the foodie 09

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the foodie

Issue No: 9

May - Jun 2011

2 offers are valid throughout the month of May `11 at Arkadia Foodstore in Victoria, Gozo and Portomaso, St. Julian’s. Offers valid until stocks last. These

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Rich Flavour Ice-Cream (2 Ltr)


Victoria, GOZO | Portomaso, ST. JULIAN’S

the foodie May - June 2011 Spring is in the air and as the seasons change so do our tastes, our habits and perhaps our ambitions for a healthy lifestyle! Welcome to this edition of ‘the foodie’ with a focus on the quest for a healthy, yet tasty diet.

In the offices, here at Arkadia Foodstore, as we lamented the culinary indulgences of the past week one colleague expressed their delight that they had enjoyed a rather good bottle of red wine the night before and was exceedingly pleased with their ‘achievement’ because of the steps they had taken to improve their health, He exclaimed, “the wine was fantastic and I always thought being healthy was a chore!”






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We’ve found that keeping nutrition simple is the key to getting it right, as is true with most things in life, but with so much information out there it’s quite easy to make a few mistakes as we navigate the plethora of advice that bombards us daily in the media.

s last.

When questioned, another, young, smart and eager colleague declared, “Yes, I do believe that red wine does have a proven track record for reducing heart disease, however, I am quite confident that to consume a whole bottle in an afternoon, rather than a leisurely glass may well have some detrimental effects to your health if you persist in this behaviour.” The wine connoisseur colleague, grinned at this remark and replied,

“Aha! I had wondered. It seems drinking all this red wine so frequently made me forget to ensure I had my adequate intake of Omega-3 and as we all know not enough of the right fish, chicken and eggs can make you forget things!”

quality products that are honestly priced and so represents excellent value. Visit us on your next weekly shopping trip to see why Arkadia isn’t just for the special occasions, but for everyday!

So it was with this office banter that the decision to explore the world of healthy foods in this edition was made.

opening hours

what are we up to? Another point of discussion since the last edition of ‘the foodie’ has been around the challenges of the economy. A subject, we’re sure you’ll agree is at the forefront of many people’s minds and so we felt it timely to check back in with our principles and share with you what we are doing to keep Arkadia Foodstore your first choice for the weekly shop. Arkadia Foodstore is committed to providing quality, choice, value and convenience to you. Because Arkadia has such a reputation for quality, it’s easy to assume that we’re expensive. This simply isn’t the case. Each week we check the price of selected everyday items that we all need to buy – like sugar, coffee, pasta, water etc, to make sure our prices on everyday items are the best they can be. In the last few months we’ve lowered the prices of many products, including many branded favorites. We’ve also introduced bigger, better and more frequent special offers too. We are committed to continue bringing you a wide choice of

Gozo MON-SAT: 8am-7pm (including Public Holidays) SUN: 9am-1pm Tel: 2210 3316 Portomaso MON-SAT: 8am-9pm (including Public Holidays) SUN: 8am-8pm Tel: 2138 2333 Sign up to e-mail updates from Arkadia Foodstore by e-mailing to Cover Photo: Quinoa with Celery, Pumpkin & Prawn – recipe on page 15 Published by: Arkadia Marketing Ltd. Fortunato Mizzi Street, Victoria, Gozo Tel: 2210 3000 | E-mail: Contributors to this issue: Claire Borg, Kathryn Borg, Matthew Green, George Larry Zammit To advertise please contact : Valerio Hili | Tel: 2210 3213 E-mail:

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Are you getting enough Omega-3? Omega-3 is the name given to a family of, “good� fats - unsaturated fatty acids found mainly in oily fish, such as salmon, herring, sardines and anchovies, and also in eggs, meat, milk and cheese. The Omega-3 is a nutrient that is not only beneficial for health but essential in the diet. Prepared by Matthew Green

The naturally occurring acids of the Omega-3 family can apparently boost our brain power, keep our hearts healthy, strengthen our bones and much more. You can ingest the fatty acids by eating a lot of the right kind of fish or meat or by taking supplements. Over the past 10 years, about 12,500 scientific studies on the benefits of Omega-3 have been published, both reflecting and reinforcing the fashion for consuming this apparent super-food. Some of the key research undertaken in the USA and Europe shows that Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and may help lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. Omega-3 fatty acids are highly concentrated in the brain and appear to be important for cognitive (brain memory and performance) and behavioral function. Symptoms of Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency include fatigue, poor memory, dry skin, heart problems, mood swings or depression, and poor circulation.

