17 minute read
Heading your way
from February 2021
Photo: City of Arlington
Via Rideshare service expands as city seeks to serve even more commuters
Arlington’s on-demand public transit service, Via Rideshare, last month expanded its service area and will soon reach all neighborhoods, shopping centers, ofces, restaurants, medical facilities and other key destinations across The American Dream City.
Over the past three years, Arlington, in partnership with Via, the leader in TransitTech, has continually expanded the Via Rideshare service area to make afordable, on-demand public transportation accessible to even more residents, employees and visitors. In 2017, Arlington and Via launched Via Rideshare and became one of the frst cities in the country to use on-demand technology as their primary public transportation solution to expand access to afordable, efcient, and convenient transit solutions. Now in its fourth year, the service continues to provide an equitable and fexible on-demand transit ofering that is free from fxed routes and schedules. Via’s platform routes passengers in real time to “virtual bus stops” within just a couple blocks for pickup and drop of, enabling multiple passengers headed in the same direction to efciently share a single vehicle.
“Every city in America is looking at ways to improve public transportation, and mayors across the country continue to recognize Arlington’s rideshare program with Via as the gold standard for transportation solutions,” Arlington Mayor Jef Williams says. “We are so excited about the citywide expansion and the diference that Via continues to make in our community. On-demand rideshare also improves overall equity here in Arlington, making sure all of our residents have costefective access to transportation so they can make it to work, appointments or shopping destinations.”
Riders can book a shared ride six days a week using a smartphone application or a dial-in phone number, 817-784-7382. The service operates between 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday through Friday and from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Saturdays.
With the citywide expansion, a new fare structure will go into efect starting Feb. 15, 2021 to better align the value of longer rides and a larger service area with the costs required to sustain the service. The new fares will be based on trip distance, with a minimum of $3 per trip for rides up to 1.5 miles in length and a maximum of $5 per ride for trips over 6 miles in length. The detailed pricing schedule is available on the City’s Via website at arlingtontx.gov/via. The exact rate will be quoted to the rider before booking a trip.
Bulletin Board Bulletin Board

A half dozen principals that can help you improve your perspective – and life
In the January issue, we shared eight life principals that helped Richard S. Czerwinski, former Chief Operating Ofcer of the real estate investment frm Sealy & Company, enjoy success in business and in life. Here are six more:
• Have balance and unity in life. An example of the opposite of unity is being on a diet and eating an ice cream sundae while saying, “Oh, am I gaining weight? I shouldn’t eat this” and worrying. Unity means doing it and enjoying it. Balance is having many aspects to your life so that if one area is going poorly you have other areas to support you. Don’t rely too heavily on one support – your boyfriend, wife, son, daughter, mother, father, job, friend – because, like a house built on one support, if something happens to that support, you’re in trouble. If your life is built on many supports and you lose one,
Rick Czerwinski with his Rick Czerwinski with his you won’t fall to pieces.
daughter Kate and his daughter Kate and his son Jack son Jack
• People are more important than things. Easy to say, hard to practice, because people let things and their desire for things control them, enslave them, take away their freedom and happiness, put them in possession prison.
• Having and pursuing goals is important and healthy as long as you focus on the steps and enjoy the journey rather than focusing on the fnal goal because its achievement is out of your control, and the goal may change due to circumstances or opportunities that may present themselves along the way.
• If you keep doing what you are doing you will keep getting what you are getting, positive or negative. The only way to change your life is to change your behavior, thoughts and perspective by having insight into yourself and awareness in every moment. There is no magic potion or white knight who will make you happier or more at peace.
• Happy people make happy friendships, marriages and other relationships. You need to learn to live with and love yourself before you can have highly successful relationships. You are responsible for your own happiness and are the only one who can make you happy. No one else or thing can give you lasting happiness.
• Nurture mind, body and soul: meditate, exercise, eat healthy and sleep.

