G N I N E P O E R RECAP: Arkansas’s schools reopened in late August against the advice of health experts and despite AEA’s efforts to convince Governor Hutchinson to order a virtual start to the school year. Despite modeling from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences that showed a virtual start would greatly reduce the spread of the virus, as well as an outpouring of concern from parents and educators, the Governor forced a return to in-person learning the week of August 24th. The decision flew in the face of the recommendation of the Arkansas Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, who announced the state was not ready for a statewide reopening while positivity rates remained well over 10% in much of the state. ARAAP joined AEA for a virtual event that offered educators the most up-to-date guidance on how to stay as safe as possible once the reopenings did take place. Unfortunately that guidance had to be put to use sooner than was safe.
While educators expressed happiness to see students again, a patchwork of local policies has resulted in a lack of information. Policies aiming to protect privacy mean educators don’t know if a missing student or colleague is infected, on quarantine, or just out for some unrelated reason. Parents don’t know if schools will remain open week to week, or even day to day, as new positives force shut downs at a moment’s notice. AEA advocated tirelessly in the months leading up to school reopening, saying that the conditions in our state are simply not safe to reopen schools statewide. AEA President Carol Fleming and Executive Director TraceyAnn Nelson kept lines of communication open with state officials, while at the same time publicly calling on the state to ensure reopening plans did not put our children, educators and their families at risk.