Creating more
Creating more with Evanthia Since 2013 Evanthia is a strong brand with a clear focus on breeding, propagation, seed production of ornamentals for growers of cut flowers, pot and bedding plants and tropical plants. We would like to introduce you to our latest product range. This product range is the result of years of collaboration between our specialists in seed production, breeding and propagation. They are constantly working on new varieties in our range of seeds and young plants.To a large extent these products have been developed with our own genetics. In our modern laboratories and greenhouses in Monster we translate market opportunities to new products. This is a big advantage for the professional grower: with unique products professional growers have a unique position in the market.
Our range comprises: •
Cut flowers Cut flowers from seed are the major focus point of Evanthia. In this brochure we highlight the ornamentals on which our breeders have worked with dedication and passion for over 25 years.
Pot and bedding plants Our complete delivery program stretches far beyond the selections shown in this brochure. Evanthia supplies top products of all major breeding companies in the world.
(Un-) rooted cuttings Supply of cuttings is an important part of our business. For rooted and unrooted cuttings of many popular bedding varieties for the retail market , please contact us.
Tropical seeds and plants
Seed technology
On the following pages we will introduce you to all our products. We wish you a lot of growth, in collaboration with Evanthia!
Nico Grootendorst Director Evanthia
Disclaimer The photographs and descriptions in this catalogue are for general information and illustration only. Sowing details, planting times and cultural instructions are indicative, based on West European conditions and in some cases specific for the Netherlands. They are to be used for general guidance, and must be interpreted and adapted to your specific climatic conditions. No guarantee is given for the result of the crop, nor is liability accepted for the consequences of applying the indications given.
Creating more
Table of contents About Evanthia............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Cut flowers Antirrhinum.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Brassica......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Celosia........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Big Ben Series............................................................................................................................................................................................................10 Lisianthus....................................................................................................................................................................................................................12 Tanacetum..................................................................................................................................................................................................................15 Matthiola.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................16 Dianthus......................................................................................................................................................................................................................18 Panicum.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................20 Tagetes........................................................................................................................................................................................................................20
Pot and bedding Helianthus .................................................................................................................................................................................................................21 Lobelia . ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................22 Laurentia ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................22 Salvia ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................22 Bellis............................................................................................................................................................................................................................23 Mimulus......................................................................................................................................................................................................................23 Lewisia.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................24
Seed Technology Cleaning......................................................................................................................................................................................................................25 Pelletizing...................................................................................................................................................................................................................25 Coating........................................................................................................................................................................................................................25 Results.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................25
Tropical Seeds & Plants Tropical Seeds............................................................................................................................................................................................................26 Tropical Plants...........................................................................................................................................................................................................26
Contact information Sales Team..................................................................................................................................................................................................................27
Creating more
Antirrhinum majus F1 Antirrhinum, or Snapdragon, is one of the most important summer cut flowers from seed world wide. It requires a cool growing temperature, and can be cultivated year-round or as an in-between crop. From planting to flowering the culture takes 10 to 24 weeks, depending on the cultivation method. The market share of Snapdragons could easily be improved by increasing the year-round supply to the flower trade or auction. For Antirrhinum bred in the United States, a classification of the different series into groups was introduced, based on American climate zones. These groups represent the best cultivation period in the year. Translated into Northern European conditions, follow this classification as stated below. Group IV is suitable for both in- and outdoor planting.
Classification Group I
winter planting
(NL wk 44 - 52)
Group I – II
autumn planting
(NL wk 32 – 36)
Group II
early spring planting
(NL wk 48 - 9)
Group III
spring planting
(NL wk 8 - 33)
Group IV
summer planting
(NL wk 15 - 30)
Animation series I-II Animation is a renowned series for year round cut flower production. It is especially suited for cool greenhouse production, early in the season. The series has been developed under continental climatic conditions and is a very reliable crop. Animation has long, well-built flower spikes on strong stems with only limited side-branching. The series is very uniform, 80-100 cm high and the different colours in the series have a very uniform flowering time. Like the Costa series, Animation is an excellent in-between cut flower crop as well. 10288859
Animation Deep Orange
Animation Orange
Animation Pink Impr.
