2013 Annual Meeting Program Book

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Technology forest

Health forest

Economy THE 68th Annual Meeting October 1-3, 2013 Embassy Suites Little Rock


SPONSORS THE Opening Reception





ArborGen Inc. F & W Forestry Services, Inc. Arkansas Farm Bureau Farm Credit Service BancorpSouth Insurance Services, Inc. Hancock Forest Management Bibler Bros. Lumber Company Larson & McGowin, Inc. Brazeale Lumber Company, Inc. Molpus Timberlands Management, Crop Production Services LLC Davis Dubose Knight Forestry & Real Resource Management Service, LLC Estate PLLC Southwestern Energy Domtar Timber Mart-South Evergreen Packaging


Anthony Forest Products Company Arkansas Board of Registration for Foresters Forest Investment Associates International Forest Company Kingwood Forestry Services, Inc. Neeley Forestry Service Society of American Foresters – Arkansas Division Stevens Forestry Service

EXHIBITORS Acorn Forestry ArborGen Inc. Arkansas Forestry Commission Arkansas Forest Resources Center Construction Safety Products Crop Production Services – Timberland Division DataScout, LLC Davis Dubose Knight Forestry & Real Estate PLLC Dow AgroSciences LLC Forest Metrix International Forest Company Landmark Spatial Solutions, LLC McNew Fabrication, Inc. Outdoor Underwriters, Inc. Pate Enterprises, Inc. Plum Creek – Pearl River Nursery Red River Specialties, Inc. Robco Distributors, Inc. Superior Forestry Service, Inc. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Weyerhaeuser Premium Seedlings

Sustainable Growth. Sound Stewardship. Deltic Timber Corporation is honored to support the work of the Arkansas Forestry Association. The association’s mission of advocating for sustainability and the sound stewardship of Arkansas’s forests and related resources means our industry can continue to meet the needs of economic growth, while maintaining fresh water, clean air, and enhancing fish and wildlife habitat.

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AGENDA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1 Noon – 6 p.m. Registration Noon – 1 p.m. Women in Forestry Lunch (not included in registration fee) 1 – 4 p.m. Landowner Workshop Regeneration Opportunities Dr. Gordon Holley, Lousiana Tech, School of Forestry Quail Management Clifton Jackson, Arkansas Game & Fish Commission Forests for the Future Allen and Ginny Nipper, Nipper Management Services 5 p.m. AFA Board of Directors Meeting 6 p.m. Plum Creek Reception 7:30 p.m. Dinner on Your Own Wednesday, October 2 7:30 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast 8:30 a.m. Market Update Rick Holley, CEO, Plum Creek 9:15 a.m. New Technologies – Mobile Apps/Tools Dr. Bill Hubbard and Daniel Drummond Southern Regional Extension Forestry Center 10 a.m. Break 10:30 a.m. Logging Panel Danny Dructor, American Loggers Council Doug Teale, Domtar Frank Wilson, Wilson Bros. Lumber Noon Lunch 1 p.m. Reforestation Dr. Jimmie Yeiser, UA Monticello 1:45 p.m. Benefits of Forest Certification Kathryn Fernholz, Dovetail Partners 2:30 p.m. Break 3 p.m. Forest Health Panel Chris Davidson, USFWS Dr. Jim Smith and Dale Starkey, USDA Forest Service Dr. Tamara Walkingstick, Arkansas Forest Resources Center 6:30 p.m. Deltic Fish Fry, Arkansas 4-H Center, Ferndale THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3 8 a.m. Awards Breakfast 11 a.m. Door Prizes, Silect Auction and Adjourn

We are inspired by trees.

Their strength, vitality, and unlimited potential have guided our We are inspired by t approach to business for Theirmore strength, than a vitality potential century.have guided o

to business for more th We are inspired by trees. Their strength, vitality, and unlimited potential have guided our approach to business for more than a century.

We are inspired by trees. Their strength, vitality, and unlimited potential have guided our approach to business for more than a century.


