ECONOMY 1213 W. 4th St. Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 501.374.2441 arkforests.org facebook.com/arkforests Twitter @arkforests
RESOURCES Scan with smartphone to learn more about AFA
A return on your investment…
The Arkansas Forestry Association works hard on its members’ behalf to be the voice of forestry in Arkansas. Since 1947, AFA has been the only nonprofit organization representing the state’s entire forestry community.
AFA has a strong presence in state and federal public policy arenas through lobbying and grass-roots efforts. Protecting private property rights, the right to practice forestry and maintaining a healthy business climate for manufacturing are tantamount to AFA’s mission: The Arkansas Forestry Association advocates the sustainable use and sound stewardship of Arkansas’s forests and related resources to benefit the state’s forestry community and all Arkansans, today and in the future.
Representation at the Local, State and Federal Levels
Protect Private Property Rights and Right to Practice Forestry
Hunting Lease, Timberland Liability and Other Insurance
As you can see from the list on the right, AFA and the AFA Education Foundation sponsor and administer a variety of programs and activities that advance the cause of forestry in Arkansas today and for generations to come.
Witness Reward Program to Protect Members’ Property
Weekly Email Updates
In addition to annual dues, there are other opportunities to support these programs. These include donations to the ForestExpressPAC, and tax-deductible contributions to the AFA Education Foundation and Log A Load For Kids, benefiting Arkansas Children’s Hospital.
Monthly Newsletters
Tree Farm Program
Centennial Family Forest Program
Annual Meeting
Regional Membership Meetings
For more information about AFA programs, benefits and dues, please contact the AFA office at (501) 374-2441, info@arkforests.org or www.arkforests.org.
AFA Website
Forest Landowner Workshops
Project Learning Tree
Log A Load For Kids
Forest Landowner Resource Publications
Programs for Educators and Students
Forest Awareness Days for 5th Graders
Teacher Conservation Tour
Representation on State Boards, Committees and Commissions
Continuing Education and Networking