Town Talk Foods: A new way to shop for groceries
Tom Brown, CEO of Town Talk Foods, which recently opened at 2320 S. Collins St., aptly describes every visit to the store as “a treasure hunt.” But here’s the catch, he or his staf will lead you – virtually or in person – on that journey 24/7.
“We are a unique and specialized business, and we invite you to take a tour through our website to view all of our products and services,” Brown says. “Customer satisfaction is our mission.”
That’s why you’re likely to see Brown, who grew up and lives in Arlington, personally leading customers to bargains every day. He says Town Talk can be a real life changer for people that are on tight budgets.
“I want to make a positive diference for my home town,” he says. “My hope is to allow people to buy ‘real’ food, prepare it at home and have at least the occasional family experience of dining together.” towntalkfoods.com
Your 2021 city/town representatives
Arlington City Council
Jeff Williams Mayor Helen Moise District 1 Raul H. Gonzalez District 2 Marvin Sutton District 3
Grand Prairie City Council
Andrew Piel District 4 Dr. Ignacio Nuñez District 5 Ruby Faye Woolridge District 6 Dr. Victoria Farrar-Myers District 7 Dr. Barbara Odom-Wesley District 8 Ron Jensen Mayor
Mike Del Bosque District 3 Jorja Clemson District 1
John Lopez District 4

Mansfeld City Council

Michael Evans Mayor-Place 1

Julie Short Place 5 Tamera J. Bounds Place 2 Mike Leyman Place 3
Casey Lewis Place 4 Todd Tonore
Place 6 Larry Broseh Place 7 Casey Lewis Place 4 Cole Humphreys District 5
Jeff Copeland At Large-Place 7 Jeff Wooldridge District 6
Greg Giessner At Large-Place 8
Please note: There will be a special election on Feb. 27 to fill a vacancy for an unexpired term in District 2 following the December death of councilman Jim Swafford.
Pantego City Council
Doug Davis Mayor
Fred Adair Mayor Pro Tem Don Funderlic Place 2 Mike Duncan Place 3 Russell Brewster Place 4 Don Surratt Place 5
Dalworthington Gardens City Council
Lauri Bianco Mayor John King Place 1 Steve Lafferty Place 2 Cathy Stein Place 3 Ed Motley Place 4 Joe Kohn Place 5
Keen Cuisine Keen Cuisine

Chamas do Brazil • 4606 S. Cooper St. • 817-618-2986 • chamasdobrazil2.tru-m.com Cut & Bourbon • 1600 E. Randol Mill • 682-277-4950 • loewshotels.com/live-by-loews-arlington-texas The Keg • 4001 Arlington Highlands Blvd. • 817-465-3700 • kegsteakhouse.com Mercury Chophouse • 2221 E. Lamar Blvd., Suite 910 • 817-381-1157 • mercurychophouse.com Piccolo Mondo • 829 Lamar Blvd. E. • 817-265-9174 • piccolomondo.com restaurant506 at The Sanford House • 506 N. Center St. • 817-801-5541 • restaurant506.com

Candlelite Inn • 1202 E. Division St. • 817-275-9613 • candleliteinnarlington.com Dino’s Subs • 2221 S. Collins St. • 817-274-1140 frieddaze • 5005 S. Cooper St., Suite 159 • 817-472-6666 • frieddaze.com The Grease Monkey • 200 N. Mesquite St. • 817-665-5454 • greasemonkeyburgers.com J. Gilligan’s Bar & Grill • 400 E. Abram St. • 817-274-8561 • jgilligans.com
Cartel Taco Bar • 506 E. Division St., Suite 150 • 817-200-6364 • carteltacobar.com El Arroyo • 5024 S. Cooper St. • 817-468-2557 • elarroyoarlington.com El Gabacho Tex-Mex Grill • 2408 W. Abram St. • 817-276-8160 • facebook.com/elgabachotexmex Fuzzy’s Taco Shop • 510 E. Abram St. • 817-265-8226 • 4201 W. Green Oaks Blvd. • 817-516-8226 e ie ane, Mansfeld sta os o o

La Isla Restaurant • 2201 E. Pioneer Pkwy. • 817-459-1498 • laislarestauranttx.com
Café Sicilia • 7221 Matlock Road • 817-419-2800 • cafesicilia.com
Gino’s East • 1350 E. Copeland Road • 817-200-6834 • ginoseast.com/arlington

David’s Barbecue • 2224 W. Park Row Drive, Suite H • 817- 261-9998
The Keg The Keg
Dino’s Subs Dino’s Subs
Cartel Taco Bar Cartel Taco Bar
Your soon-to-befavorite Ranger

