You Must Remember This! Don’t have time to read this entire manual? Here are three points to keep in mind:
from getting the ball rolling. Some our best programs started with a single visit. So may yours.
No Plan, No Problem Host a Micro-JPA
This manual is a detailed road-map to starting and hosting a successful program.
A great way to get started is to meet with students to discuss a recent local event involving public safety.
BUT, don't let the lack of a grand design or a five year plan stop you taking that first step.
Events will always conspire to put law enforcement center stage. Was there a recent shooting in the news, traffic fatality, incident involving bullying? Each is a potential opportunity to open a dialog meet with students.
Get started! The primary objective of the Junior Police Academy is to put kids and cops together.
You may find this exchange the start of something more formal and frequent. If so, we are here to help.
Your time with young people may, by necessity, be infrequent or unfunded. Don’t let that stop you
We are here! For additional information, inspiration, & encouragement visit our website at Don’t find what you need? Need help getting started or customizing program content? Contact us. We are here to help. Kelly LeConte at 512-712-5564 or at
Kelly LeConte