Animation Rose
Animation Velvet Red
Animation White
Animation Yellow Impr.
Animation Mix
10288859 Animation Deep Orange
10288869 Animation Pink Impr.
10288870 Animation Rose
10288868 Animation Velvet Red
10288886 Animation White
10288892 Animation Yellow Impr.
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Costa I-II The classification system as mentioned earlier is not quite applicable for our Costa series. Costa is versatile; it fits into various planting periods. It produces a solid, well-formed flower spike on a sturdy stem, even when light conditions are less favorable. This range has been bred under Dutch climatic conditions. It is a uniform, undemanding and reliable culture. 10280007
Costa Apricot
Costa Deep Rose
Costa Light Rose
Costa Mildly White
Costa Rose
Costa Silver
Costa Velvet
Costa White
10280007 Costa Apricot
10282050 Costa Midly White
10281071 Costa Silver
10281068 Costa Rose
10280005 Costa Velvet
10281087 Costa White
10151187 Costa Summer White Impr.
10151191 Costa Summer Yellow Impr.
Costa Summer III-IV Costa Summer has the same characteristics as the Costa series, but is intended for spring and summer plantings, both in the greenhouse and outdoors. 10151101
Costa Summer Appleblossom
Costa Summer Ivory Impr.
Costa Summer Lavender Impr.
Costa Summer Orange Impr.
Costa Summer Pink Impr.
Costa Summer Rose Impr.
Costa Summer Velvet Impr.
Costa Summer White Impr.
Costa Summer Yellow Impr.
10151136 Costa Summer Ivory Impr.
Creating more
10151162 Costa Summer Pink Impr.
10151168 Costa Summer Rose Impr.
10151182 Costa Summer Velvet Impr.
Brassica Oleracea F1 (Ornamental Cabbage)
Empire Series Many years of breeding have resulted in a top selection in Ornamental cabbage, valued for the following qualities, important to the grower: desirable stem length and disease tolerance. Thanks to the appealing appearance, the excellent keeping qualities and vase life, our Brassica gained popularity and has become an important ‘cut flower’ in the Netherlands. We offer an unrevealing selection in our assortment; varieties with flat, wavy, curled, or fringed leaves, crop forming or waterlily -shaped heads, with interesting colour combinations, suitable for early or late culture. The presence of several bold Brassica ‘flower heads’ in a mixed bouquet or flower arrangement give the entire creation a more stunning, modern effect. Retailers in the United Kingdom even offer mixed bouquets of just different types of Brassica. All our cultivars have been selected for both cool greenhouse and outdoor production. They have a better tolerance to fungi such as like white mold (Sclerotinia) and clubroot (Mycosphaerella) than other varieties in the market. The stem easily reaches a length of 80 cm. Planting is possible from late winter until late summer (NL February to late August). By using different production methods, the size of the crop as well as the supply period can be significally influenced. A general indication is given below. Denser sowing or planting requires less leaf stripping and leads to a smaller size of the crop. Lower temperatures result in more intenser colouring.
Outdoor culture
Greenhouse culture
sow mid to late spring
plant late summer
(NL week 18-22)
(NL week 31 – 34)
density 80-100/m2
density 65-70/m2
harvest until end of autumn
harvest end of autumn to
(NL mid Nov)
mid winter (NL week 47 – 4)
Empire Series 11189001
Empire Agathana
Empire Akilina
Empire Alexandra
Empire Katinka
Empire Katya
Empire Ksenia
Empire Anna
Empire Kysia
Empire Antonina
Empire Luba
Empire Arina
Empire Olga
Empire Bogdana
Empire Vera
Empire First Lady
11189941 Empire Katya
11189001 Empire Agathana
11189998 Empire Olga
11185814 Empire Luba
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11185812 NEW Empire Akilina (crenulated) White heart surrounded by blue green fringed leaves. Early, smaller type with good field performance.