This may sound like a shameless plug for the team I have covered and loved since 1990. In those 31 years I have never done anything like this, but I am going to shown his charm and charisma at every turn. But he is more than just an electric smile and a pretty face, so to speak. Last year Chris Woodward praised the work Jose had encourage you to go out and buy some Rangers gear. done to improve his approach at the plate.
If you do, you might just meet your soon-to-be-favorite “He’s always had that fght in the batter’s box,” Woodward Rangers player. said last August. “He’s obsessed and hungry to get better. I
Jose Trevino tweeted this last month, “@HipHipJose5 Ok think that is showing right now. And it’s a great example for I have to get this out there … If you are in the DFW area and our entire organization that you can improve, and he’s done you have a @Rangers car sticker and you hear a honk and see that in a very short amount of time.” a random guy waving ... it’s probably me ... also, if you are Catching at the big league level is one of the most difcult wearing any @Rangers gear and you hear a random guy say jobs in sports. To do it well you must manage a fve-man ‘hey go rangers’ it’s probably me.” rotation and a bullpen full of personalities; you must create a
After spending all of last season with the big league club, game plan for each game and each hitter. To do that you must Jose has been all over the Metroplex this of season. Especially study and prepare and that preparation often draws catchers to during the holidays. He had a toy drive here in North Texas the clubhouse eight hours before the game begins. and continued his huge annual toy Jose brings all of that to the table. drive in his native Corpus Christi. “We knew he was good behind He held clinics with kids at the youth the plate,” Woodward said. “He’s got academy; he served as a coach and leadership ability, and he’s relentless teacher at other guys’ clinics, like John Rhadigan in his understanding of how to pitch, when Clayton Kershaw had one in game calling and preparation. Pitchers early December. love him; they respect him. They
It was not his frst exposure to respect his game-calling ability and Clayton; during the shutdown in the THROUGHOUT the recent trust him.” spring, Kershaw returned home to offseason, the affable Jose There is no higher praise than Highland Park. Clayton was looking Trevino has been all over that for a catcher. It is all about the for major league players to throw relationship with the pitching staf. If with and to, and he reached out to the Metroplex. you master that, you get the best out of Jose. Trevino was more than happy to every pitcher, and if you get the best catch bullpen sessions from the three-time Cy Young Award out of every pitcher you give your team a chance to win every winner. But Jose and Nick Solak, among others, also got to game. take BP against Kershaw. Nick describes facing a guy who’s so So give Trevino a follow on Twitter. Go check him out on competitive that he wanted to win every at bat even during the YouTube. You also may want to get a Rangers sticker for your shutdown. Jose remembers Clayton’s electric stuf. car and some Rangers gear.
It’s almost as electric as Trevino’s smile and his personality. In fact, you may as well just go buy the #56 Jersey worn by From reading children’s books on YouTube last April (he Jose Trevino because if he is not already, he is about to become swears “The Hungry Hungry Caterpillar” is his favorite) to your favorite player. learning to rope from his teammate Taylor Hearn when the National Finals Rodeo was in town last December, Jose has
Itinerary Itinerary
SYMPHONY ARLINGTON will present a concert featuring violinist Madeline Adkins and guest conductor Juan Carlos Lomónaco (both pictured to the left) at 7:35 p.m. on Feb. 18 at Arlington Music Hall. The performance will feature works by Beethoven (“Coriolan Overture”), Mendelssohn (“Violin Concerto”), Schumann (“Overture, Scherzo and Finale”) and Prokofev (“Classical Symphony”). For more: symphonyarlington.org
TO KICK OFF Six Flags Over Texas’ 60th Anniversary season, the park is hosting its frstever Fire & Ice Winter Festival during February weekends and on Feb. 15. The park is heating things up with fre pits with s’mores throughout the park, and a spectacular freworks show every Saturday night. To cool things down, guests will be able to continue to enjoy the snow and sledding on The Frosty Snowhill, plus the all-new Fire and Ice Light Show, Dancing Fountain Show and Mystic Acres Winter Wonderland. Cuisine items will include frozen treats, as well as winter delicacies such as loaded baked potatoes and chili – plus there will be specialty cocktails at the Fire & Ice-themed bars throughout the park. Guests will be able to strike a pose at all-new snow-themed photo booths, as well as try their hand at Curling in the park’s curling rink (additional fee required).
For more: sixfags.com/overtexas/events/fre-ice-winter-festival
Arachnids, Lots of Them ... Arachnids, Lots of Them ...

