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KEEP IT CLEAN Feeders should be regularly checked and washed with mild dish soap, diluted bleach, and warm water, then airdried. Doing so will not only deter the spread of disease but give you a chance to discard stale or moldy seed, so the birds are getting good, fresh food. Spend a little time cleaning up spilled seeds or hulls underneath feeders so birds aren’t tempted to ground feed where they’re in danger from predators.
SQUIRRELS NEED NOT APPLY Let’s talk about the rodent in the room — squirrels. Everything you do to attract birds is going to serve as a neon sign for these little birdseed thieves who can do all sorts of damage in your yard. Many commercially available birdfeeders come with squirrel-proof features. You can also install baffles on your feeder pole or simply grease the pole to prevent squirrels from climbing to your feeders. An added bonus is the daily Cirque du Soleil performance they’ll put on trying to circumvent your deterrents. You also need to place feeders away from anything — and I do mean anything — squirrels can use to access them.