FIND IT at our foodstore

Clearly there are health benefits to be had from ensuring a well-balanced diet and by luck the traditional Mediterranean diet strikes a good balance between Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Many studies have shown that people who follow what is considered to be a Mediterranean diet are less likely to develop heart disease. The Mediterranean diet emphasizes foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, including whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, olive oil, garlic, as well as moderate wine consumption. Through advances made in farming and agriculture, livestock raised on enriched feeds to stimulate the levels of Omega-3 are increasingly common and therefore it is easier than ever to make sure you and your family enjoys an Omega-3 rich diet on a daily basis through products and basic ingredients including eggs, chicken and fish. For more information on Omega-3, we recommend a visit to

At Arkadia Foodstore we are proud to have sourced products that contribute to supporting a healthy lifestyle and fresh. Omega-3 rich chicken can be found at our Butcher Counter, a wide selection of fresh fish is available daily and our locally sourced eggs provides you with a choice of options. the foodie - 5

Pomegranate Juice – a cure all? Although it sounds too good to be true there is evidence amassing that pomegranate juice is the natural answer to a list of health problems, ranging from cancer and heart disease to diabetes and Alzheimer’s. By Kathryn M. Borg

There is, in fact, an impressive amount of scientific research on this sharp-tasting juice. The apparently beneficial effects of the juice have been largely attributed to its antioxidant activity, which is mainly due to the high concentration of polyphenols in the juice. Pomegranate juice has both a higher total polyphenolic content and a greater antioxidant activity than other commonly consumed fruit juices, including orange, apple, pineapple, grapefruit, red grape and cranberry (Int. J. Food Sci. Tech. 2010). The effects of the juice are most likely due to a synergistic effect of multiple compounds. Despite all the positive findings it is still too early to say whether or not pomegranate juice can prevent or treat a particular condition. However, here is a summary of the findings relating to various health problems.


Recent laboratory research has revealed that the juice and its components possess potent anti-cancer properties. In one study at the 50th annual meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology, researchers demonstrated that pomegranate juice might stop prostate cancer from spreading. The same study identified a number of components in the juice that can both inhibit the growth of cancer cells and weaken their attraction to a chemical signal that promotes the spread of prostate cancer to the bone. Previous research has suggested that the juice can

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inhibit the growth of breast, colon and lung cancer cells (Nutr. Cancer 2009). Further research is underway to determine whether these results will be supported by a randomized double-blind placebocontrolled trial (Clin. Cancer Res. 2006).

heart disease

Pomegranate juice appears to have cardio-protective properties. A study at the Preventative Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, CA found that drinking pomegranate juice had beneficial effects on ischaemic coronary heart disease (CHD). Patients who had been drinking the juice daily for three months, in a placebo controlled trial, showed that blood flow to the heart improved by around 17 per cent in the pomegranate juice drinking group, while it declined by 18 percent in the placebo group. The conclusion was that daily drinking of pomegranate juice may improve stress induced myocardial ischemia in patients who have CHD. Another study showed positive results on patients with narrowing of the carotid arteries due to the buildup of plaque in the vessel walls. After consumption of pomegranate juice over a period of one year, the thickness of the carotid artery walls reduced by up to 30 per cent. In contrast, the control group showed a further thickening of the arteries. In addition, regular drinking of the juice also appeared to reduce systolic blood pressure and to retard cholesterol oxidation (Clin. Nutr. 2004).

