Biomedical sciences junior Thomas Baker works on an assignment in Hayden Library in March after his classes moved to sync format.
ASU students, faculty and staff have risen to the unique challenges of the coronavirus pandemic.
“The amount of creative new events we can join with Zoom have honestly impressed me so much. I love this school. Remote learning has nothing on weakening our community.” — A U T R I YA M A N E S H N I , S T U D E N T, B A R R E T T, T H E HONORS COLLEGE AND WA LT E R C R O N K I T E SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM AND MASS C O M M U N I C AT I O N
Events, student services and learning continue — virtually Although classes moved to distance learning in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, students had access to many campus facilities while maintaining safe physical distancing. Not only did classes move online, but so did many valuable resources. Here are just a few: •A SU Student Services Counseling, free yoga and mindfulness sessions, mentoring, degree advising, financial aid, tutoring and more. • Devils 4 Devils Support Circles A series of virtual, peer-led Zoom sessions available multiple times per day, Monday through Saturday, so students can continue making meaningful connections. •C oncerts The School of Music student recitals/performances are being streamed and posted to YouTube, where a wide virtual audience can appreciate them. Watch
•E lementary-school coders program “Girls Who Code” by the University Technology Office, resources online at •C areer and Professional Development Services made the successful transition to remote support and mentoring at •C ronkite News is still reporting — from a distance, online at • Fulton Engineering FURI/MORE Symposium went virtual with nearly 180 graduate and undergraduate students presenting their semester research projects and meeting with industry representatives for feedback and networking. See highlights of their work at
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