Dr. Gordon Holley is Associate Professor of Forest Economics and Management and Bobby J. and Laura B. Neill Professor of Forestry at Louisiana Tech University. He holds B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Stephen F. Austin State University. Clifton Jackson is the the Quail/Small Game Program Coordinator at the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission (AGFC). He started his AGFC career about 14 years ago in the Fisheries Division. He earned fisheries degrees from the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff and University of Georgia. Ginny and Allen Nipper own land in southwest Arkansas, and north and central Louisiana. They are involved in the routine management of their land for timber production, soil and water conservation, and recreational uses. Their primary goal is to increase the value of their land for their own profit and smoothly transition its management to their adult children. Rick Holley was elected president and chief executive officer and a member of the Board of Directors of Plum Creek in 1994. Prior to assuming this role, he served as vice president and chief financial officer since 1985. Holley began his career at General Electric Company in 1974, where he served in a variety of financial management positions. In 1983, he joined Burlington Northern, Inc. where he worked as assistant vice president, corporate audit. Dr. Bill Hubbard is the Southern Regional Extension Forester and is based at the University of Georgia. He facilitates regional education, Extension and technology transfer programs among the 13 southern land-grant universities, the USDA Forest Service, state forestry agencies and others within the southern forestry community. Daniel Drummond is an IT professional associate for Southern Regional Extension Forestry. He graduated from the University of Georgia in 2003 and holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. Daniel assists the SREF group in the web-based project development and support. Danny Dructor is Executive Vice President of the American Loggers Council, where he represents the membership in Washington, D.C. and other venues where timber harvesting issues are addressed. He holds a B.S. degree in forestry from Stephen F. Austin State University and has spent the last 34 years working in the forest products industry. Doug Teale serves as the chips and fuel procurement manager for Domtar’s Ashdown mill. He has been with the mill for 17 years. In his current role, he is responsible for managing the chips and fuel purchases, inventory and deliveries for the mill, and also oversees the SFI, FSC and PEFC certification for the facility. Prior to becoming the Procurement Manager, he served as both a Procurement Forester and Harvest Manager.

Frank Wilson has been involved in forestry, sawmill and logging operations in South Arkansas for most of his life. Today, his businesses include Wilson Brothers Lumber Company, Tri-W Logging Company, A&W Logging Company, and TimberTract, LandTract and EquipmentTract software development. He holds a degree in forestry from the University of Arkansas at Monticello. Dr. Jimmie Yeiser is Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at the University of Arkansas at Monticello. He was a member of the school’s forest resources faculty for 19 years from 1980 to 1998, before moving to serve as the Director of the Forest Resources Institute at Stephen F. Austin State University from 1998 to 2012. Kathryn Fernholz is a forester by training and has a wealth of forest certification knowledge and experience. She has developed and managed group certification projects for family forests and worked to increase local capacity to provide forest management and marketing services that are compatible with certification standards. In her role at Dovetail Partners, she has written, researched and presented on the topics of forest certification standards, sustainable forest management and best practices. She is also an experienced forest certification lead auditor. Chris Davidson is the Team Leader for the Endangered Species Program for the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Arkansas Ecological Services Field Office. He received his B.S. in Fisheries and Wildlife Biology from Arkansas Tech and an M.S. in Aquatic Biology from Arkansas State University. He has worked for the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service and Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality. Dr. Jim Smith is an entomologist and invasive species auditor for the USDA Forest Service, Southern Region. He provides program support, technical assistance and education regarding forest and tree insect losses to National Forests, other federal agencies, and state forestry agencies in states of Arkansas and Oklahoma. Dale Starkey is a plant pathologist and Southern Forest Health Monitoring program manager for the USDA Forest Service, Southern Region. He provide program support, technical assistance and education regarding forest and tree diseases to National Forests, other federal agencies, and state forestry agencies in a six-state area. Dr. Tamara Walkingstick is associate professor of forestry and associate director of the Arkansas Forest Resources Center, through the Univesrity of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service. She serves as a resource person for extension agents, organizes and interprets forest management information, develops educational materials directed toward private forest landowners and 4-H programs.


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Throughout his career in the logging and forestry industry, James Wilson, of Rison, has always looked for opportunities to increase efficiency— operationally and financially—and help others do the same.

