2 minute read
From the Desk of the ED
Have you asked someone to join AEA lately?
It is sometimes difficult to understand why people who are already members of an organization will not ask one of their peers in the profession to make the same commitment they have already made? One of the most challenging tasks we have as an organization is to organize. It takes commitment, resources, patience, perseverance, and tenacity. Organizing is the life-blood of a strong organization. Without new members there is a slow-trickle of declining membership. People want to be part of a successful organization. When AEA can continuously attract members, it is a great testimonial to the value of membership. The concept of a growing organization is also important to many of the publics that we are trying to influence. Membership also provides the momentum for the rest of AEA’s programs and services
Members join AEA because they believe in the cause it stands for and depend on us to advocate for their beliefs and rights. Whether it is at a town hall meeting or lobbying on Capitol Hill, the collective is stronger than the individual. AEA membership is everyone’s responsibility. AEA Staff, President Fleming, and many of our local leaders, have been very busy attending as many back to school events and opportunities as they can all over the state sharing information about the benefits of joining AEA. Members are also accountable to one another. A commitment to join AEA also means you join a community of like-minded individuals. But membership means someone expects you, and that expectation builds accountability. Another member may feel compelled to check in on you if he or she hasn’t seen in you in a while. And that accountability can reach into other areas of your life as well. Even though we do not officially bargain in Arkansas we do have influence, and a voice, through the District Personnel Policy Committees (PPC). Do you know when those elections are held in your District? Have you considered running for one of those seats? What are you going to do to build power in your local association this year? A major focus for AEA in the coming year is to help our locals grow their organizational strength and increase member engagement so our voices on critical issues are heard. AEA members will continue to lead the way and will continue to ensure that all Arkansas students get the quality education they deserve. Who can you ask to join us?
Liz Picone
This is YOUR magazine – Let us know what you would like to see. Send story ideas to wbresaw@aeanea.org