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Advancing oceanic discovery from the desert and beyond
A school dedicated to studying the ocean and based in the desert? Something so improbable and dynamic could only happen at ASU.
Why? Because “Simply, life here would not be possible without the oceans,” explains Susanne Neuer, director of the School of Ocean Futures.
“Through the absorbance of heat and its distribution from low to high latitudes through currents, the ocean makes this a livable planet. Without it, we would have extreme day-night differences in temperature, somewhat like the desert planet Mars.”
The school conducts learning and discovery spanning three campuses and research stations based in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It includes dozens of faculty members, students and staff; the longest-running ocean research institute in the Western Hemisphere, the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences; an airborne observatory; and laboratories in Hawaii and labs in Arizona that grow coral.
Learn more at oceans.asu.edu
“The ocean takes up a quarter to a third of all CO2 emissions that we emit into the atmosphere every year by fossil carbon emissions. Without this important ocean service, our CO2 levels would be much higher and our planet warmer. This affects us anywhere on the Earth, whether we live in the desert of Arizona or near a beach.”