History of Policing

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The place is London.

Sir Robert Peel

THE YEAR IS 1829. Crime is out of control. Most murderers go unpunished. Law enforcement is left to night watchmen and unpaid constables who are often corrupt or privately employed. In steps Sir Robert Peel. Peel does something that at first is unpopular. He established the Metropolitan Police Force for London based at Scotland Yard. 1,000 citizens are hired to work for the Metropolitan Police Force. They are called constables.

THE RESULT: The constables cut crime in a city plagued with lawless behavior. The idea of maintaining a police force wins public approval. Over time, the constables are affectionately nicknamed 'Bobbies' after Robert Peel. The 1,000 constables employed were affectionately nicknamed 'Bobbies' (a term still used today). Although unpopular at first they proved very successful in cutting crime in London, and by 1857 all cities in the UK were obliged to form their own police forces.


DEFINING THE PERFECT POLICE OFFICER. Peel is known today as the father of modern policing, but his greatest contribution was that he took the time to establish some ground rules for police officers within a free and just society.

arrests, but on the lack of crime. (Be prepared to discuss why this is significant.) 3. Above all else, an effective police officer knows trust and accountability are paramount. Hence, Peel's most often quoted principle: The police are the public and the public are the police. (Be prepared to discuss this concept.)

CONSIDER... 1. Peel issued every police officer a identification number to assure accountability for his actions. (Be prepared to discuss how this principle is still used today.) 2. Peel measured success, not on the number of


METROPOLITAN POLICE OF LONDON 1829 Recognized as the world's first organized police force, the Metropolitan Police of London was organized by Sir Robert Peel, England's Home Secretary. Composed of over 1,000 officers, or “Bobbies�, it was the first force to be under a military command structure, as well as the first to have special uniforms. COLONIAL POLICING IN AMERICA Law enforcement in colonial America was similar to that in England. The county Sheriff was the primary law enforcement agent. He was paid by the fee system -- a fixed amount for every arrest made. He investigated citizen complaints, ran the jail and collected taxes. The town Marshall policed urban areas. EARLY AMERICA POLICING Modern American police departments were first created in the 19th century. 1838 first police force created in Boston 1844 New York Police Department created 1856 Philadelphia Police Department created

19TH & 20TH CENTURY POLICE REFORMS Policing became more technologically sophisticated around the turn of the century. Police uniforms were first introduced in 1853 -- finally police could be identified as police. The first telegraph police boxes were installed in 1867 -- finally police administrators could exercise some supervision over officers. In 1910, the first police car was introduced in Akron, Ohio -- finally police were mobile and could respond quickly to calls for assistance from the public or other officers. Police officers’ salaries also increased a great deal in this time period, drawing better applicants to the job and diminishing the appeal of accepting bribes.

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