The River Legacy Living Science Center will present “The Art and Science of Arachnids” through Feb. 27. The interactive exhibit features 100 live arachnids and explores their place in human culture.
Photo: River Legacy Living Science Center

The Marshall Tucker Band The Marshall Tucker Band
Arlington Music Hall will present The Marshall Tucker Band at 8 p.m. on Feb. 4. This popular Southern Rock group’s hit list includes favorites “Heard It in a Love Song,” “Can’t You See” and “Fire on the Mountain.”
Photo: marshalltucker.com

Year of the Ox Festival Year of the Ox Festival
Asia Times Square (2625 W. Pioneer Parkway in Grand Prairie) will host the Lunar New Year Festival, Year of the Ox from 10 a.m.-10 p.m. on Feb. 6-7 and Feb. 13-14. Highlights will include food and entertainment.

A lifetime passion has been fulflled

The majestic Blue Ridge Mountains spanning much of the eastern third of the country are calling. Actually, for our family, that’s been happening for generations. provides vistas across the expanse of the Blue Ridge Mountains and reveals how the Smokies got their name. I realize I’m providing somewhat of a travel log in the midst
While Arlington is our home and will always be our home, of concerns, that we share, about how such a journey would we’ve traveled back and forth on visits to the land of both sides risk exposure to the coronavirus. of my wife’s family roots for more than 50 years. We weighed that heavily against our experience of the past
Along the way on those journeys, we had often imagined three years of looking at places we might acquire. When we having a place of our own among the oldest mountain ranges found just what we wanted, we decided to fully examine how on earth. With the recent acquisition of a log cabin surrounded we could proceed exercising all the COVID-19 protocols and by them, that long-held dream has come true. precautions to keep us and others as safe as possible. Our
It is located just an hour away from the entrance to The Great realtor with whom we had worked for years in North Carolina Smoky Mountain National Park and access to the Blue Ridge and the owners who built the cabin originally were very Parkway at the Cherokee Nation in North Carolina. helpful and cooperative.
From the park entrance there you can make your way along In the process of purchasing and experiencing our new the 32-mile Newfound Gap Road – a trip, if you don’t stop cabin, we have already made new friends in the small anywhere, of two to four hours depending on trafc – that ends community where our cabin is located and acquaintances in the very busy town of Gatlinburg, Tenn. throughout the small mountain villages where the pace of
For a great many, however, the daily life is quite diferent from that of journey through the park can last all the huge metropolis back home. day or many days exploring all the We found that experience to be a wonders and wildlife among the 800 square miles of the pristine natural Richard Greene restful retreat from stresses, real and imagined, that we and just about all areas unlike those anywhere else in others we know, deal with every day. the country. Getting rejuvenated by being away
The park service tells of 384 miles THERE’S SOMETHING also brings fresh perspective and a of roadway inside the park ofering truly rejuvenating about this more positive approach to daily life a variety of experiences beyond the upon our return home. panoramic views, tumbling mountain special place a ong God’s Thanksgiving and Christmastime streams and waterfalls, weathered glorious creation. in the cabin created instant memories historic buildings, and hardwood that we were able to share with our forests stretching to the horizon. extended family. It started snowing
The park is, by far, the most visited of all the nation’s on Christmas Eve and provided a glorious White Christmas to national parks. In 2019 there were 12.5 million that came to greet us the next morning. experience all its splendor – more than twice as many as made It really did look like a Currier & Ives scene on a Christmas their way to the Grand Canyon, the second-most visited park. card. For us, it was all real and all wonderful. And, nearly three times more than traveled to the Rocky We plan on the cabin being a generational engagement for Mountain National Park. our children and grandchildren. Already, they are making it
The park service reports even more, some 15 million, that a home away from home and looking forward to all that the traveled somewhere along the 470 miles of the Blue Ridge future holds in this very special place among God’s glorious Parkway that traverses the highest elevations from Cherokee, creation. N.C., to the Shenandoah National Park in Virginia and