11181700 Empire Antonina (crenulated) White, waterlily-type head.
11189907 Empire Bogdana (crenulated) Rosy-red, wavy leaves, cropforming.
11181704 Empire Katinka (crenulated) White/green, fringed leaves, bushy type
11189943 NEW Empire Kysia (crenulated) Rose heart, fringed leaves, slightly shorter stems. Especially suited for early culture.
11189998 NEW Empire Luba (round) Salmon rose, flat leaves, marbled foliage.
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11181703 NEW Empire Arina (crenulated) White heart surrounded by green fringed leaves. For later harvest.
11186145 Empire First Lady (crenulated) Red heart surrounded by deep green fringed leaves
11189941 Empire Katya (crenulated) Deep pink, late colouring, curled leaves, bushy type. Trouble free crop for late harvest, also outdoors.
11189942 Empire Ksenia (crenulated) Pink, fringed leaves, crop forming, very uniform. Mid to late type, earlier colouring than Katya.
11189998 Empire Olga (round) Purple rose, flat leaves, stretched head on tall stems. Top variety for large scale, trouble free production.
11189987 Empire Vera (round) Light rose, flat leaves, waterlilytype head, marbled foliage.
11189001 Empire Agathana (round) White, flat leaves, compact, crop forming, no stretching. Excellent variety, suitable for late sowings and (very) late harvest.
11185818 Empire Alexandra (round) White heart surrounded by green flat leaves, waterlily type head
11185820 Empire Anna (round) White, flat leaves, attractive type.
Celosia argentea cristata
Act series Looking for a cut flower with special appeal and an extraordinary short cultivation time? Celosia Act is the answer. Our Celosia Act series is market leader in the Netherlands. The exotic brightness of the flowers appeals to consumers world wide. Thanks to the extremely short cultivation time, uniform plant development and better resistance to Botrytis and Fusarium, the cut flower production of the Act series has strongly increased over the past years. The flat triangular flower combs of some 15 cm are topped with a broad curly edges. They are borne on long, unbranched stems of approximately 130 cm tall. Act series is available in 7 colours, with more to follow. Celosia prefers warm growing conditions and is, therefore, best grown in the greenhouse in Western Europe. Sowing time is mid winter to mid summer, harvesting from spring to the end of autumn. Cultivation time is 8 to 13 weeks from transplant. It can be harvested over a long period of time. PVP Plant Variety Protection and PBR Plant Breeders’ Rights - reproduction is prohibited 11682082
Act Dara velvet
Act Enda
Act Inca
Act Orla
deep orange
Act Rima
Act Verde
Act Vida
Act Zara
Act Mix
11682082 Act Dara velvet
11682092 Act Inca yellow
11682068 Act Rima rose
11682014 Act Zara orange
Act Verde green
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Bora series Bora takes 3 weeks longer to produce than the Act series. It has a broader comb, is more robust in plant habit and less susceptible to Thrips than most other varieties in the market. It has an even longer vase life when compared to the Act series due to its extremely tough stems. PVP Plant Variety Protection and PBR Plant Breeders’ Rights reproduction prohibited 11682011
Bar Bora (Purple)
Bar Bossa (Champagne)
11682011 Bar Bora (Purple)
11682012 Bar Bossa (Champagne)
Captain series The Captain series has large globular flower heads. When compared to other ‘brain type’ Celosia series in the market, the production time of Captain is much shorter. Best sown late spring for flowering 10 to 12 weeks later. The yield per m2 is somewhat lower due to its more robust growth.
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Captain Dark Rose
Captain Red (dark leaved)
Captain Scarlet
Captain Dark Orange
Campanula Medium F1
Big Ben Series NEW Best assets of this striking new cut flower are the short cultivation period of 10 to 13 weeks after planting and the possibility of almost year round production, essential for large-scale supply to the market. Big Ben is rapidly becoming very popular. Further Big Ben benefits are the tall stems of 60-70 cm topped with attractive, upward-facing bell-shaped flowers, uniform in growth, easily harvested, high-yielding as well as a very long vase life. The Big Ben series withstands many different climatic conditions, although extreme cold and hot weather must be avoided. In the young plant stage 8-hour short day conditions are required in order to secure sufficient stem length. When planted (6 to 8 weeks after sowing), the plants need 16-hour long days or supplemental lighting. Big Ben is suitable for both field and (unheated) greenhouse production and is harvested over a longer period.
