Words by R. C. Llewelyn
hat a ride Arkade Magazine has been over the years, and what this last 2020 year has done to put all previous years into a different light. A year ago we were riding some of the best snow in SLC and within one week the town with the rest of world shut down. Strange how everything can be put on pause in a moment, and hold us in stasis with it. We have had a year to ref lect and ask ourselves how important Arkade has been to us, and whether there is still a place for a free mag centered on the snowboard community. Our passion for physical print, something that can be held in-hand, the scent of fresh ink wafting up from its pages, still motivates us to stay old-school. Our collaborators agree that with some old mags gone and new ones coming, Arkade remains doing what she’s always done: telling the stories that inspire, motivate, and unite us. These stories emanating from our little community stoke us out and carry us through the next inevitable rounds of bullshit. SNOW + SK ATE + ART + MUSIC + TR AVEL…yeh, five simple things that put meat to our side dishes and keep us going back for more. We want to introduce Peter Harvieux, who ya'll probably know as the Midwest rep based in Minneapolis slinging your favorite brands for years. He will be taking a front seat in helping us find and bring you amazing stories happening in real time day after day. Pete’s love for snowboarding, inexhaustible drive, and intuitive sense will be a big time asset. This issue has been in the making since the Fall. Thanks to all the photographers, writers, contributors, and companies that keep us af loat, through the ‘Rona and through all times. Thanks for the big love and enjoy Vol. 15 of Arkade Mag.
Photo by Colton Morgan
Shot on Canon 5D Mk III