDAIC SERVICES AND STUDIES Mailing Address: 36789 S. Golf Course Drive, Saddlebrooke, AZ 85739 (520) 825-8175 Rabbi Sanford Seltzer Shabbat services: Oct.-April, one Friday per month at 7 p.m. — call for details. TEMPLE EMANU-EL 225 N. Country Club Road, Tucson, AZ 85716 • (520) 327-4501 Rabbi Samuel M. Cohon, Rabbi Batsheva Appel • www.tetucson.org Shabbat services: Fri., 7:30 p.m.; Sat., 10 a.m. / Torah study: Sat., 8:30 a.m. except when there is a Rabbi’s Tish. TEMPLE KOL HAMIDBAR 228 N. Canyon Drive, Sierra Vista • (520) 458-8637 http://kolhamidbar.tripod.com Mailing address: P.O. Box 908, Sierra Vista, AZ 85636 Shabbat services: Fri., 7:30 p.m.
BETH SHALOM TEMPLE CENTER 1751 N. Rio Mayo (P.O. Box 884), Green Valley, AZ 85622 (520) 648-6690 • www.bstc.us Shabbat services: 1st and 3rd Fri., 7p.m. / Torah study: Sat., 10 a.m. CONGREGATION ETZ CHAIM (Modern Orthodox) 686 Harshaw Road, Patagonia, AZ 85624 • (520) 394-2520 www.etzchaimcongregation.org • Rabbi Gabriel Cousens Shabbat services: Fri., 18 minutes before sunset / Torah study: Sat., 9:30 a.m. HANDMAKER RESIDENT SYNAGOGUE 2221 N. Rosemont Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85712 • (520) 881-2323 www.handmaker.com Shabbat services: Fri., 4:30 p.m., led by Lindsey O’Shea, followed by Shabbat dinner; Sat., 9:30 a.m., led by Mel Cohen and Dan Asia, followed by light Kiddush lunch. SECULAR HUMANIST JEWISH CIRCLE www.secularhumanistjewishcircle.org Call Cathleen at 730-0401 for meeting or other information. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA HILLEL FOUNDATION 1245 E. 2nd St. Tucson, AZ 85719 • 624-6561 • www.arizona.hillel.org Shabbat services: Reform, Conservative, Orthodox and alternative services two Fridays each month when school is in session. Dinner follows (guests, $8; RSVP by preceding Thurs.). Call for dates/times.
January 20, 2017, ARIZONA JEWISH POST
KING continued from page 6
Jewish communities have been working hard to build ties of communication and cooperation. Hundreds of synagogues, mosques, and Muslim and Jewish organizations across the U.S. have taken part in twinning events, while grass-roots Jews and Muslims in a number of cities have formed Muslim-Jewish solidarity committees based on the principle of standing up for each other when either community is demonized or discriminated against. At the outset of 2016, with Islamophobia sharply on the rise, the foundation created #MASO (Muslims Are Speaking Out), a much-visited Facebook page that fea-
We would like to welcome you to upcoming events, Happy Hour Specials, musical guests and more!
tures American Muslims of all ages, ethnic backgrounds and walks of life passionately expressing revulsion at acts of extremism, terrorism and violence committed by supporters of the Islamic State terrorist group. Thankfully, our foundation has not been alone in these efforts. The Anti-Defamation League has taken a strong stance opposing anti-Muslim bigotry, including discrediting legislative efforts in state legislatures across the U.S. to outlaw the the “phantom threat” of Sharia (Islamic) law, while the American Jewish Committee recently joined with the Islamic Society of North America to create a new body, the Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council. In recent weeks, many rabbis and Jewish leaders have vowed that if the new administration institutes a Muslim registry, they themselves will be among the first to sign up for it.
While the American Jewish community has made a good start in standing up for our Muslim brothers and sisters, we are aware that many challenges lie directly ahead. As we move forward from our observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, American Jews in 2017 must resolve that we will continue to speak out openly and assertively in support of the principle that Americans of all faiths and ethnicities — including Muslim Americans - must be accorded full civil rights and religious freedom as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Like the Jewish heroes of the civil rights movement, we can do no less. Rabbi Marc Schneier, the president of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, is the author of “Shared Dreams: Martin Luther King Jr. and the Jewish Community” and co-author with Imam Shamsi Ali of “Sons of Abraham: A Candid Conversation about the Issues that Divide and Unite Jews and Muslims.”
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ARTS ALIVE DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun El Mercado – DeGrazia Paints the Marketplace
Balalaika orchestra to bring familiar folk sounds to PCC
Paintings of the vendors, goods, and stalls of the public markets of old Mexico and Guatemala are featured in this new exhibit. An opening reception for the exhibit will be held from 5 to 7 pm on Friday, January 27th, 2017 at the Gallery in the Sun. 520.299.9191 | www.degrazia.org | 800.545.2185 Photo Courtesy Arizona Balalaika Orchestra
6300 North Swan Tucson Arizona 85718
Upcoming Speacial Sections in the AJP include Volunteer Salute April 14 Sizzling Gourmet May 12 Staycation: Summer in the City
May 26 Style June 9 Gala Event Calendar August 11 For advertising opportunities, contact Berti’ Brodsky at 647-8461 or berti@azjewishpost.com
The Arizona Balalaika Orchestra
The Arizona Balalaika Orchestra will present its 37th annual concert of traditional folk music from Russia, Poland, Ukraine and other Slavic countries, on Saturday, Jan. 28 at 7 p.m. at Pima Community College Center for the Arts Proscenium Theater, West Campus, 2202 W. Anklam Road. “The audience will certainly recognize numbers such as ‘Kalinka,’ ‘Fantasy on Jewish Themes,’ and ‘Ochi Chernie,’ says Mia Bulgarin Gay, founder and director of the orchestra. Ukrainian native Alexander Tentser, Ph.D., concert pianist and graduate of the Gnessin Music Institute of Moscow and the University of Arizona, will conduct the concert, which will also feature the Barynya
Balalaika Trio of Russian-trained balalaika and garmoshka players, and Tucson’s Lajkonik Polish Folk Ensemble. Sponsored in its early years by the University of Arizona Russian language department, the Arizona Balalaika Orchestra has played with the Tucson Pops Orchestra and at the Tucson Folk Festival, Tucson Meet Yourself and other events in Arizona. Orchestra members play authentic Russian-made instruments including the triangular balalaika, the mandolin-like domra, the accordion-like button bayan, the harp-like gusli, along with wind and percussion instruments. Domra player Michael Markowitz, who began playing with the orchestra after moving to Tucson in
1989, found that balalaika music has a sound reminiscent of the Jewish liturgical music he’d grown up with attending a Conservative synagogue on Long Island. Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., Markowitz was introduced to music by his maternal grandmother, an accomplished pianist and songwriter. After learning piano, he tried his hand at violin and clarinet before discovering, at age 15, that girls like guys who play guitar. He later learned the mandolin. When he met Gay, she handed him a domra, the Russian instrument closest to the mandolin, and he began to play with the orchestra, honing his skills with conservatory-trained Russian and Ukrainian masters at Slavic music convention workshops. A physician at El Rio Community Center, Markowitz also plays piano, guitar and mandolin with a variety of local musicians. Tickets are $16; students, $12. Call the PCC box office at 206-6986 or visit pima.edu/cfa. Discount tickets ($15/$10) are available through Jan. 27 at The Folk Shop, 2525 N. Campbell Ave., 881-7147, or Antigone Books, 411 N. 4th Ave., 7923715.
