Dear Applicant: Thank you for your interest in the Junior Police Academy. For nearly XX years, the program has been reaching out to young people, inspiring good citizenship through criminal justice education. Because the program demands the very best from its participants, students must meet the following qualifications: 1. Student must be at the high school level with a minimum “C” grade point average. 2. Not more than two unexcused absence for the semester. 3.Include a letter explaining why the student should be considered for this program, and it must be signed by two faculty members. (Minimum number of words for essay will be determined by the high school instructor). 4. J.P.A. applicants must not have been arrested or referred to juvenile probation for any felony crime, or have any arrest for crimes of moral turpitude. 5. Print all information on application to the best of your knowledge, applicant must sign along with parents signature. 6. Complete release of liability form, signed by student and parent, and return to principal’s office with application and essay. 7. A complete background check will be conducted on each applicant. Selection will be determined upon content of essay, out-come of background, and high school record. If you are up to the standards set by the program, we encourage you to fill out the attached application/liability release form in full and return it to your high school liaison officer by [DATE]. If you are selected, you will receive complete information regarding the academy, including an itinerary and list of things to bring, as well as the code of conduct for the academy. The cost of the academy is [COST]. Several civic organizations have already provided partial scholarships. However, if you are selected to represent your high school and local law enforcement agency you will be asked to participate in the fund raising for your tuition. It is the hope of the academy coordinators that tuition for all students will be met by area civic clubs. If this goal is not met, it will be the responsibility of the selected student to provide not only tuition but transportation costs to [LOCATION] as well. If you or your parent/guardian have any questions, please contact me or your high school police officer. Good luck and thank you for considering this wonderful opportunity! Sincerely, Academy Director
JUNIOR POLICE ACADEMY CODE OF CONDUCT 1. There will be no use of any tobacco products. 2. Breaks will be limited to fifteen (15) minutes and cadets are required to be in designated places at the time the next class begins. 3. Cadets are required to follow the instructions given by the classroom instructor. 4. Cadets are required to participate in all classroom/lab assignments and will not be excused from any activity without permission. 5. Cadets are reminded of the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics and are expected to keep specifics of academy/law enforcement procedures and or activities to themselves. 6. Cadets are required to obey all signs and orders of the academy and entrance into restricted areas without consent of the instructor is forbidden. 7. Should a cadet become injured during the academy he/she must report the incident to the instructor or director immediately. 8. Cadets are not peace officers and should not attempt to present themselves as peace officers nor should the cadet attempt to enforce any law violations or other legal situations. 9. Absolutely no alcohol or other drugs are allowed on campus. 10. Cadets should avoid obscene, vulgar or profane language at all times. 11. Cadets should conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times. DRESS CODE The academy has been developed to give each cadet the best possible learning experience. Therefore, it is necessary that dress and personal hygiene be developed and followed by each of the class members. Cadets must present themselves in a neat and well groomed manner. Cadets should not use excessive cologne or perfume, likewise cadets are expected to shower/bathe regularly and use an effective deodorant. The use of make-up is not prohibited, however, all makeup must be kept to a minimum. Cadets should not wear jewelry, large belt buckles or ear rings while in lab and these should be kept to a minimum in classes.
CODE OF CONDUCT CONTRACT The purpose of this contract is to inform the above named Cadet that he/she must comply with all provisions of the Junior Police Academy and to the specific terms set forth in this contract. The Cadet understands that due to the nature of this academy there will be a zero tolerance rule in effect. Undesirable conduct such as horseplay or a violation of the Cadet conduct code will result in the immediate removal of the Cadet from the academy. This contract is in effect for the safety of all Cadets and instructors. This contract represents an agreement by the Cadet that he/she received a copy of the Code of Conduct and the Cadet agrees to adhere to this Code of Conduct at all times while enrolled in the Junior Police Academy.
Cadet Signature:______________________________ Date:_________________________________________
JUNIOR POLICE ACADEMY APPLICATION This application and related documents must be filled out completely by a parent and prospective cadet. The filing of this paperwork with the school and police department does not guarantee acceptance into the JPA program. The student listed in following application will be referred to in this application as Cadet Candidate and if accepted a Cadet of the Junior Police Academy. All questions will be answered truthfully; any falsification may be grounds for dismissal from program.