Diabetes – Many diabetics shy away from fruit, however, despite being naturally high in sugar, pomegranate juice has shown promise in the treatment of health problems associated with diabetes. One study showed that a daily dose of the juice resulted in significant antioxidative effects that might be able to cut the risk of heart disease in such patients (Atherosclerosis 2006). Heart disease risk is increased in diabetes. ‘In most juices, sugars are present in free, and harmful, forms’ explained the lead study researcher Michael Aviram. ‘In pomegranate juice the sugars are attached to unique antioxidants which actually make these sugars protective against atherosclerosis’. Alzheimer’s and other health problems – A study by scientists from Loma Linda University in California suggests that the juice might help to fight off Alzheimer’s disease. Trials were carried out on mice predisposed to develop Alzheimer’s-like symptoms. Their findings showed that after six months the mice who consumed pomegranate showed that tasks were carried out more quickly than the control group. They also had a 50 percent less build up of the plaque in the hippocampus of the brain. This plaque is considered


to be one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease in humans (Neurobiol. Dis. 2006). Clearly, human clinical trials are required to confirm whether the same results are seen when humans with Alzheimer’s symptoms drink the juice over a regular period. When researching the results of ordinary people who drank the juice regularly, it is interesting to note that the results are positive. There were a couple of comments from people who said they had diarrhea after drinking it. That can happen with any juice and will depend on your own constitution. The amounts varied from 6-8 ounces to half a pint and in some cases even more. However, since the juice became a ‘superfood’ the prices have increased, so many people complain it works out expensive to consume. This is relative to what? There can be no price placed on health. Also we, in Malta, can make our own juice as pomegranates are easier to buy when in season. Finally, one person suggested mixing cranberry and pomegranate juice together for a really super juice. That sounds like an excellent idea. This article has been reproduced from The Sunday Times, 20 February, 2011.


BERETTA - For the Tr ue Flavours of Italy

The BERETTA brand is committed to serving those who seek the true flavours of Italy. These rich savoury meats are sourced from distinct regions, bringing an authentic range of flavours, aromas and textures to your plates. You can find BERETTA pre-packs in our Chilled Products section.

Your TEA VALUE PACK is Back!!

You can now avail yourself once again from this limited promotion, offering you 1 FREE Lion Tea Pack of 40 with every 3 packs purchased. ETake advantage of this unique offer, giving you Lion’s own specially selected tea from our very famous tea gardens. Offer valid until stocks last.

British Premium e Sausages NOW In-stor

A nice grilled sausage is certainly a satisfying treat. Now you can purchase British made sausages too from both Arkadia Foodstores in Portmaso and Gozo. For more info visit You can find ‘British Premium Sausages’ in our Frozen Foods section.

Non-Alcoholic Wine Now Available

Spanish winery Torres have recently introduced a new alcohol-free wine called NATUREO. The wine blend is a white moscato and consists of 0.5% alcohol content. NATUREO can be found in our Wines & Spirits section.

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Cooking Meats Healthily Meat plays an important part in a healthy, balanced diet. It is packed with essential vitamins and minerals and is an excellent source of protein. Recipes & Photography by Claire Borg

Our bodies need protein for growth and repair. It is also a valuable source of energy. It is vital that these nutrients that are so essential to the health of out bodies are not lost during the preparation and cooking process.


Avoid frying meat in too much oil or fat. Options are:

the fat to drip down. Later, discard the fat but retain the juices for the gravy. This is good for larger pieces of meat such as pork joints, lamb legs and rib of beef.

grill & griddle:

Grill meat under a preheated grill on a medium heat. Or preheat a ridged griddle pan to very hot, brush pieces of meat with a little oil and cook quickly on both sides.


wrap chicken with herbs in lightly oiled foil parcels and bake in the oven.


cook mince, sausages and bacon on a moderate heat until the fat and juices run. Increase the heat and continue until browned. Drain off fat before continuing.

lemon chicken bites with lemon grass dressed salad Ingredients Serves 2 For the chicken bites 400 grams Omega 3 enriched chicken thighs (deboned and minced) 1 pkt Asian Home Gourmet lemon chicken marinade 3 tbsp fresh chives – finely chopped 2 tbsp fresh parsley – finely chopped 2 tbsp light soya sauce ½ tsp Chinese 5 spice salt and pepper or chili to taste 2 tbsp plain yoghurt

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a fast way to cook bite-sized pieces or strips of meat and poultry using minimal oil over a high heat. Keep stirring to ensure even cooking.

roast: place your roast on a rack in a pan to allow


before casseroling, make sure you fry meat first in batches to seal the outside, then cook gently until tender.

barbecue: barbecuing meat can impart wonderful flavours, especially if you marinade first. Always cook the food thoroughly. Source: The Food Standards Agency suggests meat, poultry, fish and vegetarian alternatives should make up 12 per cent of our daily diet. Experts also suggest that we should eat two portions of fish a week, one of which should be an oil-rich fish, such as salmon or sardines.