Airport gallery to show ‘Tucson Portrait Story’ series Local artist Lauri Kaye’s “A Tucson Portrait Story” series will be displayed in the Upper Link Gallery at the Tucson International Airport from Feb. 6-March 16. The drawings depict iconic Tucson people, places and events, from the Loft Cinema to street musicians to monsoon rains, in a graphic journalistic style. Kaye, who grew up in Yardley, Pa., worked as assistant art director at Rolling Stone Magazine while studying at Parsons School of Design in New York City. After graduating in 1992, she worked at NSI Design in New York before launching her own studio, Sun Design, Inc. In 1998, Kaye moved to Tucson and opened Create Café & Catering, Inc., which she ran for 13 years. She is now the artist behind Create for the People Ventures. Each time her portrait stories are exhibited, Kaye chooses a local nonprofit to receive all profits. Kaye says her parents helped foster her philanthropic spirit.
ARIZONA JEWISH POST, January 20, 2017
“My parents were always active socially whether it was through our synagogue, the Hebrew school my mom started in her basement or the Boy Scouts where my father spent much of his time volunteering and teaching. My father grew up very poor with a single mother and Boy Scouts was a great equalizer. Helping those less fortunate and in need was a natural part of our lives. “As a family we spent Friday nights at services and always showed up at Sunday school with pocket change divvied up for tzedakah (charity) and Fig Newtons.” Her mother may also be the source of Kaye’s artistic talent. After growing her Mah Tov Hebrew school from six to 50 students, “the artist in her woke up and she began silk painting tallit (prayer shawls) for her students,” Kaye says. Kaye spent summers at camps run by Habonim Dror North America, the progressive labor youth Zionist movement, and a gap year in
Israel on two kibbutzim. She has returned to Israel often, and drew her first portrait story, “Barbed Wire Flowers,” after a 2014 visit to a child her family has sponsored in the West Bank through SOS Children’s Villages, an international organization.
‘Gate's Pass’ by Lauri Kaye
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January 20, 2017, ARIZONA JEWISH POST
ARTS ALIVE True Concord to bring ‘Elijah’ to festival
Photo courtesy True Concord Voices & Orchestra
WE COME. True Concord performs at Lincoln Center in 2015.
Special to the AJP
rue Concord Voices & Orchestra will perform Felix Mendelssohn’s “Elijah” at the 5th annual Tucson Desert Song Festival later this month. Mendelssohn’s oratorio retells events from the life of Prophet Elijah in the Books of Kings. “‘Elijah’ is, like its composer, complex,” says True Concord Musical Director Eric Holtan. Mendelssohn was born to a prominent German Jewish family, but raised without religion until his parents had him baptized at age 7, perhaps to help him assimilate in a Christian-dominated society. A precocious musician who was inspired by the Baroque style of Bach, Mendelssohn still experienced discrimination in his lifetime, when he was denied a position at Berlin’s Sing-Akademie. During the Nazi era, Hitler banned his music. “Mendelssohn’s music reflects the synergistic influences of both Jewish and Christian traditions in his life,” says
Holtan. “Elijah” evokes the prophet’s miracles, battles with Baal, and ultimately, a heroic defense of the Israelites. “Elijah” will be the largest performance in True Concord’s history, marking the first professional presentation of the work in Southern Arizona. Richard Paul Fink, Grammy award-winning baritone, will sing the role of Elijah. Three rising opera stars from Chicago’s renowned Ravinia’s Steans Music Institute will perform solos. “We had hoped to perform ‘Elijah’ at Anshei Israel, but with 13 soloists, 70 vocalists and 50 orchestral players, we could not fit the [bimah] space,” says Holtan. Holtan created True Concord (then known as Tucson Chamber Artists) in 2004 after finishing his doctorate in choral and orchestral conducting at the University of Arizona. “I recognized Tucson’s rich arts scene — theater, ballet, symphony, and opera — yet no professional chamber choir and orchestra.” Thirteen years later, with two Grammy See Elijah, page 19
January 28, Saturday 7:00 pm
Arizona Balalaika Orchestra Winter Concert Alexander Tentser, Conductor Featuring Barynya Balalaika Trio & Lajkonik Polish Folk Dancers
ONLINE at broadwayintucson.com PHONE 800-745-3000 IN PERSON Centennial Hall Ticket Office GROUPS OF 10+ 520-903-2929 x 0
ARIZONA JEWISH POST, January 20, 2017
Pima Community College Center for the Arts 2202 W. Anklam Rd.
Tickets $16 / Students $12
Box Office 206-6986 Folk Shop 881-7147 Antigone 792-3715 Info: (520) 327-4418 or www.azbalalaika.org
ARTS ALIVE Local quilt artist coming to Tucson J Thelma Scudi, a self-trained artist from Tucson, works in cloth and mixed media and credits her talent to her ability to see wonder and beauty in spite of reality. An exhibit of her art quilts, “The Left Turn Lane,” will be on display at the Tucson Jewish Community Center Fine Art Gallery from Feb.1-March 7. In her description of her piece, “Left Turn Lane #1,” Scudi says, “I’ll be damned if I find myself standing in the Left Turn Lane, with a sign, at eighty.” The economic viability of older women who may suddenly find themselves single is the gist of the story. An artist’s reception will be held on Sunday, Feb. 5 from 2-4 p.m. Right: ‘Left Turn Lane #1’ by Thelma Scudi
ELIJAH continued from page 18
nominations and one win to its record, True Concord draws premier vocalists and instrumentalists from across the nation. The Arizona Daily Star says True
Concord’s “Elijah” is “arguably the cornerstone of the 2017 Tucson Desert Song Festival.” Performances are on Jan. 27, 28 and 29 at venues in Tucson and Green Valley. Tickets are available at trueconcord.org. Leslie Glaze is a community volunteer.
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Tiffany is 29 and Josh is 32.
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Tiffany and Josh met at Noble Hops, when the restaurant was first opened. She was a patron and the two met one night on the patio. Tiffany began working for the company, but the two fell for each other almost immediately. That was five years ago.
Photos: Jen Bee Photography
The proposal:
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Where Style Meets Tradition
Joshua Mussman and his bride, Tiffany Eldredge Tiffany Marie Eldredge, daughter of Lori and Steven Eldredge, and Joshua Kaiser Mussman, son of Suzanne Kaiser and Michael Mussman, were married on Oct. 9, 2016 at their ranch on the east side of Tucson. The groom’s father, Michael, officiated, with his wife, Sara, singing alongside him. The bride did not have a maid of honor, but split the duties and title among her sisters, Amy Eldredge of Salt Lake City and Annelise Eldredge of Los Angeles, and her best friend, Jennifer Baker of Portland, Ore. She had a total of six bridesmaids. The best man was Joshua’s brother, Aric Mussman of Tucson. The bride and groom both work in the food and beverage industry. Joshua is the co-owner of several local restaurants, Vero Amore, Noble Hops, The Still and Sazerac Creole Kitchen & Cocktails, and in Salt Lake City, Utah, Tinwell and Yoko Ramen. Tiffany helps manage and run a few of the Tucson restaurants, focusing on the bar program for the company. She is a trained mixologist. They honeymooned in Paris and Barcelona in early November.