Big Ben series 11622015
medium Big Ben Dark Blue 8405 #e
medium Big Ben Lavender #e
medium Big Ben Rose #e
medium Big Ben White #e
11622015 Big Ben Dark Blue
11600000 Big Ben Lavender
11622069 Big Ben Rose
Big Ben Deep Blue is a fast growing, very uniform. Intense deep Blue coloring
Big Ben Lavender is an intense Lavender coloring flower. Very uniform
Big Ben Pink has unique size flower bells.
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Lisianthus Being the first in Europe to start breeding Lisianthus 18 years ago, we developed a splendid cut flower Lisianthus assortment, for year round production, for the home market and export. Characteristics of our varieties: attractive flowers, sturdy stems, sufficient stem length, masses of flowers and buds in the top, reliability in the culture – also when grown in warmer regions. A wide range of types and colours is available as well as massive experience that we share with cut flower growers and consumers. When grown in the Netherlands (with the right greenhouse – conditions, including intense assimilation lighting) the flowers are fully developed in 8 to 12 weeks after transplant. Height is approx. 75 cm. The right harvest stage is when 3 to 5 flowers are fully opened.
Classification The assortment has been divided into groups, indicating the most favourable production period. Under West European conditions and under ‘natural cultivation’ (without extra light) the classification is as follows: Group I
winter planting
(NL week 44 to week 8)
Group II
spring planting
(NL week 9 to week 26)
Group III
summer planting
(NL week 16 to week 26)
F1 Cessna III Medium to large double flowers in a wide colour range, stem length 75 cm. Very uniform plant habit and flowering time, also within the range. Very reliable and high-yielding series. 12361305
Cessna Blue
Cessna Deep Rose
deep rose, dark center
Cessna Rose
mid rose
Cessna Red
rosy red with red-tinted buds
Cessna Vogue
cherry red with white center,
Cessna Green
Cessna Yellow Impr.
Cessna Pure White
pure white, large flowers
Cessna White Impr.
pure white, medium-sized, fuller flowers
Cessna White No. 3
pure white, slightly more robust
Cessna Blue picotee
white with blue aquarelle petal edge
Cessna Rose Picotee
white with soft rose blush on the edge
12361305 Cessna Blue
12361366 Cessna Rose
12361350 Cessna Green
12361386 Cessna Pure White
12361364 Cessna Rose Picotee
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Adom F1 III A high standard strain with large single flowers in unique colours. Stem length easily reaches 75 cm. The culture takes slightly longer (10-14 days) than other varieties. 12369998
Adom Deep Red
intense rosy red onbroad, wavy petals
Adom Red Picotee
white with distinct rosy red edge
12369998 Adom Deep Red
12369972 Adom Red Picotee
Stand Alone 12362084 Asenka F1 III
deep purple blue, single flowers
12369975 Carice Lavender F1III
rich lavender, medium-sized,
single flowers
12360080 Castor White F1 III-IV
white, medium-sized single flowers,
mid season and late plantings
12360064 Colorado Purple Impr. II
large single purple flowers
12360070 Curly Panther F1 I
mid rose single flowers, early season
12360075 Cynthia F1 White I – II
very early flowering type, tulip-shaped
flowers with slightly fringed petal
edges, very tidy and upright habit
12360046 Lilac Shadow F1 I – II
large single flowers with a unique
silvery lilac shadow on the petalsthe
flower centre is white
12360045 Milac Shadow F1 I – II
small-flowered, single, tulip-shaped
white with lilac blush and edge
12360991 Ophira F1 III
large and fullydouble flowers with
moon yellow colour
12361549 Odina F1 #e
Misty blue type
12361774 Peach Revelation
Large double flower with
Salmon peach color
12362084 Asenka F1 III
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12360991 Ophira F1 III
12361549 Odina
12361774 Peach Revelation
F1 Minilisi II Minilisi is a versatile cut flower with an abundance of small blooms and buds. The series includes single and double flowered as well as picotee varieties. Height 70 cm. Uniform flowering time, also within the series. When using growth regulators it also has a high potential as pot plant. 12360964
Minilisi® Blue Double
Minilisi® Rose Double
Minilisi® White Double
Minilisi® Blue Single
Minilisi® Pink Single
Minilisi® Rose Single
Minilisi® White Single
12360968 Minilisi® Rose Double
12360965 Minilisi® Blue Single
12360969 Minilisi® Pink Single
12360967 Minilisi® Rose Single
12360988 Minilisi® White Single
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Tanacetum parthenium
Amazone and Baya Years of breeding and long experience with Tanacetum cultivation have led to these successful cut flower selections. Two top varieties are Amazone and Baya which have proven themselves in the market. They are valued only for their attractive flowers, but even more for their ‘operational safety’. They produce a large number of first quality, uniform flower stems, have a better tolerance to disease and can thrive with less favourable climatic conditions. Tanacetum can be grown year round, 5 to 6 crops per year, provided that assimilation light is available. It requires a minimum of 12 hours of light. The production period varies between 8 and 12 weeks from transplant.