For the salad Thai Lemon Grass Dressing Olive oil Mixed Salad Leaves Red peppers – finely chopped Radishes - sliced Avocado – peeled and diced Method Mix all the ingredients together, cover and stand in the fridge for at least half an hour. Heat some oil in a pan and shallow fry, spoonfuls of chicken mix for about 5 to 7 minutes, turning regularly.

grilled fillet with home made remoulade

Not sureut? on which c our butchers Consult with odstore for at Arkadia Fo e cuts the best prim le availab .

the foodie - 9

Prepare some washed mixed salad leaves in a large bowl, drizzle with a little olive oil and Thai lemon grass dressing and toss. Add the avocado, peppers and radishes, then add the Lemon Chicken Bites.

chicken and layer as before, and then a smaller piece of chicken and finish with a slice of mozzarella and grated Parmesan on top. Repeat with the remaining pieces and cook until golden in a hot oven or under a grill.

Alternatively, the chicken balls boiled rather than fried. Just spoon up some mix, form a ball between the palms of your hands and drop into boiling water and cook for about 5 minutes.

chicken bun with minty yoghurt sauce

grilled fillet with home made remoulade Ingredients Serves 2 4 anchovy fillets – drained and finely chopped 4 small gherkins – finely chopped 1 tsp of capers – finely chopped 4 tbsp mayonnaise 1 tsp whole grain mustard pepper ½ a small onion – finely chopped 1 tbsp parsley – finely chopped 1 tbsp chives – finely chopped Method Mix everything together and set aside. Can be prepared even the day before and kept covered in the fridge. 500 grams fillet of beef On a BBQ or a hot griddle pan, grill the meat according to taste. Serve with the remoulade and some fresh herbs to garnish.

chicken parmeggiana Ingredients Serves 2 400 grams Omega 3 enriched chicken breast – filleted and cut in 6 pieces 1 small aubergine basil leaves tomato passata 1 fresh mozzarella ball – drained and sliced 2 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese Method Cut the aubergine lengthways, brush with oil and grill. Set aside. On a hot griddle pan, grill the chicken pieces for about 3 to 4 minutes on each side. Start off with a larger piece of chicken and layer with a tablespoon of passata, then a slice of cooked aubergine, the basil leaves and then the mozzarella. Place another piece of

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Ingredients Serves 2 300 grams Omega 3 enriched chicken thighs (de-boned and minced) onion salt pepper 2 tbsp plain yoghurt 2 tbps fresh chives – finely chopped 1 tsp whole grain mustard 2 tbsp oil Mix everything together and stand in the fridge for at east half an hour. Beetroot slices 5 tbsp plain yoghurt 2 tbsp fresh mint leaves – chopped 2 burger buns Method Divide the meat mix in 2, form patties and grill on a hot griddle pan for about 10 minutes. Warm or grill the burger buns and fill with the chicken patty, the beetroot slices and the yoghurt that has been mixed with mint leaves.

beef stir fry with rice Ingredients Serves 2 600 grams of Stir Fry beef mix from the butcher counter 3 mushrooms - quartered ½ tsp Chinese 5 spice Soya Sauce Sesame Seeds 120 grams rice Method Heat up some oil in a wok and add the beef stir fry mix (this is freshly made at the butcher counter and it contains onions and also red and green peppers – as an alternative, a pork or chicken mix is also found. Add the spice and soya sauce and then the mushrooms and cook on a high heat turning very often for around 5 to 7 minutes. Meanwhile, cook the rice and drain. Serve together with some sesame seeds sprinkled on top.