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ARIZONA JEWISH POST, January 20, 2017
w w w. C e l e b r a t i o n s P a r t y S p o t . c o m
Josh took Tiffany to look at their new home (Spud Rock Ranch, where they were married). On the day of the closing he took her in the backyard and under a very large tree he proposed to her.
Wedding planning triumph (or challenge): The triumph and the challenge were the same thing, we did everything ourselves! The venue was our home, the food was from our restaurants. We supplied the glassware, silverware, plates, beverages, staff, décor, etc. It kept us very busy!
Special memories of the day Hers: Our first looks. He looked so handsome and excited! His: Sharing a swing ride with my wife looking over the venue.
Looking for Love?
The groom's father, Michael Mussman, officiates under the chuppah.
Joshua and Tiffany Mussman celebrate with family and friends.
Wedding attire
He wore a tan suit with a copper tie, and I wore a lace and tulle natural flowing dress. It had long sleeves and a princess waist line.
Wedding cake:
Wedding planner: Lori Eldredge
Photographer: Jen Bee Photography. I highly recommend her. She is fabulous!
Vero Amore A five-tier apple spice cake with caramel ganache and lightly frosted with cream cheese frosting, decorated with white hydrangeas and berries, by Annie from Ambrosia Cakes
Music: DJ Tony G
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January 20, 2017, ARIZONA JEWISH POST
OBITUARIES Children's hospital benefactor and community volunteer Joan Diamond dies PHYLLIS BRAUN
AJP Executive Editor
oan B. Diamond, 87, philanthropist and Jewish community volunteer, died Dec. 28, 2016. Diamond was an early supporter of the University of Arizona Steele Children’s Research Center, which opened in 1992, and joined her husband, real estate developer Donald Diamond, in providing the lead gift to establish the Diamond Children’s Medical Center, which opened in 2010. The Diamonds’ interest in children’s health care, particularly research on pediatric lung disease, stemmed from losing their daughter Deanne to asthma complications, says their daughter Helaine Levy. Lynn Taussig, M.D., a pediatric pulmonologist who was the first director of the Steele Center, says “it was always a pleasurable task” to discuss plans for the center with her and Donald. Their support extended beyond Tucson and Arizona to the National Jewish Medical and Research Center in Denver, where Taussig later served as president and CEO, he adds. Diamond was also a force for good in the Jewish community. “Ever since I was little my mom was involved in the Jewish community” along with friends such as Carol Stern and Irene Sarver, says Levy. Diamond had served as chair of the Women’s Division of the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona, she says, and supported
many Jewish community organizations, including Temple Emanu-El and the Tucson Jewish Community Center. Betty Anne Sarver, whose parents Jack and Irene were longtime friends with the Diamonds, says “Joan exemplified what it means to be beautiful inside and Joan B. Diamond out.” “You could feel her presence in a room. She was gracious. I think she cared about her family, her friends, her community and Israel. She was a leader; she had wisdom and vision. There are certain people that you know are one of a kind, and when they leave there’ll be not another one like her,” says Sarver. Diamond was also open to new ideas, says Sarver, who recalls that when she was starting an advisory board for the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine at the UA, “Joan was one of the first people that said yes. And that was 20 years ago.” Her mother was very proper, says Levy, and strict about manners and getting good grades. “But my mom and my dad modeled community service and helping others. And my mom really modeled for me, personally, commitment to family and unconditional love and
how to be a good daughter,” she says, especially in the way Diamond took care of her parents as they aged. She was also a music lover and supporter of the Tucson Symphony Orchestra. “We had season tickets starting when I was 6 years old,” says Levy. Born in Des Moines, Iowa, Diamond attended Ferry Hall boarding school in Illinois before attending the University of Arizona, where she majored in voice and piano and met her husband-to-be, Donald. Lacking commitment from Donald, she transferred to the University of Syracuse, but, according to an obituary supplied by the family, “her future father-in-law knocked some sense into his son Donald and told him he better marry her before she gets away.” They were married 64 years, living in New York City and Great Neck, N.Y., before returning to Tucson in 1965. Diamond also supported the Girl Scouts, serving as a Brownie leader for her daughters, says Levy, as well as the Brewster Center, which provides support for victims of domestic violence; Angel Charity for Children; the Women’s Foundation for Southern Arizona; and Planned Parenthood. Survivors include her husband, Donald; daughters Jennifer Diamond of Sun Valley, Idaho, and Helaine Levy of Tucson; and three grandchildren. A private service was held, with arrangements by Evergreen Mortuary. A celebration of life will be held at a future date. Memorial donations may be made to the nonprofit of your choice.
Solomon Littman, journalist, scholar, author and Nazi hunter, dies at 96 PHYLLIS BRAUN
AJP Executive Editor
olomon I. “Sol” Littman, 96, a journalist, scholar, author and hunter of Nazi war criminals, died Jan. 2, 2017. Littman was born in Toronto and educated at the University of Toronto, State College of Washington and University of Wisconsin. Solomon Littman After 14 years as a director of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith in Canada, he became editor of the Canadian Jewish News and also reported for the Toronto Star and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. He was the first director of the Canadian branch of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, an organization that pursued Nazi war criminals and provided the research necessary to bring them to justice. He published two books, “War Criminal on Trial: Rauca of Kaunas,” the story of the first Nazi war criminal in Canada to be extradited for war crimes, and “Pure Soldiers or Bloodthirsty Murderers: The Ukrainian 14th Waffen-SS Division,” as well as numerous articles.