Double-flowered type with fully double yellow flower
Scentless selection with multiple small, pure white
buttons of approx. 2 cm across. Excellent plant habit,
snowball type flowers of almost 2 cm across, held
sufficient stem length and good foliage quality. Height
above lacy foliage. Uniform in growth, flowering time
60-80 cm.
and quality. Height 60-80 cm.
18180001 Amazone
18180004 Baya®
PVP Plant Variety Protection - reproduction prohibited
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Matthiola incana (Stock) Matthiola (Stock) is a cool weather cut flower with highly scented flower spikes in attractive colours on non-branched sturdy stems. Evanthia’s breeding of Matthiola is focussed on high quality strains suitable for both early and late plantings, thus extending supply to the florist market. The Centum and Jordyn series are both perfect for production in the cooler (Dutch and West European) climate. They will do equally well in other cool regions in the world. •
The Jordan series is bred for early to mid season plantings.
Centum performs best in winter and late season plantings.
The Coselja series is for summer plantings and cultivation in warm areas.
Culture For cool areas we recommend sowing to late spring at the latest (NL plant week 20-22) for harvesting mid summer (NL week 30). Too high temperatures and light intensity have a negative influence on the bud forming. For warmer regions, it is recommended sowing late summer for harvesting approx. 12 weeks later, or sowing in autumn for cutting late winter. For a long vase life the optimum cutting stage is when the first 4 to 5 flowers have opened.
Centum series Centum series performs well in winter to late spring plantings (NL plant week 6 - 22) for flowering in spring and early summer due to its higher tolerance to warmth and light intensity. Centum series is renowned for its well-built flower spikes, heavy stem quality and bright colour range. Height is 60 cm. 15541010
Centum Carmine
Centum Cream
Centum Deep Rose
Centum Deep Blue
Centum Lavender
Centum Red
Centum Rose
Centum Soft Pink
Centum Violet
Centum White
15541014 Centum Deep Blue
15541046 Centum Lavender
15541068 Centum Rose
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Jordyn series Earliness has been the breeding focus of the Jordyn series. Jordyn has an excellent plant habit and high quality flower spikes of 60 cm. When planted in early winter (NL week 48) it will flower mid spring (NL April). When planted in spring (NL up to week 18) it will flower 7 to 9 weeks later. 15541203
Jordyn Salmon
Jordyn Deep Rose
Jordyn Cherry Blossom
Jordyn Lavender
Jordyn Cream
Jordyn Red
Jordyn Deep Blue
Jordyn White
15541211 Jordyn Cream
15541268 Jordyn Deep Rose
15541286 Jordyn White
Coselja series Coselja is a cross-breeding between a European and a Japanese Stock type. The foliage is darker green and more elliptic and the flowers a bit larger. The stems are taller, up to 75-80 cm. Depending on the culture Coselja is 2 to 3 weeks later to flower when comparred to the other Matthiola series described. Coselja Salmon
CoseljaAntique Rose
Coselja Carmine
Coselja Rose
Coselja Deep Rose
Coselja White
Coselja Lavender
Coselja Yellow
15540870 Coselja Salmon
15540810 Coselja Carmine
15540814 Coselja Deep Rose
15540868 Coselja Rose
15540886 Coselja White
Milla series A brand new selection for early plantings. Milla series is very uniform, has an excellent flower quality and grows 5
to 10 cm taller than other series. A promising new series, now consisting of three colours, and more to follow. 15532003
Milla Salmon
Milla Lavender
Milla White
15532003 Milla Salmon
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15532045 Milla Lavender
15532087 Milla White
Dianthus barbatus
