With the COVID-19 related upheaval, there has been some confusion around voting this year. In Arkansas, we have local, state and national races on our ballot as well as some proposed changes to our state Constitution. With so much on the line, we want to make sure you know the scoop on voting in Arkansas this year. WHAT’S ON THE BALLOT? In addition to the Presidential election, all 4 of Arkansas’s Congressional seats are on the ballot, as well as many critical State Senate and State House seats. In addition, many school districts have chosen to hold their school board elections during this year’s November 3 General Election. That includes the Little Rock School District which has been without a democratically elected school board for nearly six years. In addition, voters will be asked to reject or approve three amendments to the Arkansas Constitution.
In 2012, voters approved a sales tax increase to fund highways, county roads, bridges etc. That tax increase was set to expire in ten years. Now, the state legislature is asking voters to approve the indefinite 0.5% sales tax increase.
ISSUE ARKANSAS TERM LIMITS. T WO This is a proposed amendment to Arkansas’s Constitution. It significantly overhauls the current term limits for state legislators. This proposal seeks to eliminate life-time term limits for state legislators, prohibit future legislators from serving more than 12 years in a row. Legislators who serve the full 12 years consecutively would be allowed to hold office again once four years have passed since their last term expired. It also Includes two-year senate terms resulting from apportionment after a census in calculating the years of consecutive service for legislators elected after Jan. 1, 2021. Currently, this two-year partial term does not count toward term limits and allows current legislators, and any legislators elected this November to serve under the current term limit amendment, which allows them to serve 16 years consecutively or non-consecutively. They would be eligible to hold office in the future once four years have passed since the end of their last term.
ISSUEE CHANGING ARKANSAS’ CITIZEN THRE INITIATIVE PROCESS. The Arkansas Committee for Children and Public Education, AEA’s PAC has taken a position of OPPOSITION to this proposed Constitutional Amendment, as it would significantly limit the ability of Arkansans to put issues on the ballot. Recent examples of ballot measures initiated by citizens include the 2014 and 2018 increase to the state minimum wage. If this passes, it would significantly restrict ballot access. AEA urges a no vote on this proposal. Okay, now you know what to expect; let’s make sure you’re ready to vote! Visit bit.ly/AEAvote to check your registration, learn about absentee voting and much more! If you have any questions about voting, please contact Susana O’Daniel, AEA Director of Public Affairs:
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