10 Things AFA Has Done for Its Members

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What’s in it for Me?

10 things AFA has done for its members lately www.arkforests.org 501.374.2441 info@arkforests.org


PROTECTING PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS – AFA is part of a coalition working to protect private property rights by attempting to reduce an overly broad proposed critical habitat designation for two fresh water mussels—Neosho mucket and rabbitsfoot. AFA members practice and support conservation measures; however, the proposed critical habitat would encompass approximately 800 river miles in Arkansas, and the coalition believes that any designation of critical habitat should be limited to the minimum land area, supported by good science, and consider the economic impact. Filing of S. 2084 by Sen. Mark Pryor and H.R. 4319 by Rep. Rick Crawford, both of which would require USFW to conduct a comprehensive economic analysis before designating critical habitat; meeting of coalition members with USFW Director Dan Ashe to voice concerns over the proposed designation and concerns with ESA in general; House Natural Resources Committee meeting; and 60-day comment period extension.


ADVOCATING INTERESTS ON THE NATIONAL LEVEL – AFA continues to reach out to the Arkansas delegation in Congress as well as participate in industry coalitions that are communicating on important issues. Recent activity includes voicing concerns about a proposed rule by the Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to revise the definition of “waters of the United States” for all Clean Water Act programs; keeping timber tax provisions in the current tax code; urging the EPA to work closely with the U.S. Department of Agriculture in the development of the Agency’s amendments to the Tailoring Rule; and requesting members of Congress to move forward on legislation to restore and maintain the health of our federal forests through active forest management.


ADVOCATING YOUR INTERESTS ON THE LOCAL LEVEL – The association also continues to work on members’ behalf to clarify that rural volunteer fire department dues may only be applied to rural residences and businesses with an occupiable structure under Arkansas Code Ann. 14-20-108. Some departments are charging timberland owners on a per parcel basis and placing those dues on their property tax bills. AFA urges all of its members to review their annual property tax bills and to contact their rural fire department chief or AFA if they have questions or concerns.


USING RESOURCES WISELY – AFA’s financial performance improved significantly in 2013, thanks, in part, to the success of a membership dues adjustment and the staff’s cost-effective management of expenses. Income outpaced expenses by approximately $11,000. The success of the 2013 Annual Meeting also contributed significantly to the improved financial performance.


PROVIDING NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES – More than 200 members, 37 sponsors, 21 exhibitors and 16 speakers contributed to the success of the 68th Annual Meeting in Little Rock. The event provided an unparalleled opportunity to be connected. Plans are underway for the 69th Annual Meeting,

September 23-25, at the Arlington Resort Hotel and Spa in Hot Springs. To deliver the value of AFA membership to all parts of the state, AFA holds regional meetings and Tree Farm tours. In the last year, Tree Farm tours have been held in Cross, Cleveland and Columbia Counties. The Board of Directors meeting, May 1-2, in Arkadelphia provided excellent networking opportunities.


HELPING THE COMMUNITY – AFA coordinates the Arkansas Log A Load For Kids program, which celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2013 by raising a record $500,000 to support Arkansas Children’s Hospital (ACH). Since 1993, Log A Load For Kids has raised more than $6.85 million for ACH. River Valley Chairman Allen Farley received the National Log A Load For Kids Volunteer Champion award on May 8 at the Forest Resources Association annual meeting in Virginia.


IMPROVING MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS – The association is in the process of implementing a state-of-the-art association management system that is easily one of the most important investments in many years. These web-based tools will provide members the ability to access a wealth of information, pay dues, register for meetings, create and manage their own member profile and much more. Implementation and testing are underway and the system should be up and running by the third quarter.


REPRESENTING YOUR INTERESTS – AFA worked hard for members during the 2013 Legislative Session. AFA supported bills that: provide a complete sales tax exemption on the purchase of timber harvesting equipment (Act 1402); provide additional resources for the Arkansas Forestry Commission to deliver critical fire-fighting response (Act 1391); include forest nursery operations in a measure that provides a sales tax exemption on energy used by qualifying structures and equipment (Act 1441); take steps to curb the feral hog population (Act 1104); continue to reduce the amount of sales tax manufacturers pay on the purchase of electricity and natural gas (Act 1411); and provide a refund of sales and use taxes for expenditures on repair and replacement parts for certain machinery used in manufacturing (Act 1404).


PROMOTING ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION – Since the beginning of the year, the AFA Education Foundation has shared Project Learning Tree—an award-wining environmental education curriculum—and forestry information with 1,158 teachers, students and others. Twenty-five educators will participate in the week-long Teacher Conservation Tour, June 23-27, in Russellville.


PROTECTING MEMBERS’ PROPERTY – The AFA Forest Protection Committee revitalized the Witness Reward Program to help bring about the arrest and conviction of those involved with forest arson, timber theft, illegal dumping, theft or vandalism of forestry equipment, or theft or vandalism of hunting club equipment or buildings. Signs and stickers are available to members to post on timberland or equipment.

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