ARIZONA JEWISH POST, January 20, 2017
Littman and his wife, Mildred, moved in the mid1990s to Tucson, where he became a visiting scholar at the Arizona Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Arizona. He also taught classes at the Tucson Jewish Community Center and the UA’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, and wrote several articles for the Arizona Jewish Post. Littman continued working up to the time of his death. “Sol was a local treasure …. He was a warm, fascinating person to talk to and his compassion and curiosity were always apparent,” says Lynn Davis, director of arts and culture at the Tucson J. His classes at the J typically focused on 20th-century Jewish history, she says, such as his most recent, “Lessons of the Holocaust.” “If I recall correctly, he was on the first plane of North American journalists into Israel immediately following the Six-Day War and had a treasure trove of photos from that time,” says Davis. “He was a very talented man. And he was always, always learning something new,” says his daughter Nina Littman-Sharp, who recalls that “you couldn’t go anywhere with him without him meeting somebody he knew or making a friend of somebody he didn’t.” Mostly lauded for his work as a Nazi hunter, Littman was criticized for calling a 1985 press conference to announce that Josef Mengele, the notorious Nazi doctor who sent hundreds of thousands of Jews to their deaths at Auschwitz, had applied for a visa to Canada from Buenos Aires in 1962. The Canadian government convened a commission of inquiry into Nazi war criminals, but its
lengthy report said there was no evidence to prove the Mengele allegation, according to the Toronto Star and Canadian Jewish News. The CJN says Littman was “unruffled,” glad the Canadian government was taking the issue of war criminals seriously. While the social justice and anti-discrimination aspects of his work were very important to him, her father also loved teaching, says Littman-Sharp, who adds that his OLLI classes at the UA covered a wide range of topics, from George Bernard Shaw to Jewish writers, slavery in America, poverty and gun control. J. Edward Wright, director of the Arizona Center for Judaic Studies, recalls that Littman participated “very energetically” in a faculty meeting as recently as November. The UA originally brought Littman on board “so we could support his research through his affiliation with the university. I really wanted to support his work on tracking down these Nazi war criminals,” says Wright. As a teacher, Littman “was deeply concerned about exposing young people to [issues of] prejudice and antiSemitism and what it produces,” he says. Littman was also the driving force behind the Judaic studies community outreach adult education program, Sekhel veLev (Mind and Heart), he says, noting that hundreds of people took those courses over a 13-year period. Despite Littman’s doggedness in tracking war criminals, “he was a gentle spirit. Everyone enjoyed having him around the department,” says Wright. “He will be deeply missed.” See Littman, page 23
OBITUARIES James S. Levy James S. Levy, 84, died Dec. 26, 2016 in Kona, Hawaii. Born in Tucson, Mr. Levy was a descendent of the pioneer Levy family of Southern Arizona. He was a graduate of Tucson High School and the University of Arizona. He worked for Levy’s Department store as a buyer until 1969. He left Tucson to work at Liberty House/City of Paris Department store in San Francisco, and subsequently became purchasing director for the City of Oakland Housing
Authority until retirement. He and his wife, Barbara, moved to Morro Bay, Calif., and upon her death, he moved to the island of Kona with his children, Erin and Mark. Mr. Levy was preceded in death by his wife of 50 years, Barbara; son, Steven Levy; and sister, Leanore (Levy) Rado. Survivors include his son, Mark Levy, and daughter, Erin Levy, of Kona, Hawaii; sister, Jacqueline (Levy) Rosenfeld of Tucson; two grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Doris M. Rosenkrantz Doris M. Rosenkrantz, 90, died Jan. 4, 2017. Mrs. Rosenkrantz was born in Brooklyn, N.Y. She moved to Tucson in 1980 and was a longtime member of Temple Emanu-El and a life member of Hadassah. Mrs. Rosenkrantz was preceded in death by her husband, Sidney, known
as El Cid; and her brothers, Seymour Brettler and Franklyn Brettler. Survivors include her friends, Mitch Kagen and his family, Robin Herman and Nancy Powers. Graveside services were held in the Knights of Pythias section of Evergreen Cemetery with Rabbi Batsheva Appel of Temple Emanu-El officiating.
Samuel George Arcus Samuel George Arcus, 95, died Jan. 5, 2017. Mr. Arcus was born in New York. When he was 7 his mother died and he was placed in the Hebrew National Orphan Home. He stayed there for almost 12 years. He went on to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in social science, graduating cum laude from City College of New York, and a master’s degree in social work from Columbia University. As a social worker for Jewish services, he worked in many communities. Mr. Arcus and his wife, Adele, moved to Tucson in 1979 when he was hired to aid with fundraising to build a Jewish Community Center. He served
as executive director and it took seven years to raise the money to proceed with the plans. After retiring from the JCC, he worked at Pima Council on Aging as a social work consultant and became a coordinator for the long term care advocacy program. In 1998, he received the Arizona Ombudsman Achievement Award. Mr. Arcus was also an author and artist; his books include “Deja Views of an Aging Orphan.” Mr. Arcus was preceded in death by his wife, Adele. Survivors include his son, Norman (Susan) Arcus of Tucson; daughter, Shelley (George) Ting of Tempe, Ariz.; and four grandchildren. Memorial services were held at the Evergreen Mortuary with Rabbi Batsheva Appel of Temple Emanu-El officiating. Contributions may be made to Temple Emanu-El, the Tucson Jewish Community Center, Tucson Humane Society or Pima Council on Aging.
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I n de p e n de n t & A s s i s t e d L i v i ng R e s i de nc e s
LITTMAN continued from page 22
Littman’s survivors include his wife, Mildred; daughters, Deborah Littman of Vancouver and Nina Littman-Sharp
of Toronto; sons-in-law, Stephen Nathan and Christopher Sharp; sisters, Esther Rubin and Judith Karp; five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. A private service was held, with arrangements by Angel Valley Funeral Home.
6231 N. Montebella Road • Tucson, AZ SRGseniorliving.com • 520.433.4919 Near West Orange Grove Road & North La Cholla Boulevard January 20, 2017, ARIZONA JEWISH POST
COMMUNITY CALENDAR The calendar deadline is Tuesday, 10 days before the issue date. Our next issue will be published February 3, 2017. Events may be emailed to localnews@azjewishpost.com, faxed to 319-1118, or mailed to the AJP at 3822 E. River Road, #300, Tucson, AZ 85718. For more information, call 319-1112. See Area Congregations on page 13 for additional synagogue events. Men’s Mishnah club with Rabbi Israel Becker at Cong. Chofetz Chayim. Sundays, 7:15-8 a.m.; Mondays and Thursdays, 6:15-6:50 a.m.; Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 6:157 a.m.; Saturdays, call for time. 747-7780 or yzbecker@me.com. Chabad of Sierra Vista men’s tefillin club with Rabbi Benzion Shemtov, first Sundays, 9 a.m., at 401 Suffolk Drive. 820-6256 or jewishsierravista.com. “Too Jewish” radio show with Rabbi Samuel M. Cohon on KVOI 1030 AM (also KAPR and KJAA), Sundays at 9 a.m. Jan. 22, comedian Elon Gold. Jan. 29, Rabbi Joe Black, recording artist and senior rabbi of Temple Emanuel of Denver. Beth Shalom Temple Center of Green Valley bagel breakfast and Yiddish club, first Sundays, 9:30 a.m. Members, $7; nonmembers, $10. 648-6690 or 399-3474. Cub Scout Pack 613 meets at Temple EmanuEl. Sundays, 12:30 p.m. Membership in the congregation not required. Open to all boys in Tucson ages 5-10. Pinewood Derby in March. Call cub master Ben Goldberg at bensgoldberg@aol.com or Herb Cohn at shofarman@ aol.com. Southern Arizona Jewish Genealogy Society, second Sundays, 1-3 p.m. at the Tucson J. Contact Barbara Stern Mannlein at 731-0300 or the J at 299-3000. Cong. Anshei Israel parent-tot class (9-24 months), Mondays, 9-11 a.m., facilitated by Gabby Erbst. Mandatory vaccination policy. Contact Lynne Falkow-Strauss at 745-5550, ext. 229. Temple Emanu-El mah jongg, Mondays at 10 a.m. 327-4501. Jewish Federation-Northwest chair yoga with a Jewish flair taught by Bonnie Golden. Mondays, 10-11 a.m. $7 per class or $25 for four. 505-4161 or northwestjewish@jfsa.org. Cong. Anshei Israel mah jongg, Mondays, 10 a.m.-noon. All levels, men and women. Contact Evelyn at 885-4102 or esigafus@aol.com.