chicken bun with minty yoghurt sauce

chicken parmeggiana

beef stir fry with rice

lemon chicken bites with lemon grass dressed salad

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1 Meal, 3 course, 4 people, under €20 Recipes & Photography by Claire Borg


shrimp, egg & zucchini salad Ingredients Bag of Mixed Salad Greens 2 Small Zucchini – washed and sliced 150 grams Frozen shrimps – defrosted 2 tbsp Olive oil 1 tbsp Maple Syrup or honey 1 tbsp White Wine Vinegar Fresh Pepper 2 Hardboiled Eggs Method Prepare the dressing by mixing together the oil, vinegar, maple syrup and pepper. Set aside. Finely chop the peeled hard boiled eggs and set aside. In a lightly oiled pan, cook the sliced zucchini until just golden, turning once to cook both sides. Toss the salad leaves with dressing and place in individual bowls, Garnish with shrimps, zucchini and then sprinkle with the finely chopped hard boiled eggs.

main course

salmon, leek & ricotta pasta bake Ingredients 500 grams Pasta Shells (conchiglioni) 1 litre of Milk 100 grams grated cheese 400 grams ricotta 500 ml besciamel sauce 2 eggs 1 large leek 1 tbsp chopped garlic 1 tsp whole grain mustard 400 grams fresh salmon - filleted and skin off 2 tbsp fresh parsley – finely chopped 2 tbsp breadcrumbs

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Method Cook the chopped leek and garlic in a little oil and when done, add the mustard, then half the milk. Bring to the boil and add the salmon. Cook gently for 10 minutes, then bring up the heat and cook for another 10 minutes, until most of the liquid evaporates. Set aside and cool. Mash the ricotta and add the 2 eggs and half the grated cheese and some pepper. Add the remaining liquid for the salmon, and mix evenly. Fold in the salmon and leek being careful not to over mix so the salmon remains in chunks. Fill the pasta shells and place in a deep baking dish. Cover with the remaining milk. Then, top up with the béchamel sauce. Mix together the parsley, remaining cheese and breadcrumbs and sprinkle on top of the pasta. Bake in a hot oven (medium – 180 degrees) for about 45 min.


quick & easy strawberry cheesecake cups Ingredients 2 punnets strawberries 10 digestive biscuits 2 tubs plain unsweetened yoghurt 200 grams cream cheese 5 tbsp icing sugar Method Crush the biscuits and fill the bases of 4 glasses or small bowls. Mix the cream cheese and sugar until very evenly combined, then add the yoghurt and mix well. Divide into the glasses. Top up with chopped fresh strawberries.

shrimp, egg & zucchini salad

quick & easy strawberry cheesecake cups

salmon, leek & ricotta pasta bake

shopping list Bag of Mixed Salad Greens 2 Small Zucchini 150 grams Frozen shrimps 500 Grams Pasta Shells (conchiglioni) 1 Litre of Milk 100 grams grated cheese 400 grams ricotta 500 ml besciamel sauce

4 eggs 1 large leek garlic 400 grams fresh salmon – filleted and skin off fresh parsley 2 punnets strawberries 10 digestive biscuits 2 tubs plain unsweetened yoghurt 200 grams cream cheese

from your cupboard 2 tbsp Olive oil 1 tbsp Maple Syrup or honey 1 tbsp White Wine Vinegar

