for your husband
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Lord, I pray that you would lead my husband so that he could lead our family in your will. Give Him discernment. Bestow upon him wisdom and help him to make wise decisions for our family. Thank you for all that you have already guided us through, for all the blessings you have already given. Lead me Lord, help me to humbly submit before you.
arkinthedesert com
Lord, I pray that you would give my husband strength. Help him to not grow weary from the trials we face in this world. Give him endurance to provide, protect and love our family, though the days are long. Thank you for not growing tired, for being the perfect protector and covering us in your perfect love. Thank you for renewing my strength.
arkinthedesert com
God, I pray that you would give my husband courage, courage to do your will, to seek you in all things, to stand strong against temptations and trials. Help him to speak truth into my life as he leads us. Help him to call out lies and disbeliefs so that we might know you more. Thank you for speaking truth into our lives, Holy Spirit and calling out the lies we believe.
arkinthedesert com
Jesus, I pray that you would fill my husband’s heart with your love. Help him to more fully know the love that you have lavished upon him. Soak his soul in your grace so that he may be able to extend it to those around him revealing your ways. Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross, pouring out your love on me and redeeming me.
arkinthedesert com
Holy Spirit convict my husband of his sin, help him to see his weakness and know his great need so that he may lean into you, so that he may draw strength from you and not himself. Cover him in your righteousness, so that he would not feel shame or guilt over what he has done, but rest in the forgiveness that has been extended and grace that has been given to him. Thank you for convicting my own heart of my sins. Help me to forgive as you have forgiven me.
arkinthedesert com
Lord I pray that you would give my husband peace, the peace that surpasses all understanding. Suffocate his worries and drown out his fears so that he may rest in you and you alone. Help him to stand on you, to draw from you and not of his own will. Quiet his thoughts, quiet his concerns so that he may not be anxious for tomorrow but enjoy today. Thank you Lord for giving me peace, for supplying me with what I need for today.
arkinthedesert com
Jesus, anchor my husband in your truth. Encourage his heart to seek you, to spend time with you in prayer, in your word and in stillness. Strengthen his time with so that he would find satisfaction in you and you alone. Help him not to wander or seek truth elsewhere but only in you. Thank you Lord for giving us your word, for entering into our messy lives and for growing our faith. Anchor me in you, so that I too may seek you and find satisfaction in you and you alone.
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