ONGOING ary, at Chabad Oro Valley, jewishorovalley.com or 477-TORA; 7:30 p.m., with Rabbi Yossie Shemtov of Chabad Tucson, 2411 E. Elm Street, chabadtucson.com. Cong. Or Chadash Mondays with the Rabbi. “Ancient Wisdom to Modern Reform Practice.” Mondays, noon-1:15 p.m. Bring a sack lunch. 512-8500. Cong. Anshei Israel women’s study group led by Rabbi Robert Eisen. First Mondays, noon. Discussion based on “The Five Books of Miriam: A Woman’s Commentary on the Torah.” Bring dairy lunch; beverages and dessert provided. Contact Helen at 299-0340. Tucson J current events discussion, Mondays, noon-1:30 p.m. Lunch, bring or buy, 11:30 a.m. 299-3000, ext. 147. Cong. Bet Shalom yoga. Mondays, 4:30-5:30 p.m. $5. 577-1171. Jewish sobriety support group meets Mondays, 6:30-8 p.m. at Cong. Bet Shalom. dcmack1952@gmail.com. Pomegranate Guild of Judaic Needlework meets first Mondays, 6:30 p.m., at cosponsor, Jewish Federation-Northwest. Contact Barbara Esmond at 299-1197 or brealjs@gmail.com. “Along the Talmudic Trail” for men (18-40) at Southwest Torah Institute, Mondays, 7 p.m. 747-7780 or yzbecker@me.com. Spouse Bereavement Group, cosponsored by Widowed to Widowed, Inc. at the Tucson J, Tuesdays, 10 a.m. Contact Marvin at 885-2005 or Tanya at 299-3000, ext. 147. JFCS Holocaust Survivors group meets Tuesdays, 10 a.m.-noon. Contact Raisa Moroz at 795-0300. Tucson J social bridge. Tuesdays and Thursdays, noon-3 p.m., year round. Drop-ins welcome. Meets in library on second floor. 2993000.
Chabad Torah & Tea for women with Mushkie Zimmerman, Mondays, 11 a.m., through Febru-
Northwest Knitters create hand-stitched items for donation in the Jewish community. Meets at Jewish Federation Northwest Tuesdays, 1-3 p.m. RSVP to judithgfeldman@gmail.com or call 505-4161.
Friday / January 20
Saturday / January 21
5:45 PM: Cong. Anshei Israel Family Shabbat Experience Service, followed by dinner at 7 p.m. Dinner $25 per family (2 adults and up to 4 children), or $10 per person (adults 13+). Call 745-5550 ext. 224 for space availability. 5:30 PM: Temple Emanu-El Shabbat Rocks! dinner and service. Dinner, $12 for adults, children under 13 free; RSVP at 327-4501. Followed at 6:30 p.m. by service with Avanim rock band and youth choir. 9:30 PM: Temple Emanu-El Downtown Shabbat at Jewish History Museum, 564 S. Stone Ave., with the Armon Bizman band, Rabbi Samuel M. Cohon and soloist Lindsey O’Shea. 327-4501.
ARIZONA JEWISH POST, January 20, 2017
NOON: Cong. Anshei Israel Targum Shlishi following Kiddush. Understanding the Torah in form and function, led by Rabbi Robert Eisen. Topic: “Religion AND Politics... or... Religion OR Politics?” Call Eisen at 745-5550, ext. 230. 8 PM: JFSA Young Leadership Hava Tequila Masquerade at Scottish Rite Cathedral, 160 S. Scott Ave. Hors d’oeuvres, drinks, DJ, dancing, photo booth, raffle prizes. $36. Bring a mask. RSVP at jfsa.org.
Sunday / January 22 9 AM-2 PM: Cong. Anshei Israel blood do-
Talmud on Tuesday with Rabbi Robert Eisen, Tuesdays, 6 p.m. 745-5550. Tucson J Israeli folk dance classes. Tuesdays. Beginners, 7:30 p.m.; intermediate, 8:15 p.m.; advanced, 9 p.m. Taught by Lisa Goldberg. Members, $5; nonmembers, $6. 2993000. Shalom Tucson business networking group, second Wednesday of month, 7:30-9 a.m., at the Tucson J. Contact Ori Parnaby at 299-3000, ext. 241, or concierge@jewishtucson.org. Cong. Anshei Israel gentle chair yoga with Lois Graham, Wednesdays, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Members of Women’s League, $6 per class; nonmembers, $8 per class. Contact Evelyn at 885-4102 or esigafus@aol.com. Temple Emanu-El Talmud study with Dr. Eliot Barron. Wednesdays, 10-11:30 a.m. One-time $18 materials fee. 327-4501. Chabad of Sierra Vista women’s class with Rabbi Benzion Shemtov, last Wednesdays, noon-2 p.m., 401 Suffolk Drive. 820-6256 or jewishsierravista.com. Lunch and learn with Cantor Avraham Alpert of Cong. Bet Shalom, Wednesdays, noon-1 p.m. at the Tucson J. 299-3000. Jewish Federation-Northwest mah jongg, Wednesdays, 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. 505-4161. Chabad Tucson lunch and learn with Rabbi Yehuda Ceitlin, Wednesdays, 12:15 p.m. at Eli’s Deli. info@ChabadTucson.com. Weintraub Israel Center Shirat HaShirim Hebrew Choir, Wednesdays, 7 p.m., at the Tucson J. Learn to sing in Hebrew. Contact Rina Paz at 304-7943 or ericashem@cox.net. Jewish mothers/grandmothers special needs support group for those with children/ grandchildren, young or adult, with special needs, third Wednesdays at 7-8:30 p.m. at Tucson J. Contact Joyce Stuehringer at 299-5920. Jewish Federation-Northwest Kibbitz & Schmear open house with bagels and coffee, Thursdays, 10-11:30 a.m. 505-4161. nor drive with the American Red Cross. Donors ages 16+ and volunteers welcome. Call 1-800-REDCROSS for eligibility questions. To reserve a time slot or volunteer, contact Margo Gray 298-8831 or margocares@yahoo.com.
Cong. Bet Shalom Lunch and Learn, “Appropriate Speech and the Wisdom of Ramban,” with Cantor Avraham Alpert, Thursdays, noon1 p.m. at Eli’s Deli. 577-1171. Tucson J canasta group. Players wanted. Thursdays, 12:30-3:30 p.m. Instruction available and a beginners’ table every week. Call Rhoda at 886-4334. Jewish Federation-Northwest mah jongg, Thursdays, 5:30 p.m. 505-4161. Tucson J “Keep Tucson Warm” knitting group creates afghans for local shelter. All skill levels. Yarn donations welcome. Fridays, 10 a.m.-noon in the art gallery. Contact Tanya at 299-3000, ext. 147. Jewish History Museum gallery chats. 15-minute programs led by members of the community. First and third Fridays, 11:30 a.m. Jan. 20, “States of Exile: Incarceration of Japanese Americans” with poet Brandon Shimoda. 670-9073. “Biblical Breakthroughs with Rabbi Becker” at the Southwest Torah Institute. Fridays, noon, for men and women. 747-7780 or yzbecker@me.com. Jewish History Museum and Holocaust History Center, open Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, 1-5 p.m. and Fridays noon3 p.m. 564 S. Stone Ave. Adults, $7; members and students, free. No admission charge on Saturdays. 670-9073. Tucson International Jewish Film Festival, showing a variety of films at Tucson J. Continues through Jan. 22. Visit tucsonjewishfilmfestival. org or call 299-3000. Tucson J exhibit, “Parts Make the Whole: A Journey Through the Aleph Bet” by Lynn Rae Lowe, through Jan. 29. Lunch with Lynn on Jan.26 from 11:30 a.m-1:30 p.m. Closing reception, Jan. 29, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. 299-3000. Beth Shalom Temple Center Art Gallery in Green Valley exhibit, “Visiting Our Roots,” will include photographs and pamphlets from recent visits to Poland, Hungary, Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic, through Feb. 15. Contact Marcia Wiener at 648-6690. ert Eisen and Jacque Kaplan, MSW, LCSW, with JFCS. Free. Contact Rabbi Ruven Barkan at 7455550, ext. 227 or eddir@caiaz.org.
9:15 AM: Jewish War Veterans Friedman-Paul Post 201 breakfast meeting at B’nai B’rith Covenant House, 4414 E. 2nd St. $4. Contact Honey Manson at 529-1830.
10 AM-1 PM: Temple Emanu-El Jewish Camp Fair. Representatives from Jewish camps from all over the country will attend. Raffles including $500 or up to one week off camp fees. Pizza at noon, $2 per slice. Contact Rabbi Batsheva Appel at 3274501.
10 AM: Cong. Anshei Israel parent havurah / discussion group on parenting with a Jewish lens. “Managing Society’s Negative Messages: Living with purpose in a world that sometimes seems purposeless,” facilitated by Rabbi Rob-
1-5 PM: Temple Emanu-El Hebrew Marathon, learn to read Hebrew in two sessions with cantorial soloist Marjorie Hochberg. Continues Monday, Jan. 23, 6-9 p.m. Members, $55; nonmembers, $70. Register at 327-4501.
Monday / January 23 5 PM: Jewish Federation-Northwest and Hadassah Southern Arizona book club discusses “People of the Book” by Geraldine Brooks. 5054161. 6:45 PM: Jewish Federation-Northwest card making class with Anne Lowe. Tea bag folding. $20 includes supplies for two cards. RSVP by Jan. 20 at northwest@jfsa.org or 505-4161. 7-8:30 PM: Temple Emanu-El class, “Seeking Everyday Holiness: A Community Mussar Program” with curriculum from the Mussar Institute, led by Rabbi Batsheva Appel. Continues Jan. 30, Feb. 13 and 27, March 13 and 27, April 9 (Sunday) and 24. Members, $120; nonmembers, $150. 327-4501.
Tuesday / January 24 5:30 PM: JFSA Real Estate & Allied Professions no-host networking followed by dinner at 6:15 p.m., at Hacienda Del Sol, 5501 N. Hacienda Del Sol Road. George W. Bootes lll, CEcD/EDFP, presents “Tucson Airport: Time for Takeoff.” Members, free; nonmembers, $45. RSVP to Karen Graham at 577-9393 ext. 118 or kgraham@jfsa.org. 7 PM: Jewish Federation-Northwest Rosh Chodesh Women’s Group Challah Bake-Off. Craft two artisan loaves to bake at home, with Mushkie Zimmerman of Chabad Oro Valley. $10. RSVP to northwestjewish@jfsa.org or call 505-4161.
Wednesday / January 25 7-9 PM: JFSA Maimonides Society dessert reception at Tucson J. Prof. Ed Wright of the Arizona Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Arizona will explore national and international attempts to boycott, divest from and sanction Israel and whether BDS movement will spread to the UA and Tucson. Health care professionals, $18; interns/residents, $9. RSVP at jfsa.org or call Karen Graham at 577-9393.
Friday / January 27 5 PM: Cong. Bet Shalom Ecstatic Shabbat with musicians from the Bay Area. Followed by dinner at 6:15 p.m., member adults, $15, nonmember adults, $18; all children ages 3-12, $7. RSVP by Jan. 22; prices increase Jan. 23. cbsaz.org or 577-1171.
Saturday / January 28 9:30-10:30 AM: Cong. Anshei Israel Neshamah Minyan: A Service for the Soul. Jordan Hill, storyteller and founder/director of The Mindfulness Education Exchange, explains how to raise your prayer experience ever higher. 745-5550. 10 AM: Temple Emanu-El Shabbat No’ar youth and adult morning service with Project Ezra and the fifth grade, followed at noon by Rabbi’s Tish, Torah study and dairy/vegetarian potluck. 3274501.
Sunday / January 29 8 AM: JFSA Super Sunday fundraiser at Tucson J. Three volunteer shifts: 8 a.m-10:30 a.m., 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m., 4 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Food and
prizes. Red Cross blood drive, 8 a.m-2 p.m. Sign up at jfsa.org, 577-9393 or campaign@jfsa.org. 9:30 AM: Cong. Anshei Israel Men’s Club Breakfast with guest speaker, Phil Pepper, president of CAI board of trustees. Members, free; guests, $4. Contact Lew Crane at 400-9930 or catsfan1997@ cox.net. 12:30-2 PM: JFSA PJ Library: A Super Sunday Trip to Israel, in the J Sculpture Garden. Up to age 8. Contact Mary Ellen Loebl at 577-9393, ext.138 or pjlibrary@jfsa.org. PJ Our Way, ages 8 1/2 -11, help at the Story Walk/Israel activity with shinshinim (Israeli teen emissaries). Contact Hannah Gomez at 577-9393, ext. 126 or pjourway@ jfsa.org. 2 PM: Temple Emanu-El salon. Biomusicology, Aging, and the film “Alive Inside,” with Tim Cruz, M.D., of Pima Community College. Discourse over coffee. Free. 327-4501. 1 PM: Cong. Bet Shalom presents Renegade Klezmer workshop with clarinetist Jason Ditzian for musicians of all levels. Explore Klezmer as transcendent approach to music and life. $25 to participate, $10 to observe. Register at booking@ kugelplex.com
Monday / January 30 12:15-1:30 PM: Temple Emanu-El class, “When the Nightingales Sing — The Joy of Sephardic Songs,” led by cantorial soloist Marjorie Hochberg. Continues Mondays through March 6. Members, $55; nonmembers, $70. Register at 327-4501.
Tuesday / January 31 10 AM: Chabad Oro Valley presents Rohr Jewish Learning Institute course: “The Dilemma: Modern Conundrums, Talmudic Debates, Your Solutions.” Tuesdays through March 7, at Golder Ranch Fire Dept., 355 East Linda Vista Blvd. $99, includes textbook. Register at jewishorovalley.com/JLI. 10:30-11:30 AM: Temple Emanu-El class, “The Genesis Project: The Soul of the Torah” Session III, continues Tuesdays through March 14, with Rabbi Samuel M. Cohon. Members, $55; nonmembers, $70. Register at 327-4501.
Wednesday / February 1 7-8:30 PM: Temple Emanu-El Jewish Lives book series with Norman Golden will discuss “Ben Gurion: Father of Modern Israel” by Anita Shapira. 327-4501. 6:30 PM: Chabad Oro Valley Musical Musings. Listen to select musical pieces, from shtetl melodies to Jewish contemporary artists and Chassidic niggunim. For location, reserve at office@ jewishorovalley.com. 7-9 PM: Cong. Anshei Israel “The Wisdom of Jewish Tucson” three-week adult education series. Refreshments. Feb. 1, Hester Oberman, Ph.D., UA Dept. of Religious Studies & Classics, “Scientific Facts vs. Spiritual Values.” Feb. 8, Thomas Fleming, Ph.D.,UA Dept. of Astronomy, Steward Observatory, “The Cosmos Is Not Enough: Adventures of a Catholic Boy in the
World of Astronomy.” Feb. 15, Richard Green, Ph.D., UA assistant director for government relations, Steward Observatory, “Cosmology and Jewish Thought.” $18 plus food donation for Community Food Bank. RSVP by Jan. 30 to Michelle at 745-5500, ext. 225, or caiaz.org.