Barbienne series Barbienne, a high class biennial series of Sweet William for cut flower productionseries. As to earliness and stem quality, Barbienne is comparable to Barbarella F1 hybrid. Consequently, it is one of the earliest series to flower in springtime. It is high yielding, cost effective series, has sufficient stem length (50-80 cm) and joyful colours. Other important assets of Barbienne are the uniformity in flowering time and a the better tolerance to rust than compared to standard series. It requires cold for flower induction. Cut flower cultivation is mostly done in cool greenhouse or tunnel. Outdoor culture, although it may be somewhat risky in early spring, is also possible. planting
late summer/early autumn (NL week 38 – 42)
late winter to mid spring(NL end of Feb to mid May)
Barbienne series 11830508
Barbienne Burgundy
Barbienne Apple Blossom
Barbienne Deep Red
Barbienne Scarlet
Barbienne Red White
Barbienne Violet
Barbienne Pink
Barbienne White
Barbienne Mix
11830506 Barbienne Red White
11830587 Barbienne White
11830551 Barbienne Apple Blossom
11830508 Barbienne Burgundy
11830568 Barbienne Deep Red
11830566 Barbienne Pink
11830570 Barbienne Scarlet
11830546 Barbienne Violet
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Freesia hybrida
Royal Crown NEW Extra largeflowered, highly fragrant Freesia Royal Crown is available in bright colours. Rows of funnel-shaped flowers are borne on long, strong stems of approx. 45 cm. Suited both for cut flower production and ornamental plantings in large pots and flower beds. In the second season from seed the flower stems will have sufficient length. In the first season flowering will be moderate and stems will be rather short. In colder climates Freesia is grown as indoor plants in containers or as temporary outdoor garden plants. If a mobile greenhouse is available, or if trays and pots are used, the culture of Freesia from seeds very often fits in with the crop planning. Supply is in seeds, hence virusfree, which is a big advantage over vegetatively propagated material. Freesia is a half-hardy bulbous perennial that thrives in warm temperatures. 12486665
Royal Crown blue F:1
Royal Crown Formula mix
Royal Crown red F:1
Royal Crown rose F:1
Royal Crown white F:1
Royal Crown yellow F:1
12486665 Royal Crown Blue
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12486669 Royal Crown Yellow
12486667 Royal Crown Rose
12486668 Royal Crown White
Royal Crown mix
Panicum virgatum
Fontaine One of the ornamental grasses in our assortment. Very attractive filler for bouquets with strong stems and airy clouds of tiny green red tinged spikelets. Height 60 cm. 16348424
16348424 Fontaine
Tagetes erecta f1
Nosento limegreen One Scentless African Marigold with fully double, greenish yellow flowers and deep green foliage. Nosento can be grown in cold or heated greenhouse as well as outdoors for continuous cut flower supply throughout the summer. It requires a sowing temperature of at least 15-20ยบC. For greenhouse production, it is recommended to start with young plants or plugs. Pinching, although not required, will give several good quality stems per plant of approx. 70 cm tall. Harvest when the flowers are open. Transport with care as stems may break because of their heavy weight. Vase life of Nosento is almost 3 weeks. 18185850
Nosento Limegreen
18185850 Nosento Limegreen
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Pot and bedding plants Our complete delivery program stretches far beyond the selections shown in this brochure. Evanthia supplies top products of all major breeding companiess in the world. For a better view and more information about varieties you are interested in, please check our website, or contact our product specialists. Some special varietis of our own breeding are highlighted on this page. One of the moste important is our pot Helianthus Sunsation.
