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Arkansas Bar Foundation

Report by Ann Dixon Pyle, Executive Director, Arkansas Bar Foundation

Memorials The Arkansas Bar Foundation acknowledges with grateful appreciation the receipt of the following memorial, honoraria and scholarship contributions received during the period November 1, 2019, through January 31, 2020.


In Me ory of Edward Wayne Boyce, Jr. Rosalind and Kirby Mouser

In Me ory of Beresford L. Church Mike Wilson

In Me ory of S dney P. Dav s Cary E. Young

In Me ory of Geor e D. E s Judge Henry Woods Inn of Court Philip E. Kaplan Hayden and Gordon S. Rather, Jr. Brian Rosenthal Judge Bill Wilson and Judge Cathi Compton

In Me ory of Joe M. Fore Cary E. Young

In Me ory of Jud e John Forster Rosalind and Kirby Mouser

In Me ory of V ncent W. Foster, Jr. Arbor Enterprises

In Me ory of Jud e Me nda G ert Judge Dick and Beverly Moore

In Me ory of Me va Har on Rosalind and Kirby Mouser

In Me ory of Jud e B. Kenneth Johnson Fred Ursery

In Me ory of E za eth Ann Lancaster Hayden and Gordon S. Rather, Jr.

In Me ory of Ja es H. McKenz e Judge James M. Moody

In Me ory of Jud e W a Overton Judge James M. Moody

In Me ory of N cho as H. Patton Judge Robert T. Dawson Judge James M. Moody Hayden and Gordon S. Rather, Jr. Brian Rosenthal

In Me ory of N cho as H. Patton (cont.) Fred Ursery Judge Bill Wilson and Judge Cathi Compton

In Me ory of R chard A. Re d Justice Robert H. Dudley John V. Phelps

In Me ory of Barrett S ears Cary E. Young

In Me ory of John Wa er Fred Ursery

In Me ory of Roxanne To have W son Judge James M. Moody Judge Dick and Beverly Moore

In Me ory of W a H.L. Woodyard Judge Dick and Beverly Moore

In Me ory of E za eth G. Youn Cary E. Young

In Me ory of Jud e Gordon Youn Cary E. Young

In Me ory of Pau B. Youn Cary E. Young


Ar ansas Bar Foundat on Marion B. Burton Judges Rita and Wayne Gruber

Ar ansas Bar Foundat on - #G v n Tuesday Kathryn A. Stocks Judge Cindy Thyer

In Honor of Steve En stro Judge James M. Moody

Fr day, E dred e & C ar /Hershe Scho arsh Friday, Eldredge & Clark

Fr day

McK n ey Fa y Scho arsh Fund Jeffrey and Lester McKinley

In Honor of Jud e B W son In Honor of Jud e Cath Co ton Hayden and Gordon S. Rather, Jr.

In Honor of R chard Down n R chard M. Pence, Jr. Mary Caro e Youn S th Dona d M. S ears Jud e H. Dav d Youn Patr c M. Youn Pau B. Youn , Jr. Given by Cary E. Young

The Arkansas Bar Foundation is grateful for a generous contribution from Col. Wm. A. (Bill) Martin Establishing the Co . W . A. (B ) Mart n Scho arsh Fund

A total of $200.00 in funds were raised through #GivingTuesday 2019 for the #CelebratingtheCentennial program. These funds allowed the Foundation to help sponsor the American Bar Association’s 19th Amendment traveling exhibit that was displayed February 6-7 at the Arkansas Bar Association’s Mid-Year Meeting.

SAVE THE DATE! Wednesday, June 10, 2020 • 11:00 am* Arkansas Bar Foundation Membership Meeting with Foundation Board Meeting immediately to follow 7:30 pm Arkansas Bar Foundation Fellows’ Dinner • Hot Springs Convention Center *please note new time

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