Thursday / February 2 6:30 PM: The UA Cancer Center and the Tucson J present a four-part educational series on cancer, at the J. Classes are led by UACC clinical and faculty members. Feb. 2: “From Bench to Bedside: Translating Cancer Research into Clinical Patient Care.” March 2: “Head and Neck Cancer: The Emerging Epidemic.” April 6: “Diet and Cancer: What’s a Person to Eat?” May 4: “Breast Cancer Research and Patient Care.” Free. Visit uacc.arizona.edu or tucsonjcc.org. 7 PM: Chabad Tucson presents Rohr Jewish Learning Institute course, “The Dilemma: Modern Conundrums, Talmudic Debates, Your Solutions” at Tucson J. 6-week course co-sponsored by Tucson J and JFSA Cardozo Society. $99 includes textbook. Register at chabadtucson. com.
Friday / February 3 5:45 PM: Cong. Anshei Israel Tot Kabbalat Shabbat service followed by dinner at 6:15 p.m. $25 per family (two adults and up to four children; additional adults, $10. RSVP by Jan. 30 to Kim at 745-5550, ext. 224, or edasst@caiaz.org. 5 PM: Temple Emanu-El Tot Kabbalat Tu B’Shevat Rodeo Shabbat for families with preschool age children, followed by Shabbat dinner at 5:30 p.m. and desserts on the playground. Dinner: Adults, $10; children under 13, free. RSVP at 327-4501.
Saturday / February 4 NOON: Cong. Anshei Israel book club discusses “Ally: My Journey Across the American-Israeli Divide” by Michael B. Oren. Contact Vicki at vickauf@juno.com or Rayna at 887-8358. 6 PM: Cong. Or Chadash Texas Hold-Em tournament, dinner and casino night at Tucson Scottish Rite Cathedral, 160 S. Scott Ave. Tournament, $100; casino night, $55. Cash bar. Register at texasholdemtucson.com or contact Mitch Karson at 577-7879.
Sunday / February 5 10:30 AM-12:30 PM: Desert Caucus brunch with Rep. Gene Green (D-TX) at Skyline Country Club, 5200 E. St. Andrews Drive. Guests should be potential members. Call Jennifer Miller Grant at 490-1453. 2-4 PM: Temple Emanu-El class, “Beyond the Mirage and its Connection to Water Management in Israel,” with Sharon B. Megdal, Ph.D., director of University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center, screening of documentary by Cody Sheehy. Members, $7; nonmembers, $10. Register at 327-4501. 10 AM: Cong. Anshei Israel Parent Havurah discussion group on parenting with a Jew-
ish lens. “How We Speak to Children Matters: Being responsive instead of reactive,” facilitated by Rabbi Robert Eisen and Jacque Kaplan, MSW, LCSW, with JFCS. Free. Contact Rabbi Ruven Barkan at 745-5550, ext. 227 or eddir@ caiaz.org. 4 PM: Cong. Anshei Israel family Super Bowl Party. Big screen, pizza, snacks and beverages provided. Rabbi Robert Eisen will discuss Jews in sports. Free. RSVP by Jan. 31 to Nichole Chorny at 745-5550, ext. 228 or cantorialsoloist@caiaz.org.
UPCOMING TUESDAY / FEBRUARY 7 6:30 PM: JFSA Women’s Philanthropy social action committee Purse and Paint Party. Paint tiles for the new Sister Jose Women’s Center. $18. Includes heavy hors d’oeuvres, wine and dessert. Donate new or gently used designer purses for Connections silent auction on March 5. RSVP by Feb. 3 at jfsa.org or jscott@jfsa.org. THURSDAY / FEBRUARY 9 7 PM: Jewish History Museum Elizabeth Leibson Holocaust Remembrance Lecture, “Son of Saul” with actor, poet and musician Geza Rohrig, at Holsclaw Hall, UA Music Building. $36. Reception follows. Tickets at jewishhistorymuseum.org/events or 577-9393. FRIDAY / FEBRUARY 10 7 PM: Cong. Anshei Israel Tu B’Shevat Seder & Shabbat Dinner Experience. Celebrate the Jewish “new year” for trees with four cups of wine, four questions, specific foods and storytelling. Brisket Shabbat dinner follows. RSVP by Feb. 1. CAI members, $25 per person; guests $30 per person. Price after Feb 1: members $30; guests $35. All reservations due by Feb. 3, at 745-5550 or visit caiaz.org. SATURDAY / FEBRUARY 18 8 PM: UA Hillel Foundation 100 Years of Celebration: Arsenio Hall at the Fox Tucson Theatre. Tickets at 547-3040 or foxtucson. com. Preceded at 6 p.m. by celebration at Scottish Rite Cathedral, 160 S. Scott Ave. Tickets at uahillel.org. SUNDAY / FEBRUARY 19 9:30 AM: Hadassah mah jongg tournament at Skyline Country Club, 5200 E. St. Andrews Drive. $40 includes game and lunch. Silent auction, and prizes for top three scorers and round winners. Register by Feb. 5 to Phyllis Harris at 797-5519 or montague1@comcast. net. Checks to Hadassah Southern Arizona, c/o Phyllis Harris, 385 W. Ridge Peak Road, Tucson 85737. SATURDAY / MARCH 4 11 AM-1:30 PM: Interfaith Community Services Empty Bowls fundraiser, at the Tucson Chinese Cultural Center, 1288 W. River Road, benefiting the ICS Food Bank. Includes soups, bread, desserts and a handmade bowl to take home. Tickets, $25, at icstucson.org.
January 20, 2017, ARIZONA JEWISH POST
(*The VIP Dinner is exclusively open to Club members who make an annual contribution of $1,800 or more to AIPAC’s 2017 campaign. In recognition of their generosity, Club members are invited to an exclusive dinner with our speaker, dignitaries and community leaders before the program.)
7:00 7:30
Photo: courtesy Homer Davis Elementary School
Long Realty helps Federation make a difference at Homer Davis Elementary School Long Realty Cares Foundation recently gave the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona a grant to acquire school spirit shirts for “Making A Difference Every Day: The Homer Davis Project,” a program of the JFSA Jewish
Community Relations Council. Worn by students and staff, the shirts with the Homer Davis dragon and the Long Realty logo connect the children to their school and provide a sense of community and pride.
At a reception on Sunday, Jan. 8 for the “Visiting Your Roots” exhibit at the Beth Shalom Temple Center in Green Valley, Sherry Hoffman Blum places a push pin in a map to identify the country from which her family originated. David Graizbord, Ph.D., of the Arizona Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Arizona presented “Blooming Where We Are Planted?” at the reception, attended by about 40 people. The exhibit continues through Feb. 15.