Helianthus annuus F1 dwarf
Sunsation We are very proud to announce that two of our Sunsation pot sunflower colours won an AGM award in the UK RHS (Royal Horticultural Society) competition of 2015. This Award of Garden Merit is only given to varieties of proven gardenworthiness. Sunsation is a large flowered, pollen free F1 hybrid with black center, multiple flower buds in the top and dark green, glossy foliage. The compact plants are grown in 12 cm pots. Because of its compact habit, Sunsation needs only little growth regulators, which is of benefit to the environment. Moreover, the cultivation time is only 10 - 11 weeks, being much shorter when compared to other series. Depending on the culture, the height of the plants is 35 – 45 cm. The plants have good keeping qualities and show an excellent garden performance. In the Netherlands, Sunsation is market leader for pot Helianthus. 15 growers of pot Sunflowers have joined forces; together they take care of a steady supply of Sunsation to the market. Quality monitoring and marketing are effected in close co-operation with Evanthia. An idea for you and your grower group? Read more about the Sunsation partnership on 23180059
Sunsation® Yellow
Sunsation® Lemon
Sunsation® Flame
23180059 Sunsation® Yellow
23180060 Sunsation® Lemon
23180057 Sunsation® Flame
Helianthus annuus dwarf
Choco Sun Choco Sun is a stunning bicolour pot sunflower, yellow with dark center. It is a branching type with strong leaves, resulting in an attractive plant with a good shelf life and outstanding garden performance. Coco Sun has a short cultivation time and is, when grown with blackout, very uniform. Due to its compact plant habit the yield per m2 is high. Choco sun grows slightly taller than Sunsation. 23180058 Choco Sun
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Choco Sun
Lobelia erinus
Blue Jeans Blue Jeans is the best blue Lobelia in the market. This bedding plant has an excellent garden performance. Bred for professional greenhouse culture, it is earlier to flower than standard varieties. The compact plants are covered with attractive blue blooms. Height is 10-15 cm. Blue Jeans has a short production period of 8 to 11 weeks. 25283706
Blue Jeans
25283706 Blue Jeans
Laurentia axillaris
Comco Blue Lavender-blue stars on pretty green ferny foliage. Absolutely perfect for bedding, edging, large pots and hanging baskets. Best sown in fall for spring flowering. Comco Blue flowers for almost two months, and is cut back for a second flush of blooms. Thrives in rich soils. Height approx. 25 cm. 23180058
Comco Blue
Salvia splendens
Matches Red Dense flower spikes in a splendid scarlet colour on dark green foliage. A day length neutral and early flowering bedding plant with excellent pack and garden performance. Height 20 – 25 cm. Matches Red can be sown from early spring to late summer for supply to the market 6 – 8 weeks later. This selection is genetically compact, which requires less or no growth regulators. 27264966
Matches Red
27264966 Matches Red
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Bellis perennis
Mars Two most interesting features set of the Mars series apart: ; it flowers without vernalization so it can be produced for both fall and (very) early spring sales, secondly the leaf rosette is very compact, so more plants per m² can be cultivated. The Mars series has semi double flowers with a yellow center, on short stems. Plant height is 12 cm, and flower size approx. 3 cm. We recommend Mars to be produced at cool growing temperatures without growth regulators. The Mars series has a short growing season; it is best sown in autumn for flowering plants late winter and early spring. Sow early spring for saleable plants in 10-12 weeks. 20464966
Mars Red
Mars Rose
Mars White
Mars Mixture
20464966 Mars Red
20464968 Mars Rose
20464986 Mars White
20464922 Mars Mixture
Mimulus Matador F1 Mimulus is one of the unknown pot- and bedding plants. It is a very rich-flowering plant, producing new flowers continuously. It is a great plant for mild weather areas, and not suited for hot conditions. Matador is compact, large- and early-flowering. The Matador series is available in a wide colour range and as a mixture. Matador performs very nicely in a 9 cm pot or 3 plugs in a 12 cm pot. Plug time is approx. 4 weeks. From transplanting to flower it takes 4-5 weeks. Mimulus is often referred to as the monkey flower because of its spotted, funnel shaped flowers resembling a monkey’s characteristic grin. Native to the America’s, Australia, Africa and Asia. 5079403