Fresh Pepper 1 tsp whole grain mustard 2 tbsp breadcrumbs 5 tbsp icing sugar

the foodie - 13

asian style quinoa with chicken

The Curious Product -

Quinoa Recipes & Photography by Claire Borg

10 interesting facts about Quinoa

1. ½ a cup of quinoa will provide a child’s protein needs for 1 day; 2. Quinoa can be white, red or black; 3. The leaves of the Quinoa plant are also edible; 4. Quinoa has been cultivated in the South American Andes since at least 3,000 B.C.; 5. The Quinoa seed is high in protein, calcium and iron; 6. Quinoa seeds can be sprouted and eaten raw; acids; 7. The quinoa is almost a perfect balance of all the 8 essential amino food; free gluten a is t I 8. 9. 15 minutes is the time needed to cook quinoa seeds; 10. Quinoa flour can be used in making a variety of baked goods. Quinoa is a relatively unusual ingredient to many of us. Found in the seed, grain and dried fruit and bean section it is most of the time unnoticed. It looks a bit like a cross between a sesame seed and millet. The taste is a bit nutty, crunchy, and yet fluffy. It is a bit like rice but with a crunch. It is excellent in stews and soups, in stir-fries and casseroles and fantastic to use cold in salads. It can be used like rice and it can be added to hearty soups to give them more body.

are dry toasted before boiling they will have a nutty toasted flavour. They can also be dry roasted and popped and added to cereals. Quinoa can be cooked in fruit juice and used in deserts! Can it be any more versatile?

During the Spring and Summer months, quinoa can be sprouted and used as live food in salads and in sandwiches. If the grains

So, grab a pack of quinoa and start experimenting. Or simpler, just follow the recipes here and get your own ideas going!

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The Quinoa grains ‘magically’ grow a little white sprout when cooked! As it cooks, the outer germ around each grain twists outward forming a little white, ‘curly tail’, which is attached to the kernel!

asian style quinoa with chicken (as pictured left) Ingredients Serves 4 250 grams quinoa 250 grams cooked chicken breast 4 spring onions 1 small cucumber – peeled and de-seeded 1 small red pepper – washed, de-seeded and finely chopped 1 cup of coriander leaves ½ a cup of mint leaves ½ a cup of parsley ½ a cup of canned sweet corn 2 tbsp sesame seed oil 5 tbsp sweet chilly sauce Salt and pepper

quinoa with celery, pumpkin & prawn (as pictured front cover) Ingredients Serves 4 250 grams quinoa 250 grams pumpkin 200 grams frozen prawns 2 spring onions 2 sticks of celery 2 tbsp chopped sundried tomatoes Salt and pepper Olive oil 1 tbsp basil pesto Fresh parsley and basil leaves

Method Rinse the quinoa, and put in a pot with double amount of cold water. Bring to the boil and cook for about 15 minutes. Drain, cool and set aside. Finely chop the herbs and also the spring onions. If you have leftover chicken from a roast use it in this recipe. If not, cook a chicken breast for 30 min in some stock and coconut milk, cool then chop. Place the quinoa and all the other ingredients in a large bowl, season and mix until evenly combined. Can be refrigerated and served at a later stage or served immediately.

Method Rinse the quinoa, and put in a pot with double amount of cold water. Bring to the boil and cook for about 15 minutes. Drain, cool and set aside. In a small pot of boiling water cook the peeled and cleaned pumpkin till tender but not too soft. Drain, cool, chop and set aside. Thaw the prawns, rinse well and squeeze out any access liquid. Set aside. Wash the celery and chop and the same with the spring onions. In a large bowl mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil with the pesto. Add the herbs, mix, and add the remaining ingredients apart from the pumpkin. Mix well until all ingredients amalgamate. Add the pumpkin, season and mix gently. Can be served immediately or at a later stage if left in fridge.


Leave it to the Greeks Arkadia has stocked up with a new range of Greek yoghurts produced by MEVGAL. Greek yoghurts are a great substitute for mayonnaise in salad dressing. Blend with some blue cheese and extra virgin olive oil for a great salad dressing.

Reaping the Fr uit of Our Land You can now purchase pre-packs of mixed local vegetables from Arkadia Foodstore. Produced by Mgarr Farming Ltd., the ‘Frott Artna’ range is a convenient yet fresh option for mixed veggie treats.


More Organic Produc

Arkadia’s range of organic products just continues to get bigger and bigger with the introduction of British organic yoghurts by RACHEL’S. The range is quite diverse. Find out more by visiting www.rachelsorganic.

the foodie - 15

Your Value Pack is Back! LION TEA is renowned for its rich flavour and full strength containing only premium quality teas, carefully selected from very famous tea gardens.

185, Old Bakery Street, Valletta VLT1455 - Malta Tel:2123 4549 -

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