Photo: Michael Edgeton/M. Edgeton Photography
Exploring Jewish roots at Beth Shalom Temple Center
REGISTER TODAY! events.aipac.org/tucson
Pack-a-thon 2017 creates meals for the homeless
Photo courtesy Temple Emanu-EL
TUCSONEVENT@AIPAC.ORG • (520) 903-1004
ARIZONA JEWISH POST, January 20, 2017
Some 200 volunteers from Temple EmanuEl, the Muslim Community Center of Tucson and Catalina Methodist Church came together on Sunday, Jan. 8 for the 2nd Annual Interfaith Pack-a-thon at the Muslim Community Center, packaging over 50,000 meals for the homeless. The program is a partnership with Outreach, Inc., which has provided ingredients to package more than 260 million meals in the past decade.
OUR TOWN B’not Mitzvah JESSICA MAIA FRANKENBERG, daughter of Viviana and Nathan Frankenberg will celebrate becoming a bat mitzvah on Saturday, Jan. 21 at Congregation Bet Shalom. She is the granddaughter of Teresa and the late Henry Frankenberg of East Meadow, N.Y., and Arnoldo and the late Rosa Waysburt of Asuncion, Paraguay. Jessica attends seventh grade at Coronado K-8 School. She enjoys fashion, sports, shopping, clarinet, soccer and basketball. SOPHIA VIOLET SILVERMAN, daughter of Kris and Ben Silverman, will celebrate becoming a bat mitzvah on Saturday, Jan. 21 at Congregation Or Chadash. She is the granddaughter of Rosalyn Silverman of Lake Worth, Fla., and Linda Robertson of Tucson. Sophie attends BASIS Tucson North and attended Tucson Hebrew Academy through fourth grade. She enjoys tennis. For her mitzvah project, Sophie is collecting donations for Pennies for Peace to help children in Syria.
People in the News ESTHER STERNBERG, M.D., will be the keynote speaker at the University of Arizona Arthritis Center’s 15th Annual Living Healthy With Arthritis Conference on Jan. 28. She will speak on “Healing Spaces: The Science of Place and Wellbeing,” based on her book and PBS series of the same title. Sternberg serves the UA Center for Integrative Medicine as professor and director of research with joint appointments in the UA College of Medicine - Tucson and UA College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture. She is the founding director of the UA Institute on Place and Wellbeing in the UA College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture. She also is a member of the UA Arthritis Center and serves on its scientific advisory committee.
February 1, 2017 • 1 -2:30 PM offered by
For more information contact Gwenn Herman, LCSW-C, DCSW
www.painconnection.org Mortgage Company, AT: Guild 1825 E. River Road, 2nd Floor
Birth A son, MENACHEM MENDEL CEITLIN, was born Dec. 25, 2016 to Rabbi Yehuda and Feigie Ceitlin of Tucson. Mendel, named after the Lubavitcher Rebbe, joins his sisters Goldie and Sarah. Grandparents are Rabbi Aaron Eliezer and Adina Ceitlin of Montreal, Canada, and Rabbi Yossie and Chanie Shemtov of Tucson
Business Briefs ADAM GOLDSTEIN, senior vice president–financial advisor in RBC Wealth Management’s Tucson office, recently was selected as a member of the firm’s Portfolio Focus–Senior Portfolio Manager Group, an exclusive group of financial advisors recognized for their success in building fee-based discretionary portfolio management practices.
JAM CULINARY CONCEPTS has opened a new restaurant, SAZERAC CREOLE KITCHEN & COCKTAILS, at 4340 N. Campbell Ave. in St Philip’s Plaza. Sazerac’s executive chef, Robert Iaccarino, has many years of experience with Creole cooking, having worked at Chef Paul Prudhomme’s New Orleans Louisiana Kitchen and Irene’s Cuisine in New Orleans’ French Quarter. Sazerac joints other JAM Tucson-area restaurants — Vero Amore, The Still Speakeasy, Noble Hops Craft Beer + Fine Fare and the upcoming Twisted Tandoor. JAM Culinary Concepts is owned and operated by Tucson brothers Joshua and Aric Mussman and their mother, Suzanne Kaiser. MARY ELLEN LOEBL was named Outstanding Volunteer of the Year from Homer Davis Elementary School. Loebl is the coordinator of “Making A Difference Every Day: The Homer Davis Project” for the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona. She was recognized as one of the “January Building Blocks for Character” at the Flowing Wells School District Governing Board meeting on Jan. 10.
Business Briefs The ARIZONA JEWISH POST has hired JAMES ALEWINE as graphic designer. Alewine, a Tucson native, spent most of his adult life in the restaurant industry before returning to college in 2014 to follow his passion for digital arts. He will receive his associate’s degree in graphic design from Pima Community College in May. In 2016, Alewine won a gold Addy award in the student illustration category from the American Advertising Federation–Tucson. He has supported the PCC Center for the Arts with poster designs for “Crazy for You” and “Love’s Labour’s Lost.” A father of three, he coaches basketball and volleyball. Alewine replaces Grace Sams, who retired last month after serving as production manager of the AJP since 1993. DIY TECHNOLOGIES, founded by MICHAEL HEISLER, has been acquired by Chesterfield, Mo.-based MITEK INDUSTRIES, INC. DIY is a market leader in web-based design software for home improvement projects. MiTek, a global business, supplies engineered products, proprietary business management and design software, and automated equipment to the construction and industrial markets. Heisler and all DIY employees have joined MiTek, a Berkshire Hathaway company. The JEWISH HISTORY MUSEUM/HOLOCAUST HISTORY CENTER is among local nonprofits donating tickets, passes and coupons to help Tucson Mayor Jonathan Rothschild and school superintendents launch the Great Start program, which will help teach students in five school districts the arts, history and science in settings beyond the classroom. Each school district has created its own incentive and reward program to make use of these opportunities for students and their families to visit the participating institutions. Other nonprofits in the program include the Arizona Historical Society, Children’s Museum Tucson, MOCA, Reid Park Zoo, Tucson Museum of Art, Tucson Symphony Orchestra and University of Arizona Museum of Art.
“Every person has a story that deserves to be shared, it’s their legacy that will be carried on into the next generation.” Ask us about a complimentary online obituary.
PUBLICITY CHAIRPERSONS Closing dates for AJP publicity PUBLICATION DEADLINE releases are listed to the right. E-mail releases to Feb. 3 Jan. 24 localnews@azjewishpost.com, Feb. 17 Feb. 7 mail to Mar. 3 Feb.21 Arizona Jewish Post Mar. 17 Mar. 7 3822 E. River Rd., Suite 300 Tucson, 85718 or fax to 319-1118.
www.Evergreen-Tucson.com January 20, 2017, ARIZONA JEWISH POST
Support our Growing and Thriving Jewish Community: Answer the call on Super Sunday!
When you answer the call on Sunday, January 29, you are supporting an extraordinary Jewish community: • The Tucson JCC has grown to 2,000 member families • Jewish Family & Children’s Services has swung from a budget deficit to a surplus
• 2016 saw the renovation of the Jewish History Museum and the opening of the Holocaust History Center, a landmark achievement for our community and one that has received national recognition
• Tucson Hebrew Academy is growing and thriving
• The Federation has a growing cadre of young leaders and 800 PJ Library families
• Handmaker and Hillel are touching more lives than ever before in welcoming, renovated buildings
All of these things were made possible through your support of the Federation.
On Super Sunday, support the 2017 Federation Community Campaign. Better Together: Repairing the World...Building Tomorrow.
Jewish Federation YEAR S S TRO NG
ARIZONA JEWISH POST, January 20, 2017
DONATE: jfsa.org | 577-9393