James Wilson

After receiving a forestry degree from the University of Arkansas at Monticello, James worked as an industry forester and equipment salesman before joining the family’s logging business in 1990. When the Logger and Education Training program started shortly thereafter, James became one of its earliest supporters and proponents. “He was one of our first ArkPro Loggers,” said George Lease, director of the Logger Education and Training program, who nominated James for this honor. “His

support of the forest products and logging sector in our state has been exemplary.”

Today, James uses his wealth of experience and connections to help the logging community as a partner in River Ridge Equipment, a new company that rebuilds and refurbishes John Deere skidders and skidder parts. This provides loggers in the state and across the country with an opportunity to increase efficiency and productivity. “James and his wife Karla have been longtime leaders in the Rison community, schools and their church, as well as in the Log A Load For Kids fundraising program for Arkansas Children’s Hospital,” Lease added. products made in PINE BLUFF, AR

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COMMUNICATOR OF THE YEAR As an Extension Forester for the Arkansas Forest Resources Center, Caroll Guffey’s work involves developing and coordinating education and outreach for a variety of audiences—county agents, natural resources managers, forest landowners and others.

Caroll Guffey

“Caroll has impacted many people throughout his career and brought about more awareness of forestry-related issues,” said Tracy Farley, who nominated him for this award. With his leadership and expertise, Caroll has been instrumental in the success

of the Arkansas Tree Farm Program, where he currently serves as chairman; the annual summer Teacher Conservation Tour; Project Learning Tree workshops; AFA’s annual meeting; and landowner education workshops and clinics.

In 2012, the Society of American Foresters selected Caroll to be a Fellow. He is also Arkansas Registered Forester, Certified Forester and Certified Arborist. He holds B.S. and M.S. forestry degrees from the University of Arkansas at Monticello.




J. Scott Rowland, RF, ACF President P.O. Box 519 202 North Pine Magnolia, AR 71754-0519 (870) 234-1167 info@neillforestry.com www.NeillForestry.com

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Allen & Ginny Nipper Allen and Ginny Nipper, of Addis, La., own Tree Farms in southwest Arkansas, and north and central Louisiana, totalling 434 acres. They are actively involved in the routine management of their land for timber production, soil and water conservation, and recreational uses. Their primary goal is to increase the value of their land (sentimentally or financially) and smoothly transition its management to their adult children. “The Nipper family stands above the average Tree Farmer by staying more active in the direct management of the property,” said Arkansas Forestry Commission County Forester Josh Smith, who nominated the Nippers for the honor. “The family does a good deal of the hands-on work and maintenance of the property that most landowners contract out or do not have done at all.” In addition to the direct management


of their Tree Farms, the Nipper family contributes a good portion of their time to improving the Tree Farm System by serving on committees, providing tours of their farms and promoting Tree Farming through their blog— LandownerLegacy.com. “The Nipper family also showed a strong commitment to preserving the heritage of their land through developing a legacy that involves all members of their family, and they promote this strategy to other Tree Farmers as well,” Smith added. Allen is a professor in the Agricultural Center at Louisiana State University. He conducts research with dairy cattle as a faculty member in the LSU AgCenter’s School of Animal Sciences. Ginny serves the family full time as a wife, mother, and grandmother, while at the same time helping manage the Tree Farm and Landowner Legacy program.

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Charles Ledbetter & Brenda Lee Charles Ledbetter and Brenda Lee, of Antoine Hardwoods, are the heart and soul of South Central Arkansas Log A Load For Kids. Under their leadership, this event has generated more than $100,000 for Arkansas Children’s Hospital (ACH) each of the last three years. As with most volunteers, personal experience with ACH motivates Charles and Brenda. “Charles allows several members of his staff to spend significant time organizing the annual event,” said Pete Prutzman, who nominated them for the honor.

“Brenda keeps the committee focused and takes care of bookkeeping.” Also, they acquire and donate auction items, chair the committee meetings and run the event. In 2008, Charles led the committee to move the event from Prescott to Arkadelphia, resulting in larger crowds and higher fundraising, even during tough times in the industry. “The South Central Arkansas Log A Load For Kids fundraiser would not be possible without ‘Mr. Charles’ and ‘Miss Brenda,’” Prutzman added.