Orange Pastel
Ivory Blotch
Yellow Blotch
Orange Mid
Ivory Flame
Yellow Flame
Orange Pale
Wine Mid
Yellow Mid
Wine Pale
5119552 Yellow Blotch
Creating more
5089532 Yellow Flame
5079449 Wine Mid
5089510 Ivory Flame
5079425 Crimson
Lewisia cotyledon
Mountain Dreams NEW Tender-looking yet very tough dwarf rockery plant that withstands heat, drought and other severe conditions. Available in a mixture of pink shades, orange, yellow and white. Care-free and low-maintenance choice for larger garden displays, planters and pots. Mountain Dreams will flower profusely from spring to late autumn with sprays of flowers above evergreen rosettes of succulent leaves. The foliage remains green even in poor conditions. And when old flowers are removed, new flowers will show. Lewisia requires a cold period for flower induction. Easy culture for late summer or autumn sowing and sale of flowering plants from early spring to late summer.
Lewisia Mix
Lewisia White
Lewisia Pink
Lewisia Yellow
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Seed Technology We have modern facilities for breeding and propagation of seeds. High tech equipment is available for seed cleaning, processing, precision coating and pelleting. Germination tests under various conditions are done in our own laboratory. In order to ensure maximum germination, Evanthia offers seed technology, both for small and large batches.
Cleaning Cleaning and graduating seeds will enhance uniformity in germination. Evanthia mainly uses technologies based on seed characteristics as weight, size and shape of the seeds.
Pelletizing Sowing machines nowdays require mainly roundshaped seeds. Pelleting will make seeds smoother and more uniform in shape which will maximize the planting efficiency. We offer different pellets. Each seed variety has its own pellet, material, size and shape.
Coating Coating can be used for •
Upgrading of seeds
Prevention against different kinds of disease
Germination enhancement
Evanthia has a fully equipped department with seed processing specialists who run these high standard technical processes.
Results •
Better germination rate
Easier to sow
Uniform emergence and even growth
Shorter harvest time
Efficiency improvement overall
We invite you to contact us at for more information, products and prices. As said, for both small and large batches.
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Evanthia Tropical Seeds & Plants Partners in various parts of the world supply us with a large assortment of tropical seeds of carefully selected plants, suitable for use as (mostly) indoor decoration. In addition to the supply of tropical seeds we have also a nice assortment of tropical plants grown from seed that we supply in different trays sizes.
Tropical Seeds •
Asparagus various types
Eucalyptus various types
Pachypodium various types
Passiflora various types
Strelitzia various types
Cactus various types
Palms various types
Succulent various types
Tropical Plants
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Sales team When you have questions about our products for your specific conditions, then please contact our specialists. They have the knowledge you are looking for.
Nico Grootendorst Managing Director +31 6 433 59100
Leo Lievaart Sales Manager +31 174715104
Pieter Lock Account Manager Tropical plants and cuttings +31 6 43359103
Gerja van den Burg Customer Services Manager +31 174 715115
Leo Boers Product Management Manager
Peter van Noort Product Manager Zuid-Oost AziĂŤ +31 174 715115
Johan van den Boom Product Manager Cutflowers
Alex Krouwer Customer Services Cutflowers +31 174 715115
Jos Lommerse Account Manager Cutflowers +31 6 51246478
Nol Geerlings Account Manager Cutflowers +31 6 24515518
Luit Mazereeuw Account Manager Pot and bedding plants +31 6 51987205
Adri Gillissen Account Manager Zuid-Oost AziĂŤ
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Creating more opportunities with Evanthia
Evanthia Vlotlaan 560 2681 TX Monster The Netherlands Phone +31 174-715100 Fax
+31 174-417219
E-mail Web
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