Cadet’s Last Name:________________________________________________________ Middle Name:____________________________________________________________ First Name:______________________________________________________________ Home Address:___________________________________________________________ City:_______________________State:__________________Zip:___________________ Home Phone: (______)_________-_____________________ Cadet’s Date of Birth: ______/______/______ Cadet’s Grade Level:________________ Cadet’s Homeroom Teacher:________________________________________________ Cadet’s Teacher References
#1: ____________________________________________ #2: ____________________________________________
Cadet Legal Guardian’s Name: ______________________________________________ Has the listed Cadet ever been convicted of a crime: Yes or No (If yes, list crimes:)
Does the Cadet have a 2.0 grade point average or higher: Yes or No Has the Cadet been expelled, suspended or had more than 3 office referrals this or last semester: Yes or No (If yes explain) _________________________________________________
______________________________________ Cadet Candidate Signature
_______________________________ Date
______________________________________ Parent Signature/Legal Guardian
_______________________________ Date
The signing of this application and related paperwork attests that you, as legal guardian of Cadet, and the Cadet Candidate agree to adhere to all guidelines, requirements, rules of conduct and release the __________________________________, and all of its agents free from liability. **Cadet Candidates will not be excluded due to Race, Sex, National Origin or Religion.
The following signature is required indicating that the Applicant is capable of strenuous physical exercise. Physician:________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________ List below any unusual physical condition the Academy Director should know about: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ I understand that first aid will be available at the academy; that the students will be closely supervised and that hospital care will be given at the expense of the parent/guardian. I further understand that in case of serious injury or illness, I will be notified. If it is impossible to reach me in a timely manner, I hereby given my permission for emergency treatment or surgery as recommended by the attending physician.
Signature of Parent/Guardian:__________________________________________ Address:____________________________________Date:__________________ Home Phone:______________________Work Phone:______________________
SAMPLE LIABILITY RELEASE FORM (Please Print or Type) I, the undersigned,(Parent’s Name)_________________________________________ residing at (Address)_______________________________________, County of Clark, State of US, being the parent or legal guardian of (Participant’s Name)_______________________________, do hereby give my permission for him/her to attend the Junior Police Academy and in consideration of allowing him/her to participate in the above mentioned program. Voluntarily and knowingly release and discharge the Junior Police Academy, City of Cityville, the Cityville Police Department’s employees, agents, successors, assigns and all others who may be liable from all claims, present and future, known or unknown, in any manner arising out of his/her participation in the Junior Police Academy. I also acknowledge that (Participant’s Name)______________________________has no limiting medical conditions and is fully capable of participating in the program. I appoint the Cityville Police Department to act in my place, in the event that (Participant’s Name) ______________________________ should require medical attention while involved in the Junior Police Academy program. This appointment is for the purpose of securing benefits for the health and welfare of (Participant’s Name)______________________________ and expressly includes the authority to sign releases to physicians who may render emergency medical care and services. I promise to assume liability for payment of all such professional services, and to reimburse the City of Cityville for any expense that may be incurred for treatment, care, drugs, and other services for (Participant’s Name)______________________________. In consideration of all above as well as the supervision provided on my behalf and on behalf of (Participant’s Name)______________________________. I hereby agree to hold the Cityville Police Department, City of Cityville’s employees, agents, successors, assigns, its agents and all others who may be liable, harmless for results of any decision it may make in connection with the care and treatment of (Participant’s Name)______________________________. I agree that if the above mentioned participant’s behavior is such that it endangers the welfare of the entire group, the Cityville Police Department has my permission to send him/her home. ____________________________________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian _____________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________ City State
___________________ Date ___________________________________ Home Telephone ____________________________________ Work Telephone
________________________ Zip
Subscribed and sworn to before me this __________ day of 20_____.
_________________________________________________ (Notary Signature)
Dear [CADET], Congratulations on your acceptance into the Junior Police Academy. We have some exciting things planned for you and are looking forward to seeing you in [MONTH]. I have enclosed a list of Rules and Regulations and a list of things to remember. You will need to report to [PLACE] on [DATE] between [00:00] p.m. and [00:00] p.m. for check in. A map of [PLACE] is enclosed. If you will be driving your own vehicle please make sure you understand the information in the Rules and Regulations. A graduation ceremony will be held on [DATE] at [00:00] p.m. in the [PLACE]. Your parents are invited and encouraged to attend graduation. After graduation you are free to leave with your parents. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call me. I look forward to seeing you!! Sincerely Academy Director