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Shelley Flanary

Cossatot River State Park Interpreter Shelley Flanary teaches preschool through adult classes year-round and is the “go-to” resource for teachers in that area of the state, according to Acorn teacher Kathy Rusert, who nominated Flanary for the honor. Project Learning Tree (PLT) provides the focus for most of her workshops and lessons with classes. In addition, she also teaches weekend sessions for parents, troop leaders, small or large groups. Shelley will donate her time and rearrange her schedule to accommodate the needs

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of anyone who requests her expertise. In addition to teaching duties, she also takes care of the animals in the nature center and coordinates large events for the park. “Her dedication and enthusiasm for environmental education were evident from the first time I talked with her,” Rusert said. “She has attended the 4-State PLT Meeting and many trainings for park interpreters, and conducts workshops for teachers, 4-H leaders, church and school groups, and is dedicated to conserving the environment.”

The Nature Conservancy would like to thank the Arkansas Forestry Association, private landowners, and our many other friends in the timber industry for their partnership in conservation.


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Sen. Bill Sample Rep. Jeff Wardlaw AFA is pleased to honor Sen. Bill Sample, of Hot Springs, and Rep. Jeff Wardlaw, of Warren, for their work during the 2013 Legislative session on a number of important pieces of legislation. Sen. Sample sponsored one of the more high-profile pieces of legislation during the session—SB 5, now ACT 1391—that increased the forest fire protection tax from 15-cents to 20-cents per acre. The tax supports the maintenance, operation and improvement of the Arkansas Forestry Commission in its statewide program for the detection, prevention and suppression of forest fires. The bill was one of the first filed in the session and one of the last to be passed and the Senator’s vigilance on behalf of the forestry community is much appreciated. Rep. Wardlaw carried this bill in the House, in addition to the bill it was

tied to—HB 1039, now ACT 1441. It provides a sales tax exemption for utilities used by qualifying agricultural and aquaculture and horticulture equipment. Rep. Wardlaw worked with AFA to include forestry nursery units in the definition of a qualifying agriculture structure, and cooling units, collection units and irrigation equipment within the definition of qualifying aquaculture and horticulture equipment. These legislators were also supportive in another win for the timber and forest products community with the passage of SB 299, now ACT 1402. The law amends language to allow a full exemption from sales tax on the purchase of machinery, new and used equipment, and related attachments that are sold to and used primarily in the harvesting of timber. The previous law exempted the first $50,000.

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AFA’s mission is to advocate the sustainable use and sound stewardship of Arkansas’s forests and related resources to benefit the state’s forestry community and all Arkansans, today and in the future. Please encourage others to join AFA today and be part of the voice of forestry in Arkansas! www.arkforests.org


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AFA Officers

President – Ray Dillon, Deltic, El Dorado Vice President – Rhonda Hunter, Weyerhaeuser, Hot Springs Secretary – Pete Prutzman, Kingwood Forestry Services, Arkadelphia Treasurer – Ken Bragg, Resource Management Service, Sheridan

Executive Committee

Aubra Anthony, Anthony Forest Products, El Dorado Steve Anthony, Anthony Timberlands, Bearden Allen Bedell, Circle B Logging, Hot Springs David Cawein, Pinecrest Lumber-Plumerville, Fiber Resource Division-Morrilton Tom Crowder, Bragg Land Co., Little Rock Glenn Gray, Georgia-Pacific, Crossett Robert Gray, Potlatch Forest Holdings, Warren Steve Hanley, Plum Creek, Farmerville LA Allen Morgan, Hunter-Wasson Inc., Arkadelphia Wayne Owen, Crop Production Services, Monticello Frank Wilson, Wilson Bros. Lumber, Rison

AFA Program Committee

Chairman John Wainscott, Weyerhaeuser Jeff Berry, Green Bay Packaging Mary Clapp, Stevens Forestry Service Joe Friend, Arkansas Forestry Commission Caroll Guffey, Arkansas Forest Resources Center Greg Hay, Crop Production Services Ginny Nipper, Nipper Management Services Ricky O’Neill, Potlatch Rick Watts, Kingwood Forestry Services

AFA Staff

Max Braswell, Executive Vice President Jennifer Lambert Johnson, Administrative Director Anna Swaim, Communications Director Rob Beadel, Director of Forestry Education

1213 W. 4th St. Little Rock AR 72201 (501) 374-2441 www.arkforests.org

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