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ARL Advocates for Animals in Massachusetts

The 2021-2022 Massachusetts legislative session began in January and with it, renewed optimism to strengthen animal protection laws in the Commonwealth. The previous session was paused due to the COVID-19 crisis, as the State House doors were shuttered and lawmakers understandably narrowed their focus to help guide residents through the pandemic. Unfortunately, no animal protection laws were passed. While it is unclear how this legislation session will proceed, a number of animal-related bills have been filed and ARL is once again ready to advocate on behalf of animals. With the support of the entire ARL organization, we have assembled our legislative agenda, which will guide our advocacy efforts. Below is a summary of the key pieces of legislation that ARL will support during the 2021-2022 legislative session.

Preventing Animal Cruelty and Neglect An Act protecting the health and safety of puppies and kittens in cities and towns (SD.1471/HD.3979)


This bill would prohibit sales of puppies and kittens under 8-weeks-old, prohibit roadside sales, establish statewide regulations for kennels, and clarify that dogs and cats are not livestock.

An Act to regulate pet daycare facilities in cities and towns, aka Ollie's Law (HD.3356)

Filed after the tragic death of a Labradoodle named Ollie at a daycare facility, this bill would require regulations of facilities that provide dog daycare and boarding.

Increasing Awareness and Action An Act enhancing the issuance of citations for cruel conditions for animals (SD.1645/HD.2247)

Initially filed after the 2016 Westport case, this bill would define cruel conditions and appropriate shelter for most animals. It also creates a civil citation, allowing intervention before cruelty rises to the level of felony charges.

Keeping Pets and People Together An Act to maintain stable housing for families with pets in an economic crisis and beyond (SD.1248/HD.2778)

Prohibits evictions on the presence of a pet through COVID-19 crisis and for a short time after. Prohibits landlords from refusing rental based on dog breed, as well as prohibits insurance companies from refusing coverage, canceling, or increasing rates based on dog breed.

To see ARL’s Legislative Agenda in its entirety, visit arlboston.org/our-work/legislative-agenda. For more information or to get involved, please contact Allison Blanck at ablanck@arlboston.org


Nine things to consider before you board your pet

SEE FOR YOURSELF: Can you see the kennels and common areas where your animal will be boarded? During your pet’s stay, can you check on them remotely via webcam?

SOUND THE ALARM: Does the facility have a written emergency response procedure in the event of fire, power outage, or other disaster? Does the kennel have working fire and carbon monoxide detectors, sprinkler systems, and a back-up power generator?

LICENSE, PLEASE: Does the kennel have a current operating license issued by a local city or town? According to the license, how many animals can be boarded at one time? How many animals are currently housed? IN CASE OF A MEDICAL EMERGENCY Are you contacted if your animal experiences an unexpected medical condition or injury? Is there a veterinarian on staff, or does the facility have a veterinarian on call? Do you sign a waiver giving permission to have your animal treated?

TLC: What is the ratio of staff to animals? Is there 24-hour on-site supervision? If not, are animals monitored by video camera? What training or experience does the staff caring for animals have? SOCIAL CIRCLE Do dogs play together in common areas? Are these play groups supervised at all times? Are dogs grouped together by size and/or temperament? Can you choose to have your dog not participate in group activities? INFECTION PRECAUTIONS Does the facility require up-to-date vaccination records for all boarders? What documentation is required for your pet to be admitted? FELINE FRIENDS Does the facility allow cats? Are they separated from the sight and noise of dogs?

GET IT IN WRITING: Will the facility give you written documentation of their procedures or confirmation of any special requests for your pet?

To see ARL’s Legislative Agenda in its entirety, visit arlboston.org/our-work/legislative-agenda. For more information or to get involved, please contact Allison Blanck at ablanck@arlboston.org

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