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Crop Production Services - Timberland Division F&W Forestry Services Green Bay Packaging Kingwood Forestry Services Neill Forestry Consultants Potlatch Corp.
Hancock Forest Management Larson & McGowin Molpus Woodlands Group LLC Resource Management Service Shelby Taylor Trucking Southwestern Energy Timber Mart-South Weyerhaeuser Premium Seedlings
Arkansas Chapter - Association of Consulting Foresters
Arkansas Community Foundation Forest Investment Associates AR Div. - Ouachita SAF International Forest Company Campbell Global, LLC L.D. Long, Inc. Farm Credit Services Neeley Forestry Service Stevens Forestry Service, Inc.
1213 W. 4th St. Little Rock AR 72201
Anthony Forest Products Arkansas Farm Bureau Federation Arkansas Forestry Commission BancorpSouth Insurance Services Brazeale Lumber Company BTG Pactual Domtar Drax Biomass Inc.
Register and pay online:
October 6-8, 2015 Arlington Resort Hotel & Spa Hot Springs, AR
‘Building Your Own Deer Factory’ with Dr. James Kroll, aka ‘Dr. Deer’
Tuesday, October 6 8:30 a.m. Golf, Hot Springs Country Club 11 a.m. Skeet and Trap, MVSA 11 a.m. Women in Forestry Art Studio Tour & Networking Noon - 5 p.m. Registration Noon - 6 p.m. Exhibitor Set-up 1 - 4 p.m. Forest Management Workshop Pellet Mill Developments Brian Reed, Zilkha Biomass Energy Hunting Leases: The Whys and Why Nots Dr. Becky McPeake, AR Forest Resources Center Forestry Ethics Caroll Guffey, AR Forest Resources Center 5 p.m. AFA Board Meeting 6 p.m. ArborGen Opening Reception 7:30 p.m. Dinner on Your Own
Arlington Resort Hotel & Spa 239 Central Ave. Hot Springs, AR 71901
Wednesday, October 7 7 a.m. Exhibitor Set-up 7 a.m. UAM Alumni Breakfast 7:30 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast 8:30 a.m. Keynote Address Andrew Baum, President & CEO, ArborGen, Inc. 9:15 a.m. Forestry Methods & Applications Barry Shiver, President & CEO, Smarter Forestry 10 a.m. Break 10:30 a.m. Demand, Delivery & Sustainability Panel D.K. Knight, Exec. Ed., Hatton-Brown Publishers Dr. Brooks Mendell, President, Forisk Consulting Marshall Thomas, Exec. President, F&W Forestry Noon Plum Creek Luncheon U.S. Rep. Bruce Westerman (invited) 1 p.m. Regulatory Issues Panel Moderator - Roby Brock, River Rock Comm. Joe Hopkins, Pres., Forest Landowners Assn. Bill Imbergamo, Executive Director, FFRC Jack Arnold, USFWS 2:30 p.m. Break 3 p.m. Building Your Own Deer Factory Dr. James Kroll, aka ‘Dr. Deer’ 6 p.m. Deltic Bluegrass & BBQ Dinner Hot Springs Farmers & Artisans Market
Call (501) 374-2441 or email Jennifer Lambert Johnson at
Thursday, October 8 8 a.m. Awards Breakfast 11 a.m. Door Prizes, Silent Auction Results, Adjourn
AFA MEMBER Early Bird Registration (by 9/7) – $160 AFA Member Registration (after 9/7) – $175 NON-MEMBER Early Bird Registration (by 9/7) – $200 AFA Non-Member Registration (after 9/7) – $215
Rate: Group: Deadline: Phone:
$99 - single/double AFA Annual Meeting September 7 1-800-643-1502
Includes forest management workshop, sessions, meals and breaks. You may purchase additional tickets for a spouse/guest(s).
Register and pay online: Name: Company:
Tuesday’s forest management workshop qualifies for 2.5 Cat 1 CFE hours and 1 hour of Forestry Ethics.
City: ST: ZIP:
Wednesday’s sessions qualify for 7 Cat 1 CFE hours.
Acorn Forestry ArborGen Arkansas Board of Registration for Foresters Arkansas Community Foundation Arkansas Forestry Commission Arkansas Forest Resources Center Construction Safety Products Crop Production Services - Timberland Division DataScout, LLC Davis DuBose Knight Forestry & Real Estate PLLC Dow AgroSciences International Forest Company Landmark Spatial Solutions LLC Molpus Woodlands Group LLC Outdoor Underwriters Pearl River Nursery Plum Creek Red River Specialties Superior Forestry Service Inc. UA Division of Agriculture Arkansas Forest Resources Center UAM School of Forestry and Natural Resources USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Vera Lloyd Presbyterian Family Services Weyerhaeuser Premium Seedlings
Spouse/Guest Name: Q ty. Cost Subtotal • AFA Member Early Bird (by 9/7) $160 $
Member Registration (after 9/7) $175 $
• AFA Non-Member Early Bird (by 9/7) $200 $
Non-Member Registration (after 9/7) $215 $
q Please check if you WILL ATTEND the forest management wkshp q Please check if you WILL ATTEND the Women in Forestry event • Forest Management Workshop ONLY $ 25 $ • Skeet and Trap Shooting (lunch, shells) $ 60 $ • Golf (green fees, cart, lunch, prizes) $ 85 $ • Spouse/Guest – Opening Reception $ 25 $ • Spouse/Guest – Barbecue $ 25 $ • Spouse/Guest – Awards Breakfast $ 25 $ Total $ Mail form and payment to: AFA Annual Meeting or fax to (501) 374-6413 1213 W. 4th St. Little Rock, AR 72201 Credit Card Information: q Visa q MasterCard q American Express Name on card: Card number: Exp. date: CVV: Billing ZIP: