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Arkansas Bar Foundation

2224 Cottondale Lane, Little Rock, Arkansas 72202 www.arkansasbarfoundation.com • 501.801.5670

Curtis E. Hogue Elected Arkansas Bar Foundation President


Curtis E. Hogue, of Fayetteville, began his term as President of the Arkansas Bar Foundation Board of Directors for the 2021-22 bar year following the Annual Foundation Meeting on June 9, 2021. He earned his B.S. Degree from Ouachita Baptist University and his Juris Doctorate from the University of Arkansas School of Law in Fayetteville. Curtis has practiced law since 1980 and is a shareholder with the Law Firm of Hall Estill. He practices primarily in the Litigation and Divorce and Family Law arenas. Within his practice, he also conducts both civil and domestic mediations and is a certified guardian ad litem.

Curtis has been a Fellow of the Arkansas Bar Foundation since 1989 and is a Sustaining Fellow. He has served the Foundation on the Board of Directors, as Secretary-Treasurer and Vice-President of the Board and currently as a member of the Trust, Annual Awards and Development Committees. He is a former President, Secretary and Board member of the W. B. Putman American Inns of Court; a Tenured Member of the Arkansas Bar Association House of Delegates; and he has been appointed an Associate Justice on the Arkansas Supreme Court.

Curtis and Ede, his wife of 45 years, are proud parents of three children and six grandchildren. Their sons Brian and David are attorneys practicing in Fayetteville and their daughter Erin Parr is an LCSW living in Portland, OR.

Memorials and Honoraria

The Arkansas Bar Foundation acknowledges with grateful appreciation the receipt of the following memorial, honoraria and scholarship contributions received during the period May 15, 2021, through July 31, 2021.

in memoRy of annette appleBaum-Baim Judges Bill Wilson and Cathi Compton

in memoRy of ChRistopheR BaRRieR Jennifer and Randy Coleman Jeffrey and Lester McKinley Sally and Jim McLarty Hayden and Gordon Rather Brian Rosenthal

in memoRy of RoBeRt CaBe Don A. Eilbott Mike Wilson

in memoRy of RogeRs CoCkRill Jennifer and Randy Coleman Hayden and Gordon Rather

in memoRy of Julian B. fogleman Joe M. Rogers

in memoRy of William “tom” haRpeR Joe M. Rogers

in memoRy of donald h. henRy Sherry P. Bartley Patti and Charlie Coleman Jennifer and Randy Coleman

in memoRy of paul “Rand” hightoWeR ASPC Leadership Team Mica and George Duncan Pat B. Mosier

in memoRy of BoB leslie B. Jeffery Pence

in memoRy of John edWaRd mooRe Donald C. Pullen

in memoRy of fRank neWell Stephen Engstrom Donald C. Pullen Judges Bill Wilson and Cathi Compton

in memoRy of allen p. RoBeRts Silas H. Brewer Joe M. Rogers

in memoRy of Jim shaveR Charles D. Roscopf Jan and James D. Sprott Judges Bill Wilson and Cathi Compton Mike Wilson

in memoRy of don sChnippeR Silas H. Brewer

in memoRy John andReW simmons Don A. Eilbott

in memoRy of mRs. geRRy eilBott soltz designated to the R. a. eilBott, JR. sCholaRship fund

Jennifer and Randy Coleman

Taylor and Linda Lewis Eubank Don and Cathy Feild Hicks Alan R. Humphries Joanne and Stanley Kay

Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie D. McKissack Robin and Randy McNulty

Staff of Old State House Museum Cynthia and Jeff Purnell Lisenne Rockefeller Kitty and Bill Rubenstein Billie and Skip Rutherford Debbie W. Shea Mary Ross Taylor

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Theis

Charlie Whiteside and Cappy Ware Whiteside

Save the Date

Howlin' Hour

Arkansas Bar Foundation Fourth Annual Friendraiser Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Call 501.801.5670 with questions

Arkansas Bar Foundation grant applications for law-related projects are due Friday, October 8, 2021.

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