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Shirley Cox Amegy Bank
from March 2023
Shirley Cox knew from the time she was 15 years old that she wanted to be a banker. Her dad was a business owner in a small rural Texas town where he was a director of a local bank. “His involvement allowed me to visit regularly with the president of the bank,” she says. “It impressed me to see all that he did in the community and how he helped so many people.”
As a senior vice president of commercial lending at Amegy Bank, Cox has spent three decades helping plenty of people herself. She began her career in banking in 1988 as part of Texas Commerce Bank's credit training program, where she gained experience in underwriting and analyzing businesses, laying the foundation for her successful commercial lending career.
Cox forged through the challenges that you’d imagine accompany being a female banker in the 1980s, and has become a role model, mentor, and resource for other women in the industry.
“Although there have been times in which I had to work harder than my male counterparts, I never allowed that to be my focus. Instead, I focused on what I can control—developing relationships and following through with my commitin the details,” she says. “To this day, it’s my practice to send handwritten notes when it’s applicable. It’s a small detail, but a personalized gesture that goes a long way in today’s digital world.”
And while the world is increasingly connected virtually, Street emphasizes the importance of actually knowing your agent.
“In a world where almost everything you do is online, insurance shouldn’t be one of those things. You should be able to talk to your agent in person, or at least via phone, to truly discuss your situation and get tailored insurance programs,” she says. “We are able to work in almost every state and in Mexico so we have a broad reach.” joy in being an insurance expert, but I can’t get enough of it. I learn something new everyday and there is always a new challenge. I get to create platforms and as well,” she says. “I am lucky.” shirley.cox@amegybank.com amegybank.com
Ninety-nine percent of the marketing budget at Street’s agency goes toward Street herself serves on several boards and committees for United Way of Tarrant County and The National Juneteenth Museum, among others.
In her personal life, Cox has found a lot of joy in raising her family in Arlington for the last some 30 years. She’s a proud
Fightin' Texas Aggie and enjoys drinkon the board of directors for Arlington Charities. In her professional life, she is proud to lead the charge for Amegy Bank in Arlington and to have developed a and personalized support to business

Angel Biasatti
says. “I enjoy empowering our citizens to make informed decisions about their in their lives."
Angel places an emphasis on making the community healthier and is eager to go out of her comfort zone to learn
She has drafted business proposals and contracts with the cities and school districts, some of which resulted in employee wellness clinics, athletic partnerships, and lifesaving sports physicals and echocardiograms while others have earned the hospital’s name on football stadiums and parks, to name a few.

DCEO and Fort Worth Business to Gold Healthcare AD and Aster awards. In her spare time, Angel believes in giving back, serving others, and making a difference in the world by serving on local boards of directors and school advisory boards, mentoring students through PR internships, hosting students for career days, providing advice for young professionals, and helping increase literacy through the Read to Me program, to name a few.
Texas native Angel Biasatti works Medical Center a household name in the communities it serves. As director of community and public relations, she spends her days raising awareness of the quality of healthcare the hospital provides. “I love this community,” she
She created one of the area’s premier running events called Run With Heart. This annual run promotes heart health while honoring individuals living with heart disease and remembering those who have lost their lives. Most recently - appreciation for the arts. been honored with several awards from